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right right click click okay so think about it this way oh that's to 2005 Billy loves this don't know get the five babe what does no mean redesign oh the world I this is my wife this is my life now guys don't tell Briana but I have this custom minecraft map that was made just for her to troll her she has no idea I've been telling her like yeah we've got this video we're gonna film together sweetheart it's gonna be your first time playing a Minecraft map I've made it super easy and it's supposed to be really easy but with a lot of trolls inside of it so if you go into single-player I've made the map called task manager by xx dab master and evil pudding 42 of course these are code names for the real map craters it's me Sam and rosiest if you guys are familiar with them so she's gonna load up this map and we're gonna play it together mainly her and she's in for a little bit of a surprise if you guys are gonna see more videos of me trolling Brianna let me know down below in the comments and oh she's coming okay I'm gonna turn it off so today Breanna is gonna be playing her first ever minecraft map if you didn't see what did you do a couple of days ago I played a murder mystery well you made your first minecraft oh oh yeah yeah yeah and yes you did play murder mystery dude over the other day you play my dad what not along with like the TNT we were running it's big big hint you were TNT and you were running TNT run yes and it was a great time about Breanna nuts you get the first step to play minecraft really it's like you've played survival you may drill minecraft account now you got to play a Minecraft map okay that's where you get to shine and you get to have one so there's this map that was made I think rayna's gonna have a really really fun time playing it so I'm gonna teach you so get your hands on the mouse and keyboard okie dokie okie doke Fred single player single player and then look at the map at the very top so this map right here is the one that we're gonna be playing you can see the name of the map it's called task manager ah and it is by xx dab master Oh xx and evil pudding 42 okay so click it yeah so now what you're doing is you are loading the world so I've already pre installed the world for you it's really easy to do I can change loading the world and oh by the way new merch alert can you see it we're matching who wore it better I work first comment down below or better she did we're here first you know they do change first is the worst second is the best third is the one with a hairy chest whoever said treasure chest for the third one that's not true it's always hairy chest if you don't do good in this map map if you don't do good of this map I'm gonna boogie bomb you that's so cool I know it's a boogie bomb from fort night it changes colors and you can make it stroke and it does actually explode so we have to be really careful yeah it's scary oh okay so these are the two map craters evil pudding 42 he's got a cactus face odd oh it does a watermelon he looks like a watermelon he's a cactus he is a cactus I like that how dare you yeah that's at okay so that's like the top of his head so the front of his face looks like mine wait wait oh and yes your honor okay that's so proud of you for being on your minecraft account don't you tell them the March please what are you doing it ladies and gentlemen you gotta get the hottest purge in the scene right now we're pressing styles merch we've launched so many new items colors of hoodies all kinds of crazy stuff at the webstore press in sales calm you can check out the card up above here somewhere or down below in the description it's just Preston Styles calm look at this it's new go check it out down below in the description all kinds of sales happen during the summer I gotta go take care of this just go check out the Billy guy okay so walk yeah so okay so I was watching Brandon play when she was making her own minecraft account she was using like her ring finger like she's using a ring finger to use on the W key use your middle fingers think about it like kind of like this WASD right so you can move to the left right see that and then you pull your middle finger back to the S key if you want to move backward yeah in my defense I have no idea okay sorry I just like your common sense I didn't you gotta click it click right click good click ok so think about it this way Oh [Laughter] beeping our life was squashed by a falling anvil so think about it like this left click is your action button so you can punch things you know what I mean you can use your sword your items but right clicking it's called use so it's how you use certain things right so think about when you approach things you probably want to right-click them unless you're trying to kill stuff anyone oh oh did you survive didn't die how did it die maybe you got a blip pressed it again president oh gosh ok ok be careful the cable time's the charm Oh third one third hairy chest hair chest their time that's to 2005 really doesn't think of 2005 Billy loves this Billy saw a CV okay so now I have to find a button yeah so this is a very common minecraft map and it's just called find the button so there's a button somewhere here in this like part of the map and you got to find it and when you find it what do you do okay with which click right yes yes she's doing me what