Trick Daddy Tells His Life Story (Full Interview)

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all right here we go Trick Daddy Og man welcome back to Vlad TV we've been rocking like this for like 17 years now yeah yeah 17 years but I'm here in Miami right now nice nice nice winner ain't it nice winner man nice winner this actually the first time we've done something in person I think in about 17 years yeah yeah man the first time we did it in person exactly in New York in the back of your van you know when you were on promo tour you know but you've always man you've always been professional you've always treated me good you know what I'm saying even when I was just a broke DJ and everything else like that man you've always been a real dude from day one I just want to point that out because you never came at me sideways what a lot a lot of these dudes don't know if they don't they don't know what they motives are because they have these hidden agendas so much into being controversial and then and then you know what with me and you it's like whatever you want to ask me you can ask me you know what I'm saying and but you never you never like took it there on no beef [ __ ] no no no no dumbass [ __ ] and one thing about it man I just know that respect goes a long ways you know what I'm saying that's why I'm able to move how I move in this game like yes sir yes sir Okay so we've done other interviews but I want to start in the very beginning with you because I feel your story is very important right so born and raised in Liberty City m and we've talked about this before 10 brothers and sisters 11 well yeah 10 brothers and sisters that's my mom's side yeah and my daddy got his own oh so yeah my daddy got another starting team so what 20 20 something okay 20s something kids yeah do you know all of them personally unfortunately yeah I don't like all of them yeah for for the for the um you know for the most I know I actually I know all of them and I'm I'm about as far as nieces and nephews including Grand nieces and nephews I'm about at 60 65 damn okay so you grew up on your mom's side 11 kids I I you I was born in G we moved to Homestead Florida City okay then we moved to Liberty City yeah the Poke be project so that's why I'm so familiar with so many different people because I went to 15 schools 15 Public Schools wow and with like I said with all my with my mom kid and my dad kids all them got kids now they kids got kids right so it's a whole lot of us it's the Army it's a the the sad part about it is had it been the 80s early 90s we'll be closer than we are now because back then you know those special holidays when you went the grandma house or you went to the matriarch the family's house on certain like Labor Day in the fourth and Easter Christmas and Thanksgiving now everybody spread it out this going to they daddy house this one going to their mama house you know it's just like it's different yeah but all of them know Uncle trick all of them know Uncle trick and they definitely know me when they want something okay and You' said this before your mom had 11 children by 10 different men right oh only two of my mama kids got the same Daddy okay was that you and your brother no that was that was okay so three girls eight boys the SEC the second and the second and third boy got the same dad okay so you're talking the fifth and the sixth kid did Juni your mom ever have a conversation about that my mom you can't have a conversation with my mom all you can do is just love her for being your mama there you have it you can't have you you can never have a decent conversation with my mom it's going to go it's going to go left yeah it's gonna go bad okay real fast okay now your dad Charles young you're right pops they call everybody know him as Pops Pops now he was a pimp sort kind of sort of well kind of because he been pimping the game since I know what my my daddy was was was very well liked by the women so they GI some things and my daddy was always a a a a street dude pool shot card shot love the dice and of course the dope game so him and my uncle always when you heard one of their Nam you heard the other name so when you heard Charles young you heard B Maryweather so they they came together and he was accused of being a pimp a lot of time because he had some of the most attractive women and they knew about each other so I guess that's also some Pimp [ __ ] but as far as him like pimping like putting the holes on the scroll like n i i not not the not the Charles young that I know not po that I know fair enough fair enough and your name came from I remember you told me this my mama tricked my father out of a couple dollars so so so this how so okay so we came up in Era Warfare fo step with women wasn't putting their man on child support they had bust out their window like like like women in those those era they did not they they didn't force you to be a part of the kid like if they needed a babysitter they to drop the baby off to your M house and well when my mama came on the scene in the area where my daddy was it was only because she needed something she didn't nag him for the stuff that I wanted or she wanted the things we needed when she got to the scene he knew I need to give Pur a few dollars right now so I can get this crazy [ __ ] from over here cutting up [ __ ] up what we got going on right now so it's like Pearl was it was a like told different different kind of mama that's why there ain't no compromising there is no me in the middle no okay her the highway yes and she gonna and she gonna get a fragrant flow she they gonna give her a fragrant fow afterwards because she still going to have she going to taunt you she gonna have something to say she want the last word and she you know she she she speak two languages fluidly just as well as me you know know and she know how to use them use that second language real real good okay what's that second language profanity she no nobody nobody cuss like her and people always say you gotta way that's the way you say [ __ ] yeah like yeah CU you know learn it from your mom right I learned it from my mama okay and you know a lot of us we learn about Liberty City because the video game Grand Theft Auto right when that game came out and you saw it I mean was it a an accurate portrayal or was it just ridiculous or I mean it was it was more pretty actually it was it was pretty actually it was it was sugarcoated I came up in an era where a Avenue that ran from 62nd to 71st that had six or seven cross streets there was four drug holes on every corner counter corner so every cross street there there's for drug hoes they had the best drugs when drugs was at cheap rates and with drugs was plentiful no crimes low very low crimes they CRA when they crack down on cocaine and and track down those drugs in Miami they set us up for failure then see what happened was they tried to trick us with the projects and everybody know the projects was just like they said it was a project the project was intended for a single black woman or or Latino or Spanish woman to raise kids without a man that was rule number one you can't have a man living in your house in so actually you're you have a benefit by not having the father around right stupid stupid when you raising boys I don't see how your boy ever know how to make man moves but yet he's the H the head of the household there's no one to train him this is what a real man there's no one to tell him this what a real man to do so guess what we had to go to the dop boys so our role models was was [ __ ] that had Bank roads when the bank was closed our role models was [ __ ] who po gold bottles in [ __ ] who had nice music in their car and rims and jewelry and gold teeth we looked up to those dudes while we were looking up to them if they was four or five years older than you they was up I to respect if your mama had a problem with you she go right to tell that dope boy look Maurice over here disrespecting me he acting like he gonna fight me back Them [ __ ] Gonna Get on my ass it wasn't no black on black crime it wasn't no the girl who I went to was who I went to the pr with in fifth grade her son is shooting at my son wasn't none of that it was what your people them name it was it was what's your people name and everybody connected off your last name or or where you what school you went to what school you went to where you grew up at all those things like that determine what part of Miami you was from and what's your background it it it was the 80s and the 90s when the Jo game was at its best when the coke was pure before they was cutting it with fitting all and killing [ __ ] before before Molly R ecstasy days that's when everything got [ __ ] up well you talked about this in one of the interviews you said the dope game was plentiful when Ron Reagan was pres he was let it come across the waters Miami was run by the D boys so if there was violence the D boys contained it you know they would put extra money in our pockets you take your report card to the D boys and they'd give you some extra money so you wanted to do good in school you'd play first sports team they'd be betting on the game you win they break you off something so it makes you play harder you know so of course there's a bad part of it but there's actually a good part of it from your point of view the good part of it was uh for instance I did something to somebody and me and you riding in the car and you get shot you're not an innocent bystander you're a victim of my crime I put you in the middle of that so when your when your when your baby daddy or your boyfriend is going through something you and your kids stay around them that's because a lot of people don't a lot of people ain't got in their ear to a force the rules like lead the women and the children out of it that's what that's the time I come from when my mama told my neighbor if you catch M do something wrong beat his ass you know what I'm saying now you can't you can't even touch your own kids let alone Touch Somebody oh yeah oh yeah Child Protection Services show up arrest every the kids like the kids know the rules I think the teachers train the kids like your mama beat you call this number like what yep if if if our parents if 70 and 80s baby parents could get locked up for the ass weopon they gave us my mom will be doing a life sentence okay well at one point you and your brother Hollywood went to go live with your dad right do you guys have the same dad or no so no so me and Hollywood had the same dad but Hollywood Hollywood mom only had two kids ah Hollywood was actually my daddy first child that's on your father's side okay got it Hollywood was my daddy's first child and by the time he got my my second and third oldest brother's mom he wasn't messing with Hollywood mama no more so I used always here you got a brother named Hollywood so Hollywood was working at the um at one of um pop of one of his uh his corner stores or or pool hall or one of them so I go down there I look at him I was like what's up he like what's up little bro and I this is this the 80s I I haven't seen him there I get in trouble in the eighth grade I got caught with some weed in school they told my mama she had 48 hours to get take me off her lease or she would lose it