TREX TALK: Helmets and Plate Carriers

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oh true mcdonald's makes the best fries i don't care what you all think so what best friend yeah best prize they're the best thank you so what's going on guys we are going to be taking some time now i haven't uh i haven't uh i just ate food for the first time today uh minus some cookies so i'm trying to get ready for the next three hours of live streaming on twitch and then of course uh here on youtube so what i want to do is i want to take the next hour and answer some questions and talk over some equipment stuff helmets and plate carriers because people are always interested in buying that stuff people are always asking questions about that stuff they're emailing our customer service guys they're trying to decide you know do i need to upgrade my stuff what's the new greatest best thing out there is it even worth upgrading and so i kind of want to talk through a few things chest rigs plate carriers helmets i have a bunch of different helmets and plate carriers that we've been using and some new stuff that we purchased recently i love to scope out one particular website i've shown people this on my twitch before oh man excuse me this is probably drinking soda you get all the air down there and you know let's go anyway my favorite website for buying gear it's not t-rex arms i have actually never made an order on t-rex arms my favorite website to buy things is ebay i go to ebay and i buy all kinds of interesting unique items i'm actually checking ebay like every week every two weeks looking at chest rigs what kind of kits on there sometimes seeing our stuff on there and how exorbitantly priced it is by people who want to sell ready rigs for 400 and ac ones for 300 bucks like i get it but uh i like going there because i know the item is in stock you know if it's there on ebay buy it now or or up for bid that is an item i can actually get and during covid and i guess soldering cobin that's kind of a big deal with demand being this high and supply kind of being down here for all things plate carrier chest rig all that good stuff so i've been using ebay consistently for the past year and a half to snipe and pick up chest rigs and all kinds of other equipment that we need here in the armory to be able to talk about educate people on some newsletters on photograph all that good stuff we don't just use t-rex arms gear you guys know that i've been using this velocity mayflower chest rig for the past few weeks doing some testing and some other stuff we don't sell these we don't make any money promoting these but it's a good piece of kit that you know is very relevant today it's still very high quality i now have three or four of them picked up a black one this week we got a coyote one a little while ago so we're collecting basically one in each color it's really what's available on ebay i see it on there i grab it because if i go to order from velocity's website directly odds are i'm gonna wait for like a month or two before it fulfills because that's how most these gear companies and gear websites kind of do their business which i'm not personally a big fan of like if you go and order from cry well uh you're screwed for months um that's just how it is that's every time i've gone to order directly from cry's website i wait for months and i don't like that business model you should only be selling things that are actually in stock you can ship to the customer so you're not holding on to their expectation and their money longer than you should so ebay is your friend in all of this collecting kit even t-rex arms gear we have stuff there so let's talk about how much real quick uh do i regret not joining the service absolutely not there's more than one way to serve your country but for whatever reason due to our current culture they seem to not understand that but whatever so uh fake items on ebay yes there are a lot of fake items on there there's even fake t-rex arms gear there's fake tourniquets there are some pieces of gear that you need to be careful of when it comes down to a certain price point if you see tourniquets for 10 to 15 dollars i don't recommend you buy those odds are it's a fake there's a reason it's good to judge products sometimes off of their perceived value and off of their actual value if i'm buying cat tourniquets i'm going to be spending between 25 and 30 dollars that's going to help ensure that it's a real one because the majority of these fake companies out there these companies in hong kong you know oly and all these people they have to sell it dirt cheap and they're gonna sell it for dirt cheap because that's the only way they can get one you know get one and over uh surefire and these other companies so if you're going and shopping for chest rigs and you see one on there that says you know eighty dollars shipping from wuhan china or whatever uh you're getting a fake what i do when i go to ebay and search for chest rigs and plate carriers and helmets like i picked up this uh protac this retro old school protac helmet on ebay for like 70 dollars i go to ebay type in what i'm searching for and i literally click on us only so that literally filters out all those fake the majority of those like fake uh products and stuff and i'm only getting stuff in the u.s that'll ship to my door within about five days or so so this is a helmet that i scored recently and i've been using it it's just a very simple bump helmet 