Boosie On Clears The Air on Wack100/ Kodak Black/ King Von/ NBA YoungBoy/ FBG Duck/ Tupac/ BG/ Shot

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all right booy badass glad to finally have you on cam compone News man yeah yeah yeah it's been a while yeah yeah how's everything going for you oh I'm good man I mean I can't complain when I can complain I hear that well what brings you to Vegas uh Super Bowl I got a couple shows book Friday booked Saturday well booked Thursday tonight I'm book Friday Saturday I go to Arkansas I'm booked Sunday I go to New Orleans I'm booked Monday I go to mobile man booy schedule stays packed man yeah that's what's up man yeah you're performing tonight with BG yeah I'm with BG tonight it's big for me man I mean I ain't saw him physically in 14 years so oh so this is your first time you guys' first time seeing each other since he's been out of jail yeah I mean yeah yeah last time I saw him I was I was walking in the courthouse to do my time damn last time I saw him was November 9th 2009 that's a minute you got stay in contact this whole time yeah yeah that's what's up man and you got are going to perform his first show with you you guys have new music together yeah we got we working on the album right now uh K real real [ __ ] back in style and um we probably got about six more records to do and we we'll be knocked out but uh now since he off he off the ankle monitor and all that [ __ ] we can we can get it in and shoot some visuals and [ __ ] like that man that's what's up man BG definitely a legend been doing this thing yeah have you guys ever performed together or or did anything like that together in the past yeah a few times we been on stage together I mean with this special right here yeah we never got to perform together after we didn't made music together we hav been on a couple shows together but making music together you know when we did our mixtape I had went off to the pin and never got to perform the things off our mixtap we dropped before well got leaked before we went before I went in and um so it's it's like a it's like a real [ __ ] anniversary you know two real [ __ ] been seen each other I was here for him this whole time in prison and when I went he was in for me so you know real [ __ ] do real things man well that's what it is man you know uh sounds like a dope show yeah yeah Vegas no better place to do it yeah yeah you know I love Vegas man I mean I mean I love the night life I love the light of Vegas yeah Vegas is definitely a fun city that's for sure well I thought we would just start off with some of the biggest news about you that I seen and that was Kodak Black he released a song re by three four days ago yeah and in this song he has the line who booy think he is yeah what did you think man how' you how' you feel when you first uh I wasn't mad I mean I wasn't mad when I heard it I was just like you know I'mma say something but I'mma Be I'm going be I'm going be cool while I'm saying it ain't because you know first of all he locked up you know second of all I wasn't mad because I was more of I I was mad because I know what I said you doing a free style and you bringing me up you know every interview you bringing me up what I said touch you you know I feel like uh he had a point where he feel now he made a mistake you know by doing that song and and things like that you know and I was basically just telling him you know I want him to stop blaming me you you know I want him to stop blaming me for his his actions you know you got to stand up and say man you know I did that and keep and keep going cuz I before he just said that I haven't mentioned him in in nothing man I mean I haven't I haven't mentioned him in nothing that's like his four fifth time just you know B but you know I don't wake up I don't wake up thinking about no Kodak you know this dude don't cross my mind at all and I and I don't want to be Crossing his mind like that you know what I'm saying I want I want to see little [ __ ] get money bro I want to see him home you know I don't want to see nobody in the pin I want to see him get help bro you know I want to see him I want to see him do better man I mean I think he just feel like since he done that song his [ __ ] just been you know it just been a crash course and just want him to blame himself you know and you know everybody get shake back bro I just want him to blame himself and not and not keep saying who boo it booy is somebody you not booy is I'm nothing like I'm Different booy is the booy that I'm that [ __ ] in plenty ways you know that's that's who booy is you know I think I am who I am I don't think I'm nobody big I'm booy booy not trying to be no booy is booy what booy do nobody does what booy says nobody says the music I make nobody makes it like me my move is when I put them out nobody gets 100% like booy nobody's a real friend to they people or to somebody I [ __ ] with like booy the old folks love booy the youngsters love booy the babies love booy the kids love Boosy the preachers the gang bangers the the convicts that's who booy is booy is booy you know and that's basically it so you do think he could come back from from doing the song with 69ine I but he always have a black eye that's what I said say you know his ker always have a black eye because it's always going to get challenged because Kodak was looked at like you know like the real real real ghetto babies who stand up for all that because they didn't lost family members to that they didn't lost King folks to that you know uh so that'll always be a black eye I mean he you know he gave a lot of he gave his career a black eye you know black eyes heal facts you know black eyes do heal but somebody will always talk about that black eye that's what the black eye is remember that time you had that black eye yeah you know remember but when you are when when his fan and another fan talking who's not his fan what they going to bring up yeah it's just like a dude with a bad knee it's a black eyye a black eye go heal but they'll always remember that black eye especially on social media can you guys fix your guys' issues uh I mean probably not I mean I I don't I don't have a issue with him I if I don't wake up thinking about you if I don't it's not an issue to me I said what I said and I moved on you know if if you can't take it it is what it is but you know I don't wake up think about no no no people that's when I got Ops I don't have Ops you know I walk around freely bro you know I walk around freely and you know you mentioned that you get a lot of love from everybody from black white brown to the gangsters to the average dudes you know what do you think it is that you know that gets you that love from everybody just from being real that's what it give me my music real I'm real you know got some people who music real but they're not real you know people see this this is this is hard body man this is this ain't no breaking you know this ain't no taking no money and changing this man this ain't no you know I'm one of the few who people say ngga keep it real I say what millions of people want to say but they don't have a nut to say it you know um I'm not trying to be somebody else my music don't sound like other people I'm boo it man I man I you know people I stick out like a soul thumb because I'm real you know I don't follow Trends what other people to do I don't follow I stick to what I believe in my morals I stand on and that make people love me people know I done done all you know but I'm still happy I'm a different ganger I mean you know like it ain't too many people like booy you know I can make you smile I can make you cry you know I'm a I'm a real person I'm not putting I'm not walking around mugging everybody you know like you know I'm just a real person I'm me and and and that's what make a lot of people love me because it's too much for you to love not to hate for you to hate if you hate booy you got a problem you got a serious problem because I'm just keeping it real you know either I said something that really hurt you cuz cu the truth hurts I hurt a lot of people because of the truth you know I don't agree with a lot of things that go on this world because that's not a part of what I stand for and as a person I have the right to say what I believe in and what I don't a lot of people else in this world have the same right but they don't have nuts they don't have bowling ball nuts you know that's you you know they always think what's going to be taken from them from speaking their mind and you know that's what make booy booy booy booy booy keeping it real for a lot of people who can't keep it real you mentioned people not want to speak their mind because of what they might lose have you lost a lot from just speaking your mind and being authentic to who you are uh I've lost I've lost I wouldn't say a lot but I lost a lot out opportunities you know but gained them at the same time you know didn't you have a reality TV show you were working on that you lost at one point yep yep I lost that because they was uh talking about the Dwayne way situation when I spoke on that but everything happened for a reason it wouldn't meant for me to be on no reality TV most time that's when your career doing this you know you getting baby checks you know to put me on reality TV you got to pay a ton of money cuz I'mma I'mma break the number game I'm a damn fool I'mma act a damn fool you pay me to get on reality TV whoever paid for this Boosty show I'm I'm the show starting off I'm on a tallet [ __ ] you hear a tur dropping what up mother you know I'm I'm ready to but you know that that wasn't the time God do everything for a reason man God working mysterious ways you know and I won't say I won't never ever be on reality TV but I know that I can make I can make a lot of money on reality TV if somebody was to put that camera on me man I just got to be paid right I mean I mean that's basically it I'm booked every weekend bro Thursday to Sunday what's going to make you stop that what's going make what's going to make what's going to make you stop that it it's is only going