because you can't have no drug charge right in a government project you can't yeah you can't have so my dad came s tusty and me and this the whole [ __ ] went left well when you were 15 you get arrested for drug and Firearm possession yes that's a different situation totally different because this other child is a misdemeanor I got CAU with three birds three guns three kilos oh three kilos oh three birds sorry three kilos and two guns okay so you're already pushing kilos a 15 I the Miami was a different Beast I've seen a series that nflix did on gelda yeah it's okay my problem with it is there's a lot of black kids that's fatherless there's a lot of black daddies that's doing life centers in 30 and 40 years there's a lot of companies that was built off of [ __ ] who I grew up with and they giving all the glory to everybody else and we don't usually do we don't usually G glorify stuff like that from the past those are they might seem excited to some people but those are tough and rough times you know what I'm saying and it I just feel like a lot of the the women they get respect from the men after slavery was over when the black community is like the the black man now now he got power now you know it's like all you do is have my baby you cook for me you clean for me I'mma give you the check but you don't spend it on nothing I don't tell you to spend it on so it made the women say well wait a minute I don't need this [ __ ] so we get to this single black and independent which is lonely horny and broke you feel me so now there there are the these are our parents 78th grade education come out the country the back roads of Mississippi Alabama Georgia South Carolina want to come to the promised land down here in Miami uh and they get down here they got the long pretty hair the silky skin they dressing all wholesome and these City Slicker [ __ ] just talk them right up out of whatever they wanted they end up having us now you got babies having babies raising babies and this where we at now so for that arrest with the three kilos how much time did you get I got four four or two four and two four years in and two years out okay but the day you get out you get into a whole other situation God bless D homie troll tat be riding and I see tat jump out the car him dude locked up but now I see the dude Uncle run out the they run towards us but then he said you know what I got something for you and he stopped and went in his pocket and he had the I never seen his mechanism it was the first time that the to hold the thing and the trunk pop open he hold that [ __ ] in the trunk pop open I let that [ __ ] ring get his ass and that was the same day I got out and I didn't realize I already viol violated my probation right you get arrested for attempted murder with a violation with a violation so now you go back now now the first time I go to prison I'm at what you call a youthful offenders Camp right now you're an adult because you're 19 at the time okay so okay right so this how it goes you can still be in a youth Defender Camp if you a youth when you did the crime and it is it doesn't succeed over a life sentence and plus you under the age of 25 or younger right so at this particular time I think I'm 1920 I [ __ ] up real real bad I catch Char on police officers I do all this [ __ ] but now I'm to the point where what now what like what are you going to do what you going to do with your life nobody there for me I didn't have I I don't remember ever saying Ma I want these pair of shoes I remember telling my homeboy I'mma get them I'mma get them one way somewhere or the other I'mma get them so we had to we had to get our hustle on we had to get our hustle on when I move when I moved back down south all this when the dude came in my house like oh I'm going to I'm going to speak the trick I'm like I'm standing to the side of door like tell about here so he told the girl well tell him she want to be a big boy man him like a big boy I was praying he came and they took his shots at me then put the police on me I'm like then when I went in front of the judge he was like this happened the same day you got out you know they don't want to hear that [ __ ] went back for how long I went back for uh 30 months okay almost three years EOS EOS mean in the sentence that mean I got in so much trouble they only going hold me till 11:59 at night then you get out and 94 five 95 January 95 we got the ma King U parade okay and around that time the tragedy with your brother Hollywood happened it had just happened in June or July of 94 okay so I had to come I went to the funeral you know you pay a couple dollars you they took me to the fal when I come back now I got to stay in the county for two three days before you come back you got to go travel like a regular inmate right uh your brother and the guy in the car with them both get shot to death right and it was what like 30 shots or something real horrific it was no it was over well my brother got shot over it was like aund and something shots my brother got shot over 30 times okay that's horrible man did they ever catch the guys who did it a lot of let's put it this way murders is something that it never expires never closes so a lot of that's that's probably the long process besides the point that W was a good person and a lot of people love him so whoever has something to do with did that they keep on a very good low and they better continue to do that and that was Trina's boyfriend at the time she was still in high school when they were dating and I interviewed her about that and and she introduced her to him to him right he was doing a he was first he was booking Poison Clan and eightball MJG and somebody else to perform at Studio 183 he SE me talking to her he was like who is that I was like oh that's that's my home girl I went to school with her I'm like yeah that's my home girl Trina I went to um I went to Charles Drew with her he was like she want to Charles Drew I'm like yeah I put him down in the rest history you know what say that was her first love yeah she she took it hard yeah no we were in a relationship I was in high school I think I was about to graduate maybe like a couple months after and yeah I was in a real relation it was like one of my it was like kind of like a first relationship First Love yeah and um he was an amazing guy he was killed yeah and he got shot how many times I have no idea what it was heard it was some insane number like 30 times or something probably more it was a crazy number of times it was really horrific and really crazy it was a very very disturbing moment that whole situation I never really understood I was really young and I I just just didn't understand how somebody could be so great of a person and someone could do that like it was it was just a crazy thing yeah she took it hard every Everybody took it hard what was that person there another reason why you never know where it came from what was that person that helped every if you think I help people there's nothing compared to what he done W has helped everybody sorry for your lost man I know it still hurts you to this day when you get out of again Ted Lucas who's the founder of slip and slide the chain that you're wearing right now he tries to talk you into leaving the streets alone and rapping okay no so I I'm telling him I can rap okay he don't know me for rap he know me for being the shooter and the and the Chef cooking and ain't talking about Sundays I'm talking about straight drop he that what he know me for now I'm telling him I can rap like what you mean so I'm like I've been sending all these raps up here you ain't been getting them so the lady what the lady work for Debbie benett would have got all my letters he was like you wrote all these up you know I got you know P of this [ __ ] wait like written down raps yes oh so you wanted him to sign you based on writing down WS they never knew I could rap because I never had a time I went from being I went from being a 12y old head from 12y old man in the house head of the household to moveing in moving somewhere where I'm familiar with people but I didn't grow up with them to live with my dad who's on his way out of the federal penitentiary they hanging with my brothers who one is square and the other is is like a a successful drug dealer we had DJ says my brother my brother wanted to be a my my old brother Chuck he wanted to be a rapper my daddy put him DJ set in there but he was like he was like on some some soft ass [ __ ] he was like on some some uh too hot to try my baby take that I want to R like there because we grew up loving NWA yeah and loving EPMD and like can hear two short talk that [ __ ] like Luke Skywalker the two Live Crew and the PO clan we I we want this this what we want we don't want that I told him I could rap so you like whatever I said Chu I can rap whatever I catch a charge I'm riding with my homeboy sowh he going to make a play I don't know he said let's go get something breakfast I just got to stop by here jump out jump out on us he got a few cookies in the in in the GL like God damn man you know I can't be around this [ __ ] yo I ain't no paper but I'm a convicted Fon get from right here I go to where I was staying there in the TRU cuz at this time I was living with hwood Mama me had got his little uh me and his sister had had I difference had little word so you know holwood mama said well I got to pick between you and my child I said well I'll be out of here give me by the week and I go somewh when I had nowhere to go I said at the hotel by the month but after a while I used to pay this smoker I for him and his girl I go get his him and his girl room get him 20 $20 a piece buy them something to eat and get them something to smoke and now I can have a house all night to myself now I'm I'm back trapping but I'm doing the lowkey in the morning coming out at night time but I'm writing raps I'm writing raps then I hear on the radio um I went to McDonald's I rode to McDonald's right across the street and turned the car radio on oh we got a u a rap contest is going down this weekend in the pack J Luc is looking for another member of the new two Live Crew I'm like what right cuz the two life C broken up by that point yeah I called my baby mama I need something to wear and my baby M old she get well too cuz she um she suffered a a heart attack and a stroke she's been at rehab and she's getting better I just pray she can make a full recovery but she bought me a pair uh cream poloo pants a red and cream shirt and I bought me some ballies with my little hustling money and I went to the pack for the contest I rapped against 50 [ __ ] I rap rap rap rap rap rap and my advantage was I had just got out of prison back to back so I did a lot of confinement time because I was in riots I was I was with the [ __ ] I know I was the typical dumbass [ __ ] at the time right I get to this last [ __ ] red eyes this [ __ ] got as many songs as I got so me and this [ __ ] Rize we that in a whole extra hour now now the crowd is excited about this [ __ ] it's just like this is like a a fifth overtime in the Super Bowl but me and him looking at each other like man I'm sick of this [ __ ] so at the end of the day Luke ended up giving both of us a chance okay and he wanted to sign me