60 bucks i drilled some extra holes for this wilcox mount so i can run my pbs14 on it it's kind of a budget little setup granted is a wilcox mount but whatever through this blinding insight light here on the side because hey why not had one section of picatinny and then an ir strobe right here these are actually fairly budget as well you can find them for i think about 80 bucks so i can actually run ir and uh that's pretty cool so ebay ebay sniper yeah that's that's me love sniping on the ebay i check it uh there's some nights i get on there and i'm just like you know what i want to see if there's something cool chest rig us only i scroll for like five minutes don't see anything i'm out i'll check again in a few days it's good fun it's good fun pubg is trash well it's all bots now um haven't seen any ready rig knock-offs there are some out there there's a few uh there'll be more more people will copy the concept and that's just how it is um is it practical to have a covert and over carrier setup if you can financially afford it and the answer is yes what a lot of companies out there are doing right now is they're creating plate carriers that are scalable the new big army plate carrier which i'd love to get my hands on uh it's actually it's like gen 4 or something of whatever it is starts as a slick carrier and you can scale it pretty gracefully actually in my opinion um very modern as well to be a full direct action you know type loadout so there's a lot of companies trying to do that what we're trying to do with the ac one is the ac one is a slick plate carrier the ac-1 is not meant to be covered in communications breaching charges 10 rifle magazines full loadout like that's not what the ac one's for it's a slick plate carrier there's other plate carriers out there that can handle the weight far more effectively such as the cry avs cpc some of the other larger carriers out there to your tactical stuff like that if you're doing a full on direct action plate carrier that you want to load load down with a lot of kit and gear i recommend you get one of those plate carriers that has more structure more rigidity better just load carriage carriage carriage of all of that mission essential equipment but if you're doing a slick carrier get a slick carrier so i like the option of having both you can scale slit carriers a little bit you know throw on some different placards whatever honestly something that i'm really enjoying and this is something people been doing for a long time is taking my slick plate carrier like this this is a old mayflower low vis it's all white so you can hide it under a shirt and you know it doesn't like you know it's not gonna like print through your your thin hawaiian shirt right but i have my uh nice little slick armor like this a pretty cool little setup again sniped sniped on ebay and all i have to do is take my chest rig so this big velocity rig that holds lots of stuff and i just wear it on top so now i have my slick armor that is scalable with a much larger chest rig that holds four rifle mags radio medical multi-tool flashlight notebook pin gps pistol mag pistol mag and i'm done and then if i need to i can dump this put it back into my bag wear this under my shirt etc so you can go the route of doing slick and being able to scale it man that cup looks super ugly so you can go that route or you can have two dedicated rigs like something larger like an avs plate carrier fully kitted an ac-1 or slickster or spiritus carrier that's set up as a slick vest or like that super awesome mayflower plate carrier and that's a mayflower not a velocity don't do steel armor it's stupid oh speaking of armor we released a new product today now unfortunately you are not the first to find out about it because we just put it up like 30 40 minutes ago and i leaked it on twitch a while ago again another reason to watch our my twitch channel because i leak things there but we have a new product for those of you running armor if you are running steel armor uh use it as a target get new armor or you can get this product to complement that steel armor i guess but if you're running l210s which you purchase from our company or another company because there's lots of people selling l210s now it's kind of it's got a lot more uh press i guess a lot more people that know about these they will also unofficially defeat some fairly legitimate rounds which is super cool and they're inexpensive they're like three what 60 for a set three something like that the downside to l210s is if you're wearing them in a slick plate carrier like the ac one or like this little mayflower rig or or even uh this uh slick lbt carrier you know for 600 000 rubles um it's a little uncomfortable because it's a single curve it's not a multi curve plate so a while ago i was like hey you know what we really need to offer a plate bag set which is literally two pieces of foam with some nice you know air channels for airflow and all that good stuff but also give you a little bit of comfort with the l210 so you have that with the l210 just like that you wear it like so and that gives you a little bit of comfort with your hard plate uh this could also apply to like some of the ceramic armor out there that doesn't have like a soft backing obviously if you have something like the 3810s or like these uh 4800s this is a gucci level 4 plate it already has some nice cushioning it's multi-curve so you don't have to worry about it quite as much but if you