1090 Jake on Kodak Black, Young Thug, Wack100, BG, O Block 6, Keefe D, YNW Melly (Full Interview)

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all right here we go the mighty return of 1090 Jake welcome back to Vlad TV appreciate you yeah man appreciate you coming back you always do big numbers you know a lot of people give you a lot of love and a lot of hate just like the rest of us you know so it's time to kick up some dust again let's do it well I had done a couple posts on you know the Vlad TV YouTube community and I said they got an interview coming up with 1090 Jake and what questions should I ask him and all down the comments was Lil boom Lil boom Lil boom Lil boom Lil boom so break down the whole Lil boom situation all right so Lil boom is a rapper unfortunately from Florida and um I had no idea who he was until I saw him on Adam 22 story he reposted a Facebook post by the Okala Police Department saying we're looking for this suspect there was three pictures and it was saying that he was wanted for inappropriately touching miners in a Walmart he comments under the post this is Cap if this was true I'd be on a registry so in two seconds I do my little I find the case I read the arrest report I see the outcome of the case so I I reply to his comment you sure about that and you know he cockily went live and said this and that and oh you know this didn't happen and there's no video of this and there's no proof of this and slowly but surely all of these things have been released they released surveillance video of him touch touching a 10-year-old girl a 17year old girl another woman so basically his argument is that he isn't a predator sex offender whatever but the charges that he got hit with he got hit with a battery on a 10-year-old and a 17-year-old the arrest report says he touched or grabbed their butt and this blew up because apparently this is a closer associate of DJ academics and um I just so happened to cover the case in the video so what exactly was he doing though was it part of a skit or a video or was he just I don't know wilding out in Walmart like I don't understand the premise of the whole thing um it wasn't a skit he was walking around in his pajamas basically getting up close to women female not even women just females um and touching them for whatever reason I've heard I don't know if it's confirmed apparently he was on drugs that's something that came out um I don't know if that's true or not but he says he was just trying to push them out of the way the paperwork says he walked up on the 10-year-old touched her then touched the seven 18-year-old sister followed them did it again on camera goes to another section touches another woman goes to another section sees a woman bent over inside of the grocery store pulls out his phone starts taking pictures of her and the older woman had to put a grocery cart in between him and the woman to stop him from taking pictures so this is what's in his arrest report he has whatever version he has and then the surveillance videos started coming out I mean this sounds like drugs this doesn't sound like something a sober person would do unless they're just Weir I don't know I mean okay so he's been arrested for this he was arrested for it um pled no contest and was found guilty sentenced to probation was told he can't have any contact unsupervised contact with miners no contact with the victims and that he has to undergo a psychosexual evaluation okay so when you plead no contest that means that you're not fighting the charge you're essentially admitting that you did it and you're not going to go through any Court proceedings essentially a plea deal in a way right basically no contest from what I understand is I'm not admitting guilt but I'm not fighting the case I I understand the evidence y'all have um and it's treated the same way way as a guilty plea you just get to walk away from the situation by saying I never admitted to it but they still found you guilty okay so it's slightly different than a plea deal but the outcome is essentially the same as a plea deal yeah well that I believe the no contest is a plea deal cuz he still had a plea deal in which he had to sign off on you know the standards that they set for him as part of his plea okay and he threatened to sue you over the allegations yeah he threatened to sue me no jumper and two other people in academics Discord um he says I alleg that he's on the registry or whatever which I never did he said I said he pleed guilty which I never did I broke down what no contest is um he actually said that he was meeting with his lawyer today for a consultation I don't know if this is true I don't I don't know if he's following through with it because obviously his whole argument has literally fell apart um but if that's something he decides to pursue we'll see what happens right Everyone likes to throw this whole Sue thing around like they download an app and sue someone through that but the reality is that lawsuits and I've been through them and I've been on both sides of them uh usually take years uh and there has to be a investment of at least I mean if you want to go all the way to court you're looking at at least $100,000 you have to be prepared to spend either you have to spend it or you have to find a lawyer that's willing to take the case on contingency for like let's say 30% of whatever the winnings are and then that lawyer ultimately has to spend that money themselves hoping that they'll get a bigger payday at the end that will cover their expenses so lawyers will only take it on if they know that okay this person is almost assuredly going to win or there's going to be a settlement and the person they're suing has a bunch of legal money that we could somehow attach ourselves to so for everyone throwing around lawsuits it's just not as simple yeah you could meet with a lawyer you could pay to meet with a lawyer you could maybe even meet with a lawyer for free but in order of in order to pursue a real lawsuit is a big process yeah I mean I think it was more so just like him trying to defend himself in the moment what's the biggest thing I can do to deflect and it's oh I'm going to sue everything you guys are saying is fake I'm going to sue but then more and more [ __ ] came out and now it's at where it's at yeah I mean you can't sue someone for defamation when it's the truth right you can't sue over someone saying the truth we should make that should make that a [ __ ] t-shirt making a t-shirt you can't sue over the truth yeah I mean you can try you anyone could sue anyone for anything yeah that's just how America is set up and if you can get a lawy lawyer take it on contingency you will have to then get a lawyer to Def defend yourself against that other lawyer but ultimately if what you're saying is the truth then everything will stop yeah right and depending on where you are you might even be able to collect legal fees and so forth if you have to defend yourself over a frivolous lawsuit so uh listen I don't know uh little boom I just got wind of this recently but like I said when I posted that I got a 1090 Jake interview coming up and what should I ask him this little boom name goes literally more so than any other name came up that's crazy and Lil boom is a rapper or a social media guy or I I don't know I I think he portrays to be a raer but he's really more like one of academic's Discord guys which I don't really know what that is in itself but he's like an internet personality in the realm of academics got it well shout out to academics man that's my friend yeah big shout out to him yeah he's going through some things right now but uh this has nothing to do with academics for the record in no way tied into this particular situation that's why I decided not to include him in the video that I did of Lo booom to separate the two because a lot of people were trying to take L boom's allegations and not even allegations at this point but what's going on with him and place it on academics which I don't necessarily agree with so yeah exactly I think the biggest news that came out of you recently was you looking into the whole BG case yeah now BG just got out of prison after doing what was like nine years or something I think it was like 11 13 something like that yeah okay yeah so did a little bit Yeah like 13 years um he gets out and you know hip-hop in general has embraced them pretty pretty well I mean Birdman was out there when he first got out you know me and Birdman You Know spoken about him a couple of times uh Gucci M did a whole project with him yeah uh Mike Will made it did some of the Beats like you know it was kind of cool to hear BG back because I was a BG fan from from back in the day now explain to me what exactly you found so paperwork started to float around and um I looked into it and what I was able to find was a piece of paper saying that BG and the third man in the case testified in front of a grand jury when I found this information I reached out to BG through Instagram I try to reach out to who I believe is his manager I try to reach out to booy I reached out to you to try to get me in contact with booy I was trying to get in contact with somebody from his Camp to get a better understanding of what I found and come up with the best way to present this information now this is the thing I also spoke with the codefendant who was accusing BG a snitching okay so so before before you go on what's the backstory of the actual case so it was a gun charge right so basically they all get pulled over in a car there's three of them in a car and uh under BG's seat they find a handgun the guy in the back seat I believe his name was Kent trol Washington he tells the police it's mind he claims it flat claims it um they take him to the police station he has an interview with the ATF he names a female and said this female drove me the gun from Texas to New Orleans that's how I got the gun the gun is mine and uh basically BG and the other guy they say yeah it's his he got it from the girl this that and the third whatever whatever now a couple months later however much time had passed beat caught a second case and that second case when BG bonded out of jail one of his codefendants and BG were making phone calls in which they were talking about having the other guy take the fall they'll give him whatever they need to they ended up bonding the guy out the police were listening to the jail calls so they understood that they formed a plan to have a man take the fall that's why BG went to prison for that case going back to the first case okay okay okay hold on so BG for for went to prison for witness tampering or or what BG went to prison for I believe off the top of my head it was the fire Ry and witness tampering because BG had a man signed in affidavit saying that the gun was his the police figured it out the Charger stuck for BG BG went to prison but this isn't the case that he took the grand jury in that case came before this okay the case of the guy taking the gun charge and you're saying that BG attended the grand jury confirming that the gun belonged to this guy right so essentially BG had two cases same story they get pulled over guns in the car in both cases BG had a fall man Ken trell was the fall man in the first case there was another fall man in the second case the police figured out the second case oh BG is trying to get this guy to take the r the guy signed the affidavit we're not going for it BG you're going to prison but the first case BG and the other guy went to court and testified in front of a Federal grand jury and all he did was repeat everything thing that the Fall Guy told the police now in my mind if you got a Fall Guy or if I have a fall guy and he says hey I'm gonna take all this da d d d da tell him it's mine and the police say yo who was it he just told you this was the plan what ended up happening was the Fall Guy was under the impression he was only going to get a certain amount of time when he found out he was getting more than that he turned on everybody else that gun couldn't have been mine it was under the driver's seat the barrel was facing me so now you're implying it must have been the drivers who stopped it under the seat and the driver was BG see what I'm saying okay well if you agree to take a charge it's not like when you agree you're agreeing with a prosecutor and you know exactly how much time you're getting you know you and your friends make a quick decision okay look I'll take the charge you give me some money whatever to make up for it you're the rapper I'm just you know a regular working guy I could you know I'd rather I could sit down for a while and just take a check right I'm G to have to take whatever comes with it if it ends up being more time than I expected that's my own fault for accepting to be the Fall Guy right and and this is where the thing comes into play people are saying well if BG never testified any of that this guy could have had a chance and that's what that guy is saying I didn't know BG was going to go to the grand jury I didn't know he was GNA say that because now I have no chance of getting out of the situation I'm in so more or less BG's Fall Guy basically turned on him and now was aend that you know snitched on him now this is the thing I spoke to this codefendant he tells me he has something that he hasn't dropped yet so I'm thinking in my head what is he have there must be something out there that nobody's found because there was a piece of paper that wack 100 put out saying that BG agreed to testify so everyone was under the impression he hadn't test ified but he agreed too if it came down to it so with this guy telling me there's something else out there I went through Pac I went through every single document that's where I found oh no he did and in my mind that's what I thought that this guy was about to drop so that's everyone's like why'd you drop the video on Christmas I didn't really give a [ __ ] about that I'm looking at it like if I drop this first this is what's going to sway the narrative and in my mind this was a Fall Guy BG ain't saying nothing but exactly what this dude said but what ended up happening was the second I made a video I never once said in my video he snitched but every single blog reported 1090 Jake says BG snitched so it came out how it came out regardless and the craziest part about it is everybody is saying to me how did he snitch and he got a Fall Guy you dumb [ __ ] I'm the one that told you he was the Fall Guy y'all ain't even paying attention nobody mentioned the Fall Guy until I put that in the air but then they gonna tell how you saying he snitching I ain't never said it so that's the crazy situation that transpired from covering the BG case right so you're not saying BG's a snitch I don't think he's snitch bro if you said exactly what the fall man said how the [ __ ] is that snitching now I'll say this though they came out with a old clip of BG from back in the day saying if if I catch a case with you and you don't take your charge I'm going to make you take your charge and that kind of went viral and then they had another clip of soldier Slim saying if nobody takes it or whatever give me 30 years so it was two conflicting narratives that came out now I was told by somebody associated with BG he wanted to speak to me I got on the phone with that person that person called BG but then that person said to BG I don't know I guess he wants to talk to you so then I asked do he want to talk to me because I ain't asked to speak to him if he want to talk to me we can talk on the phone because I already tried to get in contact before I dropped the video but nobody wanted to pick up until after it came out so me and him never spoke um and I don't know yeah listen a lot of