How To Trim And Layer Your Own Hair

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video I'm gonna be showing you how I cut my hair how I cut the ends of my hair just straight across and how I cut my layers just freshening up those layers and I'm gonna try to make it as simple as possible I hope you are able to take something away from this video when I'm done and without further ado let's get right into the video first you need your tools you're gonna need a scissor try to have a professional scissor it doesn't have to be expensive just make it be a scissor for cutting hair not a kitchen scissor not your kids scissor that's in their school bag nothing like that try to order it online maybe or from a Beauty Supply online I don't know how fast it'll get to you right now but you need a nice scissor to cut hair a scissor that was made for cutting hair if you use one that's not for that the results are not going to be too pretty so try to have a good scissor you're gonna need hair clips they could be like this it doesn't matter and you're gonna need four little hair ties a comb you need a comb to be able to comb out your hair and also a comb with a rat tail like this so you can actually use it for dividing the hair because we're gonna be dividing our hair and you want to also have a mirror that you could actually see in the front and in the back it's not try to have somebody maybe guide you or do it for you in the places where you can't see so before I start if you have straight hair like I do and you and you could do this wet or dry if you're gonna do it dry style it out the way you usually do blow it out really straight Flatiron it if you have curly hair and you tend to style your hair straight well then style your hair straight blow it out straight flat iron it and then cut it if you have curly hair and you try this on wet curly hair it's very hard to actually get the hair to stay where you want it it'll just bounced back so it's very difficult to cut curly hair when it's away it's so but then if you do it while it's dry and flat ironed if you're not gonna have the same effect it'll be a lot shorter when it curls up so keep that in mind if you have curly hair so I like to do this on wet hair as you can see the advantage of doing it on dry hair is that you could see the results immediately and see how it's going to look I just feel that the hair like slides better for me when I do it on wet hair and it's less of a mess the hair that falls around isn't like just blowing everywhere so I like to do it on wet hair but my hair is entrenched it's just wet but it's not drenched like dripping that's not it either I'm also gonna apply my Colleen Rothschild smooth and shine hair serum it just makes the hair more manageable I like the way it smells it'll make it shine here when I'm about to dry it and I like to apply it on my hair while it's wet just so it's not and I apply it like from the mid-length down to the ends I don't like to really apply that much once the hair is totally dry because sometimes it could seem too heavy so I like to do it while it's wet and it's this one also I don't want to forget to say this what does should the clothes that you have on while you're cutting your hair will make a difference in your hair cut and I'll explain why if you have black hair and you put on a black top you're not gonna have that contrast between your hair on the top and it'll be hard for you to actually see if you're cutting it straight or not so you want to have like my hair is like a brown and so I'll put on this white top just so I can have some contrast and see what I'm doing so I had on a brown shirt it would be a little bit harder for me to actually see so keep that in mind as well other thing to take into consideration while you're cutting hair is that you're gonna want to hold your scissor like this in one hand and when you bring your scissor into your hair I'm not gonna cut right now I'm just gonna make an example and you cut you don't wanna take to cut too much off the length go little by little the SPECIAL like don't pass more than a half of an inch just going little by little little by little always underneath your finger never over your finger because that'll make it shorter than you then you wanted it to be you want to do it always underneath your finger using your finger as a guide and going little by little so try not to cut past like an inch just little by little little by little bring it down again and then cut little by little little pieces so you're going to cut like this much at a time never like big long slices of hair that's not what you want to do so there are also different ways to cut your hair if you're cutting it the jib like the length by yourself is you could bring it all to the front if you like that vu shape you could bring it all to the front and then just use the shortest piece from the back which is going to be shorter use that as a guide and I'll show you what I mean here is the shortest length of my hair in the back right here so I could cut it straight across just like this and do the same on the other side measure them they'll be the same in the front when I push it back I'll have that V or U shape right but if I want to have straight hair in the back that's not what I'm going to do and I think you could see the logic in here if I'm pulling the hair forward like this like I just did I'm getting rid of more length in the front than I am in the back because I'm over directing the hair in the back so the back is gonna stay longer so on the other hand if I wanted to just cut my hair into one ponytail just brush my hair into a ponytail in the back slide that ponytail down and cut it out ends up with it longer in the front and shorter in the back right and you're not really going to get necessarily a perfect cut so what I'm going to do today is divided into smaller sections for small sections and I'm going to cut them individually so I could get the straight cut in the back and then I'll also do it in the front all kind of stylet in the front and I'm also gonna refresh the ends of my layers as well in my case and I know a lot of you I already have layers and my hair is shorter in the front than it is in the back so I'm not starting just with one length of hair right I'm starting with different lengths so I'm gonna I'm gonna keep that in mind while I'm cutting my hair so while I'm making my sections I'm going to kind of work the front sections separately than when I work the back I'll handle the back by itself and the front and then I'll connect them I'm not starting with one length of hair I have different legs so I have to keep that in mind and I'm always sectioning behind my ear taking into consideration that