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hello there everybody welcome back to another after birth plus mod spotlight today we're taking a look at beggar's purgatory which is a mod by wolfsage uh an amazing isaac modder played other stuff by him before uh but baggage purgatory is a mod that adds a new new game mode to the game uh that i'm i'm interested in it's kind of like a it's a challenge challenge puzzle something i mean we're just gonna hop in and we're gonna try it oh my lord okay it's kind of lit to be honest uh so here we are right i'm gonna i'm gonna hit this guy tip three something too hard get good okay lives can't be sold they can only be lost and never found again in all star mode you face all rooms of all modes back to back okay our souls may be consumed by fear do what i do okay it's starting to get a little bit ridiculous uh look at this so this is everybody that worked on the mod uh that's pretty cool and then look dude this is this is super cool look at this it's a big thank you to all of these guys uh interesting uh we're gonna we're gonna do easy we're gonna do easy mode right there are currently no mod expansions installed so apparently that's the thing that might be uh available in the future too so 01 and introduction maze so these are the kinds of little little challenges that that you'll you'll have in this mod and uh they do get more complex i don't know why but i just immediately knew the direction i needed to go here push that tnt okay that restarts it okay okay so i understand um i'm assuming i yeah yeah yeah i pushed the tnt to here i hit it creates a chain explosion all the way pushes the key down i grab it go through the door as simple as that dude it is quite simple as that but these are the kinds of little things that are uh that are neat and interesting uh in the mod what what a fun and interesting channel this is something that i just never never in a million years oh you're gonna you're gonna make me do a little little side shuffle what do you think i am i'm the easiest man alive easy peasy come on come on come on i'm looking at the timer too and i'm going i could i could speed i could speed run the heck out of this if i wanted to it is good to know that uh you you can continue playing even if you uh have fails i'm assuming that because we're on easy mode there there might be unlimited fails or something like that but it's interesting dude it's a unique idea for a uh or an isaac mod uh because it's it's so not isaac right you know it's a completely different way to play the game which i think is a really interesting [Music] a really oh you suck oh you also just put me away take me out back right but i always love innovative mods like this you know things like the the zombie mode was really interesting this is friggin anti-birth dude okay so let's let's uh let's look so we got to get to once we got to get to triangle in the end here that takes me to there takes me back to there okay so wait wait a minute wait a minute i gotta go animal first paw print paw print takes i hit the button like a friggin thumb ass paw print the triangle to there beautiful then you go back and you go circle circle goes to square square goes to but heart goes to three then you backtrack and you go all the way back and you go back to paw print you hit four then you go you go back to paw print you go to circle and then when i circle you hit the five and would you look at that you're you're out of the freaking room so this one is more a testament to your own mental stability everyone hates auto scrollers okay oh okay what [Music] okay how i have no idea how to do this how do you do this am i bad dude i think i'm bad [Music] i can't move for the record in case that was something that you were concerned about i i don't know how to do this i think i'm stupid like i i don't i don't know how to time it like if you oh there we go okay okay okay i got you okay okay you know what i have a full understanding of the situation so you have to you got to get the bomb here beautiful okay he's he's actually so damn good at the game it's ridiculous uh okay and then you still have one bomb to spare that you need to make the poop gap yo okay it's it's actually dude it's so good it's so good but what is this undertale yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we we all at least some of us we remember this is the met tons maze right where where things get you got you got to figure out the the path that dude there's so many unique channels oh god i hate i hate it i absolutely hate it yeah just run through it that'll work well merry-go-round okay okay okay so that goes straight through now i have the bomb so let's let's examine no let's just bomb this okay easy he we all knew that it was easy it was just a matter of time enter the matrix okay channel your inner neo is not too bad you're safe right here i got my my brain broke for a second but it was only a second it was only a second dude now i'm going to bed and my stomach is sick but it's all in my head okay mr bright side get the hell out of my my brain for the current second i need to get this guy all the way to that okay now how in the world now now's your time just freaking run just this freaking run okay i still love this for the record it is basically like uh ah okay i get it it's basically like uh the old warioware but in isaac i can't think of anything better dude i can't think of anything better it's such a oh okay okay so you you can't tell but they inverted my controls luckily i'm i'm way too good at the game uh to not be able to move with my controls inverted except they they un un-inverted them when i bomb that which i'm very lucky i did not either so the big red button huh one two three i'm assuming you do not five six seven eight nine i i'm assuming you got to touch all the buttons oh you know what good enough dude good enough all right what is this the end room well done fantastic to be honest and then watch as your frames dip down to like you know 4 fps okay so we've done it we did it our best time on easy was with 16 deaths with the 7 7 minutes