TREX TALK - Budget vs "Rich" Rifle - Is it worth it?

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so we know when it's up oh shoot are we how are we live right now it's not showing up on youtube's homepage there we go i got it welcome guys to another uh very well prepared uh youtube live now we're going to be discussing some of the comments and questions and concerns that people have been having well for since you know companies like holosun and primary arms and psa became companies but also we launched a youtube video yesterday published launched uh it's 58 minutes an astonishing 58 minutes practically a short film um of budget versus uh the rich rifles and builds and considerations and whatnot now there was a facet to the video that people have on there's two sides they either understand it and they agree with it or they think it's entirely unreasonable and the question for the video title was posed and i will i will be honest there's a little bit of click bait because that's kind of how analytics and youtube work you kind of have to do it to get your videos to get in front of people to get your message in front of people you you kind of gotta do a little bit of clickbait just a little bit not too much you want to be too weird but the idea was can you build a rifle for a thousand dollars now if you take the question in its literal sense the answer is yes you can get a gun of some sort for under a thousand dollars but in the grand scheme of things you know if you actually want a rifle that is capable um with you know all the accoutrements that you need for that weapon uh that's not going to happen for a thousand dollars and that's basically the point of the video and kind of the message of you know your first loadout your first rifle your new gun owner what expectations what should i get what should i think about is it's not just the rifle you also have to think about your training support you have to think about the equipment to support the rifle your chest rate your means of carrying extra ammunition for that weapon it's very similar i used an example in the video that i think is is really one of the better ones out there for talking about this issue and that is if you take a pbs14 you buy a pbs14 you know green omni-seven tube whatever it is you know for three thousand dollars three two hundred dollars whatever it is that night vision is about this useful without any support equipment to go with it you can wear it around a lanyard on your neck you can use it for observation uh with an adapter you can put it on an m4 but you're not going to be able to run around actually do stuff you know as a headboard system uh with that night vision unit in order for it to be its full potential you have to go out and buy a rhino mount for a wilcox mount you have to go buy a helmet or some sort of head system like a like a ops core skull crusher or a little cry night cap or a bump helmet or a ballistic helmet uh you also are going to need an ir laser for your rifle some sort of sighting system or have a optic that is night vision compatible and then you're going to need an ir illuminator so you can actually cast illumination when you're in a situation with no ambient or artificial light that your night vision is able to amplify so then you're taking your pbs14 your individual unit and now it's oh i have to have this this this this this in order to actually have some effective effectiveness in general so that's basically the premise behind buying a rifle like what else needs to go with the rifle besides just the one magazine it comes with and maybe a set of sights and in my opinion for people that are buying rifles for the sake of the second amendment that's going to be some form of load-bearing gear that's going to be some sort of chest rig plate carrier duffel bag heat you know kit you know that has all the mags on it you wear under your suit coat as you're conducting certain operations you're going to need something to actually complement the rifle and allow you to carry more ammunition to feed the gun and we don't see gun tubers talking about that we don't see gun manufacturers talking about that uh it's just about the gun the gun the gun the gun not the support the training the gear the logistics and that's where the discussion in our opinion here at trx arms that's where it needs to go we need to be looking at firearms as a whole and not just the cool part which is the gun although obviously there are lots of people out there that like kitten gear and you know like you know cool cry plate carriers you know look at that oh look at that really patriotic just bright flag right there it's really awesome um but uh you know the kit is cool but people usually want to just think about the rifle and whatnot so let's get into the comments a little bit just summing up some of the premise behind this and uh we'll see i'm gonna tell you guys right now i said it in the video the m p sport 2 the video we did the the gun we did the video on uh was was the most purchased rifle uh based on what i've seen the most purchased rifle of 2020 the ar-15 was the most purchased rifle in 2020. i'm gonna tell you all right now it was not bought to shoot three gun it was not bought to do hunting it was not bought to just shoot on at your your bench at you know the range i wasn't just bought for fun it was bought by concerned citizens who knew they needed something more than a shotgun something more than a handgun that's why ar15s sell people out there while companies don't want to admit it people out there know that air 15s are very effective weapons semi-automatic shooting intermediate cartridge five by you know 5.5.56 223 what the military uses at least as of right now people know that's the stuff to have they want to have the same gear that they have subconsciously that's what they're buying manufacturers won't say it manufacturers won't tell you they'll sugarcoat by saying sports and military and police m p uh you know in other terms people in the comments were saying oh a superfinal lawsuit like no that's there's lots of companies out there that just say like carbine like they don't you don't have to say a killing machine like you don't have to call your gun that but you can just say rifle carbine you know come up with some name and not lean into it being for sporting use that's not what guns are for they can be used for that but that's not why the air 15 was invented that's not why the abstoner platform was developed it was developed to incapacitate and kill and uh the reason we're losing our gun rights today is because we get neutered every generation every single generation we want to be on the defensive whenever the left says we need to ban these weapons of war and it's oh no uh well they're for sporting so he can't ban them if they're for sport and then the next generation grows up thinking oh they're for sport well we don't need them for sport because we like to play on xbox so let's go ahead and ban them um because and that's just how it works so politics being downstream from culture we have to win you know the cultural education uh in terms of what these weapons and what these things are for so that that concept people didn't really understand some people didn't really understand and they're like there's no problem to call it sporting and it's like yeah well uh it is actually a long-term problem decades down the road and the nra has done a very bad job and i'm going to put a lot of blame on them for leading people astray and sugar-coating the entire just everything just everything the nra needs to go if i was someone has said like hey would you want to be you know if the nra offered you a position would you take it and the answer is yes i would and i would shut the whole thing down which means they would never ever put me in charge of it ever uh but the nra needs to go it needs to it has seen it's it's it's a day i don't know when that was there's some interesting history i actually uh i did a lecture at the university of wyoming it was a little while ago and i have a lecture that you know i've prepared with a bunch of study and research and whatnot documenting the nra's history and you know how you know how long it's taken them to sugarcoat things down and what years you know they had stuff and what's really fascinating is back during the uh i think it was the i'd say it's the 70s uh 70s or yeah i think it was the 70s before the cold war really uh they had a guy who was a he was an upstart he believed that you should have machine guns uh he was also a border patrol agent he had been involved in a shooting they ended up using that to kind of oust him and get rid of him in the administration in the nra uh but he was someone who wanted uh legal machine guns he was someone who said guns are for shooting people um he was very adamant about that but the nra leadership and he actually led a coup of employees at the nhra convention and there was like a bunch of like drama surrounding that uh but