there's no hair here like there is down here so I know you've seen it sometimes when we have when we see somebody get a haircut they blow dry their hair straight and then all of a sudden it looks like they have a hole here and that's because nobody took in consideration that peace with it hair whether with the ear is that there is no hair so that's something that you have to keep in mind as well and you're gonna see in just a second so I'm going to section off the back as well right I'm gonna part it right down the middle so as you can see when I'm starting when I slip at my front my front hair to begin with I have shorter pieces up here I have longer pieces down here so I'm gonna take that into consideration I don't want to try to make it as short as the shortest piece because it's not going to cut too much hair I want to make I want to take the longest piece and that's what I want to cut just the ends on that longest piece because when were when I'm layering my hair actually I'll take care of the rest if I bring my ponytail down like this to the side kind of respecting that place where I have my shoulder right so I want to bring it down like that like that holding it okay so here I have my front pieces and as you can see they're basically the same and I'm going to cut a little bit less on them then I then I have here I'm not going to cut it you I mean you could cut it right underneath that rubber band but I'm going to bring it down a little bit further using my fingers like this and I'm just going to cut like that I'll just point it up so I want it to be the same and I'll just cut the same amount and I'll come up with my own I'll just use like this pointing technique you could go straight across but you'll get a lot your line will be like very straight very marked and this will just make it a little bit softer just come in from the bottom underneath your fingers like that so when I measure them so when I measure them I want them to be exactly the same if there's a little bit of hair extra you could just cut it like that just a little bit it was just a little hair so the front is right and I'm doing I just cut a very minimal amount because I my hair shorter in the front so I'm just gonna bring up make those ponytails again and keep them out of the way right just like that slide it down I'm just sliding it down like this and I'll leave it right around there because if I bring it to depth too much who down it'll actually just since my ends are a little thinner it'll just fall right off so I have to leave it right there and I'll do the same to this side I'll leave it right around there if you're cutting a length that's there you can actually just like cut right underneath the ponytail but I'm not cutting that much I'm cutting maybe like an inch or a half of an inch so if I bring the ponytail all the way down it will it'll fall off so what I want to do is just bring it if I bring it up not pulling it just bring it and cut the amount that I need to take off and I'm going to just use this to make sure my hair doesn't move and I'll slide my fingers down to the length that I want like this just line my fingers down like this and I'll come up from underneath using the point of my scissor like this I'm not gonna go in and just cut in one shot no I'm gonna go little bit if I'm gonna go straight I'll go a little by little but you're better off using the point of your scissor and just working your way in like this always underneath your fingers never on top so when I compare it to the sides like this it looks good it's basically the same length so I'm going to do the same on this side I mean I could try to bring that ponytail down of it as much as I can but it'll fall off so I'll bring it to the front and I'll try alcott and I'll cut exactly the same amount just a little bit what my scissor is facing up like this just pointing it in and just cutting a nice straight line so then I can let them go I haven't let the sides go they're still there I'll bring them I let them go just to brush them out and test the length and if there is a little bit like that little bit I can just cut it just a little bit you always have to go and just like just check to see that you didn't miss anything bring it I'll test it again and there it is push that back I'll let these go I always like to try and make sure like this looks good on the sides where my shoulder is as you can see the back of my hair looks pretty straight now for the layering the layering is a bit easier I'm going to wet my hair a bit again I'm actually going to section like this I am going to respect that area where the ear is and I'm to come up maybe let's see how much maybe like 2 or 3 inches actually because I don't have that much hair there on the side and I'm going to part my hair right there on that side like that and I'm gonna make a ponytail here we're not going to be cutting in ponytails but I just want to use that to divide it and I'll make another ponytail down here because I just want to keep this out of the way I'm not going to touch this piece this piece is done this I will not cut anymore this will not have any layering done to it if I use hair ties a lot while I'm doing my hair it just makes it neater this and in the back I'm also going to do the same thing I'm only gonna make the layers like from here up which if you if you've ever seen it in the salon or you ever tried to do it you kinda know let me just to hold this with a clip first you kind of know that um when they lift the hair up the hair come through here on the bottom Falls anyway so they're really not layering their the hair is long anyway so the idea is to have longer hair on the bottom and shorter layers on the top just hold this down like this keep it out of the way okay I'm also divide this into two and make a ponytail on each side the parts don't have to be perfect here because you're actually going to be lifting up all the hair anyway so take like a smaller piece first and you want to have a guide this is the line of hair that's going to this is a piece of hair that's going to guide you now I already have layers so but if you didn't have layers I wouldn't advise you to even be doing this but if you want to do it you have to first find out where you want your first level I like my layers to come down underneath my shoulder I don't like it to be high I like them down underneath my shoulder so I already have it but they do need to be cut it's actually just pick up the hair straight like this and cut what I want to cut from that layer which is probably like an inch and I'll hold it there I know that I know I could like I could bring it up to the front to the back I never let go I always cut underneath my finger and I just