to take two mons what's going to make you stop 16 shows a month you gota you got to pay me man and when it comes to that a lot of people they try to look at me in a in a downward way as far as a CEO boss well you never been on well why are you calling me like this why all y'all interested you know you got to pay me top dollar from what you done paid anybody else cuz the whole world is telling you they have to work go in their DM and be like where's the booy show we won't see booy you know what I'm saying so I won't say I won't never be on it it's just you know you got to make me sit down and and I and I and I'll act a damn fool but I just got to be compensated right well I'm looking forward to it hopefully at some point it'll def be something I I know a lot of people will be tuning into yeah for a fact yeah I came across this video this uh this viral story and you did a feature with the guy I believe his name was name was uh da and he had a Boosy impersonator in the music video uh I think so in Minneapolis somewhere I'm not sure the place oh no it was on social media yeah yeah it went the clip of it went viral N I don't know what that was bro did you see it let me see it I think I saw it I think it was on the blogs that's me rapping I thinking it's some dude under me right yeah with a flat top like my [ __ ] I think I saw yeah the dude he they they tried to have a a f a Boosy fade going on there it is oh yeah I saw that I saw that so what what happened with that they didn't I don't know man I mean I saw it just like you actually I mean that's a that's a that's a a song I did I don't know if I did it with that dude and he put that under there I don't know if it was just some [ __ ] they put together to go viral but I had no idea of it at all I mean they never reached out to you to do music video or nothing no damn and you know you you remember doing the song I remember the verse but it was at a time when I was doing all these verses I had a special going or whatever I don't remember the artist I did it with you know I just knew that was me rapping and that wasn't me on the video I was like these mother going too far it was funny as when I saw it though they didn't have the money to get booy to do the video that's what it look like to me I I don't know bro I don't know bro like they knew that [ __ ] wouldn't go slide how can you think somebody going to think that's booy like get the out of here bro like get the out of here yeah that was crazy man we T we touched on this a little bit you know BG just did 13 years man and he uh got out he's been grinding going hard ever since man uh you guys mentioned the album but about a a little longer than a month ago you had some words for wack 100 yeah yeah over some paperwork that dropped on Christmas day yeah can you talk about that a little bit uh basically BG had a follow partner you know everybody have follow Partners you know everybody have follow Partners who take licks you know you know where the F part is yeah yeah [ __ ] who ain't got no charges who who take who take the Leck you know so wack say something you know I value my friendship with a lot of people you know and U that's one of the dudes I stand up for BG you know but uh me back wh went back and forth in the DM and [ __ ] it ain't nothing okay now so so you got you didn't take the thing with whack too personal um uh not really I mean when he got to talking about you know he was going to do me something when he see me and all that you know I dm'd him right there like you know I ain't going to go as far as what we talked about in the DM just you know just me telling him you know you you say you like that I'm like that like that basically it you know how do you feel about all the paperwork that's continuously coming out about rappers it's like a the past year or two it's just been kind of crazy uh I mean it's supposed to come out if if if if you getting down it's supposed to come out you know ain't no paperwork on booster no paperwork nothing Immaculate you know I sit on death row for not telling how many rappers going to sit on death row not too many not too many people in general how many people how how many people going to sit on death row and you could tell on somebody who not doing nothing for you while you in there could have got out easy easy told you got me up I your dog I seen a post are you getting married is that is that true or I couldn't really find it I couldn't dig it all the way up it's it's part of my court case I can't really talk about it oh yeah okay yeah I had went to court and I was letting the judge know some stuff that was going on and my lawyer don't really want me to talk about my court case and and things like that or things that got something to do with my court case cuz I'm fight I'm fighting a Fed charge right now yeah I'm fighting a um I'm fighting a possession foul on by a convicted fell yeah in San Diego but I'm good man I got God on my side man you know I don't I mean I'm good I got guard on my side man I mean I got a got a pretty good judge a fair judge and that's big man I always had a bad judge Bad Judge Ben had bad judges who just got sentence to 10 years for third offense marijuana bro damn 14 GRS 21 Grams and 18 Grand never was off a rehab oh my all my all my convictions are drug charges never will allow for Rehab not one time 10 years third offense marijuana Grahams son straight to Penitentiary damn damn man that's they can do that they the laws are that strict in Louisiana hell yeah different bro it's different bro it's it's different I was in California I would have never been a convicted F if I was in another state would have never been a convicted felon yeah K's pretty lean on with the marijuana but a lot of states are lean with the marij a lot of States who not lean with they they're are leaning with helping somebody giving them help rehab py couldn't get it did this say why you couldn't get it I just told you booy if somebody gets caught with grams you got people who been caught with Heron all kind of [ __ ] and got help dope addicts all kind I was an addict for years marijuana Codine I was never given help bro never offered help only thing I was offered is the penitential Tri damn that's why I left Louisiana well they were on you too right I think I I read about that before or seen an interview didn't they take some money from you too at some point yeah I was going through all kind of stuff with law enforcement down there bro I was I was a big shot man you know I was was doing my thing bro I was they was seeing something that they never seen before you know and I wouldn't helping my situation you know young stupid rapping about the da stupid ass [ __ ] like [ __ ] I never do again so that ain't help me you know I ain't making good on myself neither I'm going say that also but I was I was felt I was done wrong also about you know by a lot of a lot of law enforcement and and and public officials man damn but I mean are things better in Atlanta oh yeah yeah I do see you get pulled over quite a bit that's in country towns not Atlanta Georgia I live I live some I live way in the country but in Atlanta Georgia man sweet bro like police I I wouldn't say love but they like me bro like they they like me bro like they want to see me win bro I've been arrested over 20 30 something times in in Louisiana you know been arrested in Georgia one time okay yeah that's a big difference N9 years one time and it been pulled over plenty times I get pulled over in Louisiana it can be a it can be it can be a it can be a uh some crumbs I'm gone bro like I got arrested one time for watching the flick in my car man arrested not even a ticket arrested got to make bail me and my boy for to flick in my car how often do you return home uh for Boosty badge I got my Boosty badge coming up March 16th every year I do it March 16th on my mama birthday and that's the only time I really go home man you know that's the only time I really go home I believe in the quote I started you know most rappers die in their own City and I I just believe in that bro I mean it ain't worth it bro it's not worth it man I mean I always love that City that's where all my stories come from that's where my music come from that's what most of it come from so uh but you know even though now the police down there it ain't what it used to be I mean it's a different mayor it's a different set of people but but uh it's just not no place I feel like I would want to be you know I'm I want to lay my head at you know I got a lot of I got a lot of things that can happen out there so much stuff since I was a kid I've been in a rap game since 98 bro heavy in the streets like so you know I want I like to put that behind me I like to be in Atlanta living life I mean I got to look over my shoulder and I got to look over my boy shoulder you know I always got to protect ourself but it's a difference you know I'm from a city where they got crabs in the bucket bro the bigger you are somebody always trying to pull you down you know and u I basically got tired of that bro I got tired of people just trying to pull me down for no reason man I mean I never I never was the type to start nothing with anybody just so many people when you come from a small town they try to pull you down man they they don't want you big bro they like you know most people instead of out rapping you will kill you to get on you know you be the one now it's it's a new hustle now you kill the biggest rapper a rapper now you the biggest now everybody know your name now you f to start rapping and I see that in so many cities you know uh the beef be right in the city that's where all the murder [ __ ] happen when the beef right in the city people who beef and he in Miami and he in Arkansas or something they don't really kill each other cuz they don't have the money to Honey have the money to hunt each other but [ __ ] Ain't go and drive 13 hours on the road guns wo woo gotta that [ __ ] is on movies you know you see the biggest rappers getting to it but you don't see them sending people at each other you know it's it's it's a difference when you 600 miles