he was someone who was very counter culture the nra back then that they actually uh ultimately basically tried to fire and kick out because he was a little too wild or constitutional for what they were you know comfortable with uh so there's a long documented history of the nra caving uh over years and decades uh and uh so i talked about that at the university and i've got that powerpoint in that whole thing like you know it's been a while since i've talked about that stuff but it's really interesting if you study it it's really cool you should accept crypto as a form of payment uh we will when it's uh common enough um we here's the funny thing right people ask us all the time they go hey can you make a product for this can you make a thing for this can you make this color we go and do this thing about ten percent of the people that ask actually utilize that system service or product so we get asked about crypto here and there but i already know most people wouldn't even use it they asked for it because like it's easy to ask for but people aren't actually in my opinion they're going to use it in the future quite possibly but right now uh no no we're not going to work on that there's more important things to focus on we can only do so much at one time what about gatekeeping um because they're inherently anti-freedom obviously i'm not a big fan of gatekeeping people due to gender and all that other stuff that you brought up now i have seen people talk about certain uh influencers or people of prominence who are put in a position of prominence due to their follower count or due to their uh identity or due to their past experience and people challenge that because they'll be like well you only are putting you're putting this person on a pedestal because they are fill in the blank whatever the thing is that is not directly tied to credibility or background experience there's an organization that i was doing stuff with a few years ago and i ultimately wasn't interested in working with that organization anymore simply because the people they chose to be at the top were people that had held certain identities that made that organization hip uh but the people with those identities didn't have background experience they weren't you know businessmen or former whatevers with you know a lot of life experience they were simply selected due to their fill in the blank identity situation so i have seen people in the gun industry challenge that i've challenged that the people that should be representing us should be people with background and credibility uh who have a lot more to offer than simply uh their well you know identity stuff um so yeah people do challenge that as far as the people that are at the top dictating uh cultural policy is basically what influencers kind of end up doing um and i think that is the right thing to question as far as who are the people that are testifying to congress for example um you know we we get what we deserve um in in most cases and uh something to think about i always love when people are like why are we represented by so-and-so and it's like well because your standards aren't high enough to ask for this over here you're fine with this and you're not looking for this way over here or trying to support people over here you're okay with you know like not so great so it's very interesting conversation right you think it's something people need to think about um we should be looking for people who can represent us in congress and the senate very effectively that's what we should be looking for um current culture is bs yep you're not wrong i don't i don't disagree i i now i will say with all that said though and i i think i talked about this on the last one of the last lives or no it was on the vortex podcast i just did a podcast with vortex it should be going up soon they asked me hey do you think gun culture is getting better or worse i think it's getting better i've been doing this now for about eight years and i remember seven years ago uh posting a photo of me wearing a plate carrier for the first time and people going crazy uh that i had kid on it wasn't even very good kit to begin with steel plates and i had kryptek highlander if that tells you how long ago that was but nowadays that doesn't really happen uh really not as much um i think things have changed a lot for the better with instagram with social media or just more platforms that reach more people i mean it's no surprise that we we went up 5 million gun owners last year and i would contribute some of that to social media i would contribute some of that to just mass publication of firearms and gear i mean get this and i talked about on the podcast that uh i remember seven eight years ago after i watched the magpul dvds i was looking for content on the internet and there really wasn't anything back then i couldn't find pictures of travis haley's rifles i couldn't find pictures of chris costa's rifles i would find a photo i found like i remember a photo of like uh i think it was called juan acosta's hydro dipped multicam builds it would have been a larue i think and i was like oh my goodness that's such a cool looking gun it's got a laser on it a d ball i squared uh that's the only photo i could find at the time and now we have just content just out the ears from companies and training companies and dudes putting out training content that did not exist seven years ago it didn't exist eight years ago so i find it hard when people argue well our instagram's ruined shooting like uh no there are literally tens of thousands of people into shooting and i i know about some of it because they write to us and they tell us hey we got into shooting because of your videos and so i just like tally it i'm like all right there's another one right there's another one uh it's tens of thousands of people i've gotten into shooting because of social media because of youtube yes there's some bad habits that have been pushed i've been responsible for a few i'll take full responsibility for encouraging certain things that aren't as important as you know uh really they should be you know back in like 2015 and some of the speed shooting stuff uh but as a whole i think the good definitely outweighs the bad and i think things have gotten a lot better even in the budget gucci discussion i think there's a little more maturity in that and people understanding some things and i am hoping in the future not to give anything away we are hoping to dive into that subject with a little more authority with a little more uh background credibility on uh if budget guns really can perform against stuff that's a little nicer a little bit better we're working on a thing um to address some of that but more on that later because that's what the discussion really needs to be is actually like proving some of these concepts and it's not just an emotional response people have because money is emotional budget is emotional um all right so back into the comments a lot of folks are coming in here and they're like we're going to talk about budget stuff right well we are to some extent based on some things that you guys ask t-rex arms not liking that i'm potentially leaking things look i'm not leaking a thing i'm just telling you that we are we are looking at what people are talking about and we are trying to find ways of addressing people's concerns problems thought processes process proceed process process uh that's what we're looking at that's what we're looking at so uh i did email psa last night asking what their most popular rifle is we'll see if they're right back uh anyway uh everyone's asking about psa now why i chose the m p sport two i don't have it around here it's i can't even show it really on youtube i do have an airsoft gun right there though but um the reason i chose the mmp sport 2 is i believe i could be wrong but i believe the m p sport 2 is the most sold rifle in 2020 it is the most popular i can't even show it oh yeah that's right that's why you go to twitch anyway so uh the m p sport 2 is the most mainstream budget rifle versus psa like psa kind of the way i see them is they are more ingrained in the crowd that knows they're more ingrained in the crowd that knows to go and look and and buy a build kit uh but for the average person walking into a big box store uh they're gonna find m p sport twos uh they're not finding psas they're finding m p sport 2. so the m p sport 2 is a much more mainstream budget rifle it's been around for a very long time compared to the psa or fill in the blank budget company that just started on instagram a few years ago there's a few other companies out there the springfield saint i actually really want to get one although i don't like springfield um they look pretty good i've been told they're basically a budget bcm uh they have a lot of bcm furniture on there including their nice little stock which is pretty cool um there's that one there's the sig m400 although i hate the rail on it uh there's no