Troubleshooting Generator No Power Output and Fix

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okay so here's tonight's find Briggs & Stratton motors in good shape doesn't make power it'd be time I buy one of these I swear I'll never buy another one but here I am let me get it out and and see if I can assess what's wrong okay there's a few tests we can run with the generator off so that's what I want to do tonight and just assess really the cook the condition of the coils if those are shot then this is just going to be a parts machine if the coils test good then I will continue you know it could be the voltage regulator the brushes and or loss of magnetism or some combination of that okay so this is the voltage regulator here I'm gonna just remove that and get it out of my way for now and take note of where these are plugged in usually the red is on the left white is on the right it's positive and negative you know just looking at the coils I mean I don't on the stator look pretty good the rotor is a little bit darker you know and I've probably picked up five of these the summer and two of them it was a wire that popped off the slip ring on the rotor and the other to the stator was actually fried and I'm clipping this okay so the first test I'm gonna do is to test the rotor the ohms you're supposed to connect to the brushes directly which I can probably do I'm going to first sorry the slip rings directly to get an accurate reading but I'm gonna start going through the brushes the reading will be off but I want to make sure there is a reading otherwise the brushes could be bad so I set my meter to ohms and I'm gonna just touch it to each contact okay there's no reading so that's not good I didn't notice the brushes are a little loose so potentially there's a problem there so I'm gonna try connecting directly to these slip rings and just bypass the brushes and see if I get any reading yeah it's not good I get a reading but it's in mega ohms which is very bad yeah I don't think there's any reading I think it's the resistance through my fingers so this is probably a parts machine you know I'll take that closer inspection of the road or maybe I can see where the broken wire is but this thing's probably junk all right so I'm just testing the stator now this is the voltage sense and the low power for the voltage regulator at one point six ohms on that one point one on that one so those are good and then these I probably need to disconnect them to get an accurate reading but let's see what this says Oh point four point five ohms that's perfect point four realms so I think the state is good the problem is the rotor in the middle and unfortunately that's not really a serviceable thing you know I might take the stator off just to get a better look at the rotor about yeah and the coils do look pretty dark just trying to see if I can find a break anywhere so I am gonna pull off this end cap and remove the stator and get a better look at the stator and the rotor so to remove this actually pretty easy at least the stator you just can remove these two bolts okay now this whole assembly can lift up in order to do that you need to put something under the engine I'm gonna use a chalk block and when the engine sits down on it it'll push this up enough so that it clears the screws and then I'll probably need a puller you know to pull this off and then I could just slide the stator [Music] [Music] I think it's the first thing I noticed is that the rotor was making contact with the stator on one side only other than that nothing obvious let's take a look at the steer don't see any obvious problems with it so let me test it again with the meter maybe this isn't junk I got a good reading what I can tell see I can show you this that wire is loose still wrapped around the terminal in the slip ring but I can definitely move it so it's not a good connection see that and when I test the road our from here to the the one that is connected I get a good reading I will try to show you that now with one hand perfect so I'm gonna try to reflow the solder see if that fixes its issue not the prettiest but it's on you you okay so I want to reconnect the state of wires this is the order red brown white blue very important to do that correctly okay and these are the wires that go up to the outlets up here and this is the order they go in blue black gray red so I'm just gonna go one by one okay rectum is on the left [Applause] okay sorry about that apparently I wasn't recording but I finally got this screwed on at the boot all set and we're ready to go so tomorrow I'll bring it outside start it up see if there's any electricity or if it's just gonna go up in smoke okay so here we are a couple days later I haven't actually started this before I was assured the engine is good so now we're about to find out and also see if the repair is gonna generate power I also have a drill close by in case we have to flash the field sometimes when they run without making power you don't do - I have loose wire it'll lose residual magnetism so there's a good chance that that's gonna happen so I'm gonna try first without the drill see what happens and if that doesn't work then I'll try the drill trick so let's see guess um choke gun engine on and [Music] [Applause] not bad engines running a little slow it was below sixty Hertz with half a load so I'm going to I think there's an adjustment screw yeah it's right actually right there and right there so I'm going to adjust the engine speed a little bit bring it up to about 61 Hertz with no load and then I'll put a half load on it and it should settle down around 60 and then I'll I'll just leave it at that okay forgot to turn the camera on for the adjustment but I did exactly as I described basically just sped it up to about 61 Hertz with no load put a half load on it settled down to about fifty nine point nine which is where you want it generators do fluctuate a bit so you know generally with no load you know a little over sixty one is good and at full load you really don't want it dropping below fifty eight to try to keep it obviously as close to sixty as you can with a medium load and in this case this generator medium load is about twenty five hundred watts so that about does it for this it is all fixed I thought it was going to be a parts machine but um it's it's good so thanks for watching
Channel: James Condon
Views: 180,406
Rating: 4.584733 out of 5
Keywords: Briggs and Stratton Generator, Storm Responder, Engine Runs, No Power, No Power Output, Generator Stator, Generator Rotor, Slip Ring, Troubleshooting No Power, Troubleshooting, Generator, Rotor, Stator
Id: Ot8bQCP3OeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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