How to Secure a Suicide Coil with 8 Chains

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i'm going to start demonstrating how to chain down a suicide coil as i was explaining to you earlier your suicide coil if it breaks loose it's going to come forward so that means it's going to come at you dlt specifies that you must have 80 of your securement pulling towards the rear so you you're actually when i'm done you're actually going to see that i have more chains pulling away from me then towards me just in case if this thing does decide to break loose for whatever reason okay and the reason why i want eight chains on these coils because they're the most dangerous things that we load okay so you maximize all the chains that you can use to secure this load and you'll minimize you know far as this this coil going anywhere okay so your first chain will always be your seating chain that will go straight down the middle of this coil when you're loading this coil if it's just one coil you want to make sure this pocket is in right splitting the half of this coil because your first chain is going to come out and it's going to hit this pocket right here okay so that is important when you're lining your coils up don't line them up up here or back here in between your pockets line that coil the eye of that coil right with this pocket all right so i'm here now get ready to throw my first chain through you're gonna have to use metal edge protectors or these which this is your metal edge protector okay so you want to make sure that you put these in to protect the inside of your pole so the chain won't bite down in your coil okay and create damage so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just throw my chain through and then i'm gonna put my edge protectors in now you're gonna have to run a teardrop and i'm going to show you that as well okay on the first one it's neutral you could even point your hook that way okay or you can point your hook towards the front i typically put my hook on the first chain towards the back because everything from here back all my hooks are gonna face towards the rear when you're throwing your chains through always say clear because you might have another driver working on the other side [Music] clear so now i'm gonna hook up my tear drop i make sure that i put the hook on the link that does not have the welded side to it okay so typically right here in the center you may have to drop your your length down a little bit you just want to make sure the bottom of this hook is not touching the deck just in case vibration may make your chain loose so i'm gonna get my binder okay so you'll pull all your slack if you're starting on this side so i know i want my binder to be on the top okay so i'm gonna rotate it over so i can reach it when i snap it just come up a little bit a little less than the 90 is tight enough so now i'm gonna just lock my binder down all i'm doing is grabbing the end of my cheetah bar and i'm gonna just come back i'm gonna walk you back okay once you do that then you just seek the handle all right now it's tight okay so now i'm going to put my second chain your second chain just like we teach you in class will always go to the rear okay so and also you're going to alternate the binders you don't want to have two binders next to each other so my next binder i'm gonna snap on the other side okay so i'm gonna just throw my chain through so as you start spreading out your teardrops are going to get a little bit bigger this is your tear drop you must come all the way around underneath the pocket and back on the top we want the hooks on the top of the link just like you see here okay i'm gonna show you guys a little trick to keep your to keep your edge protectors from moving while you're snapping your binder so you know that this binder is going to be snapped on this side so all you do is pull all your slack this way okay and you grab a bungee and all you got to do is grab a bungee pull your chain and you want to be on the same angle as your pocket because it'll keep your edge protectors from moving so all you do is just come here and kind of hook it to the break world just to get it in place and then you can readjust your edge protectors because you could be in the middle a little bit just slide it up come back on this side you can see right here where i just want to move this one up a little bit and it's not that tight that i can't adjust it because i got the i have the bungee holding it so now all i got to do is just come over and snap the binder well i got a ratchet binder i'm going to use so you pretty much want to stay on the same angle all right so all you do is get your binder set it and you can see you still on the same angle as your pocket now using these ratchet binders all you gotta do is just tighten them up with your hands first you can just turn your hook over like such you still got your butt edge protector where you could just slide readjust your chain now i can take my i can take my uh bungee off so what i'm gonna do what i'm doing now is you know you gotta tighten it this way okay so i'm gonna push my button in and lay my binder down okay and all i do is i can use the same bungee i have from holding it in place okay and wrap my chain up with it okay voila nice and tight all right so now we got to get chain three as you can see we set it up where the hook is going to face towards the front okay so all i'm going to do is get me another bungee pull my chain i got all the slack i'm going to stay on the same angle as my pocket now i can adjust my edge protector where i want it okay it's just a temporary hole so when you get