picatinny across the top which i'm not a fan of it does lighten it up though but no whatever um there's another one too oh fn has one that looks pretty good and then there's the colt 6920 which i think gets slept on a lot but uh it's a good gun you can pick them up on gun broker i think right now for about eleven hundred dollars um and it's colt which you know people are like ah colt watch an m4a1 so whatever um let's see what's the cheapest gun you own that you would buy oh what's the cheapest gun uh glock uh oh well uh yeah i mean oh as far as what i would personally use or own it'd probably be an arrow precision it's probably what i would pick and i have an arrow i bought an arrow upper a long time ago from them but obviously that's still more expensive than say a glock oh ballistic advantage is another one we have a bunch of ballistic advantage guns um and then obviously we have the m p sport too which i honestly wasn't even thinking about that much because i'm more ingrained in the gun you know culture gun community i was thinking you know like arrow and you know ballistic advantage which are you know more or less sister companies uh i wasn't thinking mp sport too that was actually uh drew who brought that up because that's a much more um traditional weapon although chad has used one too how many rounds did you shoot out of your sport before you get rid of it uh well the lower still has like 30 40 000 so you kept the lower i kept it low and it kept and it was worked everything else got completely swapped out though that's what a lot of people are telling me they do what uh how many rounds for the through the upper before you ordered you you swap part before you swap parts around probably 10-ish 10 and that's good all right well that's only one case so like we can't we have to discard you know what i still have drew says yeah about 10k uh it's fine yeah and here's the thing i would venture i guess no i would have to i would have to i would have to pull guns i would have to buy guns from different lots and we'd have to get we have to do a case study i would be curious to put 10 sports versus 10 psas is the concept because my theory is that an m p sport while smith wesson they may have more industrial corporatized manufacturing procedures possibly than psa i wouldn't be surprised their bigger company has been around longer it's quite possible their guns might be a little more consistent consistently good or bad and you tell me uh possibly than psa or some of these other budget brands because they are a big box gun company that's not always good though but you know but from a manufacturing standpoint they actually might be more consistent because i'm hearing a lot of good things about the mmp sport too and then ours obviously worked fine but only for like 680 rounds so you know whatever arrow owns ballistic advantage yeah so the same same same deal same same but different so uh back to questions the zion z15 yup don't have any experience with those i believe that's another budget option on the market that came to the market a year or two ago i think maybe um from iwi the company that makes the devore they now have a budget ar as well oh boy radiant yeah that's not budget at all you're talking what three grand or something so anyway budget suppressor that is a great discussion and that's one that we also are going to have to address at some point we have some yankee hill cans here there are a ton of other companies that have created uh budget suppressors um that we just we have to go out and just buy them all and then also possibly buy multiple of all of them but that is something to test take a budget rifle put a budget suppressor on there and see what you can get away with would be really interesting now i know psa is a huge company and guess what smith and wesson is also a huge company arguably a bigger company they've been around and they do a lot more things maybe not a lot more things but they do a lot of things all right uh form one is i know the 200 does not help at all does it just come down to getting a better barrel yes and no um actually a bulk carrier group would i think make more sense um i've talked to some people who've said i got an mpp sport too and then i upgraded the barrel and upgraded the bolt and i'm like well at that point you could have just maybe built a better gun to begin with but i know some people they want to you know it's a it's a progression you know type of a process i would actually say if you have an m p sport 2 or a normal budget gun don't put money into it but put accessories into it that you can then move to a better gun and then save your money and actually buy a better rifle instead of building off of this gun where you are going to be limited just with all the parts that are you know on the gun existing uh based on some of the upgrades that you want to do i would recommend spend your money on like your optic and your light and then wait until you can build or buy a newer rifle uh that's ultimately what i did so when i started and i know when i'm talking about it's funny people like to bring up that it's funny that i'm the one talking about budget the monitor just flaked out uh i'm the one talking about budget because i'm also the guy who will do a video on 40 000 night vision well the fact of the matter is i didn't always have 40 000 night vision when i first started getting into guns i had a dpms m4 with a fixed front sight post a no name brand well i think it was there quad rail or was it plastic handguard no i actually think i had a quad rail because i really liked my vert grip on there you know i'm grabbing onto that sucker and uh i painted it i had a 22 conversion kit and that's all i had that was the only gun that i had it wasn't until later i actually got a glock and i made some modifications to that gun i added a little like 30 dollar light from ebay i had a trijicon reflex from my older brother which you know super og i thought it was the coolest thing but rather than building that gun out more i was like i just need to start over with like a new gun i'm going to trade this gun for a dirt bike because i want to learn how to drive motorcycles and i ended up buying a 16 inch it wasn't the bcm i bought a 16 inch i can't remember i can't remember who made it i had the big troy v-tac rail on it is what i had uh and i had that for a little bit and that for you know i was still kind of an og build and then i ended up ditching that and going to a bcm so instead of taking my like budget gun and trying to then make it you know put lipstick on a pig per se i was just like you know get rid of that get a different one get rid of that get a different one and that's an approach that people can and i think should be doing versus trying to uh marry their budget rifle and trying to just like put tons of stuff on it like i don't think that's as good as just simply starting over with a brand new uh setup that's a little bit better tailored to your needs different barrel different rail free float you know minimalist gas block you know all that good stuff i don't think you should be trying to uh you know build your uh i don't say poverty pony but you know out trying to make it as fancy and as gucci as possible just start over start over get the barrel you want you have to get the rail you want you know look around used maybe have an idea of what you want i want a 14.5 with a free float rail and you watch and see on gunbroker for example you watched for something that is similar to what you want pop up and then you snap you just snag that sucker and you grab it then you piece it together my recommendation for people if oh and this is my favorite thing actually let's talk about this real quick my favorite thing about the budget discussion i just did an instagram post on it kind of laying the situation out there's a lot of folks out there who they can only afford a budget rifle and i totally understand that that's why we're making content around budget rifles and my recommendation to people is buy the budget rifle start dry firing get a shot timer because you have to have one of these suckers if you actually want to get good and go to work but don't be that person who goes on and because you're really proud of your purchase of your you know your m p or your psa and tell everyone hey my gun is better than bcm lmt knight's armament et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera because for one you don't have the facts you have no metrics to go by uh you're simply making an argument based on the value of the weapon cylinder metric you have six hundred dollars versus two thousand dollars it's the only metric you're actually going off of and what you should be doing instead is accepting that you have a a budget option that's on the market that is cheaper for various reasons corner second cut a barrel that's not as expensive or as nice less quality control checks less employees that are looking at it fill in the blank whatever it happens to