these snitching accusations become so gray area like okay is snitching on a dead person still snitching is snitching on a fall guy who agreed to take the charge still snitching I mean this I if you're if you're if you're really just trying to be an absolute purist then yeah I get it but if you take a step back and look at just common sense if I agree to take the charge for you whatever comes with it I'm agreeing to it right and there's an understanding there's a payment that you're going to make to me or some sort of favor is going to be done to me in exchange for taking this charge potentially that was that you could potentially get hit with so you're going to have to take whatever comes with it as far as I'm concerned if you didn't want to go potentially get it some jail time don't agree to be the Fall Guy every the car could have been like I don't know I don't know who's gun it is that's the snake [ __ ] about the situation is if you agree to be the Fall Guy and I tell the police it was yours you can later then say Oh I never agreed to be the Fall Guy look at my paperwork he snitched and that's that's more or less what's come out about the situ but Vlad this is what [ __ ] me up about it right everybody jump to BG's defense not even knowing the situation they're like oh he did 13 years there's no way he told who does 13 years and they told they don't even know really what the [ __ ] they're talking about but they all jump to his defense he comes out with a chain that says rat lives don't matter but the first [ __ ] feature he does is with finesse two times and nobody said nothing about that nobody said nothing so everyone was mad about oh the allegations and this and that and [ __ ] are talking bad but then y'all let him do a feature with finesse two times what happened with his codefendant that said that he snitched on him twice I don't know how that happened yeah and in that same song with finesse finesse two times I guess uh BG called Little Wayne a [ __ ] I guess that took the spotlight over the situation taken away from the fact that finesse got got paperwork so it's like I honestly feel like there's no snitching in 2024 bro that [ __ ] died in 2023 2024 you could do whatever the [ __ ] you want cuz there's been an excuse for every single person and every single situation somebody's picked and choosed and there's not one rapper that I know that isn't somehow associated with somebody that said something so it's like how can snitching it don't even matter I don't even have a job anymore I can't even expose people now I gotta find I'm about to start doing interviews like you because this [ __ ] that I'm doing is doing nothing for me now it just I I did it too much I overdid it well yeah I mean if you think about it you have Gunna who is on video admitting that YSL is a criminal organization and he has seen people do crimes and furtherance of the gang and for the first time he had his own number one song and I believe the song [ __ ] you mean was the biggest stream rap song of 2023 so if you want to say that snitching will end your career or any version of it because you know you could say his gray area with him as well yeah you got to throw that theory out the window because look he's doing better than ever he's out in F you know Paris fashion week right now with all the other celebrities living his best life yeah I mean um I'm not even going to name all the people that are associated with who and but it's just like it it doesn't stop the features the shows [ __ ] is headlining shows with people that have been exp it's just I don't know bro I just I I don't feel like there's any snitching in 2024 I got to find some new [ __ ] to do I hit a million subscribers you know what I mean congrats appreciate I I ran my [ __ ] up but now I got to find a new Lane because this is dead it's just it's not there well I mean the answer though is obvious and the reason is it doesn't matter because 99% of the audience doesn't give a [ __ ] about this and has no relation to these types of situations 99% of the people who Listen to Hip Hop either don't have a criminal record or if they do they don't really have any sort of invested you know any sort of vested interest into a snitching kind of situation uh at the end of the day the legal system is sort of built on the foundation of snitching right if you take snitching out of the legal industry very few people will ever get convicted of anything right it's crazy you'd have to shut down courtrooms you'd have to close prisons like the whole thing is based on cooperations and plea deals right no one really goes to court what was it 5% of cases actually go to court maybe even less well like the FED cases well just no in general like if you look at all the criminal cases what percentage of them actually go to court let's take a look what you mean you mean trial or just court trial I'm not even sure I know for the fair is low as [ __ ] okay so for example in Los Angeles County um well okay actually I don't even have the answer because 15% 85% are resolved by settlement or plea bargain and the remaining 15% are either dismissed or go to trial so I'm sure well let's say half of them get dismissed so you're looking at a single digit situation of people that actually go to trial yeah so before then there's cooperation there's you know bargaining and yeah man listen And as far as I'm concerned in terms of the way I was brought up and my value system if me and you get caught doing a crime I would definitely have to wrestle with myself you know and and I I would not want to go and tell on you so I can get less time you know what I'm saying like like I I would feel okay I did it I'm going to have to take a certain level of responsibility for my role in it now if I get blamed for something you did and I had absolutely nothing to do with it I would probably cooperate you know what I'm saying if I had no you want me to do jail time over something you did that I had zero you know participation in it's going to be pretty hard for me to go and do prison time over something I had nothing to do with that's the streets though that's that's the but that's the streets right in the streets you have to go do that jail time for your homie even though so you won't be labeled to snitch yeah yeah I I don't you know like I said it's it's a little Beyond me but I'm not also from a certain environment and so forth uh at the end of the day it seems like BG is going on with his career and it's not really affecting him all that much at all yep well just the other day the O Block six were found guilty in the murder of FBG Duck this was a Fed case and the six members are C murder age 32 Kenny Mack age 30 Los 32 see thing 24 muwop 24 and tz34 you got to understand that they've been sitting in jail for like two years now yeah so some of these guys that were arrested are like 22 years old like barely able to drink and now they're all facing mandatory life sentences what is your take about this whole case I mean Chicago is one of the rawest examples of I guess modern day gangsters like that was an assassination in one of the most high-end areas in Chicago broad day and he got hit what 20 something times um they said it was $100,000 hit this is something that might be read about a 100 years from now you know what I mean this sounds like a a [ __ ] Al Capone hit and it it just it is what it is you know I don't think the youth understand the meaning of a federal life sentence I don't think they understand what type of life that is and the chances of coming home are so slim and the thing is the the the gang the life that you're living it doesn't end when you get locked up when they get sentenced and they end up at them USPS it doesn't stop you still got to be gangster and in the feds you get caught with a knife they give you more time they give you additional years so now you got life plus seven for a knife you stab somebody life plus 15 for the stabbing they die now you're at adx now you're in a cell with no window you read your mail on the screen the shower comes to your door no human contact like it gets bad and I don't think people look at it like that I think people I think in this day and age people look at it like a [ __ ] sports team you got the fans of vaugh you got the fans of duck people are talking about the score and we're talking about dead people how many have been killed on this side how many been killed on that side it's a game to a lot of people this right here this case is the end of a chapter and what is drill the feud between two of Chicago's biggest rappers is over Dirk and vaugh and they're both gone two major losses on both sides and a huge loss for the culture itself yeah I couldn't even imagine being a 24y old being told that the rest of my life is going to be in a jail cell with men and knives and rapes and violence and you know gangs and so forth it it doesn't it doesn't make any sense to me at all and when they say mandatory life what exactly does mandatory life mean that means that you have to do your life sentence or is there still some wiggle room to get out early uh mandatory life means you have to die you got to die you might not I don't even federally they might not even let you off the [ __ ] property you might get buried in a federal graveyard because that's how they do it in some states you got State grave wa wait wait wait they will bury you in the prison yeah is what you're saying yeah they have prison graveyards where they don't have names on the slabs or nothing you just get get buried see your family can't even visit your grave site not as far as I mean bro a lot of people you got to understand you get a federal life sentence what family is visiting you do does every one of them have kids some of them might not even have kids their bloodline just ended with that life sentence yeah there's nothing for you I personally met people in prison whose whole goal was to get a CO pregnant or a nurse pregnant because they understood when they die their bloodline ends and they just wanted to feel that they would continue on this Earth they don't know what comes after they just wanted to leave something behind and that's something that they struggled with while inside a prison there's kids in prison that ended up catching a body at 15 16 and they're virgins they've never had sex and they go to prison and they got 20 25 years 30 years I mean when you got time like that it's common for those kids to not care do something inside a prison that causes them to get more time and they never go home yeah it's uh it's a disaster and uh the fact that it was done in broad daylight in front of the designer stores in Chicago it was basically the Rodeo Drive of Chicago yeah I mean yeah in the beginning nobody was caught and everything else like that but it you know law moves very slowly everyone has to you know the feds have to line up all their ducks and everything else like that but in such a public place with all these Witnesses with triangulation of cell phones with cameras everywhere okay so you take the license plate off your car they're going to follow that car to wherever it started there's going to be cameras at some point of you driving that car somewhere and they're going to connect the dots then in this case they start pulling everyone's phone records and they started to see the text messages of how the whole thing was set up and yeah okay as a 22 year old $100,000 might seem like a lot of money at that time what are you GNA do with that when you're doing life well that's also how many people was it six of them so that's 100K so six people SPL six yeah 15K 16k a person it's it's a mess bro it's a mess it's unfortunate that it played out how it played out but at the same time people like drill and people like people can deny it all they want and act like it isn't a part of it murder and drill go hand in hand that's what it's talking about this is the reality of it a lot of people just don't envision that everybody thinks that they're going to be the Dirk that makes it out you know what I'm saying and they don't Invision the 2030 dead homies along the way they don't Envision thems getting hit multiple times and bleeding out in the street while the cops are just looking at you I interviewed FBG Duck twice and in both interviews we talked about all the violence that he endured getting shot himself getting stabbed you know his brother getting killed and in both interviews I said yo it's time for you to move out of Chicago and both times he would argue with me and said why he's not going to move out of Chicago and how it's safer for him in Chicago and he knows how to move and and this that and the third the first time you get shot you stay in Chicago mhm the second time you get shot you're still in Chicago MH so you talk about how you know how much you value your life and how how careful you are and how you know people want to hurt you but yet you're still in the same area where these shootings are happening see see what it was I went in the same area like I said you put yourself in somewhere you don't want to be then you got to be ready for what's coming you feel me I was just in the wrong place I want POs to be there and I knew I was supposed to be that you feel me but the second time I got shot I was leaving a liquor store you know [ __ ] followed me I ain't see it coming you feel me [ __ ] got up on me I'm just glad they Ain kill me you feel me [ __ ] shoted me in the leg hey went to the hospital got it wrapped up went to the party okay but it's still Chicago both times right yeah still in Chicago both times okay so so what I'm saying is you see a lot of a lot of Chicago artists who just leave Chicago you know um you know you see you see Chief Keefe he live in Calabasas around where I live you don't you don't see Chief Keef back in Chicago anymore I I don't remember last time I've heard of Chief Keef in Chicago uh you know Durk I think moved to Atlanta um you know was it King yell I think moved to what was it Vegas or something like you see you know BBY and Herb I don't think that they really stay in Chicago all that often anymore either like why why stay in Chicago when these types of shootings are happening see what it is with me like I got more in Chicago probably than they got more in Chicago like it's [ __ ] that I got to make sure I take care of here first before I do anything like you feel me like and plus I ain't I ain't the type of [ __ ] that want to go move to another city cuz I don't I don't trust nobody you feel me I don't trust new people I don't want to hang around new people I don't want no new friends cuz I don't trust nobody mother [ __ ] Could Turn fake on you anywhere you can die anywhere you can get shot anywhere you feel me but it's just like in Chicago I know better you feel me like I know what to do and what don't to do and what not to do you feel me and it's like now how I move around [ __ ] I'm safe you feel me I ain't going to say too much but you know what I'm saying and you would think that okay I'm going to be safe in front of the fendy store right no one's going to shoot me in front of the fendy store but yeah this is basically what happened and you know I I don't like the fact that you know I was right in this case that he should have moved out like you know I like Duck you know we had multiple interviews he's a cool dude I interviewed his mom right afterwards she was in tears over the whole situation but yo like to be in the city where there's so much death and you're dropping songs like dead [ __ ] where you're making fun of the dead people of your enemies you're building up a certain level of hatred where I don't know it gets to the point where people just don't care like okay I know I'm gonna get caught but I hate this guy so much that I'm just