away you know [ __ ] Ain't really on that cartel [ __ ] like like that you know from what I see and what I what I didn't been through you know the dudes who who get away they usually live longer yeah I I definitely see a lot of rappers move out of their Hometown just it's just life is probably a lot easier in a lot of different ways you know besides just the beef you know you mentioned you know being killed in your own City man well maybe three years ago or so duck was killed in Chicago yeah yeah and you know recently uh six dudes were found guilty of his murder right I don't know if you seen the video but there was a yeah I saw a leaked video you know what' you think about the whole thing I don't know if you followed it at all uh I didn't follow the trial I just saw uh the videos when it went on uh social media or whatever but I didn't follow the trial I mean it didn't make me a difference I didn't follow the trial nothing like that I mean I ain't have no no dealings with either side you know I just was just like everybody else looking at the thing you know uh yeah I was just I was just like you know I was just looking bro I mean yeah I you know I cover a lot of the drill scene so I you know I was tapped into the whole thing man you know you know it was it was pretty wild trial man you know they had Witnesses and you know they had videotape you know which was part of that too man um videotape like the four slides that they showed that was all on social media they had longer versions if you go on YouTube you can see you know what allegedly you know the dudes getting in their car leaving O Block you know they got video of them on different streets you know what I'm saying going to downtown they got a video of them leaving you know going you know coming back to oblock and everything okay yeah the video footage wasn't really that good though I couldn't really tell who it was yeah you know but you know how them DRS be they be on Common Sense a lot of lot of drills be on common sense but uh I used to like that song duckhead if you won't slide [ __ ] then slide but I was telling my boy uh when I when I when I first saw him made that song about all those people I was like man they going they G to try to get dudeo I said it bro I mean I ain't going to lie I said it said it to my boy K I was like man I don't know like you know like cuz I know if if somebody would have did that in my city and Baton Rouge it was over for him it was over for him because so many people could be wanting your head and then once you blowing up like I said they want them they won't take down that mother blowing up they won't get you before you get on that on top of that mountain you know so I ain't feel good for his safety when I heard that song you know yeah man uh cuz it was all over the blog like you dissed the whole Chicago I was like damn a lot of people want to duck to leave Chicago you know but yeah you got to get out there bro like I I tell bro I told J day young and bro I told I told a lot of people who ain't make it bro you know get out your city you know I just told big boogie man get the [ __ ] what the what the what the you want don't go back down there just told big Boogie you know like going to kill you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] your daughter need you [ __ ] I just text him I told him bro after juk got killed bro you know J with my partner bro I told him I'm like bro [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you a [ __ ] you a trophy you know like get [ __ ] once you made it out it don't really need to go back unless it's a it's an emergency and you got to be ready when you go back bro you got to be ready when you go back bro you go to your hometown bro you got the [ __ ] who was in class with you who ain't never like you you got the police who you bulli in school he a police he a narcotic now he ready over you too he put something in your car you know you got the [ __ ] who you ain't been talking to you since you blowed up with the good she'll set you up you know it's a web it's a web you got the little [ __ ] who just say I w't be little [ __ ] who shoot at him and get the stripes up I'm the new shoo I slang you know if you was Heavy in the streets anybody you did something to they got people now they coming up they didn't got they ranks in the game they coming up so now they won't bust you down too so you know it's it's a lose lose situation you know going back to your city after you didn't came up you know Sal uh you mentioned big juk man uh you know what was your thoughts or you know what was the first thing you thought when you heard about the news uh I had just talked to J probably about three weeks before that holling at some guys wanted to feature in California and uh I don't know man I just I just shook my head man you know I thought about got it you know my test got it you know just I ain't really know what to tell them man I mean I ain't really know what to tell got it bro you know cuz I know that pain of losing somebody that close to you you know so I mean I ain't I I just shook my head man I mean when it's a wall it's a wall you know when it's when it's up it's stuck you know it's just how they go I hear that I hear that man well Birdman made some news recently he says the South doesn't get enough credit in the industry what do you think is that you agree with that I think the South gets a lot of credit I thought that was just my personal thoughts yeah I mean I feel like there more people talked about in the South than a lot of people right now I mean probably the CEOs don't get enough credit you know we got we got baby we got JD we got J Prince masterp I mean I feel like they might not get enough credit for what they did in hip-hop because without the soft it wouldn't be hip-hop all the print we didn't put in the [ __ ] concrete it wouldn't be hip-hop it wouldn't be this [ __ ] it'll be watered down it'll be basic what the South if you take out all the South artists and CEOs of the game and the music where would it be and he's right but as far as the younger generation I feel like they getting their props I mean all the youngsters who I feel like the S made a footprint but I also feel like the older generation don't get the props that they should get but the bigger names in the yeah the bigger names in the South the younger generation they they getting they they getting they they getting they they getting their love but as a whole we still try to make it like the South ain't what it is but I feel in my heart and that nobody's put out more better music and Hip-Hop than the sou I feel like if you take the South out of hip-hop it wouldn't stand as strong if you take anybody else out of hip-hop that's how I feel about the so you talking about man bro we talking about real Legends bro real Legends I can go on and on man I mean we talking about talking about real Legends bro and you know it always been harder for the South man it always been harder bro that's how I feel it was it was well that's how we looked at it I'm going to say it like that we always looked at it like the East and the West had a b you had a better chance of making it if you was on the east or the West Coast that's how we always looked at it being from them small towns down there there less connections it's less but uh I feel a younger generation like now so many young artists who come from the south and they getting their flowers it ain't like it used to be where they getting their flowers so I agreed to disagree okay okay Joe Buton speaking of the South and the Young Dudes Joe Buon went viral for saying young boys music is trash what do you think do you heard that uh I don't really want comment on that [ __ ] you know I I I don't really want comment on that [ __ ] me and YB got understanding on on some [ __ ] right now you know I ain't speaking on him he ain't speaking on me we ain't really talking to nothing but you know I don't want to talk about him he don't want to talk about me keep it like that okay Cat Williams broke the internet crazy 50 something million views on his interview yeah crazy numbers I seen he gave you I believe it was in the Vlad interview $115,000 right when you got out of jail yeah did you guys know each other at all or Nah N I ain't know him I mean I was a fan of him but I ain't know him I came home I was home about three weeks and uh he called me he got in touch with my people and said you know he wanted me to come to his show he got me front row tickets man and brought me backstage in his dressing room funny as stand up bro killed it bro I want want him to do a another one the next day and when I was leaving uh he had a towel and it was wrapped and it was wrapped with rubber bands around and I thought it was weed CU he threw it in the car and he just left say h booing threw it in the car and just went up the stairs gone when I was pulling off to leave and uh I wasn't smoking at the time so I'm like I got some weed for y'all I unwrapped excuse me I unwrapped the uh I unwrapped the uh the rubber bands and it was $115,000 Cash bro yeah bro real [ __ ] bro I ain't even get a chance to go I was in traffic I I couldn't even tell him thank you it was just it was it was you know he helped me rent a home for a couple months man I never forget that bro like had so many people artists everybody across the world Hing free [ __ ] but when I came home I a give me nothing you know so he was like the only person to really help you out in that that type of way one of the few one of the few one of the few I I heard he like that bro he gave me 15,000 he didn't even know you invited me to his show front row seats brought me in the back VIP bro like dude got a good heart bro bro dude got a good heart bro like what did you think about the interview uh I mean I thought what everybody else thought this [ __ ] here breaking the internet hey he he was talking some [ __ ] man and uh you know uh well he said he turned down 50 million four times to protect his integrity and his virgin whole how often or you know what I'm saying what do you think about that type of stuff I can believe that