Triple Tech Arena FFA Regicide! Always Believe!

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to a diplomacy free-for-all arena regicide game this is a little bit of everything on many people's favorite map arena this is on size four though so size 4 arena sometimes if walls are touching they're sharing some space and as you can see here that's exactly what has happened I'm going to introduce the players we have crouch in the blue and he's playing as the Spanish next to him we have a jury Fitz he's playing as the Huns in the yellow we have Saracens four mercenary double-o aides in the red we have Tanev are playing as the Mongols in the green this guy has maybe 20 tiles of wall to himself we have Corrales and the teal we have revenge a OE and then let me turn the spectating chat off here then in a purple we have crazed wolf who's playing as the Celts oh and mop the walk last but not least we have Mafia walks playing as the Franks I think I told them they could pick civilizations this is still with the triple Tec mod today on stream we are not using some of the newer civilizations and the newer balanced changes were we're using some of these special mods big reason is because there was recently an update to the mod you use for those numerous civilizations that I know a lot of you watching the stream that might want to play have probably not updated the world low kingdoms yet so for next week we will be doing well looking tombs games again please make sure that you update that if you want to play next week but for now we'll just stick with this YouTube really hope you enjoyed this one clarify the situation so you weren't confused there's so many different mods nowadays it's it can always be confusing have you haven't a regicide before if you don't know regicide is it's pretty simple you have this chubby man in your castle or wherever you want to put him if you lose him you die so you need to keep him alive at all costs an arena is a map that we see pretty frequently in Age of Empires 2 it's a fun map I'll be honest with you guys I really like arena I especially like casting arena and you start with stone walls however because the map is smaller the bases are intertwine so there's really not a lot of room to breathe for players and it's definitely not very fair in some ways one thing I noticed is that Purple's bores yeah like this here purple can't get his sheep and he can't get his boars unless teal allies him and teal has a light ends so luckily they're playing nice for now and what he could do is he could use his sheep to open up the gate and then he could bring in the boars anyway new mogan thank you for the prime sub recs fair thank you as well choke choke sake thank you before and DN fire thank you for the brand new sub also mr. C here e subbed for an entire year chat an entire year while was playing piano man and genius Matt he donated 15 hundred bits he said the first time playing in 23 months was that really your first time playing in 23 months that's that was insanely good if that's the case he said I played he said I played a community game easy MVP and YouTube content and hopefully entertainment you're welcome well thank you thank you for the amazing entertainment man but seriously oh thank you guys for playing in these games and showing up I wouldn't do it without the audience and other players so as always appreciate it Missy hood with 18 months now it's a year and a half from Izzie hood I've been saying this for a while now but here on Twitch I am so excited to hit that two-year mark I actually need to email twitch and find out the day I got partners more because on that day I would like to do some type of celebration stream so without the twitch partnership my content would not be where it is today I still remember just how difficult it was to get partnership back then I don't know how how long you guys have been on twitch but nowadays you can get affiliate if you just get I think if you get 50 followers an average what is it 10 viewers or something I remember they didn't have affiliate and I really wanted partnership which means you can get this sub button which is so important and I was averaging 400 to 500 viewers and they still weren't giving it to me and it was so frustrating man because I'd done so much work up to that point it wasn't being rewarded and then there was a t90 series it was between yo and I peeked at I believe Fort 1414 viewers I remember the exact number actually and then after that I applied for partnership and I got it and I'm really proud that I was able to do that back when it was tough to do so honestly nowadays if I host someone Qi West if I just host someone they get affiliate immediately so I can't help but be a little bit jealous you know because what I was averaging hundreds of viewers and didn't have a sub button it was so frustrating but it is good that it's easier for people nowadays Bear ji says t9y official you should dress up as a monk and go although on the street corner for your anniversary yeah I'm pretty sure I get arrested for public intoxication at least they would assume that I mean I was intoxicated I don't know if I want that hmm so what are your thoughts on the civilizations this is triple tech we have Spanish Huns Celts Aztecs Mongols Franks Mongols and Saracens now in the previous game we did the force nothing game and I allowed them to pick saves and they all chose Turks and I also told the host of the game to tell the players that anyone who chose Mongols I would call an idiot just because I didn't want to restrict their choices but Mongols is an easy pick but I'm not going to call them an idiot now I didn't say that to these people so that's fine Mongols are in my opinion the best Civ by far and triple tech which is why yeah it's like an easy choice I won't call them an idiot though ask money for hosts so they get affiliate it's actually funny you say that partners could do that you know like a partner could say give me ten bucks and I'll host you and then you get affiliate and you'll make that money back I mean I never do that I host people to spread the love but he could actually make a small business out of that but I guess if you're a popular streamer it's not something that you would really do anyhow I don't know I'm sure some some people out there probably do that it's not for me though Spanish with the the triple Supremacy would be fun to watch here I guess we'll see it always depends on the diplomacy look at all the gold that's right next to yellow and red sorry I'm so nasally today I don't know why but uh yeah we're the show's gonna go on here these gold should be fought over but they might be allies you never know that's the beauty of community games right actually well we have time to those here into in the twitch chat what is your favorite part of community games what's your favorite part like what about it intrigues you what about it intrigues you is it the is it the betrayals is it then the mediocre slash noob play at times spamming t90 tree okay I get that the memes getcha okay becoming a legend well red hair is very motivated to become a legend the problem red hair is you said that you wanted to be a legend that's your that's your biggest downfall right there it's like saying saying you're going to get the job you haven't gotten yet it doesn't make you look all that good right I'm just trying to motivate you that's all best thing is the salt okay what people do I hate backstabbing but it's exciting lots of different thoughts King Snipes yep okay you notice how no one said me not one person no one said all great casting I love community games cuz the great casting now one person think of the streamer for once just kidding now a 28 did say he likes the suffering caster this is the guy who likes force nothing he said he said I like the suffering caster now that I believe right there because there's no other reason that this guy who doesn't play age would be such a big supporter of force nothing except to watch me squirm it's alright I'm not that's right I know you guys appreciate the concept just rolling units all I'm just trolling you let's bring up the overlay for now I hope hopefully it's not bugged out but I'd like to see what the populations are it's always a good indicator of skill okay it is bugged out but there's not much I can do about that so we'll leave it there for now and most players are just booming adding TCS working their way up through the ages yes this guy no I'm just kidding dude and just kidding I'm just trolling you guys right back that's all I will agree with digital I really liked players who chat a lot players who might not necessarily be good enough to win but chat are always exciting for sure I think that's what's appealing about red hair red hair is very good with chat and it definitely holds you back because you're you're taking your hands off the mouse and you're taking your hands off your hotkeys to type you know so they're sacrificing for us Flanders says great casting t9y official came here after watching the insane won't be one huge water and land fights on YouTube good choice to upload as is your reach your genuine reactions were good yeah how many people saw that game there were quite a few people watching the stream at the time so it's possible that a lot of you guys saw on stream but I did it just upload it to YouTube and I've had probably a dozen people already today say that they just came here after watching that well first of all