gonna throw it all away I'm GNA crash out and look he's dead six people are essentially never going to come outside again all their families are crying right now and so forth it's a it's a mess yeah it's sad I mean this this goes on everywhere just not on as big a scale with you know the famous rappers and stuff this is going on all over the place you got kids crashing out trying to trying to be like their favorite rapper everyone's just under the assumption that they're going to be the one that makes it well uh trenches news uh who has a YouTube channel actually cooperated and took the stand in the trial right yeah so who is trench's news I guess he's somebody that's from Chicago that was around a whole lot of people some people are saying he's lying but apparently he has a lot of insight on what's gone on from O Block to Ducks side 63rd and um people were accusing him of being some type of informant and then it publicly came in the trial that he's cooperating he's been cooperating they said something about he took 20 grand for like a certain amount of years of cooperation I think he denied those claims but and I mean he's kind of like at this point he's standing on it like yeah I did this I did what was right and he's got a YouTube channel he's still talking about everything in Chicago well doesn't anyone know who he is cuz he wears like a pyy mask that actually covers his face yeah so his name has come out all of his mug shots have been released they know who he is he just um he decides to wear the mask I think that's just like a staple at this point yeah crazy I mean people accuse me of being the police but I haven't done no [ __ ] like this ever in life I've never I've never cooperate I'm never Tak the stand on somebody like yo I'm this is not my thing yeah it's it's wild but I mean it also makes you question you know you got a lot of the older rappers that lived that life and now have moved on and preached peace and this and that but nobody ever Praises somebody like him you see what I'm saying you go into another Community an Italian Community or an Irish Community and you know in these certain communities you'll have people that openly will tell no body cars like yeah that's normal that ain't a gangster but in Hip Hop it's it's frowned upon on all levels but then people get mad when people die and kill each other so I don't know well yeah the uh you know the feds actually put out a statement after the guilty verdict they said people have the right to go about their lives and walk the streets in safety free from violence the jury's verdicts today hold that six defendants accountable for a brutal murder that took the life of Carlton Weekley working with our law enforcement Partners our office will continue to prioritize combating the unacceptable level of gang violence in Chicago all too often our residents are held hostage to violence and other dangerous activities on our city streets these convictions show their very real consequences for murder in the city of Chicago today tomorrow and every day going forward yeah I mean the feds uh feds did their job six people got convicted life sentences it's very public it's you know being covered in all the different news outlets I mean this whole thing is you know I mean I understand that it's not just based in music I understand that there's loss of life you know with blame from both sides and everything else like that but at the end of the day you have to walk away from this [ __ ] without losing your own life or your own freedom for the rest of your life like that that's not accomplishing anything okay so so six guys killed FBG Duck or are they getting a prize no you know is there a big payday for it are they even gain that 100,000 promise to them probably not most likely not I think they all just got little chains and you know you get the notoriety I guess I mean some people look at it like look I might get smoked anyway so at least go out with a bang and be remembered for something big and people will look at it like they did some legendary [ __ ] I mean they got duck hey in the craziest way they could have done it it's going to get talked about for years but eventually it's going to be forgotten and that's when people that's when reality hits it's not going to hit in the next five years 10 years 20 30 years down the line that's what [ __ ] gonna be really thinking because we're gonna forget about it by then we're not gonna me and you aren't G to be talking about it in 30 years but those six people are going to be thinking about it yeah H Duck's kids are going to thinking about it and I mean the the feds were so serious they were stepping down on YouTubers about the situation cuz you had SE Nash that actually went to the courthouse while everything was going down they ended up pulling him into a room and questioning him and they tried to say in one of his videos he tried to say something along the lines of are y'all going to handle that either talking about trenches news or FBG butter and the feds were like yeah it sounding to us like uh you want somebody to cause harm to our witness and SE Nash made another video saying it was all just a joke and you know it wasn't serious but the feds are literally pulling YouTubers out of the courtroom pulling them aside and questioning them on their intent and the content that that that they're creating about the case well didn't FBG butter take the ca uh take the stand in this case yeah he he telling on everybody like he done told on like half of Chicago he's telling and catching gun cases while he's telling like he's testifying and then doing interviews on how he's not a [ __ ] for testifying and then catching a gun case and then bonding out and then doing another interview about it like but but is on another level if there was an award for this [ __ ] it's going to butter really is yeah butter is bad and he still is staying in Chicago while all this is happening is this why the the gun cases are popping up I mean that from my understanding yeah wow see that's that that's the danger I just don't understand why people stay like like like like to me they're broke man [ __ ] that I will find a way right it it's better than being dead in jail you know like if I knew that I had a murderer that you know like like for example the key D case yeah right Kei D is sitting in jail right now his house got raided the word was out that there's a grand jury indictment over the case he knows he wrote a book about it and did a bunch of interviews about it they caught him in Vegas they didn't have to go look for him he was right there in that same city if I was involved in Tupac murder and they just raided my house and I still have my passport I'm out I'm out I don't care how much or how little money I had I will do whatever it takes to get out of the country to go to some place that has no extradition cuz I used still have a valid passport can travel around the world and you're going to have to try to get me out of Iran or out of Russia or whatever else and that might be years in the making and it might not even ever happen because a lot of these countries don't cooperate you know I mean when there's no extradition policy I mean it's one thing to have no extradition policy because I actually looked this up recently but there's another where there's certain countries that are actually purposely not going to cooperate with the US yeah because there's a you know adversarial stance between the two countries right you go to Iran if you could make it into Iran there's no way they're going to give you allow the us to come in and take you yeah you Russia if you end up like like you know Edward Snowden you know after he got caught with all those you know the the leaking of the files and everything he went to Russia and that's the end of the story yeah and he's doing interviews and you know yeah I mean he's probably not living the best life but he's not in prison so I I don't I don't really know man but well speaking of Kefi D what's your take on that whole thing I mean I feel like he wanted to profit off of the situation because he never profited off of the situation he was supposedly supposed to receive a certain amount of money he never got the money and um he wanted to sell the story and he sold himself into a murder case right so he's in in jail right now and recently the judge gave him a $750,000 bail now if he can come up with that then he can get house arrest until the trial which is middle of next year or no actually middle of this year sometime but from what I understand he doesn't have that type of money is it is it the whole 750 or is it 10% I mean it could be 10% but don't you have to put up something I mean don't you have to have they're not just going to give you 10% you got to put something as collateral as well right I'm not sure I never if I ever went to jail I never got out okay yeah I mean they could give you the 10% but you know like if he comes up with 75,000 potentially you can get a bond but the understanding is is that if he ends up leaving the country the the bail bondsman is going to be on you know is going to have that 750,000 he's going to have to pay back to the courts so they're not just going to give you $675,000 without some level of collateral there there's usually a process with this unless you're like in such high standing and you have so many assets that they know they could whatever he's gonna have to either put up someone's gonna have to put up a house he's gonna rely on you he's gonna say hey Vlad I'm gonna do five interviews with you and only you five interviews we're going to get this going right well you know you know what's funny is that actually before he got arrested uh he approached me to do another interview and asked for a deposit this time usually we just pay him after the fact but he asked for a deposit it wasn't that much money and I knew what was going to happen I'm like okay he's probably gonna get arrested and I'm never going to see this money again but whatever whatever we've done two interviews the interviews have done well like I don't really care um but yeah he asked me and a couple other uh platforms and got some money from a bunch of different people but it wasn't that much not enough to to go to Iran you know what I mean I mean any anything counts when you're locked up so yeah yeah maybe that was just his commissary money that he was putting together uh I don't know do you think that he'll be convicted uh I mean I don't know I don't know to be honest if he doesn't have the money for a raw legal team most likely um because that's really what matters you know and it's like everybody jumps on oh I want to I want to bond out I want to get on house arrest I want to do you got to make sure that that lawyer is secured first because that's I'd rather be in jail with a fire lawyer then be free with a public defender because that's really what's going to make the [ __ ] difference so if he doesn't have the right legal team he's most likely [ __ ] well yeah at one point he needed a a public defender like a court appointed attorney but then I believe he got his main lawyer back which is like the original lawyer that was around when he first got arrested way back in the today um I don't know uh there were some some recent news that they were trying to say that uh him and his son were threatening to kill a witness or something like that they they use the term green light but from what I understand they're trying to twist their words around a little bit you know I think I think that they were talking about themselves having a green light as opposed to someone else and you know they're trying to basically twist a slang around um yeah I mean there's a rumor that he got beat up in jail not sure if that's true or not but ultimately you know like me and Greg ktie this is the guy that got the first confession from him right you know whatever 15 years ago what what we essentially both agreed on was that his entire case from top to bottom is going to rest on him saying that everything he said was for entertainment purposes only and it was just a way to make some money or to get out of prison which originally he had a PCP charge so he's basically saying that the whole thing is made up and you know it was just a way to make a few dollars by trolling on the internet now if the jury buys that he'll walk free yeah if the jury doesn't buy it then he's probably gonna do the rest of his life in prison yeah I I don't think they're going to buy it but that's just my opinion you know what I'm saying I'm not rooting for them either way but it's just like he talked too much he said way too much so yeah I mean we'll see what happens uh I think by sometime in 2024 we'll probably figure it out one way or another we'll we'll see I mean but at this point he's like 61 years old I mean in a murder case you're not going to plead out to like probation you know something something this serious he placed himself in the car he was saying he handled of the gun to Orlando like he basically made himself a participant in this crime he didn't just say that you know yeah I was driving suddenly someone pulled out a gun and started shooting and I had no idea that this was going to happen he he put himself in the conspiracy of it all and yeah it come down to a plea deal or or a jury verdict one of the two yeah I mean at his age like the best outcome you can have for killing a [ __ ] is like the best outcome is manslaughter which usually is going to come with 10 if you get hit with a second deegree murder 15 years is incredible but at his age it could be a death sentence so it's like yeah he doesn't have the the life to spare he doesn't have the years to throw away oh yeah all he had to do because you know listen Greg kading when he got the confession it was secretly recorded and when when Greg retired from the LAPD he went to Kefi and said I'm putting out the audio footage and I'm writing a book and doing a documentary so it all came out and yeah he probably looked like a snitch to certain you know people in his community and so forth but if he had just said okay fine this is how you feel I'm G to go on living my life I'm going to keep my mouth shut he would be out right now right hanging out in Vegas Living his life no one would really know what he looks like because he's not doing interviews or putting his face out there and he just go about go to the grocery store and like it never happened but that pride pride is the downfall of man yeah so yep well we're talking about Chicago and you would actually put out some information on King yella yeah okay so tell me exactly what happened well King yella uh you know he likes to do interviews um and he basically sat down with the police and gave them a whole [ __ ] interview on all of his Ops and they asking him who's in what gang and he's saying oh offsets of GD and 600 Breezies a BD uh Dirk a bey snap dog [ __ ] with Dirk this happened this happened this happened because of this happened he just um he went in there and said everything he was in there talking to the police like like they was his [ __ ] friends and I ended up finding the paperwork well what was he talking to the police for in the first place uh it was a voluntary statement well I mean you don't just voluntarily walk into a police station and start talking I mean did he get arrested did he get arrested for something else or yeah so he was packed in a handicap spot in Las Vegas um that that's what set this off and then they ended up finding a 380 on him that I think had like three bullets in it um I was surprised by that because he's from Chicago like that's home of the switches and 30s and he got three bullets in his gun um and a lot of people actually ignored this but they asked him where'd he get the gun and