because as you see if he give me 15,000 money is not money is not important to everybody some people money money is not the world to them some people not going to sell their soul for money you know they've been trying to do this with with a lot of with a lot of people bro with a lot of people in Hollywood you know a lot of people wasn't going for it bro like Bernie Mack wasn't going for it you know they got a lot of people wasn't going for it bro and a lot of people stand on their Mars you know 50 million to do something that's going to torture you inside and and torture your career later on some people would rather have 10 good million than 50 or 20 cuz most things you can buy with 50 million you can buy with 20 million or 10 million cuz you have the credit to get everything free anyway you know that's that's what people people don't have morals money makes people throw away their morals for what they stand for if money makes you do that then you're you can you can't be trusted you can't be trusted if somebody makes you do something for three million for 30 million you will call your best friend and set him up and get his brains blowed up if three million made you do something that czes your whole identity everything you have been through everything you have been through you ready to throw it away for 3 million if that same person says I got 50 million set your boy up for me ain't nobody going to know did I think you'll do that you do something for 5 6 million if somebody come with 500 million and jump in a passenger seat of your car and tell you hey suck that I'mma W you 500 million you think he ain't going to do it ain't nobody in that car while you to your account 300 million put this in your ass we now those are the people came be trusted when money makes you do things that giv tears away everything you thought of something that you know you that you go against then you are you you are nothing you are not a man you will cross your family you will cross your children you would do any you would cross your children for money and that makes you not a man to me a lot of people might want to agree with me but to me those people who do all this stuff just because money what would you really do for some real money if you steal 200,000 you were you were killed for 20 million if you steal from your boy 200,000 for 20 million if he's counted in your face and y'all together you will blow his brains out from the back when he turned his head and grab that 20 million that's how I feel and this is facts it didn't happen in daily daily life in the hood not on TV in the hood it didn't happen what about the whole you know he brought up you know black men wearing dresses yeah you know what's your take on that uh I mean some people just I mean that was a that was I was like it's either some people going to stand up for what they say or some people just going to look at it like it's acting you know you got some people who going to stand up for what and how they was raised and what they believe in you know some people is not going to put on no dress as a man you know some people wasn't even raised that way you know some people was raised to be actors and to entertain and and they never look like it's no gangsters in their family there no people who stick to the code in their family so I feel like those are the one who you know have no problem with wearing dresses because that's not their lifestyle that's not keeping it a 100 and being no that's not their lifestyle it's acting then you have this these people over here who stands on what they were raised on that's why a lot of people like my what I what I say and a lot of people dislike it because they don't know my struggle they don't know how I was raised they don't know what we live by where I'm from you see what I'm saying it's it's starting to get to you you have two different people you have the mar you have the the wayes he was raised In Living Color you know they've been acting this is this is acting to them then you got the the Bernie Max from Chicago The Trenches you got all these other comedians who was around all this other [ __ ] and and and and and that was the one one of the worst things that you could ever do as a man and they feel inside that just because I got this job that's not going to make me do something that I don't believe in and us as a as a world we have to respect that the same way we got to respect you know that they don't live by the same thing we live by you know but I I feel I I feel both sides but you know we we as we as a a standup Community we not we not putting on dresses we're not doing things that women do that's what's wrong with the world now everybody won't do [ __ ] that women do women got enough struggles and problems right now against each other on social media Med got enough they going against each other why try to do what the the women do that's what I that's what let the women shine that's what's wrong with the all these [ __ ] and the women ain't saying [ __ ] the women got to tell [ __ ] you look like a [ __ ] if all the bad [ __ ] get to talk boy you look like a hoe you think you mean it'll stop because we care about what what a woman thinks and what a woman says if they start going on all boy you is a [ __ ] you think you fer to me you think your hair like mine why the you got on that I just saw what you call him with a thing on with his ass out clear what his name card it uh what his name was it Playboy cardi with a thing out with a with a thing going in his ass see through oh I know I seen that too if all the mother women in the Y start saying boy you look like a [ __ ] to all the stuff that people are doing like women from their toes to all this [ __ ] they would stop because as a man who you impressing the women the women got to stop being quiet you know cuz what we do we do this we look good to impress the woman you know if the women start speaking on it and stop being being quiet they would cool it down if they don't they just like but they will cool it down the women are quiet the women are quiet they ain't saying nothing about how these these men are looking and they not say they quiet the biggest women in the game they're quiet why do you think that is I don't know I don't know I don't I I I I have no idea maybe they getting something out of them maybe it's the money I don't I don't know what it is maybe they don't want the most of the men who looking like that not to support them where's the women booes who going to speak they mind you you look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] you might as well get sweety Nails you know if if the women start going at these [ __ ] it'll calm down bro it will calm down cuz everything we do we do it for a woman a man and a woman is a connection everything we do we do if we put on clothes to look good for a woman and the women are quiet bro I hear that I hear that well Omar Johnson recently went viral for saying Eminem can't be a goat because he's white what do you think is that something you would agree with or disagree with I mean where I'm from we don't listen to Eminem you know I'm From The Trenches I never heard nobody come in my project playing him and him I'm going keep it real you know when I hear him I say he can rap always say that every time I hear Slim Shady I used to like that song Slim Shady but where I'm from I've never heard one song in my project I never heard Eminem not one time in the speakers in my project I gotta be honest none of my friends never said put Eminem on Play that new Eminem you know I only saw it on MTV you know TV you know uh everybody have their greates if you put 10 people lined up on this couch everybody going to tell you five different GRS you know and everybody look at it in the some people look at it as rapping some people look at it as all kind of stuff you you know I never I was always biased bro like I didn't even look at people like they were good if I felt they wouldn't living a life I'm a street dude you know I used to always look down on people who you know and it's sad to say to this day but I used to look down on people who I knew wouldn't really living that life you know uh but uh like I said you know everybody have their different grades you going to have some people say Eminem top five you going to have some people say he's not you know cuz everybody music touch you in a different way Eminem music then touched a lot of people DMX music then touched a lot of people DMX is in my top five cuz I always felt listening to his music that he that he really lived that and it was heard even though I wasn't from New York my street [ __ ] still saluted him and played his music I heard him in the hood you know uh and I can't look at put people in my put people in my if I never knew they music if I only listen to a couple songs and saw a couple videos you have to really touch me for me to feel like feel your greatness you see what I'm saying like it's a difference bro you got to really be able to get in tune with that artist you know I was just like a I hear Eminem I'll be like okay I like that song you know but I never went bought a CD I never you know stood out the store when CDs was to buy Eminem CD Tupac I did that you know Scarface I didn't did that Pimp C Bun B I didn't did that you know those those were artists juvenile you know those were artists who I know I was in tune with you know I I can put on a album and rap n 10 songs you mentioned your top five who is booy's top five um booy booy for sure Tupac DMX uh juvenile juvenile always been my like I know every exam every Jewish CD almost um that's four four yep I don't know who five bro that five spider need substitutions you know we got the we got the Mount Rushmore though for sure top four yeah okay all right well you mention Tupac I think I've seen you touch on Tupac a few times man you know can you kind of go into you know his inspiration and you know kind of what he meant to you as an artist uh Tupac was everything to me bro like you know my favorite actor my favorite rapper my favorite person I mean he wasn't scared bro he wasn't scared you know he wasn't