welcome to the stream but second of all that game was sick and the best part about it is I was surprised by I did not expect the game to be so good that was also what made it special for me you need to get my courage together to join one of these soon I think a lot of people have a little bit of anxiety when it comes to joining these and I think yes that's understandable because there's so many viewers right you don't know what they're gonna say you don't know how you're gonna do you probably you might not think that you're at the level of some of the players in the games honestly what I say is that everyone should join a game even if you lose you can say you did it I'm not going to give you a hard time if you're not the highest rated player right I'm not gonna give you a hard time and sure there might be a person or two that says things but it's just about experiencing and having fun right it would be nice to see you play verse snippy and people is snippy here stiff he's not here right well thank God cuz he has a clip out there yeah he was here well let's just forget about that I don't want him to bring it up okay I don't want him to bring it up he may he may or may all God he's there don't share the clip snippy I played with snippy I remember it was it was migration and it was over two years ago and I died that's all I'll say there is the best-of-seven of dave dave and i playing that was t90 series promo if you want to look it up it's on youtube as well Oh Lacey I give you a hard time because your camper dude and you know it you know it Oh Lacey you're the guy who was 15,000 gold in the bank every game that's why I give you a hard time and you're not a bad player either you know I'm just trying to nudge you in the right direction that's all and plus your troll to me as well 828 thank you for gifting no doubt about the sub no doubt about it enjoy the emotes man fresh egg thank you for the prime let's let's check alliances well we have the time so yellow this is who he's allied with so half the people in the game orange is oh look at this he doesn't need friends this guy's a loner hopefully he knows it's diplomacy yeah okay so for the most part everyone's making friends surrounding them orange is probably the one outlier they're just uploading a random clip do you want me to show this clip on stream guys this is back in the day this was back in the day don't backstab me for now you can backstab me in like 20 minutes how much pop again 200 what are they talking about are they doing in no rush until you hit 200 population oh he's probably just asking what the pop limit is hmm so weird little scout rush from crazed wolf and now he is Megan else wasn't expecting that from Celts to Sea Scouts and Spears so early ok yeah I'll show you I'll show you the clip real quick since we have the time oh all right that's all you're gonna see sorry I can't bear to see any more we got to get back into the game we're missing things chat we're missing things I forgot how painful that was so crazy wolf is being pretty aggressive he's making a lot of enemies he's making a lot of enemies oh I love this council from orange very good position remember I mentioned these Gold's here very good position what cool bonuses can you take advantage of in triple tech you know Saracen Mameluke s-- i could arguably 21 months of Community Justice Opie is magnetized 93 1893 T 90 treat team I do it I do think that magnet I are better because they're affected by thumb ring however if you get zoetry with Saracens a bunch your mammal looks are gonna have a lot of HP that on top of the fact that you can get bloodlines I really think CAV archers any Archer is just the go-to when it comes to this game mode mega die is is the best archer in the game mounted archer in the game at least you know not counting be the camel Archer of course which we won't have in this balance Spartan thank you for 21 man 21 months of community game madness indeed dude indeed Celts could be strong as well Celts are always strong in these game modes but especially in triple Tec lift the triple Tec HP on their siege crazed wolf says me and you kill gray why do they want to kill gray we no offense to gray but he doesn't seem especially strong at the moment I don't know why they want to kill him hmm and did red just change him to enemy as well a register or antennae me tan Avars just changed diplomatic stands with you to enemy I forget whose point of view I was on at the time I'm constantly switching must must have been orange alright so I think it's time to remove this overlay it gave us all the info we needed but we gotta remove its cover up too much space now it's ruining my my youtube thumbnail I need to see the whole screen all right perfect your voice is so slow on its a 2 times speed I can talk faster and for boat this is more fun but more towering what do you think I don't think I can keep up with that okay with a show of hands how many people watch my videos on 2 times speed on YouTube with a show of hands or once as we normally do no no no one and a half yet the last game this seems especially so slow because the last game was played on fast speed okay so some people speed it up I slowed it down when I watch your videos t90 I think mafia walks have trouble I feel kind of bad for the guy because he wanted to get into a community game he couldn't get in last time and now he's being to be ones I feel pretty bad for the guy he doesn't deserve this revenge says I'm sorry something tells me he's not all that sorry I watched force nothing at 0.25 speed I'll sure you do I believe you I believe you just look at these manga diecast lage manga tied with six plus four six plus four three fits is about to hit him he's one of the strongest players in the game he's going with hun CAV archers he's a few castles and maybe he should attack red maybe you should tack the Mongol players before they get fully booms we'll see what he does with that mafia Wacha meanwhile he's having a rough time as I said this isn't gonna be good for him unless you get some help maybe Crouch will help them Crouch has 40 she's look at these DC's sitting right next to one another there are a few things he honestly just need to create villagers out of his TCS there we go I guess I caught him at a downtime lots of resources in the center this is played on size 4 so most of the extra golds and stones will be pushed towards the middle instead of the back of the players base because the base is not very big your voice gets a little squeaky all yeah dude I squeak when I get into it you'll hear all the squeaks that's called passion right there man well guys purple could kill his own castle purple could kill his own castle okay so watch this I don't let the splash damage from the maggot else be enough but I've seen this before in pro games where they have Magon ELLs attacking a wall which is close by where they place the castle foundation and no ii the villager puts any hits on it the splash damage from the maket out depending on timing can kill the castle foundation Oh nope he got lucky he repossess Ava's castle because the Macan else started attacking the knights all right so the castle will probably go up in pretty good upgrades from offal walk though he does have +2 defense 193 HP on these that's the that's why it was so hard to deal with them because the Franks extra HP it's tripled mouths it was John slow it was John slow who did that there's a clip I think it's in the top 5 of twitch clips on my stream there's wondering when that happens and of course John slow he had Tower hopped into the guys base to build that castle as well and then he pretty much lost the game after that he called GG immediately hey s kruk's welcome and this is finally made it to a stream welcome to the stream dude thank you for being here so oh my goodness Elite Eagles from Korra Halas he is attacking Reds manga die I think the Mongol players are the most threatening due to the fact that the civis oh look at that dancing Ram due to the fact that the civis is the strongest and triple tech so maybe pressuring them earlier rather than later is the best move but magnet I are getting more upgrades this won't be easy who's Arndt's gonna go after here again he doesn't have any allies so I guess he'll go after yellow mercenary is repairing his market on orange choose to go after red instead interesting filter says could you do a community game where you critique players one day Phil start the problem with critique is that my critique is only helpful if players can fast castle at a good time and do you know the typical builders have a good time and they have all their hotkeys working and I'll be honest most most people in community games probably not that level yet so sure my input will be really valuable but you genuinely need to put in the work yourself first because otherwise I'd be saying well you should have 6 on what here instead of 4 etc what I do think is that people aren't aware of where builders are they aren't sure where they can go for that information so I am working on getting that information out there with some YouTube videos but it's kind of tough dude it's kind of tough because honestly you have to do a lot of the base work yourself as a player and then my input would be helpful can anyone stop orange look at that score very strong score I see blues super-speedy trade cards here Spanish trade hey maybe that'll work out who's he trading with always trading with green of all people