and I I was like uh no I don't really want to sign to nobody like that because my my intentions were not did not the um you know I thought rap was soft I thought being a rapper was soft my intention was not to really take it serious just to have something to do because I realized as a young age a lot of the other young dudes that was incarcerating with me they couldn't even read or right man they couldn't spell dog and I and I and I you know I motivate them by helping them write letters and stuff like that I I got my GED from in prison I got other certificates and I was like you know with the wri and [ __ ] but once wood got killed it became personal so I went to writing about my feelings and I went to realizing the same people I like the scarf faces the eightball MJG these are storytellers I want to tell my story in in the music and I finagled it like I like I didn't like I never imagin it was happen because I could take a slow beat I could take the ER K do you know that you got me I could take that and write matter of fact I wrote n [ __ ] to that beat wa you the ER dud it's and I can't explain it you know what I'm saying I can't explain it so after I after I get out on bar Luke say hey I got a record I want could you get on it what it was they did the scar record which my first record right verb already rap fast and then he could not make a clean version he could not stop cussing cuz all his words was [ __ ] and [ __ ] and [ __ ] and [ __ ] and [ __ ] and and Luke was like for me to take this how it takes away from the song like I need a clean version so I came to I like let me try this right here and I went Michael make you remember in December he was like whoa hold up what the [ __ ] say that right there say that again then he went they love the record they asked me oh how much will I charge to do a video I don't know nothing about I ain't going to charge luk nothing this time I'm living in his house I don't know nothing about they like what's your publish name what what the [ __ ] I don't have a publishing I thought publishing was publishing clear house I thought publish you know what I'm saying I'm thinking publishing clear house that what publish me I don't know nothing about this all I know is is Street [ __ ] and Survivor I don't know nothing about this I did the record in it went on Luke Uncle Luke album had a music video and everything had a music remember I watch y TV raps right yeah and it just the after I learned the game a little bit a little bit it just didn't work out for me to side with so I went to Ted slipp and slid and Ted was like we need to record like that scar record I said no you ain't goingon to never get a record like that scar record I said we just need to get we need to get some music man just let me work I went through all type of Mo but one thing we did that slip and slide we we hustled we promote the hell out there all this new [ __ ] they got well new artist is coming out every 30 minutes and all that no we work hard we we we we we we we humbled ourself we believed in in teamwork and every song If I did 30 songs only 10 of them going on that album so 20 producers 20 song riters features or whatever it's goingon to be upset because they're not g to make it and that's just how it goes well when Fat Joe said he discovered you and pit I don't I I fat Jo I think Fat Joe got to be older than me I think because I go to forgetting things but I don't I don't I don't hallucinate I never hallucinated he's 53 said he tuck my CD into Craig Calvin at Atlantic record that came later how you if if if you if you got my deal how do I get a CD huh maybe I don't know cuz I see him telling a lot of stories maybe he got it confused May CU I I had a sister like like that she'll she'll tell a story in there you remember I'm like no I yeah I remember but not like that I love F to death but no that ain't I I wish it would have happened and I I've walked people deal in but I won't talk about that under no circumstance I've had people get plenty of this but I don't remember ever matter of fact I'm I'm going go deep as this at that time New York New Jersey Philly on music along with California you know the West Coast had death row yeah the West Coast also had rappers like um Tech 9 and those dudes who were selling Platinum riding their own te9 was from Tech9 was from the the Midwest okay when he was he was doing stuff in the west coast in right in the Bay Area like they was loving them okay so they had so there wasn't no South records on no damn radio and no East Coast I mean Luke was getting played two life crew was getting played and that's about it though two that that that's that's a different kind of music yeah I'm talking about rap music I'm talking about NWA I'm talking about EPMD yeah so even when we had Shai D sh D JT Money and the POR CL they wasn't playing them on the East Coast like that yeah okay so you dropped your debut album based on a true story yeah it did huh it did all right it did okay you were tricked outy dollars back then I didn't know I didn't know the game right I didn't know the game back then I didn't know that the music game was just like the dope game I didn't know that I'm I'm the I'm the one that can catch the the uh the Kingpin charge if I'm not careful I didn't know that everybody else a co-conspirator and you need a buyer in a seller and all that I didn't know all that at the time but what we did do was I went out there and I hand you my CD I didn't ask for money check this out man if you like it man tell somebody about it hand in hand okay but then in 98 your next album comes out you drop the dollars from your name www. this is back websites were first starting to you know pop right and I told they was like what made you start it like I was like I just I said just just keep living you going to see what I'm talking about with these computers cuz they do amazing [ __ ] because I've learned I learned in prison about the computer in prison I'm like cuz I'm taking hard of coaching classes but we got to test samples through the computer and I'm like man this [ __ ] do all [ __ ] than for you well you called your album two years ago Tupac gets killed uh was the thug you know I mean Tupac didn't make up the word Thug but he popularized it right you know was that a Tupac kind of homage in a way or Tupac is the greatest rapper ever to walk Earth agreed I don't care who do what afterwards they could don't don't disrespect Tupac like y'all disrespect Michael Jordan when you be try to compare other people to them don't disrespect pop when you want to look for the second or the third best don't disrespect pop he was somebody that went through as much if not the same [ __ ] I went through he had his mama was black part of black p party my mom was part of the first W with black people that came to Miami was with segregation was just uplift when they my mama went through that first schooling when she had a half a day at school so you got to a young girl that's beautiful got a nice body that's from Carolina and she go to school a half a day at school well a nothing left to get into but drugs and [ __ ] nothing pop is one of the best storytellers pop wasn't as shamed to dance to do ballerina dance that take a real that take a real thug and people don't understand what Thug mean oh be disrespectful disobedient and and curse a lot and wear certain type of thing po the first person I saw a m shirt so yeah and the thug thing really just continued on album after album after album now on that album was my favorite Trick Daddy song of all time to this day was that you know what that you know what song that is Nan and to this day I'm going just keep 100 I know it's not your biggest song but that's my favorite song and that was also the song to introduced to D I'mma say this that's that's got to be my biggest song because that's the one that open the door exactly I was doing interview with in New York I was doing interview with f master flag with um Angie Martinez I was doing M with big cap and I was doing radio interview with him and at the end of the interview they was like you got you got your record so I can play it I'm like you ain't got the record but when I woke up in a in a Time hotel in manhatt and turned on hot and heard n pumping and the DJ bagged it up I say [ __ ] we made it at that time me Master P and juvenile shared records from the south that was getting played on the East Coast juven I had the huh and Master P had that everybody that make him say uh yeah and then so you had n huh and make him say uh yep now now if you look and listen to New York rappers you would nor part you doing nor part for somebody for the side because they use our words they use our beats they use our slang they use everything about they they they try to use our [Music] women now that song Not only introduce Trick Daddy to the world but Trina as well and you convinced her to actually rap cuz she wasn't even a rapper okay so Trina was that [ __ ] she was like that dope girl that the dope boy dream J was that [ __ ] that you had to have pretty smile nice little bed you know eatable titties everything just perfect right she looking so good in the past she the Hollywood car and the more he rolled through with her the more stocks went up but after that after a while nothing to do her and all her friends including my wife Joy Trina pinky all their friends said we're going to dance I said what do you mean dance we going to be strippers I said no y'all ain't going to be no damn strippers so they kept they kept it away from me all the while up there go they fli they a going to be no strippers that I got I had got a little BG I was like they was like Hey training them getting naked tonight they easy and prow I call every [ __ ] I know hey meet me the ex Meet Me meet Me ex when they came out that [ __ ] in they little triple uniform that's the day when they be like we can't dance because these rude [ __ ] is in here no let's go and all of them all of them left I end up making them be my dancers okay to you go back to Old footage Trina and her crew and joy and Tika and Tisha all those are my dancers I love it I love it they now they go from my daners to I Got This Record I Got This Record I need you to talk that [ __ ] right here and when I come on they was like well let us hear your verse you don't know now ho they like hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on you ain't calling me no ho I said that's how I need you to talk I need to talk like that to me talk this talk to me like that because I always I always look forward to those Rec those kind of Records like that and I always sit back and say but damn why they ain't got me on that record or or or or like like the record with um all my life all my life yeah you talking about the jcole uh I would murder that [ __ ] jco little Dirk record I will murder that [ __ ] do you hear me and it's like it's like certain things certain things they got to say give it the trick let let trick figure the rest of it out I murder that [ __ ] well you made a comment about Trina once right you said I made her tongue slap her brains out make a tongue slap her brains out brains that mean that mean make him that really mean like make him crazy about you okay right okay what does that mean it me mean like