ish we start medium swiftness is key okay i respect it so that was easy mode uh and we did we did struggle did struggling a lot um so probably not amazing in the end okay i'm i'm trying to figure oh jeez okay okay i i got you i got you so i have to i have to time this in such a oh my god dude okay yo they weren't lying with the the medium this is oh you suck this is definitely harder than uh than the easy mode thus far i just hate the variability on these suckers come on dude okay ready and die go no i still had another hit man it's it's completely variable i hate it ah you suck we'll be on level two for the rest of the day the rest of the cow okay that one's about to blow go okay right false alarm go oh he's so good he's actually so good now what the freaking hell is going on here okay so here's the plan you put that right there right then you go um [Laughter] oh just put me put me away dude put me away i i'm trying to comprehend what the hell is going on here so obviously that lights up a chain explosion that maybe i mean can i just do this except that's not gonna work okay i think this is this is why your boy doesn't play very many puzzle games on the channel i think we have to get this one all the way up here because it's the only only access we have to this one so that so look at how well they they timed that that's amazing okay then this this one is easy right i don't know how you go about getting this last one the this sucker right here that's the only one that's a little confusing because like this this should be easy and then you know you got one you got two oh i get it okay we're good we're good then you do one of those send it over please don't be on spikes you're beautiful and then we're just stuck in this hell again okay let's go dude they thought he would never make it out of this alive oh my god okay so that was that was quite literally one of my worst things ever okay so newton's laws object in motion stay in motion while objects that rest stay at rest something something momentum too so how how the hell do we get these things okay got one now how the hell [Music] you you gotta you gotta be so good how in the christ dude he's he's right there okay fair enough take two okay take three it's it's momentum conservation right now look i took physics i got c in it but i took physics okay just it's like just i mean maybe just like if you if you would just if it just you could just let me get the key right it would be a really fun game if you just let me get the key i know you're looking at this you're like there's no way this is that hard download the freaking mod for yourself it's it's actually i'm kind of shook right now kind of shook there's got i got to be missing something these middle ones dude are faster than the hell itself honestly this first one is slow in comparison to the middle it's it's so like i'm moving as slow as i possibly can there we go okay now you do close to the same thing here except it it's i i'm trying dude i'm really really trying but it it just don't want me to get in there and then i keep on accidentally going in the well you know what you might as well let's it was a solid try it was a solid try you might as well kakit you just keep on hey okay you know what sure i don't even know what i did did correct there but we roll with it okay spider webs by no doubt one of the worst songs of all time okay okay your timing has to be quite literally impeccable i don't think it is okay your timing has to be impeccable okay oh yeah i disagree wholeheartedly i just realized dude they give you so many areas to stop along the way that i just really ignored doing that i went for the speed run strats okay bowling i get it [Music] i get it very enjoyable they're utilizing the scared hearts to uh do some some nice bowling oh we got more bowling balls on this side easy easy money now this is gonna be hell on earth to get the heart into this oh he's so good except you need more oh just just just send it right in this just it's like it's like it's a it's a tiny nudge and then you got it stuck [Music] and now you you're they're all they're all in heck dude they're all in heck okay that bad terrible start okay let's let's oh he that's an amazing hit amazing hit you might as well call that a strike right there that's how damn good that was and then you get this one over here no no no don't go over there okay i mean sure you want to put yourself right on the right on the the restart machine i i do think that that is a bad bad situation for me there we go okay let's just make you make your way this way dude make your way this way okay fair enough you got me you got me i opened up one of them i i really i just just need i just i just gotta i just gotta get the key though he's done it okay dude medium is a hell of a lot harder than easy which means that i hate this this is my worst nightmare is is my worst nightmare is this room right here i don't know how to do these things in a normal run let alone in this challenge mode this will be the death of me like congratulations you you have found the room that actually will end my life it's it's like it's like i'm playing super meat boy except i they want to torture me even more i will have 50 fails in this room alone how how do you do it how how does one how does one accomplish anything here okay i mean what could go wrong right just just just like trigger it you got you got just very simple you just you just trigger it and you go he's he's incredible okay another puzzle bombastic puzzle okay so we have a teleport that takes me to here i got a tnt barrel i think we all know what must be done we have to send the bomb down okay now what [Music] now you gotta send the bomb this is a very well well placed hole in the wall we get this bomb now what do we do now you bomb this i get it i get it okay i get it full understanding ready you start with this one okay you get this bomb then you got the bomb here right but you want to get rid of these first so you bomb those easy money it's like i'm playing a mario maker level dude one of those ridiculous puzzle mario maker levels then