ok these calves archers have 100 HP tons of armor 7 plus 9 attack 12 range and red he's just hit the imperial aide she's getting elite manga dye but he doesn't have the numbers he doesn't have the resources to make more he's probably gonna die to this yellow his population isn't good so he might die to this blue he's just had a lot of idle TC time every time I come to him he has idle TC time so he needs some more filters for more economy probably should refresh the lumber camps and build a few more farms because the extra wood and port gray I just saw his King run into blues bass so he's probably dead this I guess I shouldn't be surprised but this has been an aggressive game I think the two top dogs probably of revenge and orange because revenge does have the castle numbers he does have the manga dye numbers and he's decent upgrades he uses to work on getting a few more I think because I did things the old-fashioned way and I had a build order written down I don't see how a build order video would be very useful so that's kind of where I that's a mistake on my part but also as I said earlier making videos like that takes so much time so I would have to spend 5 to 6 hours making one video and editing one video and it only be a 20 minute video and that's 5 to 6 hours I wouldn't be able to make other content right so it is tough I mean if YouTube could compensate youtubers more than they do then it might be worth it but I'm pretty much only doing it out of just to help people which I want to do but it's just a lot of work a lot of time so as I said I am working on a small series but it'll take time I want to make sure that it don't create one video because a lot of youtubers do this they'll create one video and they'll be like yeah I'm gonna complete this whole series and then they don't then they just forget about it and I don't want to do that so I want to have a bunch of videos backed up before release it so crazed wolf and revenge AoE there they are a pretty strong alliance red is gonna die red is going to die here one of the two Mongol players is gonna go down I'll use die I believe so maybe I'm counting him out too early but his populations not looking good how it in now for orange can anybody stop him paladin and CA and he has control of all these golds not gonna be easy not gonna be easy to stop him yeah and I can understand why youtubers do that because I've kind of I've said I was gonna do many things and it just didn't happen Tanev are just resigned she just gives it up F's in the chat so yeah I can understand it but what I will I just don't want to be that guy I don't want that to happen to me so I will make videos on this it just might take a few months till I I get him all completed so blue she's sitting here he's allied with teal and he says - are we good now these are not elite manga yet I don't think thumb ring was researched multiple times I don't think that bloodline why no bloodlines was researched multiple times so teals still pretty far behind on upgrades aren't is obviously the most skilled player in this game but if he gives people time they might be able to kill him so I will release a sub-goal when I return from my small trip oh look he crazed wolf with the petard Oh everything is being thrown at gray right now when I come back from my trip I'll be gone Friday through Tuesday I'll be down in North Carolina when I get back I'm gonna have a sub-goal for the next 24 hours stream I'm not sure exactly what that number is but when I come back we'll probably be down 200 subs from where we're at now because a 28 gifted a hundred subs about a month ago now so all those subs will expire and then it depends you know of crime subs returned as well so I'll make sure the goal is in reach but it's also a pretty high goal because 24 hours streams I put a lot of planning into it and it's a lot of effort right so you always just call him the GG here he's dying he thought he's lost all of his army so oranges has forced one to resign he'll kill two so two people are dead because of him a green has a lot of Aztec Eagle warriors and mine Eagles would be so much because of the extra HP but still he has Eagle warriors on the other side I think crazed wolf is looking to push forward with teal and maybe maybe snipe this King I don't know if blue let this happen it would probably be better for blue boot wait is he making Spanish camels okay that shouldn't be a thing but uh it would probably be better if he just lets that King died because grey isn't really offering anything to him at the moment [Music] gray said GG you big jerk revenge said I don't attack you just gray we fighting blue not yet need to keep an eye on green yeah so gray is not happy about it as I said this poor guy I think I over rolled last week so he's supposed to get a spot but I rolled nine people instead of eight so you said sure I'll just play next week really cool about it gets a game and then he gets killed didn't really have a chance cuz he was to be one that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes guys so with cookie crumbles g9y official why don't you ever play European diplomats because those games can go on for five hours at a time and they're very very very campy those Maps very campy I I do like games that go on long but I like things to talk about with those maps I just be saying yep someone's just sitting here waiting for an hour I play to myself this is fun to play I think it's one of those that might not be as fun to cast though c4 I have 5 to 6 people who have said they will for sure be there and I've had around the same who said there may be so I'm not necessarily expecting people to stop by and stay but I will be there for 4 hours and so you can stop by and just say hello and catch up right so teal seems teal seems to be next he's run in here and he's killing all Gray's Lumberjacks Moffet walk says teal is a meanie he is a meanie mafi walks on 23 pop man he's on 23 pop why are you going after him he's not happy about it but teal needs to get back home to defend himself and I don't think he has the upgrades to deal with what aren't has here orange can take so many resources from where yellow was and where red was he is definitely the leader in this game but here we go here are the Aztec Eagles 9 plus 12 attack tons of pierce armor and the Eagles seem to be holding their own here I saw orange earlier research paladin will he add them now I think he needs some poundin in the mix crazed wolf is going for paladin's as Celts well they lack bloodlines that's pretty big they lack some upgrades that's pretty big but it is triple tech and it's still paladin I guess - who cares if it's one of the worst Palin's in the game Byzantine and kill paladins pretty bad pianist is t9y official Oh ho-ho I'm back from a double session of training you're still on ye I'm sure that was yay but you said ye what's up double session of training huh nice I've been pretty lazy lately I've been active and I King a lot more I just haven't been training per se who is the best paladin's well that would be Frank's Frank paladin's and mafia walk wants to show us what a frank paladin could do but he's kind of dead he's still alive though he has villagers hiding in blues castle and now he is he being that sneaky now is he sending the villes yeah he just transferred everything into blues TC maybe I'll hop from tea to TC to get back to his bloodline teal doesn't have elite manga dye which really hurts to see you guys it's kind of lacking the gold for things now without elite manga dye it's gonna be tough with elite manga dye normally you need to get well that upgrade then you need to get thumb ring then you need to get all the blacksmith upgrades then you need to get all the stable upgrades that affect them in any university it is the most difficult unit to get fully upgraded in the game because of that Fisk and I don't know exactly how long we'll be streaming but we're probably about halfway finished now I still have a couple more hours to go so blues trade is dying to orange orange he doesn't have any allies guys none whatsoever but does he need him I'm you know I'm hesitant to say he doesn't need trade because I said that last time and trade definitely helps so in time he will run out of those resources and not having an ally could put him in a pickle but he's gonna win these fights just because he has so many more upgrades he is more attack he's more at speed than the magnetite and the magnetite aren't even the lead and with the paladin upgrades again these are almost fully upgraded yeah they're close paladin's will beat the Aztec Eagles Aztec Eagles only have 60 HP so despite the extra attack they don't survive all that long well blue needs to go for a freaking snipe man he needs to go for a snipe he's researching paladin now he needs to try and take orange outdoors and he sees that orange has his king right there is sending villagers with supremacy maybe to get the gold I'm not sure always attacking with them let's go the gloves are off as that gonna last long yeah this is his opportunity make a move crazed wolf as well but crazed wolf I think it's gonna turn on blue it's gonna turn on blue all right well they're his paladins really weird how this game is played out but I guess it's expected that some people will die off early because it is triple tech Bobi Thank You Man thank you for the prime King slushy with ten months that's awesome odd lyrics and skint Flint thank you guys very much