he said my girl bought it she bought it from a gun store and a lot of people said you know oh no that ain't snitching when you put it on your girl yeah if she's with you she wasn't with him it was just him so you literally telling the police who supplied you with a [ __ ] firearm now they take him to the station and he gives a voluntary statement and they're asking him about all this other [ __ ] what'll happen when Addis come to Las Vegas is he going to press the issue you what happened with him and 600 Breezy inside of the mall they're asking him about what gangs are in the area what gangs he Associates with and who's basically in what and you know his excuse for this was everybody knows that but see this is the thing when they're trying to prove somebody as a gang member in court they get one or two people they either get a gang expert which is a detective or they gu somebody that's snitching that's tapped in with the streets so in this case you're confirming who the [ __ ] is in a gang and what gang they're in and at the same time this is King yella the one that dropped the song about rats I forget what the title of the song was but he dissed Gunner he dissed Boston Richie he dissed 69ine he says he doesn't make any statements he lets the lawyers talk for him and you know this is what came out well okay to be fair I've interviewed yellow before I think once long time ago let's say for example 600 Breezy he said that 600 Breezy is a black disciple mhm well in my interview 600 Breezy talking about how he switched from G BD when he was when he was younger and he's a he's a black disciple I mean you don't really need King yell to say this when the actual person is saying it themselves and I mean I've never heard of the whole offset thing but Dirk and all them they they've mentioned their gang alliances through various songs and interviews and stuff like that right well Dirk has publicly denounced his gang affiliation and that was one of the big things with the case that him and vaugh had in Atlanta was him denouncing the affiliation so at the end of the day no matter what somebody says if you as a gang member are confirming to police who is in what gang what the [ __ ] are you doing what how is that helping you in that little [ __ ] ass gun case you just caught what is that doing for you why are you even talking about about that with the police and the reason so many people got on his ass is because how much he talks about everyone else in similar situations so he went off on Gunner for everything that Gunner did and Gunner saying YSL is a gang but when it came to him naming multiple gang members confirming the status of what they are he wanted to say oh I didn't snitch I just said public knowledge well he addressed it he said did anyone go to jail what the [ __ ] does that mean I could call one800 tips right now and say some [ __ ] just because nobody got booked that doesn't mean I didn't just snitch the [ __ ] does having someone going to jail have to do with it that means you completed the mission there's snitches that fail too so it's like just because nobody went to jail that doesn't make you [ __ ] you know what I mean that has nothing to it yeah well we know social media had a feeli day they started calling him King Ta yeah the internet undefeated they gonna come up with some [ __ ] quick undefeated uh listen man it's it's hard like I don't you know you're you're minding your business you got this gun that you shouldn't have that you don't own that you're not registered with you rolling around Las Vegas and Las Vegas is one of these places that they let so many things slide from prostitution to gambling to you could legally have like a hundred guns when you do something outside of those very loose rules they they will come down hard on you yeah and I mean not only that but it's a major tourist attraction yeah so for you to think you're GNA move around and make a [ __ ] uncomfortable you [ __ ] with everybody's money they're going to get rid of you they're going to get you out of that situation and then not even that but everybody he hanging out with in LA or in Las Vegas is a [ __ ] rat skinny from the nine his interrogation Ben got posted when he snitched for shooting a flag gun at somebody's house and then um KP Max's fake dad whatever his name is I forget it he testified in his federal case against multiple people multiple people that are still serving time right now so it's like it ain't even just you that got bad paperwork it's everybody that you with so it makes sense that it makes sense that he's not he's talking about the Gunners and this and that but you're not talking about the people that's in your own Circle well and also when you look like King yell and your whole face is tatted up you are a police magnet you are a magnet for law enforce me you know it's not like if I was you know if I was Park in a handicap I doubt the police would search my car right let's just let's just call it for what it is uh but if I had a bunch of face tattoos they probably might search my car right yeah that's just how life works is it fair no cuz my face tattoos could be anything it could be you know my artwork it could be I'm a painter Maybe maybe it's my religion but at the end of the day you get a bunch of face and you have face tats I mean do you feel like the police mess with you more cuz you're face tat um no no no I've I've honestly since I started YouTube I've had like zero interactions with the police I got pulled over once I've only been pulled over one time in my life my C didn't get searched or nothing he I literally told him this the first time I've ever been pulled over cuz I got tense I don't get [ __ ] with like that but then again I'm not really doing anything I'm not in those areas anymore you know what I mean so it's like I don't know maybe it's just the the energy you give off because when you got something on you you're not supposed to have you you kind of you're a little sketchy you know what I'm saying you feel it cuz you know you ain't supposed to have that [ __ ] and the police are trained to to pick up on certain things you know what I'm saying but if you're going to be a dumb [ __ ] and have a gun on you and packing a handicap spot it's your own [ __ ] fault you can't carry [ __ ] you're not supposed to have and be speeding and your license is suspended and you got to have all your [ __ ] together otherwise any little thing you're going to get [ __ ] with but I I have that's that's crazy yeah I mean now that you mention it to have an illegal gun in your car and park in a handicap spot is insane when you really take a step back and look at it it's insane yeah so now they're looking at you like oh it ain't that you're not artistic you're [ __ ] autistic like you're not even thinking out here you just tatted your whole face because you're [ __ ] you know what I mean like it's just they're going to look at you for what you are well you made a video about a guy named Big Mike and some affiliation that he had with King Von yeah so what exactly happened there Big Mike was from oblock and um he claims that a lot of what vaugh became was due to him that he was like a you know not a brother but a figure that V looked up to he was older than v a mentor a mentor yeah a mentor in the streets more or less Mike has his own reputation he's also the brother of woi who vaugh had a notorious beef with and um Big Mike caught the murder case with vau V's very first murder allegedly uh the case that he went to jail for when I think he was 19 and Big Mike snitched in the case vaugh would go on to talk about it in songs and on Instagram lives and Mike just came home okay and he cooperated in in what way oh he told every [ __ ] thing he told the whole story from A to B okay so I mean it was down to the point that hey vaugh called me for backup we went to the party we ran through the gang way vaugh opened fire when I turned the corner one dude was already dead V kept chasing the other guy van was saying why you running while shooting at the guy like he gave up the whole story and I mean he admitted to shooting a gun he ended up getting time vaugh ended up beating the case crazy yeah well rest in peace King Von man we were supposed to have interview with him right before he passed I would have loved to actually sit down with him yeah that would have been one of the biggest interviews ever um but yeah that whole situation was was definitely tragic and to see it all unfold on video and you see all the surveillance footage and everything else like that yeah it was it was a whole mess speaking of King Von uh quando Rondo got arrested recently right and you made a video about it uh yeah I've covered the quandoo situation a little bit and um I've even spoken to him behind the scenes and I mean basically the feds just doubl down on his case he already had it as a state case and then it just became Federal okay what is he being charged with exactly I believe the FED case was just like selling weed now the state case they're trying to say that he's a leader of the Rolland 60s Crips he's using communication devices to set up sales and this and that um the FED case didn't really mention the gang aspect more so just the selling drugs and there's some Firearms involved in the situation but for him I think it was just solely drugs okay I mean Kanan orando has a project with NBA young boy uh he's got a real fan base I remember booy talked about howw was actually pulling up to his party and then sudden the FED swooped in and arrested arrested him he said it was like a movie it was like like crazy dude came out there and say kwando fa to come [ __ ] with you quando on the way up here to [ __ ] with you you [ __ ] withw he's one of your movies yeah yeah I [ __ ] with clo and uh man bro this [ __ ] was like a like a movie bro couple his little his Partners pull up like quandoo fa pull up wooo woo we waiting on quandoo to pull up they like the police got quandoo down the street outside down the street the FED taking them to jail I was like [ __ ] I was like [ __ ] I a I ain't even get to see it man and when we hear about it when we got to the uh the other spot to eat we like this [ __ ] might have been lying next morning I see it bro and in fact I think uh quando a couple years ago even said that he's throwing his flag down he doesn't want have anything to do with the rolling 60s he's not gang affiliated whatever else I don't know if he knew something was coming down the line but I don't know is this something that he's arrested for recently or is this from something years and years ago they're trying to dig up and and get him with so as far as I can remember is recent um within the last couple of years with the gang situation I think that was more so because of how things were playing out for him I mean one of his friends was killed in La which is literally the home of where his gang come from you know what I mean so it's like he can be official where he's from in Georgia but when you go to other states other states play differently or they they want you to pay homage or they want you to literally pay and you know if you go out there and something happens to one of your people you're most likely going to start looking at everybody a little differently so I think he tried to separate himself for himself and for his career but unfortunately the affiliation is something now that the courts are pushing so even if he isn't involved with them in the court eyes he's a leader well yeah I mean he claimed that he saw the paperwork and someone in a circle snitched yeah uh which which often times this is this is what happen happens uh you know free Arab people like to say that my interview somehow got him convicted my interview had nothing to do with his convic someone in his crew fully cooperated cooperated on everything became the star witness and when you have someone in a situation like that and they provve that he was around and everything else like that it's hard to get over [ __ ] like that man uh man I mean I've interviewed quando Rondo before early on uh I think he's a dope artist in fact I think that that project you did with NBA young boy is probably one of my favorite young boy projects period thought it was great and uh to see this at this point man it's yeah man sad yeah I mean that and then what happened with vau you know obviously had a huge impact on his career um and it chose a lot it made a lot of people choose sides in that situation and it's unfortunate that things play out like that even with the fans and you know at one point they were cool everything was cordial so I'm sure he wishes none of that [ __ ] ever happened and um you know it's crazy how it played out yeah I mean it was a fist fight that turned into a murder turned into multiple murders I believe and and multiple people getting shot it it was a train wreck yeah I mean that and then that and what came from that because then it became okay quandoo what are you going to do are you going to stand on it are you going to try to play peacefully because even if he came out and said yo I don't want you know what I'm saying that would have took an effect on his career because people would have looked at him like he's not like that he ends up standing on it he's done some music videos dissing people and had someone recreated to look like dark and it just became a real bad situation because he he had to essentially stand on what happened in a disrespectful manner to keep the image to preserve his career yeah I mean listen if you look at just take a step back right take it take a look at all the top rappers right now none of them are gangsters Drake Jak Cole Kendrick none of these are gangster rappers in fact outside of Kendrick two well okay Dre grew up middle class yeah jcole you know grew up in a you know in a lower class Community single mom and stuff like that but never really claimed any sort of gangster type activity or never claimed to be a tough guy Kendrick same thing grew up in Compton around a lot of gangs but never claimed any sort of gang banging himself so if you look at all the people that are making the hundreds of Millions None of them are trying to create this image for themselves not a single one so if you really want to make the big money you don't have to hold on to this image that's just hurting yourself in the process yeah you know your talent will rise above all that if you have the talent now if you want to take the shortcut you know that's the thing if you have the talent it's a lot easier people to become known through dsing and yeah you know I'm say even criminal cases yeah well uh honeycomb bra he came home and then just got caught with another gun charge yeah and from what I understand I saw like a post he basically said like fake ass security had a gun that I didn't know about or something like that so you know he's out you know he's a felon that's out on bond or or bail or probation or something I forgot what it was um well he got out of prison I think he was on Parole or something he was on something but you know he signed to them boys out of Texas they sent the security Squad to him uh they sent them a bulletproof Escalade and two guards one of his security guards was a convicted felon couldn't have guns at all the other security gu was real security but come to find out a few months prior got a uh what's it called when a girl puts it on you when you can't go near her restraining order right so she she put a restraining order on him part of the stipulation was for the duration of the restraining order he can't have guns wow he never told anybody so he's basically convicted felon so when they get pulled over in the C you know they smell weed whatever whatever they take out the main security guy they ask him is their guns