AoE2 - Triple Tech Regicide on Graveyards!

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utter yeah alright ladies gentlemen welcome to a free from a Diplo triple Tec mod game in the red we have Carmen Egmont playing as the Goths in the red I just said red but I'll say it twice in the blue we have hero playing as the Byzantines and the purple we have match Lara playing as the Persians in the orange we have strode or saint road playing as the Teutons in the teal we have Messiah I'm gonna call this person Messiah it's easier playing as the Mayans and agreeing we have Janet playing as the Mayans and yellow we have Honi playing as the Mongols and then in the gray we have or Lou playing as the Saracens the dave is it Yannick or is it Janis I'm saying whichever one you're not saying I really want to say Janet because it reminds me of like Janet from accounting okay I'll do all right Janet so to explain the triple tech mod for those that don't happen to know what this is it's pretty simple every single technology can be researched three times you still have to pay for it what is possible you can get ranged upgrades three times defense upgrade three times I guess the only exception would be like the the upgrades themselves so you can't research paladin three times or research crossbow three times but all the the upgrades on your units can be researched multiple times it's it's absolutely ridiculous and this map as well has lots of resources and is very open so I'm hoping we will get to see what these sips can do with triple tech the first thing I thought of was Mongols and Goths guts or their HUS girls be like what will the Mongol mangas I be like I don't think it amplifies the Civ bonus three times though CID bonuses you think apply no yeah though like the cheaper goth thing that someone was talking about before the game I don't think they get like three times cheaper infantry yeah I don't think so no I don't think that's a thing oh let's see you owe me at the overlay I just did control-alt-delete that's I could have been bad there we go so we'll add this again so you guys can see the statistics with their booms they're gonna advance through the ages very quickly let's see do any of these saves have starting bonuses that could triple like Byzantines their HP on their TCS oh I think it does triple Dave then why is it the Persians way ahead and villagers who's Persians again let's see the HP on his to town center is yeah we haven't done this frequently so we're gonna be oh man if I ever play this Persian douche you could do someone's castle and still win okay well there's that I again I think the only thing would be you can't research a unit upgrade three times like man-at-arms crossbow etc you just go you still go through the normal tech tree their unique technologies people were questioning last time if you could triple them I think you can because we saw the the three times supremacy villagers at work that three times sappers as well it was crazy yeah you can you can Britain's will get ridiculous amount of range although there's no Briton player here Saracens the HP for the Mamluks is gonna be insane Persians the war elephants flying across the map yep if he decides to go for those which he should I wonder if fish yet get three times the food how would this work with Malay with those fish traps would they just have so many there'd be so many numbers that it would just like the infinite food would be even what's infinity times three yeah exactly I think it's funny how the game when you look at the Malay fish traps the game actually has a max well it's not nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine it's a six four three one it's like looking at pie or something this map is called graveyards Kiwi so I don't know how many relics there are there's not a figure for us but I would probably say close to fifty relics on this map which means that they're gonna have the gold to fund their amazing technologies I want to see the Persian war elephants because last time the Persian player died pretty early and we couldn't see them it's expensive even though you can research the three times it is expensive so you're gonna need a lot of economy if you're gonna triple up on these researches I wonder like if someone decides to monk rush yellow which is probably not gonna happen or not yellow sari than orange okay imagine the resistance on those tooten units like imagine trying everyone crush that that's so true okay sit there all day to introduce conversions times three Wow so there's just many things that we have yet to see and if we continue to do this there's gonna be many different things to find out I want to see also I want to see someone try and take out like the match Aloha Persians I feel like are such a good save for this situation cuz like he could just drop TCS everywhere you just boom up and no one's gonna be able to kill them like even an imperial age you can't you can't take him down yeah his TCS will never die now same could be said for Byzantines their castles Dave let's look at the castle 8,000 HP in fuel age on this castle per hero so if he hid in their mining camps he's ridiculous three times the HP upgrade he's looking at wordings yeah what is what would that be that's plus 3000 yeah no cuz it's 1,000 per right yeah so 3,000 and then you get masonry three times you get ARCA 200 Byzantines do they