be and instead use that while you have to and save up to own a finer weapon a better weapon a weapon that has more support behind it because i see these people they buy these budget rifles and then it becomes part of their identity where they run around and it's like no no you can own that gun for a couple years like you don't have to be stuck with a budget rifle for like 20 years like you have some goals or something like i had budget rifles for a couple years but then i had some goals i i wanted a bcm and then i wanted to chop it down to 13-7 and then i wanted to put a peck on it and then i wanted a surefire on it actually i think i did the surefire first and then i did the aim point and then i went to an eotech and and then i got the pec 15 like it was a it was a process i didn't do it all in one go um but some of these people just seems like they're like no no the budget rifle will be fine for the next 10 years and then they go and complain on the internet about everyone else having nicer stuff like no set some goals set some goals on and owning finer equipment better equipment you know use that budget red dot for a couple years then upgrade get an eotech at an aim point uh upgrade to an lpvo you know maybe you know four or five years down the road you'll grab a vortex razor one to six because you want to start doing long range like you do not have to just create your identity and it's funny saying it because this is what cloners do but uh build your identity around a certain gun like you shouldn't be doing that you should be building your identity around capability and sometimes capability is going to require better equipment different kinds of equipment versus that one budget rifle you're just like oh my gosh i just i'm an anderson fanboy i just i gotta go tell everyone how great anderson is like no like just tell people how much you're training with it tell people that it's you know your training manual of arms on it you're getting more effective and then let people know what your goals are hey i'm using an anderson right now i would like to try a bcm in the future win funds become available or i find someone i can sell this gun to or do whatever i will then make the upgrade or you sell the upper and then you throw a bcm upper back onto the lower which if you have something like a i mean it sounds like that's what chad did he uh kept the lower and dropped a different upper on yes bcm upper oh my gosh what do you know about that so that's exactly what he did um so i just find it funny how much identity people put into the brands that they represent but that's because people they they crave subjugation i mean they they crave uh they crave being in a community they crave being in a tribe to create you know crave an identity a hat they can wear you know a logo or whatever it's just what people like to do oh um so stop talking start training i love it i love it it's great get out there and shoot some stuff so um let me okay so now i'm getting back to the questions i got my phone here and uh we're looking at some questions i wouldn't say bcm was the best but they're good i agree i agree and i've heard some rumors that some of the quality control with bcm uh reportedly or allegedly has gone down some now i think part of that is just because the number of units they're moving is a lot more than it was say 10 years ago or let's say six years ago so the concept is just with numbers and data the number of reports that will come in if you sell 10 000 guns versus a thousand guns there's going to be more reports of something because it's numbers it's just how it works um so i don't know if the reports of qc issues or cs problems or whatever are increasing or if they are the same amount that they had six years ago there just appear to be more because they're moving more volume uh they did a video just i think it was two years ago showing their new facility they moved into uh and they talked about how much bigger it was which i mean they're probably moving more units uh based on 2020 i think it's safe to say they probably moved a lot of units provided they could get some supply so yeah there's going to be more reports out there of brands and companies having more problems but that doesn't necessarily mean the percentage went up it may have held steady or maybe even gone down but because of the explosion and volume it looks like a lot of problems but it's actually not um numbers numbers mason that's what it's about but people don't seem to understand that so yeah bcms are great i haven't shot one more recently uh but i have a bunch of bcms a few like my 300 blackout my 13.7 og gun we have a 14.5 over there they actually sent that one to me forever ago which i never didn't shoot it much and then i have a 16 inch somewhere that i never use um with their mcmr rail why not buy ones cry once so i do think i think the big issue with the the budget gucci debate is a lack of data like i talked about where people actually can't prove one brand is better than another uh and this happens once you get up to the grade a grade b stuff you know like arguing bcm is better than knight's armament well you really don't have anything to argue unless you actually take a bunch of guns from both companies and you put them through the same tests so even at the top like you know lmt knight's army whoever it is uh you're not going to be able to prove which gun is substantially better they each have nuances like there's certain things about you know the mcx i like don't like that i you know the lmt has that you know and then this gun over here has and this kind of rear has but as far as them all being good uh yeah they're all great but there's no way of proving one is better than the other the real question is are you better than other people at shooting uh that's the real question um so uh that's something that i think just a lot of people don't understand they don't have the data they don't have the metrics all they have is money to argue the point and that doesn't always work now i do think there are some companies that sell guns for more than the perceived value is worth or more than you know they they are as far as their effectiveness and some of that's just going to be you're going to purchase who you want to purchase from based on their marketing who you want to support uh or if they have a signature rifle from an influencer you want to uh you want to have and then like shoot and hold i don't know and i don't understand influencer rifles i i've never been interested in owning a gun if someone else's i want like every my gun is my gun like the gun i own is my gun uh it's not someone else's i've never understood the signa the signature branded rifle thing uh i've been asked by i think three different companies to do a signature rifle told them all no and i'm going to keep doing that keep telling them no just go buy an arrow lower and a bcm upper or something like that and build your own set up your not it's not building by the way it's not even assembling you're putting two pieces together so let's uh let's also like deal with that um ask you which brand yeah get out get out of the brand mentality and everyone's asking about brand yeah i know people that's because here's the thing it's easier to talk about this and this than it is to go to the range and actually put in work it is easier to talk theoretics of or if that's a word well now it is of aimpoint versus eotech or psa versus m p sport or fill in the blank brand verse brand that is way easier to do on a phone at a computer there you have no skin in the game versus the time you're putting into there's no hard skills involved and there's no actual data occurring and so that's why people do that versus just going to the range being quiet and just you know going to work and actually accumulating skills or experience it's those people whose opinions that yeah you should ask for and be like hey in your experience what have you had so like chad i said hey how many rounds have you shot to your gun you've owned one you've obviously gone to the range and shot instead of just talked on forums all day oh 10 000 rounds before you upgraded it put a bcm upper on it cool that's some data that's way better data than dudes just saying like oh yeah i've shot like a hundred thousand rounds and you have no actual like proof and you haven't seen anything and it's all hearsay and usually you can tell who's truthful and who's not based on claims that are made like with xd's so it is funny how that works but people need to be focusing on training at the end of the video i talked about this sucker this is the best 130 you're ever going to spend every serious shooter i'm going to tell you right now every serious shooter out there is working speed and accuracy and guess how they metricize and record metrics for their speed this guy because it's the only way it's the only way to measure speed is with something like a shot timer i mean unless you film it and then you go back and