have a flat plate like the l210 you're good to go so you can pick up a set of these at t-rex now they're they may be out of well but surely they're not out of stock yet but i think it's thirty dollars for a set slop them in with your l210s they will fit size small plates small carriers medium carriers or large carriers and you're done and they are not ballistic ever now you can get 3a inserts but you don't need to worry about that so we just put that up today to go with your l210s or your targets your steel targets you put in your body but you know it is what it is so those are up now it should be wider uh no this works great uh nabbed them quick yeah this is not well okay trauma yes it would help with some trauma but it's not a 3a insert but yeah softbackers can occasionally be used as a trauma pad from some defamation of certain rounds at a certain distance at a certain angle but the answer is it is two pieces of foam with our logo on it that is what it is but yes it's more comfy so anyway 30 bucks who are they made by um don't know but they're made here in america by a factory that specializes in foam they literally just like stamp them and create thousands of them so i actually don't even know because uh someone else was working on that so uh what about what do you think about air 500 don't buy it steel is great for targets not great for armor there's lots of studies on this and the funny part is buying ar 500 steel plates that are then coated ends up costing about the same as getting a set of l210s which will actually defeat rounds properly i have this story from a buddy of mine who his department got some steel armor from a particular company they were test shooting it with some normal five five six rounds that they had at work because of the police department they were penetrating the plates at five yards wrote to the company and said hey your plates are failing at five yards and guess what the company wrote back we weren't these plates were not intended to be shot that close that is why they are being penetrated so the most common distance to be shot at they are saying is not where you need to be shot at with that armor on like that's that's a problem so no we will never recommend steel armor unless it's in vehicles or on targets or you have a bunker or you know something like that don't wear it get actual plates there's really good budget options out there like l210s there's no reason to buy steel armor anymore at all so all right helmets let's talk about helmets real quick so there's a lot of options out there obviously there's like four companies out there uh ops core team wendy uh cry has the airframe i don't think they make a bump uh you've got mtech msa uh i know there's hvt but it's chinese armor and their bump helmets are really flexible and then there's a couple other companies that you don't hear talked about or there you are uh you don't hear talked about that you know don't get recognized on like instagram or with popular marketing you know in culture they just focus on like government sales so one of these helmets for example i think i have one here um this is a yeah i think this is an msa or a revision helmet so you don't hear about these or see these very often it's a very non cool helmet but it's ballistic um they get issued to people and i think they're about i think i paid about 500 bucks for this one and it does have ballistic capability but you don't hear about it because it's not one of the big name brands you know that dudes are running around with or you know sf dudes are running around with it's like a police department helmet that they push to departments who you know have a little bit less of a budget uh i picked this up again on ebay uh i believe this is an msa i don't think this isn't yeah there we go msa uh she doesn't give me a uh a product number um but there's so there's a lot of other companies out there that are not obscore team wendy you know cry that are making helmets now the real thing the real question that comes down with helmets isn't so much you know what ballistic capability do i need is it going to take a direct rifle round the real question is what's the helmet for so for me the primary reason i wear a helmet is night vision if i'm wearing if the primary reason is night vision then at that point i can get away most likely with something like a bump something far more inexpensive this is more or less just operating as a mounting solution for that night vision to my head so pvs 14 31s panos whatever when i'm wearing my panos because people have said hey if you're wearing heavy night vision like pvs 15s or you know 31s with a kodi on it or something like that that's a lot of weight a ballistic helmet will help sort of handle that weight for you and kind of counteract it well i actually wear my panos with this team wendy the team wendy has in my opinion the best suspension system as far as tightening to your noggin to your melon and with a couple little lead weights here in the back underneath my battery pack that's enough counterweight back here after i tighten my helmet down with their little boa that i can move around nice and fast i can aim bot nice and quick between targets and the entire helmet's not jumping all over the place so when i'm running around with my nods and doing stuff if there's no concern for needing a ballistic helmet i wear a bump helmet these are 300 they have a built-in granted it is a polymer shroud it comes with my little attachments