make him crazy about you not not not that not that I was [ __ ] her I never [ __ ] her I I try to [ __ ] all her friends every I try to [ __ ] every everybody everybody with the reception of her mom and her I try to [ __ ] everybody who she know right but not her not her not her or none of them Transformers CU she be with some Transformers too oh transgenders yeah we call it Transformers Transformers yeah okay okay well that song reached number 62 on the Billboard 100 the main chart not the rap chart main the main chart against country pop the whole world the world the whole world is competing against you and you were number 62 on that list your album goes number 30 on Billboard the main chart goes gold uh I mean to this day Nan has 50 million views combined I never knew that well now you do and just imagine there wasn't there was no streaming back then yeah it' probably be a billion streams by now and I say this though I say this say that I I appreciate my eror you know they make more money faster for a little for Less [ __ ] now but I respect that because I know had they been streaming as much as they did now probably me and you V will be multi multi-millionaires for just getting out of [Laughter] prison okay so after that album that's when you sign Atlantic Records I sign with Atlantic Records after all right after the first album was signed with with isand Atlantic came and bought our deal from Ireland okay so when you go on Atlantic actually owns the first album as well oh really the Trick Daddy dollars album yes okay the based on the true story yeah and then everything after that was Atlantic okay so was Atlantic as well yes thugs our us Thug Holiday the book of Thug 8 verse 47 and back by th man all Atlantic Records and Atlantic Records was an excellent Atlantic Records is the perfect was perfect for me because the first thing they did T convinced them to let me be myself and they allowed me to be myself well then you put out your next album on Atlantic uh book of thugs chapter verse 4 to7 number 26 on Billboard so you go from 62 to 26 and that had the shut up single on it [ __ ] up um what else is on that um sweating me was on there was shorty sweating me on that album no no no that that came later that came oh yeah that's on THS i r yeah that came later uh that had shut up uh I think that was the one big song on there I mean obviously it was a big album but it was another another there another record on there I didn't go down line tell me something boy sitting on these okay boy was a single Get on Up America America was so that those was so it was boy it was shut up boy then America okay those were the singles on that album okay so now you're a top 30 artist now I'm top 30 and and I have not picked besides of n i and I didn't pick n they didn't allow me to picking ass the singles cuz Ted didn't know what it meant Atlantic made me explain everything they like write it down so what you say when you say this what do you they want to make sure that I'm not saying the wrong thing and offend the wrong people right so now I got to right so now I had to pay somebody hey you need to write everything down for them because I'm not g to be writing all this [ __ ] down they was like what T was like with the hook the nail like it it ain't finished it ain't finished what are you going I mean what well okay okay now what the people do I say no they going to say your know now they like but what does now mean now mean Nathan Tony Nathan nothing you don't know no other like me right all the hip-hop heads knew exactly what it meant right when I heard I'm like okay he say nothing easy so now now we over here and they picking all these songs I Contin to be bougie they they picking all this radio [ __ ] I was like well why I can't do this at this time at this time was um I was like California Love was a hit that's a street record I was like that was a hit no but it wasn't a hit it wasn't a street record like that I said yes it is that's a street record so I had to break it down to what they were saying and that's how end up doing the boy record cuz what we did we took act it was some little some little 12 and 13 old out of opaka that had stole a car and got in a highspeed Chase they was in the mean hot speed chase for 2 hours and I said if we do this boy video Let's see we get that the um do they still got that car he was like how I supposed to do that and um at that time I'm we we friends with at that time Ted is getting there with the Commissioners and and the mayor and and the the the the manager city manager and all them he's doing little things with the community at the time time cuz that what you got to do once you like get money now don't don't forget where you come from you know and they say well yeah we know where the the the car is in the in the pound so you got the actual car we went and got the actual car out the pound so what we did was we took the footage and We examined the footage for two days and we took the same path that they took wow in a high speed chase and when they jumped out at instead of them jumping out I jumped out and they then it was like that's when that's when I was getting called from the basement and um when Joe CLA was over there at bet and I had him on 15 half with the ACT showing him the actual path we came through here and and they was like they never saw Miami in this way I they knew about us was beautiful women beaches and Co good cocaine they never knew it was it was that time around this time we we we coming into the 2000s right and Cancun is popping yep Jau had a record 50 Cent in the club and N was pping at this time in the club came later in the club was was like a couple years in the club was like 2002 2003 okay well in the club I I'm just remembering Cancun records yeah no I'mma tell you what record when I first got out the biggest record is still I think the one of the biggest rap record when I first got out what really made me want to change my what made me not want to argue with them well this [ __ ] Montana Jordan dropped that this is how we do it this [ __ ] like stayed on the radio for two three years I'm like what the [ __ ] they still playing this [ __ ] yeah I think that's one of the biggest rap records of all time and I didn't know that it was a rap record at the time but it was on the it was it was on the top of the CH I was like if he can get up there I can get up there [ __ ] that so the next album thugs are us thugs are Us number four on Billboard your first platinum album yeah you're now top five right and I'm a thug single comes out number 17 on Billboard 80 million streams and I think I you know you were talking about this a little earlier but I believe that's the first hip-hop song with kids on the chorus and they never gave me credit for that right you know like give me credit for that and I've seen a special and I don't want and that's my man and I don't like Star controversy but they they did a whole special about Jay-Z when he did the hard night oh this was brilliant nobody ever did it I'm like what the [ __ ] trick that I did it five times every and God that's dead by God Mama the late great Miss Betty Wright those were her kids on every time you heard a child sing on one of my albums that was there was the Betty Rice's children choir that that was her kids and my kids and niece and nephews wow singing on the records right and then that Alum also had take it to the house what one of the one of one of my top three biggest record 30 million streams it got used in movies TV shows everything so then we get to the fifth album Thug Holiday and you wouldn't believe how I came across the beat for in the wind for Thug Holiday oh for Thug Holiday okay about but in the okay so in the wind leaked it was out and I'm like we got to take that as a single if we don't take it as a single is we gonna waste it so what Ted did was went and put Big Boy on it to add some more flavor right A lot of people forget that big boy is even on the record it's big boy and CEO right yeah and by the time we dropped the Thug Holiday the single M nobody when I went to telling people where I got the track and an idea I got the idea from a Michael stering song called I'm on the holiday it was the saddest song growing up as a little boy in in juvenile system and in the county and in prison you know as a minor CU When I got out I was 20 I grew up in there when that song came on Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Christmas Chris I was like oh my God those were the first times I ever cried as an adult as 18 and older crying like a a little baby I met David Banner okay oh he's he's just he's producing now Mike Karen I want you to meet D ban you like him I think y'all perfect he's out of Mississippi that's perfect man D B sit there for hours I got oh I got a f perfect Trick Daddy be I'm like listen D there ain't a perfect Trick Daddy be just let me hear songs that you wasn't going to let me hear and I heard that boom I like that's [ __ ] right there he was like no no no I got I said that's the record I want right there that was thir holiday they said who you want to sing on it I say if I can't get married Jay I want Natasha Scott I need somebody was so Fantasia wasn't if Fantasia was around at that time I would have put her on the record yeah but Latasha Scott was one of my first Soul singles up besides Betty Wright and Betty wght Anita Baker and Ste Shirley Murdoch this's the T Scott had been here before this was somebody reincarnated to me and I explained to her what I wanted to do with the record and the [ __ ] was the [ __ ] was crazy when we shot the video we shot the video in in a triangle a lot of y'all probably heard alababama Al the triangle and opaka probably heard about that the first time in First 48 so what we did was we went and bought thousands of dollars worth of toys all kinds of toys give us that give us this give me 10 of them give me five bikes give me these give me two of them right there give me give me aund balls give me we filled up a dunk truck and Ted I remember Ted say so we gonna try it the first time and then see how it look and then the next time we G we gonna bring the kids in let the kids come pick out the toys we doing a video so they got the fake water they making it rain and we stand me and Natasha and I'm like I got tears in my eyes she thinking that I'm I'm wet for the rain I'm crying like this is this it this is the [ __ ] that I Envision in prison right we dumped them goddamn toys kids came listen kids came from every [ __ ] where we almost couldn't shoot that part of the video because Nick quested was was was was it was nick quested uh Larry fish I mean fish gree that's his name fish GRE I don't know first name and and the dude um damn I hope he don't get mad I forgot his name all them work for under Nick Nick had this British accent he he went from over here we let he did take it to the house did shut up he did all these videos now all but Nick Quest said [ __ ] the clearance we didn't get no clearance for the kids in that video and they ain't want to they ain't want to show it so after Atlantic wasn't playing by the lawsuit [ __ ] we had to go get signatures for all these [ __ ] kids everyone that I can recognize I had to go track them down in the project like hey I need you