GREEDIEST MODE! FUN GREED MODE! :: Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Mod Spotlights

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Hey hello everybody welcome back to another binding of issac afterbirth plus mod spotlight and technically modded road to a million percent video happy day after Thanksgiving to all my American friends and happy happy Friday to all of my you know European Australian Africa uh hell I don't know where you people are China we were wherever I don't care happy Friday we're playing greediest mode today there's a mod by M R a and rock ooh something like that I'm sorry I butchered your name I've just accepted it uh greediest mode is a basically an update to greet mode just makes green mode better which is something that I'm very okay with let's steamroll green mode uh and just do it as lilith there's no reason not to you know alright let's crank out a green mode aloha so what is greediest mode greenies mode is essentially that's just making green mode better and I've heard you guys loud and clear a lot of you had said Tyler you never play green mode and we technically have to for the modded road to a million so I figured you know let's let's do something here about this let's do a mod spotlight that uses green mode but then also allows me to promote the modern road to a million percent a little bit it's kind of a win-win situation for me for you you're just kind of here but we are playing with the mod and road to a million percent mod pack here which means we're going to encounter some funky items such as pick door beak door our favorite Russian Russian constellation beat Thor but anyway greediest mo adds a bunch of different stuff makes the shops look a little different adds obviously some variation to the floor we have some little sucky guys here best cool I don't know if it does anything else but I've gotten a lot of comments telling me Tyler go check out greediest mode alright and if it makes screen mode any better then this is something I'm totally down for yeah and will probably keep this on for the modded roads with million percent just because like having read mode be more enjoyable makes it better for me for the future of that series because I hate green mode usually I don't find it very fun and if this can make it a little bit different then I'm totally down with that let's do it or let's make it different throw the mods in give me more mods as what I what I strive to do in the modern road to a million percent I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving those of you that celebrated it's technically not even close to Thanksgiving for me it's close it's about two days away from me right now all right and life is good I had an interview today that uh went extraordinarily well for a summer job next year uh and I'm just living life I'm away from school home finally I'm recording to say if I sound different it's because I'm back home I in the process of recording this video and if the quality's different and stuff like that don't worry too too much about it I'm not I'm not in my normal spot for recording right now I've just actually lost all of my HP fighting that man that's okay uh we all Jesus oh we might die here so far greediest mode is it's a little bit more difficult because of all the extra crap in this room and the extra crap can make things go a little buck wild from what I've noticed so far I'm also trying to figure out that this is not exactly the easiest boss for first floor especially I got for incubi still couldn't do much with it let's see what's in our shop what do we got ah it's like not good we do get a card that card is the world I can show you the world crap I just realized I lost all of my inky buddies all right here's what we're gonna do I think this is acceptable we're just gonna head on down we're gonna skip the first floor oh we're gonna skip the I don't know who you are I've never seen this enemy before Oh No the sketch is hi do not fire shots at me buddy a daughter pray she it okay Oh Little Italy beauty we're gonna skip to the devil because I don't have HP basically uh and we wouldn't be able to do it anyway there's a lot of buttons in this room I want to smack all of them with my hand I also am not allowed to do anything until I hit the buttons Oh No okay hit one it's the floor to the next floor hit to hit one is penny hit two I'm not hitting those ones in the corner yeah oh no no no I'm a rock man ah beautiful I will hit one in the corner now it's a donation machine we don't need it enemies don't need them either go in this room get rid of them you know what take the HP that sounds phenomenal right now and then go back out oh don't go down in the next floor either okay we got that guy now that's nothing uh no never - enemies go I'm frazzled right now just smack both of them that resulted in little huh she never mind gloom soul I believe this makes it dark forever which is like a little sucky if I'm being fair blow that up I don't need it all double bombs double double bombs double double done okay oh there's enemies in here now - there's enemies everywhere that's okay life life is wacky oh okay three cent key is an absolute must honestly I'm tempted to buy another and I'm gonna buy another gosh darn it I'm never gonna go down here we'll go go in here I didn't I mean the donut that's okay this is Phoenix give me a little bit of a shot at some extra life action I popped the world we don't have a secret room on this floor that's okay it's not the