for the brand new prime subs hmm can anyone beat orange chat I think crazed wolf could do it but then again crazed Wolfie has kelp powtoons so I don't know that awkward moment when you try to raid a wood line and the villagers have three plus eight attack in the ton of armor what is this how did he get this villager through here crazy wolf is building a ransom castle on the wood line it's kind of funny raha mangatayaru way better fully upgraded they're way better because magnetite fire faster I think Till's gonna be manga dead soon he's gonna be mega dead what about blue sea blue is making camels I assume the mod is allowing him to make camels well he obviously is because he making camels might not be as good as paladin though no camels will counter the paladins from purple but I feel like the lack of heavy camel upgrades is an issue [Music] it's just weird how this is playing out because orange is the strongest player by far and he doesn't have anyone teaming up against him you know really peculiar and by now I think revenge is just forgotten about the lead magnet I upgrade because he's been in him for so long without it he's had time to create other gold units so it's not just a resource issue for him saying that though he should probably sell some of his food magnet I only cost wood and gold so it wouldn't be a bad idea to sell that food provided you have your upgrades which he doesn't and he's paying the price so his King runs to this castle but I don't see him surviving much longer Blue has held on for his purple mafia walk finally a voice of reason he's his orange is going to wreck you if you keep this up and crazed wolf said sorry was AFK doing some artwork sure you'll oh sure you were sure you were doing some artwork okay it was just a Miss click it was a mistake didn't mean to do that he accidentally patrolled his units in before he wants to do the artwork as funny what steals population out 64 population he has castles he lacks the gold he lacks the numbers magnet I I don't know if Orange can be stopped he is more gold than anyone it's just a more experienced player really and the beauty of community games is more experienced players will die if you team up on them so Crouch is saying that right now Orange we went otherwise and crazy wolf says sure so I guess blue and purple are going to settle their differences and they're going to attack orange so that's what we need to see and that's what we will see and gray guys can we get some t90 was spam for gray mata walk he is a legend he's still alive he's rebou mning 16 population all I need to do is get those uh get those farm upgrades I guess he's Frank so he doesn't need to get the farm upgrades he doesn't even need that it's a no piece to get the lumber upgrades get everything he can economically three times there you go chat like it could even trade a little bit because again that is what you can have with alliances and blue is coming to save teal he has camels and paladins yeah I think orange needs to micro that I know that he is all of his upgrades but I think he needs to micro that instead of just sitting there I'm letting the melee units chew him up and he's gonna lose those units it's still a good situation for orange because he has 8,000 gold and he's making more units now maybe he wanted to get rid of those but it's definitely gonna get more complicated for him now because we could see a3 b1 we could see purple teal and blue against him and in Milwaukee we might get in the game eventually eventually oh no what are you doing please fight him with villagers that's what he's doing supremacy Spanish villagers from blue all right well you can't patrol villagers you have to click with them which makes this something that's not about realistic long-term but I can appreciate it I wouldn't have the guts to be one of these voters that's for sure alright odd worked for other streamers then again HUD is a bit of a buggy beast wait what what what exactly is buggy I don't think things are buggy I mean the game itself is from 2000 so there can be some issues what is blow doing here man he spam and villagers these spamming villagers well there's the castle is one of many castles that orange can build and oh there's a traffic jam this is like 5 o'clock on the highway traffic jam purple and blue Oh for the stats yeah well it doesn't really have anything to do with twitch that's that's an Age of Empires thing right the overlay it's very complicated it gets buggy it only gets buggy because the diplomacy when people change each other to Ally and enemy I believe in adds an additional if I if I changed myself geez I can't change myself to enemy that's not how it works no matter how much I hate myself that will not work if I change my allied to enemy and then change you back to ally I think that it adds another one through the overlay blues gonna die and he can't there's a traffic jam here the trade is blocking the military honestly I'd normally I try and look for some hope okay here's some hope crazed wolf just about to say I don't know if there's a lot of Hope here there's a way this is going arches aren't just steamrolling you are your own worst enemy yes I know that's normally how it works man seriously it's true I know you're probably joking but that's how it is for me man if I'm not doing well if I'm not progressing it's normally because of myself is that too real it's how it works you just gotta push through the shitty times and better yourself right yeah you guys I'm glad to have you there I'm glad to have you there if I need help I'll make sure to reach out to you guys oh man so if crazed wolf was Frank's I'd say this could work but he's Celts which is the biggest problem paladins as Celts just compare the stats here 200 hp look at the defense difference look at the attack difference look at the HP difference between these units so he's really not taking the best engagement he's running underneath castles which have a ton of attack he's running next to paladins and cab archers and green still down here alive I actually forgot about green I feel kind of bad he has less population than Mothra walk head revenge is green you still kick him man and he said that's right he's rebou man he's rebou man it would be pretty incredible now for them to snipe orange because his king is right there but how can they do it look at the KD 800 kills for orange 250 deaths not the closest diplo game we've seen yeah felt like have also pretty weak if he had Halberdier in siege then why lacked mobility he would have the firepower to be charged so far so good for orange killing it what's up Deva let's see 90 okay so they killed one of oranges castle there is hope there's very little hope but there is hope what I would do here if I feel like I'm out guns I would go for a snipe I wouldn't fight the main army maybe go for seed RAM if your teal get all the speed upgrades to get drill three times and then surprise him you know while orange is obviously beating everybody if he loses his king he is dead it'd be a pretty big upset for someone to snipe that now that's really what they have to go for flu he can't contribute anything to the fight now I think it was probably a mistake for him to send so many villagers into the into the fight because let's face it you need economy he is helping with some paladin so these walls are actually helping orange because he is ranged units and can fire atop the walls so I think they should delete the houses and the walls so they can actually take the fight oh goodness this is killing the seat delete the walls guys delete the walls you're never gonna get in here blue and never get in here with these units this is crazy that's why the KD is so good it's not really that blue doesn't have upgrades that purple doesn't have upgrades they do but the fights are so much better for orange because the walls here should purple not just let blue die and prepare a snipe on orange yeah I think he should but he's also trying to trade with the guy so I don't know what they should do is they should trade the other direction crazed wolf should trade with green so there's been some weird decisions when it comes to the diplomacy in this game see that's elite manga now you see how fast that is that's the difference between regular magnetite and elite he got elite manga died that's insanity and I still don't think they're fully ups I still don't think they're fully ups see how fast that was firing now that would destroy this that would absolutely destroy it you know I think he could go now revenge is just having some issues with the production but he has the wood he has the gold he could go now with this army and they could probably hold against orange because elite mangas I aren't insane in triple Tec now it is nice to be paladins or be Huns and have the paladin's in front of your calves archers that meat shield is valuable but look at the difference in the firing speed it's it's crazy man it's like a machine gun on a horse Genghis Khan will be proud yeah a caveman they haven't they don't have the economies to get there man they do not have the economies now I will say that revenge is still missing a few bracer upgrades so the hunt ei actually do more attack also the hunt see I have a little bit more armor as well so it might not be as different as I thought because of that they have slowed down orange a bit though and he's only a 3,000 gold now so it's possible they're slowing them down this has been a battle though