get they don't get masonry in architecture well I'm just wondering what the castle will be at because the HP increases per age does it not so yeah it'll be it right now it's at 20% extra HP it'll be 40% extra HP soon it's gonna be hard to push but at the same time the unit's themselves are also very strong so who knows Castle time on the way now for teal and blue or new match allow it Janet Janet sorry that's Janet are you there it's Yanis man it's gigantic it's like Jannik I don't know I didn't ask him I'm glad we chose this map this is gonna be nuts this is going to be absolutely nuts so for Mayans I feel like Mayans is a bit I mean you get the plumed archers they get all the extra blacksmith techs yeah but other than like the Eagle HP what are you really getting from Mayans that's unique to that sieve you know yeah not not to much I mean maybe the point archers will have extra pierce armor as will the Eagles I mean but every the thing you got to think about is everything gets canceled out by those standard upgrades because everyone has access right yep so it's basically just the range in the mobility for the Mayans that's coming into play with those archers that's an interesting obsidian arrows would be really cool to see but since we're using a triple Tec mod we don't have the world low kingdoms mod to test out the HT saves as well I will get that fixed for future weeks so we can combine them obsidian area times three Dave would be insane Oh that'd be insane and imagine thumb ring times three these plumed archers are gonna be as stupid okay I think teal may have misunderstood what triple Tec means because he currently three blacksmiths you only need one building no resurgence text he just got patted archer imma fletching forging he's not wasting any time in a different blacksmith let's I remember when I started playing and you know you you wait till you have 10k of every resource and then you get upgrades and I would do the same I'd build six different blacksmiths and it'd feel very efficient look at Purple's economy right now the Persian TC production speed crazy man like the villagers are flying out man well he's gonna need lots of villagers because he's gonna need normally you need poof like 70ish 80-ish farms for Elephants if you want to get all the upgrades three times is on top of creating them yeah you're gonna need a lot of resources I don't even know if I'd be able to keep up with this it's on fast speed I don't know if I'd be able to keep up with the amount of wood he's bringing in and building farms at the same time it's crazy good yeah he's a solid player and as many of these guys have played in unity games before while we do have some newcomers as well those would be really fun to see now let's not forget your king I don't think the King has extra HP maybe it does but either way it'll be extremely weak if you lose your king you are out you can have allies and many of them do for some reason match lao is neutral to earn Lu is neutral to match Lao yeah there could be betrayals we could even see trade Dave did you watch the other triple Tec mod at all the other okay so you can get caravan three times yeah I do that ends ridiculous trade card speed is it's crazy at good point from Edward long shank in the twitch statuses aren't getting a lot of relics early yes he is and it's very important he's one of the only people collecting relics or Lou he's working on it he just has one at the moment and here comes a second [Music] so Persians usually susceptible to monks and the monks from if you're gonna like counter the war elephants with monks you can get the three range three times yeah but the Persian can get the 50% conversion resistance three times as well though you know which one would you rather take they do stack on top of each other yeah oh this is crazy now Saracen Bama leaks this is an AC so this is before they were nerfed they attack really fast and you can get it too many times I don't think they're very good situation the lack of range would really hurt them I feel like range units as soon as you get the extra like range upgrades range units have an advantage but Mamluks don't get the range upgrades exactly at its only HP though they do get the extra armor but like I said before it's neutralized by the fact that other people get extra attacks so I feel like the Mamluks unless they can get close which they probably won't be able to aren't gonna be doing too much damage I'm trying to pay attention to even the scouts now just pay attention to every single unit I can find out on the map to see what the upgrades are like like this eagle for example for teal he's in him it's not elite 4 + 11 attack Squires he can get three times this would be great yeah I definitely agree ranged units are probably the best manga die has to be the best ranged unit because they fire so much faster than something like longbows would mahute how ridiculous are war wagons in this that's what I want to know what about war wagons would would be amazing the ranged upgrades I guess I still feel like they fire too slow they would be better against other melee units it wouldn't be better against there they would be better against melee units than they already are they wouldn't be better against range units okay but they're already good against range units so okay so when you're upgrading a normal AOC and normal Age of Empires