does the button look like so it just you'll see it but it's on a block so it has to be on one of these big blocks you see that small block right there [Music] not that go ahead babe nothing nothing nothing you're doing great [Music] so a button here do me a pull one out in game mode and show you what it looks like so type in this type in slash slash now type in game mode one word Space 1 space enter enter okay now press E and you're gonna open up your inventory okay now what I want you do is click this little compass thing right here this lets you search items or type in button okay almost okay so these are what buttons look like okay so click on one of them put them in your inventory these are your inventory slots okay okay okay alright so press escape escape ads look at the ground huh and put it put it on a block just put on it any way you want right click oh okay we broke that right click so a don't click it that's what a button looks like go get off of euro fast okay and then look at the button from the side so you see how it sticks out yeah I'll put down the wooden button so there's two types of buttons in Minecraft there's a wooden button and then there's so now I want you to clean that mess up click it with your left click left and then left click so in a mode you can break things with one click now what you're gonna do is you're gonna type in game-mode 0 well you got to type in this last verse oh sorry you're doing good you're doing game-mode what 0 yeah and then space 0 there you go doing it okay and so now you're pretty much good to go so now you need to find these buttons so what you want to do is press e one more time babe and I want you to put these buttons in your inventory so just yeah boom boom boom good now you're good oh you're good alright so now you're gonna find this button ready is it sneaky is it is it oh look I'll bet you it's neat I mean the math graders are pretty good about doing sneaky stuff too so fat let me tell you there are some rolls of buttons you can't place them in the water like Minecraft cuz it won't work because water would break a button right okay you can't place them on like you see this little thing right here see these these are called cobblestone fences oh I can't play some on offense no this one right here oh that's a fence okay so a regular minecraft block like this or like a grass block or like a full-size block you can place a button on okay but you can't place buttons on blocks that are like weird you can only play someone normal blocks not in the water not in the water you gotta find I made sure that they would make this map really really easy for you so yeah you can actually right click it if you want it I want it don't wait look at the pot put it back in there to think oh that's cute that's how you know she's my wife you know okay I can open this right yeah oh it's totes lock yeah the chester law you've got this you're doing really good can I walk in that yeah yeah you gotta just jump over it or just climb over like that so this is wheat I think you can left-click it you can punch these yeah you can break out this like hit me or anything you know how I could you punch that normally it does but because this is a Minecraft map they have certain rules so they want much it's it's a survival minecraft it would go in your inventory so minecraft maps they don't play by the rules of regular minecraft so right there you can't get into there oh actually I need you to type in another command don't do the slash again but do game-mode - yes so a game-mode - is it's called adventure mode so most minecraft maps want you to play in that so you can't break stuff ok so now you'll be good now you're good oh yeah I don't want to break something so at me do you want me to give you a hint or where the button is yeah okay it's really really close to you Oh like really close to you yeah super super close I mean think like really really close I'm standing like think think really close like think really really close you know saying it's a bug you know what you're kind of getting there I think I like I like almost like it's a part of you what like it's a part of you it's a part of me like it's a part of your body what like it's a you know what I mean like it's it's it's this okay close this close you're close very close Oh fake fake harder ah very close open your inventory oh okay so think about this you did this earlier and I almost freaked out because you want on the button instantly oh so just look at your inventory oh here I'm not the map crater so no areas I like it click on the button and put it there how do we get that button out of there do you have to punch my head you can't just I don't think you can punch your head have you ever know how to do that before so I actually don't know what to do because I thought normally let me see let me see let me click I'll let the master handle this this is weird babe I don't know how to get it off I thought like you open your inventory right at the beginning when you got here yeah I saw it and you didn't do anything it was like oh I saw it but I just like that it means maybe maybe there is another button is this not most people play I feel like I can see better for most people don't play like that but I thought I could see well for no view at some time so like whenever you get really good at video games babe button you gotta go back in your other first-person