scared to speak his mind bro you know and he was as the time go by as I learned his hearing from all the stories he was like me he he was similar to me in a lot of ways like as far as being a friend I'm like that you know when something go down I don't care how big I am I'm I'm fighting too you know like my boy out there I'm kicking too you know just a just a real friendship the way he work in the studio you know and I never I never knew that till later in life and I always had that work ethic but I looked up to Tupac bro and and um when he died I was 13 and you know at at that time that's when you a real fan of 13 and 14 that's when you like music Is Everything music is everything bro so I lost him at a time when uh you know that's when you a real fan of somebody like that that that age 13 or 17 like you crazy about artist and U I mean he was just everything to me everybody knew it you know I mean all my everybody knew how much I love Tupac All Through the hood you I remember he died uh CU every time I got shot he got shot I thought he would live I probably thought he was Immortal or some [ __ ] I don't know I mean even when he got shot the last time I thought he was going to live live I was dribbling the basketball under the bridge walking from U Sports Academy and um dude passed on me in the car and roll around the window and say booy your boy Tupac just died and uh um I never forget it was like yesterday man I I picked up the ball and I and I jogged all the way home to try to go see the news I jogged all the way home crying yeah damn you love Tupac so much that you hated big and puff at the time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I felt like they was my Ops at the time you know cuz I'm I'm a kid bro you know I know they beefing I didn't know nothing all I'm thinking is Puff did it big did it big shot you know I didn't I'm a kid I'm 13 years old this a this a this a fiveyear run of nothing but Tupac 9 10 11 12 13 you know you know how kids be don't be knowing what the be going on you know if he don't like you I don't like you I don't care who you are it's a real fan bro you know like the fans get on thing and be fans do it today the beehives and the Nicki vaj fans like we ain't got to know what the story is don't with him don't with her like I'm against you and that's how it was with Tupac man I mean everybody he disliked I dislike key D after over 25 years they arrest Kefi D for his part in the murder of Tupac yeah you know what was your reaction or you know what did you feel about that oh I ain't feel nothing about it man I mean I ain't feel nothing about it you know I don't wish jail on no ke D I don't wish yell on no ke D bro like you [Music] know I a I ain't feel no way about it man you know over the years I got to understand the situation after they got to talking about it and you know when stuff happen like I always say that's how the game go bro that's that's how the game go you know p p just you know put their hands on the real stepper you know you know on you I know how that go in the streets and I know it's even B when a rapper do it if a rapper stump down a a real Ganga it's going to be blood behind that bro I'm talking about I'm talking about it's not going to stop till it's blood behind it because if a street do it Street dude do it it's going to be blood behind it but when a rap dude when a rapper do it is is it's it's 10 times worse because real gangsters don't look at rappers like gangsters so uh when I finally found out all the situation over the years and it was just it was just you know uh you know P just being a friend bro it's all he doing bro just okay there he go right there okay that's a real friend from the heart he just he just it's the wrong dude you so you think Orlando was maybe like in embarrassed or you know felt like damn I can't I can't get beat I can't get beat up by a rapper hell yeah hell yeah you not going for that that no no Street [ __ ] ain't going it going to happen at night something going to happen at night if it's a rapper bro something going to happen at night if it's a rapper and this from this from Street Experience bro like it's ain't nothing sliding about that bro ain't nothing going to slide about that bro like you know uh if you can do it to a regular Street dude it feels better doing it to a rapper I'm talking from a from a real Street [ __ ] mind you know uh and you know this rap ain't done with you didn't done in this street you know this rap ain't got the respect you a got in this street you you know what's going to come from this what people going to be talking about after this is done and this happened before social media how bad you think it is now to get a black eye why you think the murder so bad now people not taking ass whooping bro cuz you cuz people gonna go on social media and talk about it you know so it was just it was just Pac being a friend I feel like you know and uh and Orlando being a being a ganger you know I seen a headline I didn't know if this was true or not or you know I just thought I thought I'd ask you about it man are you and Webby working on the album yep yep yep yep yep so you got one coming I got one with Webby coming I got one with BG coming I got one with DZ Dillinger coming we 10 songs in I got one with uh my Russian producer it's called uh it's called My Russian Alliance I got one called my Russian alliance with my Russian producer Ste I got my Blues album coming in a couple weeks I mean in a couple months so man I'm I'mma drop a album every month this year DZ that come me off guard yeah I didn't see that one coming bro me and DZ got a classic bro when I say a classic we nine songs in and and me and dad's got a classic that's what's up man that's uh yeah that that uh you you guys got completely different styles yeah it's going to be uh interesting I want you know interesting to hear these how you guys bring the hardcore West Coast with the down south together wait till you hear it yeah you gonna be like this [ __ ] should win a Grammy like this [ __ ] is it's different bro I seen recently you tweet about this that you walked out of this color purple movie yeah over some of the scenes that were in there yeah can you talk about that a little um I just basically was at the movies with my daughter and uh my my daughter and my stepdaughter her her big sister and U it was just too much you know I don't I don't want my daughter seeing that and I have a right as a parent you know uh and it was It was kind of stretch you know it was people were talking about just a kiss no it was more than a kiss it was a it was a real relationship it was different from the first one I feel they were going to the movies they were it was just you know and then when they kiss my my stepdaughter say uh so I'm like it's time to go you know I have a right as a as a parent a lot lot of people I have a right as a parent you know I Believe In traditional households you know man and woman you know I'm not not raising my kids to to be that way if they get that way when they're grown and things like that that's their decision but as parents we have the right to raise our kids the way we want to raise our kids it's the same position if you want to have your kid with a gun in his hand or you don't you have a right to as a parent to make that decision you want your kid to be this and that you have a right as a parent and I have a right as a parent to say we walking out this mother you know I felt like you know I just felt it was a was a lesbian love story do you feel like more movies and more TV shows are having more you feel like that too I could tell you look you feel it it's every the 20 minutes of first of every movie it's the first 20 minutes of every movie it's pushed a lot of people not going to say but the first 20 minutes of every movie is pushed you don't see [ __ ] getting banged from the back no more man and a woman tongue kissing soon as it come on you don't see that no more you don't see that no more if you're lying you got to go to Tubi want see a [ __ ] Tak you gotta go to TU I mean it's pushed man it's pushed it's it's pushed I've seen you touch on this a little bit in the past but your daughter yeah is a lesbian yeah how did that affect you or you know it didn't it didn't really affect me because she made the choice when she was grown and I love her to death I mean it didn't it didn't make me hate her it didn't make me feel any kind of way about that's my first child that's my heart she's 22 23 years old at that time you know what you want to be me and my daughter is like this so how can anybody in this world say that I hate the lb GTS what I think I'm saying it right like how can you can't say that just don't agree what they're pushing on our kids and I have the right to try to raise my kids to not go that way I'm a southern baptist we was raised on traditional household and I'm up against a fight in this world we as parents if you trying to make a traditional household and have your baby have grandparents mean grandbabies the right way we are up against a fight if we don't help our kids it's a fight they mind will be swayed from what this world is pushing if you be quiet and don't say nothing this world this world will grab your grab grab grab them I seen you tweet about Mo three recently yeah one of the hardest to do it man uh yeah can you kind of talk about your guys' relationship and how' you guys link up and everything um me and mo3 linked up like when I came home from prison uh how was his favorite rapper um I went did a show in um Jack I mean Dallas and it was like booy was doing a show in Dallas every word every word and and I knew right then that he was special and after of that we just kind of became friends bro I was you know I was I was speaking highly of him you know I was everybody thought he was signed to me because I was showing him so much love because I know talent I know greatness bro like he can do it all bro like sing rap you know you know I miss him bro you know I miss him um we put out a classic album together grateful we had the time to do that but uh Mo three was special bro