this has been crazy what is orange is a low on Buble let's see rgeous a low on Buble um yeah doesn't have a lot of rated games so he's probably a good player who just doesn't play a lot of rated games or this isn't his main account let me look at his account will inspect yeah he might just not play rated games so he's only in the medieval siege lobby he has two wins and three losses but also you have to keep in mind playing good in community games not really comparable to right your situations and one view once a lot of these guys that playing community games and are very good when they're fully boomed they struggle in the futile Asian Castle ages areas of the game and one of you wants and and team games if you're good in community games essentially what that means is you can boom on multiple TCS very quickly and then get upgrades and take fights at that point but all that little stuff that you encounter you you just don't count during community games in feudal Asian Castle age so Green is trying to repo him I would trade boom if I were him I would try and trade I don't know why crazed wolf and green aren't allied maybe they just haven't thought of it Till's massing more magnet i Andy's getting seed Rams which is one I wanted to see good stuff you know what with this I wish the overlay could show me how many texts they've researched cuz now he's getting ring Archer armor I just want to see how many texts he hasn't researched yet it'll be pretty cool because he's definitely a bit behind but he's getting there blue he might have beefy villagers he does not have a beefy kit while he does have a beefy King it's a chunky monkey but doesn't have any armor no armor on top of that fat so sure Spanish villagers are great the economy will stay alive for a while but if you lose your king you are done and aren't is getting closer but here come the manga die and again they are getting more upgrades does he not have ballistics oh he doesn't have ballistics no por revenge I do feel bad in these situations because we have so many people watching and the guy forgot ballistics so a lot of these shots are missing and that he's missing chemistry as well I assume then he doesn't have a university oh that sucks so he will still get cleaned up guys and I think blue will soon be defeated all the trade that is running - blues markets will be killed still there is no response to our jazz dominance pretty bird welcome back for five months I 8:28 thank you for gifting that a Botox moves think for the premise of his well man I was Green doing in his happy little corner it's not that fifty-three population the problem is he lost most of his gold in the fights so he really needs trade to get gold and there goes blue is king who was running away running to safety and honestly blue has gold he just doesn't have military his issue the entire game has been wood guy I have food sorry look how much wood he has I think in castle age I mentioned he should have built more farms it's really tough to keep up with but I think building more farms would have been the key for him so he could fund the paladin's because he could make endless paladins as long as he had the food he's fighting with villagers where he can law need to see for sure that's not gonna do it for him though not versed these units for March came here from the realm of YouTube never been here first stream well it's pretty boring here what do you think twitch that pretty boring right never any excitement on the twitch stream welcome man welcome don't say yes it was a joke it was a joke you're not supposed to not supposed to play along with that kind of joke come on now how can I answer community game well you need to have the platform that we play on and you need to be here and waiting it is as simple as that and then when the time comes anyone who is ready to play can type exclamation mark play in the chat it doesn't mean it doesn't work now I subscribers to the stream do get four times the extra entries so it definitely ups your chances if you subscribe to the stream but if you don't sub to the stream you still have an opportunity as well skeleton prime thank you for the prime sub man so it's really not a great sign when the guy who is manga died thinks he needs to go into skirmishers it's not a good sign not a good sign at all he's trying to trade a little bit you know we haven't seen much from crazed wolf for a while so maybe he'll jump in to help but I don't think I don't think orange can be defeated with how this game is played out I don't think orange can be defeated I'll be honest with you guys Celt like calves that's not going to do it if there's no manga die I don't see how you kill this unless Arendt runs out of resources but he's just killing people and taking their relics and taking their gold so that's not an issue it might take some time but I think he's gonna win this game is that Connor Murphy who appears when someone subscribes that's me man it's not Connor Murphy that's me I know this is a silly question but revenge does know this is triple tech right well of course he does because he's he has tripled tech skirmishers in manga die what they don't realize is that orange does not need to get half trade because he's killed so many people he can take their gold right so you can see he had gold here earlier he could get these relics if you wanted to I believe there was four gold piles here there is also gold piles here so he's pretty much his day come when was the last time you went salmon fishing I've never gone salmon fishing actually did you guys know there's a live stream I think it's on earth org don't don't quote me on that I don't know if that's the website that might that might give you a virus definitely Google there's there's a website that has a live stream of a bear we're not not a bear but where where the salmon are trying to go upstream it's really cool you can see the Bears catching salmon sometimes I watch that and I wish that was me well it's probably hundreds of bears that show up there but when I watched it there was just one bear and I said man that would be the life right there that would be the life can you like the YouTube can you like the video the sub thing is from I saw it ages ago I couldn't find it recently I could actually play that video after this if you guys want to see that I played the other force nothing video earlier I can play that again so it's kind of funny in triple Tec skirmishers are pretty good against paladins because they have so much attack pow dance will two-shot them so you still have to utilize your range but in terms of damage done they do a significant amount of damage but it's still not ideal now that more paladin's come in those commercials get wiped up and everyone is trying to kill large I [Music] wish there I almost wish there was kind of a fast-forward button on this game because I can kind of see where this is going you know I don't see any hope for them unless they hold on for another hour and he truly runs out of gold but how's he gonna run out of gold you can get this relic you can get these relics it's crazy when you do a new 24 hour stream will the sub emotes update - yes yes they will so my my plan I mean I might run out of ideas at some point but my plan is to do a 24 hour stream every once in a while and when the sub goals are hit I'll do a 20 per hour stream I'll have another hype video and that hype video will then change the alerts of the stream as well so that's what I did the first time around with the rocky video the second time I had a video and yeah don't hold me to that maybe I'll run out of ideas but that's that's what I'd like to do mafia walk is gonna snipe orange and become a legend that's that all that crazy with 5,000 gold in the bank he might be able to I kind of forgot about this guy he's just chopping wood here again should probably farm but if he makes Frank paladin maybe Green don't kill Reds market all right Green is clearing up Reds base and that that's important Reds market needs to stay alive for them to trade they're getting so much trade value from this orange needs to push faster man he really needs to push faster he's kind of stalled out here right blue is about to kill this castle this large army isn't pushing and now he says so friends anyone yeah I think this is the wrong time to look for friendship I don't think it's gonna work out for you man that would be unreal if Mafia walk kills Arndt's but he could do it because of all the gold he has Grace has green who are you mad at we need to take on orange in court Alice's orange said you had your chance than castle what's he talking about then Castle maybe maybe that was mouthful walk speaking to orange he said I haven't attacked anyone in a while I mean this is kind of true but it's obvious you're now desperate for golds now even though the price isn't the best he could just sell all of his wood and get a few thousand gold he has lumberjack so it's not like he won't get the wood back Mogi the problem with monks Aztec monks are great because you'll have a lot of HP the problem with them though is that they don't auto-attack they don't auto convert so while in theory if you could click hundreds of monks it would be really it'd be unbeatable almost like if you gave an AI triple tech Aztec monks they would win every time because of how much HP but an actual application it's almost impossible because everything moves so fast couldn't orange trade with yellow while yellows market