S14 AKALI Guide - How To LEARN and Carry With AKALI Step by Step

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what is up everyone welcome to the long awaited aali guide it is finally here I've been getting a bunch of requests uh basically over the past year to make this aali guide and finally we made it happen I've been playing a lot of agali and I've really gotten down into the details and got a very good understanding of how this Champion works I've also played a lot of aali in the past previous to this season but all the games that I've got uh content from right here are all this season aali games I've put in the work for you guys to make sure that we are here with the highest quality content that we can supply uh good example a few of my games I've been popping off on some of them I've ined a bunch of them but the most important thing as I've learned uh a bunch from every aad game that I've played and all those learnings are going to be covered in this guide so why would you be playing aali well aali is an amazing Champion to have your pool it's covers a lot of aspects that are pretty unique when it comes to mid lane of course she's also being able to play in Top Lane but more commonly she's being played in mid lane but the most important thing she's so fun akali is one of the most fun Champions currently in the game and the reason for that is because of her High Mobility her high impact in fights she's really good at killing people and there's a lot of small improvements that you can make that will really shape the impact you're going to be having the game when you play AAR a lot of the game is going to be in your control uh because you got so much agency when it comes to pressuring enemies killing them and if you like fighting aali is the perfect fit for you so this guide is for all kinds of players it's for aali beginners aali players and akali experts um it's for people that want to learn aali and have no clue where to start I can understand that for a lot of people this Champion can be quite overwhelming but also for akali players that want to become better learn new things learn new um strategies or techniques that you can use onto this champion and for the EXP experts under us already we are going very deep in detail I'm going to give you guys reviewing Frameworks understanding how to really improve upon this Champion but we're also going to go deep on how to actually win games on aali because a lot of people even though they might have a lot of Mastery onto the micro on this Champion might not really understand how to translate that into wins I said a lot with my own coaching clients people are quite good at killing people with the correct combos but translating those kills into wins is something that usually they really really struggle with which makes sense because it's not that intuitive onto this Champion so what is akali's identity akali is an assassin that likes to fight and Skirmish that's basically all that aali is she's a fighter she's someone that looks to kill enemies if we look at our kit she does not offer much else she has no CC in her kit she has no Shields or any other utility tools she does have a lot of Mobility a lot of damage but that's about it and the way she does that is she she she does that by assassinating the correct targets and also creating space in fights because of how much threat she exerts onto the enemies aali is a very good Champion to add to your pool especially if you're going to be playing mid lanee this going to beit a bit more of a mid lane oriented guide right here she's a champion that you will feel in control with she's very good at snowballing also getting snowballed on she's not that pretty from behind but she's very very good from ahead she's really good at one shoting people that misstep uh also her laning is quite good you're going to be having a lot of opportunities in the game where your impact is going to matter a lot of people like that plus she covers a lot of weak spots in midlane Champion pools what you see with a lot of midlane champion pools you see the the classic Maes um that really struggle with self peel and they've got no Mobility they've got very limited uh utility Tools in their kit and they're very vulnerable to for example aggressive enemy supports and junglers aali is a champion that's not like that at all she has her shroud she has got a lot of Mobility she's really good at escaping very volatile and high tread situations so if you're going to be adding this Champion to for example a pool of one or two control Mages you're going to be having a much more refined solid pool for a lot of situations because if the enemy for example picks Jarvan jungle Pike support and uh a y mid right you don't want to be playing Oriana or zindra or Victor in those games because you're going to get annihilated so in those games akali is the perfect fit because it helps with a lot of um a lot of tread assessment a lot of um possibilities we get there or that we otherwise do not get in the lane and then finally she teaches you the game in a pretty good way um mainly about fighting and skirmishing and that's something that a lot of other mid lane Champions also sometimes fall a little bit behind with is is is like there's it's there's not a heavy emphasis on skirmishes there more on on team fight but akali really wants to fight she wants to be really Scrappy she wants to be killing people constantly around her old and if you get good at reviewing skirmishes and understanding how that works this will also translate to your other Champions so aali is a perfect fit for different aspects of the game um when it comes to mid lane Champion pools so let's talk about runes on aali AAL has quite a bit of different options that she can take and the most common one that's being built right now is Fleet into resolve secondary there's an entire thought process behind that so why would people take Fleet fle on aali on aali you want to be assassinating people you want to be killing people why don't we go damage well the reason why we go Fleet is because it really really helps in our lane Fleet grants us movement speed and movement speed is going to allow us to get into Q range on a lot of matchups akali is a champion that wants to be very uh very precise with her tattering with her movement and Fleet is going to allow us to be a little bit more aggressive in lane and get away with stuff that we otherwise wouldn't get away with this is going to allow us to create extra trading opportunities and this Fleet is going to give us a lot of pressure into a lot of uh higher ranged matchups plus the slight bit of self- sustain that we get with it is also quite helpful versus those pokey uh matchups and this Rune is going to be the Difference Maker in US allowing to beat them and make it make it a really hard Lan for them versus us being able to just skill up to six and basically play a little bit slower lane and then start to play so this is the big difference maker in the ear game presence of Mind pretty straightforward right here very good run on aali because of the energy restoration most of the times you're going to be seeing aali Legend tenacity right here because we're going to be pretty vulnerable to tenacity since our champion is a champion that wants to die in with our ult and get into the into the Vanguard and tasty is going to help us get our combos off make sure that we keep ourselves mobile if the enemy has no CC feel free to run uh the attack speed right here because it helps us with the speed of our combo but that's only if the enemies run no CC you can go C de gra you can go Last Stand depending on what you prefer um it's not necessarily good or bad most common is Last Stand uh but C the gr is also completely fine as for resolve you can go second win versus uh Pokey Champions you can go bone plaing versus Champions that wants to All In You And do not really poke you out overgrowth has been the most consistent one for me um finishing is not a bad option as well I think uh but overgrowth has just been the most consistent for me in general then we always go double adaptive and in my experience uh Health scaling is always extremely extremely good on aali you can also run conqueror so what is the mindset behind conqueror versus Fleet well the the reason why you would run Fleet is to give you extra laning power and it gives you that extra mobility in the lane to make sure that you can get uh onto your target if you do not need that then you can go conquer because the damage that you're going to be dealing with conquer is way way higher a very good example of a matchup that does not need Fleet but definitely uh likes conquer is Gallo Gallo is a very hard Lane for a Kali and conquerer is really going to help us get through him another good example is for example um I like taking conquer into yon as well you can also take fleet Fleet into y but I like to take conquer into y uh because it really helps with our Allin conquer also very good run onali massively increases our damage we got another R page right here on the bottom right and this one is the electrocute setup also would resolve secondary most of the time because resolve secondary is uh most of the most of the time going to be the best Rune that you can take on aali because it helps with the lane um and if we can get a good Lane we can snowball really well aali is a very good snowballing Champion so this room page we take electrocute so why would we be running electrocute in some games this is mainly taken against Champions that do not have that much early thread against you and if you really feel like you can onot them at six and snowball from there this is a snowballing setup we have a lot of early game extra damage with the electrocute with the Sudden Impact and with the eyeball collection stacking up AP whenever we uh start getting some kills plus ultimate Hunter is going to allow us to get our ult more uh more up frequent frequently so we can go from more plays this is a complete snowballing setup mainly taken into weaker enemy laners that cannot really bully you and that you have a lot of threat on post level six uh our trading is extremely strong our Allin is extremely strong when we get uh the level six on this on this setup because of the extra damage from electrocute putting us putting the enemies in Kill tread sooner for our R2 plus the amount of dashes and stealth is going to allow us to get that lethality um plus magic penetration that we can really use as aali as well so if you guys have any questions about the Rune setup feel free to let me know in the comments all right we're going to be talking about akali's builds and she has two different kind of builds she has an assassin build and she has a team fight build of course each have their place I'm going to be explaining you guys when to build each we're going to be starting off with the starting item of course so there's two main starting items that we can buy Doran ring dor Shield to put it very simply if we're going to be play against a pokey uh champion in Lane that usually has a little bit longer range we go for Doran Shield because we want to be regenerating a lot of Health in in these Lanes when they are attacking us we need this to sustain but if we're going to be playing against a champion that does not really focus out in the lane then we'd like to go for doron's ring duron's ring is actually the preferred option if we can get away with it but a lot of lanes actually pressure us early that kind of forces us to run doran's shield in those Lanes but doran's ring has the better stats uh for akali because it gives us AP but if it's necessary we can go dor and shield this is going to be the case in like probably 70% of the cases we can go dor and shield probably 30% of the cases we can go D's ring we can get away with it because of the matchup matchup really decides which one we should go for so as for the sassin build currently lichbane is the best starting item on aali maybe in a few Passage this uh patches this will be storm surge or maybe Shadow flame first who knows there's going to be an assassin build there's going to be a bit more of a team fight oriented build and currently lichbane is the strongest item massive Spike onto aali grants her a lot of kill trat in the One V one in the side lane and we usually combine this with sorcery shoes to grant that extra magic penetration makes us really fast as a champion a lot of damage and it's just good to really annihilate it On Target and get out afterwards um what about sorcery shoes versus Mercury threats soal go Merks some go SS well ideally we always go Sor but some matchups or some team compositions are going to be uh forcing us to go Merks because of the amount of CC that they have a very good example uh of a champion that kind of forces you to run Merks is going to be zindra zindra is a champion that really plays off her stun in lane and if we can uh avoid that stun or shorten the duration of it we're going to be avoiding a lot of damage from the zindra and this is going to massively help us into the lane plus the later parts of the game as well because it just reduces a lot amount of threat if we're going to be playing against the heavy stun composition MERS is also extremely good because our champion is diving into the enemies and that's going to allow us to press the Shroud stay safe or get out with one of our Mobility spells akali almost never rushes tabis tabis is not a good item on aali we got a shout for that we are able to deny a lot of basic attacks with our shroud we don't need any boots for that just play better put it that way so after Lich Paine we want to go either Proto belt or um or is it rocket belt I don't know what what it is right now at least it's it's either one of the two either the the Proto belt or the shadow flame if you can get away with Shadow flame it's an amazing item in combination with with the lichbane because of the insane amount of burst and one shot potential that you get with the combination of this item it's a very snowball oriented item really strong at two item spikes but the downside of it is we're a little bit more squishy and if we go to Proto belt we get a little bit more Health in there H it's it's a bit cheaper item as well so it spikes a little bit earlier and the mobility that we gain from the prot Bel passive is actually really good for akali because it can help you with your combos getting towards your passive AO Tech a little bit quicker with the dash that we do or it can help you get in range of uh the enemies for example an R one so also extremely solid item which gives us a lot of options on aali in my opinion it's preference you guys decide what you like in each game just play with that stick to it and uh get comfortable with the build third item really depends on what we need sometimes we're going to be playing against a lot of threat in those case cases you can be going zonas banshees but if there's not any specific uh thing that you have to be careful about robon de capap is usually the best item grants us a lot lot of AP a lot of damage in general and we can also go like CRP bloom or void stuff depending on what you prefer both items are really good kryp CP boom is a little bit easier to build though but it helps with uh tanky enemies who build a lot of Mr that's generally the mindset of the build the mindset of this build is that you're really good in the S Side Lane you're really good at assassinating One Max two enemies and then it's done you're really good in a one V one in the Sid line you're very good at annihilating someone and getting out afterwards while for the next build this is a bit more of the team fight oriented build so you build this when you're going to be looking to team fight a lot and Skirmish a lot with your team this build has the benefit of GRA graning you a little bit more damage over time and it's less bursty but rather a little bit more sustainable and it GS you a lot of Health in the LeAndre and the rift maker which is going to allow us to survive a little bit of the burst from um the enemies in those team fights but as you can see because it takes a little bit while a little bit of a while for these items to stack up the through their damage because it's a damage amplification over time it takes a while before we can actually kill someone really effectively uh both builds are extremely good both builds can Sid both builds can Team fight but they excel in each of their different aspects um really big fan of this build just like the last one if you want to be team fighting assess it before the game and really think okay this might be a good um Team fight oriented build with Le Rift maker and you think okay they got a lot of squishies I want to be one shotting a few key targets and uh I want to be mainly splitting in the S Side Lane then you go a bit more for the Assassin build with the team fight build usually third item you're going to go a little bit more defensive in banshees or uh sonas but if you can get away with it or you're hyperfit robon grip Bloom whatever is always extremely extremely good rest of the item Theory still stays the same if you guys have any questions about the build or any items that you um are wondering if it's good on aali feel free to uh let it know in the comments and I'll get back to you let's talk about a little dilemma right here so I got a lot of questions from aali players about which item to buy first a lot of people say alternator is best a lot of people say Sor is best and to be honest with it there's no one clear cut end answer uh I do have a preference personally I really like alternator first um even though with the AP nerves coming up next patch it might change a little bit more into favor of ss we're not quite sure but each has their benefit um alternator gr uh AP and very good active onto or like a very good passive onto this item because it it GRS extra Burst when it comes to trading combos so and it has a 40c cool down so it really suits akali's trading pattern because akali has very specific times where she wants to be trading her W usually uh 18 seconds cool down plus the cost so you usually are going to be trading twice uh like once per lane and then uh twice before the alternator comes up so you use it in every second trade that's that's quite a lot of extra damage for every second trade and it also really helps with allins just generally very strong item um the most the the biggest benefit of this item is though is that it grants you wave clear and I'm a really big fan of early wave clear on aali because you get many more options with your wave clear and another big thing is that it helps you reach your item Spike sooner and the the first item spikes are extremely big these days so if you go for example L Bane if you can get that item rather quickly it's a very big spike when you become extremely extremely threatening especially compared to the having the components before that then we go to take a look at SS SS grants move speed and Magic benen akali loves move speed because of her importance of tattering she loves magic Ben because it helps her assassinating uh uh people um it also helps with the speed of your combos because if you have more move speed you're going to be able to get your passive quicker you're going to be able to dodge out on more abilities in the lane especially versus Mages so this item is also really really good in my opinion it's just preference the main thing that you have to keep in mind is right this item spikes sooner if it comes to actual damage uh while this item um will Spike sooner on the actual item Spike um I've had more success with this I've had less success with the SS but maybe for you it changes in the end it's preference so this section is for the beginner aad player if you're an experienced accounting player feel free to skip this this is not that important for you uh we're talking about ability identity so what do does each ability do so her passive uh if you damage an enemy with an ability either your Q your E1 your E2 your R1 your R2 whenever you damage someone with one of those abilities you get a ring around the target where you can walk outside of the ring you get extra move speed uh towards enemy Champions uh and extra damage onto your next AO attack so with the amount of abilities that we have we can really increase our damage output by a lot if we're going to be using our passive um a lot uh then when it comes to our Q our Q is our main damaging trading ability and our main wave clearing ability goes hand in hand and at the end of the queue it actually slows Target uh slows targets for quite a considerable amount for .5 seconds so it's not that long but it's just enough that if we hit someone at max range that the slow actually allows us to grab our passive run at them and they get another q off so very very nice ability right here our W it it makes us invisible and it grants us extra energy and we can use this offensively defensively because of the extra energy we can get extra abilities off but we because we go into uh invisibility it's also really hard for the enemies to trade back up upon us we can use this to escape gangs lot of many useful tools to um with this W very long cool down on dis ability but it's probably it's extremely versatile ability that will help us a lot in Lane with raes with skirmishes this is our go-to ability if we're good at using W we're extremely um proficient at winning fights creating space um and also surviving Lane our e our e is a very interesting one because it's it's an ability that um we basically if we C it we flip backwards and we throw out a shuriken towards the uh the place where we cost it towards if the shurik lands right only if it lands we can recast uh towards that to dash towards that Target and it deals a lot of damage this ability deals a lot of damage um it also works if we land the E onto our shroud onto our W that's when it also works um why does this ability of offensive and defensive purpose offensively of course because we can chase enemies if we hit it we deal a lot of damage we can get onto them defensively because we can dash out of certain skill shots get away from enemies um that's mainly defensively one thing to really keep in mind with dis ability is that whenever you miss it and you're trying to chase someone it puts you in the wrong direction so what's that's one of the biggest mistakes that I see with aali I'm going to be covering that a little bit later into the guide with some examples um but understand that this is an ability that you don't want to mess around with you want to be very careful of using it then our ult first cost uh first