they took a real talent bro Mo three would be so damn big right now man he sky's the limit if Mo three was here right now Mo three would have $50 million easy bro like he would be he would be a big shot bro cuz you couldn't deny his talent bro like yeah he he got a gift bro he had a gift is just and I told him bro I told him the F out that City bro I told him I told him bro you know I told him when I ENT interviewed him yeah he said you were the only artist that could compare to Tupac what do you think about all the rappers that compare themselves to Tupac booy the only one booy the only one can say only one can compare his boy's the only one he the only one that can compare his T yeah he smoke real real highly of you man you know he was a cool dude you know the interview we did was dope dope interview song for song bro nobody has a really can touch me for a cat mixtapes albums it's similar to P bro like you know Pac just ain't have time to do it but I'm the closest thing bro as far as music you don't have to fast forward every song you would listen to like nobody nobody with me really with a catalog like mine bro telling you bro like I don't get my flowers I should get but the real ones they give me my flowers bro the people who I raised and they give me my flowers you know just a lot of them gone bro Mo three trouble you know a lot of them gone why don't you think you get the flowers you you deserve I don't know they probably think I'mma throw it back in their face if they do something the booy don't [Laughter] like but uh I don't know man you know there a lot of people say you you don't get your flowers till you can't smell them no more you know a lot of people become great when they gone a lot of people don't see the big picture until you out the picture you know and U I give my own self my flowers you know I give my own self my flowers you know uh saying that to say you know I just look you know like [ __ ] y'all can't [ __ ] ain't with me like you know uh I'm legendary bro and I know it and can't nobody take that away from me I don't care what they say what I say my music is undeniable I mean I feel I'm you know definitely top five well when you went back there after you passed away you went over there and you got shot yeah yeah you know and I guess you just woke up in the hospital what what all you know you were just there man just to you know kind of celebrate Mo 3 and you I just I just was going to pay my respects you know pay my respects because that was my real friend and I get shot when you get shot you don't talk about it you just wake up in the hospital the wind shot me it was windy that day it was in November well how bad was the shot cuz I believe I seen that you you know you had few complications with it going forward yeah I mean still got IR in my leg bro oh wow yeah damn blew my kneecap out oh [ __ ] okay with big the big bullet then I take it probably 45 damn is that your only time ever being shot uh yeah yeah I've been shot at like seven times but that's my only time being hit yeah were there any those times where you thought like damn this is over oh it was God every time bro I got sprayed one time coming from my baby mama house I think I was like 18 then they pull right outside the C and swiss cheese that mother the bullet straight through the window the bullet straight through the window bro like on my side straight through the window I don't remember I mean and I didn't get hit another time [ __ ] caught me on the inate Swiss cheese the whole car ain't no bullet touch me damnn that's that's crazy like all them bullets like people in the car nobody got hit four people in the car yeah the first time three people in the car nobody got hit God man damn damn that's a lot of bullets for nobody to get hit man wow that's crazy class in my mouth everything damn I seen you were going to work with King vau uh I mean I met King Von the night he died you met him the night he died yeah the day he died damn I met him that day in in sex I met him that day in sex yeah he was telling me to come to the spot that he got killed at damn I always feel like if I would have went I would have stopped it because I with quandoo you know and I and and I was you know just met van I felt like I probably could have OG the situation you know I ain't go out that night damn man and and okay so when you get the news is that those are like the first thing that you think about that's the first thing I thought about when I got the news I was supposed to be there is there a reason why you didn't go uh I just ain't feel like going out bro just some was I was like man I Ain I ain't going out cuz I had just came back in town I had my fit everything just ain't go out bro just ain't get them keys and go out you guys so you guys never really got a chance to work together nah how' you feel about the king Von documentary uh I didn't watch it bro I watch like the I probably watch 10 minutes of it and that's cuz my partner was watching it he was over there watching it he put it on the dashboard we pull up to Linux and uh that was it when he came back in the car we ain't watch it after that I ain't I ain't really get into it I don't like I don't like to get into YouTube talking about murder you know because I know it' be a lot of [ __ ] well they did a documentary on you yeah how' you feel about that one um I ain't like it I ain't like it lot of that [ __ ] be a lot of [ __ ] bro like people think they be knowing but you don't know you don't know that's life nobody knows what somebody else did unless you were in the car uh you did it and these documentaries I mean they get millions of views too it's sad bro it's sad bro like you know what they do to people and people got kids bro people got kids make you you don't even won't put your let your little girl look on YouTube you know it's they they they they hardless bro they heartless you know I was thinking about going do a documentary of the people who doing it and lie about them and their family on documentary I had started researching their kids names all kind of [ __ ] my cousin man don't getting to all that [ __ ] you know I had a priv investigator looking at looking at his wife you know how would you like if I put a a documentary of if your wife a doctor who she go get checkups with how you like if I put your daughter school and where she goes to school at on social media and say I was just recording on your your your wife picking her up from school what if I say that your friend who over ODed in college you gave him the drugs somebody what if I say somebody saw you at the Fred house leaving when he OD and I have no proof of that that's what you doing to us cuz everybody had people lose Liv everybody what if you get tied into it over cuz you make it seem so real how you tied it in what if somebody did this to you and your family see that all they give a [ __ ] about is clicks that's all they give a f about it's views you know so when somebody catch them and bat them in they face or knock their teeth out the world should have no sympathy for them it's no sympathy because you're not looking at the big picture you're not looking at the big picture and that's all they do it for is is likes so somebody should bat them in their face re refigure out their nose and put them on social media for what likes that's how it supposed to go but the world you know the world different they wouldn't be doing all this 90s early 2000s all these you all this [ __ ] going on with them they wouldn't be doing it they wouldn't be making DVDs with this on it back in 2000 or or the late 90s they wouldn't it wouldn't have the nuts to do it cuz nobody could be seen what happened to them now everybody got a camera what we are afraid of they wouldn't have the nuts to do this yeah they they get approached by the dude yeah yeah yeah yeah back back in the early 2000 so much happened and nothing got seen right and they knew that you were findable it was the Yellow Pages all kind you were findable people ran their cities they doing it because what the world has turned into if this was back in the game they wouldn't be doing this to people yeah especially people who you say and done all this [ __ ] you would be you wouldn't think about it you wouldn't think about it well I would kind of like to get into your story a little bit you know we talked about a little bit throughout the interview but I I kind of like to dive dive into it a little bit deeper man you know you know what what was it like for you growing up and you know in Baton Rouge and you know going through the struggles bat Rouge bat and Rouge I mean I struggled as a kid but it ain't feel like we struggled when you from the hood you don't really feel like you you struggling struggling cuz you grateful for what you got you know I mean we was grateful I mean you was still smiling every day you smile less when you got more when you was a kid you smile way more than you smile as an adult we played every day went places went behind the Liv we always was smiling even when we was told no I mean man your childhood is nothing like your childhood man I mean as far as me I'm going speak on me I mean we ain't have much but it was always smiling it was always something fun to do in the hood bro we made something out of nothing it was I mean it was in a man we was where I'm from is five four streets that's my neighborhood you know I'm from a SE section in South Bon Rouge and it's four streets and I had probably seven a on E Street four streets in one project so it's like a it's like a Clos niit Community you know basketball was my first love you know I shoot that ball basketball was my first love but I've been rapping since nine eight nine years old I've been even when I was playing ball I could rap I always wanted to be a rapper too and uh when I at one point I just became the best rapper in my project nobody could me what inspired you to rap Tupac not just Tupac L coj you know I used to love I'm bad you know all the rappers man when you from the ghetto your rappers are your biggest your biggest Role Models bro like everybody you want look like the rappers