How To Trim Long Hair // SIMPLE STEP BY STEP GUIDE #homehaircut #haircuttinghacks

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okay you've seen those do-it-yourself home hair fails we all have go search youtube check it out like this and this look i'm not laughing at him i'm just saying youtube is an incredible resource to learn things but it can also be a very dangerous place to learn things in fact the matter is you want to know how to trim your hair so don't stress it i've got you covered today i'm going to share exactly how you trim your own hair at home i'm going to give you a little insight into an entire master class that i've created where i walk you through all of the information about how to cut your hair at home we walk you through how to color your hair at home so that you can do it the right way so you truly can master your home hair so with that said let's dive in how to trim your hair at home first things first you're going to need some tools so we'll walk into you're going to need a brush this brush is going to be used to come out the tangles then you're going to need the comb the comb is obviously going to be to comb the sections so that we can start to cut you're going to need your straight shears and you're going to need or ideally you would use thinning shears or texturizing shears if you have them if you don't have these it's not going to stop you from doing this but it will be a little bit easier so if you do have these great if not no stress you're also going to want a water bottle it's going to be important that we keep your hair not dripping wet but towel blotted if you will so you want to make sure that the moisture level is somewhat even so you'll use this in case it takes a little while and start pieces start to dry up then you're going to also need six rubber bands so diving into these steps first things first you're going to clean your hair so get it wet make sure that it's clean if you do this on dry hair it can be done the only thing is a lot of times especially on thicker textures it could run you into a situation where it just feels like there's so much hair to manage it becomes a little bit less clean a little bit less neat and you end up with a result that just isn't quite as polished i'm going to have you comb through your hair just to get the tangles out and make sure that it is nice and ready to be cut so we're going through that process right now once you feel like you have the tangles out we'll move on to next step the next step is you're going to determine where you part your hair if you part your hair down the center then you're going to part it down the center if you put your hair on one specific side all the time you're going to part it on that side if you flip your hair back and forth you're going to part it down the center again so you part your hair down the center on both sides on both sides okay perfect so you're going to take a center part you're going to put your hair from the center from here all the way back down to the back of your neck next step once you have that part down the center you're going to now part your hair from the top of your head to the top of your ear okay so right behind the ear so take a section on both sides from here all the way down to the top of the ears now before you move on to the next side i'm gonna have you put that front section in a ponytail so that you can manage it and get it out of the way so we're gonna grab your grab these here and make sure that that's combed do me a favor real quick and make sure that this is combed real neatly before you so that it's all come down it's important that these sections are neat if they're messy the cut is going to be messy i used to say in hair school the parts only the cut's only as clean as your parting so try to keep that hair combed neatly perfect okay now we're going to take a section on the other side from roots or from crown to the ear and then we'll part the front and then we'll uh put the front and a ponytail the same way we did on this side okay now in these back sections what you want to do is you're going to turn you've got two sections in the back now and you're going to turn these into four sections so you're going to split both of these sections basically down the middle so she's using her hands to feel and this is an absolute perfect section so she will part that that's great and what you're gonna do is grab one of those two sections and you're gonna put it in a ponytail to separate it so that you don't have to worry about it okay this is the perfect time to step away if i can real quick i wanted to make sure that you knew that we actually did create an entire master class you're watching part of one of the videos from that course and like i said before it teaches you all about how to cut and color your hair at home so that you know how to do it right puts everything in one space taught by people that have been in the industry for decades and know exactly what you need to do so that you can get the best results so if you want to learn more about that there's a link in the description below but i also wanted to make you aware of a totally free webinar that i've got where we walk you through the most common mistakes that we see from people doing their hair cut and color at home and more importantly how to avoid those mistakes so if that's something that you want to be a part of there's also a link in the description so yeah go below click on the link we'll see in the webinar but for now back to the video okay so now that you can see i'm going to spin you around here now you can see that we have this parted into six sections we've got two in front of the ears we've got one right behind the ear and then we've got two in the very back if you can see these in the very back are not super thick they're the right size so it's just this back panel or section of hair what the next step after you've got that completed is you're going to pull all of these pieces forward and you're going to use these rubber bands as guides to your length so we need to determine what length we want this to end up so where do you want this to end up we're going to say somewhere for this video for purposes we're going to say somewhere in here so what you're going to do is you're going to start with the front and you're going to pull those rubber bands to mark the length that you want now what we want to do with these rubber bands is we want to use them perfect as a gauge