cost we Dash towards an enemy champion and we deal damage toward s all the enemies that we pass through that's basically it and the second the recast we can use that within 10 seconds we Dash in uh a random Direction the first cost is centered onto a champion can only use it on Champs the second cost we can do it anywhere and um we also deal a lot of damage increased by targets missing health so if the enemies are lower we deal more damage this is an ability that we want to be using the R2 on on Lower enemies this R2 is also really good at um of just just the r in general is really good at uh side laning and escaping from nasty situations sideline this can all go through walls so U very versatile ability but this is our main ability that we're looking to kill people with as well so we're going to be talking about aalii micro and ai's micro is actually pretty tricky there's many different combos that we can use and it's really hard to understand when to use each combo so I've categorized it in such ways that it's pretty easy to digest and understand when to use each combos we're going to be starting off with her trading patterns so which combos are we going to be using in Lane the El Classico which is going to be used on most setups Fleet into q and this is very straightforward we get Fleet per on Minion we get the move speed we run at the enemies we chip them with the que we back off that's a very simple trading pattern another thing that we can do is we can Q autot Tech q and then the Autotech is of course the passive out attack so what we do is we Q we back off we out attack Q we also use W in here that's not really what matters and as you can see it's a very uh clear easy trading pattern it gets a lot of damage off if the enemies disrespect us so how can we use our W to trade well we can use it for example in the previous example where we get a little bit of move speed with our W and we use it to get a little bit more energy to get an extra Q off but we can also use our W offensively to look for traits so in this case right here afterwards I am going to be playing as azir and aali versus azir I want to be getting onto the azir because I'm shorter range than he hasir so what do I do is I see that he wants to be out attacking this wave right now he wants to be clearing these Min so I want to be trading onto him I want to make it hard for him to do that so I use my w to get onto him Quee him make it hard for him force him to walk away from these minions right here and I really use my w aggressively to make it really hard for him to uh play in this Lane because of his health disadvantage of course so now we're going to move on to one of my favorite trading patterns and this is something that I see a lot of aalis that are not that experience onto aali not utilize this uh trading pattern and that's the E backwards start so what is why would we start with E backwards well into a lot of these matchups we need to be closing the Gap getting onto the enemies to actually start trading because in a lot of matches we're going to be playing against ranged characters so what we do is we e backwards q and then we can walk at them out of that Q very annoying trading pattern we use our W in in as well to make sure that they cannot really trade back onto us and this is really how you can bridge the gap between you and some control Mages um and really start trading with them effectively and uh I think this is something that you really got to feel out and start getting comfortable with and what I also recommend is that you really are a of what threatens you and what not if you're playing against the Bev you cannot really do this because Bev can be the bush we can we can get killed also through our sh shroud so this is a a trading pattern that you um you got to be a little bit wary of but if you start to understand how to use it it's very effective at beating enemy laners uh that you are better than so to give a little bit of extra context towards this point we can also do it a little bit differently so versus Soul matchups you want to be trading into them the way that we do but we actually want to be less committal so instead of actually going onto them and then going for a little bit of a longer trade we want to get out because we're maybe under a lot of threat or these Champions have trading patterns that if they take extended trades into you that they can beat you and what you what we then do is let's quickly play it out again right here uh what we then do is we start with W so if we start with W what happens is we're going to get a shroud and then we e backwards right here so this is where e goes we get close towards the Oriana but our e sticks onto the Shroud right here so we get an Escape Route and it shows really beautifully right here we e backwards Q out attack q and we go back towards the edge of the Shroud once again right here shroud e and we out attack q and we go back towards the shout and it's impossible for karma to trade back into me um because I go back towards the the edge of my shout really really annoying trading venom for for the enemies to deal with love this one and you can also use it if you're quite far up Lane you want to look for a trade W backwards e out q and as you can see if you use your shroud properly you can still use the Shroud for cover to make it hard for the enemies to trade back on you so now we're going to look into a little bit more um it's still a very good trading pattern but this is a little bit more of an opportunistic one this trading pattern is one that you cannot really go for always and you got to always be very careful about some matchups we required to use our e reactively but sometimes you can also use it proactively so in this match up I'm playing as Karma i e She wastes her W and if I fish for an e like this I can actually now start trading onto her I wait out her Shield uh to get some damage off and right here really easy pickup as a guill beautiful fish for an KNE and because she wastes one of her major cooldowns as well instantly free kill for me very good trading pattern if you find the angle for it we're going to move on to the all- in combos so akali has a lot of damage in her kit she's an assassin and she has a lot of kill tread post level six so with her ult she can actually all in targets even from full health and if you know how to use your combos right then we're going to be able to get a lot of free kills on enemies that don't suspect it so let's cover the possibilities that we have we're going to start off with an uh R1 into slow e and what do I mean with this is we get a lot of passive hits this is not the fastest Allin combo um we get a lot of passive hits we use our R so I get a beautiful level six onto this uh rimble as you can see I'm comboing myself in a way that I get a lot of passive procs and I also land my e my e is a very high damage ability right here it's really important that I land my e and it's really really oppressive this guy just came to Lane I reached my level six power Spike I instantly one shot him this is aali right here for you many has probably seen it to really break this one down really quickly so you guys understand I start with Q I grab a passive right here start with Q grab a passive I ult over him I auto attack Q E to get another passive proc right here that is the E1 then I E2 Auto Tech QR autot Tech lot of passive hits and it's the perfect amount of damage and gets a really clean kill like this as well so very nice kill we can also do this um in different situations where we can do it a little bit faster we don't have to always get all those passive hits uh because we're maybe a little bit more fat or more items so in this case we are e E2 uh to really slow it down what we do is we r e and because I'm in F War it's really hard for him to know where it's coming from RE l e E2 aot Tech QR very easy pickup lot of damage right here so we had slow e so right here I go for pretty slow e it's not the fastest combo right now you can also do a faster e but one thing that you have to keep in mind is that with the slower e you can basically do it always um H you just go re e instantly onto your target it's pretty consistent but it's not super consistent but you can also do a fast e but the only time that the fast e works right here is actually when you're on MOX range of your target so what's a fast e in this case I'm actually playing against gragas I see gragas waste his e right here onto the minions this is my shot to all in him right now so I flash re and as you can see really fast combo and i e in the the other direction so to really replay it instead of me eing behind him I actually e back towards my initial location canceling the last part of my ar ar cost um that gets a very quick combo onto him it's really hard for him to react as well so this one is even more consistent if you're able to get it off at max range one of my favorite combos right here if you're able to get it off very effective at surprising killing enemies and just generally dealing insane amounts of damage in very short amounts of time that's the second combo another one that we can use is we can actually uh all in after an E2 so we start with E because a lot of times people are going to be jumping onto us right here and then then we need to start with our e so what we can do right here is we can uh get a lot of Q's into this q's and and passive reset we can also get off in in this um in this type of o in so we E2 we outo Tech We R and then Q I love R1 into Q R1 into Q is one of my favorite combos because the the Q is so fast after R1 and you deal a lot of damage plus you instantly slow them right here then aot Tech QR always try to uh get in these cues to get the the most amount of damage and as you can see I was z z before this play even started right now I was z z these guys decide to gang me I kill both of them that's the power of akali right here so to play it out in normal speed right here canceling a lot of out attacks a lot of animations and eventually picking up two beautiful kills let's show it again for you guys to understand E2 aot Tech R1 Q aot Tech QR grabbing the beautiful kill onto the Jacks and then eventually surfing photos so this is usually how you combo when you uh all in after E2 you are one you q and depending on under how much threat you are um it really depends on how fast you need to W or R so now we go to my favorite all- in combo and this is mainly used when someone is face checking us out of frog of war or when someone is really close to us uh for example teleporting in so in this case um Oriana's teleporting in right here and the reason that this is my favorite combo is because it's almost impossible for the enemies to escape so let's play it out right here IE R1 so now I have two dashes to follow Oriana slightly mess up my R2 but it's impossible for her to escape and this is why it's my favorite one so i e i R1 I'm onto her she gets distance I E2 and then I still have my R2 to follow her off this is by far my favorite combo if you can get this one off to assassinate someone this is your most yeah your most high percentage combo that someone just is impossible to escape with really really nice combo all right we're going to be talking about some aali drills that you guys can do to really level up your aali micro in your games so first of all I think you should always practice grabbing your passive because grabbing your passive is really important when it comes to the quickness of your combos so if you're very good at grabbing your passive and the micro behind it you can speed up your combos by a very long amount what you also see is that there's one place where you like barely have to walk for your passive as you can see you can almost instantly proc it that's only possible on blue side that's not necessarily possible on red side as you can see right here I have to walk out of it on blue side you can do an instant Q so I guess aali is just bed on Blue um here we have it instantly very interesting but definitely just recommend you practicing grabbing your passive like this and getting very good and smooth of that so your combos are quicker so we also can practice our some of our trading combos for example starting with E and then doing this this is a very strong trading combo that you can just practice because if you're good at this trading combo you're going to get a lot of um success in your lanes another one that you can practice is starting off with the w right here and then going back to watch your e very solid trading combo to practice but the most important thing to practice is your R usage and which ones are the ones that we have to practice the most well we have to practice the fast e the r fast e so this one this one that we have to practice constantly uh to really get good at it if we do not know how to do this the only way to do this if you're at max range rcast so you R1 and then you e towards that same side of where you're uh clicking your R uh you can also do the slower re which is this it's also pretty consistent but the other one is more consistent if you're able to pull it off um those are definitely good ones to practice as well you can also really practice uh trying to get Q's into your your combo for example um but the most important ones are the re the fast one uh grabbing your passive and some of the trading combos I want you to practice that and practice tool get good at it so you can execute that in your games we're going to be talking about the Cali's Lane right now and we're going to be starting off with Lane micro tips so what are we looking for when we're in the lane when it comes to the micro all the strategies are a little bit later but we're going to start start off purely with micro we've seen this one before we want to queue after getting the fleet movement speed so we get the movement speed Fleet right here we get into range proc a que and get out very easy combo right here very non-committal slowly chipping away the en enemy's HP bar usually it's a very good trade for aali because akali RNs D Shield so if they trade us a little bit back that's fine because we regenerated anyway that your better better trading on more levels one to three usually on aali the second thing that we want to do is want to Quee on enemy losses especially in melee matchups right here these Champions have to walk up towards the creeps right now to last hit it with their out attacks and we can really abuse that by throwing qes onto them that's why K is such a good match up in a lot of these melee matchups is that she can pressure enemies walking up right here so as you can see this minion is dropping rather low for the silus and I'm going to be punishing him on that minion with my Q so I wait until he goes to CS beautiful little Q slowly chipping away this HP bar and uh those are just generally very good trades for aali going to continue I see this main drop low q and slowly trading away with him next up right here I see these creeps dropping low right here the Canon mainly q and we get this beautiful trade or after him really really good trade that's how we pressure off these mes we can also use it into range characters is a little bit uh more hard to do because your spacing got to be really good but you can also combine this strategy with for example using e backwards uh we're going to now talk about W user chin Lane so w user chin Lane we can use it aggressively we can use it defensively I'm a really big fan of using W aggressively and I'm going to be showing you guys why so in this game I'm going to be playing against twist fate Lane is a little bit equal right here wave is slow pushing back into me what I can do is I can force traits onto him I want to interact with him I want to beat him my Champion is really good in the One V one so what I do is I walk up right here and I just place my w Really aggressively and luk because of this W he does not know where I am this is Tower range so he does not know where in this entire circle I am positioning so he's got to be very respectful of me because if he's not he's going to get an outo teack Q to the face and he's going to lose a lot of HP and there's no potions anymore so he's going to be in a lot of threat so in this case I use my w aggressively and I force him away from these minion and eventually that leads to him basically um if we go back he drops this minion for free and that's that's great great cuz I'm can Zone him with minion right here if we can Zone the enemies of Minion that's that's awesome and he also drops the cannon because he's um under a lot of trat right here and he cannot really get the wave out same game different example right here I'm just standing very aggressively in my w and look at all these minions dying right here this is perfect for me he cannot touch the wave he's in a very rough spot this is mainly what we're going to be using uh we want to be using our W aggressively to look for traits can also use it for move speed to get into range of enemies to look for it to to chip away with q's but this is a very similar situation where because of my w being up right here he cannot touch the wave and he's just dropping a few creeps right here very nice tool really pressuring out the enemies in Lane um mainly we want to be using our W aggressively but sometimes we have to use it defensively as well and it's mainly when we're going to be un unsure of where the enemy jungler is and we're going to get ganked um or we're in a position where we cannot use it aggressively because we're going to be under too much threat very simple straightforward W right here I'm getting ganked by the kind I'll just W she cannot hit me really easy actually really really easy you got to really be really be sure of yourself okay when can I use my w aggressive then go for it but if you cannot mainly should be using it defensively so you can actually go for proactive W's in doing it aggressively but you can also use go for reactive WS some matchups require you to w reactively a very good example is Yasuo another very good example is arelia because arelia if she lands her e on to you you don't want her to be able to jump on to you and and kill you and outo take you down so you need to use your W when arelia is going for her e um for zaso very similar we want to just be trading with him but when he gets his knockup we want to be using our W because if we use our W in in the right spot he cannot ult us because we're invisible so we can basically make it impossible for yaso to ult by w reactively in the right time so this this is a beautiful example right here where we're playing as yaso we just go for a beautiful trade onto him and then he gets the tornado we W when he tornadoes us we make sure that we prevent to get Ed and we run out from the gang absolutely perfect W right here um cannot get any better this is also very similar when it comes to um e usage we can also use our e reactively and uh we can also use it proactively in some matchups we're forced to use it reactively good examples are uh Karma LeBlanc uh those are very good examples where we cannot use our e reactively because if we do uh where we cannot use our e proactively because we do do use it proactively she will T us with her W Grant US Vision and we need to get out of that uh other good examples where we need to e reactively is uh most of the times it's going to be silus we cannot really e proactively into silus because of his E2 certain ability these make it really hard for us to e proactively uh yon Q3 for example in this case I'm doing it against Karma um we're going to be showing you again from the start of the clip right here Karma TS me with the w so I get out of her range and then I can go into her so if I have no e She messes me up in the trade big time right here we can also use our e reactively towards enemy displacement abilities so in this case we're playing versus an azir and um I'm I want to show the clip first let let me let me show the clip first right here we're playing versus azir and I want to all in him I see him old i e reactively towards his ult and that grounds me the free kill so that only works because r e if we land it we can follow the enemies with it so this guy's displacement ability and if I make sure to get my e off I can follow him and then kill him with the R2 beautiful reactive e switch towards his R which is then going to allow to allow me to jump over it and finish him off for the kill so of course we can also use our e proactively and then we're going to be using it for for example backwards right here going to be using it backwards looking for these beautiful um beautiful traits and making it really hard for the enemies to um uh to to trade back into us right here so we don't really need our e in these positions because those both of those Champions at that point in the game aren't really threatening towards us in a way that we need to dodge a certain skill Shield but in that allows us to use it um reactively so right here we can also always look for these proactive e and look for fishes onto the enemies look for E fishes in this case I'm against Karma she wasted her W and that allows me to grab over kill as well so very strong trading pattern what does akali want to be doing in the early Lane first of all what is the early Lane well we're going to be defining the early Lane as levels one to beginning of six so basically end of five beginning of of six that's the early Lane what does aali want to be doing she wants to be playing the lane opportunistically what do I mean with opportunistically that means that she ideally wants to be playing to win the lane but she cannot bro for this brute force it she cannot hard force it she needs to play around smart trading patterns and she needs to understand their limits in certain matchups to actually um make use of these trading pannels to then eventually win Lane aali is a champion that can win every sing single Lane if you know how to play it if you know your trading patterns and if you know what to look for with proper micro so she wants to be preserving her HP and we don't want to be taking any unnecessary damage we want to be giving CS when needed CS is really important if we can take it but the most important thing is that we actually are able to take good quality trades if we're able to take good quality trades we're going to have pressure in the lane we're going to be able to win it because aali plays a lot with kill pressure we want to be be trading and playing around our cool downs and energy we have very high energy costs in the early Lane so don't try the force trades when you have no energy we have very long coold Downs on our W and