to sign up for your kid to be this video I'm like the video I'm like man I drop the video no and [ __ ] that legal is not going to let you drop the video like this [ __ ] is serious like right right I think Thug Holiday when I see after some of my favorite videos take it to the house shut up I'mma the uh now th holiday th holiday we did the the scene where I walk up to the lady and bring her the the the folded flag it let her know us her son died at War and that that just that that that did that did it for me and around this time we doing um we getting ready to do some [ __ ] called this about my fifth album right here right so right now we about to do some [ __ ] with the Joint Chiefs so it's Atlant he got ti. me fabulous Lil Kim Fat Joe and twister all us came out everybody went platinum they did a an amazing job I went on the road and did a promo run and I'm like man I'm on my six hour man I don't need no [ __ ] promo run they like listen you got to make money this time on your promo run I was like man because I cuz I I remember being in the car with Michael Hopkins riding all over the West Coast riding from San Diego to San FR riding all the way to Oakland driving in the Cadillac coup Deville and the dville like I I remember meeting I I'm one of the very few artists with exception of DMX that actually knew the buyers these I knew the buyers I'm like this is the connect and I'm El Chapo you got to get it from my people which is Atlantic Records and they what what the people have to do they have to buy the records and then they have to sell it to the record store then the record store sell it to the people and when I came to that understand I'm like so wait a minute a million people are involved with all these different [ __ ] where if we was draugs that we'll be locked up for conspiracy for me I know what I'mma do from now on I'mma stay me I'mma keep it real I ain't I'm not changing I'm not doing none of that and and at the time Peola came along and I wasn't willing to do that I wasn't I didn't do remixes if I did a remix it was remix within the family slipp slide family well but but that same year you got to jump on a Tupac song which was technically a remix it was technically what it was is the Tupac song is this this was after he died his mom reached out to me ah she said you remind me so much of my son I got a record that y'all should have been did and you need to finish it whatever it takes I say it don't take nothing but you to send me that record I give it back to you I did that record in 15 minutes I like here get back to me so I called for two weeks why she what did she say about the record what did she say about the record in three weeks that [ __ ] is on the radio I'm like whoa right still ball this is my favorite [ __ ] in the world like I respect this [ __ ] and what he went through more than I respect my brothers murder I respect my daddy he was like a young [ __ ] in the hood he's like oh G Christ you and my favorite record believe it or not my two favorite records is Brenda's Got a Baby and keep your head up my third one is Hell raising because I feel like that's my that's that's he's talking about me and that song That's My biography so I've been trying to redo um Hellraiser for seven years now I'm almost finished I won't do it until I perfect it well you know how conspiracy theories go and and on that record Tupac says cuz trick don't give a [ __ ] were you coward NWS now and people like oh did Pac do that song with trick and it's like well no that's not possible of course because you weren't even rapping when Pac was alive so well well actually I I I I was rapping when P was alive right but you w at the level of doing songs with Pac yeah no no no no exactly so what what they just took the word trick off another verse in there all I all I can tell you is I promised it's his mama that I won't never answer that question okay fair enough and so I I'm not I'm not answer that question all everybody want oaca in Cuba you're not going to [ __ ] Cuba out of all the places come on man goddamn well I just want to point out that in the in the wind single that's where you say trick love the kids right which became one of your catchphrases one of my catch phrases yeah because all the kids love me too and when you growing up in the house full of kids you learn to play football inside you you you you the girls learn how to fight like the boys because you know it's it's us against y'all and all my friends all the uh all the artists that that that cameo in that video I told everybody to bring their friends and I think that's why we had a big turnout cuz I was like bring the kids they was like bring the kid oh yeah come on we going to be we going to barbecue we going food we G have p uh face payon we GNA have uh bounce houses everybody came and brought their kid that's why I realized rap [ __ ] doing a lot of [ __ ] these [ __ ] got four five kids and we had a lot of kids we had a lot of fun shooting that video okay so here you are you're you're at the top of your game right now that next year though 2003 you end up getting into an argument at a basketball game and you get hit with a gun charger I that I found that I had lupus all that at one time oh the dude who I got the dude who pressed charges on me that I thought it was my I thought it was my friend damn we had did a lot of [ __ ] together we had spent a lot of time together and it was all over a basketball game it was all over the fact that a lot of times you have to when you in this business and you in any type of business where there's money involved you have to be careful of who you dealing with in life because people think when your business blow up y'all business blew up people think when you made it we made it we made it right that's why I always tell the young athletes NBA NFL I don't get what you do be careful everybody from kiding you ain't family be careful how you move be careful how you talk be careful how you dress be careful how you go around him had I pulled up around him in a raggy old car not looking good not feeling good he probably think oh yeah you still one of me then hear him tell me I'm barred off the park I can't come back I'm the terror in this [ __ ] neighborhood what you I can't come back when I got in the car I realized I had my gun on me I was like well that nothing but God so I told my cousin I said ride around the park when we got back around the park he he said um man [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro you got too much lo I like stop this [ __ ] man I'm not stopping I reach and I grabbed the [ __ ] stering um the shift stick shift out his hand that before that [ __ ] stopped good I was out that [ __ ] yeah and what really hurt him was the things I said to him his brother and Daddy had got up his brother and his daddy on different time different occasions within a quarter mile from each other got an altercation with somebody that came back to kill them so once he called me [ __ ] and flaw and I can't come back once she tried to hit me in the face with the ball when I wasn't looking I told him I came back to kill you like that [ __ ] came back and kill your brother I came back to kill you like that [ __ ] came back and killed your daddy over there and you better not cry before you die cuz you tried me like I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I showed you nothing but love dog I said one tear drop on the barrel of this pistol while I Jam this [ __ ] in your nose and blow your brains out and I don't want nobody I'm I'mma call your grandma and I'mma tell her what I just did I don't want nobody to call her I got when I got in the car I was like why the [ __ ] did you do that why the [ __ ] did you say that I was hurt I thought you was my friend you went to jail when you was in college I helped you I coach you through it you needed a girl I put you down on my sister in college you already you already talk to my step sister I put you down with my other sister in college and my step sister don't even know I did this and now just because I'm selling records and I got I got a nice house and nice cars now I'm I can't come back on the park no more I ain't come on bro I don't think I'm better than you I got my first million dollar I sat down I told Ted don't give me that I said I give me a piece of paper and a pen I wrote down everybody that help me sell that mother make that million dollars everybody got 20 or 30,000 a piece wow every [ __ ] body don't talk to me like that bro don't do that [ __ ] to me and then got a restraining all on me and every time I came to court he stood about elevator when I get ready to walk in he walk in and every time I went to a club he came and I gotta leave when I caught my friends trying to do something to him I said please if y'all do something to him I'm going to prison just leave him alone bro I'm just going to stay out of his way then I got the lawsuit a lawsuit he sued you damn you sent me to jail and you sue me damn yeah from that day on I realized that money was the root of all evil man the the [ __ ] that people would do to you are for you for some money if they'll do it for you they'll do it to you well I remember when when we interviewed jod Brees he said the boys in the hood was originally him Lil Wayne ti. and Trick Daddy the group actually supposed to been me Trick Daddy ti. and Lil Wayne like that that's was that was block first playing but I was like they already on like they already popping so I didn't want to like even though I can hold my own I had done songs with everybody already anyway but I was telling block like no I don't I don't think I want to be in a group with with them at this time MH so he was like yeah you right we we'll we'll just we'll put it together we end up recording Trick Daddy came um he's supposed to been on them boys but he didn't like it so we was in the studio just talking about the song like man you need to get on this Rec he's like no I'm not I don't like it type [ __ ] so he end up getting on two other songs on the album yeah you left Jeezy joined ti. left left and then you had the other members of boy block block entertainment block played M BL block is always play and the dude that they riding now puffy puffy played puffy had a lot to do with that right cuz it was bad boy South right yeah they they they played they they they let the money and when when they played that's why boys in Hood only did one album the boys in the hood they could have went a long way of course we got the idea from the song of a wa EAS e yeah I mean the easy s and um they played when when they stopped answering the phone and it was no more studio time like what the [ __ ] going on all the while he done signed it a deal that TI wasn't going to be with he knew that once once I left he knew TI was gone right and the problem was he only wanted Jeezy because Jeezy was was the [ __ ] in Atlanta you you know that BMF yeah when BMF hit the door in Atlanta the bar is open like yeah the bar open free bar for everybody gold bottles AC Spade passing him out right I was there you feel I part of BMF it was exactly like that yeah and he so that's what with the jezy and remember now before all this Jeezy is on my album yeah when nobody know Jeezy Jeezy was on my album nobody understood him