ready to ratchet your binder your edge detectors won't move so and as you can see we alternated the binders your edge protectors are in place okay and you started on this side you went to chain two chain three okay like i said once you start moving outward your teardrop is going to get a little bigger so now i'm going to put my fourth chain in but before that i'm gonna make sure i wrap up my loose chain on my first one so all i'm gonna do is just just wrap it around and bungee this also keeps your chain in place and you wrap it around your binder handle and it keeps it solid so it won't come out i'm gonna give me a chain throw it through my binder is gonna be on this side okay because i can't have two binders next to each other all right so i'm gonna grab my chain again i know my binder is coming here on this side i'm gonna pull all my slack i'm gonna grab my buddy all i want i'm not worried about the edge protectors yet i just want to get my slack so i can adjust my budget so all i'm going to do now is just grab my excess portfolio [Music] steel in place a little less than 90 is fine seat it take your bungee off and you just wrap now you got your fourth chain in your number five chain gonna be towards the front so as you can see we alternated our binders we started on this side and number two binder went on the other side and then number three went on the other side they're not next to each other number four had to come to this side okay number five the binder is gonna be on this side so i ran my number five chain three now what i did was i make sure this chain is towards the bottom of the edge protector because i'm gonna end up running two chains in there when i get to the number seven chain i'm gonna run it right next to it this way you don't have to add another edge protector and it'll already be set as you can see i had to use a you know a longer bungee to keep this edge protector in place so now i'm gonna go ahead and secure it all i'm doing is just turning it over that's all i'm doing got it nice and tight lock it back so it will go backwards and then wrap it wrap your chain around tight now we're gonna run our number six chain okay so what i'm getting ready to demonstrate and show you guys and ladies this is an instructor on the yard her name is carrie she did flatbed for us for six years she didn't use the ratchet bindings she used all the snap binders so she's going to show you ladies that's out there that you're strong enough to snap these binders and your your uh your coat your chain will be tight enough all right so now we got six chains like i said anything over thirty thousand pounds you're gonna put eight chains and six core wraps okay what we did was on the number five chain and the number six chain we got to change towards the bottom of the hedge protector because we're gonna run two chains through there these edge protectors are already set so you don't have to put no bungees on it to hold it in place this is why we're going to run two chains through it and it already will hold your head protector in place you don't even have to worry about it all you have to do is just bind it all right so now we already got our edge protector okay we're gonna put out seven chain three we don't have to worry about setting it it's already set so we're going to run the chain through [Music] so what i want to do is to show you guys all i did was just ratchet it with my hand got it snug so i want to keep my hook up as much as possible sometimes it rolls over a little bit but you'll be okay but you could just put your bar in here like such all right put your foot on it turn it over here and ratchet just punch it jane nice and tight so now i'm going to demonstrate to you guys how to do an extension chain because when we run this teardrop on the other side and run it through this edge protector here it's going to run short so we have to create an extension chain so i know my chain is not going to reach this pocket okay so and i know my binder is going to be on this side so you have to start over there okay get you a nice big teardrop and carrie's gonna run the chain through the edge protector that's already set and i'm gonna show you how to hook this chain up and make an extension chain so as you can see this chain runs short so i cannot run a teardrop to hook this chain up okay so i'm gonna have to create an extension chain so i'm gonna get another chain and run a teardrop around here then i'm gonna hope too so when you're hooking these two chains together you're gonna put your top of the uh binder hook on your chain that's short then you take your extension chain okay bring it up now you got your extension chain okay all you got to do is just take this loose chain wrap it around your binder all right all you got to do with the rest of it and just run it across and back over and hook it up just run it straight they just put a bungee on it and that's how you get your extension chain okay so we started with number one all right like i said i typically what i do is have my seating chain which is your number one chain pointing toward the rear okay then you're gonna put your number two chain and if you start your binder on this side you're gonna bind on the opposite side because you want alternating pulls there you go three the binder is gonna be on the other side okay because you want alternating pulls as well and then you're just gonna go four five six seven eight okay and this is how it's supposed to look
Channel: Western Express
Views: 15,039
Rating: 4.8727913 out of 5
Id: W0c_Uu1MnrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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