if you're trying to upgrade through the elephant tech-tree you not only need the defense and attack upgrades you need to get husband tree and you need to get mahute s-- husband tree makes the unit's 10% faster my boots makes them faster as well so you can get both of those or yeah both of those three times so I am really curious to see just how fast these elephants will be they're gonna be speedy man they're being really fast it's gonna be like Mongol seat ropes and look at his economy he's ridiculous look at his eco to the game you played this really well and honestly everyone's eco the exception of here oh he's probably a bit slower than some of the others but everyone's eco he's pretty strong now for just a community game now honi and his walls men playing it safe I don't know how could walls will do these units are so strong but at least give him an attack notification and oh here the manga died okay so currently at nine range not only yet he's not even an end I would probably choose Mongols or Persians out of these sips we've yet to see house girls either what will they be like it's also worth pointing out that the overlay gets confused with some of these upgrades Spanish technology and that only works with Willow kingdoms that I think that's nobody expected it I think that since the overlay was added it gets confused with triple tech and so a lot of these like straw getting elite magyar house are as Teutons that that's not the case Wow even the bills are faster everything faster man this is all gonna happen very very fast look at like look at the collection speed on the wood choppers it's it's [ __ ] see and those elephants are getting speedy man I don't think yes 60 what they're getting speedy there are or get some bloodlines in mixed in there too yeah bloodlines three times to be important here three plus twelve pierce armor and ten okay what about Teutonic native what are your thoughts on Teutonic Knights because wires three times right but there's still like I said everything balances each other out right because yeah everyone could get those tags though I think the armor is probably gonna help them the speed is obviously gonna be the biggest help to them but are they still that great in this situation no no I think that range units that are affected by thumb ring and Parthian tactics uh basically cab archers have a big edge because those are upgrades that aren't available to other unit lines yep and that would be manga die pretty much because manga die are the best KAV Archer the only big camel Archer you could see but we don't have them here the only thing that would affect the melee units that wouldn't affect stuff like plumed archers is the movement speed that's true that's true these Mamluks looking good will the range be an issue for them we will see calm enigma only in castle age at the moment he has to be careful we will get look at what Emily was doing with their man Luke's the auditors he's thinking about hyping common nygma got atheism and I don't know why I guess he's turning against or lose turning against him now yeah horn lose turning against him and he can't fight this he needs to get the spam going eat see click in has he forgotten about him maybe Wow look at these memory loops go those villagers have they have beefy loom that's just one set of looms on there but not gonna be enough gotta test this stuff says calm enigma he says don't kill me I gotta test this testing right now oh he wants to get the gauze spam rolling out yeah I want to see God's as well let's see the pikemen you got it you got to change him to enemy bro karma nygma got to change him to enemy bro the pikemen survived a lot longer than I thought they would you guess God's lacked that last defense upgrade as well well no I warden Lu doesn't have the full attack upgrades on his man Lucas that's my god holy asses came in his TC Dave and yeah is gonna kill the King danach my boy defeated at the same time is Sony yeah at the same time laga host the stream with 2,400 viewers chat it's welcome them what's up guys this is Age of Empires two so I'm gonna make it simple for you because I know many of you might not know the game so this is called triple tech mod so every attack and defense upgrade that you could possibly get with their units you can get three times so this is an extreme version of age and also everyone has a king that can be sniped and if you lose the king you're dead you'll ahead Dave the fatties are on the move the elephants are going through dusty road space right now and their speedy ass [ __ ] right now they are so fast so if you have a kid this is insane man 660 HP I don't even think he's tripled all the attack upgrades it was he going for look at that that's insane you can't run from that the Eagles so it's not helping teal I think much Lila is helping out teal yet it's looking to kill the king that's in this castle the purple just helping out it's a nice guy I don't know if he's necessarily helping him out he's kind of looking for that king yeah maybe he is as well there's the king it's there you baited him that one he's dead he's dead at Karma nygma is dead as well so we missed that and there's only five left and kind of expected this game to be faster 33 people dead dude yeah I guess that's true for community games that's actually pretty fast so these Mayan Eagles we were talking about how their HP upgrades