our e so mainly our W you want to be very wary of that cooldown because that's a very uh favorable trading tool for us in the lane and our e is a little bit less in some matchups we need it more than others so it's really important that you get into the matchup specifics as well how does the matchup Force us to use our e and in some cases also the w um really have to figure out can we do it proactively or have we you or do we have to use it reactively one thing to keep in mind is when you're playing aali early game skirmishes pre-level six can be very tricky ear early game skirmishing is pretty flip it's not that strong high energy cost High cooldowns um yes we have some damage but it's really hard to get that damage of consistently without putting us in a little bit of uh of of threat in a lot of cases so early game scaming is usually not that good so be be wary and be very clear in your intent of which ones are playable and which ones are not in our favor and feel free to call those off that are not in our favor when we reach level six we want to make be making plays for our ult we want to be on Tempo to make play for the old usually akali wants to reset around minute five minute 6 because she can get her first item then it's usually going to be the sorcs the alternator or the um The Masque item before LeAndre I can't find the word of it doesn't matter and then TP back to lane and then start making plays proactively with her R that's usually also when the grip spawn minute five is when the grips one so we can reset it Min a five or the wave afterwards we're going to be in a really good position to fight grips especially with our old that's exactly what aali wants to be doing but that's what we're really going to be covering um in the late Lane section we're now going to be also talk about the importance of really proper micro and spacing on aali so proper micro on aali Al is extremely important in the early Lane because of how important taking trads is on aali so if we have better micro than the enemy laner we're going to be able to demolish them I'm going to be showing you guys an example of this Lane right here and I'm going to be explaining you guys through my thought process of how I'm able to demolish this Karma by good positioning in the lane baiting out enemy spells and just very solid micro overall it's going to allow me to take favorable traits so I'm playing versus Karma what do we know about karma karma is a very strong early Lane she's a lame bully she has a lot of damage but her abilities work in a very specific way her abilities cannot go through minion it's impossible so what Karma wants to be doing Karma wants to be looking for cues onto you on the same side as you are so if karma is standing right here what we want to do is we want to stand on the opposite side so we want to stand right here because it cannot go through means it's impossible so if she's standing right here we want to be standing right here we want to mirror her movements in a way that's really hard for her to get these abilities off and what she wants is she wants to be right here on the same side as us making it really easy for her to get these cues off start poking away her HP make it really hard for us to play She also her que also slows so if we get hit by it it's really hard for us to get into range and do something back into her so another thing to know about karma is that her queue can also AOE through minions a lot of people stand beside the Behind These minions think I'm safe for karma it's going to be fine then she cues these minions you get hit by the AOE and most of the times because especially in the higher elos people know how to position against Karma that there need to be on the opposite side so she cannot hit you a lot of times Karma will actually be able to find AOE Q's through the minions because that's what people are disrespecting the most so I'm going to be playing as karma my mindset in this Lane play opportunistically so I know that for karma I will be able to win trades against her if she wastes her Q because then she has no slow anymore then I can get onto her and start looking to trade so initially I'm feeling out the Lane right here I'm seeing okay what is Karma's intention I see that she tries to Q through the minions right here so this first one I get pretty lucky to dodge because I'm barely out of range but now I at least know what she's going to be aiming to do so I I grabbed the creep and right now my mindset is okay if I can bait out another one of those Karma Q's I could actually look slowly CH start chipping away with her at my with my queue so what I'm going to be doing is I'm I'm going to position myself in such a way that it's really it's it's she looks at the position and she wants to queue me even though I'm baiting it out and I'm anticipating it so where am I going to stand just behind these Mains right here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk inside of the wave and then I'm going to walk outside of the wave just inside and outside of her range really trying to bait out her abilities so right now I stand inside of the wave in in in in out baiting your que beautiful switching up my movement patterns right here and I'm ready I'm going to be able to be full health right now go for this beautiful Fleet Q onto the karma and she was not able to retaliate because I baited out her queue so perfect micro right here I know she's now going to be doing the EXA exact same thing so I'm going to be positioning myself just close enough to these Minions that she wants to queue but just far away that I'm going to be able to uh survive the queue so once again she misses another q right here baed it out beautifully and I'm going to be able to uh get all my farm for free without losing any bit of HP look at my positioning again right I'm going to be so close to the minion right here that Karma wants to C but whenever I see any sign of her looking to Kum I'm instantly clicking back and dodging out abilities so this is going to be I'm just close to M I'm standing up boom I see her RQ I instantly Dodge out on all the damage and now able to just Farm up for free without losing a single bit of HP how beautiful is that as a Cali that you're not getting pressured in the early Lane versus a very strong early laner getting myself a 2cs lead from the first two waves already that's that's beautiful it's exactly what you want this is the micro that's going to win you new Lanes so we're going to continue right here playing vers the karma got to be a little bit careful and once again look at my positioning I'm so far up in between the creeps that I want to bait out her abilities but so far in a way that if she tries to queue I try to dodge it in this case she gets me of course it's not foolproof but uh I am going to be trying to bait it out constantly cuz sometimes I'm going to be able to get an an angle right here and I get a beautiful trade onto her which is very good for me because right now D Shield is going to regenerate me while she has no regeneration so these kind of Trades are are just generally amazing for me as aali I'm able to slowly chip away at Karma's HP bar and prevent her to be able to bully me as a strong Lane booty so another reason why this is so important on aali is because on aali you run D Shield Second Wind what does d Shield second wind do it heals us over time D Shield heals us over a period of like 8 to 10 seconds I'm not entirely sure I think it's 10 seconds these Shield he he over a period of 10 seconds so what happens in a lot of people when they're going to be playing a lane is that they just bash their face into the enemy laner and when you're playing a deal Champion you get the max value out of it if you get hit basically once every 10 seconds and a lot of mistakes that I see is that people are just going to be running into the enemy head building abilities every four seconds so we don't even get the MOX value out of our D Shield all the time and they're just dropping lower lower lower lower and they're not sure why they're dropping so low sometimes it's it's really important to bait out abilities Grant your D Shield that time to regenerate you and if you're able to do that then it's going to be really hard for the enemies to manage your um increased health regen all the time it's going to be very hard for them to play the lane because of your insane Health regeneration you're going to be able to beat them all right everyone's favorite part of the guide the matchups so I've categorized the matchups a little bit differently I haven't categorized them in good or bad for karma I've categorized them in a way that it really explains the way that we want to be playing against these Champions so we got the lower tread Mages right here we got the higher tread Mages or laners in the second category we got the easier melee champions in this category and we got very situational Champions um situational Champions are Champs that the better player will just win and I think in the easier mes those matchups are easier for aali but the situational matchups if if if you're the better player you will win these these matchups so we're going to be covering each SE one by one and I'm going to be giving you guys tips and um a way to approach these type of matchups really categorized beautifully for you guys to understand how to approach them what to do what to look for into these matchups going to give you guys plenty of examples so you guys really can visualize it well as well let's take a look at them we're going to be starting off with the first category of matchups which is the low tread Mages so this category of matchups they're the easiest Lane for akali they do not have the damage uh in their kit or the resources to beat akali if akali plays it somewhat well these guys will not be able to kill you in Lane these guys have longer cooldowns than you they struggle matching up against Doran Shield of course we do always like go Doran shield in these match ups ex except for versus Kell maybe um we want to play quite aggressive we really want to be using our Fleet to clo get close towards our enemies trade around our cool so whenever we have W up I want you to go for aggressive W's I want you to e forward aggressively really play around your cool Downs try to heavy trade try to win the sustain battle we got much more sustain if we try to match them in the sustain battle we will win play for small win traits with our Q especially until level three level level four mainly use your Fleet your Fleet into Q into W combos um and then once we reach level four so once we reach two points in our Q that's where we can start eing backwards onto them and go for those e backwards traits um and really start chipping away at the HP bar if we take good trades into these matchups they will suffer we want to be holding our wave a little bit neutral or on our side ideally uh so we can Zone the enemies off and we can force them to walk up aggressively into the lane if aali is onto the long Lane versus these Champions these guys are struggling because then they need to expose themselves and that is going to allow us to take trades into them and um let's take a look at an example a perfect example of a low thread Mage matchup so in this matchup I'm going to be playing against Zera and zerif what we know he has very high cooldowns he has mediocre damage in the early Lane and what do I want to be doing is I want to be upping the lane aggressiv less he has very low sell peel I want to get onto him start trading aggressively with him so I can pressure him in this Lane that's my goal pressure him make sure that my sustain beats his ability to wave clear and skill up so how am I going to do that first of all I am going to want the minion wave to start pushing into me so I can really start taking trades on the extended Lane if the wave gets stuck right here that's perfect for him because he can just Farm up safely under the safety of his Tower so what do I do as I stand inside a minion raave right here baiting out his W so what happens right now he hits the creep the comet hits right here and now it's beautiful cuz now is the wave slow pushing into me and this damage I'm going to regenerate anyway with my D Shield second winner Fleet so beautiful he's got no W right now let's walk at him he needs to CS this creep I'm going to kill him perfect as you can see wave very slowly pushing into me grabbing my fleet right here grabbing the creeps he needs to CS this creep I'm walking up into him autot te Q going for nor autot Tech dodging out on his W really good micro right here and he's already from this B it's over for him level one it's already already over for him so I'm going to be regenerating a lot right here um I I want to look for trade but I had no q small little mistake he didn't punish me it for for it luckily and as you can see the wave is now beautifully coming back into me I'm going to be trying to play up a little bit more aggressively look at my positioning right here he just used his W wav is pushing into me all of these creeps are dropping low he's got no abilities so I can just stand up extremely aggressive right here and make it very hard for him to last hit look at my positioning I get w i Zone him off the creeps right here he does eventually reaches level two I don't want to get hit by this Q just yet so I stand away from it I look for some more qes onto him he respects me right now but Luke he has to give all of these creeps right here uh not as a give but he has to use abilities onto it so this gives me more room to now use abilities onto him I thin out the wave to make sure that it doesn't push too hard into me and I'm going to be pressuring him more and more and more so another Fleet into Q beautiful look at my positioning look at how easy it is for me to Zone him off very aggressive W here again dodging out on his abilities pressuring him off the wave as you can see it's just unplayable for him I E backwards I got traded on a little bit in return but that's completely fine once again very aggressive posturing I don't want to be too aggressive because I need to CS my own Cannon as well of course as you can see he used both W and Q on this on this wave so and he's now o so it's it's it's practically over for him already this Lane is completely over uh I can now focus on my CS right here I E backwards out teack to make sure that he cannot trade back onto me wave is now slow pushing into Zer because I'm trading a little bit too much with him that's quite all right because I can just fix it myself right now because of the amount of wave control I have I hold I I don't I slow push this wave so I can hard push the next wave right here I go for a few more trades into the Zer right now I really want to get the the this wave in right here so I go for this high value Q onto the the creeps to make sure that my wave state eventually gets fixed I get ganged by Bliss crank I keep my w up so with my w I'm not under any kind of threat wave gets in eventually um I move a little bit with my tiia I um uh yeah I just help her with with the sco a little bit with my pressure and now wave is pushing back into me perfect uh I'm still going to be able to still going going to look for these Q trades on deserve because he has no potions anymore so every queue that I land is going to stick onto him right now um and with the wave pushing back into this guy is under a lot of trap he has to take a reset with the amount of reset resources that he's on and with the wave pushing into me he's going to lose a lot of minions eventually if he resets so I thin out the wave to make sure that the wave doesn't push into me too hard so because I want to keep this wave state without the wave crashing under my tower to really press him so I use my w aggressively right here once again Dodge out onto his e get this beautiful beautiful trade and he's he's basically forced to reset right now and he's going to lose one creep right here here he's going to lose two creeps three creeps four creeps and now I shove because now I actually want to reset myself to match his Tempo so I can initially start pressuring him again so I get these waves in I don't mind the damage that I take right now it's not not it doesn't matter at all I reset get my perfect Buy on Hex alternator plus refillable potion perfect Tempo back in Lane right now at TP 530 time for time for grips or Dragon whatever it is and and um I can now initially speed up the the lane with him again look for aggressive trades e backwards into Q pressure him off right here make it really hard for him to play and he's forced to use all of his abilities onto uh onto the onto the wave and such really draining his Mana theia has now taking grips for free and 15 CS up lanes over very good example right here let me know in the comments if you guys have any questions we're going to move on to the second category of matchups which is the higher threat matches and if you haven't seen the previous category of matchups I recommend you check that one out because this one builds upon the previous one so how do we categorize these type of Champions these are burst oriented Mages with either self peel abilities that are annoying for us to deal with very good example is t uh twist fed gold card we got F W uh wey EQ lot of self peel in here that makes it really hard for us to consistently get trades going onto the enemies or these Champions have more trading power so for example Annie lot of trading power aan not really a mage but definitely plays a little bit in in in in that aspect they got just much more trading power and we got to be much more careful in the way that we approach our trades and a little bit more respectful as well we cannot just go onto uh keep the wave on the side then move up onto the enemies and win trades no we got to be a bit more thoughtful we got to trade more opportunistically so good trades will allow us to win these matchups but we got to be very clear about when can we start taking good trades so we want to be baiting out enemy spells we want to be giving some CS we want to make sure that we pre preserve our HP so we can actually um trade into these enemies we also want to understand how to use e in these matchups so for example good examples are um LeBlanc Karma these are all matchups that we cannot really e forward into very another good example is Nico we cannot really e forward into these Champs because they just messes up we need to um e reactively towards these Champs otherwise we're going to get destroyed in our trades if we try to face tank these guys most times we will lose so it's really simple we're going to be taking good trades into these matchups we're going to be winning we're going to be taking bad traits into these matchups we're usually going to be losing uh against a few of these matchups Merks are a very good option for example leblan cindra Nico LeAndre these are all Champions that really mer is extremely good into because it prevents their CC and allows for us to have more mobility in fights and in the lane but it's not necessary it's preference if you like it feel free to do it if you don't like it then don't do it let's take a look at a few examples we got a few good examples but also a bad one all right so first example is going to be Oriana so the reason why Oriana is a little bit more of a higher threat match up basic her trading tools are just much stronger in the early game she got pretty short cooldowns her Auto attacks hurt if you um take too many of them so you want to be quite careful in your approach versus this Champion so in this Lane I'm still looking to trade opportunistically into her and I'm going to be trying to dodge out onto her abilities and try to stay as healthy as possible so in this case we trade pretty heavily and in my opinion this is worth for me because I'm going to be regenerating a lot of HP she has no Health regenerator kid so I'm very happy with these trads but I do got to be a little bit careful that I don't take too much damage so I cannot really disrespect it right right here I got to allow her to push myself in take a little bit of distance from her try to bait out some of my movements so it's hard for her to land her que onto me and I get to give a little bit of Cs I got to give that creep because if I move up right there I'm going to be taking a lot of a lot of damage and I just want to be preserving my HP mainly so I got to be really Keen okay she uses her Q right now I can now uh contest my creeps right here without really dying uh I have to sometimes use my w defensively under the turet right here as you can see and um trying to get as many creeps as possible while staying as healthy as possible it's not easy but I think we did an okay job in this early Lane right now we can start to really with with this LIF be a little bit more aggressive in our approach especially now she used her Q maybe I can look to find some uh trading Windows onto this Oriana she used the que right here in the lane means that I'm now able to walk up she now is Q again so I got to be a little bit more careful but I got my w Dodge out on spells I got a pretty solid trade and this is pretty good for me because it's going to be really hard for her to uh like get me extremely low and she's now also under a little bit of pressure here from the individual Lane very good Q E qw by her I could have dodged out onto this you can see already a massive difference in between this uh Vault right here and and the previous one um as you can see I'm I'm dropping extremely low I got to play it extremely well around my fleet healing and a little bit of an outplay here onto the Oriana eventually killing her but this this was a massive difference with the last fall already like the Zera wasn't able to like get any damage off onto me and this Oriana actually did a okay job trying to get me low she took a few bad trades she took a tower shot which eventually uh led to her dying but you can see this match up is we got to be paying more respect in these matchups so I get the wave in I reset back and now we get to this level four uh Mark where we can really start eing backwards especially when Oriana Q's the wave right here e out of Q out of take q and really chipping away at this guy's HP bar really good stuff for me uh we got a nice little Skirmish right here going on H and because I'm a little bit stronger than Oriana right now I'm uh pretty happy taking this one we do a pretty neat trick with our e not losing any means in the process right here and we you're going to be trying to use uh trade onto this Oriana whenever I see a window baiting out a que like this and then we