end of the world it's just good to know and I always fight the waves we live a happy life we're gonna be fine I this run is like greediest mode is a little sketch is what I'm gonna say for how I feel tell me how you feel how you really really feel no tell me how you feel how you really really feel first time I think I've referenced that one ever in a video I can't see either part of that is I'm just blind but the other part of that is it's freakin dark in here I don't know how I let those guys on fire but I would like to do it again well we'll make the best of this we are on you know half a heart right now there's a fly right there we are in half a heart right now I don't really want to be on half heart right now also bow knees are the bane of my existence so the more I take care of business the happier I'm gonna be all Phoenix brought me back buddy okay that was fun I enjoyed it let's never do that ever again I think Phoenix brings you back twice so I'm not allowed to die one more time there's the beauty of Phoenix for you usually one that I don't get too excited about cuz you know who wants to die in a run but I guess in this scenario worked out okay huh a big gurdy gurdy should not be that difficult for us to uh knockout here he can't shoot above us so just like chill here is going swimming this is the best boss fight I've had in years okay life is good do we want to do the deal we do want to do the deal well we're basically banking on this deal containing uh like the pact the mark avid on anything that gives hearts back yo there's a lot of shots in this room and a lot of things that want to kill me in this room and I'd prefer if we stop this fun party that's going on no okay yeah uh-huh that's the way uh-huh ha I don't care for this uh-huh uh-huh no dude greediest mode is freakin hard I also think my game just crashed it did just indeed crash okay let me read launch life will be okay I guess the game just expects you to win your greediest mode runs oh that was not easy I'm sure a lot of you like why do you notice probably let's do let's do Samson Samson greediest mode we do have to do greedy your greediest as well hopefully this gives me some money right here or two spiders that you know can't complain you know okay this is tears and uh tears and HP a beautiful thing to have do we have anything of value in here there's a beautiful the greed donation machine is chilling in here which is a little bit funky I suppose if we wanted to get some early donations in I suppose we could do that but don't see why we would do that I don't know what that is I will open this we do get a key from it so you know what let's of course I can't slime my body back there so now I just wasted a penny let's open up the item room item room contains yum heart this is actually a pretty good thing for us right now cuz I'm just gonna walk in here now we get nine lives well this is not really what I expected and I'm gonna do some weird stuff here I and many of you are gonna go Tyler you're actually playing intelligent for once a lot of you are gonna go Tyler what the hell are you doing I'm gonna reassure you that what I'm doing is intelligent we're gonna stack up our damage from we're gonna stack up our damage from not you I'm just gonna tell you right now stack up the damage from Sampson we now have 10 damage it's gonna make this floor significantly easier and we're gonna take nine lives anyway and lose all those hearts so why not do the thing the way we do doing it do sound good it sounds good to me and now I just got to get through this wave this is a good start obviously nine lives provides us with the HP that we need to take deals with the devil here I'm not afraid to lose a couple of lives to get some items so if the opportunity presents itself I'm gonna be looking to do deals with the devil and possibly take them if they include items we all know how a green mode deals go the answer is they're usually L trashcan but you know who knows greediest mode may change that stuff seems like greediest mode has changed a lot of things such as giving me fun starter rooms that make me want to die such as these spider webs or the sucky things from last run so this is good I'm happy sort of I am NOT happy I lost we were on a 1 game winning streak and I never want to lose a streak but it could be worse is all I'm saying let's take whatever this is miniature meteor I'm gonna be honest with you I have no idea what this is maybe okay yep that is that is a rock so if I hit enemies with the miniature meteor it has a chance to drop a rock is this is this correct do I know what the rocks do no but I can reassure you we'll find out here shortly I'm gonna wait to pick them up until we finish off the boss wave here and that will pick up the meteors we will see what they do I know you're all just clamoring for me to pick it up beautiful let's do it I picked it up they did nothing I'm sure they do something I can guarantee to you this isn't just an item for kicks and giggles I'm sure it does something we just don't know yet it's gonna be the mystery of the asteroid there's another one just continue to pick a lot maybe we pick up like twenty of them we get the asteroid transformation I don't know seems a little strange what do we got ah two runes but both the era because of our situation in the road to a million percent we do hit get a blue one of those guys that never appears we actually the asteroid appears to be bigger I wonder if the more we collect the more damage we do that makes