mode first person mode babe okay wait check your inventory again okay it's gone look it's gone I saw we gotta go go back since I've like the one I hope I can find it again it's gotta be back there it's gotta be back there okay yeah press it again press it again what are the floaties those are the old buttons as your item okay no we gotta find you a button babe I'm trying babe member do you know what the buttons look like you've seen them before yeah twice yeah one point I mean have you seen one no I just think that you're not looking very well you're just standing in the same spot over and over again so I thought maybe I'll get around okay okay I I don't know maybe go back in the house I mean we kind of haven't checked there a whole lot you know checked in the house maybe when you press that button a new button came out of somewhere in the house you know maybe the chest is unlocked well I'd better chest left Lots locked take the cactus yeah click the pot remember oh I took the cactus I'm gonna use it as a weapon to fight everybody did you look up have you been looking up a little bit yeah yeah I think there's some corners over there my butt's you'd be hiding in sneaky spots what about that dark corner jump up on the table jump jump jump jump and dub you remember babe yeah no you got to go back jump and W Oh I look down oh okay so it's not there well we didn't shake I'm glad you check look up maybe it's there I'm learning it's not there this button do I need to play for a second this button that's all I wonder maybe get really close to it and maybe look behind you maybe it's in mayor like in the vines you know like those are vines right there yeah I mean oh if you keep holding it you can climb the vines I can't walk forward maybe you gotta press the button again maybe you just go close the button and press it I don't know button it's not gonna work I dropped the cactus all right let's let the man take over for a second all right so when you learn how to play Minecraft you can type you can do this really fast you can check all your spots while you're running you're pro babe I'm just babe you're my wives you got to become afraid to kill like your brain is still trying to turn on from those more heinous I'm it feel really bad if I also can't find it so normally there's not okay yeah oh my gosh babe it was in the furnace and with you and you click the top for a night and it was locked you didn't click the bottom 100 items can go inside of a furnace but but I remember from when you played survival Mona you cooked beef in there yeah the button bit of old dies do I do this ok so yes now you have it so do you some read it read it series s give me placed on call or so now you got to find the co-ordinate down on there okay so colt will remember it's the stone block with the gold black pieces inside of it I think it looks like oh that I feel like I saw that side think it was over there right over here no no like over there you're looking yeah oh this it's a very small world don't forget you can sprint to go faster I like sprinting should be s that that's how you move backwards so are you ready oh wait babe I'll give you a hint what do you mean you don't see it thank you killing me tell me you're throwing me you're killing me you are killing it here all my gray with black face out of it gray with a black gray with black oh okay okay so now you're right click the button on the coal this game very often thank you very much it opened something it opened a secret passage is that it [Music] you're in water you got a hold W and press spacebar [Music] there you go wait read the sign oh this is my life this is my life from now on wait a minute okay babe this time when you get close to watch out okay hold shift hold shift so you see how there's a full like this the holes there yeah so now I don't use a whole shift with your pinky okay walk towards the hole you won't die yes you won't die don't let go shift so you don't die yeah if you're holding shift you'll never fall off your block can I jump you can buy wait okay don't do it right now okay turn around and walk back okay now you let go shift cuz you're away from the hole all right so now you can look back around or the button or that yeah all right so if you were gonna do this you'd have to do a lot of buttons on one that's to sprint and jump yes W and that's it just sprint and W and jump that said don't worry about shift so you're gonna have to get those hold R and then press spacebar maybe but you can't have your hand on the mouse why cuz it's just how you work is that you play you never do two hands on the keyboard ever knows people who play Minecraft for years still can't make that jump that made me very nervous I like my heart is a little bit like that she was less nervous at our wedding than she just wasn't now okay so now I click this yes oh no so you know what you just did right now wait so I joined the game dad master xx I feel like I'm being watched who is that they look around the ground we gonna find him oh beep he's one of the game creator I know but where do you buddy join but I don't see him anywhere okay whatever anyways alright so baby you remember parkour so what you just did right now is parkour so if you touch the brown blocks here watch walk off from the brown blocks you get teleported backwards oh so now you're gonna do with your day okay I didn't know you're gonna