can W aggressively right here qw sadly missed that one sometimes you make a misclick but overall Lane state is a pretty good spot right here and I want to get priority right now cuz my Kix is um is looking to contest the grips in forward uh getting a little bit of damage off onto the Oriana in backward to make sure that she cannot really trade extensively into me not the not the best W um but right now of priority for the grips we get the grips pretty good stuff right here and it would be nice if I let the wave come into me right now so I can possibly find an R window onto this Oriana um I get the yumu coming in here get Oriana's flesh in a great position I can hold the wave right here Den a lot of creeps in the meantime very I can posture up very aggressively and eventually we get um we get a nice little Skirmish here where we kill the Oriana sh had no flesh pretty good example Lane is much more threatening but if we trade well around our cooldowns if we respect her a little bit here and there get the matchups are still in a very decent spot for us as aali so in the second example I'm going to be playing against Karma we already covered a little bit of this vault in um the importance of micro section of this guide so we're going to be skimming over the ear L I'm not going to repeat that because I suppose everyone watch that if you haven't I really recommend checking that out so what we see right here playing versus Karma I want to be dodging out on her a lot of her spells so I want to be baiting out her abilities so I stand just close enough to the minions to bait her abilities out but just far enough to make sure that she actually misses them and I can actually stay healthy So ba out a lot of her good abilities slowly start chipping away the h P bar and this is a match up I actually have to use e a little bit more carefully in because if I Mis misuse my e in this match up she actually gets a lot of trading Windows onto me um with her W and her W reveals me in my shroud so I got to be very careful so I do a really good job of staying healthy at dodging out on her poke and I'm extremely happy with the way that this Lane is currently going looking to get the Cs in her Tower right here trying to do my best 10 CS karmas 8 I'm in a really good spot right now I want to start looking to take a little bit more favorable trades right here so that's exactly what I'm going to be doing I got my e right now um which I can then use reactively onto the karma but I can also use the E forward out Tech q and then go back this trade's completely fine for me I'm going to be regenerating HP she is not um and she has no R right now got to be a little bit careful and she takes a pretty good trade here with her W and with her q and I'm just going to be because she has no WQ right now I can walk up maybe and look for a q I think I'm a little bit too passive right here can definitely up the aggression slightly but I got to be careful of Kindred of course I do have priority right now but the wave cannot get stuck on this side so I get this wave in to prevent karma from holding it she it does try to hold it with her q and I get poked out with her empowered q but now the wave is at least pushing back into me so we get a nice little Skirmish right here which is not super ideal for me I do not really want a skirmish like this I'm very weak karma is very strong so I have to call this off I have to dodge out on the Skirmish and I have to say to my lein um I do not really want to Skirmish here and as you can see Karma right now looks to trade onto me I can now retaliate onto her with um with my ability she has no W so I can now take this e this would not have been uh possible if she had W up I then get ganked by the Kat i l have W I'm able to survive this gank as you can see little bit more tread into this Lane it's really important that I make sure that I keep taking favorable trades and um I got to be a little bit more careful with just in general the positioning that I have in the lane but overall still very winnable match up as you can see I'm in a super good spot right now and especially with the wave State uh the way it is with this wave state right here she is screwed because the wave is pushing into me we're soon to be reaching level six if I can hold it right here um she's going to be under thread cuz on the long Lane with me level six she's basically dead so we see a little Skirmish going on here in the top side jungle I want to prevent her from moving there and she kind of struggles doing that with the wave so I try to keep her right here she goes to look for w onto me IQ e and that's really good for M for me because that's a a pretty decent small win trade right now really want to be chipping away their HP bar slowly thinning out this wave ever so slightly as well she used the Q maybe I can look for a trading window right here yep Q into e and then nice reactive uh e usage this is the perfect example of reactive e usage I use my e to get out of her T right here and then I can actually respond with the second part of my e right here beautiful stuff and forcing the bar to help the the karma sh right here I even hold the wave I reset beautiful reset on my alternator and from this point karma is in a really rough spot because I'm going to reach level six we have this beautiful uh Beautiful Lane state right now uh where she's under a lot of threat and I can just take uh look to step up aggressively and look to take trades I bait out her queue gagas comes to gank beautiful from the gragas and this basically guarantees the kill onto karma karma has no DP her Lane is over right here so decent Lane few mistakes few very good points especially in in the early part of the lane as you could see this match up was a little bit more threatening had to use e reactively to really get good success in this matchup and eventually we're now in a really great spot to actually um continue the laning phase from here okay so this is a little bit of an example where I I missed the ball I my micro is not good in this game and I actually get punished for it in this matchup so this is a matchup that is uh it's pretty playable for akali it's it's pretty good for akali if you manage to stay healthy and I think that's where I dropped the ball I think I'm a little bit too greedy with my positioning I don't respect the way enough that's eventually what's uh losing me this match up so against we what do we know we is a champion that wants to mainly be looking to get QQ uh QQ trades onto you so where he he shoots the fireball very similar to match as karma actually because we also wants to be standing right here on the same side of you as the lane and wants to be going for those QQ poking you down and really making it hard for you to um to to grab the Cs but this guy actually does something very smart and he actually started with e beautiful e e and he's really going to look to contest me on every creep right here I sadly missed that one um and he's going to be able to slowly chip away at my HP bar and going to make it really hard for me to Lane so as you can see another E from him very good ability usage and um yeah the Poke is slowly starting to stick um I'm looking to get a que onto him but he doesn't let me he has some pretty decent spacing right here he gets to level two I have think to give a lot of creeps right here which is really unfortunate because I would love to get these creeps but he he zones me off pretty pretty decently with his level Advantage he gets two-wave crash and if I play it well right here under the tower I can actually get all of the Creeps thankfully he has no Q so I'm in um I'm an all right position here I only managed to get six out of 12 creeps it's not ideal I'm a little bit behind and you can see this guy's positioning himself really aggressively CU he knows I have no W and he get this massive trade onto me this is clearcut way trade good play by him um taking a lot of of my HP bar and it's really hard for me to get any return trades into him because I'm constantly using my Q to farm I constantly have low energy um my cooldown is not available so it's really hard for me to trade back into this guy and that's mainly because my micro is not good enough I am not baiting out his abilities properly I'm not uh taking my own opportunities I missed the cannon right here here I do get a que onto him but I do miss miss the cannon sadly and as you can see I have to be using my abilities a lot defensively rather than offensively I would much rather like to use these abilities offensively and he's now constantly able to stack these waves into me and able to basically pressure me under the tower right here he has another beautiful trade gets a lot of damage onto me I think right here I should actually be a little bit more aggressive I am a little bit more aggressive but I slightly mess up the placement of my w e backwards is really good but I should actually W more here instead of backwards so my mouse cursor was not in the right position right now which hurts me cuz in instead of me being able to Q out of that Q I'm only able to get a Q and that's not the the best trade for me he gets another beautiful Q onto me right here into e into passive you really see that I'm also taking a lot of out text to the face I'm not respecting this guy enough and it's really starting to hurt my HP bar and right now a skirmish actually breaks out here on the bottom side which is not ideal for me cuz I'm really weak in these type of skirmishes way he gets a beautiful Way's playing it like almost perfect and this fight is there for um completely lost right here in a way that um we gets a kill the brown and um we gets a kill on kaisa so wey now has two kills I didn't play the lane properly I did not put enough pressure on the way I was not able to stay healthy enough so my skirmishing um is not good and this this is basically a lost lane from this point way actually gets extremely strong right here um so much that he's actually able to just completely annihilate me from from from this point in the game I think he lets a beautiful ult onto me and yeah it is my position in Lane I I have to blow my old he gets a very good um good fear onto me as well and this is just not a position that that you want to be in complete disaster well played to him and to step my gam up the next category of matchups are going to be the easier melee matchups so what do these matchups have in common their trading patterns are pretty straightforward so Diana wants to dive deep into you yon is dashing into you aelia is dashing into you Talon Echo they're all dashing into you it's really obvious of how they're going to be trading and that makes it really easy for us to use our W and are e in a right way that we can actually win these trades so in these matchups taking good trades is extremely extremely important if we take good trades we'll be able to win the lane and the way we do that is we play around our cooldowns keep in mind our energy is quite low in the early game um our W and our e cool Downs are quite long so make sure that you actually trade around those and you really want to get into the details with every matchup of how the trading patterns play out favorably um each matchup has slightly different trading patterns for example yaso is a different one than aelia as a little bit different one than aali and I really want you to go look up vaults of the specific matchups or try one V ones to really figure out how these trading patterns interact because if you're able to do that that's when you're going to be able to win these matchups most important thing don't waste your queue queue it queue only when the enemies are trying to CS so when the enemies are stepping up and uh guaranteed standing still to outo attack that's when we Quee that's when we punish them all these Champs are melee they have to walk up usually quite far up into the lane we can punish them on it we want to be thinking about how to use our W and into these matchups some of them require reactive W and E usage some of them we can actually do a little bit little bit more proactive and ideally in these matchups we want to be slow building waves so slow build waves slow push in the early Lane so we can actually pressure them with a level two advantage and then um harass the enemies onto creeps that's the ideal way to play it it's not always going to play out some some Champions have higher wave clear than you in the early game they can force pushes that's also completely fine we just let it crash we slow build slow build slow build that's the way we play against these type of Champions so these matchups are extremely snowball if we mess up we're screwed um in general that that's the trend be between these Champions that's why it's so important to get specific get granular of how each of these Champions trade and how your kid interact with it your best friends are going to be High ELO aali FS we're going to be taking a look at a few examples right here we're going to be starting off with an example of Faker playing akali into Katarina and I think Faker does an absolutely Splendid job in this game really showcasing how aali wants to be playing these type of matchups so what he does is he outo Texs the the C cre right here to get the wave push Faker wants to get the wave push and look at how aggressive he's position he wants to be contesting this cut Arena onto Cs and he wants to mainly be focusing on hitting his own CS as much as possible so he's stepping up very aggressively making it hard for Katarina to um to actually get her creeps and play the game right here that's all he has to do he doesn't necessarily have to force traes just make sure that he pressures her off the Cs uh because has a little bit AFK right here gets a nice queue onto her and we're slowly going to be chipping away at their HP bar we're now slow building this wave so this is beautiful because a lot of these uh blue minions are dying while Katarina cannot last hit them because of how aggressive Faker is positioning right here and uh we're doing our we're using our W nice and aggressive right here Katarina is a match up that if we take good trades if we have a decent wave State uh she is actually able she is not actually able to to to all in Us in on the long Lane um especially pre6 post six changes a little bit but um what we see right here is I love this aggressive posturing from Faker trying to contest Kina on the this creep right here slow building waves and um another beautiful que sadly take a tower shot see if we can try to get the wave in the wave does not fully crash we can already see that f is accumulating an insane CS difference right here just by slow building and pressure Karina of csing of course there's a little bit of look involved as well this Katarina cannot really play and some of the minons die at very unfortunate timing for example this Canon she she must be fuming from this one and uh one thing to keep in mind when this match up is Katarina can jump behind you so always make sure that you don't rush your cues uh but always use it at the right time we get a few very decent trades in sadly taking a lot of tower damage um but right here really contesting Katarina onto this creep right here making it hard for her to get the Cs and I think he hit every every creep Faker hit every creep so once again we're just GNA be slow building into the Katarina right here um and K now actually gets a little bit frustrated we go for nice Q out of the Q very nice e at the back end as well just for a little bit more chip and uh wave's now actually slow building into this because this guy has taken so many bad tra this got the Katarina she has no potions anymore as well that we can just um hold the wave on her side and pressure of it so we we have a interesting little Skirmish going on around here um this is very tricky usually for for akali but he actually plays Faker plays it perfect and he's very far ahead in in Lane so he's actually able to do it uh if Katarina would be much stronger this would be a little bit more risky but he gets um three assists right here shs the wave resets gets back with alternator beautiful beautiful base and right now we're just going to be looking to pressure Katrina again and again again on onto CS making sure that waves are slow building constantly either into us or into her and uh in this case he's holding it because he's taking so many good trades he's constantly eing backwards as well right now just to keep up the pressure versus this Katarina and yeah she's she's screwed right now it's it's over Lane is completely over we got a 25 CS lead very beautiful stuff now let's take a look at an example where I play the same match up and I actually mess up all right so same match up different players um this was the first time that I played for for Katarina and actually had no clue how to approach the matchup so you're going to see how I get exposed in this one so I I did not actively think about how Katarina wants to be trading into a Cali and as you can see I'm looking for this aggressive q but she dashes behind me and she Dodges my que and therefore gets a really good trade into me because she has conquer as well so really good trade by the Katarina and I really got to understand of how does this trading pattern work so I should waited for the first creeps to drop rather play the slow push and then contest her onto the creeps and see if she started Q or E first because if she starts e first I need to hold my queue and I cannot use it aggressively so um yeah I took a pretty trade for Scutter right here and once again I Look to queue aggressively she Dodges it again and she gets another beautiful e out Tech trade onto me so she's taking really good trades in this Lane this scina and she's really really pressuring me on my own mistakes because I do not have the experience to to actually play against there so I she reaches level two and uh she actually goes onto me keeps her conquer stacked and aot te resets her and she just played it perfectly and this is really the difference between understanding how to play matchups understanding how trading patterns work and not understanding because this was my first C game versus Katarina and I got completely annihilated in um in in in this game right here which is good because you learn from these type of games so this example I'm going to be playing against aelia and arelia is quite interesting in the in the aspect that she actually has a little bit more Wave Control early than me and uh I need to use my w a a little bit more reactively or my e reactively to her e the only thing that I cannot have her do is I cannot allow her to take extended trades into me if I am able to prevent that then I'm in a pretty good position so I want to just take short trades um use my constantly play around my w cool down and that's when I'll win so initially I want toest these creeps right her I don't really want her to queue onto me right now cuz then she's actually able to take a little bit more of an extended trade even though I do have bone plating so I trade out teack for Q it's completely uh completely fine for me and she's going to be allowed to actually slow push the wave into me so beautiful Q contesting her onto this creep right here very good very decent amount of damage just in general and I am going to have to SA the push because she has a little bit more wave clear than me and um I think in hindsight I may be able to contest a little bit more in the early game but I have to test that out uh I'm I'm not entirely sure if you look at the really highest levels of play in in KR Challenger how they do it and in this position right here I also reached the level two and you can see that this trade is really hard for ARA to navigate I use my w move speed to get out of e i sadly miss my second q but that's completely fine because this trade is is still very much okay for me wad is in a beautiful spot right now for me in the fact that uh it's really hard for her to get it in she needs to use a lot of resources for that she does so she takes temper reset and then I also shove that wave reset myself come back and Lane stays completely equal right now so with this push in wave I I want to be contesting her onto the creeps right now and I'm really safe up here because I can always W reactively so it's really hard for her to trade into me um in a proactive manner because I can just always always react with my own abilities that's why aali is actually one of the best Champions into arelia because it's so hard for arelia to um to trade so I a roam up top I don't get much do get the cannon lanee still quite equal I want to be slow building back this out into arelia want to try to to to crash this wave to make sure that my wave is not in too awkward of a position just mainly to um look looking to cue aelia when she gets too close to me and whenever she is always just W reactively because she can never continue with her own spells right here pretty good uh queue right here onto the creeps getting some favorable trades off and eventually were're able to get grips with my priority going to be able to reach level six real soon as well and because of all these traits and me playing around my w I'm actually in a pretty decent spot so unfortunately I get ganked by the ra but it's still completely fine because I got lot of very good trades onto the arelia so I'm just in a very decent position right now in the lane very very very decent so we got another example of a matchup right here and it really showcased the importance of proper spacing if we are very good at spacing we're going to be able to annihilate these type of melee matchups because range and understanding spacing is everything in these lanes because if we can get damage off onto them without them being able to get damage sh to us we're in a really good position so I'm playing as fgo his Q range is a little bit longer than my Q range but my C is a little bit more damage and he really wants to outo attack me if he is able to outo attack me that's when he can really deal damage cuz his passive Q Plus out attack deals a lot of damage that's something I want to avoid so I'm going to be looking to contest this guy on the creeps right here very beautiful high value q and um I want to make sure that I always stay outside of his out Tech range here so very nice Dodge onto his Q here as well making my D Shield to the work very nice Q onto uh his out of onto his out attack on the creep and I'm really baiting him in here dodging him out spacing him out canceling his out attack by proper spacing and I'm starting to take really really really good trades very good que here