you put a little countdown timer in there and you actually track the time and it takes forever it's the only way to track your speed if you're not tracking your speed you have no idea if you're getting better you could be getting more accurate you could be shooting like bullseye drills or you know 100 meter 50 meter like a zone or target whatever and you could be going up and being like oh my group's getting smaller okay we're improving our accuracy i have no idea if i'm improving my speed uh so you've got to have one of these if if people are having the discussion budget versus gucci and they don't even know in this sucker um i uh i generally don't uh care too much about what they have to say but this sucker right here you really need to have shot timers you get that one or you get the little blue one the cl the club timer or nothing no i can't know what it's called the little blue box gotta have a timer that's shot timer 130 you can get them used maybe except most people probably keep them huh if you use a timer then you are not going to shoot that's hilarious and it's been disproven uh fun fact jsoc everyone at the top guess what they use uh when they're training on the flat range timers so yeah it's been disproven uh constantly all right um but does the shot timer possibly hook up to like your phones or anything like that trying to find one yeah so the problem with phones uh i think someone has been working on a wrist mounted one that could work in an indoor range the phone basically all of them most of them aren't going to work because the sensor is going to pick up sound next door or sound that's loud and an indoor range everything's loud so yeah shot timer and indoor range is very hard to use what i have done i have used a shot timer at an indoor range believe it or not i was i think it was in illinois or somewhere believe it or not um i had to just wait i basically like checked who all the the patrons were and i kind of saw what they were shooting how they were shooting and i was like all right i can probably fit in some stuff because they don't know what they're doing they're going to spend a lot of time loading so i literally just kind of stand there and be kind of waiting you know maybe drawing a little bit or whatever and then as soon as they went to reload then i quickly got my reps in um while there was a space of time so if you're willing to uh do some stuff you can make it work but yeah in an indoor range it's very difficult yeah i've don't ask why i was there anyway so marketing branding is a big part of the farms industry it's a part of everything it's called sales companies have been conducting marketing for the purpose of sales so that they can be a company since the beginning of free trade and commerce so yes that is a thing marketing is a thing now there's a big difference in in positive marketing campaigns that not only represent your brand and sell your product and teach people by our product but also positively affect the community there's all kinds of different marketing campaigns that get used i am of the opinion that and in my experience as well the best marketing is the marketing that not only educates people on the product but also gives them something in addition to that education ideas inspires more than just talking about the product i see companies that do marketing campaigns simply on the product that's all they focus on this is the product we're gonna we're gonna slam this in your face we're gonna remind you this product exists we're gonna do it day after day and i'll tell you right now those companies generally don't do real well subtle marketing campaigns or marketing campaigns with more benefit to people you know giving away free education uh those generally speaking reap way more benefit than you know hard charging marketing campaigns of just slamming proc in people's faces now a marketing strategy that works really well but i don't think yields the best uh results as far as the end user uh is the paid shill approach where you go and pay people to say your product is great versus your product standing on it's own to hind legs this is a problem because you get a lot of customers who don't think for themselves they're going to be using your product who simply just want to chase their favorite favorite influencer and then the question is do you really want those kinds of people representing your product abroad and the answer is they're not the best representatives either so our approach is we let our products stand on its own uh we don't pay people to market our product if you like our product that's awesome and if you don't like it we don't care we're not here to make everyone happy uh and as we market our product we try to give back information we try to give back other companies that we work with who also make products that are great i've got all sorts of products here that we don't you know sell or make any money on but these are companies that we value very much because they are contributing items to the industry that are important so as far as marketing approaches i think a marketing approach that prioritizes the community the consumer more than your own product is most effective that is how we've been conducting our business now for years and uh at times this is the funny part i've had people tell me hey you haven't talked about this product that we make in a long time and i'm like oh yeah i haven't because we've been busy talking about all this other stuff like training related or something that we never talked about reminding people we sell this product so at times i've had people here tell me hey you're actually not selling or marketing the product at all you're marketing other ideas and other things um so then it's like oh well shoot well i don't really want to don't want to make dedicated posts about that because i want to talk about budget versus gucci i want to talk about the real hard topics i don't want to talk about uh gear so it's pretty funny how it works so questions questions questions let me see let me see uh sell me a pick 15. i wish i could we have app plcs we can't sell full power pecs if we did that well actually i can't even get full power lasers they have to go to a police department first at least from insight uh if i were to put a bunch of full power lasers up on our website uh we would not have a dealer contract to the inside anymore and i wouldn't be able to get any more lasers at all so that's how they control uh people selling full power lasers in mass to the community which sucks but it is what it is until the fda gets that removed or someone has the fda remove that rule the fda controls that um budget ar equals free fk ar yeah i know right um how often do you swap bolts and springs um not often not often i've got bolts in my rifles that have been in there for forever i know there's components of the bulkheart group that have been swapped out by people here in the armory but for the most part my personal guns uh that i shoot a lot don't really get touched they don't get handled buffer springs don't get switched out the only time i've really swapped around springs was when i was tuning the gun based on my suppressor or muzzle device and i might have done like a lighter spring heavier spring you know a sprinkle type of a setup but no i don't routinely go through and change everything on my rifles now on my glocks that's a little different um on the glocks that i shoot at the range a whole lot because i have some glocks that i dedicate a lot of time to and i have other ones where i don't shoot them as much i'll change the recoil spring every six to eight thousand rounds i'll change the striker spring every i don't know what they recommend it's like maybe 15 or something like that um i've done that one although that one i don't really keep track of it's more of a it's about time i've swapped it out um and then what else on the glock do i have to swap out that's basically it yeah that's pretty much all i spoke about i have never shot out a glock barrel oh except for the zev one that i had but that's an aftermarket uh but stock glock barrel i haven't ever shot those out just keep shooting them you know most this gun stuff is actually way more durable than people think um and most people aren't going to out shoot the barrel on their pistol or even necessarily on their rifle rifle's a little different though because you can prone out and get really stable and shoot and be like oh my goodness this group and it's your ammo and your barrel but pistol you're not going to out shoot a pistol barrel not for a long time for a younger shooter who doesn't have a steady source of income is a hollow sun sight a good choice the answer is yes if it is all you can afford right now but you want a red dot you want to get time both eyes open training not having to rely on using iron sights the answer is yes holosun does make some optics that are really good however you need to understand that it is a cheaper item generally speaking