in the car because he gets out with a vest on and he's like yeah there's a gun under my seat and there's a rifle in the back or an AI pistol in the back when they search the vehicle honeycomb bra is sitting in the back with the other security guide and then behind them is another row that's where the AI pistol is lying because honeycomb could have reached back and grabbed it they hit him with the gun charge oh so it's not even so much that someone else in the car had a gun there was a third gun that was just lying there no that was the second gun oh that was the second gun okay so there's a second gun that was just lying there yeah the driver had his under his seat and then there was an AI pistol in the back and that's how they got brazy and what's [ __ ] up about it is no one else spoke up h no one claimed it no one so everybody goes down wait so the security guards that were hired for him are not claiming a gun that they came with exactly wow that's wild but I mean won't something like this come out in court like listen these are security guards they came with a gun I'm going to say on the record that I saw him put the gun in the car but is it does that not matter because he's not supposed to be guns and there's a gun within reaching distance or well the the conspiracy theory is they got bra out the way because brazy and finesse assigned to the same person and as soon as brazy came out he went to disant finesse and as soon as brazy got arrested finesse made a post saying I don't even have to kill my enemies 48 Laws of Power like he's celebrating the arrest of honeycom braz so you think that he got set up I mean but I can't imagine a label setting up their own artist to go back to pron that's that's the conspiracy theory but what kind of label sends you a convicted felon as a security guard well maybe they just don't know maybe this is their go-to security guy and they don't know listen I have go-to security guys okay like this could happen to me if one of my go-to guys gets into some [ __ ] with this girl and isn't allowed to carry a gun he's not can't tell me that he still wants the checks that I'm giving him and I get caught up in the exact same way you know this is why a lot of times I like to use like X cops and stuff or you know actual cops or retired cops because I know that they're at least going to be a lot more conscientious about their guns right you know what I'm saying but yeah man this is a this is a mess man I hope he gets out because sounds like he didn't even do anything wrong well this is the [ __ ] up part about it his criminal history um is worse than anyone else he was in the vehicle with because of his criminal history and the fact that he has a Fed case he could possibly be hit with the arm career criminal act and face a mandatory or a minimum 15 years uh in federal prison damn 15 years yeah wow wow that's sad man that's s CU it seem like people rock with him yeah an excitement when he got out and now man well uh Yo Gotti's brother big Juke got killed in Memphis yeah after leaving a funeral I think they said his mom was around him when he got shot I'm not sure to be honest with you I haven't even done my homework on that situation it's just an unfortunate uh an unfortunate thing a lot of people bringing it back to the Dolph situation I I I don't really know to be honest yeah I actually looked it up that there's a there's an article that basically said that you know their mother was in the car before he was killed and she ran out of the car before the the shooting started or something of that sort but uh yeah listen I don't know I don't know these Memphis guys at all I've never even been to Memphis last I checked but but from the outside looking in this sounds like the young Dolph murder is still continuing its you know its path of of murdering Mayhem you know get back and everything else like that and Dolph died a year and a half ago yeah and now you got now you got Yo Gotti's brother dead I think Yo Gotti's restaurant got shot up right afterwards a whole bunch of people have gotten arrested yeah man situation it gets deep even the guy that allegedly put the murder together his daughter got gunned down yeah um there's been a lot of killing behind it but that's just what comes with it unfortunately and I highly doubt that this is going to be the end of it yeah yeah until well no I mean I mean people get convicted but then there's still lots of people that are out that are still that are still going and you know the sad part is I remember uh you know I had crunchy black on my show we were talking about this and from what he understands being a Memphis OG he say that all this started over a girl that's how a lot of [ __ ] starts yeah that I mean people said that about vaugh and young boy yeah so it's like that's how a lot of [ __ ] starts yeah that's one of the fastest Ways to Die bro I mean that's why me personally I never [ __ ] with a female that's married or something cuz that's one of the fastest ways to get yourself killed or into a crazy situation and most times it's not even your main girl like Dolph got a baby mother with who I think had all his kids and you know Gotti is you know messing with Angela Simmons and you know what I'm saying not to say that Gotti had anything to do with it I'm just saying that this is from the outside looking in yeah but it's like it's probably some side chick that someone had you know pillow talking and they thing you know people are dying over that dumb [ __ ] but at the end of the day the girl don't even matter yeah I can imagine if it's your wife it's your mother it's your daughter okay now now we got actual real problems I'm I have to see this person every day this is someone I I have very deep feelings for we have a you know a very strong connection you can't just do whatever you feel like doing but if it's just some chick you [ __ ] on the side whatever not going to die over this [ __ ] I'm not gonna go to jail over this [ __ ] [ __ ] her get a new one it's Pride bro [ __ ] don't even look at it like that they look at it like you disrespecting them and once that happens [ __ ] can't let it go they willing to kill over it well I guarantee you right now that Yo Gotti if that's the truth he wishes that he had just let it go now he's missing his brother yeah and his mother is now traumatized seeing her son get killed in front of her well now they got to figure out another funeral and how they're going to pull that funeral off right without that getting shot up probably best to skip the funeral funerals ain't even safe anything there's nothing you know what I'm saying everything's off limit there's no way you're safe so was like I don't know yeah or have the funeral somewhere else go to a different state you don't have to bury that person in Memphis like it's a funeral whatever it's a [ __ ] you know I pay to get my dad buried but I don't think I've ever gone to his grave site to be honest yeah yeah I never have I mean it's a it's a it's a piece of concrete of the dead body you know underneath it like it's not he's no longer here you know if I thought there's any level of danger of going to this funeral I would have just had it somewhere else yeah you know not tell anybody well the ymw Melly trial we talked about this last time it got delayed for a third time since our last interview and they're not actually sure when it's going to start right and they've dragged your name into it again yeah again so what's the the most recent you know 1090 Jake affiliation with this case um so they really there isn't any affiliation uh the detective Danny Polo who got exposed um he keep bringing me up and he wants to use an interview that I did with you and that I did with that I did with no jumper um that have nothing to do with Melly the interviews we're not even talking about Melly it's me telling my life story and there's like five or six more other YouTube videos one of them is seven rappers that got ran down on um they got some other videos of Melly that I have to do with his affiliation they got me exposing the island boys I think what he's going for is Melly must be this gangster rapper because he's never been exposed and he's never been ran down on how come Jake didn't treat Melly like the island boys how come this rapper got ran down on but Melly didn't I think that's the angle he's going for what the [ __ ] that has to do with the murder case I have no [ __ ] idea why I'm brought up I don't know melly's lawyer said that he's a crazed fan of mine so that's basically the situation but yeah I'm I'm in the case okay well if they approach me about this [ __ ] I'm not cooperating on any level yeah you can't have my raw footage or whatever else you know what I'm saying I'm not playing along with this uh I'm sorry that you're getting dragged in through my interview but sounds like you know sounds like that's not the only thing they're trying to grasp the straws with um yeah I mean listen he had a a mistrial you know a hung jury the first time he's been locked up for what over three years now right it's been a while and I mean honestly the the worst update about his case isn't even the evidence it's the witness tampering yeah you talked about that last time which has the life sentence in Florida yeah that right there um that might turn out worse for him than the actual murder case right you know I just interviewed Fredo bang who is actually you know good friends with Melly Melly went to Fredo's house after the alleged incident yeah and I guess you know and I talked to Fredo about this one of his songs he was saying how they subpoena him in the case and he just wasn't cooperating they had to like re subpoena him and then but ended up not working or whatever else so he just trying to stay away from this [ __ ] well you dropped a song since our last interview called free Melly and you got some lines in there yeah said uh don't want to talk to feds probably got my digits free Melly it been love since the beginning talk about subpoena tell the lady a talk about subpoena tell that lady I ain't get it yeah if you ask my name been in it I ain't in it put some respect on my name when you spit it so so talk about that line what does that mean exactly Which F well talk about subpoena tell the lady I ain't get it I a't get it so did you get subpoena for that trial um I did and then but then they had to rein me okay but they Ain never ah but I remember you you said that you're not cooperating in this thing yeah no I don't know nothing I'm really getting dragged into it I'm really tired of it you know what I'm saying like I whatever I say I'm at at the house eating McDonald's with my kitties yeah I'm just I'm just being a dad right now I don't got nothing to do with this stuff he doesn't know anything you know what I mean he's not he wasn't there he wasn't you know it's not like Melly showed up and just told him you know everything that happened you know I mean I'm sure you're keeping your mouth shut you know at that point and you know if it even happened because we don't know that it really happened at this point Melly is innocent at this very moment but he's been sitting in jail for I think three to five years it's been a while it's been a while you know I thought he would get a bond after the the mistrial but no no they W him and I mean they got the prosecutor they have now is the one that prosecuted the XXX case and got those four life or three of them got life sentences one got a short amount he basically snitched his way out and that kid that snitched in that case is a witness in this case now in what way I have no idea I don't know if they had an interaction inside of jail I don't know what happened but that prosecutor who prosecuted that case not only has the same same gang expert but she brought the biggest snitch from that case the only snitch into Melly and he's cooperating in the Melly case mean why not you cooperate in the actual murder case of with your friends you might as well the thing that that was to get himself a deal yeah there's no benefit to this this is just there might be there might be I mean you know cuz well lot of times won't they you know you could get out earlier if you show that you've been a model inmate and you cooperate on other cases and stuff like that I mean all these are little check marks for you right I mean I think in the feds not in the state in the state once you get hit you get hit you know what I mean like the state isn't as it's not like that're bringing down the mafia in the State of Florida you know what I'm saying it's just like little gang [ __ ] you know what I mean so he got like four years or whatever it was in state prison got out I think he's got like 20 years of probation so unless he's trying to snitch off the probation I don't know but he's in the case well speaking of Florida uh Kodak Black is back in jail yeah did you follow this case I've looked into it yeah so from what I understand they found him in his car sleep high off some drug yeah when they originally arrested him I guess they said it was cocaine but they went back and said no it's not cocaine it's oxy yeah from what I heard um they said he was eating it or trying to do something along those lines but then they also say in his defense he was pked outside of a friend's house and like you said he was actually prescribed the drug that they found so he had a Fed case but now it's going back to State because of that new evidence that it wasn't cocaine and apparently he's prescribed what he was caught with me personally I hope that you know the time that he's in there he's able to sober up and get his mind right so that when he comes home it's a better improved Kodak you know jail nobody wants to go to jail but sometimes that mental Clarity of being inside of there and being sober can do something for you where you can get a positive effect I think a lot of us have seen kodak's been going through some [ __ ] he doesn't seem sober I don't even think the 69ine thing was done with a sober mind hopefully that this situation can have some type of positive impact well if you get pulled over with a drug do you have a prescription for why are you in jail I have no idea I mean maybe it wasn't in the proper container maybe because of what he was doing the police thought it was illegal I'm not sure what the situation is but then again he's a big name where he's from maybe those those officers felt a certain type of way about him there's a lot of corruption in brow County so I wouldn't be surprised if somebody got it off for him well yeah they're saying that because you know Trump pardoned him they're saying that he might have to serve out that original sentence I don't think that's going to happen because that was Federal and he's already being sent back to briwood County ah so the FED aspect is getting dropped and if the feds are dropping it the state is most likely going to be dropping it Bradford Cohen the lawyer he got does not [ __ ] off this is the lawyer that you want if you're in Florida so it's like I mean this dude's represented Melly P shyy the list goes on I'm pretty sure he got this situation covered yeah I mean look I've said this before I feel like Kodak Black is this generation's DMX someone who has a huge fan base who's loved by fans who has big songs who has drug issues that he can't seem to kick and is always in and out of jail in and out of rehab and continuously struggling with it and yeah when you're young and you know you're vibrant this works out you could get by with it you could bounce back or whatever else but as you start getting older and losing more of your teeth and you know the the Styles have moved on it's it's going to go on a very downhill path you know so hopefully he you're right hopefully in jail he can kick it but then