on the back end as well and I'm just taking amazing traes into vle I'm in I'm in a really good spot yes he's pushing the wave into me but that's quite all right so I'm catching the wave on the tower he actually goes for Bol Roam and gets a kill little bit unfortunate but it but it is what it is so I go come back into Lane he now has two long SWS can I still beat him we'll have to see I'm a little bit up in XP Dodge out onto his W and I want to be holding my que here hold my Q hold my Q hold my q and then hit him when he's csing always hold your q and hit him when he's csing otherwise it's really easy for him to get free CS so I Dodge out reactively onto his W really good trade out teack q w another good out teack q and even though he has two items up I'm still murdering him in these trades CU I am a level up and I'm taking better trades than this guy um so I want to be contesting on onto the next creeps again very good que right here beautiful e backwards waiting for his W to run out then continuing with another E on to him as you can see I'm just taking incredibly good trades versus this guy incredibly incredibly good trades uh pressuring him very aggressive W and um if I actually e backward right here I can put him in a Checkmate position but it wasn't really crossing my mind at this point in my journey it was a little bit of one of the earlier aali games that I played I was not aware of the possibility of just eating backwards for some reason uh but that's quite all right I almost kill him right here I canceled out attack because of his Shrout really really really unfortunate but it is what it is pretty good play um pretty good attempt and my Lane is still in a really really really good position regardless uh because of me forcing him on a pretty bad reset here have a nice amount of experience lead and of course the mental Edge cuz I'm beating him in a one V one in this example I'm going to be laning versus Silas and Silas is a very interesting match up it used to be like one of the ogene matchups from Worlds Silas versus aali this is how zeka got uh got famous by by by this matchup and this matchup is actually very volatile and very interesting in a way as well because the better player will for sure win but akali is a slight Edge in the early game what you want to do is you want to slow build waves into silus and then punish him onto his last hits with our Q that's the main thing that we're going to be trying to do make sure that you avoid uh silus e2s and if you have better spacing better tattering you will actually be able to win these matchups right here so try to get the level two first then look for these trades with um Q out of that Q in this case he massively disrespects me and take a beautiful trade right here onto um onto the back end that really really makes his position much much harder so he gets a gank from um from from the Sho um thankfully of bone plating in this case there's also different setups that you that you can run there's not really one cookie cutter setup it's really what do you prefer thankfully I've got thebr R ganking me right here get a beautiful gank off and this position I'm I'm really happy I really want to reset on Oblivion or because if I have obil or that's when my trades into silers are going to be really good because if I can prevent him from healing I can basically get more favorable trades going so in this match up make sure that you um always e whenever he tries to get onto you so if he tries to get on to you make sure that you e you can then always look to E2 afterwards if you're in a good position you don't have to and one thing that I've learned is that in this matchup um if you if you ild first you give the order um if you ild first it's us in your advantage because you get the R2 first then and the R2 is usually going to be the one that's going to be killing the other or is going to uh allow you to escape but if you want to escape then you got to be very careful with Ting first because the enemy can then just follow with the ult uh so really understand okay what's your goal with your ult your ult is is is is very strong on silus because it gives him a lot of Mobility as well got to be very careful that so you basically want to reset on uh Oblivion orb and then the trades are going to be very much in our favor because we can deny a lot of his healing may not be the best item for aali if we want to build it out but the trades are going to be in our favor and if we can win this Lane can win the trades of them then eventually what we're going to be seeing right here if we can take like one or two of these favorable trades which you will be seeing right now Lane state is going to be completely in our control and we can just walk away with the lane so beautiful trade right here punishing the silus of of one of his mistakes and now he's constantly under kill tread right now he's just in a very very very rough spot uh and this can then translate into other skirmishes on the map because the identities of aali and Silas are very similar in a way that they both really like the Skirmish with their ult all right we're going to be covering the final category of matchups right here which is situational matchups so why are these matchups situational they're situational because it really just depends on the skill of the player if you are the better player in the matchup you will win if you are the worst player you will get destroyed each match up is also really different in its approach Gallo is theoretically one of the hardest counters towards aali because of his W because of his trading ability in the lane but aali can definitely win if she understands trading patterns uh skirmishes 2v2 are really hard cin akali should theoretically win pre6 post six she can also do a few things here and there but a good C will know how to minimize and will know how to beat an aali same with Z Good zets Will minimize silus good silus players will understand how to trade into aali it's it's just very specific and if you haven't watched the previous matchup slide with the where we talk about the easier melee matchups I recommend you watch that because we're building upon the stuff that we talk about in the previous slide um the you the better player usually wins they play out very similarly to the previous matchup so all the details are going to be described in those um in in in that slide and we're going to be taking a look at a few examples right here of these matchups all right so first example is going to be into Gallo Gallo is pretty hard match for a G because of the fact that your 2v2 skirmishes are extremely extremely uh disadvantageous because of the fact that Gallo taunt can spot you in your shroud so another thing with Gallo Gallo runs After Shock and if he gets a cc either his e or his W off onto you he gets really tanky and it's really hard for us to beat him through his tankiness plus he's got a MAG Magic Shield which makes it really hard for us to poke him as well so it's a lot of and he has insane Wave Control so there's a lot that makes it really hard to play this match up so I'm a big fan of taking conquer in this matchup and actually playing more reactive into him uh we had a unfortunate invade in the early game we got clapped two people died uh I died includ I I lost one melee creep as well so I'm a little bit in the on the back foot of this Lane and I'm going to try to uh play very opportunistically and not really Force anything so this guy already reaches level two I just want to make sure that I Dodge out on his cues he a g is a champion that automatically pushes um I want to be making sure that I do not really take any really bad trades and I might be able to slowly chip away this his HP bar in the ear Lane in the ear Lane the lane is not too bad actually for aali it's not too good but it's not too bad as well if you know how to play it and I'm just going to be trying to keep my farm High and um yeah just slowly chip away this HP bar I got still I got D Shield Second Wind so I'm able to sometimes take a little bit of a trade into him and it's okay if he lands a little bit of a que onto me ideally he does not but it is okay if it does so we're going to be dodging out mainly on the Spells looking to queue him onto his last hits and as you can see it's it's really hard for me to um uh do anything into him and this was a really beautiful trade this is a perfect example of how to trade given this matchup a q i Dodge out on this E I make sure that I E reactively so he cannot W me and after his e and w is gone that's when I can E2 in that's basically the only time that you can E2 in otherwise e toing in will always be counted by his W or by his e which is really easy for him to land so going to continue a little bit with um just just looking for these high value Q's always keep your e reactively right here I'm always looking to do this I cannot uh E2 in right here because he'll then just taunt me and murder me in the trade regardless so I just e reactively and make sure that I stay healthy right here nice low q and nice um I think do I dodge his his is queers sadly not was a good attempt tried to dodge it by moving forward and yeah we're just a little bit on the back foot here it's it's it's not really ideal um and the the biggest reason why this match up is so rough is because of the fact that he can constantly force skirmishes right here and Graves is constantly is looking right now to invade Vigo and I told him at the beginning of the game we cannot do this Gallo is so much stronger Gallo vgo is not matchable for us and he's still constantly looking to invade we get ourselves end up in this position um which is not really ideal they decide to fight and um yeah I I actually think that we get uh that that we get quite lucky given this this Skirmish right here really really lucky that Gallo was not able to actually help them so extremely lucky that we get into the Skirmish but if we're going to be continuing a little bit more right here um I still am not going to be super favored in the lane Gallo is still going to be a little bit stronger than me and um it's practically impossible for me to go for these Skirmish as well cuz Gallo is just going to ult in it's going to completely deny me right there and it makes it really hard for me to play so in the end right if we're going to really continue a little bit longer um this match up is going to be uh quite all right in the One V one uh if you know how to trade if you don't know how to trade you're definitely going to struggle and um the main thing that makes this so hard is that he just denies your ability to Skirmish properly as um as akali that's the main reason why this matchup is a little bit tricky but the most important thing is you need to know your trading patterns next example is going to be Z right here and Z is pretty interesting because he's actually not that strong in the early Lane and Z is very similar to the approaches for example uh Karina as we saw in the easier melees uh matchups but this guy plays a little bit more like a control mat so he's not really going to be trading all that heavily so it's really important that we avoid his qes try to slow build into Z that's really important if we can try to slow build because that's when we can get a small Min lead that's mainly what we're playing for into this match up because this guy is just going to be sitting back and going to be dodging out on a lot of my damage that's basically how zets play right here uh which is good because Z's early trading is not that strong RS is much stronger so we stand up aggressively look to get some trades into this guy if he disrespects we go for a q of course uh we're mainly playing for CS in this Lane uh because that's when we can get the biggest advantages feel free to always just W forward or E forward and try to keep slow building into z um because z uh we could theoretically contest him under Tower since he's still a melee Champion um as you can see constantly slow building he's really making it hard for me to actually get trades in onto him and mainly whenever he uses his WQ combo like this that's when we might be able to find Windows where we can maybe e backwards get onto him but it's mainly just going to be very slow very Farm oriented and uh if we get trading opportunities we shouldn't need take them but these are these aren't always is going to happen um in in this matchup it's uh it's mainly that if we can get find the trading windows it's rather good he get some help from the zillian right here to get the wave in it's really unfortunate for me but them sharing XP is still completely fine for me and once we're level six make sure that with all of your dashes that you do not get hit by his Q Q's whenever he ults you because that's where the main damage from Z comes from we got a small CS lead right now we can definitely look to um to to to to keep continuously taking these traits into him especially whenever we're not really going for an Allin and he he does not have ult that's when we should be fine just looking for these C Poes but this is a little bit more of an um uh of example where he actually if the Z is really good and he's able to hit constantly those W Q's onto you you will lose but if the Z is bad and you're much better and you'll be able to actually get these Q's onto him then you will win so we're going to be talking about the later part of the lane this is mainly when we're going to be level six plus and when we have our first components that's really when the later part of the lane starts because our old actually gives us so much more room in the game to play we have much more kill thread to the enemy laner and we can suddenly start skirmishing extremely effectively aali with ult is one of the best skirmishers in the game because of how mobile she is because of the kill threat that she has because of her uh all of her Tools in her kit are just made to Skirmish so that's what we're going to be trying to do the way that we're going to be forcing this is by establishing control over the lane we do this by of course understanding trading patterns we can refer back towards the matchup slides um in this slide and we want to put the enemies under threat because when we have the enemies under threat right we can actually take control of the wave and we can start moving towards fights make sure to understand which trading patterns we need to use this is where matchup understanding really comes to play and then we want to actively look for skirmishes with how does this mean what what do we mean with this this this means that if a grips fight's coming up make sure you have IL for that we want to fight we want to call for the plays with our IL constantly play around the timer of our IL if we have ult up we can do stuff if our 's down don't do stuff chill and only play when we have our ult up we can also look to to Rome if we see opportunities into the S Side Lane we're a very snowball oriented Champion if we get going there's no stopping us and finally once we reach a certain wave clear break point we can start shoving waves sometimes it's as early as level six of level five after our first reset sometimes it only happens at level seven when we get a four points in que um and we can two short waves really start um taking priority at that point in the game because we really want to be the first one to move to fights and play but of course always keep it in mind we cannot start autopilot pushing it's very dependent on what the game asks from us and one major thing that I really want to stress right here is don't fight without your old your super liant you really want to play with your old and if you do not have old feel free to call play plays off because we want our old is our everything in these skirmishes so in this first example I'm going to be playing vers zerif and this is a very decent Lane for me I already destroyed him in the early part of the lane and right now I want to be making sure that I actually play quite opportunistically uh I've got my ult up I got my first alternator I'm really strong I want to look for opportunities in the game theia is currently on grips and and I'm just going to be taking good trades into zerof to really pressure him going to be eing backwards right here as you can see very hard for him to trade into me beautiful e was really chipping away as his HP bar and Zer is basically a norm Factor at this point in the game yes he has a little bit of priority right now but that's quite all right because I got still full Lane control due to the fact that I took these good trades I see a skirmish happening on both and because I have so much Lane control I can just go there because sarif cannot really do much against me so I move towards Bolt I'm I'm pinging I'm watching really good camera Penning right here we really need to take a look at what exactly is happening see opportunity on the Nyla flash uh flashh R kill the blit uh yeah kill the blitz crank as well get the kill into the nly and we're Rock and running from this point it's it's unbelievable what this does to our champion right now and this was all possible because I took very good trades into Zera I spot an opportunity by looking properly on my map and looking properly on the B and that actually granted me a triple kill basically and this puts the enemy team which was first winning bolt now in a really tough position cuz now my B Lane has a lot of Firepower to get back into these guys so I grab my dark seal grabb my boots very beautiful reset very exactly the same story right now I want a sh wave play with my r i see something happening um on top plays over I've got old right now play onto the dragon so I'm extremely extremely strong does that mean I want to dive head first here into this fight no not necessarily I want to be quite opportunistic so I see blit crank going in on me I'm hyper fet so I see a beautiful opportunity right now onto the blit crank killing him nil is busy with the dragon so it's really hard for the nilly to basically join us because the enemy team is very disjointed as this play so I get another beautiful double kill I see that Senna is also killing the Nyla on the B and uh because the Nyla takes the wrong wrong way I get another kill onto the Nyla right here really snowballing me into the middle of late game and from this point game is over as a it's completely over for the enemy team only thing I have to do right now is just get this reset off right here beautiful reset we got R again real soon grips are up so I want to move up top look for some more skirmishes right here and game just explodes from this point all right second example right here I just uh reset I got my alternator I'm coming back with my TP My Le ping for grip so perfect reset and I'm almost level six right here so I want to be fighting I got a little assist and I see that rumble's disrespecting me so instantly already with my level six I can just all in him kill him because I've got a lot of TR kill trle to him since he disrespected me and he didn't respect me reaching my level six right here so I kill the rimble guarantees the grips I reset and what I want to do right now is my le is quite strong if you look on T right here um is really straightforward I just want to be playing towards the side of where my Leon is playing and I want to be playing with my R and if I play together with Lon two very strong skirmishes at that point in the game which are also ahead we basically cannot lose the game so I'm just going to be chilling in lane looking to take some good trades into the into the rimble as you can see rimble is not a weak Champion uh he actually has very similar items to me he's not a weak Champion um in this point in the game so I I do get uh contested in some of these trades right here that's completely fine um but all we have to do right here is just complement our jungler right now so because of the good trades I'm actually able to still take l control move down a little bit hover leas on the dragon guarantees us a Drake and I'm uh I'm trying to take a little bit more aggressive trades into the rumble right here as you can see Rumble actually does a pretty good job um trading back into me because the champ is quite strong at this point in the game My Jung is now top side I got old so what do I want to be doing is I want to be making sure that I can play together with the Le I'm taking a few rough trades here already shows mid because it seems like Kix is invading our bolt side right here but I'm still together with the Lis and me and L are still an extremely strong Duo so um kix's invading right the and want to be helping the Le him with this play um beautiful kick from the lein get a kill onto the cassic and even though we're slightly outnumbered at this point in the game we're still able to win this Skirmish and um and just demolish them because we're so strong that's That's How Strong we are at this point in the game um from this point game is pretty smooth failing we just want to be hovering with our jungle on top side we don't have R right now so we don't want to Skirmish just yet right now I have R so I want to shove uh in this case Rumble goes for B play my leing is top so I do not want to hard force and compensate on Bol I just let Bol be for what it is I get a lot of plates on Mid get an insane amount of gold grab my first item Spike and now we're going to be fighting the the dragon right here together with my lein I get surprised by the rimble I get a little bit greedy on my ability usage which eventually uh I do kill the rimble but I do get killed as well but because we're just so much stronger than enemies right now get a beautiful Sona ult kill the Jana as well and again from this point is just a rep in the early game there's going to be a ton of situations where we are going to be forced to Skirmish and what we really need to understand about early game skirmishing is that it's slightly different than mid to late game skirmishing in the early game skirmishing is a little bit slower on aali and that means that we have more room to play around our passive procs and that we have more time to get out the maximum DPS rather than really assassinating someone which happens a little bit more frequently in the mid to late game so early game skirm on aali are mainly ideally taken with il because that's when we are extremely strong um and we are extremely old Reliant in the skirmishes so before that be very rary with the way that you approach that but for early game skirmishing there's a few tips that I'm going to give you right now if you want to really dive into the actual depths of skirmishing there's going to be a little bit later