they didn't like him I'm like give the man a chance he's different let him do how let him record how he record let him do his thing now look jod Bri is another amazing talented rapper yeah he's dope and Jody jod like my little brother what's crazy is you're the first person to ever ask me about this [ __ ] I never brought it up and I I don't know why that's why I had the situation where I went off on Cat Williams Because bro you bring it up you don't take this [ __ ] to social media you bring this [ __ ] up let somebody else let somebody ask you about it you now you bringing up [ __ ] from all these years ago so that you so-call mad about all these years ago now you just throwing everybody up under the bus like that don't make you no better than them let's talk about this Cat Williams [ __ ] then you know since you brought it up right Cat Williams did a standup and he said if Trick Daddy can make it you can make it [ __ ] Trick Daddy got herpes syphilis ganaria lupus and a restaurant and a cooking show [ __ ] and everybody thought I started with him cuz they didn't see it right the reason why he said that because he read he read a heard the interview what I said when they asked me my opinion do I think he's funny no the only time I I thought he was funny when that little that little boy put him in in the choke hole right I never thought he was funny that's my preference right Kevin Hart is funny but Kevin Hart is movie in white people funny to me that you have to be red fox to be funny you have to be Eddie Murphy to be funny you have to be uh Robin Harris to be funny you got to be said the entertainment to be funny to me you got to be earthquake you got to be DayDay to be funny to me Mye GS you can't you can't just be funny with with saying corny [ __ ] I'm I grew up we I grew up in a project where we had jokes but um called The Walking Dead well never turn off all your lights and leave your TV on cuz the roaches gonna walk by the stream so what we did was we crack jokes on each other so much so we I I our scar to be thick but you assassinated my character you you you you accused me of having all these diseases you could have said whatever you want to say about me you could have said about trick that he uh use drugs I you I frequent drugs I love drugs and show to you you had drug problems you got kicked off of C you got kicked off of Tours and [ __ ] for your drug problem act like you forgot but since you want to go at these people try to Sate they CED and they try to do something positive in life I'mma go at you and the difference between me and you since they say you're a street [ __ ] it's up there and it's stuck and wh however the [ __ ] you feel about it I don't give a [ __ ] how you feel about cuz I mean everything I say that's different I'm not hiding I'm not running I didn't pull up with no [ __ ] security don't when when you make it in Life or you don't make it something don't go your way man stop hallucinating and trying to blame everybody for your misfortunes man stop this I'm I'm tired of people tearing other people down CU they couldn't do as well as the other people did Tyler Perry very successful I always call Tyler per Mia because I never seen him play when I seen the Alex Cross [ __ ] I'm like wait a minute I got to respect this [ __ ] in the whole another level now because I never knew that I knew him from the plays all I knew was M I went to all the Tyler Tyler Perry play so when I that's why I had to straighten the DayDay [ __ ] because I know Mike El from DayDay that so I always called him DayDay so now we've been friends for over 20 years him my him and my PO been friends for over 30 years now I call him Mike El cuz I respect this man you understand what I'm saying but you have to be careful of what roles you play the [ __ ] you say the path you walk determin your destination anything that happened along that rock that's a part of your legacy that ain't for me or you to drag you down about but when me and you are going at each other ain't no rules [ __ ] yeah ain't no rules well 2004 you've been doing great so far right but then 2004 he took it to a whole different level Thug matrimony Mary to the streets the fast out my head to go platinum number two who who beat you out uh was it was it DMX [ __ ] okay well that makes sense cuz DMX had like two number one albums in a year that I remember what I didn't want to come out I was like hold on let's push our back they push this [ __ ] back and the [ __ ] stayed number one then they put it out and that [ __ ] that [ __ ] with the two and the other one went to war and they stayed like that for six more months I'm like what the [ __ ] and that's why when they be saying the greatest rapper they be saying Jay-Z Biggy and N I'm like come on man y'all been disrespectful I'm not saying who to take off the the conversation list DMX needs to be on that list yeah yeah when he was when he was in his bag none of those Jay-Z was trying to compete with DMX at that point DMX is a ain't Ain ain't to be [ __ ] with boy when you got two Diamond album two album that went sell 10 million copies was m one and two on the [ __ ] CHS at the same time I ain't see nothing worse than that then everybody just turned their back on Jau J G was hit after hit after H after H after H then everybody was like oh no Jau I'm like God damn y'all just GNA turn yall back on y well that album number two on Billboard went platinum quickly and then your biggest song ever let's go featuring Lil John and twister where they sampled oie Osborne Crazy Train what what made me my two records take it to the house and let and let's go yeah when the originals from the original song that we redid when the people said it would be a pleasure to clear the sample I say [ __ ] we made it [ __ ] well you know what's funny uh is aie Osborne even though he cleared it well his people cleared it he didn't actually hear your song Until 2021 what yeah you didn't know that huh yeah he never heard it yeah this producer Andre uh Andrew watt played it for him in 2021 and he liked it but up until that point you got to understand Aussie's you know aie A's different he's a rock star he's no he's no he's he's probably not sober for years at a time I don't I don't want he's boy he between Rockstar and The Adams Family yeah like he aie was one of the first one like one of the first known weirdos like biting the heads off off of bats and you know uh drinking Ur his whole family had black hair and black nails and yeah it like but but I I'm just I'm just so happy he cleared it yeah and when um my other homeboy clear to take it to the house sample yeah and Casey clear clear down I'm like oh [ __ ] y we got out some something because what's crazy because the Miami music scene has always been based on we would take old records and we would sample them and make records and make like mixtape songs and and our Dan craves come from all those records like the B like Barry White we used Barry White on a lot of underground music that we did and it was just after traveling to um to to to DC back in the day listen to the go go and like I say New York New Jersey and Philly all of them is New York [ __ ] that we that's all we know if you was from New York New Jersey or Philly you was a New York [ __ ] to us and and everybody was giving was giving praise to New York for the hip-hop scene and they did a big thing because they is a lot of them but I I tell people all the time go back to Jersey so you can see Queen Latifa so you can see Naughty by Nature so you can see the Outlaws like yeah like you got to go to Jersey and really see like there that's different everything is different and now the internet don't help it so I believe everybody need to make some type of um some type of documentary or something based on their music and their era because a lot of people from the South think that New Jersey Philly and New York is the same thing they don't they don't they we we didn't know how to separate it well let's go goes number seven on the main chart it's got 170 million streams right now damn yep uh then off that same album the sugar uh give me some single featuring CEO again right and ludicrous that goes 20 on Billboard goes gold 35 million streams so this just a monster album you're you're in a whole different space now after this album after a whole string of building up building up I I knew I knew something was going on because I I had a show in s City a and then the next day I was in Rapid City deor I was like where the [ __ ] am I I thought I was out the country they like you know out the country I said yes I did I went to S City Iowa they were like no [ __ ] that's in the United States what the [ __ ] was I doing there I've been in PL times when there was three black people in the audience and then I tried to do the crossover song and they was like do n [ __ ] I'm like oh [ __ ] okay no problem hey you got an Aussie Osborne record you know I mean you're you're you're surpassing hip-hop at that point you're you're now a pop artist ESS a a lot of thing at this time a lot of thing with music is changed and let me tell you one thing I didn't do that I never let slipp and slide or Atlantic Records use my budget for a million dollar [ __ ] video CU that was real popular back then I never had a Hy Williams video you didn't need it I I don't want that [ __ ] I wanted oh I'm a thug I'm eating chicken Wayne throwing bones I'm pissing in I'm pissing in the [ __ ] grass like I'm driving in my and every time you see me in the car it was my car of my friends Cars it was we was spending no budget on no dumb [ __ ] well that next album backed by Thug demand number 48 on Billboard so after having this monster album this album was quite a bit lower I I I believe what I this is where okay at this time I know what happened at this time Atlantic Records and Ted is feing now i' I'm learning so I'm requesting I'm asking for more Ted think they're putting this in my head he telling them stop interfering with my artist and then I did the song took that ice in all the rap [ __ ] was getting nervous that that I was exposing them that for wearing all this fake ass jewelry at that time I'm to the point where man [ __ ] that I'm going to stop my own labor time I think I done I think I done you know what I'm saying that Ro this career done roll his course and R I did one more album after that yeah with my brother which I should have never did finally famous born a thug still a thug cuz you you you had left Atlantic and slip and slide got last album so then the next album comes out independently you know my with my brother bad idea yeah 13,000 uh copy sold you know the first week 34 on Billboard which isn't bad but not like what you were doing couple years at this time everything is different now everybody's trying not to spin everybody's trying not to promote the label want you to promote it yourself or get you a MySpace like myp I never had a MySpace I don't know what the [ __ ] Myspace is MySpace what's name Myspace I know what that is they want me to do that know I can't go in my space I might be sting cocaine I might be playing with a [ __ ] gun I'mma go to jail I'mma go you need to we need you need to take a cameraman around cameraman can't follow me around I hang with real [ __ ] that's