really helped them they're not gonna help him against elephants I'm sorry no not gonna happen then especially in a choke point where this splash i wonder if this splash damage is three times no I guess it wouldn't be I guess it would had a fax with the triple damage yeah that would be interesting so he's coming at him from both sides dude he's got some in the north some in the south we have yet to see well no we're not gonna see the magnet die because honies dead he was the only one who chose my uncles and these monks are getting run shotted as they come out of the monastery you know what this reminds me of Dave this reminds me of the Jurassic Park scenario and some of those like how fast some of those creatures move it is Dinah stamps but I think yen itch is gonna be the next die version nothing minds can do against Persians the only thing that can do something in its Persians is that giant death ball of working its way across the map yeah ma'am Luke's versus elephants now do the bonuses apply three times as well if camels have no okay okay I think it doesn't apply to like unit specifically right I think it's just services that's why the elephant splash damage wouldn't have an effect Wow well I will say that hero has had the time to make it to the Imperial age he has [Laughter] massive range and good thing for him is he's not being attacked by these elephants he probably is not seen as a threat carriage is in this castle his skirmishers cost 11 food and 15 wood per unit that's value right there man even if you lose that is as long as you get conscription three times baby you can produce them all day well imagine imagine Chris playing this game with Byzantine side yeah be ridiculous okay here's what we wanted to see how will the manna loops do versity elephants pretty good really good yeah and also the mammoths it benefit from husband trees and they'll be plenty fast maybe Yannick will be kept alive and if you're only you might consider trading if he's able to set up a trade run with green that's why you might want to keep him alive so talaga is viewers if you have any questions feel free ask because I know that this might be different but you can also set up trade with your markets and you sometimes see players do that by setting up the markets in the corner and then sending those trade carts across the map to get extra gold well that's what I'm referring to this is diplomacy so you can set allies and enemies to anyone who would like their this is not set teams and all the statistics you might want to see here on the overlay here only was actually attacking green so I think he just showed up and happened to find the purple I don't think he was coming over to help though you were asking earlier in the game how much HP the Byzantine castles now yeah quite a bit quite a bit 18,000 still nothing compared to the TCS from Persia though yeah crazy well will there be an answer to persons we haven't looked at at strode for a while and here come the paladins and the house and i would love to see some Teutonic Knights as well I think that their weakness has always been speed it does balance itself out of course because Persian elephants are faster too but they will be a faster unit as strode says we can lipo only together we have two imams are crazy dude against Teutonic two if you've ever played CVA you know that's how I learned smile my matchups with the meek units tatata can also look at blue they do so good who's got something to say about or and loop your yours going for a king snipe unreal and they're not all right where is the king for or Lou it is in the safest castle but that is still the left border if hero the lowest score player the weakest player in this game gets a snipe I will lose it that would be so cool oh my God look at the trade cards from Matt Lauer they're now trading with hero trading wheels things are flying how much gold is he getting I can't even click 157 gold okay yeah man dude his resources are set to make elephants all freakin game so although he's preoccupied with trying to finish off Green Green is not yet dead arrow could kill him yeah and if he goes past the castle with the saboteurs and then trebs it down like those scams are three plus twelve attack like they're really strong or lose running now yeah I was gonna say you have to wait it's really tough because you have to surprise them or lose King is now running to a safer castle and Here Come to see John Peters any others I know the scrums will do well versus the Mamluks but will they be able to do well against the sea janitors I guess they have more range than the sea geometers right I hope they don't I hope we get to see a massive shot it's possible it comes to see John Adair let's get all the t90 wrecks in the chat for that but he's my curing them down when they come in again yeah I think it's doable if you have godlike micro but yeah he's gonna get cleaned up here he's gonna lose everything he tried though I can respect the attempts dude can we just respect how strode had a monk with a relic in the corner where grey and green are fighting and oh he almost got out with it just lost the monk Oh oh no getting hit from our sides now match Lao and strode this is good for match style because no one sees him as a threat for whatever reason and everyone wants to kill one Wu I don't think even pointy boys are good enough to beat these four