in the manufacturing world the way you get cheaper items is with slave labor or you use cheap parts it's generally speaking how cheap products come into existence in any market so generally speaking when you have a red dot that is 120 there are parts on that optic the mount the metals the led emitter the glass the fill in the blank the repeatability how many steps in qc it's going to have there are shortcuts and time that has to be cut in order to make that bring that cost down or you said you know slave labor so that's something you need to understand should you want to rely on that over an aim point the answer is absolutely not but for training and getting started sure go ahead um there they can be fine i know people who've had good experience with them i've also seen people have bad experiences with them just have the understanding that a hollow sun you know 140 red dot is not inherently better than an optic that is far more proven like an aimpoint but like i said before buying your guns and your gear and getting outfitted can be a progression you buy what you afford now but you can also save up and slowly upgrade just like i did started with the dpms and now well now there's other you know cool stuff you don't have to have everything right off the bat your first gun does not have to be a gucci build that doesn't have to be if it can be that's great although don't think that's going to make you shoot really well you still got to be able to shoot if you had a monkey a really nice gun he's still going to shoot like crap although probably better than some people compared to you know a budget rifle so thoughts on ride on optics haven't used them but i would say the same thing uh things as a manufacturer as someone who sees things get made tours manufacturing facilities deals with markup deals with numbers deals with american made deals with nylon deals with metal deals with plastic so really all of them except for injection molding uh i know a thing or two about margin and like cutting corners and trying to bring prices on products down uh when products get really cheap there's a couple things that are happening slave labor or cheaper parts it's going to be one of the two so is that good enough for you possibly should you rely on that if you really need something to go to work probably not when there's better options on the market stair step progression stair set progression you could start out a little cheaper and then you know build up from there all right questions questions stock trigger on your glock most of my glocks have stock triggers i do have a trigger i favor from a company called you're gonna love this tactical trigger uh almost impossible to google because you know i even told them like hey your name's kind of like impossible you know find those triggers are really good i have one in my carry gun i've been using them for years got one in one of my other glocks uh i may have three but all my other glocks are stock i shot a stock glock in the video that launched yesterday for a few drills i use stock triggers a lot so i still use them quite a bit um these live streams that help me realize that i'm not old there's just a lot of boys out here so so here's the thing right like i i talked about this i think it was uh oh is it on the vortex stream again i was just on a podcast that's what i'm referencing um firearms ownership is generally a journey right there's very few people that get into gun ownership and go straight to max chad level and kit and understanding and training there's there's very few people now i will say i have uh been able to work with some gamers who have gone straight to that level in terms of kit not necessarily their training but they know that and they're working towards it but they have said hey i want pbs31s i want a full power pec 15. i want you know this optic and so they go straight to having a really nice loadout and then you know they realize hey i still have to train with it and get good but for the most part it's going to be a progression where you grew up hunting hunter's ed bolt gun keep ammunition rifle separate oh ar-15s these things are becoming popular m p sport too do they make it in mossy oak oh they do amazing that's gonna that's exactly what i want it'll go with my jacket you buy that rifle you then shoot some coke cans you then go to a fourth of july barbecue your uncle comes by with a decked out suppressed who knows what probably not great gun but it's more tactical and cool looking and it's not mossy oak and you're like oh man that's a yeah that's what i want instead so then you go out and you try to buy that and you sell your mossy oat gun so then you get that then you find out from one of your buddies who just started uspsa oh man there's this really cool thing we can do where we run around and there's a timer and he's competitive and you're scored against people and you're not just shooting for no reason off of a bench so you go and try that out you get hooked then you see people wearing kit then you're interested in kit then you're interested in competitive shooting then you see someone with a play carrier and you're like oh body armor should probably think about that it's a progression of learning there are certain things that can be done to expedite the learning process such as social media content you know educating people on which is the purpose of the video yesterday hey there's more to owning a gun than just zoning the gun there's chest rigs there's slowly upgrading to better equipment there's such thing as five thousand dollar rifles that do give you some benefit over an 800 budget rifle so then right off the get-go you can be like oh wow i have a little more perspective as to what's going on maybe i can bypass and speed up the process uh in that journey in that progression in being capable and having capable equipment and that's been the purpose of t-rex arms has been helping people with that progression now i will confess that at times we have focused more on like people who are already in the know versus you know beginners and new people but we're trying to fix that we're trying to have content such as the how to shoot epistle in 10 minutes uh the video we just published yesterday that are for new gun owners who know almost nothing they've just seen riots kick off in our country they don't know what's going on there's some people that want to ban rifles and and regulate receivers and they're like well shoot i need the thing they want to ban because people have learned that's what you should want when the government wants to ban a thing you probably own that thing so then they want to go and buy that thing but they don't know anything about it they don't know what they actually need to go with it they don't know how often to clean it we haven't done that video which yeah i don't know uh or they don't know how to paint it which we have done that video but it's not as necessary so that's what we're trying to do now uh is t helping people with that that progression of learning to expedite the process and also expedite the process of understanding that if you suck you suck and so you have to get out there and get training and then how can you do that how can you train yourself how can you what do you need what are the what are the what's the pieces of gear that you need how do you do that we're gonna work on some stuff for that the standards page on our website things like that five five six eight k for the win yeah five five six ak winners uh ak owners are winners right now they're laughing right now all the other 762 boys are well unfortunately arrow is i would say in the budget class um they are a little better but again it's hard to prove how much better or how little better they are than other brands out there lwrcs are good 416s are you pay a lot for the name right now i'll just put it that way uh is it a four thousand dollar gun or upper uh no uh it's not uh you know uh 1800 for an upper you know or so like okay you know it's it is german over built and gassy and you know it's you know piston you know thing yeah 1800 maybe but four grand no at that point it's if it makes you happy you're gonna buy it otherwise whatever i've got one i don't i don't ever rarely shoot it uh swamp fox don't know don't know again again like i said about price point if something's cheap it's cheap for one of two reasons it's not going to be cheap because it's amazing if a company knows they have an amazing product they generally don't make it as cheap as possible like that's just not generally what business like like what happens in business uh generally it's going to be priced around how good the item is that's just how it is now there are some items out there that for the price are good for the money or they're really good for the money but all the cheaper stuff out there that's foreign made that comes from china that comes from factories with potentially less than ideal living conditions and pay uh there is stuff that is