have to use your mouse no two hands on the keyboard I won't allow it I'm gonna teach you how to park water alright you did good there you go okay gotta go to the next one this is difficult yeah it is babe you're doing so good come on so think about it this way you want to be close to the edge of the block before you press spacebar so that way you're as far off of your block as possible right now you're gonna hold sprint so before you get close to the edge of the block you want to do it while sprinting yeah I mean good so like kind of like this I'll show you an example so what I like to do whenever I'm parkouring see how I'm like right here I'm gonna get back to you can just stand here so I'm gonna hold my sprint button and then W spacebar sprint button W spacebar spent button W space I'll keep you here you made it here let's see if you can get the next okay you got this babe but damn any space yes you just have to let go W but that was really good hey or what you can do is when you land hold shift remember oh yeah so you can let go double your hold shift good okay you jump too far now it's good it's better to jump too far than too short oh you're close to the edge I would scoot back a little bit you can look down you know I mean if you want to you could look down okay remember to use your mass a lot like it's really helpful good good alright so line yourself up right so you wanna line up yeah there you go so you wanna jump to the corner just like that ah it's okay that happens a lot it's called walking off without jumping you overshot that it's okay okay okay you got this good one more one more okay okay wait we're almost there I'll just stay there so babe okay now unfortunately whoever made this map made a really hard you've got to jump to the ladder I didn't make the map don't look at me like that see if I'm capable so I think you want to do is I don't know if you can make it from here I am back yeah jump to that one again there you go yeah oh you let go of your you like Oh W yeah it's do you let go midair what happens you stop you're almost there babe oh my goodness oh you did it okay okay okay careful careful okay you don't think he'd hold him W okay his face holding you're holding W like Oh wo Oh so look who you are ladders you can stand on top so you're on top of the ladder so now she didn't hold shift' try to always keep these three fingers on W and a and D like that now hold D D people that you have shift on so you won't fall off out now you can let go a D so now what you have to do it can be hard give the jump onto this ladder from where you are so hold D again good okay now you got a press you go let go C so that block is getting in your way so you've got to kind of jump around the block oh my goodness you're getting good with using shift I'm trying really good babe really impressed Oh close so trying to like so line it up so pretend like this your body is hitting the wall cuz you're looking at the wall so you can't want to look straight ahead oh that's too far that way you're not gonna jet Moo's memory it's a jump on this ladder think about this ladders are really mini blocks you see how it kind of hangs off the block a little bit yeah so go all the way to the edge again yeah there you go oh you know what I'll give her a handicap I think it's a little bit too hard for her clearly whoever made this Minecraft map did not out of faith in me yeah a little bit too much okay so now you're gonna do here these are called slime blocks so you're gonna do this it just kills you don't jump on those slimes okay jump on the carpet the brown carpet okay don't yes all right you got this edge up there Wow okay okay look more for Dade keep it going I can't breathe come on you had one job you had one you're doing very good I'm gonna be your arms thank you I appreciate it yes yes they'll do the ladder okay jump up okay don't press your spring key right tell me what to do W + spacebar so spring key what that does when you jump is it yeah you go far so if you'll need to make a really small jump you don't want to spread okay it's too hard so now you can go right to that one this one yeah yeah you can make it yeah I'll get you back this bar okay so you're right here yes so for this one you got to jump there that way yeah yeah that one I don't eat sprint do I you it should you should use sprint on this one okay there you go okay now go on that one you're need sprint for now on don't need sperm bone alright look behind you this way yeah - sprint jump up there yes okay keep your other's lean as the floor what's this floor this going on another floor if there's holes hey oh oh wait decides there's not okay go to those signs what is it same paper you're kidding here move your camera well no no what does no means mean okay you don't have to jump you can just walk down it's gonna kill me no just don't touch the brown I'm gonna help you oh man Stan babe what the blocks are invincible look we're floating and you're dead what's the trick dab master what the drink [Music] [Applause] [Music] what if I told you this whole time we didn't actually have to park board all so I'm gonna teach you something about map craters they really hate youtubers and not like they don't like them they like to mess with him oh so press that button that makes you look that funny way again you know it turns you around now turn around turn your go back in a first-person mode