elephants Chet pointy boys only get the bonus once the additional blacksmith damage does not add towards their bonus ya elephants so I don't know how many Hobbs it takes to kill an elephant in regular the age of empires but still you need quite a few of them so if you can have a hundred elephants it's always gonna be even 200 how's gundrick says clong it now who wins by spamming cheap helps to purple mustn't be surprising listen okay blue is blue is taking his time just to rebuild that army just lost right hero heroes the wrong guy I really want to see killer King then he has not been threatened at all this is the benefit of being bottom scorer he has resources people do not see him as a threat so they're not trying to kill him the cat listen boys he wrote currently has three Archer and three not 33 archery ranges and 22 K wood yeah but I think 24,000 what is the optimal number to have more than just yeah I think that three is pretty good he stuck to his build orders man now the man who looks are holding her see elephants or move yes eight castle still enough he might lose one maybe two I think he's holding on here I'm kind of on Team Euler as well because he's done a fantastic job with everyone against him but does he have the gold Eve absolutely not this is just a distraction to give green an opportunity to come back in this game as well danach from accounting man you've given me so many youtube thumbnails [Laughter] [Music] I feel like people oftentimes get confused with my thumbnails because there'll be one reference in the game and I'll put an image on there in reference to that especially youtubers who happen to skip through one elephant could decimate that yeah sure look it out further 14 range man 14 range and with this attack I think this girl's will struggle or not the scurbs the man Luke sorry trolls chap I'm not sure how the Saracen market will do that's an interesting run as well I think it just removes the tax though it doesn't give you extra exact so I think that's probably only a one-time thing Wow well I think if you are or if you are anyone but a little notch flower you need to prepare it be prepared to win this game via a snipe you have to snipe kings if you do lap snipe Kings then that will be an issue facing off in a standard fight although is playing incredibly well look at his KD seven hundred kills three hundred deaths I mean credit too much law as well but how is straw defeated happen did what did Matt Lauer get him how much you want a boat he on garrison his king he enemy destroyed for him Stroh tried to backstab match little blasts v3 and then he probably said his king and night steward says I'm quitting this game in the chat I'm pretty sure he had a snipe friend he on garrisoned everything and then he sent the king in here is the Kings body I'm sure of it strode is that what happens men happened it's happened so many times to viewers in the past hey there I think it's right by the castle you see like there's one little lone body near Purple's castle there I think it was it was at the forefront of the attack he has so many castles it's hard for me oh that right there yeah that's it that's it can we get the t90 throws in the chat for that said I put it far in the back yeah as an accident it happens but we're still gonna call it a throw for the world strode you're good play don't worry about it man you deserve it you backstabbed your good friend Maxwell because he was back stats he was backstabbed 2 years ago and he will never ever forget never backstab Dave well now see where is the trade going I guess not Slough it just happens to have his markets down here so it is Matt Lauer and hero Jannik from accounting 150 population good resources only the lever has 110 military and is looking to kill him again but it's better that was 10 minutes ago Oren Lou that really gave or Lou a break there yeah you're right Road dying like now he's got his army all built up again and blue still struggling to keep his army production up a bit he's got it now he's added two more archery ranges so now he's up to the a whopping number 523 K 3 K yeah makes sense I want to see cataphracts and how they fare with the the stacked trample bonus account I don't even know how that works to be honest well just take one tile around the unit is too damaged defects caused trampled damage so I'm wondering if that's research three times just how strong we'll be because even if they're at a disadvantage in a unit matchup I feel like logistical could help them speaking of disadvantages look at Eagles versus Mameluke step not a good fight and he's mammal oops dude it's gonna be real tough to kill them I think you need to have range shoot it mixed in here I think you need to have the haves the Eagles and you're going to need to have the scurbs to be completely honest those Katie's not that high heat did hold with that but it's gonna be tough to keep production flowing think you need some some archers maybe some plumes and hobbes and eagles and the only thing one of the sorry gave mlz i'm not sure how long boys will do we'll have to do another one after this see what logos are like someone have to pick Britain's what were you gonna say oh it's gonna say it like one of the roughest parts about this is that the buildings have so much freakin HP yeah yeah it's impossible to push like they could have wiped up Oran livia normal HP on