like significantly more sense than anything else on this earth let's come up here we're going to we're gonna bomb right here but it's mainly to access the chest in the back so sure we heard our donation machine but life goes on hit this guy and there was nothing in it I hate it okay let's head on down we'll get Gareth crack-a-lackin' on this floor what do we got in the starter room a couple of purple fires and a golden heart okay might be worth it to do something with this golden heart I think the situation is actually it's presented itself beautifully right here so we had some enemies in here that's okay we want to start crankin there's a crawl space over there as well a lot of stuff to go on here we're gonna take HP plus luck and then we're gonna do this that gives us a buttload of good stuff I will take this money is not worth the airing magician might be worth it to bring in to bring into the first set of fights here we can get another card I'm gonna do this that card is two of hearts let's buy this I don't know why I'm trying to min max like the actual hell out of this run then do this let him pay out mom's coin purse not necessarily great another pretty fly a to lemon parties and another bombs our key I do love the idea of a seven cent item that gives me two keys very pro that so will plan on picking that up I also want to get a bomb to get into the crawlspace just because crawl spaces are good cat and ninetails is a great item and then we'll fight the wave and we're not picking up any money cuz the plan is to you're right here so don't even think about I just realized I have young heart which means that we could have cranked more on that guy without having to pay for anything but that's okay we've got it uh we've got to figure it out here there's a strategy I'm employing do I know what that strategy is I haven't quite wrapped my head around it but it's there I promise we can just farm asteroids right now this is something that the mod author has not thought of I believe this is alpha birth we can farm asteroids on this man's soul I want to do it farm them ass okay you know what ah Jesus that's okay that's okay one life one life it's all it's all was it'll be okay we can hear these asteroids as well maybe I actually don't know if we can but I'm going to assume we can and then hopefully that'll make all the difference do it I don't know why those one shot you I'm very not Pro that these fires are the one-shot masters now we are cranking the damage up right now which is the only positive of our pain and suffering right now as our damage is off the charts good obviously that's all due to bloody law so we did pick up Ken ninetails great item but our damage right now is primarily to the thanks of bloody lust this wave is done we want to continue keep cranking it's gonna be a pin fight no no it's a king a duplicate never mind Dooku flies is easy peasy lame on give me squeezy please because it would be a great tears up for us beautiful and then a good old dirty Junior which is not really all that difficult either there's a good way for us we're gonna be able to buy basically anything we could ever want after we're done with this room which is a very big positive for me the old devil wave is not that bad either just two of these guys I'm just trying to not pick up any money right now for asteroids and that went extraordinarily well angel deal contains a bomb which sadly I don't want to do anything with we're gonna sneak our way up here sneak through here I almost got smacked by that man again and I would have been I'm just very sad ierra it does duplicate the asteroids so we just have like the world of asteroids on our shoulder right now do I know dude they definitely make some bigger did you just see that it was enormous okay I love it take this you know what take this free items are good items and I know they're not free but seven cents is the way to go I'm gonna take all of them frankly I will also take a sack of sacks because it's very good and then the goal is to get a five cent bomb to drop and we sadly did not get that to happen okay bombs our key is exactly what we needed pop that crawl space time crawl space contains more money so we basically uh broke even here more pills tears down is awful and then pheromones is just pretty bad as well okay at least we win max this floor to a degree that I feel happy with I do want to blow them up get my nickel and then come down here damage is off the charts with this asteroid dude I'm loving it come back in here and then why not sure I'll take the Kosmos do I know what it does I mean I do now it puts these little orbitals around me so that's pretty neat as well and we're creating a pretty fun modded run here and then I do want to continue to reiterate if this is something that you are enjoying I would recommend checking out the modded Road to a million percent series as this is essentially what we do every single run so let's go on down I just realize I never went to the item room I'm actually a I am we probably should've okay so sometimes we all make mistakes we all have those days nobody's perfect I gotta work it again and again till I make it right I started the wave all know life goes on the quarry is in here as well quarries in the house oh no dude this is this is like all kinds of not pleasant pop flight this room is a natural disaster right now there's so much going on holy bono Lee this is what you call unhappiness summed up in a nutshell okay yep okay I would like to keep my HP thank