was killed and he could trade with red if you thought of it yep so one relic for orange it's crazy to me that blue has still been making camels how much damage is he gonna do here yeah I don't know I I think paladin's might be better you know just because paladin's have so much more HP instead of 160 and they're their base attack is hired he's probably rushing his fight a little bit more than needs to blue as well he's probably a bit bit scared a bit nervous right well it would be better to master units before you go in Oh Crouch says we can have peace if you want orange says a limey and all ally you Oh drama drama alert I don't think the others gonna be very happy to hear about that blue who lost most of his economy and map control to orange is now giving it up and he's going to Ally Orange he's gone to the dark side Wow Oh whoo he won't ever expect it pikemen rows pointy boy let's go this is the tenth the pikemen is the test version of the pointy boy before it was burned perfected but still a 4 plus 20 attack as aztecs is not bad we'll still call them pointy boys so how many hits does that take to kill a CA then to now wouldn't be to it more than that for I think right that's not bad that's not bad and they're going straight up the gut they're going towards oranges King and now well okay the elite magnetized still maybe they have ballistics I don't know if they have chemistry yeah they definitely have ballistics so this would be tougher orange let's go let's go I feel bad orange is played really well I hate to wish death upon him foot but the sake of the game I kind of want to see him die here look at those magnetite our arrows will blot out the Sun seriously was that campaign ever right what was that a Mongol campaign was that the Hun / Mongol campaign was that Genghis Khan that said that I forget I should know this but I'm not a big campaign guy I think it was it was the Genghis yeah okay that was a 300 movie no that was also an age of empires campaign that that's for sure in an age of empires campaign is it not if anything 300 stole it from Age of Empires right we'll have to we'll have the fact to check that one I'm pretty sure that's from an age of empires campaign so magnet I really holding their own now same amount of HP as the heavy caviar Church I would like to see teal reposition his units a little bit just just back up when the paladin's close in but the teamwork is on point right now also mixing in heavy CA I would stick with manga die if I could because they fire faster but orange was running along Gold's might run out of steam does anyone remember that from the campaign though am I crazy everyone's saying it's from 300 it is from the campaign right it is so I wonder if I wonder if Microsoft sued them for stealing that I love 300 I mean they they obviously didn't you can't sue people for a sentence but if he runs out of steam he can switch to boo bleed that that was hilarious Bella's hilarious is so is so funny I'm scared to laugh because if I laugh I might laugh so uncontrollably that'll die so I'll refrain from laughter yo guys ma the walk is still in this game hundred population well he has his king on the right so out of harm's way for the most part I think orangey day ed get your F's ready he's bringing in a little bit of gold from that one relic but that is it and blue has teamed with him and the others might realize that and blue might regret giving up zurk she said it's Leonidas historically but is also in the the Khan campaign so was that I always seemed like an idiot when I bring up history in front of you guys like I love history but I can't remember half of what I've learned growing up so that's actually an actual historical quote yeah okay blue just sent 3,000 gold to orange to keep him in the game Wow now blue is just everybody's friend at the moment he's not fighting anyone so this is this has given him time to get to 200 population and he's just playing buddy-buddy with everyone as everyone else is fighting I always wondered if those things were actually said you know it wouldn't be a surprising thing to be said but how much of that is truthful right how do they know that that was said or or did the guy who just recorded the events write that because it sounds better I don't know there's a lot of a lot of historical quotes from battles it makes me think yeah that sounds awesome but was it actually said you will never know so I guess it's it's better to assume that it happened right so crazed wolf is fighting Green is weird I thought it was in the all versus orange situation but crazed wolf still going with kelp calf which Mikkel calving cat Celt archers are really bad so yeah that's not gonna work he's crazy and then he says green just killed my army well yeah dude you're attacking the wrong guy what do you expect them to do Green's patrolling to the front to help against oranges it's not like he was not like he went into Purple's base and killed his army you know yes I'm on Team Core Halas there that wasn't core Alice's fault I study ancient history and pretty much every quote or speech is either made up or a rough approximation of what was said yeah that's what I think but it's you know it doesn't change the event right so it's it's cool you know what I miss guys I had a really good history teacher in school and when I was in college for a year I loved my history class and honestly I got awful grades because I couldn't remember anything I would remember things that weren't really all that important but I still loved the class because of how interesting it was I I really should get into some history podcast or something well aren't just holding on here quite comfortably in fact and he could start trading with blue if he wanted to they'd have to corner revenge says blues king in TC and well it's in this castle which is protecting no I just missed that I wish I could go somewhere for 40 minutes a day and just listen to someone talk history you know and I asked a ton of questions too I just asked a ton of questions because it was curious it gots a big reason why I like Age of Empires 2 because I love history all the movies I like her you know people fighting with arrows and swords not not guns and futuristic [ __ ] I'm not into that I'm not gonna pay us college prices to sit down for 40 minutes a day and listen to that but uh yeah I need to look into some podcasts or something yeah I know Dan Carlin's podcast is pretty cool I I listen to his podcast on Genghis Khan the problem is guys I don't know if you guys can relate but with podcasts I I don't drive to work anymore so for that reason I I don't really have a set time where I can listen to lengthy podcasts so I I want to do it but I just end up doing other things like playing Age of Empires or watching TV you know maybe I could watch documentary so hold on it's like a blue is turning on teal of all people and teals King is right there it's right that what are you doing it's gonna die Wow revenge is dead revenge who was a big part of the push forward against orange is dead so orange he gets a bailout here he gets an ally to help him blue has turned on teal of all people and crazed wolf is not happy about it interesting and blue is still slinging orange I personally would not do this but hey it's up to him [Music] if you can't beat them join them right he's going with the Kevin Durant approach any NBA fans out there will understand tan trot says I'm the same my work commute got cut way down which means don't listen to podcast nearly as much yet hmm I really want to know if crazed wolf cuz I don't know the experience of the guy right I really want to know if he thinks that the huh SARS and the Paladins are good for Celts because we I haven't seen one seed unit from him and haven't seen one infantry unit from him and that is what Celts do you know and it's not like he didn't have gold but but now he's struggling for gold and now he could die and if he dies it's all on Mafia wok and mafia walk he is uh where's he going what's he up to he has gold he well he doesn't have any stables right now so you can't he can't go for paladins how he's throwing Axman here and he is trebs looping around this way and he says I'm going to TREB down Purple's Castle need CAV archers so Grey's gonna turn on crazy wolf as well I can't predict how this is gonna work normally I can have a pretty good guess you know normally I can figure out who's gonna turn on who I have no clue in this game this is not how it normally works and Crouch is defeated Crouch is defeated by orange of course of course I'm quite happy about that actually good for orange blue was blue was a fool to Ally orange orange says hey thanks bro and then finishes his King off on that it's ruthless from Orange but honestly something he should have done their purple killed you Oh was it was purple was it I thought it was orange maybe Wow well whoever was dude you put you put a orange in a great position by killing teal the Mafia walk he has resources he doesn't have paladin's without powd and I don't see him doing it purple he's not gonna do it going with killed huh SARS and aren't just looking for the king of gray which is oh yeah it's on the right hand side right now on one hand it could have worked out for cops right he could have allied Orange and then since he was allied with orange orange would trust him then he could snipe him because there was really no no chance for him to kill orange unless he allied him so that's one way that