then you explode that you get a bomb right here then this is where the difficulty comes in okay you know what i'm gonna need a little bit more heat on the on the throw on that one if you have any hope of that actually working except that's not even where you put it that's not even where you put it why why are you such an idiot tyler you'll you'll you'll get it to go if you just uh shoot the bomb up into that little hole right right here right so it's one of these and the key comes in he's he's he's just my intelligence level is unmatched to the rest of you okay the prison break couple of uh key doors okay fair enough you got me fair enough put me back in prison that's fine a couple of key doors to worry about nothing too too crazy here honestly that's a it's incredibly tight it's incredibly tight like a jar of mayonnaise you can't get the lid off of he goes he goes he's he's in okay [Music] just don't even speak to me don't even speak to me there is such a thing as as the shooter there must be an american prison okay that that's a joke that you know it's only safe because we're 22 minutes into the video and some of you have clicked off by now okay including youtube's advertisers ah okay having a good time we're having a ball don't stop me now we're in a prison break don't stop me i'm just gonna stop it all okay okay okay he he was very close he was very close dude what a fun fun mod i'm having a blast i'm having an absolute blast i will say i i am i'm definitely going to end the video after after we beat medium mode here i'm dead i'm dead as a freaking doorknob dude the hitboxes on the the keys is horrible i mean they're they're actually horrendous it's it's close to impossible to gauge if you're actually gonna put the key into the damn thing okay oh he's safe the prison break is almost completed that's tight it's tight ah dude i didn't know that rooms like this could get your your blood actually pumping in either we're dead we're not dead i had a small jitter and i went we're dead easy we we've got it unlocked now we got it unlocked now beautiful go easy and go again spicy spicy i'm going for a different approach this time i'm gonna tell you right now i don't think you can go directly up from it i think you gotta go a slightly different approach you gotta put the key in and then you gotta back up i didn't like it i didn't like it just let me let me chill go save okay go patient patient like a grasshopper sting like a bee we're safe you're probably going hit tyler that's not how it works there we go easy money dude now just don't botch this up okay bait and switch okay i can't shoot [Music] i got you i understand i understand i understand i understand who doesn't have an understanding of this that's the easiest one yet honestly just just incredibly simplistic oh my god okay i hope i hope you grabbed your snacks i'm gonna be honest because we might be here a little while oh this is this is this is cruel congratulations you've you've made something very cruel that went actually surprisingly well so anybody expecting to get a a world record speed run on medium you you have my uh my best luck i will not be trying to hold a world record whatsoever because it sucks it doesn't like i wanna i wanna rephrase we're dead as hell how am i alive how am i live okay we need to go right now okay probably would have been a good time to go right there now you go whoa whoa caught in a bad romance this is like a freaking uh dance dance revolution also you have locked me from going into any of these [Music] i i think this is horrible what is whose man is this are you telling me that i have to actually attempt to navigate this okay okay let's look at it logically theoretically it it has to be like this one and then no matter what he's in good enough but what what is i don't know what some of this does but we're we're making do [Music] okay i get it occasionally that explodes okay i i have a full understanding these are just they're they're push pops just kill me just kill me we understand i don't know what the what the benefit of the the other barrels here is because they they do not you know i saw it coming pretty much from a mile away that was i was still bad okay it's a little dicey a little okay yeah yeah i get it okay okay yeah yeah yeah understood understood completely i disagree i disagree wholeheartedly i did not get hit there how many levels are there in medium dude i'm on friggin 14 i disagree with that one as well very heavily disagree with many of the deaths that i'm having okay we go okay i will wait i i don't actually know what the play here is okay a lot of tnt barrels you don't need to touch them just get out just get out we've done it we've done it thank you thank you there's there's a hard mode dude there's a freaking hard mode oh my god okay well you know what man is easy enough find all hints what are you talking about there are 16 rooms in easy mode try to improve your high scores oh no okay you know what that's fair that's fair we'll be back we'll be back i'm gonna do this again i'm gonna do this again thank you guys so much for watching we'll do a hard mode next time very exciting and a very very fun mod you can check this out link will be in the description to the steam workshop page or the mod um requires no other installs just this is what you get right out the gate very very good and i'm loving it so thanks so much for watching i'll catch you in the next one you have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 24,123
Rating: 4.8770852 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, eden streaks, eden streak, isaac, lets play binding of isaac, stream, the binding of isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, eden, binding of isaac, eden streaking, isaac stream, new isaac content, rebirth streak, new binding of isaac, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth, isaac afterbirth, repentance, isaac repentance, antibirth, antibirth eden streak, repentance eden streak
Id: -vMXARhNi5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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