that i can clip my night vision into for retaining and stabilization and there's also rails on the side for mounting your earpro so ballistic helmets where or when are they necessary well the reality is the majority of ballistic helmets out there will not take a direct rifle round uh it's not like the movies where like you know you get dinged and it's like oh shoot you know and you get back up and you're fine like no the majority of these ballistic helmets are rated basically for only pistol rounds and explosive frag so the reality is if you're not around a whole lot of explosives you know this isn't going to necessarily stop a direct rifle round a glance shot potentially but ballistic helmets may be not quite as necessary for depending on your scenario for some folks civilian citizens depending on what the the issue is because we're not around at least right now a lot of ieds or other explosive threats so for me it's if i'm wearing night vision i can have a bump helmet if i'm somewhere like a shoot house or on a military base or something where i have to have a ballistic helmet because that's sop i wear my op score uh but ballistic helmets the misconception with them is that it's like hollywood they'll stop a five five six round an ak round a 308 round like no unfortunately it's not you'll still get head eyes uh no problem um but there are good ballistic helmets out there this is an op score sf it's very lightweight it is about eighteen hundred dollars you can then drop down to like this msa that i picked up on ebay for about i think it was 550 to uh this is an ops court oh no wait i'm sorry this was the msa this which looks just the same is an actual ops core uh mitch hch i'm trying to find the actual name of this one uh we ordered this a long time ago they do take forever to get which sucks so it's a 3a helmet and i think this was about 600 so you can go from super cool guy lightweight armored helmet that's like you know the team wendy's like eleven hundred dollars which is this one right here um the airframe i think is about eleven hundred dollars and the ops core sf goes all the way up to um eighteen hundred so this is a team wendy ballistic i do have the face shield on here again some of you chad's will know why um this is semi-ish ballistic ansi rated actually this is ballistic it's anti-rated the little one is ballistic uh the one that just covers like the bottom part of the helmet uh and then these little ear adapters which most of these modern helmet suites have off scores i think have an option so you can modify it this team wendy has an option so these are 3a as well allows you to cover up your ears with some protection now have i ever actually seen anyone wearing these on their team wendy's no i haven't but i needed them for the full tarkov experience so this is a ballistic team wendy it's about eleven hundred dollars and um so yeah uh questions on helmets let's see wendy uh team wendy sold to avon so the gas mask company i don't have one here now owns team wendy so the company that owns team wendy who liked hillary clinton and the democratic party now no longer owns team wendy avon does now i don't know avon's political leanings but avon's a pretty cool company they make some awesome stuff they are very entrenched with the government so that could mean anything but no team wendy isn't like hey hillary um that was their parent company and that's one reason why selling the company you begin or you start to another company can suck because if you sell to a company with very different political leanings or culture or whatever your company may now all of a sudden lose its identity because now you have sold to someone who's not you know matched up that's why selling your company you gotta be really careful especially if it's something you're very passionate about so anyway um someone asked something about something else yeah olights or ieds absolutely um anyway uh what about hardhead veteran so the issue with hardhead veteran the company right is oh geez where do i start well first off throwing veteran in the name i don't want to say it's a i don't say it's a low move but sort of it kind of gets at heart strings right it's like oh veteran oh heartstrings no yeah you want to support us we're veterans right um but they've publicly admitted that the armor that they're getting for their helmets is chinese so if you're gonna pull at the heartstrings of veterans and military service to you know god and country why would it not be more american armor you know like to me at least this is me speaking as a consumer because i go out and buy i go and buy my helmets you know msas ops course team wendy's also i go and spend money on these um i want to buy helmets from companies where i know what kind of what's going on and there's not this weird sort of kind of hypocritical weird thing kind of going on this is how i feel about it all right if you're going to throw a veteran in the name of your company but then use chinese armor that's not i'm not a huge fan personally okay i play with one of their bump helmets they are extremely flexible you can literally like twist the entire helmet now is that okay for mounting night vision sure i'm sure that would be fine but if you actually want to survive you know a blunt impact to something that could be a problem this team wendy is quite a bit more rigid i can twist it slightly but it's much more rigid and well built as a helmet compared to theirs so i know people bring