on the Run i r with I hang with real smackers no I can't do that the next thing I do is bring out the dunk Riders yeah signed them through baby and Universal baby ain't want to do nothing with him I went and pulled up on them one day was like here you go he was like what's that I said that's a release he said a release I gave you 400 something th000 I said I don't give a [ __ ] I need you to sign this paper I need my my group back I got them out of the contract my brother went to my little brother had already went to the feds so just fell in iceberg I agree with my brother Chuck let's let them go and see if they can start them a career on their own that's not holding back I signed bird release Chuck ber Pam I I I got love for Berg he like my little brother like he's like my little brother forever and I know he's a young dude he's hardheaded he said certain things at times but I don't see Ain going never nothing don't ever change I'm a man first I have more shame than I have pride it would have been a shame had I been part of holding him back I never did no [ __ ] like that after all that it's said and done I never tried to artist come to me man would you do this I I do features I do shows but I'm dealing with that I'm dealing with the loopus I'm I don't want to take pictures on none of this [ __ ] so when the first wave with Instagram come out I don't catch Instagram I like man [ __ ] Instagram but I woke up one day I woke up one day in the bed and I couldn't hardly move and I said Ain't No Way Lu's going to get me down I said I'm getting up every [ __ ] day and I'mma do something I started taking pictures I got me Instagram I got me a Twitter I got a Facebook and for you know I'm I'm on Facebook I'm cooking I'm talking [ __ ] for my home girl let's get a restaurant okay well this that's simple L and now we here some of the most down points of my some of the most disrespectful moments of my career was bet calling me to ask me would I present somebody with award I never got nominated on Bett ever in my life with all this [ __ ] popping I never got I've been on every show did everything they asked me to do never got nominated on BET ever in my life and they wanted me to honor trer a Lifetime Achievement Award when you never got one but I love the fact that it was Trina yeah cuz I did get M yeah you feel me so I did get M but this goes to show like back to the cat William [ __ ] I'm not mad at bet for doing that I was hurt by it and it made me realize that it was for bad luck you would have n in order to feel good you have to feel bad you don't know what feeling good is until you feel bad that's why I don't take a lot of pain medicine because I don't want I want to know when I'm not feeling right well I remember you went on clubhouse I think you talking about Beyonce but okay so let me let me explain this about the Beyonce thing okay Beyonce is the number one performer the most hardest working woman I ever seen in Entertainer an amazing show mhm we was discussing people who could sing and I told him there's a difference between singing and singing I think I know who do it some old whack ass [ __ ] I'm not gonna say his name some whack I think I know what he so what he did they chopped off what I said and they only put a little piece out but anybody with a with with bright sounds can say okay how did you get on there because all they got is B say k say that's all they heard right mhm who I think is saying is is my that's my [ __ ] opinion right you said she's not the same levels as Adele Whitney Houston Mariah Carey or Alicia Keys do you agree with me or not vocally she's not Whitney Houston Whitney Houston's on a whole different planet uhhuh she's not Mariah kry uhhuh I would put her the same breath as Adele Alicia Kei and you know that's just that's your opinion that's my opinion that's it but I'm not going to cuss you out I'm I'm not I'm I'm not going to send bees all over you I'm not GNA give fake reviews at your on your page I'm not going to do that but that's your opinion what think about opinions they like [ __ ] without them you'll be full of [ __ ] you'll be constipated right without opinion right but beyond I I've known Beyond say we've done shows together as when they sh was in Destiny to when they was young girls mhm I I didn't mean no disrespect like that but and then I have a problem too I could have went on and I could have went on the internet and S it up I apologize Beyonce if you take it wrong I don't think she gave a [ __ ] about me saying that or not so how the [ __ ] y'all more matter than Beyonce right because I think in that same segment you said I'm going give an unpopular opinion right now Beyonce's to R&B with Jay-Z is to New York that's why they together Jay-Z Ain never won the greatest rapper live whoever put him on a level like that New York need someone to step in for biggie when he passed away so people gave the city people of the city gave hope the title how does that make any sense I mean it it's arguable it's arguable I mean Jay-Z's catalog is is immaculate at the time when they made him the greatest rapper alive he didn't have that catalog when was that when when when it when when it became Jay-Z Biggie and N when it became this okay I see what you're saying you understand what I'm saying he he he was trying he was trying to take that title at the time yeah okay I see where you're going with that that was a lot of people they didn't mention DMX right they didn't mention [Music] Buster even J Ru yeah J Ru had hits after hits once 50 said that [ __ ] about J Ru that's what I realized these [ __ ] would turn their back on 50 said J Ru this scen everybody like oh we a't [ __ ] with J then 50 start seeing like oh 50 killed that [ __ ] I say boy that godamn 50 ain't nothing to be [ __ ] up with boy it's like it just it's just so much well that's why it's very important to concentrate show love to your core fan base it's so it's so important to stay within who you are CU once you could do that then you know you got some people that's real like you that's goingon to fight that's going to stand up in the paint for you that's why I'm standing up for Kodak cuz that's what I'm here for but you also said uh Lotto is the raw female rapper right now I I I believe so I I I could definitely I could definitely see a good argument for that now who I like the female rapper who I like right now Lola Brooks I love her yeah she's dope I Love Her Style I love her energy everything about her then when I seen her she was like 38 right she's tiny and she got a big voice in a big ha that she's representing she's she's the sexiest love person I ever seen in my life and could spit her ass off and she's hard working I seen her I seen her practicing and Performing for the BET Awards and she was when they was paying attention she was like getting their ass together I was like she's going to be something in life uh uncle murder he does a wrapup every year I got mention his last rap F [ __ ] I want talk about that you know I'm talk about that [ __ ] that nigga's a mob a and one thing about me man I go where the [ __ ] I want to go if you could talk about people in your music I could talk about you in my conversation if you ain't gonna [ __ ] with me uncle murder period Well he [ __ ] with everybody he didn't just single you out and I know but don't mention me it's like when I when I go to talk about [ __ ] I know who not to talk about I'm not going to Brak if I go to talk about murders I'm not g to talk about the killer I'm not gonna mention the dead man either people are affected by that you take the downfalls of people not just [ __ ] that happen everything you took is some personal [ __ ] no man find you a [ __ ] find you something to do [ __ ] I'll give you some wreck that you want something to do I'll give him some wreck if that he want give his ass a whole time show [ __ ] half time you and wack 100 went at it on clubhouse a couple years ago I know whack me and wack had our problems we we cleared it out wack is actually a reasonable guy whack rack rack rack is a troll yeah he definitely trolls he a troll he he's a he's a big troll he knows that he's a big I think rack the one put the Beyonce [ __ ] out I wouldn't doubt it shout out to no but but but but we we we we squashed our beef I don't have no problem with I don't have enemies no listen I I had problems with whack myself for 10 years we didn't talk right and then one day there was some business to do we got on the phone we laughed it off he doesn't take [ __ ] that deep no no no he don't take [ __ ] that deep yeah I'm remember I'm the same dude who says tekashi 69 is not a rat r a rat is somebody you do crimes with get caught and they snitch on you but when you're when you got somebody that you're storting you're taking from him you [ __ ] his wife you doing and you doing murder and other [ __ ] around it with somebody who you never thought was on that level no you're not supposed to even be on that level that's just like cooking crack in front of your little boy that's like having sex in front of your little girl those things don't you nevered to let it hold hold finish okay go ahead how can you call tekashi 69 a r I'm going remind you of something okay how did they know that they was going to kill tekashi 69 remember they heard it on the wire both of them [ __ ] who claim he's a rat was wearing wires both of them now do your research on that everybody forget about that rats don't snitch on rats well I will say this he's a troll now he's a TR he's a troll but you got to remember what was happening during that era he had a group of guys around him and he was having them do violent things on his behalf he he literally he's on video putting a hit out on CH Chief Keef and offering someone 30,000 to go do it and then when they went to go and then when they went and actually did the shooting he went and testified against them see I don't know nothing about that I'm talking about a talk about the rap part the the the dudes that that they picked him up and I'm just saying man if you were you know we all got people around us that'll go do something violent for us all of us me included I'm not you know I mean if I go if I go send people on dummy missions they get caught and then I go and tell on them see I never knew about that I never knew about that that's my first time hearing it I was talking about the situation with the dudes that who said no I understand there it's a complex situation and he was a victim he was a victim to a certain degree but he was out pushing the line and using these guys as crash dummies and then when they get caught he goes and tells off here here's another thing a crash dummy can't turn me into a crash dummy here's here's here's the main thing when have we ever been fan of tekashi 69 when have you ever did an interview or did you ever interview him before this incident no we why the [ __ ] were we spending so much time discussing him being a rat what about these [ __ ] who we do look up to what about these [ __ ] who we did thought was was Stand Up Guys and I'm going answer this before you ask me Kodak Black P got a Minion for a verse yeah you got to get in contact with tekashi do I have a contact with tekashi I know I know people that know him ask do you got none of