How To Trim Hair Straight Across At Home

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel my name is christy for those of you who are new and in today's video i'm gonna be cutting my hair straight across just a blunt haircut and i'll show you here what it looked like before i actually had my hair in a v-shape and i didn't want that anymore and so i thought it would be fun to do like a whole change in my hair but do it in videos step by step so in this first video i'll be establishing how i cut my hair straight across and establishing the length in the next video i'm going to be making some long lived in layers and in the third video i'll probably be doing some sort of curtain bangs probably long and some face framing layers and i just thought it would be good to focus each video on that haircut so when you want to go back and refer to a specific part of a haircut you don't have to watch the whole video you could just watch one video that's for one kind of haircut so i thought that would kind of be fun to mix it up like that and let's get right into it i'm going to show you how i cut my hair how it was before and give you different kind of suggestions and advice on how to get this haircut done so when you're cutting your own hair the first thing you want to do is evaluate if you're going to do this process dry or wet so if you have extremely curly wavy hair you may just want to dry it flat iron it so you can actually see the length that you're cutting and not lose the guideline that you'll be using to cut your hair now if your hair is rather straight like mine you just may want to do it damp like i'm doing not extremely drenched like dripping but damp enough so you could slide your fingers and the comb through your hair easily so what you're going to need for this haircut is a rat tail comb so you could divide your hair a brush in case you need to brush out any knots a scissor intended for cutting hair that's very important not a kitchen scissor a regular scissor for cutting hair and either hair clamps or hair ties whatever you have on hand but for this specific haircut you're going to need at least one hair tie so i want to cut my hair in just like a straight line across a blunt haircut right now my hair is very long and it's in a v-shape which i don't want anymore it kind of got there by accident just by being a little lazy and cutting my hair or all towards the front and it kind of just ended up over time in a v-shape i'll show you what i mean this is what my hair looks like right now it's very long and it has this v and i'm not going for it anymore i think it's important to note and i've seen it so many times on videos i have people react when they cut their own hair and when you do that method that we're going to do today most of the time you're going to end up with the back of your hair looking like an a-line haircut where the front it gets longer and the back is shorter so it's not that you did anything wrong that's exactly what was supposed to happen because you over directed the hair on the side to the back and you cut it and you cut it to the length that you wanted it in the back and the hair in the front since it was over directed and pulled back now that hair is longer and that's actually how you do that a line haircut that looks very pretty especially in shorter hair another way that i've seen people do it is that they bring it all towards the front which was what i was doing for a long time and they just look at their hair and they cut straight a straight line and you'll have that perfect rounded haircut and so those are two ways to do it but just know if you over direct to the back the front is going to be longer the sides are going to be longer if you over direct it to the front the back is going to be longer that's just the way it is it's not that you did anything wrong now the problem is what do you do when you want it straight across like a real blunt haircut and that's what we're going to do today so what i'm going to do today is just part it right behind my ear and i'm going to leave that out first of all my hair has a v shape so even if i bring it all to the back this isn't gonna really look like an a-line haircut because it was shorter to begin with and i'm getting rid of a v point right i want it straight across so i'm really not gonna why would i bring that back i'm not gonna cut it and not only that when you put a lot of hair in the ponytail and you decide you want to cut it i've seen people like with an enormous amount of hair just like going for it with the scissor and i could hear that chopping sound in the scissors or with it when you could just hear like the hair just like crunching together and the scissor trying to get through it and it just makes me like i just want to like cover my eyes and and get to the end and see what happens because when you're chopping your hair that much hair with the scissor it's it's going to look choppy it's not going to look like perfectly cut hair with a nice blended line it's going to look like you exactly what you're doing chopping it so we're going to go little by little you want to part your hair right in the center so that it's the same length on each side and i'm going to part that right behind my ears so now i'm going to tie it up with a hair tie depending on how much hair you have that's the size of the tie that you want to use and just to get this out of the way i like this is why i like to use the hair ties instead of just like hair clamps or or anything because if i put it up like this sometimes i feel like i can't really see behind me so i rather just put it in a hair tie and just let it hang there so it's not in the way so you want that ponytail to be right on the nape and have it as close to your neck as possible and you're going to start to slide it down this is a lot easier done obviously when you have a mirror in front of you and a mirror in back of you so you can actually see what you're doing it so i have a mirror in front and i'll use a smaller mirror just to make sure that i'm getting everything done correctly so now i'll bring this over and the hair tie is holding my hair in place so it's not like i have less hair from this side and the length that's not the situation so how much do i want to cut i want to cut quite a bit i would say like i want to cut that much of hair and some in some cases you may see where they cut the hair on top of the hair tie i don't like to do it because that's where you hear all that hair just like being chopped all together and it's kind of hard for your scissor to get that job done and your hair looks choppy so in this case i'm just going to go right underneath my fingers and i'm going to cut about that much of hair and so my fingers are going