them up because there's dudes on instagram using their stuff but that's how i see it if i'm buying a helmet uh to put my you know ten thousand dollar night vision on my forty thousand dollar night vision on or to protect my head i'm gonna go get that from a reputable company that's been in the game you know msa offscore um you know team wendy um even mtech not some company that is more embroiled in instagram than um just other stuff so that's just my opinion on all of that but i like to be very honest and open with you guys even if it means potentially burning a bridge with some in the industry that i could probably get paid to rep their product but i'm not going to do that so that's just how it is oh boy anyway in bottom on twitch i'll be streaming here in the armory later and showing guns because they can't do that um so anyway i can't show guns on here um so i'm i'm reading through some uh comments right now how about casa lutus air steel armor don't even know that he made steel armor don't do steel armor i've said that again i'll say it again i'll always say it forever and ever so yeah mtech helmets yeah so the carbon it's a carbon fiber helmet it's pretty expensive it's like seven hundred dollars it's more durable and i believe lightweight compared to their standard bump that i think is about 400 but at that point it's like if you're already spending 700 on a non-ballistic helmet because carbon fiber is not ballistic um why not go up to 1100 and actually have a ballistic helmet so uh i have a m-tec it's not here it's over there somewhere that is a i want to say it's just their standard bump not a carbon because i was like why do i want a carbon helmet it's like 700 something dollars so i didn't end up doing that i got a standard bump forever we go airframe i do have an airframe the airframe is cool although it is rather large as a helmet i've heard mixed reports from people about its ballisticness and its ballistic capability i do have one it's another eleven hundred dollars you know thousand dollars it has this nice little ridge right here which is supposed to help with airflow for halo jumping and all that good stuff which you know as civilians we're doing all the time well not yet but uh it's a cool helmet i've i've owned a couple uh i haven't used this one in a long time i had a green one forever ago it was like my first ballistic helmet because it was what all the cool people had back then but the reality is it's another ballistic helmet it has a shroud for night vision you can put velcro on it and do stuff and then it has arc rails on the side so you can mount your earpro like these contacts and you're done now if you want a cheap budget helmet i went again sniping on ebay i went over to ebay and you can get all sorts of uh ballistic helmets like old school ballistic helmets that are more ballistic than some of the other ballistic helmets out there this is a oh geez uh a rabbintex usa uh military issue helmet so it's like ballistic 3a or whatever um you i picked this up for i think 390 400 it's old school right you gotta wear most likely you're not gonna like slap ear pro on the helmet but if you have neck band ear pro and i've worn this it's not bad you know you have the little minimalist neck band up under your head and then your ear pro will be underneath this uh just like that and so you'll still you know be able to wear your amplified earpro which i highly recommend and uh you're good to go which looks very similar obviously to this team wendy with the 3a you know let me see can i turn this yeah yeah there we go that's some comparisons now you guys know why we buy all this stuff so got the ear pro on this side underneath and i can do the same thing with this team wendy helmet or i can take the little armored part off and i can put my earpro on the side so lots of lots of ways of collect getting yourself a helmet it doesn't necessarily mean going to someone's website buying new and getting it shipped in i love buying new stuff it's my that's why i love ebam and ebay sniper that's why i should have titled this youtube video i'm a sniper on ebay i'm a marksman um cutting ebay ach to high cut um yeah i don't know about that um the issue and again i'm not a massive armor expert is you are going to leave all the armored material on the inside exposed i don't know i don't know you're going to lose this reinforced ridge here at the at the edge um which you probably want um you're just gonna cut all that away but hey have at it you know like who knows i wouldn't recommend it though i am a tarkov gamer i am so uh options for large plates that don't break the bank um l210s are great 3810s are also great you get them a size large does anyone make armored earpro no although i want to say ops core or someone has these little armored pieces that you velcro to your earpro um i i don't know how helpful or useful that's going to be probably i think it would be less useful than this armored segment that's actually attached to the helmet so for added structure you lose you lose all that by just having it free-floated on your ear pro this little like piece of armor i i just don't think it's it's never heard of it being awesome i've never seen anyone using those if anything you should have a helmet that's all one piece covering your ears if you're that concerned about protecting your your little ears and all your piercings and all that um so it is what it is plate carriers all right let's you know what let's all