go with little pieces like this and I start to that now this is a real important piece because this piece is going to guide my layers and the length of my layers throughout the whole haircut so now I have this piece right I'm just gonna bring it like this to the front I'm gonna grab the back another piece from the back like this and I'm gonna lift it totally up again now I'm going to grab that guide and I'm gonna lift it up as well if when you pick up the guide guide you can't see it you lift it up too much hair and it'll get lost so take less hair from the bottom now lift it up and you should be able to find your guide I can see my guide right here it's right here so I'm just going to cut that little piece just gonna cut it like that then I'll take the other piece that's still back there and I'll bring it up bring it all the way up and I can see I have a few pieces there that I want to cut and there you can see these are my layers this POC side is gonna be a lot easier because on this side I already have the whole other side I have it completely measured so this side it's gonna be easier just to use that whole side as a guide I get up like that set it aside for a second take my first piece from that other section on the other side try not to take too much here when you're cutting because it's kind of hard to like cut through big chunks of hair and it doesn't come out as perfect so try to take little sections and as you can see look at how perfect that guide is like it's you can really see it like this is shorter and this is the part that I want to cut so let me just bring it like this I can see actually what I'm doing and just make it all match up so now I could kind of like over this side because I already have my guy now on this side I have the measurement of the hair that I need lift this up so we bring this to the front so you can see my guide is here it's right here so this is where I'm going to cut so I can also just lift it all up like this to see if it's all the same like that and I'm happy with it so the back of my hair is already layered and ready to go so now I'll take this section in the front now I like to make my layers in the front a little bit longer than the layers in the back it's just a personal preference so when I take my guide which is this one I'm gonna use that that guide that I made in the back because that's the guide for all my if you if you lose that leg that guide go ahead and try it again make it again because that's what's gonna guide you throughout the whole haircut so I'll take a little piece of the hair in the front like this so I took part of it right and lift it up and there I have my guide right here it's here so I put my fingers right where that ends and I just start to cut and as you can see since I make them a little bit longer I kind of cut a little bit less as I start getting to the front and then I just make them make it meet just like that so now I'll let that go grab that other piece that I have on top of the ponytail now lift that up as well and there I have that little piece of hair you can see where my guide is it's right here you see that's where my guide is and I kind of want to make it match up I don't really I kind of start making it go like diagonally because I like it but you could make it all one light that's fine if that's how you like it so what I like to do is bring it right up to that guide and then just cut that little bit and then I'll just do the same my next piece that I sliced there are those little hairs just peeping out of that guide line and I cut it so the idea is that when you lift up all the hair like this it's all one length that's the idea all one length the reason that I just don't go like I said before are straight across like this is because it just comes out a little bit more soft the edges the length those ends just look a little bit smoother when I just go in from the bottom you can see the letters here they're already you already see them so now I'm going to do the same on this side I could use the back piece as my guide lines or I could use one of these from the other side as my guide whatever and it's all the same length anyway so here's my guide line again and I just take those little hairs like that and I cut I'm gonna take another piece right on top of that ponytail and I separated and I lift it all up and again here is the hair that I cut over here and these are little pieces of hair that I just have to cut so now I do the front piece and I'll just lift it all up I'm just gonna do exactly the same thing just cut that little bit like you can already see how pretty the layers look and so it was basically like just going over just lifting everything up to the same length and cutting it using a guide all around might get the kinds of moves all around my head not gonna do now is I'm actually just gonna go dry my hair styler and I'll come back and give you and just talk to you a little bit more about the whole idea behind this haircut I'm really happy with it I hope in that in the video you were able to appreciate what I was doing and first off I want you to see how like all the layers like the way they flow and you don't see like a harsh line between them and it's just nice and soft I'll have a picture here of the way the back looks the back is nice and straight I have some layers not too many if a hair stylist was actually cutting your hair in a salon they've taken to consideration a lot of things maybe like your face how to frame your face with your hair or maybe how to take some of the weight off the ends of your hair so we just did a very basic haircut using things that we may have at home to be able to do the haircut right to make it as easy as possible so I want you really to remember that I hope you were able to take something away from this video maybe try it at home and if you do I'd love to know how it worked out for you in the comments below and if you know somebody that may benefit from this as well go ahead share it with them like this video and until the next time you
Channel: Kristy Maccone
Views: 79,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to trim and layer your own hair, how to trim your own hair, cut your own hair, cut your own hair in layers, cut your own hair straight hair, how to cut your own hair, how to cut your own hair in layers, how to cut your own hair in layers medium length, how to cut your own hair in layers short length, trim your own hair women, how to cut layers, how to cut layers in long hair, cut hair, diy layered haircut for medium hair, diy haircut, diy layered haircut, haircut tutorial
Id: aK6Flu7xHSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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