his buildings but he's still alive and kicking and if Green gets masonry and architecture yeah that's just bad news bears but he's holding yeah it's from accounting it's just killing him I don't know how he's still alive so Dave look at the center of the map look at that purple blob for a second yep yep oh my goodness he has so much gold from trade 57 Gold the trip and the trips are three times as fast he has six castles his king is right here for those that are wondering this is actually his starting castle I want hero to snipe him so badly he's going again he's gonna try again yeah he's going for a woman but like but like that castles are so strong five trips can buy trip hero by eBay yeah yeah I want him to be my hero right yeah seriously let's go there's not gonna be any rain if he is but still I'm pretty sure the next part of the song is something about dancing the rain or being in the rain I don't know but oh my god the elephants are much louder they really want to kill or move how it will only fair this time the trebs here from here oh he's going after the castles God and either clubbed on the Patrol oh just work patrol but uh 1000 kills the first to reach 1000 kills or Lu almost has a - to run KD they just sold a lot to get more goals and his castles are staying up over all the time as you said Dave it's very difficult to kill them like man these auditors though if I was Matt Lauer I would probably just attack ground blue just just just because just to see what it looks like just type oops he's using auditors verse the Mameluke switch does help but that was a lot of kills right there that's another three four hundred kills for all there the push continues though I'm a chihuahua and for a hero and this might get green time to snipe or maybe he's pissed off a normal and he'll join the fight is there any unit that can deal with castles early but I don't think there's anything that can kill castle is that easy cuz see trams don't get that many upgrades you can't get seed ran three times you can't get trebuchet three times I mean maybe if you're Japanese you can have them fire faster that would help but then you're out of luck in the main fight I wonder what the attack speed is like for Japanese infantry I didn't think it pretty quick yeah because it's already two fastest in the game in the Imperial age all new is really struggling now and I think he is gonna be finished off here especially if green comes in this would be the perfect time for blue to be preparing a slide from a flower perfect time look at those resources [Music] japanese traps also unpack pretty much instantly yeah I think that the faster firing speed would help it's just down to if they can protect the trebuchet I don't know if samurai would cut it and they have good árboles but other saves have good arms as well so I think what differentiates the sibs is the unique unit and while the mom works were strong I don't think it's gonna be enough here they could use fishing ships as a meat shield I guess did you happen to see that dolphin nothing game well I man I did you my opinions about that game I did not watch them all I saw I saw you in the chat say that there's no reference points on the map and said something like that I did see that but anyway I did not expect that man I expected him to go right to own moon janet's from accounting who knew that she was this good oh wow man did he kill it with just Eagle warriors it seems like he killed it with just Eagles I mean match though he should have put the king in a TC it wouldn't have - oh my God look at his T sees how what's happened he broke the game he broke it it's done wait who are invincible yeah I've never seen this before Wow look at the HP on that yeah you're right he should have put it in a TC unreal well now what happens jeez blue needs to go garrison is king and one of those TCS dude with so much can't die yeah it's true that's true yeah what's going on there with the HP so what does that mean Dave it's me 34 NK HP / 31 does that mean it's usually when something so he probably got masonry or architech plus the extra HP when something goes over I think it's like 32,000 HP the game can't handle it and it usually dies but I guess 40 C's maybe that's not the same Jules I don't know three times the amount of HP then the then the castles he had now match Lalo you played very well man you still have all this military that only we can barely deal with and heroes continuing to push in the king is right here for all ooh all heroes send us some skirts Ben get it with the else but not in that fashion there's only two players left and not the two players I expected Janet from accounting versus heroes in the world are we seeing here and now the Byzantine cast is they have 2400 HP Dave and I give a huge edge to Byzantines over the over the Mayans now with with that said I think that Greene has been a bit more active which means that his skill level was probably a bit higher his unit control just seems to be better overall so NIC if blue goes fool cataphracts he absolutely destroys Mayans there's just nothing that Mayans can do against that well it will play Doran the well played 24,000 Dre it's possible I misspoke well I'm putting my money it's tough because I'm not Janet Janet from accounting has has played really well went for the most epic snipe of the game but I don't know I kind of like the way