you want the girls like the rappers you want the cause the change so you know even to this day you know the rappers the rappers was everything who you wanted to be like the people I respected was the drug dealers the biggest drug dealers the people I really respected and cuz they look like the rappers too but you know I respected how how they would give to the old people and give to the kids and how they had all the women and [ __ ] like drug dealers and Rappers that's who that's who inspired me to win you know that's who inspired me to want money I mean I look at him and be like I'm GNA be like that one day I used to always say it I used to tell a dope [ __ ] I'mma have more money than you you know so that's what they inspir me how old were you when he jumped off the porch uh like hustling every day 15 probably 15 14 my daddy died when I was 13 F to be 14 so around that time that's when I really my mama put me out of like 15 how did your dad passing away affect you were you guys close yeah that hurt me bad bro after that it was it was no hoes B after that man I mean I wasn't scared of nobody nobody could tell me nothing all my uncles you know they drug dealers too you know so and I wanted to help my mama you know I wanted to even though my mama wouldn't would didn't agree with what I was doing I mean but I'm ready I'm I'm I'm a hood baby I'm raised in a I'm I'm that's all I know is the hood like you know I was raised in a my dadd was a street [ __ ] man my mama come from a Hood family all us was raised raised in the hood so that was just part of my life you know as a kid I saw it all bro I mean I saw my first murder at probably nine you saw your first I saw I saw guns my whole life you know I mean weed in the air I mean selling dope you know my grandma house was the block you know so my grandma house was the block where everybody hung in front of and got money yeah seeing your first murder at nine man how do you like like how did that affect you what' your family say I mean it just happened while we was outside I mean they ain't really say nothing I I can't say that I didn't get in trouble for it I mean you just roll by on the bike called his name when he turned around shot him killed him damn then his homeboy went in his pockets oh man yeah and I never trusted them [ __ ] who win in this pocket but um I mean I ain't get in trouble for it I mean they had a dude grabed me and pick me up and ran me to my grandmother house um I was just happy to tell a story to my boys it it wasn't funny or nothing but you know I remember me telling the story and they sitting down like and what happened what you know it was like I mean hearing gunshots was normal like where I'm from be like you heard that we talking about something else you know but seeing it was kind of different cuz where I'm from everybody told guns bro like it was a it's a fashion know everybody to guns to protect their s when you From The Trenches everybody told guns everybody selling drugs especially in that era you know the late 80s and 90s you know money was out there bro everybody was getting money do you think if your dad would have lived do you think you would have went down the same path that you went down no I probably would have later I mean but I would have had to be 19 where I can think for myself because I feared my dad my dad wasn't going for that he didn't want me to be a drug dealer you know he didn't want he wanted me to be a a citizen you know even though he showed me all this [ __ ] you know that's crazy you know uh I remember my daddy used he used to lie to me and tell me he was smoking cigarettes you know he used to always smoke that weed but he used to tell me it was cigarettes and till I got to smelling his cigarettes then I smell my mama's cigarettes and I was like eight and I told him one day I said Dad I know that's not cigarettes and he just started laughing you know but he basically was he basically was making me out of man you know he was just telling me don't bag down from people uh you know I was his heart bro I was in my dad heart you I was I was his baby boy you know and I was a bad ass so you know what was booy like in high school I was a Class Clown bro I was the class clown anybody will tell you High act on Instagram that was me in high school I was the class clown I dropped out in 11th grade uh but I was the class clown bro after my dad died I quit basketball I just I just spir down straight you know quit school I tried alternative school for a couple years came back in 12th grade and uh I was just F out you know I had a rap career then you know music was taking off already yeah 11th grade I was that I was the [ __ ] bro like that was my year when I dropped out of school that was my Year bro like I really blew up kind of quick bro and you know I just took off bro I mean I can't I tried to come I took off a year and a half I tried to come back to school and when I came back school I had two cars man I I was living bro I mean I just felt I was too big for school bro I just felt like I don't need it man I mean I was I was really doing it for my grandmother man my grandmother really wanted me to they knew I had a brain my grandma really wanted me to you know she like you can stay with me but you going to school so I really was doing it for my grandmother and U I knew I couldn't stay in my grandmother house if I ain't go to school my grandma she know she she know I sell dope she know I do all that but I'm going to school you know what I'm saying so that was the whole thing and when I when I decided I that school wasn't for me I knew I had to move out my my grandmother house so I I went me and my me and my baby mama went got my own apartment we got a one bedroomroom apartment in the project how old were you when you did this 11th grade yeah did you ever graduate on death row oh I got my GED on death row you went to jail okay did you ever have a real job nah N I tried to work at UH Taco Bell when I was 13 14 I lied on the uh on the thing and they found out I was too [Music] young that was the only time ever even tried n i mean I was trying to do cuz my older my older boys they they were like 15 K them I was just trying to get a summer job to try to make some money so that ain't work it ain't work but I've been I've been I always kept a bank rooll bro I started off washing cars um I used to watch for the drug dealers I used to just ride down the street that was one of my first jobs I just ride down the street on a bicycle and when the police come I make a sign so so the so so the hustlers know I I've been saving money since 6 years old probably just saving money putting it up just trying to have money six man yeah my mama reminded me other day she said remember used to keep a jaw used to save your money so I'm a hustler bro like that's what I'm known for in the hood B boo hat he he know how to hustle like I know how to get money you know what what point do you think you started really making really good money uh 15 16 15 I went on a block called Garfield Street that's the street I'm on but I went up the hill like it's like Round the Corner up the hill and it was probably like six of us all us 16 15 and uh like right around the corner from LSU and um we had a weed spot that didn't stop bro I say didn't stop everybody playing with we 15 16 years old playing with 10 15,000 15,000 20,000 so that was like my first like really getting money like really getting money bro and that's around the time I was rapping ful it too so once I start rapping and my music took off that's when I got that's when I got hit with the 100 pounds and you know [ __ ] like that yeah so the music the music made people front me you know the music made people front me and and the block I had you know it made people front me and uh after golf field I say when I got probably 17 I went in Fr my grandma house and and started my own block it was already a block but kind of took over the block and I believe you said that you know once the music started taking off you just left the streets alone I ain't leave the streets alone probably till I was probably about 22 22 22 cuz I I never was going to leave the music alone mean the the game alone cuz I always was making more money from the game than the music my bag from the streets was always bigger than my bag from the music you know what I'm saying so one of my plugs kind of made me want to leave the game alone it was like you know you keep coming back and scoring and [ __ ] don't make no sense you know like when I got to get 20 a show and [ __ ] like that it ain't make no sense you know I come back with 80,000 you know trying to buy a dope [ __ ] this ain't no I ain't no reupping with this this rap [ __ ] is the truth once you get it it's no reup it's no reup I don't have to score I mean it's no reup everything is this it's no reup you know they can't take me to jail for rapping my music you know it was it was a reality check you know why I pay pay this for a when I'm getting 20 20 something 30 a show so that's when I just said yeah I mean I still was pointing people in the right direction you know winning you know on certain [ __ ] you know s them to my people I might win 6 7,000 air Rip but I wasn't hands on you know I just said it wasn't worth it what do you think was like the first big thing you bought when when the rap money really started coming in um my first Mansion you about to have before a car oh I had cars way before I about had cars off my drug man I had 7:45 I was 19 with a 745 La Davin I had four five calls at that time before the rap money came in I probably had 15 16 calls Street money but yeah the music takes off man and you know not too long after you know I'm seeing booy and everything I see you catch this wild case yeah you know and uh they're they're bringing some really serious charges you know I remember the video where you come out and you like I'm innocent you know uh what was that like for you and you know going through that and making it through that uh it's just I mean it's a it's it's a time in my life you know it was just just was a time in my life where you know I had to