going on there that there's not as much care and you know management and whatever that's going to the product like some of these other products you know like american-made products um like i just saw a uh article i think it's from eotech uh about their facility and some insight into their business uh being all like american made and everything up north and i think it's in uh pennsylvania maybe it's pennsylvania no it's not pennsylvania somewhere else i'm hoping to go up there soon but uh companies like that usually put put a lot of care into their products and that's that's what i'm interested in buying when i'm buying a product like i want a product that's backed by people that really care about the product and aren't just you know sweating in a shop like i'm not interested in owning those kinds of products generally because the people making them don't care about the product i want people who are making products that actually care about the thing that they're doing they care about the screws that they're screwing in they care about the loctite they're applying they care about the precision the quality control um and you're not always gonna get that with some of these cheaper optics like you just aren't like it's not gonna happen at that sort of price point how badly does the mro suck the old one had a lot of blue tint and it had some parallax issues the new one is similar to a t2 i've got one the hd now it is i think like 650 or something so it's not budget anymore the old one i think was like 500 so it was priced like an eotech um i like the hd i don't like the old one quite as much they updated it for sure with the hd um i appreciate rifle class yeah for those of you who don't know just like i was saying with like education training supplemental the progression the journey of progression of firearms ownership uh another project that we just did a couple months ago is i released my first free rifle class on our website it's three hours long although it is chaptered so if you want to skip to like certain sections like malfunction clearing reloading throttle control calling shots you know whatever happens to be you can skip through the video it's not a video you have to watch from you know it's not a movie right it's not gonna it's not a fictional story of you know i don't know some crazy gun industry horrible corny thing uh so you can watch it at any point in the video you don't have to watch it front to back um but it's for free available on our website it's not on youtube it's not here uh it's only on our website right there on the training page three hours long rifle check it out a lot of my training philosophy is within that video and some of the stuff that i've done for other people as well just like some of the concepts same things all right um scrolling down lg uh trigger yes this one the act trigger yeah the advanced combat trigger uh one of the best budget triggers you can get and i know people are gonna be like oh seventy dollars isn't budget uh no for what this is an aftermarket compared to like geissele and you know some of these other triggers and chimney and whatnot this is a budget aftermarket trigger and i like these a lot we have these in a bunch of guns it's something that would have been fun to feature in the video yesterday we talked about it but it was also the last day we were filming and it was like ah do we really want to chuck this in there and like is it going to affect that much like probably not people aren't going to notice as much so we didn't but this is a trigger i highly recommend we did just put these on our website because we want to support it because it's awesome we want to have them out there and uh with you know our essentially same day shipping um so we do have these they should there should be some in stock i could be wrong though they could have they could have all sold out by now but they're they're awesome i love them they've been using them for a long time oh boy um let's see let's see ac ones oh my goodness would you recommend nashville armories rifle classes i have no idea i don't know what they're teaching over there i don't know what it entails um i know there's some other places rural range i think has a bunch of training stuff that they do um it could be good it could also not be good i don't know i actually i have no idea i would have to the problem with recommending training companies and i'm getting to talk to a guy and hang out with a guy this friday from a new training company just started is i really it's hard to say how good a training company is going to be unless you go and take the class and i'm not running around taking everyone's classes um i mean i could send someone here to potentially do that and i've thought about that sending people here to basically go check in on classes and then write up an aar and be like yes this place is cool yes this place treats people well this place doesn't this place told me to hold left with my pistol instead of understanding what i was doing was wrong you know fill in the blank whatever we just haven't been able to do that yet so it's hard to recommend training companies i generally don't recommend them unless i'm able to talk to the instructor face to face or they've put out a substantial amount of content on the internet that you can kind of piece through and kind of see what they're about uh have some you know track record um so there's an instructor from a company that's coming into town on friday that i'm going to be able to spend time with and talk to them about you know hey what are you guys trying to do what's your training philosophy um you can also just kind of you know go to lunch you know just figure some things out that's really important um but i generally don't like recommending training companies unless i know more about them uh there's good ones out there and there's bad ones there's plenty of bad ones and there's also plenty of good ones um they weren't popping out with the kryptek versions all right cool non-profit to test on established farms yeah so uh fun fact with the irs and 501 c3s a few years ago they really hammered down on uh who could you know apply for a charitable like non-profit people suggested i do that with my twitch giveaways because i'm giving away an excess of uh estimated 80 000 in gear next year if not more which i'm then going to be taxed on uh i can't make a 501c3 or at least i highly doubt the irs is going to allow me to make a 501c3 uh for the sole purpose of giving away body armor chest rigs plate carriers and weapons accessories kind of doubt it it is humanitarian i would say absolutely gear that preserves life you know definitely humanitarian the irs will they think so no uh they they will not allow that so uh yeah 501c3s uh for firearms related stuff testing study um it's just i don't think it's gonna happen if someone in here could figure out a way to make it work and i'd be free and clear incredible amazing uh i just don't think it's gonna happen because the irs is one of the most detestable agencies in our government and uh they are not going to like the amount of freedom that i want to share with people with a 501c3 like that it's not going to happen so uh instead we get to pay lovely taxes on the things that we do so anyway shotgun content would love to see your ideas on drills kit and purpose that is a good question that i'm not going to answer i'm not a big i'm not a big shotgun guy i have some very nice shotguns some benelli's and some other stuff but uh i don't recommend people buy a shotgun and here's why there is a lot more to knowing how to shoot a shotgun well and manipulate a shotgun and reload a shotgun and work a shotgun than an ar-15 or a carbine i can give a brand new shooter an ar-15 and show them magazine goes here charging handle is here here's the safety oh and there's the trigger after 29 30 rounds whatever it is uh you're gonna push this button you're gonna put a new mag in you're gonna hit this little lever or just come up here and pull the thingy and you have another 30 rounds there's less recoil i wouldn't say they're quieter because they're all going to be loud indoors but shotgun is actually a lot more complicated as far as the manual of arms goes and in mastering a shotgun than an ar-15 so i do not recommend shotguns to new gun owners uh shotguns have very limited application um but ar-15s uh absolutely that's why ar-15s fly off the shelves just because people know i don't just have to buy a shotgun anymore there's cool air 15s on the market you can buy i mean remember a few years ago you could buy an ar-15 from walmart i remember walking into a walmart i want to say it was like six years ago or so and i remember seeing an ar-15 and i took a photo i think i put it on the t-rex instagram and i was just like this is the coolest thing ever you can you could buy an air 15 at walmart like this is proof that ars are becoming like really big and and understood in mainstream and then since then walmart's been