here has played this only five archery ranges because he knows if he builds more it'd be easy for look how fast the Eagle warriors died I just know yeah well you know what Janet's from accounting knows how important gold is he isn't accounting and she's taking out the market so the hero's not gonna have any gold this this Janet from accounting is probably a dude and he's gonna rewatch this and he's gonna look why they call me a chick man now what hero has gone for him is he can still trade he's actually killing some trade oh never mind jinxed it Jana from accounting killing the markets I literally just said that no you didn't say that was starting to trade so I looked at the market and I didn't see any and I was just thinking Dave is an idiot so I'm not gonna you know make him look good we're talking about but the same at the same time Green doesn't have any trade does have six roads though he's nothing hero even has missin treat teens get husbandry right I don't even think he should know he doesn't have pleasantry this is so much faster oh my god yeah it's because horses aren't faster than humans so Janet is trying to clear up the farms but look at the farm HP [Music] 1000hp charms Wow I wonder if this starting farm placement which is normally one HP is three HB baby does it Byzantine I never checked Byzantines there I guess Byzantine farms do have more HP huh dude if your units you need to build for production buildings I think yes same same with here oh yeah they both of the two I guess the problem with here oh I was getting logistic oh good oh he's getting it for the third time I've already seen it coming twice okay well the problem for Hiro is he has to produce out of castles while his opponent can produce out of barracks well his opponent can't really kill these so now there's an issue for janet's here because no matter what he makes these cataphracts are gonna be a big issue unless unless he goes into like 120 plumed archers look at these traps on the right man does he know where the king is yeah he knows where the king is does he have line of sight from honies walls I'm pretty sure he does and the trebs going for that castle okay Green sees it and transfers the king into the town center I don't even think a castle will die here green still with no hoarding no masonry yeah no HP buildings or HP tech sorry for the buildings Wow and income to cataphracts agree is definitely on the backfoot can hero do this those helps are dying in one shot two shots Wow but he can spam them though his KD if he wins as his KD is gonna be awful man Olmo asked him a chat did I miss some kind of mega ultra alliance against me well at one point Strode said that he wanted to team up against you because he thought that man wouldn't be stopped and then match smile I said sure let's do that and then I'll die to kill wanna lose King he sacrificed himself for the game dude that that King is in a castle that has under 6000 HP & the cataracs are going right towards that area don't think he'll snipe it but this is maybe a sign of what is to come this KT for Janna CH is gonna get a lot worse before it gets better there's no butter just a lot worse dude my game is like blagging with the de specking my mouse is lagging at everything because it's so much action with the armor on those cataphracts I think he could kill that castle he thinks so I think he could kill there's nothing around here I was going for the TC first because that's where he knew it was last but yeah he's just researched reason again so now he should know let's see the Habs do three damage a hit three damage and Janet's is trying to take out the castle from blue 24,000 HP on that now and the cat affects now cleaning that up and more cat effects coming in this could be up he could be our hero he on his way with another batch of cataphracts I just needs to go for the castle I agree just go for the castle like the helps aren't even damaging these things but you know Green chose Mayans he experimented didn't pay off for him he might be able to delay his death but I don't see how he can come back here hero has just put that foot on the gas and it's there ghostly cataphracts oh oh there goes yeah you're right yeah and the cat effects are chasing here has so much gold he can consistently research treason to see what the king is running in no worries there oh the king has run even further so it's running towards hero in a way hero sending in more cataphracts you know I said earlier that I thought greens army control was better I expected that here would have a tough time replenishing forces but he's doing an amazing job I think hero just like flipped it I think he was lolling everyone into a false sense of security me like flip the switch yeah he didn't have very many kills he had a low score but high resources and it's paid off for now I mean obviously his Civ is a huge advantage but he's done a good job I think if you're green you need to try and King snipe that's really the only way if you continue like this you will eventually die look at blue base yeah I'm looking at blue base he's fine his king is in a castle that his 24,000 HP and no green is over there look at the KD de 770 kills 1300 losses can we get some t90 fines in the chat it's Janet from accounting this is fine she's dependable and honestly piano chess resources so we can spam Hobbs all day and seeing as he's out