into the guide where we're going to be covering that and I would definitely recommend checking that part out as well because that's where we cover all the big stuff all the must stuff so what we want to be doing is in these early game skirmishes ability usage and micro is really really important the most important thing is that we actually land our stuff and a little tip that I can give you is that you want to be lining enemies up so what do I mean with lining enemies up well we have very limited amount of abilities right now uh at this point of the game so we want to be making the best use of them we want to AOE them our Q is AOE what we can do right here is we can hit both the silus and the shakle with our Q that's a lot of damage that we can we can just d double our damage is beautiful as well as really play around their passive proxity so I get engaged upon by shako uh and by Silas I use my w to stall a lot of time really waiting for my BR to be able to get in and as you can see I'm aoeing both the shako and the silus with my abilities which allows us to win this Skirmish beautifully so really good skirmishing right here stalling time for my BR playing around my pressive Brooks having a very good high value W very decent e and eventually also getting very good passive BRS and high lining up the enemies for AOE Q's so really good micro in this example this example it's a post level six Skirmish which makes it a little bit easier for me um because right now I can actually just get onto this graves right here as you can see lot of damage and here is well I try to line both the graves and the Lulu up because I wanted to snack uh the the Lulu at the end of this Skirmish here in as well she sadly still had a shield plus heal that's okay we didn't get the kill this was pretty solid skirmishing I managed to get onto the graves triy to got Lulu heal as well so I'm really happy with the way that it went pretty solid stuff so right here is an example of terrible terrible skirmishing and this messes up your game so I'm not level six yet I don't really want to Skirmish at this point in the game I'm really weak actually and what we see is the leing gets contested at the the the the grips so that's not really ideal for me because I am not that strong in in these type of skirmishes as you can see I'm quite low Leon's quite low yes Leon is a level up right here and our set has priority so fight should be takeable it's not the best fight but fight should be takeable if I play it well well micro wise let's take a look at how I do this so I missed the q1 graves right disaster cuz I have very limited energy then I missed the E on graves so now I have nothing left to do in this Skirmish so I ping back back back back back we also miss the leasing q and now set is basically left alone versus two other members and we cannot really help the fight so because of me missing my stuff not finding good cues onto the graves not using my w properly to um uh to to to deny damage and basically make it uh make it hard for the enemies to to to go through the W as well I basically mess up this Skirmish and this really tilted My Le in My Le got completely tilted from this from this point and it makes sense because this is not really uh it shouldn't have been that bad and set almost smurfed at one V3 right there so another example of really bad skirmishing right here what we do is that this is post level six skirmish again looks really solid Gwen has moved right here amazing stuff we're three versus twoing him this is this is perfect K's low I get a nice R off onto the Kiana Kiana is extremely extremely low right here only thing I have to do is R2 through here and then kill them together with my team but what do I do is I E backwards and look at this this is the biggest mistake that you can make on aali this is the most one the most mistake that I see onto aali in early game skirmishes is you miss your e and because of the fact that it direct us towards the other side you're so far away from the Skirmish right now that you're not able to join into it anymore and I get pinged here for kind of course because I completely grieved it that's that's fully on me right when this happened I was was smiling like I up man so in the end it's actually not the end of the world uh Jax comes in but um we we we because of the Camille support room we do actually manage to get a few kills back into return but this was a massive massive blunder Kiana got out for free for no reason and really make sure that in these early games kishes play around your passive procs uh don't risk your abilities make sure that your e and your W are very very clean you only get one of them about one of them each Skirmish so um really pay attention to watch your micro details especially when you have old we've come to the real juice the mid game this is where a lot of players drop the ball on aali a lot of players do not understand how to win games with this champion and that makes sense because akali is actually very linear in her approach and she's very micro execution based as well so only if we really combine proper micro macro that's when we're going to be able to consistently win games on this Champion so akali wins the game through fighting and through skirmishing this is the only thing this Champion does she has no Siege she has no Zone control she has no uh no range uh it's she she wants to dive deep but she cannot really dive deep in her Towers alone it's really hard for her to split push because of her having any uh she doesn't have much reach towards the towers plus she doesn't that much damage towards the towers she's quite squishy a lot of times as well so she the main thing that she just does is she just fights and she fights really really well but in order to understand how to fight there's a lot more that comes to it so first of all a is a very strong Side Lane she's not good at split pushing but she is really good at side side laning so the main reason that that is because due to her dueling power and her Mobility what we want to do as aali is we want to keep our farm up and hit our item spikes because with each Spike our damage output is going to be increasing massively and the amount of damage that we're going to be able to deal in team fights is also going to be increasing massively so really value yourself and your own strength what we want to do is we want to shove and move to create advantageous fights so how do we create advantageous fights well first of all we need to be playing with ult because without ult we're not strong at all on aali what we want to do is we want to be creating man advantages so by One V oneing someone in the side lane give or take this is the rift right here we got mid lane right here we got B Lane right here if we're going to be S side laning on both right now and an enemy rington is answering us and we have TP up for example when a fighten about Baron we can TP on the flank we can come from a flank angle and then when the rennington is a little bit late to the TP we can fight a five versus four for a few seconds their front lineer not there we can absolutely disrupt the fight that's how akali wants to be playing so we also need to be very aware of our proper TP usage if we are going to be wasting our teleport teleporting towards the Sid linge we're not going to be able to create these man Advantage fights these very advantageous fights where we also can come from flanks that's what aali wants to do and if we're going to not if we're not going to be fighting towards our terms we're not that strong in fights actually because our front to back is really underwhelming so we want to use neutral mag uh neutral objectives as magnets uh for skirmishes a is a skirmisher she wants to fight where are most of the times guaranteed fights going to happen around objectives so we want to be using them properly either by shoving out side side L waves and then moving to create a man advantage and therefore creating a advantageous fight or by setting up the objective very properly being there on time and actually being able to get a flank Ang go off and if we're able to flank we can maybe get onto the backline get kill priority targets and win fights through that the hardest part of aali and this is where like most people really struggle is understanding how to fight how do I fight and that is something that we're going to be covering in depth in this guide by covering a lot of skirmishes so to really understand how to fight and to really deep deep dive into these skirmishes and really deep dive on how to win games on aali we need to understand what to look for and that's exactly what we're going to do right now we're going to be talking about skirmishing and low States so what do we need to be thinking when the game is still when we have actual brain uh mental energy uh time left to spare to think about the game winning skirmishes and winning games on a is a combination of proper micro and macro understanding and we are going to cover both and we're going to start with macro so when it comes to macro right there's a few questions that we have to ask ourselves before starting to Skirmish when we're playing aali first of all what's the next objective where is the fight going to be what's the next play what are we playing for if we're not sure what we're playing for it's really hard to set it up for set up for it properly it's really hard to prepare it are we strong enough enough to fight there's going to be situations where you're going to be behind in games and where it's going to be impossible to fight or if we not have IL do we do we have no ult right then we cannot fight then we should ping off fights be very aware of which fights that you can and cannot take what is my wing condition is it smart to try to assassinate an enemy vein that is 010 while our Jinx is 15 and0 really understand how do we need to be fighting that also ties into what is role and who is my target so aali can Skirmish three different ways she can be a disruptor where she actually goes in with her ult and then places uh very annoying W down for the enemy team which is really threatening them disrupting them spreading them out which grants our team a lot of time to actually get into that fight and get something going that's one way that she can play it she can play it like an assassin so she kills a priority Target coming from a flank um and quickly goes out for example a very fat enemy ad carry is is a very good Target to assassinate but you can also play for cleanup right and in that case she actually Waits out Keys key abilities until she actually sees an opportunity for example if the enemies has used malar ult they've used NY ult they've used all these key abilities maybe um Twisted Fate ult that shows Vision once they've used that that's when she goes in that's when she cleans up people K is a really good cleanup champion and then the final thing that we have to be thinking about is enemy kycc abilities enemy self people abilities Shields heal dashes stuff like that um Ms are old right these are very good examples but also reveal abilities which abilities reveal us Rengar ult Bel e Twisted Fate ult uh Karma W leblan all of these type of abilities we need to be very aware of what reveals us because it heavily impacts the way that we want to be skirmishing we got to be extremely SC careful if the enemies have a lot of reveal abilities so that was the mro part and of course we except for that right we also want to be creating advantageous fights by understanding when the next objective is making sure that we utilize our uh our strong s Side Lane by sh we moving of course we're going to be showing a lot of examples of this um which is something that we're going to be doing what else right micro if we're going to be talking about skirmishing micro we have to ask ourselves a few question as well um key micro tips for akali are we can use our W to create space for our team so we can use our W in the in in the front of the fight really disrupting the enemies our W lasts extremely long 6 seconds minimum to about I think 8 seconds maximum it's a really long time that we can disrupt in in a team fight and stay extremely safe safe um we got only one W available in in a team fight most of the time some fights take really long you can do two but most time you're going to have one W available so make sure that you don't use it too early and make sure that you don't use it too late a very uh normal thing that you see a lot is that uh people either use it into their combos so they do use it too early because it's habit but most of the time the best way to use it actually after your R1 so you use your R1 and then what happens you use your uh qw or your insta W afterwards that's usually how you want to be doing it and then you can charge up your R2 in your W and always get out afterwards that's usually how how to do it but there's of course Very you got to go very specific and really look at the specifics to understand what to do when it comes to e usage right A lot of people make big mistakes when it comes to e usage um I covered this in the early skirmishing section of this guide I showed a clip of of me actually missing my e putting myself back towards the wrong position because the E is an ability that also shoots ourself into a Direction so I missed my E I shot myself in the wrong direction and I was not able to R2 after the targets and I was completely out of the Skirmish completely useless and I almost solar lost it so if we do not need to use our e to kill a Target we don't use it it's that simple if we need it to kill a Target we use it but if we don't need to use it to kill it don't use it it's too the the ability is too risky and if we need to use our e right make sure that we use it in a way that it it's almost guaranteed to hit so we combine it with an R for example we do the re e combo or we use it upon setup for example with our Q our Q slows or we use it up on CC ability from one of our teammates that's how we want to be using our e in in in that case another tip that I have for skirmishing micro is that we want to be lining enemies up one thing that I'm constantly looking for when I'm playing aali is is make sure that I put the enemies in a certain line so I can AOE them with my q and I can AOE them with my R and um another tip is don't rush R2 get your R1 off uh somewhat at the beginning of the fight so you have your R2 available always to reposition assassinated Target um but don't rush R2 if you rush R2 you get into position where you either are overcommitted or when you uh get into a bad position because after that you don't have too much Mobility anymore or you use it too early usually you want to be holding on to your R2 a little bit longer rather hold on to a little bit longer than rushing it so let's take a look at uh a few mid games and we're going to be really breaking bringing this all together and then after that we are actually going to be covering uh a separate section of the guide where it purely reviews skirmishes and how I can help you guys look at your own skirmishes and understand what you need to look for all right we're going to be take a look at a few examp examples of a mid game and in this game we're a little bit behind right here it's a pretty tricky game what do we see we're going to be covering a lot of questions right now we see that the enemy B Lane is quite far ahead they got farest they got Ash lot of range on their Bol looks quite strong L of range Rumble not weak as well and enemy top laner is also quite far ahead of mine so both of my S side Lanes is losing my jungle uh is a little bit even with the Enemy jungle and I'm the main carrier right here so what's really important is that I am going to be the one that dictates the way that we're going to be playing this game and what's really important for me is to recognize okay a frontt back team fight is not one we're going to win they got triple range their a ramming is insanely good so we need to be utilizing the side side lane this game we got a nocturn which is really good in using Sid lanes and these guys can wave clear hopefully just well enough so in this case already we recognize next dragon is coming up in 30 seconds and what we want to be doing is we want to be taking advantageous fights so I'm just going to go into the sidelane I have my TP up right now and I'm going to be scanning of positions to actually win the game through proper fighting we got to GI this Dragon right here we have no setup for it if we fight we're not strong enough we don't we don't have the key spikes just yet that's quite all right so we cannot play and what do we recognize is we want to play through the side no plays around me I'm the strongest member and uh we try to create a pick of someone that steps up too aggressively now no one actually gets up that aggressively that's quite all right sometimes the enemies play really well as well their respect to so we see a play actually um on the top side right there and one thing to keep in mind is that I'm playing versus Lux and I have TP and Lux is a champion that if I can keep her into the sidel I can TP towards one of the other fights we can actually create man advantages and that's ideally what I want to do because we will need to take good fights to get back into this game so I see this rington overextended and I ping to engage right here sadly my ward got uh taken because Nami plays a different W it is what it is we still see a beautiful angle look is on B so we can basically fight a five versus three really good stuff we get the the pick onto the rumble sadly I was not able to get my R1 or my e uh out fast enough but it's still a pretty good comeback already two kills I think do we get a shut down not entirely sure we got a shut down but overall very good stuff what do I do I go back towards botland I go back towards farming right here now Lux is forced to answer in the sideline otherwise I'm going to get free turrets and right now I'm going to try to catch her into her rotation so look is not someone that wants to be going through the long routes right here I'm going to try to find her uh if she decides to walk through this one she may stay in Lane we're not quite sure she doesn't show so I just keep on shoving keep on pressuring we see a fight right there I cannot really do much about that fight right there because I don't have um I don't have TP so I'm just going to be focusing on pushing pushing pushing pushing Lu answers me and in the meantime my team actually starts stepping up the game they traded two for two and now because of the fact that Lu has to answer me on bot Lane I now get a beautiful roam opportunity right here where I'm going to be able to make the difference in this fight and actually clean up and the only reason this works is because I am creating a man Advantage right here this would not have worked if L was here we would have got wiped by the enemy team so we get another beautiful kill right here onto the onto the rton we reset and instantly um I try to go towards bolt right here I instantly try to beine bolt but the enemies make a very good play on instantly starting Nash this is exactly on what they had to do um so we sadly are not able to secure the baron right here and I've got ult in six seconds I don't want to fight before my ult is ready so we stall a little bit and uh eventually sadly my team gets picked so it's really unfortunate for for this situation game is extremely dire but I still want to be playing around my uh what my Champion wants to do so I land a beautiful e onto the ash right here and they're trying to engage onto me and really capitalize onto the bar so I go on to the ash one shter beautiful W kill the virus as well and this is very good because right now I killed two of the enemy members so this stalls out their Baron these guys are not able to Siege with their Baron right now this is amazing for us so uh out of this pretty dire situation I made the best out of it I died myself but it's quite all right um and I say it to my team give Drake we cannot fight Drake we play on the side Lanes right here which is exactly what we should do brington overextends I see a beautiful angle to TP in kill this rington right here and this actually allows us to um get another Baron user of them gone which means that the enemy now is not able to make a single bit of pre uh progress with our Baron which is perfect for us because now we can start out the game hit our item spikes and eventually win of that so I'm going to be continuing to uh stay into the Sid linee I make a small mistake where the enemies are actually able to capitalize onto me pretty unfortunate but it doesn't matter because rington is dead so they cannot really make any progress anyway my team does a pretty good job and once again I want to be beining towards um towards the side line I want to be utilizing the S side line I see that Lu tried to kill MF right here um if we look properly we see that uh Lux will be trying to snipe the MF so this gives me a lot of information on look actually because Lux was there which means that I'm actually able to possibly catch a flux in rotation so I go through the walls I sweep and guess who walks into me looks Dodge out on her Q R2 and we get this beautiful kill uh onto the look Dodge out on toar pooke and this is great because this is going to allow us to get a lot of gold start the game I reset right here onto radons I'm extremely extremely strong and now because of all these man advantages my team is also slowly able to start getting back into the game um I get a little Skirmish right here with Rumble the enemies are not quite sure how to deal with my constant pressure onto the S Side Lane I sadly do not kill him but I do Force the enemies into a very nasty position right here what do we see is we want to engage upon the enemies we want to find ways onto the enemies where we can fight and this is a very good angle for us we want to engage up them we want to avoid front to backs we cannot fight front to backs and we get this beautiful beautiful position where we um yeah where we Ace the enemies we get the inip we almost end the game but sadly it is not um not fully possible that's quite right we get the dragon for free deny the enemy soul and from this point my my uh um I actually make a really bad TP right here so this TP is really bad I try to save my team the thep in itself is not really ideal because now I don't have TP for the next four minutes in which I can sit on the S Side Lane and pressure the enemies with possible man Advantage play with my TP so right now I shove out Bol right here I try to always sit in fog of War as well