I Went on a BILLIONAIRE Date with PrestonPlayz! - Minecraft

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this is a billion dollar date in minecraft let's go preston yes ma'am how you feeling so far i'm ready for some romancing i planned a billionaire date now we've already had a millionaire date so we had to up the ante girl i feel the wealth with this date night is that what happens when people are very wealthy they have very long names oh yes lord brontos of bill water he is very well known wait present yeah i think we've met him before i uh you think so oh the mummy milkshake hey you touched mine there we go why is this guy look like he's in a he looks like he's in a gang i i don't really trust what's happening can we actually drink this okay are we supposed to drink this because like i'm kind of down to drink this a really expensive milkshake it seems to give you weird powers how are you feeling okay oh i'm waiting for it bree oh i feel i feel wealthy me too i literally have like a diamond trail behind me i was gonna say this is actually sick let's go apparently this is a competition wait what is happening i have no idea oh oh we have to make a bow tie so we need to find the available crafting materials okay and then we're going to make a bow tie all right sally please get out of my way george george get out of here okay we can't follow each other president this is a romantic competition listen i'm not even trying to fall hey listen isn't it kind of romantic if i'm following you oh it's pretty true i started following somebody and i thought it was you and it was doug i'm so sorry doug you're not my wife like where are they hiding these materials so um i will say this i have found a lot of expensive fabric pieces and i don't know if that's what we need excuse me yeah go in there and there's a ton of fabric wait preston away did you take all of them we need no there's plenty of them in there okay well i've got i intentionally actually left fabric for you so i was trying to be nice it's too kind you know what winner gets like a thousand bucks or something but i want you to win i am sending you on the state so where are you i'm coming okay was that what we needed is this it i mean honestly it looks very expensive brianna i'm gonna be very delicate with this bad boy i think doug is in i think he wants to get a video that's what i'm saying i literally thought doug was you and i feel kind of bad but so we need five of these so here you go okay now i have nine okay so we just have to craft it together hello sally okay so wait hold on i bet i can guess yeah i'm not telling you you have to figure it out i'm going to figure this out let me give me give me a moment i'm literally trying to figure out this with no you don't have to pee i'm proud of you look it kind of blends into like like if i put my head down like this it looks like you have an extra sad face it looks like my like droopy mouth keeps going down well you won a thousand dollars how are you feeling i feel great uh except for that punch right there you know really just got me going i'm feeling like i'm come here yes what are you kissing me oh my god i gotta kiss you he punched me do you want to kiss doug real quick get away dog get away from my husband hey bri you knew this is my favorite all right we have lifeguard kits we have what are these things called jet skis all right wait hold on let's give them a fun fact okay so i know we're being timed right now brianna but fun fact i was a lifeguard for two years and it's perfect because brie doesn't know how to swim no i don't that's why i have both the life guard kids as well honestly maybe so do you have a gym rain snack no i do not have a net oh can i do you have an extra net man yes sir you need one there you go i would need one of these wait with the fish these things in the water yes wait oh i don't know how to move ah breathe use the weight of me right click it right click it like right click the jet ski okay there we go oh yeah collision so gems are falling from the sky so do we dive down to go get them okay i have to do it preston i have to sacrifice myself i'm diving in brie i'm collecting gems right now oh the dolphins give you the um the was it the dolphins grace so you swim super fast oh that's nice i have yet to uh get any diamonds don't worry bree i got you i don't know what do okay bree do you like uh diamonds or emeralds more uh probably diamonds uh diamonds are forever honestly is it a true saying that diamonds are a woman's best friend i i don't believe that as a woman hold on can you come back to the surface i want to get these gems for you okay yes i mean i've got i have wait okay i've been collecting the gems and they're not in my inventory oh no i think that's because i have to get them for my special special man i literally i can't obtain any of these jewels you gotta like look at them and like right click with the net out okay preston i couldn't get any gems aubry what happened to my jet ski hey you know how to swim right you're good i mean i'm fine but like what's that i'm using my lifeguard can't rescue me here i got it this is a very close moment for us hey oh no oh no oh no come back look at this okay i have no idea how i'm physically thinking me either i kind of this is fun and look our next surprise is here oh ladies and gentlemen please leave a like on this video to help us beat the youtuber algorithm and in fact if this video gets half a million likes i'll take brie on a real please i want to go on a real date not a minecraft date we should do a real life video where it's like minecraft date versus real life we saved each other we showed great kindness and teamwork what are you hey listen bree this is how his voice would sound close no that sounds like a richard i dare you that's my voice i'm going in ah yes our destination is here president you just walked through the wall of the entire limbo listen breathe don't judge how i do things so this next part of the date is one of my favorites you just have to run through the village pretty this village is um it's on is it supposed to be like on fire no we're not going to talk about that maybe this is just the style of the village that's right preston we're billionaires so we're going to be giving we can you know put out some fires along the way i agree brittany i think as billionaires we should become millionaires oh why why are they heading here this is creepy bree katie's scaring me no sarah is much more scary she has a monocle and then look at kim kim's got an eye patch um wait wait left hello oh oh okay and part of the billionaire date ladies and gentlemen required materials oh is that materials materials definitely okay here i will where do you want me to start whose materials do you're gonna give i want to talk to john first obviously that's why i'm