could have gone the other way is what happened where he dies and orange continues to harass everyone in the game so I do understand the risk he took that's just how the cookie crumbles guys I really want to see my flock get a snipe though look at this journey with the throwing Axman this is just like blue coffee and he switched crazy wolf to enemy he's just passing and the Kings got to be in there right and crazed Wolf's his mouth delete blue stuff please so apparently crazed wolf doesn't realize he's being attacked his king is there he tries to run he Unger in the castle and now he's going to run this way he makes it out moffat walk is here and he will miss he will miss the king just barely missed the king now will blue attack this that would be funny that'd be funny if blue started attacking this I don't think so crazed wolf will escape for now Moffitt walk is chasing him down though [Music] is that the TC you want to get into I mean he doesn't have many choices but that's kind of hilarious he gets into this TC which is currently on fire the King's like I ordered a fresh TCB made before my arrival blues units are just attacking and he's dead but man he had so much gold as well that's crazy so much food just attack and while the king made a run for it and orange will kill him Wow so that leaves Corrales who does not have much trade that leaves Moffat who has gold just doesn't have the numbers right now and that leaves orange orange gets yet another snipe he has no gold problems and blue build a market for him Blue has markets so he could trade if you wanted it crazy game man I don't see arms losing now unless Muffy walk does something extremely special I did everything for Grey's revenge yeah I saw maka walk saying that he said sweet revenge yes so now where do we go where do we go from here how do you end this she's been sorry it's been a long stream so far non-stop casting for four and a half hours I think it deserved to yawn aren't she's gonna win right if he but I almost can't look away because if he loses his somehow it would be a gigantic throw blue I can understand blue did what he did because he wanted orange distrusts and he had lots of resources but if orange loses this he's 5,000 golds Green is pretty weak and Mafia walk has virtually been out of the game right but he's going to upgrade to paladin and he's making them on the right hand side where orange is not t9 he needs a forest nothing game to wake him up yeah that that's that's my bread and butter right there so I think greens king is in this castle I don't think this batch of CAV archers will kill the castle but could be annoying at the very least it is protecting them in a way because all the pikemen from green have to run back yo revenge you're still getting some kills man with these manga die so let's check on King locations again grays King is on the right greens King is here and then the King for oranges in that castle so they're all pretty safe mafia walk has to get scale barding three times he has to get plate barding and chain barding three times and i will take some time now is he allied with oops is he allied with our oh wow orange is allied with him that's actually quite good for orange because then he can see that this base is being build up over here not good for green I can tell you that much while all the pikemen died and the CAV archers are doubling back to attack the castle but the amount of range they have they out range the castle fire so they could kill the castle there's not much score house could do about it and here comes the pikemen I think they'll just save the day the very cutthroat map right normally in community games people are gonna have a little bit of time but on size for triple tech arena if you play like orange you're gonna have some success just about sealing resources really I can't wait to show you the trade profit at the end because he's probably had no trade prothero you haven't seen one trade card from him so zero trade profit verse tens of thousands okay treason has been researched and mafia walk says I'll protect you so mafia walk who was down out in the very beginning is still getting those upgrades he is 316 HP on these paladins and he wants to protect green who's barely hanging on here barely hanging on well hold on mafia walk has shrubs down here is he's really going to protect him or is he going to use these shrubs to snipe the snipe to castle you can't really protect a guy with trebs now I would not if I were green and I saw these shrubs back here I would not trust him at all no this is a snipe attempt this is a snipe attempt the throwing axe men aren't here to help they're not throwing axes with love they're throwing axes with hate okay I like how he's kind of repositioned the axes the trebuchet is deploy can Green get into that TC run run Freddy run Fred make a move oh god no that's the worst possible spot oh he glitched through and okay he's gonna be alive for now axis should destroy pikemen but the axes don't have any defense upgrades will the TC stay up hey we'll all right let's go yes new meta guys pikemen counter everything 24 attack force throwing Axman with no defense upgrades so maybe mop the walk can can gain oranges trust and go in and stipend oranges and fool walls he hasn't taken precautions to wall up the base of his castle it's really tough to snipe when you have melee units it's better to have some ranged but also you can have extra attack in this so instead of taking three shots to kill the king it could be two or even one evolution says Tina unofficial I have the time play as many hours as needed let me play will be funny I'm not very experienced the sucker 1v1 a second sip knowledge but will be fun oh man you can answer just like everybody else and then it's kind of luck of the draw from there if I gave people a spot every time they messaged me individually and said give me a spot I don't think we could do it the way we do things just just as an FYI there's still about 50 to 60 people who want to get in today I think we'll have a few more games today how many people in the twitch chat are looking to get into the next game and you know the drill type type I yes or throw me a salute yeah there's there's quite a few people there so again to make you clear as green still survives here maka walk still survives the way it works is we use the boo blue platform and today you don't need any other special mods I can supply whatever is necessary so make sure bublé's up and working and if it's working they just have to be here as subscribing to the stream gives you four times the extra entries on top of all the other benefits like no ads and the emotes normally about all my goodness whoa was that my PC I don't know ma Falak mentioned something about lag and Mike my computer like slowed down there for a second geez what was it gonna say oh I guess the game does want me to talk every time I try and talk it it freezes up eighty to ninety percent of people who get in are normally subs because of the extra entries but a few people can slip in that aren't that shouldn't be my PC it's probably the players because we're we're spectating with the quality that they're getting so if you ever cast the likee game then you're seeing lag as a spectator as well eighty nine official can i sub with Amazon Prime and get four extra entries actually Argo you can and you don't even have to have him some Prime your family member just connected with twitch one free sub easy-peasy man how's Greg gonna make his move chat how's Greg gonna make his move I feel bad for green because he also just like mouth and walk here II booms here II boomed from I think 16 or 17 population right drug if you want to get good at this game you got to practice bro start with hotkeys start with build orders just it's like a lot of games where it takes time in practice RTS games especially but it's fun it's fun and even if you play casually small improvement can really help you out what's up stocky healer how many people are new to the stream today I've been keeping a mental tally of people saying their state they've stopped by for the first time I think I've talked to fifteen or twenty people see I can't do this anymore chat I can't do this anymore because half the chat just says there no one there not when I see you guys I see you regardless really appreciate you I I'm being serious now come on there's probably some guy listen to this there's probably some guy out there who just came from YouTube and he's like these twitch kids are a bunch of trolls I can't handle it there's always one guy right is always one guy everyone has that friend who is neutral everyone has that friends I'm not saying that that's all youtubers I'm just saying you know everyone has that one friends that happens geez this has been a long game this has been the stream of long games first game was two hours how long was the last one three hours game time goodness and and gray has more resources than anybody he has he is 11 K golds and he's at 200 pop this is insanity I finally managed to come here and insta sub to thank her thanks for making such amazing content you're welcome man thank you put the sub I I really I have a special appreciation for people who can't make the stream a lot or at all and they still come by to use their Amazon Prime sub because it makes sense to use your amazon prime sub when you're able to frequent twitch and when you like twitch but when you're just doing that to support me despite