again getting drugs in jail especially if you're Kodak Black is probably not all that hard it depends if they're holding him in confinement then he's not getting [ __ ] feel you well uh his friend psycho Bob you would actually posted an interrogation video yeah but what was that about um somebody made a video accusing psycho Bob a snitching and I actually looked into the case uh read all the pap paperwork decided to pull the interrogation and psycho Bob held it down he didn't say [ __ ] so you know I wanted to post that uh just to shout out a real [Music] one yeah I mean he's still locked up his mother got killed last time you know we did our interview uh yeah man so so him and Kodak blacker locked up right now yeah and I mean that's that was another aspect as to why I wanted to put the interrogation video out because um when you say somebody's a snitch and you expose them you know on the street it doesn't do anything when you do that to somebody that's in a federal prison that can lead to some [ __ ] yeah so um you know we heard about the Glock n situation so you know it's good to to clear somebody's name before something turns into something that it doesn't need to be well the the Young Thug YSL trial is still underway yeah and uh right now the the YSL co-founder tick has been on the stand yeah so the amusing part about all this is like uh the acronyms so according to tick slime stands for slug love love I me everything he clearly did not think this went out yeah I mean slug love I me everything if uh if somebody was to testify on me I would hope it's him because the the the information that he's given to the state is [ __ ] useless so um you know if that's his truth and that's the truth that he has to offer it is what it I I don't even know if that's snitching what he's doing because it's like he's on the stand but the [ __ ] that he's saying I don't know yeah you know the thing that gets me about watching him on the stand is like I don't know anything about the YSL guys I've never interviewed any of them uh uh you know I have no affiliation with them uh I've interviewed Luchi a couple of times you know free Luchi I hope he pulls through but yeah Young Thug and that crew I've never had I've never even been never even had a conversation with them I may have been in the same room with some of them but yeah as Thug but n we've never even had a conversations before but seeing this guy on the stand this guy tick who is allegedly the YSL co-founder I'm sure that at his height on the street he was this feared individual oh that's the YSL co-founder guy who's down with Young Thug and he's got all these people around him and everything else like that seeing this guy on the stand with his gray hair he looks like a teenager a scared teenager he looks terrified knowing that every single word that he says is being recorded and broadcast to the world he's going to have to go back to jail to deal with whatever repercussions from that day a testimony he has to come up with ridiculous acronyms like slug glove I iy everything a and it just shows like you know all that tough guy [ __ ] just goes away it's all a facade you think so man seeing him on that stand he looks terrified I'm I'mma Be honest with you right when I went to jail for the first time in the county we got wristbands and on The Wristband it's going to say your name your inmate number and it's going to have your mug shot and when you see somebody's mug shot just from the neck up you might think that that [ __ ] small looks scared this and that but they a straight killer inside of the dorm you know what I mean so like for me I don't know Looks Could Be the CE him maybe he is trying to put on an image for the benefit of whatever's going on I I understand all that I'm not saying this guy is soft I'm not saying he he's not a gangster or anything else like that but I I do know people at 50 years old I I can see people's energy he he would be any he would rather be anywhere on Earth than on that stand right now oh yeah yeah that that he can't be tough on that stand he can't be gangster on he can't intimidate anybody on that stand the people harassing him those questions that he has to answer have all the power over him right he can't jump over and attack him physically that's G to just make it worse and it it just sort of shows where a lot of this gangster tough guy stuff ends up with you on the stand scared to death knowing that the wrong word is going to send you away forever you know what I mean being being questioned by a person who you wouldn't even talk to in the real world yeah and you have to answer all their questions like like you're a you're a a student in high school you know what I mean it's just you know that whole trial too is a [ __ ] circus like it's insane like remember like the video feed got hacked at one point yeah and then some guy that sound like he was from like England or something was like free young thug Mist trial with like a really deep accent and everything else like that and now uh the the state actually uh asked for uh you know a motion to turn off all the video Feats yeah I mean how do you think this thing will end up do you think that that Thug will end up getting convicted over this or do you think there's such a circus that he'll Go free well this is the thing um if that courtroom is used to be in the circus then that's just how it functions it could still end with him getting [ __ ] it just it might look worse than other cities and states how they do things over there but I think I think th got a shot I think he got a shot really yeah I mean he's got the best lawyer in Georgia you know um you know I mean look and he said that Thug stands for truly humble under God I mean did jurries ever buy this Ridiculousness slug love I me everything truly humble under God like does anyone really buy this I don't know maybe yeah and then you know uh the da uh fonnie Willis she's got a whole set of problems herself uh they're saying that the the victim nut who got killed over this whole alleged beef situation that she was dating him and this is like a personal thing for her now in the Trump RICO case she was saying that she was messing around with one of the prosecutors also and they're trying to you know listen I mean you're going up against millionaires multi- multi-millionaires with all the money in the world to fight for their freedom yeah all the money in the world Trump could fund rais to make an extra 2030 million in an afternoon to get all types of private investigators and and whoever else to come in you know it was funny Trump actually posted my um Sammy the bull uh interview on his Instagram yeah oh yeah that came out of nowhere basically it was a clip Sammy the bull was saying how they tried to bribe him to lie about Trump's mob affiliations which he had none and like Steve wi um you know try to send some guys to get uh Sammy to say that Trump had mob affiliation so he couldn't open a hotel casino in Vegas and Samy was like I don't you know I was never able to get to him you want him to lie how much you gonna pay me for lying they're like oh well you know these are like X FBI just like oh no we're not saying lieing like well if you want him to lie how much you going to pay me for lying I can lie if you want but how would you Steve would go pay me oh it was my son's restaurant that whole thing disappeared what I was just talking about um two agents ex agents big Nam agents I can't remember their name uh but he's a big name and he came and talked to me he says I'm retired I work for Steve wi um who owns the win casinos in Las Vegas who owns the win casinos billionaire he had casinos even in Atlantic City Trump moved into Atlantic City and was his competitor and now he's going to go to Vegas and open up his casinos so these agents wanted me to tell them something about Trump so that uh he they can go in front of the gaming commission and he wouldn't be able to get a license in Vegas and he would lose his license in um Atlantic City got it so they wanted you to say that Trump was somehow tied to the mafia because when it comes to these gaming licenses if you're at all Mafia Affiliated they'll just they'll just shut you down right because basically the mafia started the casinos in Vegas to begin with so right they don't want a piece of that so they said Sammy it's very important to Steve went very important tell us something anything and I said uh you want to be I lie I'll tell you a lie come on Sammy We're ex agents well I just told you I don't know and I tried to get to him once and I couldn't get to him but let me ask you a question Steve win is heavyweight no casinos and all kinds of [ __ ] if I tell you something that hurts Trump do I get a piece of the casino do I get a very big important job in the casino right then maybe uh if he wants me to lie what's his offer yeah Sammy we we can't use the word lie I don't give a [ __ ] what you could use I told you four times I don't know if the guy ever did anything illegitimate right he didn't do with me and I tried to get into his pockets a little bit but he wouldn't budge and I'm not an idiot I'm not going to go up and gorilla a guy I just walked away and then Trump trump posted that to show how he's innocent and how the you know the judges people are actually what's weird is that people are saying that it's kind of a Veiled Threat to the judges by having this Mafia Hitman kind of speak on his behalf it's sort of like a veil threat in a way I I don't know man it's crazy you get deep I mean with Fanny I feel like she bit off more than she could chew yeah I agree she was trying to do the most and now it's starting to to backfire yeah no I mean she went overboard I mean she she arrested a million people all of them were still in jail you know it's yeah the trial took forever to start and uh doesn't seem like it's over anytime soon seem like we got months to go so I mean we we'll see what happens we'll see what happens uh blueface is back in jail yeah I guess it was a probation violation do you know the details about this I don't know the details I know that he's in the most toxic relationships in America right I'm pretty sure that's what did it uh yeah I mean I guess allegedly he won't be out until the summer I mean that's not too bad but I already heard they said cran rock is saying she loves him and misses him and she pulled up and the baby was just on the seat no no like baby seat nothing just the baby just laying on the seat and I mean the [ __ ] that they got going on bro is like a career killer it's is it's crazy or or or or a career maker because honestly everyone's tuning in to watch this train wreck of a relationship yeah I mean like it make it makes the females careers but I can't imagine it's doing anything good for his and then now he's in jail you know what I'm saying so well according to him he likes it in there he said hey I love it here it's active it's cracking blue face with the [ __ ] but that's just it's not it's not good for money and he actually he hit me up at one point really by what uh there was some rumors that cran might have snitched in a murder case whoa okay yeah I couldn't get anything from it uh wherever it happened I can't access it it was just something that came and went but um yeah their their relationship is deep soldier boy who blueface was beefing with before he got locked up up uh made a video saying the blueface is lucky he doesn't pay some booty ban his $33,000 to rape him in prison that that's crazy uh yeah Soulja Boy knows how to stay relevant yeah I don't know anyone that'll uh rape someone in prison I don't I couldn't make a phone call like that now I ain't gonna lie $3,000 you can make something happen in prison well well yeah it's interesting right cuz I had Fred o bang uh on my Show recently we filmed it down in um New Orleans yeah when he was locked up in Baton Rouge someone paid this dude $1,000 dollar to like attack him $1,000 ,000 doll to to attack him not to kill him but but to to put hands on them that's that's expensive he kind of what's that that's expensive I got cut for 50 50 bucks I got for $50 I got my face slash with a razor damn I I guess it's cheaper in Florida well Baton Rouge uh Louisiana no I'm saying I was in Florida I say Florida's cheaper than Louis I guess it's cheaper over that $1,000 in Florida you gonna get somebody killed well what what he said was when I asked him I said how much do it cost to kill someone in prison he said $2 $3,000 will do it how much to kill someone in prison what's the going rate if you I don't know but I know yeah Dan he'll be dead for about about 2 3,000 2 3,000 that's all it takes yeah yeah I mean I'mma Be honest with you when I was in there you had gangs and the gangs would go by the number that the gang represents so like if the GDs rocked a Sixpoint sty they going to want $600 if the Kings Rock the five they going to want $500 and you know anything a couple hundred bro you're making somebody want to do some [ __ ] you're talking about anything over $1,000 that helicopter has to come like that somebody's getting punished you got people in there killing for [ __ ] free you know what I mean like people are literally killing in there over ass and noodles and so when you offer somebody some that they haven't touched in in years it that [ __ ] gets done I mean it really that cheap you could really have someone killed for a couple thousand dollars you could get someone killed for less than that and and what's the the rationale behind it is it hey I'm already doing double triple life what's another body who cares because there's always more severe you know punishments right you could be put in solitary for years years you could be put in adx like like there's your life could be worse you could beat the murder you could not get charged there's people that get clapped in prison and nobody knows what happened there's not cameras everywhere that that'll capture it man what I was at prisons with no cameras wow that shit's not updated the jails are updated Florida is the projects of prison we didn't have didn't have AC in that [ __ ] we had windows that stayed open daytime night time if rain blows in Rain blows in floods the cellout we didn't have AC we didn't have cameras in that [ __ ] no metal detectors none of that [ __ ] so it's like it's going the [ __ ] down you know what I'm saying like the newer buildings that they were putting would have cameras but I was in a dorm that was open Bay bunk beds everywhere and this is a high custody level dorm this isn't like a low custody n there's bunk beds but it's high custody people are getting cut in their sleep stabbed all type of [ __ ] no cameras wow it's crazy yeah stay out of prison kids speaking of blue face you and his manager wack 100 got into it yeah like multiple times okay and me and wack had our problems you know we had a be for like 10 years we had us argument over the phone over some dumb [ __ ] you know he start talking crazy to me and I'm like okay well I'm not going to talk to you anymore if you going if this is what how arguments work out with you and but you know we got older we got over it there was some business on the table and we worked it all out you know I did an interview with game and he that he showed up at then I did interview with him by himself and now I mean him communicate and everything else like that so wack is not crazy you know I'm saying he's not Reckless he's intelligent he's mature you can work things out with whack you know if you talk to him so what exactly is the issue with you and wack I don't know um it first started when I said something about 69ine and then uh the latest thing was the BG situation well didn't he exposeed the BG situation um he popped it off and then I found more to it so he had