you know I had to sit down for a minute you know I had to sit down for a minute I was facing a lot of crazy [ __ ] so I mean I took it I took it I took it took it with my chest out I ain't bring nobody with me you know I ain't I took it with my chest out bro you know I don't regret nothing you know what I mean everything happened for a reason I wouldn't be the man I am today if that wouldn't happen I wouldn't have out of wisdom today if that wouldn't happen I wouldn't know who's who if that if all that [ __ ] don't happen in your life you still be blind when [ __ ] get real like that you know what's real and you know what fake if it never get real like that you'll never know you know did you think you were going to make it out of it yeah yeah I knew them people I knew it was a weak ass case bro I already knew all that [ __ ] was bogus bro so I guess your codefendant at first he accused you of things he yep Y and then he switched it up during trial yeah he came to trial and he you know he told the truth what was the trial like you know like I mean even though you feel like you're going to be I me I you know my trial was like a mafia trial bro snipers on the roof I mean Anonymous jury Anonymous jury yeah I had was the one of the first Anonymous jury since the Marcelo TR you know in New Orleans you know I had Anonymous jury I mean it was crazy bro all the police on horses snipers on the roof I mean they built it I mean they built it they built were you facing the death penalty yeah you're facing the death penalty man that's that's crazy yeah I said three years on death row in Louisiana you don't have to be convicted to go to death row you just got to be have a death row charge and they automatically send you to death row because they think you not coming off death row automatically automatically think you get yeah you automatically go to the death row and what's death row like over there um it wasn't bad as people might think I mean got some negative days you know some down days when you look at when you walk walk the hall and you look down and you thinking damn everybody on here got a death sentence you know you have some down days but you get closer to God man you get in a situation like that you get closer to God I mean it was different man I mean it was different bro yeah damn and um did you ever run into especially when you hear about all the [ __ ] that they did be like damn mother you look at people like you know I used to be looking like I hear stories and [ __ ] be like you did all that and you you scared to get caught with cigarettes what the [ __ ] you a you a you you you got a little [ __ ] and you I us used to like that [ __ ] like [ __ ] you scared to get caught with a [Music] phone you got a death penalty like I a I I got into it with a couple death row inmates bro mother trying to watch people eating people all day and [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm trying to I'm trying to watch NCAA tournament March Madness this stupid mother I don't even want to think about this you got some fights nah you can't touch nobody on death row oh yeah nobody's allowed to touch one another or come out at the same time oh okay oh yeah you isolated all you can do is throw [ __ ] on people I had a couple [ __ ] fights damn yeah that's yeah sheesh that something that happens all the time over there or I've heard about them in Chicago they got they call yeah I mean it happened I mean it happened it happen it's the only way you fight I mean it's the only way you can fight when you're on death row what happens afterwards though man I mean somebody's got to clean it up you got to go take a shower you know what if there's if I mean do you have showers accessible at the time most the time one of y'all get locked up or both of y'all get locked up somebody going to come um clean it up I mean they got ERS that work the te all day I mean they got to clean this [ __ ] up most of the time when you do it when they when somebody [ __ ] you down uh you clean it up before they come down so they don't smell it you pwder your room out and [ __ ] and then you go get them back when you when it's your time to get on the hallway for uh for your hour it's time for you to get them back damn well you you beat your case yeah you know uh I mean even though I was found not guilty in 35 minutes man that's crazy that they even put you through that yeah 35 minutes so even with an anonymous jewelry and all this stuff they still don't they didn't have a they don't sound like they had a chance to uh to convict you at all I mean even though you were pretty confident you were going to make it man I mean you know hearing that you know innocent verdict it had to been really relieving I was yeah man I put my hand I was happy as a mother you [Music] know I I cried inside bro I cried inside bro I mean guards all at the jails had made bets with other guards that i' be found guilty it was it was crazy bro the guards were making best that's crazy yeah and I was so happy cuz now I was able to go to population and that was everything to me you know I had been fighting against population forever cuz I was in population the first two years I was in prison but when I C out those charges they put me on the death rad so I was going back to population you know even when they didn't want me you know I had to sign [ __ ] all kind of [ __ ] that I can go in population and uh I knew it was going to be a better time during my time you know and um I got right there around see murder so it was it was it was sweet man I mean the warden laid me out man shout out the warden came what laid me out so youc murder were you guys got to hang out or or just yeah we was in the same Dome bro same door slept right by each other no [ __ ] yeah that's crazy man uh what was that like uh we Jo together I mean did you guys know each other on the streets at all nah nah okay but you're you're a famous rapper now and he's a famous rapper yeah so you guys you know you guys do got when I first went goola though he was he was always reaching out to me looking out for me he was always looking out for me you know he got a long hand bro so he was always looking out for me but when I came back you know it was from my try it was we together now so I mean it was it's a part of my life that I I'm glad I got to experience you know I got a lot of game from him you know he used to be on my ass man he was like my my big brother he used to get on my ass like real [ __ ] bro like I was stay getting locked up I get locked up I'm a violator you know I'm kind of like a violator in jail I was I was a violator I was kind of like a young hardhead like I was and he ain't like to see me being on lockdown for [ __ ] so he used to be getting on my ass how do you feel about his appeals and everything is there any chance he's going to come home um I think it is man I mean I mean I think it is bro because he's been gone with over 20 years now right yeah and um everybody who it's crazy bro it's just a bad case bro because everybody who testified against him recanted their statements and told them why what happened to make them testify one of the guys baby mama got got took off a whole a whole charge with a baby or some [ __ ] it's just they did whatever to to send them to prison bro and you know 20 something years is a long time you know we developed a friendship bro and know I pray for him all the time bro every time I see something about something in jail I close my eyes and say a prayer that he come home you know yeah yeah man uh damn he's been gone a while man and and he doesn't have no chance of parole or or is he I don't really know the situation uh when I talk to him I don't even talk about that man you know I don't really talk about that he might bring it up let me know what he got what he got going on with his situation but I just be happy to hear from him bro and trying to get him you know he gave me a I got got like I got features you know features from anybody trying to buy some C murder features we giving all the money to him so um I can get you some C murder features tap in and get those yeah tap in and get those murder features right now I just want him home bro like that's all I can say I want him home well man well definitely freey murder man he been been down a minute yeah and and all the stuff I've heard is crazy all the inconsistencies people pulling their state their statements and everything is crazy any other state he would have been home Louisiana Louisiana bro we still got no aoon laws bro our laws different I just told you what I got for third offense marijuana right yeah you get 4ed for manslaughter bro other cities you other states you might get five five for manslaughter that's about that's about it yeah second degree murder if you take it to try it's a automatic life sentence in Louisiana that's crazy any other state 10 to 15 15 10 Napoleon law they still go pick cotton bro turn ups every day come out the field with their hands cut up bro [ __ ] you saw on life when they when everybody chained up with that man with that Hearts over them that's what's going on in Louisiana bro damn yeah bro 26 Cents a day some [ __ ] like that yeah it's called hard time yeah man that's I mean those are those are you would you would think somebody would do something because those at all the I mean in California there's a lot of laws being changed a lot of a lot of people who got life sentences they did like 20 you know and they get let go they getting let go nah not Louisiana not Louisiana it's crazy man damn well booy man I I appreciate you man uh you know taking the time uh dope interview man I'm I'm glad we finally uh got to get one in we got to do it again you know yeah yeah for sure man you know now that we're we're connected you know what I'm saying um yeah I just appreciate you man let's do it yeah love all right bro what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Id: w1LkRCmNTmM
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Length: 119min 8sec (7148 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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