right so that's all the helmet stuff right not all of it because i'm sure there's more questions um make sure your helmet has a night vision shroud that's a big reason to have a helmet oh someone said something about skull caps uh or like a skull crusher um that's a decent way of wearing armor it's a little minimalist little cap of nylon that you kind of put on and you chin strap it and then you have your you know pvs sevens you know splinter cell you know out in the front um you don't get a lot of stability with that you get very little stability with a setup like that i've done a pvs 14 on a skull cap the op score skull crusher is better although it's like 230 dollars and at that point i may as well just buy a helmet it also doesn't really fold up into your bag that's how i film my first person videos is i actually have an op score skull crusher but you know whatever different discussion for another day i recommend you go with a helmet if you want a fast comfortable way of handling the weight of a pbs 14 15s dtmvgs dtmbs's pbs7 even get a helmet the skull crusher the only benefit to it is being able to fold it up in a little backpack with your night vision attached you know run in do your stuff pull it out put that on you know put a suppressor on your pistol you know fine very well cool but if i have time and opportunity i'm gonna i'm gonna put a helmet on and actually have more stability better stuff a boa and all be set so kind of a big thing all right let's first off let's talk chess rigs and plate carriers so there's a lot of cool little chest rings out there the the velocity whatever these are called is one of my favorites they have a bunch of different versions some with zippers in the front some without the biggest modification that i make to my chest rigs right now from other companies from wherever is i because i'm small and skinny i x harness the crap out of them so this comes with an h harness that is unmodifiable this is actually a haley micro arid x harness and what the x harness does basically is regardless of your body type and like how jacked or how muffin-topped you are that x basically ends up riding all the way up to the top of your head so it prevents your straps from falling off of your shoulders so even on uh so like this is an old lbt chest rig i bought forever ago this is an x harness uh this guy this is actually kind of cool i picked this up last week on ebay so it's a huge i mean this is a fairly traditional chest rig lbt molly uh harness that when i saw this on ebay i thought it was all like one piece but it's actually molly with all these pouches mollied to it and actually works quite well these are old parcelette pouches which i they're kind of brown they're probably not worth a lot but if they're like ranger green or multi-cam i think they would be worth some serious coin um but uh i x harness this this is an actual h harness um it's kind of got some weird stuff going on here but i took the h from each side because it was velcro i velcroed it to itself and then i x the harness so that it will fit me much better and i did the same thing to that's a velocity rig to my aor1 eagle mcpr or whatever it's called this is an h harness again i've taped off the h on each side and i exit just like that so when i put it on i'm not going to do that because i have all these cords and stuff but it will actually be x and ride properly on my body i'm not a huge fan of h harnesses if you guys are well get out no i'm just kidding no you're fine but i i do like parsley yeah if that's how you pronounce it probably not so um how many mags should i carry three or twelve all right so the whole mag conversation right because people are make fun of the little mini rigs they're like a real fighting loadout is when you have 50 mags on you and it's like well it depends what you're doing um sf dudes who are running very particular kinds of missions in syria and everywhere the other places they may have one in the gun three on front two on the sides on the back of their cry carrier so that's five plus one six they have more in the gun trucks some dudes who are running around may have to have eight because they are far away from resupply or they don't have gun trucks cops have two counteractive shooter two it just depends what you're doing there's no right answer it all depends on how far are you from other ammunition are you working with other people is it one threat or 50 threats or a platoon of threats i mean it's all like do you have close air support like it's it's it's it's a debate conversation or point that is going to be dependent on everything so for me i have a rifle in the front seat of my car if i'm out in nashville or somewhere and i hear something going on and i decide to take my rifle i will have one magazine on my rifle maybe two if i put one in my back pocket as i grab my rifle off the seat and go in that's it and for the majority of active shooting events that we've seen in history for the past decade there is one aggressor sometimes two like the one in california a few years ago but it's not like a whole platoon of people right like if it was a platoon of active shooters like yeah i'd be kind of screwed with two mags but the realistic sort of scenario we're looking at of domestic terrorism active shooters you know whatever it's one or two right whereas in afghanistan you know what we've been doing for 20 years or whatever and you're up in the mountains with limited support that's why you see