numbering maybe he can mash traps and just somehow some way snipe he has to go for that like a pet it must be lagging for them I was just pointing it out cuz my game is lagging so much yeah same here hero going for hand cannons I think cataracts is just the better play here well he does need something that can produce be produced out of something other than casas he could buy stone I guess he doesn't have trade anymore though so that wouldn't be the wisest move so oh look where he's sending the hand cannons he actually built forward buildings okay but he's like he's sending them I guess he sees green running with Eagles and so he's sending the hand cannons after them weird yeah it's good point Green should probably get his relics as well if he wants golds he's building tc's down there to reboot we should build a monastery as well would you add on the realms here or just continue at the cataphracts Dave I think just cataphracts is probably the best play but euros at a gold now yeah no trade he also he does have eight relics which is good but he's struggling even when he out number screen ordinary it doesn't outnumber green but he beats him in every matchup I thought that green would be dead by now but we're almost to two hours in maybe he has a chance he definitely realizes he needs to snipe blue is getting coinage out of boy that could be a bug is he actually getting it the big deal yeah he's getting porridge baby we'll send some resources to destroy it help him out oh wait I only say that custards in the chat how did the helps do against the hand cannons oh look at the armor on the hand cannons I guess there's some more armor on the helps as well trebuchet is that green was probably gonna use to snipe going down greens population just dropping and hero is every word he's on the new T sees he's on the old T sees he has trebs on the castles playing solo that king is not in a good spot right now oh and the TC right there you're right no problem whatsoever if the king is cornered it's got a die here it's actually the tracks wow what a freaking game he said trample damage kill it lol GG and commenting misses GG well played such a cut for a game yeah I wanted to see the HUS girls for sure but one who did not want to see what they could do to him there was no friendship in that game well my people were going after each other like man yeah it's betrayals soon after strode talk to Matt Lauer about teaming up on ormolu he tried to snipe him I still can't believe the most failed sniper coffee going crazy with Diplo snippy going for amazing Snipes destroyed dying with 20k + girls that's such a me man like how do you counter the snipe you let yourself get sniped first he's had one game where he had a lot of resources and then he died and then this game where he was referencing a game in the past apparently not this is his thing hey even if it's not a positive meme strode at least it'll be a meme I kind of want to like rewatch that Rec just so I can record it like a gif of I have to take this to next level at some point someday we're gonna it'll be required to have face cam setup recording your reaction locally play the replays of people's reaction is stroked roses Keith across the room we can like cut out the faces and put them on the YouTube thumbnail I see where this is going I see where it's going hey man don't tell people my strats okay with like a big red arrow pointing towards the Kings dead body I know where this is I know where this is attic oh man what a game I'm surprised that green got that snipe though that was probably the highlight for me at that and the fact that I only lost his retreating King to a dead player a very unique here's the military stats for you only even after death having more kills Eco stats will interest me I imagine ya match slaw with that person eco look at the resources collected there so much gold and that's mainly from the trade the only two people that traded were hero and match lava that is unheard of for community games the technology stats and Wow relic old was huge for hero and for strode I feel like this would be even more ridiculous on like wala low kingdoms would be I think you know like Malaysia as soon as you click feudal with Malay and it's just like boom you're there just just consider arson three times geez with arson they could probably make quick work of the how fast we just Malay in general how fast how ridiculous would harbors be number one number two how fast would Korea bits produce and how cheap would they be you think you're right how fast would you go up to the next age well we'll have the fired oculus I'll have to find out for a to our game was played on fast speed before to our game that was non-stop action that was pretty solid also how many bolts would the Khmers scorpion shoot Oh with the double crossbow tech yeah yeah elephants would have extra HP as well Wow that map was really good for cuz we most players have the time to show us what the civilizations can do okay so I would like to do that again what do you think chat [Music]
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 35,693
Rating: 4.9425492 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, 256, triple, tech, mod, fun, lmao, age of empries, t90official, snippy, blue coffee, etc
Id: OYY_CPVwwa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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