okay and try to look there so you've gotta go you've gotta walk backwards in there okay okay yes just like that okay now you can go to first-person oh there's a button so fun turn around just turn like this people putting 42 during the game that's the other bath later it's weird okay yes all right you gotta just go I don't know jump up on that red block okay keep going up Chuck don't the way about wait what's that go and press you play you see yeah yeah okay don't spray on these ones just one blob okay jump okay we're not gonna go down cuz we need to go that bridge no okay keep going I don't think after you get up okay go go yeah I don't think it either just go on the bridge unless it's a fake bridge that's not good okay so he's always maybe don't need a sprint yes just think about like this walk and jump you don't mean okay overthinking go there you go press your spacebar there you go the whole W when you press spacebar so you keep going okay hey you go see now like you're right or that way Oh what it's that's over that okay there you go one more one more all right now your dad's a sprint jump when you get to here but we got to jump up there all right place the button oh wait on the the dad master guys that hey pudding did you turn on that perplexity command what's that mean I don't press your inventory am i quitting no you know member that's the math crater name member button remember the other guy wait wait what does it say can be placed on brick bread nether brick just go you gotta go just go can't why can't you go oh wait baby are moving in wrong directions what just happened boom Nega go break that button oh babe I think what wait it's his book he said pudding seriously stop look they're talking do it look dad master says hey pudding did you turn on that perplexity command dad master replies says pudding seriously stop yeah he said perplexity come in so perplexity makes its own you move from Minecraft character you don't move the right way so babe the man's a reversed oh so board is backwards a backwards is forward so like stand here we're gonna do I'm gonna help you a little bit okay alright so like you have to go backwards which they can only move in like one direction this is strange this is hard this is hard thank you respawn King once in he's stepping in I'm tapping in right now so you move backwards you go forward I can before you go backwards like shakes oh I don't know see oh damn back I got this I'm tagging over as TV and our wife who I were on there so here's the thing you want to look straight so if you're looking see you I'm saying yeah see how you turn each time what I jumped block I jumped over it a few inches later okay you have game mode you've got this okay you still have game mode so go well I okay it sort of fly double tap spacebar double tap DoubleTap there you go okay hi now you just got a move just fly over there then easy so go to stand it started to unflyable tap spacebar so walk on that golden pressure plate now doesn't fly again there you go okay so now you gotta just press s you're doing it by weight we got places down on the thing you got this yes I mean if I are you fly up and see it looks like a dragon kind of does oh oh wait right-click it it doesn't work oh wait it's right there babe that's it right in a brick that one the brick yeah there it is we're there goodness so how was the move to Texas so I moved for Texas pretty good the parents just recently had their anniversary it's my parents anniversary oh that's neat when was their anniversary May 12 that's nice but my brother just got engaged last year on October 25th Wow hey can you come help me with the narnia commands yes we got engaged October 25th we got married May 12th do you have a child that you don't know so there's a surprise you have to press your button to go in the first person mode once you press it you'll find the surprise at the end of the math yes it's one of Brianna's photos when she was dressed as a Disney Princess I used to do ole kids parties here she's dressed as Pocahontas or Elsa you know it's up for interpretation I think it was real like Pocahontas honest okay my wife was a great sport so at the beginning of this video I did an intro saying that this map was designed to troll you except it was so difficult I can barely complete it it rolled I control is not supposed to be this difficult it was supposed to be as easy as like so easy a six-year-old could play the math or even like younger because Brandon or me well he has never played BC video games or minecraft - one video of survival I love you but it's kind of when my dad plays minecraft exactly you know go get a cup a lot faster than my dad but she was a great sport thank you guys for watching we hope you guys enjoyed it I had fun I'm going to the pool I'm a de-stress because I was stressed out playing the math that was supposed to be non stressful and easy [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 12,653,624
Rating: 4.8722939 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, prestonplayz, prestonplayz minecraft, minecraft trolling, custom map, minecraft custom, family friendly gaming, minecraft modded, funny, custom, modded minecraft, tbnr, custom minecraft map, minecraft mod, mod pack, mod, no swearing, playz, minecraft mods, no cursing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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