here i'm gonna give it luke luke wow nuke okay luke let's see um how many are you good over there yeah brittany listen math was not my strongest subject okay wait if you give them materials for some reason their house turns normal bro look at this investment my dude just upgraded right yeah we might need to hurry because uh people's houses are on fire so i was trying to do this like mathematically and i think it's just better just to like spam right yes you're welcome doug bernard is by far the best villager so far i would just like to i'm gonna like this one didn't end up too well i gave this person a lot of money and they built part of their house out of dirt oh is it noob no it's literally like looks like noob his name is doug the noob villager kim is a respectful villager only wants 15 diamonds and makes a beautiful house only 15 diamonds nothing it could be worse all right so if i was oh lisa wants five diamonds lisa is the cheapest so far thank you lisa lisa is a spicy lady oh look at sarah dude sarah only wants 18 iron ingots i don't know if it gets any cheaper than that let me know right wait like are we done look at that yay i love that okay fun fact i don't know if anybody knows who they are but chip and joanna people say we're the chip and joanna of youtube extreme home make over here all you need is a little bit of this i don't i don't know if i like those that's their mating call their meeting we want to give you our most treasured item away oh away i don't know like i don't know if i want to get their most treasured item what if it's like a dead goat fish or something okay if it's most treasured it's probably like an emerald golf oh dude that's my favorite oh you don't know these things i do me and bernard go way back oh yeah okay okay oh it's a freaking yacht oh my gosh the most expensive item we own now thank you our village is saved i don't feel like we gave them enough uh to deserve this yacht but i ain't gonna complain baby bernard let me just express my gratitude guys please look under this video hit that subscription button to love bernard for who he truly is cause bernard is like rhymes with yanard i love you're not yo yannard's got some trades okay preston it's time to go brie i'm literally already in this boat okay can you be the captain for me uh listen i don't know about that qualified like if you haven't noticed i am made of lava probably not the best person to be the captain of this yoghurt i have to find the the steering wheel what's the line i'm free like willy no no no no it's rose jack rose even though there's room for both of us basically road rose does this and even a breeze so we casually arrived from our yacht and like our butlers here ah do we want to talk like that entire video please we only have a few more minutes until like a diamond fish like start like spawning like brianna i don't know what a diamond fish is but if uh i do know that you're the only dime i see i'm enjoying this date i i feel flattered so preston oh you know friendly competition right i love diving fish me too oh no that's mine no this one's fine i got it technically you have to punch the fish in order to get the diamonds i don't know i don't know how you feel about this one does he die i mean he died oh no he tied it i do you think we eat fish i thought you just catch the diamond fish he loves you he becomes your pet well it looks like you're gonna win honestly this is such a close tie breaker ladies and gentlemen the polls are in and it was unsure we're unsure you realize uh i don't even have half of what you got listen bree i think um i i honestly just don't know if you know how to count all right that's what i think it really comes down to i think it was a tie game are we in space what is happening are we in space or a regular plane listen bri it is time for us to do more good deeds this man name is pilot pied lot has brought us here to give gifts to people listen bree don't worry about the beautiful teddy bear you're gonna need some of these okay i'm gonna need some of these just in case of some shooting stars you know you're never being too careful thank you so much you're welcome um i have uh i got this here all i'll go that's so cute thank you brie i like him a lot um do you think he can fly i just no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] you're lucky i've got an elytra ladies and gentlemen we have confirmed on this youtube channel why did you push me down here you know what i can you know what fun preston i'm actually glad you're back because this is supposed to be your romantic moment wait where are you i'm trying to come back you push me down um breathe shooting stars shoot the shooting stars shoot them dude i got one you stardust uh yes i have whoa okay this is the coolest thing i've ever seen in my inventory it is really cool thank you so much you know they called me mr cool back in high school for me i'm not stealing stars i am just doing so much more i have two [Music] you jerk what do you mean jerk i'm trying to save the world from shooting stars of doom that's okay i have three now so we're okay ah okay she got three now guys big big big boy what do you want from me taking any of them [Music] you gotta go fast for like sonic okay okay okay oh no i missed one i missed one oh you got one i have four i have four shooting stars wait breathe do you have a lightening inventory yeah uh come down here then no no no no no no no crescent no no no no hold on hold on are you are you dead ready yeah it's time it's time for what come on get out of there so preston the only way we can end a billionaire date is to give the rest of the inventory to others we have a village here so let's just gift this make it rain baby yeah yeah yeah yeah all those diamonds could you imagine like if i was like if i was in like the cul-de-sac of my neighborhood and it just starts raining diamonds and emeralds and nether stars i would have no idea what to do bro look at this place this place is so rich now scale of one to ten how do you think the billionaire compares to your other dates we've been on all right this would easily be a 10 out of 10 date night and that means we need to see your date night ideas in the comments below and if we don't see them then i'm gonna eat a water buffalo hybridy tag with a bow and arrow oh no that's too much work what do you mean that's too much more where are you and oh i'm gonna get you no no no no oh my god this is so romantic end of date somebody died no not me come on hey if you enjoyed this video make sure you click one of the next two videos youtube is suggesting you bye
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,558,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: T_dYIoj0zzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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