like no guns and whatever but um that's a big deal you know as soon as that started happening we started to see shotguns go away to some extent as far as some of the culture goes uh so no ars hey our platform shotguns don't know don't know uh okay so i'm uh looking at a few more questions let's do a couple more questions before we go this has been a very fast live stream i'll say just really you know it's a lot a lot of talking um so it becomes like what what do you think about a former sf dude saying that speed will come when it comes to muscle memory lining up sites and other fundamentals uh i agree and i disagree um so basically the concept is that if someone knows how to do the stuff they will automatically get faster later the answer is no you may be more consistent in how you draw how you reload how you do your stuff but the only thing that's actually going to make you faster at it is if you push yourself if you actually want to get faster just knowing the thing i know lots of shooters out there they know how to do the tasks but they're not pushing their speed and that's what it requires it requires that you're going to push your speed and actually get faster yes you have to have the proper you know economy of motion and efficiency and consistency and muscle memory in order to make that happen you know cognitive processing and all that good stuff neurological pathways all those big like big brain knowledge and words uh but for the most part that speed is not going to happen unless you make it happen that's why these suckers are great because you know what's going on it can help motivate you and help get you faster so yes and no uh yes but no uh let's see the only way to go faster is to go faster zing economy in motion definitely have that figured out first because the more stuff you can eliminate the faster it'll automatically be even if you're doing it not slowly or smoothly but uh it is what it is okay a couple more couple more um that's not a question but i agree with 100 uh how about a leak no i've been a good boy i don't i don't leak products anymore just kidding uh just tune in to my twitch streams i'll just say that good resource for night vision training homework well uh i'm actually not aware of a lot of resources online that cover night vision uh principles and concepts there are a couple videos on youtube there's one from maureen someone here is going to have to help me out brent0326 or something like that he did a video that i saw a couple months ago on night vision use just a beginner just a ir light light discipline here's how it works here's your helmet options use your whatever solid video but there's not a lot of training content out there because most of these night vision companies in my opinion uh gatekeep way too much uh they're like oh come take the class from us in order to learn it and it's like no like all you're doing is it's a flat range class at night i mean you're not doing anything super special there's nothing stopping you from doing a couple videos and you would actually get more clients because more people would see it see that you're the expert on the thing and they would want to come train with you generally speaking that's how it goes but if you never show what you know nobody knows to come and train with you so you've got to put yourself out there a little bit yeah you're going to get criticized yeah you're giving away your secret sauce for free guess what that that gets you clients and that gets you the right clients um so no there's not a lot of night vision content out there i've done a couple videos i'm hoping to do more videos in the future i'm hoping to actually have a night vision training video on our site take a bunch of employees here within the company take them out teach them the same stuff that i've taught to other folks on here's how you move with night vision here's considerations for you know light ir or white light transitioning between nods and white and all that good stuff uh from a you know a range perspective and whatnot but the thing with night vision is it's actually not about shooting it's about moving that's that's all night vision is about it's about moving and seeing shooting with nods is actually super easy it's everything else you know looking through a tube that actually is a little bit more difficult and building people's confidence with that is really what classes should be doing uh instead of just pressing a button on a laser pad and doing this the whole time that's easy and honestly is done too much in class in my opinion so in the future i'm hoping that we can do more um all right all right i know we talked some budget stuff but there's a lot of other stuff we talked about so this this title may not be like like you know perfect what is the next step up from bcm um honestly uh there's parts that you would could actually i would say add to the gun like an lmt or surefire bolt carrier group um but the upper itself is solid i mean lmt is really good really hard to get if you want a full upper there's a few other companies out there but honestly if if you had a bcm uh i would focus more on the stuff on the gun which i know usually i say like focus on training um versus trying to upgrade you know the barrel even further or the rail even further um then think about your white light your optic you know do you want a magnified optic do you want a pec 15 do you want night vision like i would i would say the progress what i would do and this is what i did the progression for me was as soon as i got to bcm i did not try to go buy a 416 or an mcx i went and bought night vision that was my next thing i didn't need to upgrade from a bcm because that wasn't necessarily going to help the capability that i had night vision was the next logical step after i got to bcm and that's another thing that we've talked about hey should we create a gear progression example for people of considerations to make along the way you know when should you buy night vision versus these other items what components do you put on a rifle before others like sights come first light comes next sling comes next or comes before light but a light's very important and then a red dot and then a trigger and then a better light and then you know coming up with a like a framework for people to sort of work off of i don't want them to follow it necessarily exactly but just to give ideas we've talked about that what that would look like but no if you already have a bcm uh you should be looking into furthering capability with other systems other platforms or night vision versus simply just like trying to upgrade that gun itself i mean if you have for example an 11 and a half bcm and you want another you know you want to optimize that gun maybe the optimization is getting another upper maybe that optimization is a 14.5 and then you put a scope on it or a 16 inch uh or something or a completely different gun so now you have like a short range little gun you have like a longer range gun that's another thing to think about instead of trying to have one gun that can do everything now you have a little bit of options a little bit of variety a little bit of spice a little bit of drip oh shouldn't have said that it's horrible so yeah those are things to think about there's a lot to think about but i think one of the biggest problems with the gucci budget debate is a great place to leave off on is people get absolutely like chained to their first rifle or chains to their favorite gucci brand they get changed to their psa their anderson their fill in the blank whatever gun and they don't realize that you don't have to just use one brand like that's the great thing about america you do not have to use one brand you can literally move on and get another upper you can get another optic you don't have to stick with hollow sun uh you can go to aimpoint you can go to eotech you don't have to stick with aimpoint you could put an acog on there or one to six but there's so many people that are just stuck with the identity of like that one brand their first rifle justifying their purchase and that just isn't healthy or helpful um you should be willing and able and interested in setting goals and owning equipment and gear beyond the first thing that you own or the thing that you just really like because you just really like it for some reason capability should be the goal not just you know comfort capability over comfort with all that said guys thanks so much for tuning in uh i hope the question answering was helpful and we will see you guys next time
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 528,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isaac botkin, trex arms, shopbot, cnc machines, holster development, holster making, kydex holsters, lucas botkin, customer support
Id: FkC_yfWW4Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 29sec (4409 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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