pictures of dudes that have like 12 magazines on them like three deep or you know this old this is an old lbt uh chest rig right here this is actually a favorite i just got this recently uh these are triple mag pouches so i can hold three mags aimed outwards or two stacked this way so i can run nine well actually no 12 magazines on the front if i absolutely had to and then i have my you know med radio or you know food and snacks and whatever it all depends um the majority of the swat guys that i've done stuff with they have two they have like two mags one on the gun one on their kit maybe two on their kit and that's it because they're also looking at similar scenarios one bad guy maybe two bad guys and that's it you know it's all dependent there's no proper answer to how many mags you should have most of my kit has like three i have one in the gun maybe one on the belt five you know but it would depend on what's going on it would depend on you know civil war what kind of civil war civil unrest let's say gasoline doesn't come back for a month yeah things will get weird let's say the power grid gets hacked and you know so no one has power yeah it'll get weird well you need six magazines on you maybe i don't know what kind of threats there are in your area are you in the city are you rural like where are you at you know it all depends there's no answer the proper answer is you're gonna have to use your hubris and figure out what's going on anyway um three pistol mags one of the gun two on the belt uh so i talked to a dude recently who i highly respect his philosophy uh he's in a foreign unit his or wasn't a four unit his philosophy is one pistol mag for every rifle mag and that was due to some of his own personal experiences where he had to resort to using a pistol and that's the first guy i've ever heard say that i mean yeah all the guys that i've worked with it's usually less pistol than rifle the rifle's the primary but this guy said no one pistol for every rifle mag if i've got five rifle mags on me i'm gonna have five pistols three on the belt two on my chest rig four in my chest right one on the belt and i was like oh okay and he treats it as his pistol is a more or less should be seen as an equal fighting weapon if your rifle goes down or up close or you know something so i was like oh interesting all right i kind of liked it i mean it makes sense i still don't have one pistol mike for every raffle rifle mag but any plans to make a subgun ready rig yes when we get the rifle rig dealt with the 762 ready rig yes i'd like to do a sub gun khaki ac1 all right well you're a real og that's for sure um all right so i'm moving on oh blake haven't gotten to play here yet shoot what time is it okay we're good we're good i have fought in a lot of places in call of duty battlefield 4. i've been playing battlefield 4 again it's great um paris london everywhere piccadilly you guys what i'm talking about uh plate care setups so again kind of going back to you know what are you trying to do with it uh this one holds three rifle mags i can do more on the side i can do up to five if i needed to i could strip off this shingle add a bigger placard wear a chest rig on top go up to like 12 mags whatever but this is a slick vest well i have some stuff on the back there's a cool company uh wtf they make a bunch of different like accessories for other companies and right after we made the ac one they came out with molly back panels uh so this is actually one of their back panels on here that has routing for cables and radios and whatever or hydration and i've got a med kit on the back a blue force gear med pack that you can you can uh you know whip out from either side which is super dope um radial pouch here radio on the back kind of sucks it requires that your buddy pulls it out for you if you've got to do something it could be sort of convenient usually it's better on the side and then a gp pouch right here that has like batteries headlamps some other rubbish in it but this is still more or less a slick carrier i don't have you know a ton of sustainment or whatever it just kind of depends on what you're trying to go with and it's in gray because grey's awesome but slick vest you know it's good um oh hey my disco 32 stuff arrived i just got a notification i got some new comms stuff for my my things from disco 32. shout out to him i hope it works with all my stuff ac one backpack so backpacks on your plate carrier there's a lot of really cool back panels out there molly clip audibles and crazy stuff if you're on a budget which you if you're on a budget these are actually kind of fun this is a i believe it's a marine corps issue this is a marine corps issue back panel that i guess goes on the iotv or whatever i picked up a couple of these on ebay for basically nothing but if you're on a budget and you have a plate carrier with molly on the back just go grab one of these it's tan you can always spray paint it molly it onto your setup and you have the ability to put in hydration water magazines your night vision your whatever you don't have to go and buy the most fancy back panel zip on setup that you're probably never going to zip off anyway because you don't have all the back panels out there like the reason for a zip on back panel system is you have all the different versions of it like the assaulter one with all the flash bangs up top the gp one the helmet one but if you're not buying all of them do you really need the modularity