not watching anything on Twitch or watching very little on twitch that means a lot and if this goes to youtube there's quite a few people who are blocked probably watching this video who have just simply opened up my stream subscribed with Amazon Prime and never really visited I appreciate you guys because sometimes when I'm offline I'll get five to six Prime subs and it's probably people watching YouTube content [Music] how's this game gonna end good lord honestly greens population isn't that bad he's locking food but he has gold I thought orange was gonna steamroll how many people thought orange was gonna steamroll this and grace to be ones kind of orange is pulled back so maybe he'll he'll end up attacking gray but this is crazy look at that trade card that's so peculiar man when the trade card got attacked it just flew across the map 1890 fish will just watch you on YouTube and I found the age of empires that there's such a long time now I just randomly found your stream as well for the first time what's up Raul that's awesome to hear man it is the best game in the world I'm sure all of you agree right all of you agree don't go say halo halos good but it's not Age of Empires at least for me at least for me it's the best game ever and a lot of people are coming back to it I think many of you just didn't know that community so existed right and then another small percentage of you found at the game fresh within the last few years hearts of iron for I mean I'm obviously biased I do Age of Empires 2 full time right it's it's totally one's opinion I was just joking around good question do you play games other than Age of Empires - no not really man now that I game for living now that I commentate games for living especially when I'm not doing Age of Empires 2 stuff I normally try and stay away from gaming because let's just say within the first three months of doing this full-time I realized how quickly I could have no life because I would stream for 40 to 50 I would create content for 40 to 50 hours and then it would play Age of Empires for another 20 to 30 and I just I'd have days where it was just 12 to 14 hours of AoE I back to back to back to back to back and yeah I had to cut that out I used to play rocket League so for those that know rocket League I'm sure most of you have heard of it I I got to champion rocket League in season three and I do watch rocket League streams sometimes I like their competitive scene because I know some of the casters and they do a great job with that it's a good eSport but I don't really play many games so do I have any mods in the stream right now guys there's a couple BOTS going around right now on Twitch this happens every once in a while and they'll they'll post links and it'll say something like oh this this hot grill and then they'll post a link don't click that ok and I like to allow links in my chat because for the most part the mods will weed out the bad ones but I think the bots have returned so I just had the tab all to do with that I mean I don't have a lot of mods I like a mod free chat for the most part because you guys are somewhat well behaved as viewers so it's normally not necessary but I just want to point that out because again a lot of people are new to twitch like oh look there's a hot girl let's click nope don't do it so this kink are you kidding me this King just ran right past orange okay must have noticed can the King make it to safety I think the end could be near for green he's fine man he's fine aren't you so close to seeing him oh that isn't that funny he can see the King because Steel's started attacking him that's really unfortunate for green but orange can't get through that gate anyhow so the King will survive oh no no he's trapped where's he go quick run this way you can't go this way you can't go this way Oh No make a decision pick one this is a real life would you rather would you rather die by arrows or by swords I choose swords he's dead and oh my Felix Goldberg wait the Kings right there are you kidding me are you kidding me the king made it back into the castle with one more hit mafia aqua to kill them the castles gonna die the castle is going to die where the king go there he is what it happened it happened are you kidding me look at the score guys look at the score on the bottom right just just look at it screenshot it zoom in get your face real close to the screen just just soak it in orange has almost triple the score of Mafia walk Mafia walk he was he was tilt it was to 2 V ones in Castle age by teal and by purple he ran away into blues base man he really sold the world to you randal ain't a blues bass then he had to run out of blues bass he sniped purple to get revenge or at least he assisted there and to make a very very very long story short mafia walk ends up killing the leader of the game and I said countless times that I didn't see any way that orange could lose this I said countless times I didn't see any way for mafia walked to win this that was epic man that was epic great stuff from Ottawa great determination he was down the 15 population and he came back you know what's up John slow the legend has just hosted us and our chat spamming you guys salutes hello hello today's community game day so we've had a lot of epic free-for-all battles and we'll have more to come that was perfect timing you know so often we see people try to do what mafia watch just did and their timing is off right they go to earlier they go too late and then the person has prepared that timing was perfect from Martha walk don't you dare name the YouTube video with grey don't you dare name the YouTube video with gray don't spoil the video everyone's at everyone wants to know if it's legend of Mafia walk that's what people want to know that's what you guys are hinting at right I won't spoil I'll have to send it past the review board I have 50 people on this review board they have to watch the game three times in full-on slow speed and then they have to give their opinions on if or if not I'll be a legend that's how it works so it'll take some time okay three times slow speed all right there's the KD Orange played really well though I have the better TT better T TV emo extension which is claps so if you type clap with a capital C in the chat at the bottom right of the screen you'll you'll see some hands clapping let's let's get a round of applause for orange there because has got to be heartbreaking loss 3,000 kills for him in this game the big thing is that the trade profit he had 1,300 trade profit and that's it he did receive some gold from blue but still exceptional stuff from him played really really well I think the only mistake from him was he didn't play Diplo as well as he should've he didn't have any allies until he ran out of gold and then Crouch ended up a lying him but you see that a lot in community games it's the guys that believe in their ability I'm like this I'll play community games with you guys I'll be doing really well I'll kill three people I won't have any allies won't have any trade and then someone will come in and snipe me when I run out of steam so I think had he allied someone earlier perhaps could have allied mafia walk earlier on in the game and then Mafia walk would have been loyal to him I don't know maybe things would have changed of course he still had resources at the end so he probably should have just paid attention a little bit more but he was focusing on sniping corrales Moff collected zero stone zero stone huh zero stone all right did he have a castle mouthful walk you yeah you had a castle cuz he made some trebs right and not that there's the timeline look look at this timeline for a second look at gray look at this you can barely see him here that is the smallest little sliver of color on this timeline actually greens is a bit smaller as well but man at this point this is where all of us quit let's be honest this is where we resign and we say screw it I mean yellow resigned red resigned with a T population right I would have done the exact same thing but no they stuck with it and they got the win Phil stirs in the chat filters so confused how wait he's Frank's and he didn't collect any stone that doesn't make sense to me I'm used to at least 18 to 24 Casas you oh wait hold on hold on we got to do this right chat we got to do this right so I assume this will be going to YouTube at some point YouTube if you'd like to stop by the twitch like a lot of people did during this game you can click the twitch link below in the video description also if you use Twitter Facebook any form of social media you can check out the community there as well as join the discord and now we're gonna wait for about 20 and 30 seconds to let everyone say hello to YouTube there's always one guy that says screw you YouTube we don't like you don't come here YouTube Joy's one guy now it's gonna be a bunch because I said that yeah okay we got one person we got that out of the way though we got that out of the way oh wait you know there's a lot more YouTube I promise they'll love you alright man I love how active chat is during community game days it is a real struggle for me
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 33,941
Rating: 4.9170656 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: eTk7MXtUi-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 30sec (5610 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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