some paperwork me and him actually spoke he had some paperwork I had more he didn't know that BG actually took the stand in the grand jury um that was something that I found and he wanted things presented a certain way I presented it in a different way I think that he wanted me to do the BG what I did to King yella um and then that wasn't it too he got into it with a la rapper I think uh big sad 1900 where he said big sad snitched and you know I looked into it and I didn't agree so I didn't cover it and that basically ended whatever me and whack you know that temp orary uh we were all right that pretty much ended that cuz I'm not I'm not going to do what someone if if I don't agree with it I'm not going to do it I'm not somebody's do boy I work for me your opinion isn't mine and I'm not going to change my opinion just for you so that's more or less where it's at well because you guys kind of do the same thing to a certain degree yeah I mean I guess yeah I mean similar wack whack picks and chooses too though yeah so it's like you know but as we figured out pretty much everybody does that I mean can you guys talk it out and get past your differences or do you think that y'all just don't rock with each other yeah we probably could I mean I asked Adam to uh to sit us down on the table before um I asked them if they want to do a podcast in Florida together but I [ __ ] I think we do more numbers having an issue so if that's what it is [ __ ] it I mean you know if you guys want to sit down on Vlad TV I could probably make that happen hey you know I'll have I'll have police Security in the you know in the room stce security I want my own Security in there you could bring your own security he can bring his security and I'll have my security you know what I mean but I'll have LAPD there who's the biggest gang of them all you know what I mean that all the other gangs will bow down to right that' be a crazy all the other security guards are go you know you know your guys don't have helicopters and battering rams and you know I mean like tankes and the such you know I'm say better equipped my my security got all that you know I remember getting into a conversation because CU one of my uh New York Security Guys he's actual active NYPD you know what I'm saying like I only get to use him sometimes because he's he's working right and he told me flat out and I didn't realize this at the time NYPD is the biggest police force in the world the world not New York State not the country in the world there's more NYPD officers than any other police force on the planet Dam and you know they have surface to air missiles at their disposal you know because the whole 911 thing so you know you could act as tough as you want when actual police kind of step in and and have to hold things down everyone is going to fold yeah you know in the long term maybe maybe they might act tough in the moment but the end of the day you don't want them calling for backup yeah you know everyone's going down well I hope you all work it out if you want I can try to work on that you down for it you open to it uh yeah I mean if if everything makes sense yeah we got some [ __ ] to talk about and we can uh make something happen that's makes sense for everybody I'm not opposed to it there you go well uh well when I interviewed wack 100 we talked about the whole situation about Eric Holder and nipy hustle yeah and what he said you know cuz a lot of people got on him over some of the statements he made about nipy and what he said was in the rules the jungle if you call someone a snitch who's a gangster they're expected to retaliate so he's not happy what happened to nipy but he's also not surprised yeah over the situation he also says something to the effect of how Eric Holder nipy got into it a few days prior to the actual murder you had made some comments though about Eric Holder you said that this is what a gang you're supposed to do when someone calls him a snitch I think I was interviewing with Reggie um I don't know what podcast he was on and he asked me what was my thoughts on it and you know um at the end of the day the rules of the Jungle the rules of the Jungle you know when you call somebody certain things every action gets a reaction and this particular individual everybody knew dude was a rider you know they knew he was about that life you know you can't call a a dude a snitch in his face and expect him not to respond now I don't think I think nipy was might have been upset about something else because really don't seem like him just to do that but he did that and it's no shock it's like everybody's like oh [ __ ] what happened you know what happened a million times dude called him a snitch he came back he killed it well I I interviewed cowboy who was right there next to nipy when it happened from what he saw it wasn't like shitty cuz walked up to him he's like oh you get your snitch ass away from me it was hey man I've been hearing that you got some paperwork so you know you should get that cleared up oh man dudes a hating it's like yeah man just you know just get it cleared up and they shook hands and it it was really from same two dudes that just had a fight a weak Prime what do you mean that's what I said wait say it again I miss what you said same two dudes that just had a fight a week prior the same two dudes yeah talking about Cowboy shitty and nipy shitty cuz and nipy hustle got into a fight they had a fight a week PRI to that I I never heard that yeah this is a fact I'm not saying it's it's not true I just said I never heard that um I mean how do you feel about that like if someone approach you know during the days when you were active and everything else like that if someone approached you and accused you of snitching or asked you about snitching would you react violently in that case are you expected to react that way uh it it depends on how the situation comes about because if your organization approaches you and says look we heard an allegation we want to hear your side of it and we want to get down to the bottom of it they're giving you the opportunity to basically plead your case and you might be able to politic take yourself out of that situation um when it comes down to prison normally it's if you're going to expose somebody you got to be the one that handles it too so oh he snitched on you well go stab him and then it's Vice Versa oh he saying you snitched well you know what you need to do it's not even snitching like you got gay rumors in prison if somebody claims that you were doing something with somebody even if you did it you still got to go and hit that person that said that and even if you did it you're going to sway the crowd through violence so you'll have situations where somebody might have snitched but he just went and popped the [ __ ] out of dude that said it and now everybody's rocking with him because he's the last man standing so it's like you know whack isn't wrong with what he's saying um it's just people don't like the truth people love nipy and there is a Romanticism about him considering how young he was when he died and the situation around him and La mourned him and he had the Staple Center doing his funeral and yeah so so people don't want to hear the realities of you know certain situations like like Tupac like you know the more I get into the story and the more I research and the more people I talk to you you come to the conclusion that Tupac kind of sealed his own Fate by jumping on Orlando yeah he had absolutely no business doing that not not someone like that not someone who is an active gang member who's being investigated for multiple murders this is not a guy you jump on when you're a rapper right A lot of people too they like to feed into the F see that uh Tupac was a gangster yeah and for people that go to breaking down his life and how he actually grew up people will take it as you're being disrespectful and tonish his legacy even though that was his actual life so I mean with nipo bro in my humble opinion I feel like a lot of that [ __ ] was fake because a lot of people really weren't even like treating him like that until he died well that's always going to happen you know what I'm saying like I mean that was one of the things that me and wack talked about he basically was saying you know I said n you know wack said people got on him by saying nip wasn't a legend when he died because he didn't have the catalog to stand behind that and I'm like yeah okay that that does make sense because at the time that he died he had a lot of records that people liked but there was no hit songs there was no huge hits yeah I remembered when he slapped the [ __ ] out of somebody at the BET Awards yeah like that was like other than that I didn't really know him but after he died it was like damn you know like bro that shouldn't even have been him like you know what I'm saying but I didn't really know too much about him like I wouldn't say he's like I don't know I don't even want to say anything about that like that but it's just you know a lot of [ __ ] got fake love for people well he didn't have the musical accolades of a biggie a Tupac a Jay-Z a Drake a Kendrick you know all these guys have huge number one records where they drop you know time stops and everyone's listening to their stuff nipy was was an underground artist he was on his way and that last album I thought was brilliant that last album if he had been alive to promote it and push it and go on tour may have put him in that category might have pushed him over the top but unfortunately he died still you know grinding and still trying to establish his musical career to where he wanted it to go right and this album was a dope album like you know listening to it I was crying and you know like yo because I've interviewed him before I've been around him before we we've run into each other we've had conversations we were supposed to do a second interview at one point it didn't happen but I have only good things to say about nipy but yeah I mean people don't want to hear it for what it was I mean listen certain people feel like I remember special ed in my interview said that he doesn't feel that Biggie's a legend because he only had two albums he feels like puffy sort of painted him as that to try to kind of that was his biggest artist and he's gone now so oh what better way to kind of put value to this catalog by saying he's the greatest rapper of all time and romanticize I'm gonna be honest I think that because of his p and and because of Puffy's love of marketing and Legacy I think they kind of like um you know got it to where that became the status quo but biggie was nice biggie was another nice rapper I don't think he had enough uh albums to make those claims you know he was a very great artist you know spit his flow it kind of reminded me of myself at you know at times you know and there's Arguments for both ways you could also say yes he only dropped two hours but those two albums were immense were huge albums with big songs so you know everyone has their own definition of it man it it is what it is uh rest in peace nipy hustle you know uh my condolences to his family I've never said anything negative about him um you know but but at one point you do have to look at things realistically and say okay certain things just are what they are you know yeah I mean I'd say he's more of a legend to the culture than just the music yeah I agree well uh you know since you started doing interviews with me some of my other guests uh have chimed in in terms of their opinions about you uh Young Jack uh who does interviews with my man sea pre uh in one of his interviews he said uh people call Vlad defense but 1090 Jake is doing what I've seen police do you know what's interesting and I don't know 1090 Jake got nothing against him but here's my thing you know a lot of people come in Vlad head for saying Vlad the police and this and that type [ __ ] Vlad f but I you don't really hear Vlad speak much uh as far as like I mean you hear him speak on his interviews cuz he's interviewing people but I mean people you you relinquish whatever in uh information you want to relinquish whatever you give up that's on you that ain't Vlad so if people if the police happened to be watching and if you gave up that information that's on you not Vlad That's you you felt that comfortable on the platform to release incriminating evidence against yourself that's not the platform that's you fool ight Jake is doing what I've seen the police do I don't know you ight Jake I don't think I don't know if we ever met or not but that's the same thing the police did in this situation to further break down their income let's burn up Gunner let's burn him oh he'll snitch a lot of times when you in these when you in these jails how you think these [ __ ] getting shanked up cuz the deputy telling somebody y [ __ ] snitch you know he his w't turn stay yeah you know paperwork I'm I'm see a little copy of the paperwork you see he snitched on your man over there it ain't the other inmates how the [ __ ] they ain't going to court they ain't in the court with you how they know who's the the police would release information to make it look bad let's say this let's just say that moment that Gunner was in that courtroom and said yes ma'am I'm I'm agreeing to we be in the game a gang if they never released that footage would y'all be calling Gunner a rat you wouldn't who released that the authorities so what the [ __ ] is 1090 Jake doing and somebody could say hey man he putting us on some real [ __ ] he letting us know what going on is he fat checking is he fact checking or is he snitching he doing what the police do I want to shut you down but I go to the hood I tell your Ops everything you got going on I don't got to tell your Ops I tell your loved ones what you got going on [ __ ] we'll change up the whole scenario so what is 109 Jake doing what what's the we fact checking now cuz if I need to get your information I got to go to the courts do I publicly Google it I go talk to some investig who I talk to to get this information on you and why you going so hard to get information on people and I'm not taking nothing away from 1090 J I think he got a great platform I'll be watching this like okay all right but then somewh I'll be like it's creating a lot of issues and tension out here absolutely people against people because now they feel like oh man 109 J said wo woop and I'm going with I'm standing on it so I don't know I don't know who worse he he's I I guess implying that putting out information and exposing people is what police does and that's what you do as well yeah then he got to be dumb as [ __ ] because I mean I'm literally reading public record but um if that's his take on it that's his take on well he also said that uh he looks at you as a Caren type for telling on people that's been telling on people yeah I mean I look at him like he gay as a [ __ ] I mean you remember the head thing that he did like the people I know ain't looking at him like he whatever the [ __ ] he think he is so if that's what he want to take it I I don't know that's his opinion I guess you can't you can't get big and not have opinions about you from all from all sides it's just it comes to territory yeah who who interviewed him I don't I don't do interviews with him myself this is Shawn press one of my interviewers yeah my name been brought up a couple times by him cuz I actually commented on one of his interviews and I said the second I hear his voice I turned the [ __ ] off because he just talked so [ __ ] much and uh he's brought me up a couple times in interviews and every time he's brought me up it's been in a negative light so I just I take that into consideration when uh when my name gets brought up by