maybe someone will face check maybe someone will push this wave so I can one-hot them and kill them and make more progress but in this case I push bolt and what happens is the enemies start answering Bol l waves right here so you actually see rennington Ash are now answering botland waves great this leaves this varus open on Mid beautiful shov move one sh the varus one sh the Lu here as well and we're just in in a great position where we're able to get two two picks and we can now rotate towards NES and we can play with NES and you see that we actually got from this terrible position beforehand to this great position right here um but by just using the the the side then properly using sh and move properly taking fights my terms and also executing well micro wise in these fights so to continue a little bit we get a few bit a little bit little bit of damage on top Tower and then eventually we get into position where Baron spawns again and right here we actually uh have the possibility to win the game so we have a beautiful flank W right here going on it's it's amazing and I have this Renekton that's actually answering me onto the sideline right here and because I spot this beautiful flank part and I know I want to get onto the flank with the enemies that is a beautiful win condition for me so I sit in this bush I TP in and we have this beautiful beautiful engage where we can um I can R to to get onto the Ash and then look at this position right here this is game-winning um game-winning position game-winning uh play where we can actually continue from but what happens I up Mech mechanically I up mechanically I Rush my R2 this is these are clear skirmishing mistakes I Rush my R2 I um I accidentally missclick zonia so I'm also stun locked right here and what happens is that in the meantime when I'm trolling is my team dies and loses the Skirmish I actually have to flash onto the looks to kill the looks right here but in hindsight the rington and the uh the rumble actually too strong right here I die and we lose our ability to end the game if we would have won the Skirmish we would have been able to end the game and from this point I died we got outskilled what my teammates two of my teammates made two more mistakes we lost NES and we actually lost the game so this game was fully in my hands right here but because I Mis skirmished here I one major micro execution flaw we lost the game and this is great because this is typical aali loss right here you're going to see this a lot where you you up a skirmish and you lose the game because of it that's how important that the micro is let's take a look at a different example okay next game very similar start of the game ST right here we're quite behind um I'm in a pretty tough match up I just hit my first item uh I just got my first item spike fgo is incredibly strong uh Top Lane is getting dunked bot Lane is not doing too bad they're they're quite even and my J is also not too far away so even though we're a little bit behind in the game game is not lost in any kind of way so what we want to do is we want to play towards our strengths we want to fight on our terms and because the enemy Skirmish is actually really good like if we take a look at fgo Gallo if fego gets a reset or two we instantly lose the Skirmish so we got to be extremely careful with skirmishing we got to only take fights that are really on our terms and that's exactly what we're going to be doing so information gathering right looking what's actually happening on the map is really important we spot that herold's going to be the next objective and I spot a lot of action on M so what I do is I instantly open a mid right here see a little TP coming in from the Vol bear and this is definitely going to be a fight and I think it looks pretty good cuz um one of the enemy Champs just had to leave right there which means that if I join in we might be creating a man Advantage so I instantly pull the trigger with a flesh R get into the fight kill the naus kill the Vigo and because of Swift execution we're actually able to get three kills right here for the prize of zero so this is a great great start of coming back into the game what we have to understand as well is that the enemy Skirmish skirmishing is still really good so we got a really play on our terms and I know that I beat Gall in the side lane so that's one thing that I definitely want to be abusing Lan assignments get swapped up S comes mid um I go B rain right here so there's a little bit of fighting going on and I see that some fighting is going on so I have to move mid here even though this is not an ideal fight from what I see right now I have to move mid here because I would have loved to stay B I would have loved to push more ways but something's happening so I adapt to the chaos I've got R it might be a possibility where we can find a decent fight so now the list goes really deep right here and that's generally what the enemies are doing they're going extremely deep and I can now play Beautiful cleanup crew right here with kaisa gives me an r i Sly miss my e um and I think I because I I miss my e um I have to R2 to to to follow now otherwise I would have been able to live but still pretty good play right here we managed to get another pretty advantageous fight where the enemies overcommitted they were really low I was able to play cleanup and we're now actually in an even game State we might be even slightly ahead so what we have to see right now is I just I'm just going to hit my second second power Spike we have Herald up we have dragon up we want to be playing with our Graves and with our ult so what I do right now is I've got TP we're taking Herold I'm just opening a Bol right here we give to Dragon that's completely fine we cannot fight without my ult it's really really important that we fight without with my R and I know that I'm extremely uh strong compared to this Gallo because of the fact that I have um I have two items so I want to be utilizing the bot Lane um push and try to get an advantage here through ball and what actually happens is I get collapsed upon so pretty good play by the enemies right here um but because I'm so unbelievably strong and I get a lot of good C rotations I'm actually able to one V2 these guys right here so if we really uh going to be showing this again the reason I'm able to one V2 is I I very low energy I get uh hooked by the nautulus let's see how I Skirmish I QR QR that's how you like to start QR e to to create distance Auto attack E2 Auto attack W so Gallo cannot outo attack me afterwards and then we're in this position where I QR and I get a very beautiful rotation off afterwards Pixel Perfect skirmishing allowing me to win this fight and this is going to be the real game changer because from this point we're actually able to get two bot Towers right here and uh that's going to make me so fat and Graves so fat that we can really start snowballing from this point so I land another beautiful um kill on the Vier right here insta W to get myself out and we're in a really good position right now we're in a beautiful beautiful position so once again I'm now want to be using utilizing the sideline especially right now when I'm so strong I'm going to be having a lot of threy in the sideline so I push push push I keep watching my camera onto the map if I see any fights play out where I have to join or where I can possibly TP towards that's why we run TP as well I try to catch Gallo in rotation once again he is smart and he goes the weak side way very very well done by him and my team actually gets a good pick on top so Vol bear is dead so what I'm going to be doing is I see something happening and I know Vol bear that so I see this as a beautiful opportunity where I can go in as SC and create that man advantageous fight so I rqw create a lot of space right here really play as a disruptor and um yeah I'm I'm not overc committing I'm just disrupting the fight we get the naus kill we get the kaisa kill and this is amazing because this eventually leads to NES F beard trolls it we get the NES and from this point game is pretty smooth sailing so really good ass ment of which fights I had to I was able to take I skirmished pretty decently um we were able to get back in from a very rough game state to to start with only by making sure by picking proper fights understanding which fights you cannot take not taking them and understanding which fights you can take and actually taking them all right so in this final example I actually am in a really good spot to start with but I actually throw the game by Mis executing so this is an example of me having poor assessment and actually Mis executing in the fights and therefore losing the game basically on my own watch so I'm in an amazing position I had a great Lane versus Oriana I'm really far ahead my jungler is really far ahead of the enemy jungler my top laner is ahead of the enemy top the only lane that's losing is my bot Lane they're quite far behind but it's quite all right because our top side's winning so what's really important is that I play with my win condition which is Kix I play on my strong side and what do we do is we um I I I keep one oneing in or in the S Side Lane I know I can beat the Oriana right here so this is really good starts off really good there some decent plays on top side and right now I actually ask Kix to combot our top laner solo kills the the Garen Oriana TPS right here and because of us being so strong we actually are able to dive to Oriana and we're able to pop the herald right here get B Tower pop the heral and we're in an amazing position in this part of the game like game set is perfect right here we're winning all we have to do right is play with my ult right play with the Kix and I need to play slow in these fights because the enemies have Ash and zillian so I cannot really overcommit um but I need to play a little bit more as a cleanup I need not to play as a disruptor I need not to play as an assassin because it's really hard to assassinate fors zilan but rather as as a cleanup I need to be playing a little bit more patient so I go top right here and we're in a great great position um I'm going to be pushing top facing off or against Ori getting a little bit of tower damage and this is where I start making my mistakes this is where it goes sou really quickly so what happens is I'm pushing top right here and I think okay maybe I can die fori so I try to kill her but I have no energy I use my IL so this is really poor O jues because what's happening right now is that there's a skirmish breaking out and I do not have ild up and that's disaster but because I don't have Ulta I'm not able to fight properly right here I'm not able to be that useful my um eventually I get chipped with orar I die I give a I give a kill to Ash this is a complete disaster because with ult we would have won this Skirmish badly too this would have been a game-winning Skirmish right here but because I didn't have ult because I wasted it we lost the Skirmish then um lot of lot of chaos right here I actually TP in I don't have old just yet so I got to be a little bit um little bit slow in its approach but that's completely fine because the enemies also don't have F so we killed a zillian and we're we're in a pretty good spot right here we killed three of them we got to um uh take kill two of us is completely fine all we have to do right now is take the dragon beautiful stuff we killed the Oriana completely fine and now we got to be extremely careful because I still got no ult I want to be playing with my ult uh so I get the top Tower this is completely fine and this is where I start throwing again and the reason for that is because I misinterpret my way to around these team fights I do not execute this properly because I did not ask myself the proper questions beforehand what we actually see is that my rington is on bot my rington is not here so we need to wait until my rington is here what else do we see gazic is really strong um I'm really strong Ash is is is definitely a really big problem but the enemies are also quite strong in general so the only thing I need to do right here is have patience wait till my rennington is here and we will win the fight because the enemies have the baron debuff right here so what do I do I actually get an e off on to the Gwen little bit of poke this is completely fine but I E2 in I E2 in and what happens is because of me e toing in amumu goes in my team goes goes in and we're basically fighting a four versus five cuz our rennington is still moving and then yes we killed Ash I are2 in right here in in the enemy team it's it's it's unbelievable and it gets me killed of course and this is a disaster because now rington comes in and as you can see rennington is actually pretty strong he murders them what if I would have waited until rennington was there we would have won the fight so I wished it I didn't assess the map properly I didn't assess properly my role in the fight and that to us um play an even fight while we should have won this plus G the baron next up I'm fighting against the gar right here in the meantime my team is finding a play on Mid I am unable to TP right now and because I'm unable to TP what actually happens is that my team loses the fight so what should have done is I should just push Top push the waves ignore the gar it doesn't even matter what what what what I'm going to be doing with him it doesn't even matter all I need to do is just make sure that I stay healthy right here and even if I kill him for example with my R which I probably could have done it still wouldn't really matter because killing Garen wouldn't make any progress I need to take advantageous fight and possibly looking for these TPS because Garen um I don't think he ran TP in this specific case cannot really match it so I miss a great opportunity right here where I um uh could have impacted a fight on Mid so yeah I I I a skirmish right here I think this is also a little bit of Mis execution when it comes to my skirmishing but it's not the end of the world and then what do we see right here we are now fighting um we're now fighting with without my R right here but still it's it's quite all right V is on top V is on top right here and what happens is I actually go back into the Gwen right here I use my R1 one I get extremely chunked and I basically accomplish nothing because my vein is not here and this eventually leads to arix dying and because of me not playing with my team because of me not understanding my role in these type of fights because of me not respecting my R cool down right a lot of this stuff going wrong we actually lose this game where we if we go back right we're actually in a beautiful position right here we're in a gorgeous position completely game-winning position strong top side but I did not assess win conditions I did not assess my role in the fight properly and I also exe Mis executed my RS a lot um just the entire list goes on so as you can see there's a lot to it especially when you're going to be playing against better opponents in in higher elos you got to be very clean in your execution if you really want to have success with this Champion so we're going to be talking about how to review skirmishes and for a lot of you guys this might be a little bit new terrain but it's really important because if you want to get better on aali you need to get better on skirmishes and you need a review to improve realistically so your level of skirmishing directly translates to your rank on aali if you're good at reviewing this it will allow you to improve so we want to be using the micro macro review framework for this when first we want to take a look at our micro what do we look for Ability usage um did we have r&w up a lot of times you will be you'll be fighting without R without W and you're going to get insta one shot um could we have used our in a better position could we used our W later sometimes our W timing is really important a lot of times you're going to be seeing people Miss e and just completely get into a bad position this is something that happens happened to me quite a few times these are the worst kind of mistakes this is the number one most common aadi mistakes um using e while you don't have to use e and you're end up in a position where you miss your e end up in a position very far away from the team fight and you're not going to be able to do anything anymore happens to me a lot uh not anymore happened to me a lot it was it was a complete disaster I um learned a lot from it um if we need to if we need our e to kill enemies we got to find we got to throw it in the way that we have the highest chance to land it so we can combine it with our ult for fast re combos we can throw it from fog ofar because from frog ofar no one will be dodging because they will not be expecting your e to be thrown or we use it upon setup we can use other team team members setup or we can use our own Q as setup because our Q is clows as well these are all ways that if we need so if we need to e to kill someone then we got to throw it in that way to get the highest percentage to land it and then um another thing that you mainly use in early game skirmishes but also mid to late is that we use our qes and our passive Auto attacks well did we get our rotations off properly um but also if we look at mic look at positioning are we coming from the right angle are we flanking um are we front to backing I think that's very straightforward right if we are front to backing in a few team fights where we cannot front to back we're going to really struggle Target selection are we killing the right target are we understanding that we need to kill the enemy jungler that is s and zero or the 80 carry that's 10 and0 um are we constantly focus on the right target or are we missing the the the right target we can also review Skirmish macro wise so we then take a look at more the holistic approach was it the smart fight to take or was it too risky was this fight C with my wing condition was this did I think about kecc abilities did I think about self feel abilities Ms old was that on my mind um Lulu pixie ability was that on my mind um did we understand our role did we understand how to fight that we understand that we needed to play as cleanup or that we needed to play as assassin or that we needed to play as a disruptor where we aware of this and where we have to position do we need to go for flank do we need to uh be first do we need to come from later angle was this fight gr with A's identity did did we fight on spikes did we fight uh of course once again with our UB if we're not fighting with our UB what are we doing a lot of cases but sometimes also as well if you cannot fight right the answer of that uh was this Cent with my identity no we cannot fight okay could we've traded for something else then these are all macro questions that you can ask yourself if uh um if you look at a skirmish and it doesn't work out always start reviewing with micro if there are too many micro mistakes um it's worth fixing that first before even looking at all the micro stuff micro stuff is complicated guys really complicated you can be wasting a lot of time by reviewing micro if your micro is the issue always look at micro first if micro is good enough then take a look at micro and of course it's okay to make a micro mistake every once in a while definitely keep that in mind but get a pretty clear Baseline of what is good enough micro if you sometimes Miss misplace a w if you miss a q here or there if you don't execute someone with your R2 that's okay that's completely fine that happens to everyone you cannot be perfect in your micro um as long as it's like 80% good enough in your opinion then it's definitely worth taking a look at the micro if the other stuff was then just only take a look at micro and only focus on that let's take a look at a few examples of uh how to review skirmishes all right got a bunch of examples for your line right here we're going to start off with this one uh little bit back right here what do we see b l just died I'm coming in with Leon me and L are together really strong we're the strongest two of the team and we're coming into toward bot right here I get a initial R1 onto Lulu we kill the Lulu um we kill the graves as well and then eventually we die towards the Oriana plus the kaisa right here and lein actually gets he might get another kill here onto the by completely smurfing it yep he does completely Smurf it and he gets another kill guy so let's break this Skirmish down right here what went wrong or what went right well we're going to be starting off with the fact that I um W right here this is the most random W that I've ever seen really bad W so what actually happens is right I think the R1 onto Lulu was good the R1 into Q um I think that's SP because we want to be killing the Lulu right the R1 into Q on Lulu is good I think as well I Rush my R2 so what do we always see I think my w is useless if I if I'm able to hold my w for later it's much better I think I wish R2 if I'm able to R2 both Lulu and Graves I kill Graves here onto the que so already two big mistakes and I therefore I take a lot of damage plus I miss another que so if I place my w correctly right here plus I R2 correctly I'm full health uh with W actually don't use w i i I'm full health with W up and then we actually 2v2 this with W up right here and if we 2v2 this with W I'm pretty and me being full health I'm pretty sure we can kill both of them without losing so this was a purely micro oriented uh Skirmish that I messed up micro wise leing completely smurfed it but I messed up and uh we eventually lost the Skirmish because of it and I think this game got bloody hard because of display uh but that's that's a different story right so um yeah micro mistakes right here let's move on to the next one so second one right here pretty good Skirmish Gwen's moving in this is um I'm playing with my R looks very solid to to play micro wise it seems extremely extremely good i r one to Kiana beautiful stuff I get a q Kiana is really low I'm I almost got my R2 what do I do I miss e disaster so now I don't have the range to get onto the kiar I PM myself to the wrong direction and I'm really far away from the skirmisher this is a massive e blunder in the Skirmish really making the Skirmish much harder than it should have been so thankfully my Camille roams up and we're actually able to make something happen but disastrous Skirmish right here let's take a look at the next one enemy nyas de um right here and uh we're diving deep here into the enemies so I get an initial R1 off okay we get the