to determine that it's going to be even so another important thing is that if you're standing when you do this that's great but try not to be standing too far off of center right so stand up stand square look straight in the mirror if you're sitting down don't cross your legs don't do anything like that make sure that again your shoulders are square so that you can be sure that those are even next thing you're going to do is going to take this second section from the back you're going to pull them forward and you're going to do the same thing you're going to match the same height with the rubber band as you did with the front sections perfect you're gonna pull that down fantastic and you're gonna match it great see how she's just pulling this down very slowly but just bring it to the same length and the last thing we'll do after this is we'll check those just to be sure that they're all they're all good okay so now we're gonna just set up now you got those just kind of look at them and just hold your head at a normal a normal position don't looking down too much don't be looking up too much just look straight ahead and make sure that those look even and that they look even now one trick to this is if you feel like you're not really telling if they're even or not you can always put your comb across there and try to parallel your comb to the floor or to a countertop and see does that actually look even or do they feel like it maybe it's a little bit uneven if it is you adjust it the last sections you have to deal with are these sections in the back you're going to pull them forward but at this i want you to actually take that rubber band about a half an inch higher than the front rubber bands we're going to take a little bit more length out of this back section and the reason for that is because that's going to allow us to cut a straight line if you want a rounded line in the back you're going to leave these rubber bands the same length as the other rubber bands and what you'll end with is a little bit more length in the very center of your back but again if you want it to be straight across or straighter across you're going to want to bring these rubber bands up a little bit shorter and they're going to help it to be a little bit straighter and then the last thing you want to do is you also want to make sure now that we're going to pull these out of the way and then you want to make sure that those two look even so one thing you can do is pull them together pinch them in the yep and do they seem to be they seem very close to even maybe a little bit higher on that side there you go bring that down a little bit good so now you're going to take your straight shears or your thinning shears thinning shears are going to be a little bit i don't want to say harder but a little bit more intense to use but they will give you a little bit of a softer line the more blunt you cut these ponytails the more lines you're going to see in the back so if you're off at all you're going to notice that let's grab one of those ponytails you're going to cut right below the rubber band not above it and what you're going to do is you're going to make sure that you don't just snip it off you're going to take smaller motions if i can see the shears actually so you're going to be doing something more like this right instead of just cutting it off this is going to help break up those ends just a little bit so that you get a little bit of texture and it's not quite so blunt so we're just going to go right below that yeah like that it's perfect see what she's doing there see how she's kind of feathering that in she's very lightly just kind of texturizing those ends at the same time so it's just going to give it a very tiny amount of texture at the very bottom of that line which is just gonna help this to look a little bit more polished perfect and then we're gonna do all of them the same as you just did that one now the next step is gonna be that you're gonna comb it all back into one ponytail you're gonna want it wet at least damp for this so i'm gonna have you spray your hair down just a little bit with that water bottle just to make sure that it's an even dampness last thing you're gonna do is you're gonna pull it all straight back and you're gonna put it pull it into a very low ponytail last thing you're gonna do is you're gonna take that ponytail grab it from behind and pull it to whatever side is comfortable for you what you're going to see is when you pull this out if you just kind of use your fingers and start to kind of smooth this out a little bit like a beaver tail right you can see that there are this end and there's this end and there's that spot in the middle right this extra long stuff lay this down and just snip into it what we would call point cutting right so that it's a little bit textured if you want to go blunt with it you can just again understand that anytime you cut a line in there you're going to notice any imperfections in that line yeah perfect you can see she's going straight to this other length that's great yeah you're golden and then the next step is you dry it and you take a look at it if there's anything that you need to kind of clean up after it's dry you can just turn around and snip it the little pieces little hairs you can pull them forward and snip the little tiny ones off but you should be pretty straight from that point forward [Music] okay i hope that helped you understand a little bit more about how to trim your hair at home the right way and like i said before if you want to learn more about our master class there is a link in the description below but also if you want to join us in our free webinar please check out that link as well hey thank you for hanging out you have a fantastic day see you next tuesday
Channel: Justin Hickox
Views: 265,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trim long hair at home, trim long hair at home woman, diy trim long hair at home, how to trim long hair at home yourself, trim ends of long hair at home, trim your long hair at home, trim long curly hair at home, trim long straight hair at home, trim long thick hair at home, trim long wavy hair at home, long hair, long hair tutorial, diy haircut long hair, home haircut tutorial, home haircut women long, hot to cut your own hair, diy haircut brad mondo, justin hickox
Id: VYhkOP7BIfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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