you very much what is what is love baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more did we manage to escape this alive because I think the answer is yes but I'm afraid to say so okay we at least got rid of those guys that we're doing the things and the stuff this room is a disaster I did not expect to have this level of stress on my Thanksgiving break everybody Oh life is good really I love it happy days here at last asteroids are getting just absolutely enormous in here we get Max's head it's so good so good so good damn felt so good dan dan Antonia please don't don't stand at any nail by now find a nanny and my nan na na oh all right tinted rock I will pop it I appreciate the spirit hearts come in here what do we got crackling we got friends hello my brother in we got a nickel we got more nickels there's nickels everywhere I take it to binky the binky that gives me the tears up and then I take it to this and then I take it into that and then we go back down okay let's fight bosses peep should not be that hard when we have a 4 rate of fire 10 damage and all the HP I could ever need how did I get all this HP I don't know I honestly it seemed like we had nothing and now a little sudden I'm sitting pretty hard for me to complain really I'm loving sex acts - the battery charges the key drops it's saving me money and if I know anything about saving money I said I mean you should do it don't let me be your financial adviser because frankly I know nothing how it's not even one going into for my career if you want to know how to secure a network I got you covered but if you're going to me for your financial decisions it's just a bad idea honestly going to me for pretty much anything is a bad idea I'll continue to reiterate over and over again my opinion take it as a grain of salt 99.95% of time except for the fact that milkshakes are really good when they're thick ok a lot of you argued with me thick milkshakes of the way to go man I have we talked a lot right there let's let's blow this up let's take the screw let's take the seven cent and growth hormones we don't really need the seven cent toothpicks so do one more reroll we'll see if we can get another seven Center up in here up in here y'all gonna make me lose my mind nope up in nope up in nope I'll take this ace of clubs sure honestly give me more bombs bombs are useful we'll come in here and here contained a trip to my deal with the devil again would have been nice to know a long time ago 24 damaged right now what the hell is this what what part of me I don't like that ah oh ok I'm going down that was fun a little bit funky funky funky funky clap clap clap do the freaking dirty at the start of this one the world buddy the fact that we have ten damages our base damage is so frickin good this run is looking absolutely phenomenal I can't even get to them freaking room well that's just like a slap in the face left and right their key for sale anywhere there is keys for sale I will get a key shortly hello friends my brethren welcome to the party key please no key but another bomb will buy a key obviously will come in here and do this key please no key magician again they love giving me magician cards I used to love magic when I was a kid this is a good item it's got a lag game but let's do it poly mitosis split that crap it's such a laggy item I love it will I have to probably remove this in a couple of minutes yes but will we enjoy it while we have it yes it would be insanely fun if this item did not lag the game tremendously but it does so we do have to deal with it now we're gonna add that it's homing to the mix which means I'd assume that all the other parts of it are homing as well that spew out so that is just like everything is a disaster I understand it like feels like you're watching Microsoft PowerPoint right now there's not much I can do about that besides just remove this item I know a lot of you were gonna be very Pro Tyler remove the item there's gonna be a lot even like Tyler's item is dope and you know why I'm with you this item is dope but we are gonna remove it after this wave once we get uh once we get to the boss wave I want people to actually be able to see this without getting motion sick and that's good what's gonna happen so does the asteroid reset after each floor that seems to be making logical sense or else our asteroid would actually just be one shotting bosses at this point also thank you for all the keys now really appreciate it that was sarcasm in case you were wondering okay let's remove poly mitosis it's beautiful don't get me wrong that is not what I wanted removing pills has not been implemented because the stupi Holly mitosis it is gone welcome back frame rate it was nice nice to have you back honestly was there anything in the shop we really desired no I'm gonna be honest with you I don't want anything in there save the money hashtag saved the money save the bees save the dollar signs that grow on these trees I ain't saying I'm a rap God but I ain't got no wad I can't rap dude I keep trying one of these days one of these days but fan it man I got like 80s references now is the rap that I can't get so far one day oh one day oh one day one day I'm gonna hit you guys with the sickest freestyle you're not even gonna know what hit you it's gonna be the Isaac freestyle of the century era gonna be like old Tyler is a god I'm gonna be like damn straight son alright take your money whoa take the money and run does that spawn back another one dude I think