pick on to when and we die so if we take a look at this from a micro standpoint right let's take a look at this from a micro standpoint what are things that we need to be very aware of in this in this case well first of all Nyla dead that's good but Ela is on B so it's practically going to be a for ver versus four right here we're not fighting in an ideal position for akali because there's a tower right there which makes it really hard for us to dive in deep so mro wise this is a little little bit iffy here it's doable but it's iffy what else do we need to consider we're playing versus belv belv belv is a revealing Champion she reveals me with her e got to be very careful of that we're also playing ver Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has an ult that can also reveal me in my shroud so my shroud is really useless so I got to be very careful with the way I approach this fight I need to play this fight slow and I need to play this fight um very carefully together with the rest of my teammates so I dive onto Bev and what happens afterwards is I go onto Twisted Fate right here a shroud right here which is really useless I miss my e which is really useless so both my e and my w usage is extremely extremely bad plus my approach to this fight is really bad I need to be together with my team getting this G right here shrouding right here right so there's a lot to it cuz we're quite far ahead in this fight and we managed to lose then to top it all off I also M time my R2 onto the Gwen as I'm still able to kill her and because of me misplaying so hard I actually die right here and this is a combination of both a micro plus a micro misunderstanding which led to me basically the Skirmish up for my team we got some more Skirmish right here a lot of examples where I humiliate myself so good content for you guys um very same game playing versus the bevv I get Twisted Fate aled right here b e spots me and what happens is I get extremely lucky that I can get out right here but this was a very similar example as the previous one where I just completely misplay or like Mis recognize my role right here not assessing the enemy threats when it comes to uh key reveal abilities that can SP me which almost gets me killed and get extremely looky in that case to get out but I shouldn't have next up right here we are a little bit ahead and we see a fight Brewing out here in the jungle so we join the fight we killed the Gwen W is quite all right get or Ed over the wall and sadly we die so what do you guys think the issue was here if we really go back right towards this place one thing that's really on the top of mind is I do not have ult this is a terrible fight because I have no no IL right here and I think I don't play it that poorly initially right here but what happens if I can actually R1 over here or initially already before this even happens what happens if I can R1 over Gren right here what if I R1 over here and then I actually in this position W right there and I make it impossible for the um the Zan plus the S to enter Because San already used this ult to the Gwen right here so if I have ult this fight completely changes but because I don't have ult and we take this fight we lose we give kills really really really bad fight mainly macro um macro oriented right here so moving on we're going to take a look at a few examples of a few good skirmishes because there's also a lot of times where I do actually do well of course so first good Skirmish right here um what do we see we see that we're playing versus Kindred bar Karma I got to be a little bit careful of karma but their damage is not that high so I take this Porter right here and I get a beautiful R1 into uh e off onto the B right here playing it really slow look at my teammates locations my teammates are um they're stuned right here so I played really slow and then after these use these guys use all of their important abilities these guys now really lack damage that's when I R2 in and shroud right here and I actually create a lot of space for my team to follow up make it really hard for the enemies to do something eventually we're also able to um to dive these guys with proper tanking from the Le in really good stuff beautiful Skirmish very good example next one right here I'm goinging in from a flang perspective what do I see I see the enemies I'm getting I'm playing versus Karma right here so what do we see is I'm I'm solo but I've got R I'm really strong and uh the enemies burned their major cool down so this is a little bit of me cleaning up right here this is me embracing the cleanup roll so I Dodge out onto the the brand W and I jump onto the karma and instantly C her what do I see she has this revealing thing onto me with her W she has the tell onto me I cannot have her do this because if I get revealed by this Fiora is able brand everyone is able to hit me right here this is dangerous so what I have to do is I have to e reactively out of her tedar and then I can go back in I kill her band I kill the karma I win the Skirmish well done another neat thing that we see right here is that I beautifully line up the enemies right here so what happens is I got R2 available I can R2 right there I can R2 in this entire cone and I'll be able to kill the karma but where R2 is I R2 exactly onto the brand so I also get the damage off onto him so really good R2 which is then able to also damage the brand kill him off beautiful Skirmish next Skirmish right here around Elder Dragon we want to play around Elder Dragon 's dead Gwen's dead it's going to be a 4v4 right here so I position myself on the flank I want to be avoiding a front to back the enemy team um I'm want to get uh into their backline right here and I see that I'm I'm not on the vision right here so I go for this beautiful e onto the twist fate get a lot of damage with the AOE off right here get an amazing W and really utilize the the stalling of the time kill everyone get away from the BV and get these beautiful kills together with the Elder and we win the game so really break this down right here so the enemy mental St completely overwhelmed and they just spotted me with B coming around the corner so the E is really good we play against TF right here plus b they can spot me so I got to be careful so i e in i q and I W TF has no R belis right there they can spot me right here beautiful W and I'm really able to just stall right here I killed the TF I wait in my uh I wait in my shroud after um I get CED right here I get stuned I wait I wait and we right now get the Elder so I can now one shot the Nyla with my combo also the B and then take distance from the Bev right here which is eventually able to clean it up very good Skirmish beautiful W usage very good e usage um and a solid positioning initially as well next Kish right here um very good start H Bel gets the reset beautiful R2 getting the kills so let's let's re revisit this one so R1 over bar to get into the Vanguard of the Skirmish really good Skirmish right here um this is exactly what I want as aali so I go for a beautiful Twan Q really lining up the enemies I miss my e because of the bardar it's completely fine I'm going to be put into a position where it's not too bad for me since that's is the enemy's Escape off so what do I do I W right here while these guys are getting out of the B Zas so that means that if they get out they instantly cannot Target me and then I find a beautiful uh Q into R hitting both the Nyla with my R the B with my lining the enemies up once again making use of that AOE and winning the Skirmish let's take a look at another example right here so this game um it goes a little bit bad with my team my team dies right here and that's really tough cuz that means that I need to play very very carefully so what I do is I get my uh initial que off I'm stacking my conqueror I'm stacking my uh Rift maker my LeAndre so I can do a lot of damage and I just really want to be playing this slow I got to have a lot of patience the enemy team does not have too many threats that can uh really annihilate me in this Skirmish I want to be playing it rather slow so I get a beautiful W off get distance between the enemies and uh almost killed the Shaker right here but he's able to survive with one HP this beautiful I was able to kill the silus take it slow and now I want to be playing around my cool Downs again so these guys are engaging on me but that's completely fine because they don't have the damage to kill me so I just wait in my w really good stuff I just stall for my team and eventually we're able to just win the Skirmish playing really patient with my ability usage right here really understanding that I need to be disrupting the fight um playing his cleanup but as well just playing around my cooldowns and then eventually we'll be able to win so let me know if you guys have any questions about this would make sense if you guys do pretty complicated topic and I'll definitely get back to you so a lot of people asked me Tim how do I flank on AAR well there's quite a bit that goes into understanding how to flank on aali first it starts off with understanding where the next play is going to be so in this position we're really far ahead in this game we're really really far ahead um we're currently securing the Dragon for free I see that a Zer on top and what I know that's going to happen is that Baron's going to spawn in 20 seconds so I already want to be positioning myself in a way that we can get a good position for the baron as well because we're so far ahead that this dragon is practically free and we know that the enem is canical test so what do I do I play some Vision around top side sets reset really good for me and I know that azir just showed up top and I know that he also um wants to be creating control of the baron because is a champ control Mage he wants to let the enemies come into him and he wants to be playing from that so what do we know right here is that azir now spots the fact that our team takes Dragon so azir is actually thinking all right I'm safe right I can push up I can do whatever I want so this guy walks into me CU I'm already positioned for the next objective and because he's a control match walking into me we get the free kill beautiful flank right here which then allows us to get this NES yeah I think it allows to get NES beautiful beautiful play let's continue to a little bit later into the game Let's actually take a look at when that is I think that's right here all right so next example right here is once again what do we know the next play is going to be NES and um with that information what I'm going going to do is I'm going to be um I'm going to position myself in a way that I want to be able to get onto the enemy backline I know that azir is the priority Target I want to get onto him ideally so we can use this NES as a magnet for the enemies to walk in so I'm on this beautiful beautiful angle right here where the enemies do not have any Vision really really good angle Alistar engages he sees me on the flank and we're actually able to get a beautiful pick onto the kaisa sadly not a here but this is also completely fine so to continue a little bit right here um next play right here with the same Baron what do we see is we want to be playing for the NES the enemies want to as well I grab mid priority enemies just take DRS so for me it's really clear where the enemies are coming from uh they're all going to be coming from both so with the enemies all going going to be going to be coming from here it's really easy for me to get put into a position where I can access the enemy back line the only front line they have right now is this naus plus the enemy top laner tping onto NES so if naus walks past me I've got fre access towards the enemy backline the only thing I have to do is just sit in here and air is the priority Target I sweep and I get myself a free pick on to that right here I completely run it micro wise but the idea is he's out of the fight so he's not actually able to um to DPS and inh after everything we win the fight we get the baron and eventually we win the game of it as well so flanking is all about understanding and predicting where the next play is going to happen and you preparing yourself in a way that you can actually put yourself in a position where you you are ahead of the enemy's curve and that you then um yeah can put yourself in good position so you can get onto the enemy enemy back line of course you can also do this with TPS flank TPS in that case you can still be on the sideline and just TP in for a flank that also works there's many different ways as long as you understand where the next play is going to be so what is AAR looking for in draft well if you look at pure matchups aalis is basically pickable in almost every matchup if you cannot really decide to not pick aali uh because of the individual matchup because she's so strong in in in the individual One V one the main things that akali likes in her team are um multiread and setup for example um C maai ult real ult F engage Naas engage it makes it really easy for her to actually also go in overwhelm the enemy mental stack uh get a w down and just have a lot of treat onto the enemy carries this is her bread and butter if you see any of these Champions that can help you engage that can engage for you so you can be second uh secondary engage that's perfect because that's going to make your life a lot easier if you're the one that's got to be engaging you got to be super creative with your positioning super keen on enemy threats and that's really hard to play so if you see Champs like ye support Champs like enchanters that's not really ideal for you because that really makes it hard for you to dive in deep because these Champions don't want to do that I mean he kind of does but he has no setup for you and he's also not really going to be ganking you in in the lane he's just going to be he's going to be going to be farming it up same with cs Echo very low setup very similar damage PR not necessarily something you want to be having in your team as for the enemy team you want low Mobility self peel and linearity um very low self peel by the way not high self peel so very good examples are um aals Jinx really uh Champs without any Mobility yes they have high damage but for aali it's really easy to play against these Auto Tech based Champions um because over your shout same as Victor cars very low Mobility uh very vulnerable to your all in threat and also Trindle why why is Trindle a good champ for aali because trundle is also out attack based he's linear so it's really easy to escape from him with our RS and with our e he's got no Mobility very nice to play against the hardest things to play against as aali is Champions that reveal you Rengar r karma w fiddlestick w Lulu e uh or W I don't I've never played the champ uh belev e um these are all things that can reveal you in your shroud and that makes it so hard for you to Skirmish so hard for you to play in the sidel lane because you got to be super aware of where these Champions are and understand how much threat they have also self peel like Shields that can be annoying for aali to deal with but but the utmost important thing that you should be looking for is um is the fact that if they can reveal you or not but I'm going to be honest right I think that you can blue one aali in Solo qu that is and be completely fine with it um it's a bold statement I know but I think there's so many other things that you can focus on when it comes to micro macro decisions yes there's going to be some games that are going to be extremely hard but I think those games you're going to be learning a lot from them and I think it's going to be worth in the long run because you're going to be getting better at the game if you're going to be learning and over time you're going to also become uh you're going to win those games back that you lose because of the hard drafts going to be talking about the common mistakes on aali first and foremost missing e in skirmishes I've covered this in the skirmishing section and this is probably the biggest mistake that you can make on aali because if you miss your e especially in certain positions you get put backwards um away from the Skirmish which may lead to you not being able to impact the Skirmish in any kind of way so really be careful with your e usage in skirmishes really recommend you revisiting the Skirmish section of the guide because I go very in depth into disability rushing R2 a major thing that I I do a lot is I R2 into knockups I R2 into naus cues which cancels my R2 removes all of my mobility and leaves me very very exposed definitely keep an eye on that using W too early if you use your W too early and you want to dash out of it afterwards with your R1 or R2 you're not going to have the W to um basically help you survive in tricky situations where you're going to be under threat so make sure that you use your w at the right time don't do it too early but also don't do it too late there's going to be a fine balance in between macro very straightforward f fighting without old Fighting without W probably the biggest mistakes when it comes to um really not understanding of what our champion wants to be doing uh fighting fights for the sake of fighting well if you're behind and you're going to be playing four versus five of course you're not going to win so don't fight for the sake of fighting fight smart fights fight fights that are in your favor fights that you want to take if you're going to be doing that consistently that's how you're going to be winning um not thinking about key trats key self feel abilities or key reveal abilities um mainly the last one the reveal abilities are something that you got to be very very careful about because it affects the entire way that we play the team fight one thing that I've really struggled with towards the later end of my aali journey is misinterpreting our role and positioning before a fight especially when it comes to role one thing that I did a lot was that I constantly try to play uh as the Assassin or as the disruptor and not necessarily as the cleanup and that led me to lose a lot of games that were actually really in my favor in my in my hand because I always got really good really good laning got really far ahead in Lane but then in these Skirmish team fights I wasn't able to close it out because I did not fully understand what the correct role was in the games of course there's games where I do it right but there's also games where I don't do it right in the early Lane one thing that I spotted a lot in my reviews is that people are um losing too much HP early or forcing trades that are not in their advantage very good example I did a review um uh was also with a d Shield user I think a few weeks ago and um sorry for for calling out the chase but uh yeah you lost 500 HP at wave two trying to hold the wave versus a karma that's that's stuff that you see with d Shield user they disrespect um the enemy laner because of them running D shield and when you lose so much HP early you're not going to be able to force traes anymore and you're going to be getting in in an extremely weak position in the lane final thing not saying no to poor fights really tying this back without the uh to toward watchs these two right here something I see a lot also some something I've done a lot myself you got to say no you got to understand when it's not good to fight and not take those fights all right guys we're going to be rating aali skins live right here uh a lot of people ask for this we're going to be doing it starting with basic Al solid really good skin um you can definitely play with it you don't necessarily need a skin to play with aali uh animation is pretty smooth of course it's not the coolest effects but it definitely does the job then we got uh this one I think it's Stinger it's me it's I think the queue is a bit funky um don't like it too much uh but it's not the underworld infernal smooth really good skin played a lot with it most of my Kali games are with this skin I think um very good skin um soccer aali it's me then we got [Music] the this one I think it's I think it's nurse it's it's not the end of the world but I would also put it me blon is pretty good put it in solid silver Fang N I don't like the Sashimi one head hunter is is it's all right but I think it's a bit clunky so I'll put it here up here K is good really smooth uh Prestige one as well no info project but I heard that it's pretty solid uh KDA or like uh true damage is pretty smooth but I'm going to put it up solid because I think it's there's definitely a difference K they all out probably in the same tier I've never play it I could put it could put it in here but it's probably very similar feeling uh I don't like this one I think it's not a bad skin I tried it but the animations of it do not suit me at all um we got star Guardian I think it's solid I I I I hate the uh whenever you w I hate the screen that it gets it's it's it's so stupid it it takes away a lot of my attention so I think the animations otherwise are really good and the ID is if you like it or not but I I don't like the W DRX really Sol SK probably best one probably best aali skin uh coven is also really good Prestige koven as well uh this would be my aali skin tier list um really curious on your guys' opinions let me know what you guys think about aali skins um we can just have a chat about it in the in the comments so feel free to let me know thank you guys for sticking around for this guide I put so much work into this one it's probably been the biggest project out of all of the guides that I did maybe together with Jay both of them were completely crazy so if you guys enjoyed this feel free to leave a like leave a comment I would really really appreciate that and if you guys have any questions feel free to post the question in uh in the comments as well and I'll definitely be able to get back to you guys I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys learned something and I'll see you guys real soon with another guide
Channel: Coach Mysterias
Views: 23,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, Coach, Wave management, Get better at lol, Slow building, Mid game, Akali, How to play Akali, How to learn Akali, Akali guide, S13 Akali guide, Season 13 Akalii Guide, Chovy Akali, Knight Akali, Faker Akali, Akali combo, How to counter Akali, Akali build, Akali Runes, Akali mid, Akali mid guide
Id: KIzTw2RMPso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 6sec (10866 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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