to be my guide and i kind of like spread it out a little bit like this and then i start to cut now you could go in and cut straight across if you like to but if you want to do that don't go past like maybe like an inch on your finger don't try to grab like the whole measurement of your finger because if you look at the way the fingers are they have like this curve and if you cut the hair just like that that's exactly what you're gonna see or you could go in and just point cut like this you go straight your your scissors going to go straight up into your hair like this not slanted because that's exactly how it'll be cut that's what you see you kind of want it like this a point cut and that's just so the line is blended and looks a little softer so this is how i'm going to do it i'm just going to cut and just patiently go in little by little and look at it until it's all the same length sometimes you can cut across a little bit longer than what you want and then go in and just like point cut it so it looks smoother however you feel is best for you i'm going to let go and see it worked out really well because like i said i already had it shorter on the sides but if it would have been longer on the sides well then i would have ended up with the a-line haircut but it just kind of balanced out i just cut off that v now let's see how it measures up in the front on the side my hair was just one length and you would be able to see how like a perfect slanted line like this all the way to the front but i have some shorter layers in the front that i don't want to bring my hair that high up i don't want to shorten it that much so i'm just going to leave that there so what i am going to cut is this little piece that's bothering me because it's longer and i'm just going to get rid of that little piece and you know you could always go a little bit longer than you wanted to just to make sure that you got the haircut that you wanted and that you did it correctly and then once you master it then you can go in and go a little bit shorter if you like but i would always go a little bit longer than what i wanted to just in case there's any mistakes i can just fix them and not feel too bad about the length of my hair that looks pretty good okay now let's do the other side you see it's this little piece of hair this is what i want to cut so if i bring the back towards the front which is kind of dry right now and i brush it down and then i take this and i brush it down you'll see kind of like that slant that i was talking about and here on the other side you can see it so that basically is telling me that my hair is going to have that blunt straight line across because it's a little bit shorter in the back when i bring it forward and a little bit longer in the front so now what i'm going to do is just blow dry it flat iron it come right back and show you the results i'll be right back okay so i'm back and this is the end result it's as you can see it has that it's it's one length it's nice and straight but if you comb it you can see that slant that i was referring to before that slant that means that the back is a little shorter than the front which is what you want when you want to do your hair in one length just blunt straight across that's the result that you want to see in the front you don't want it to be a straight line because then that'll mean that the back is longer than the front and you don't want it to be also like too long in the front and then it's shorter in the back you want to be that perfect slant and now i'm going to turn around and show you exactly how it looks in the back i got rid of that v that i had still a little bit rounded but it's just because that is the haircut that i had to begin with it was kind of short in the front so the technique to cut your hair that way actually works and what i want you to take away from this video is that it's important to know what to expect when you're going to your hair stylist and we're cutting the back of your hair and you want it straight across or any kind of haircut we have to set a guideline that's going to tell us okay i am going to use this guide all along my hair during the haircut to measure the lengths of the hair so when i made that ponytail in the back and if my hair would have been longer i would have ended up with that um a-line haircut that first piece is just my guideline you have to start somewhere and so if you were in a salon they'd start with that piece and when they finished the back the front would be longer and then they would just keep on measuring and even everything out but in this case we have start with a ponytail and that's what you get that a-line haircut and then you just start working your way to the front and evening things out it's not difficult it's just it's important to know what to expect and not to panic while you're doing this if you're in a rush don't try to do it do it when you have more time if you don't feel like you can do it just go to a hair stylist and make them do it and also is to first leave some room forever don't cut shorter than what you wanted or exactly the same length that you wanted just leave a little bit of room just in case you have to go in and fix something or maybe you placed your scissor the wrong way or you didn't measure correctly so you have some room to play with in case you do make a mistake which could happen and also remember when you're cutting the hair don't dig into like these big chunks of hair on top of a ponytail and just go in with that scissor and you hear all those cutting sounds and those chunks of hair just trying to get in there don't do that because the end result is going to be exactly that choppy and probably not blended and soft and even straight nobody goes into a haircut thinking oh i want this to look choppy and ugly no you go into this wanting to get it done right and have it look blended and soft and beautiful and that's what my intention for this video was i hope it's useful and i love reading the comments of how it went for you and if it worked so i hope you enjoyed it and until the next time bye
Channel: Kristy Maccone
Views: 270,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to trim your own hair, how to, how to cut hair, how to cut your hair, how to cut your hair straight, how to cut your own hair, how to cut your own hair straight, trim hair at home, cut hair at home, cut hair straight, haircut at home, straight haircut at home, hair, hair cut, hair cutting, hair fail, hair stylist, hair tutorial, straight haircut, trim long hair, cut hair, cut your own hair, i cut my own hair, long hair tutorial, short hair, beauty, haircut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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