we may have broken the matrix here but as they say in the land of the great if you find an exploit exploit it that's not actually what they say but if you find an exploit actually - pardon me I said I found an exploit there it is okay when you find the exploit exploit it I will get up to ninety nine cents here this is cheap you know dislike the video if you think I'm cheap but in my opinion I know when in Rome do as the Romans do it the Romans love money so I'm gonna get the money whoa get the money and run I'm BA I also get a luck up every time I do this because it's the same poop every time so it's gonna continue to give us the same amount of money each time which means the same amount of luck upgrades which means we can't actually just like farm luck which I'm gonna be straight with you it could be insanely fun especially because I think the asteroid might be luck based a lot of people are gonna be like Tyler I don't want to watch you do this over and over I also don't want to fall asleep because I miss you babe and I don't want to miss a thing but I don't want to watch this Tyler to you I say pitch Shaw you would love to see me get 15 luck on this run and then get a luck based item that ends up like demolishing everything around us I also might as well be buying items so sure I will buy the belt and then I will buy a squeezy and then I will buy matchbook and then I will buy the box and then I will take all of this and then I will get two spades which I will pop and then I will get this and I will get this and then speed up we don't really need and then I'm gonna get back to breaking the matrix here I'm gonna go up to a 15 luck a lot of people are still gonna say cheap I'm all I can see the comments in my head alright it's after Thanksgiving everybody just be kind for once be thankful for your content creator yours truly not to be confused with the restaurant yours truly which you know it's not that good continue to crank on this bad boy we're wasting a lot of time it's a bit longer of a video for a greed mode run I'm not gonna deny that we're up to 15 lakh I can't do it - one more maybe - 15 lakh feels I that's the first time I've ever said all right without the L&R in it III sounds like a freaking pirate all right Captain Jack Sparrow Sparrow Jack Spock okay I think we're done with this I'm running out of commentary to do while doing this so we're going to move on we are firing out asteroids almost every single time which is going to result in actually like the biggest amount of stupidity ever do you see this crap right now it's actually just asteroid city you know at this point just take everything am i pushing my luck trying to get even more luck dude I want to fire out an Astro Astro I want to fire on an astro everything single time all of Houston congratulations on your World Series victory but I want to fire out an asteroid every single time it's like the space run we got the Kosmos we got the asteroid it's wacky oh let's head on down i've exploited this run enough as is we don't need to do it more please get rekt thank you i'm heading on down this run is set up for basically all things positive and we still have two more floors which is just ridiculous infestation two is dumb another syringe which gives us spun is dumb the fact we got these two guys down here they're gonna do brimstone lasers the whole yeah they're up there too this is gonna be one hellish place to be hello friend I'm not saying that you're not supposed to be here but please go away thank you for the asteroid Judgment Day yes I will play you and you will enjoy my playing of you thank you for coming to good burger home of the good burger may I take your order that is a ceremonial robes tears down I'd no thanks I'll throw this right here come back hit third there's a there's another rock back there crank this up I'll take a Steven thank you very much 29 damaged my lord my lord and my lady things are going quite okay for Tyler come down here a hole hole hole hide the damage there's too much of it I'm getting drunk with power here I don't promote underage drinking no don't do that it's not good at all let's do the waves there's a good chance that like these guys are going to demolish most of my enemies so I just gotta stand around hope to the best yeah and then literally like pretty poor room design this is demolishing everything for me it feels good I don't have to do anything but does seem like the design ain't all there another judgment as a bomb bagger you know what get ready to redirect buddy we all need you in my life we also don't need no education bam bam planet and by everyone in it BAM fan out fan out we don't need no self-control something like that I lyrics Pink Floyd's the wall I there an enigma to humanity let alone to me okay come in here grandpa's fight what do we need nothing it cramps his head sure why not at this point I think gonna hurt another lockup I think that's acceptable do I know what this is I do not using care guide this is a great item we can drop things on people but I'm gonna be fair with you I don't think we need it although you'd rather see the modded items and see see whatever the thing is that I had before that I've already forgotten cramps his head that's the word for it that is a tinted Little Rock thank you I will look for a crawlspace why because I can it's also just some asteroids chilling in this room the number of blue spiders we have is also reaching way out stupid high there's a vacuum cleaner it's very cute let's head on