the same interviewer and the people he's asking me about just so happen to say some negative [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know if it comes from that comment or what but well I remember I brought your name up when I interviewed math hafa uh a couple interviews before and he his take is that he's not buying all your claims because he's not he's never double checked any of your work I had 1090 Jake here yesterday yeah and he talked about all the people who he has actual paperwork on who cooperated that he's like very transparent about it like here's how here's how I got the paperwork and here's how you could go and get it yourself to verify it like he's that TR shows like go to this website blah blah cuz like in Florida you can look up anything right Boston Richie uh finesse two times like these people have great careers they're so you're saying there's paperwork on them there's paperwork on them according to him I haven't verified it myself but he was what's that according to him according to him but but he's actually saying here's how you can look it up yourself okay I mean did did did you look it up I did not look it up okay but you he repeating I here repeating what he said what he said yeah but and that to me is a violation cuz there's two things that I can't put on somebody without seeing actual evidence and that's snitching and you know all the the all the backo play I can't I can't accuse anybody of none of this [ __ ] or or or put that tag on them or even mention their name in the same sentence or something like that because I don't know okay fair enough and that's something that I grew up not playing with like you don't play with that [ __ ] that's the easiest cop out though you know a lot of people say that but then they don't go looking for the [ __ ] you know uh with with the Lil boom situation Flo said that the video exonerated little boom he said that before he even saw the video he said that he wouldn't agree with anything I said until he went and looked at it for himself all the documents are publicly available you can pull them up in two minutes but the thing is a lot of people don't want to go look for it so I don't really know mathaa I don't never interacted with them but a lot of people are looking for [ __ ] with their eyes closed and what I mean by that is a lot of people purposely avoid [ __ ] so they don't have to talk about it or put a stamp on it yeah listen when he asked me you know did I verify all this I said no I did not right I goes okay this is what I mean but it's like the end of the day I verified it's all it's it's publicly available at the end veried it that's that's that's how I built my name and who the [ __ ] I put some fake [ __ ] out on nobody yeah my name real solid when it come to that [ __ ] so I'm the one that fact checking if he didn't know there you go that's why [ __ ] ain't questioning it after the fact people just don't like the face that's doing it like booy said when he first spoke about me with you if he was any other race it wouldn't be an issue 1090 Jake said like three of the people in the double XXL Freshman issues are snitches and have paperwork you know what I'm saying more and more and more and more and more like paperwork is popping out of the it's just bad bro it's just crazy appreciate 109 J too bro like yeah you [ __ ] with him yeah I [ __ ] with him bro if it wasn't for him bro [ __ ] and if he was a different color it'll be all grave man people more scared of him than me these days hey bro like I'm grateful for 109 Jake bro I smile every time we got to get him on the show man you got to get I'll put him on bro like you justed that bro like you just submitted it he one of the last ones I got left bro [ __ ] hey man listen being white in Hip Hop is a very interesting place to be because when I make comments that people disagree with like for example you know I made some comments about Taraji P Henson where I said listen I don't understand why she's complaining about not getting paid what she feels she deserves when she could be making her own projects and an army of people responded with you shouldn't be allowed to talk about black people's business go go talk about your own people like you know that that's always the first knee-jerk reaction yeah which obviously makes no sense what if what if you set it back what do you mean what if you reversed it right and and I have mentioned this in interviews that so so the reverse is well then if you're black you shouldn't be allowed to talk about white people oh you f to get cancelled right which means that you can't actually talk about same with Dr Umar Johnson when he said about Eminem reverse that and see what happens oh yeah no we've talked about this and you know Umar has responded to me you know he's called me an agent and you know whatever else and my thing is like yo you've been talking about building the school now seven years ago in my interview and ear earlier than that used to haven't built it you asking me how many schools I built you haven't built a school that's open either and I haven't been taking money from people for the last decade about it you know what I'm saying um you know and the argument of you can't be the best something if another race invented that genre is a little bit silly because who's the best golfer of all time Tiger Wood Tiger Woods best basketball player you know Michael Jordan or LeBron depending on who you talk I don't even think there's a white guy that's top five I don't think Larry Bird's top five in basketball so it's like yeah you know when you want to say stupid [ __ ] like that uh I feel like this don't be surprised or don't get mad when you find the opposite of what you're saying I'm not going to say it cuz I don't believe it but there's people that feel just like you they just look like me they feel the same way you feel it's just reversed I don't agree with either perspective so don't throw me in the mix with that [ __ ] yeah I mean look there have been to counter his point and listen Umar knows how to how to trigger people he he's good at it I I I get it but at the end of the day you could find thousands of examples of someone coming from a different culture and becoming a top person in a culture that they did not grow up in you know there have been and I actually looked this up this morning there have been grand champions in Japanese Sumo that were like Hawaiian or Samoan they came in they followed the rules they became the top guys in their field and they were celebrated by the whole culture they probably don't even speak Japanese but they came in that Sport and was a very traditional Japanese only you know clickish type thing but they came in and did what they did Eminem came in and I think if you talk to most real hipop fans they would put Eminem in the top five or their top 10 or whatever else hell yeah you know and apart from Tom Brady all the best football players are black you know when you look at the top 10 of football yes Tom Brady is number one you got to give him that right but then after that everyone's black you know what I'm saying like you know the Jerry Rice uh you know uh boxers too you look at the boxes boxers yeah all sports that were launched by by white people or or or so forth but the best people ended up dominating the sport and that's okay there there's nothing wrong with that and um you know but you will get a lot more views polarizing people as opposed to kind of bringing them together of course and uh yeah it just it just is what it is and uh you know Umar when you actually open your school I'll do an interview at that school you know you can make me eat my words but up until this point you've been asking begging people for money for a decade now for a school that still hasn't opened so don't don't talk about well how many schools has Vlad opened because I haven't been taking people's money you know what I'm saying all right so what's next for you well like I said in the beginning snitching is pretty much over with uh early on in my YouTube career and I mean like before 50,000 subscribers I did interviews and I feel like I want to tap back into that realm you know what I mean I um I feel like I followed in the footsteps of I say academics finding a way of becoming hated through YouTube but getting my foot in the door at the same time and now that I've done that I'd like to follow in the footsteps of others even yourself and establish myself in a different way uh within hip hop and just bring some new things to the table shed light on some things that I feel I can bring forth like the Florida culture the prison culture bringing on a lot of people whose stories haven't been heard and I think that's the direction that I want to take on my Channel I want to get away from the snitch and [ __ ] and you know what I mean well if you want my advice and uh when it comes to this hip-hop interview YouTube [ __ ] I'm the OG in this not because of I feel I'm better than anyone else I've just been doing it longer than every everyone else you know in terms of a continuous interview Channel on YouTube that focuses in the hip-hop space there's nobody that's been consistently doing it as long as I have so if you were to ask for my advice which I'm going to just throw out here right now when you look at all the successful podcasts and interview platforms that came after me uh they have two things in common number one is consistency we drop around 10 Clips a day every day 365 days a year we've been doing this you know started just one clip a day but it was every day at least one clip for f now 16 years so number one you need the consistency right you need to have people do a lot of interviews chop them up if you have to but drop content if you could drop content seven days a week that's always going to win over some of the drops uh an interview once a week or once a month or whatever else that's the first part the second part is the strength of the guests that you bring in you haven't really seen any podcasts that have blown up to just have the podcast host and one of his you know one or two of his friends talking about current events right every every day even Joe Buon you know regardless of our differences yeah like some of his shows are just him but when you look at the stuff that reacts with him it's like a Nicki Minaj or Umar Johnson or someone like that coming in yeah you know when you look at drink Champs it's all based on the level of guests that they have Gillian wallow they get big guests you know Vlad TV gets certain types of guests academics gets big guests no jumper get get big guests in their own genre you know you know what I'm saying so it really comes down to that if you get big yes and consistency you will almost guarantee growth over time that's my advice I appreciate that yeah yeah you know what I'm saying this is why I feel like the podcast like Kisha please everyone gets a little annoyed when she wins Awards because it's like you do an interview once every three months yeah it's not earned it's not it's not earned you know what I'm saying like like we're all out here grinding like you know four or five interviews a week like year after year after year but ultimately man you're competing against the whole world right now I feel like more people do interviews now then damn I mean I feel like it's it's like the the number one new job out there you know definitely and I I feel like you know the third thing that creates success is being you and if there's something about you yeah that people like and I mean if I was able to pull off a million subscribers in what under five years then I must have something so I'm hoping to uh take it as far as I can yeah you no absolutely I remember when I was a a guest on the Danza project that's what I told him also I said that when you look at all the the biggest podcasts the the guys who are in charge of these pod you know the main personality they've leaned into who they are they've owned completely their Persona that you know the radio guys that are trying to be friends with everyone that don't ask the tough questions that try to keep everyone happy so they can still get invited to the parties and you know everything else like that you don't hear very much of them even you know like for example like the sways like the sway I think is an example of the old way of doing things yes he gets a lot of big guests but he doesn't really ask them very tough questions so the interviews don't go anywhere yeah you know but like you look at for example me I'm known for asking the quote unquote police questions you know and and that's never stopped yeah I I'm going to ask the tough questions you know if key D wants to write a book about Tupac's murder I'm gonna talk to him about Tupac's murder yeah hell yeah you know academics he's the guy that's willing to beef with anyone he'll respond to whoever and he'll go all the way and he'll go crazy and whatever else um Adam he's the porn guy you know he does sex tapes with his wife and another guy yeah together you know I mean he'll keep pushing that envelope I don't know what's next trans midgets I don't know like there's I don't know how much further you could take it Adam but I'm sure you're trying to you know brain it right now yeah you know um Nori nor is the rapper guy you know the rapper that everyone loves and he's got the relationships with a lot of the big stars and they've done work together and he's got the history everyone got their thing that they lean into that they don't try to [ __ ] foot around so you know by you leaning into your personality getting strong guests and being consistent you know you'll get to two three four five million subscribers within a reasonable amount of time you know I'm at 5.7 sometime in 2024 I'll hit six um you know I would like to get to 10 I don't know when that's gonna happen yeah the annoying part is that like YouTube will give you a plaque for a million subscribers and then the next plaque is at 10 million yeah that's a big leap and that's a big leap y That's that diamond plaque you know that's Diamond plaque like I don't know if I'll ever yeah I mean because I get about I mean about a thousand new subscribers a day so yeah I mean we're talking about a third of a million a year if I'm close to Six now yeah it's going to take me another 12 years to get that plaque I mean that's a long time it's hard work it's hard work man but listen I appreciate you coming back definitely uh congrats on on you know doing your thing and standing by your principles and putting that information out there and I'm hoping that even if you start doing interviews you'll still have this part of of your of your YouTube channel because I think that you've actually built a very unique following cuz it's not like you're the only person that's ever done this before but I feel like you've done it better than everyone else I appreciate that you know I mean I feel like you've gone to more detail and uh more transparency than anyone else to the point where you'll even tell people hey here's how you look this up yourself if you don't believe me and uh you know between your personality and your background and everything else like that where you are I don't think is an accident and uh you know appreciate you coming in this time and you know we'll have you back soon enough and if you want to do the thing with whack I'm going hit him up and see if we can make it happen definitely that's what it is man 1090 Jake till next time peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 194,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: udC2MSwWlhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 26sec (9146 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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