me I got a hard verse for his ass talk to wack wack wack was the one that put together the okay don't worry I'll get I'll get the whack the date on clubhouse I need me verse give me a million I give a [ __ ] we don't like it right well I feel that in 2024 snitching doesn't actually affect your career anymore every let tell you why because words like loyalty is ain't nothing but a tattoo that's a good point ain't nothing but a tattoo there's no more loyalties there's no more man listen you got to keep squares at your circle keep your circle small as possible can't believe nothing you hear and half of the [ __ ] you see this [ __ ] is unbelievable they had a rumor out there they was running around our Mall did you hear about that last month I heard about that I said these [ __ ] my man here in the room actually believes all this so you know I believe they are aliens just like we just like they they look at us as aliens too if if a roach could [ __ ] another roach and have a 100,000 roaches ain't no way we we the only people in this earth we just talked about lizards right they still finding different fish in the in the see they still finding uh Skeletor skeleton bones they just releasing footage where the airplanes that been on the side of ships that they couldn't identify there's other [ __ ] out here this is a people look at that globe that being a classroom they think that's the world ain't the [ __ ] world that's the continent how you going to get a what makes the world round how is the world round what makes the world round what make you think the world is round because of the things that they tell us when you see Africa the first thing you think of little kids ladies with no shirt on no feet paint in their face greasy black Africa is the richest nation the richest continent on the on the planet Africa ain't ain't 10% jungle that's flat land is whatever they show you they show you them Ethiopian commercials feed the kid commercial them the same little kids they been showing since I was a little boy them kids Ain ate yet they ain't GNA grow up it's you you have to be careful and then when you take all that you take when you go back to the politics part of it when when you see known racist when you see known Liars when you see when you see all this negative you got to understand you're not living in a country this here is not a country we live in flag this is a business that we're living in oh yeah it's a capitalism yeah this a business this ain't a country yeah well you said you're tired of black people playing The Race c car I'm tired of it I'm I I I haven't I haven't been let me see I ain't been I ain't been racial profile and every my i r profile by my fifth grade teacher she was black we have people have to stop doing so much complaining and startop aiming man stop complaining and start doing something these little these little young teenage Shooters they keeping them guns in in our houses man and I say you know I say I because I'm talking to all black people when I say when I talk about men I'm talking about me too I might be not the one doing it but I'm a part of it because I'm a part of my man we have to stop man I I was watching the man on TV he said rich people stay rich and get richer by pretending to be broke and poor poor people going to stay poor cuz they trying to pretend to be rich now I remember I flashed this back a bunch of times in our last interview you said if you look at your closet in your driveway and there's more money there than in your bank account you're a damn fool I I watch different speakers speak up on materialistic thing everybody's materialistic old wise man once told me if you could look in your closet look in your driveway and look inside your house and see more money than you can see when you look inside your bank account you a PO fool I have had that echo in my head for seven years it's it's just like everybody want to everybody's faking till they make it you know what you don't see no more you don't see couples in love no more women forgot how to make the man fall in love they were like what do you mean why the woman got to make you fall yeah cuz the woman got to make us fall in love because guess what a woman a woman sleep and choose who she please a man sleep and choose let them facts yeah but the the only thing that put us on a on the even scope on the even table is the fact that we have to be careful not only who we have kids with but who we have kids from yeah your baby mama is going to be the mama of your child for the rest of your life for the rest of their life and you're going to be tied to her forever forever yeah even when the kid is an adult I'm tired of oh it a I'm tired of people leaving Miami going to Atlanta talking about ain't no job yes it is it ain't no job where your ass want to work at you we we in a state right with average cost of living is $3,500 for a 2 two yeah they're not GNA make it on their own I'm tired of my black men and women around January and February getting their income tax check acting like they just hit a lck that's the money they took out your check all year long that's your money that they save for you that's not a bonus right that's not a bonus that's not for you to go get another used car that ain't gonna make it to the next income tax check and Gucci Louie vendy Prada and Scot those people are winning they didn't used to make that [ __ ] in our size Vlad no that's true I used to buy the Gucci jeans and you couldn't get extra large like Louis Vuitton jacket back in the day it was all made for skinny now they got triple yeah they got it they got yeah I'm not g I'm not g I'm Not Gonna Shine and I'mma take a private jet [ __ ] I fly any jet except Left Spirit on that [ __ ] Spirit Ain got no cushions on they seat Spirit man man [ __ ] Ain got no be standing up police in a [ __ ] like you standing there oh did you pay for your B man you don't work for this air you work for the airline you don't work for this [ __ ] airport what the [ __ ] you blocking me off for trying to make me pay for a but any I don't have to fly first class I don't if I'm going on a business meeting and and I'm flying over five hours y'all want be in first class I'm coming here for coming to to do some business right if it makes sense if it's last minute that's more money you gonna pay right so make it make sense but other than that man I'm I'm I'm a I'm a I'm an entreno man I'm just trying to make you last question you've said during this interview that two is your favorite rapper of all time period did you ever watch the Kei D interview that I did I never I never watched it by I never watched the Ray J and Kim Kardashian sex tape I never watched the R Kelly tapes I I'm not interested I watch La order an Lifetime movies I watch [ __ ] like that I was never interested in it but I've heard and I read up on it and now he's saying he it was all promotion for money now now they done grab them now they done grabbed them and charged them with some [ __ ] almost 30 years later now he's claiming oh it was just entertainment purposes correct okay well sit your ass down a few more years and think about the dumb [ __ ] you did if that's what you wanted to do because there are people affected there were lives affected mothers children's brothers sisters grandmas granddaddies fans a lot of people was affected about the [ __ ] that you're claiming that you want glory for so now where just play it out you going to file a motion for that say that [ __ ] on get on the stand and say that dumbass [ __ ] well yeah when I did the interview I mean because he's the last living person in that car right that did the shooting when I did the interview he had already written a book yeah my interview was based on his book your interview ain't nothing compared to what the [ __ ] he said in the book I mean it's pretty close you know but he said worse [ __ ] that's crimin when you're calling names yeah when you're calling names that ain't dry snitching that's snitching so what he snitched on himself pretty much don't forget I need that million dollar for tekashi I need that million for Tashi I need all hundreds all hundreds all hundreds okay I'll talk to whack about it yeah talk to him that's what it is man Trick Daddy we go back before Vlad TV when I was doing DVDs when I was running around with the camera holding it myself but that's what made you who you is yeah that what made you who you are you you you're very well spoken a lot of people say you're controversial but if you're scared stay your ass on the porch because you only ask questions that you got proof you you never ask me a question about what nobody else said you always ask me about something that I said exactly and if I said it I said it right exactly you know what I mean and like I said in the beginning man when I was just a broke DJ when you didn't know who I was and I was you know showing up to your your promo runs and was like Hey man can we do an interview in the van afterwards I got you and you were doing interviews with me when I was doing DVDs back then and uh man I've always respected that cuz you didn't have to do that you were doing big radio stations you were doing Funk flex and you were doing bet you know some broke DJ with it holding a camera you didn't have to go and do that but you did that man because you were a real dude this music game all us all us work together when it comes to entertain all of us work together everybody got remember that yeah and the person you show love to 10 years later might be someone that you're going to need help from later on yeah that might be the next president of a label yeah or that might be the next media you know Mogul right there and you know little flip was the other person that that kind of compared you to during that time he would always show me love and I was just a mixtape DJ you know what I'm saying and those people you know when people careers go up and down and they they need a little help people like myself remember that and they'll go out of our way you know what I mean they'll they'll give you the promo they'll throw some money in your pocket and everything else like that cuz we remember that right you know what I mean and I appreciate the way you treated me back then man it's great to kind of link up again this is the first time we've been face to face in 15 years yeah like 15 years man so so it's great man I'm I I wasn't pregnant I got pregnant I don't got pregnant I'm I don't know if I'm pregnant for Pok chop a chicken wing I break it from one of the right and we're actually going to go see a restaurant yes that's Sunday Sunday's eery man if you ever in Miami come to Sunday zy open six days a week closed on Tuesdays you know what I'm saying and we the home of the original fried ribs and everybody's fried ribs often imitated but never duplicated they can't do it like me okay I got to try these fried ribs fried ribs we're going to go have some fried ribs right now that part that's what it is Trick Daddy peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 121,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: BgY6suQuyT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 21sec (6201 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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