down at this point I'm kind of like let's just save as much money as possible and try to donate everything this is one fun floor oh yeah look at this this is enjoyable a definitely fair right here nothing screams more fair than having 1800 of these guys in the room and then I accidentally hit the uh hit the button as good feels great man spam the feels good man and chat who needs feels bad man when you can feel a good man he's just gonna get rekt by the poop that is one advantage we have like everybody's just gonna get rekt by poop that spawns on the edges help up and thank you it's a very strange wave as what I'm saying though greediest mode man make some changes of the game that I have worked out in my favor on this run but obviously you've seen some scenarios where with a not-so-pleasant run things could be looking real awful for us and so far I'm feeling great but one wrong move can still make things go buckwild I and we have no idea there's a small chance that I was pointing Isaac in here dude there's a small chance that the ultra-green fight is a little different as well and that could be a disaster for the best I did but Isaac get rekt a hide keep dang it please don't spot me it's beautiful life and you are dead there's another wave okay just triple Ragman it's just triple Ragman no big deal pop this and that drop the fridge on one of them there's a double Isaac fight you're kidding right just drop every fridge you've ever had on I was actually amazing okay 29 damage just continue to drop fridges on these fools I've never fought two Isaac's at once it's a new experience for me as experience I never want to have ever again either okay dealio with W contains an infestation baby which normally I would be like let's do it but we don't need it grab your asteroids and then actually take a look at your shop and find that it basically contains nothing you could ever want I just bought a key are you me do not need your key do not do it to me pretty fly for a white guy man in a net the neo neo named Danny O'Neill only this was a great opportunity for keys wheel of eyes the fortune okay flatworm is stupid I love it and honestly I think we try to donate as much as possible take this fine flight and speed up actually you have to we have nineteen luck and we get the mob transformation this is pretty dope looking there ain't gonna be a single person that denies it you won't deny my hips don't lie we take the urine down we here all the money that we receive in one of these rooms to make sure we hit 99 cents and can donate everything this is funky forget-me-now is very strange lump of coal is also very strange I'm gonna do it this just wasted a lot of our money but it's funky I remember back how crickets body I have to it's so fun such a bad idea but too fun okay asteroids everywhere there's gonna be money galore and this is where we yera to be fair so slap that yera grab all this junk 44 cents to donate is still pretty good and we're likely gonna get a couple more there's your shooter in the middle alright we're likely gonna get a couple more here from some of these guys on the sides we're also going to get actually like 17,000 asteroids and with each one we grow even more powerful so this is just it's difficult to believe how this is gonna go poorly for us because the answer is it won't it's gonna be an easy fun I know there's some lag I mean that's literally crickets body.i I took it knowing that I was going to have my run destroyed by it in terms of my FPS it's quite fun for me as a whole but the FPS I don't like it I can't deny okay play some bombs up there I actually can't pick up enough asteroids right now there's too many of them we have to be at max asteroid capacity right we've hit the max we only have 16 damage and we're decimating this guy if I actually just purposely got hit a couple of times we'd have like 40 damage the decimation is real it feels good I haven't like this badly beaten greed in a pretty long time so I'm enjoying this the number of asteroids man what an enjoyable run I'd really did enjoy this one I'm sorry that I died on the first one it was a bit discouraging I suppose but this was enjoyable I hope you enjoy it as well I think we had do greediest mode on all of the green mode runs that I need to do from here on out and maybe occasionally we'll just play for the fun of it I did get some good stuff roll with it it's a pretty fun mode I actually made greed mode a bit more enjoyable I'm not gonna say that it turns into like my favourite mode in the game cuz obviously that's not true at all but just a couple of changes it did just adding some variety making it not just a repetitive piece of garbage like it usually is made it significantly more fun props to you you're a slob or whatever your name was because it was really good this run is over we do get to donate 63 cents to the Tyler's poorer fund we also unlocked lusty blood which is a phenomenal item it spawned the thing on top of the chest how do you expect me a donate you son of a gun oh good donate well that is just like mighty unfortunate that's gonna do it for this episode mod spotlight and modern road to a million percent video thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy a slap that like firing I'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 25,408
Rating: 4.852941 out of 5
Keywords: video, games, indie, gameplay, commentary
Id: Mag2SLBvidI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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