and the answer is no you don't unless you want to strip it off to go slick and be in your car uh but this guy right here i think i paid like 40 dollars for these 50 bucks for these on ebay got like two of them and i am going to build out an ac1 with these hopefully it will be a khaki one or an arid one or something but i'm just going to molly this right on there nice and budget nice and cheap you don't have to get the coolest fanciest gucci zip on back panels out there you can do that as well if you really want to um 511 tactic any good it's great for crossfit the problem with the the 511 plate carrier is it is so big so this is i'm going to use this one as an example all right so this is the lbt 6094 slick some of y'all probably recognize it as you can see it is a very large plate carrier it it is long but the funny part is this fits the exact same plates as any of these other slick plate carriers out there so why is that well there's just a lot of excess material and sizing going on here and the 511 has the same problem they just make it extra big extra long extra material really for no reason and i'm not a big fan of plate carriers like that because i like to wear my plate carriers in addition to belts you know whether it's a two-piece belt or our orion or something else i don't like plate carriers like the 1694 and this one right here because they are just big for no reason this is not extra armor going on back here it's just extra size up top the plate doesn't even go up to there it's like just just right here right um so that's why i don't like the 511 i don't even have one you see them all the time in crossfit but um there's some plate carriers out there that just they have a lot of extra material and the problem is some people they'll see that plate carrier versus like a slickster ac1 or spiritus thing and they're like well that carrier is too small this carrier is superior and it's like well it's not superior because they both have size medium sappies in them they both have the same level of protection you're just being tricked by all this extra fabric into thinking it's added protection but it's not unless the plate carrier has a 3a built into it there are like older carriers that are huge because they have 3a cummerbunds 3a shoulder panels or shoulder pads and then you have your hard plate in the center but most people don't really do that anymore some people do so small light yeah everyone pretty much everyone is going to as minimal as possible as fast as possible as modular as possible which sometimes that can bite you because in the process of going all modular you get a rig that's less stable or just doesn't hold the weight as well or it flops around weird stuff modularity is not always better unfortunately what's a good lightweight lightweight helmet carrier um i don't it depends on the helmet depends how you set it up unfortunately with some of these uh ear pro systems they are kind of hard to fold up and position in a helmet i never d you know move these to the back of the helmet i just leave them in place if you have a helmet with no ear pro though it's a lot flatter as an entire like helmet and that's a little easier to store in a bag i can actually probably fit that in that bag if i open up the straps on the side when are we gonna see the armory tour well i have good news for you guys we filmed that yesterday was yesterday it was yesterday so uh it's going to be edited um maybe next week oh there's already a draft maybe i'll watch that on my stream on twitch not the one right after this but maybe later um but yeah i'll need to look through that a little bit what do you think of agolite i have not used any of their kit except for a helmet thing that i bought forever ago that i actually haven't really used uh khaki coming next to the ac one don't know we got ac1 production going on the standard colors with guess what color is the most popular nowadays ranger green is the most popular color nowadays more than multicam wasn't the case about three years ago three years ago it was like multicam black ranger coyote and now it's ranger ranger ranger multicam ties with black and then coyote oh well and then there's gray gray is up there kind of with black but yeah green green everything destroys everything else at least for our demographic and who we're selling to which we push ranger green a lot because it works in a lot of different environments it's not overly militaristic like multicam it's kind of its own thing it can also look fairly official khaki the problem with khaki and coyote is they can sometimes so like this guy right here they can sometimes look casual because you know khaki pants are just more casual than like a dark suit and i've had other guys that i've talked to and i've been like why does khaki look so like weird and they're like because it looks casual it's not as professional looking as black or intimidating as looking as black or green is more official looking i'm like okay that makes sense plus i'm not in the desert so i don't really need coyote um it's also very early 2000s but uh and i prefer khaki over coyote khaki does look a little better but you know but green is the way green is the way green and black lovely two-tone it's great um good shoulder pads for slickster mine digs into my neck pretty good well probably work out your neck no just kidding um there's a lot of cool ones out there this these are some so this is a more built kind of a plate carrier i guess ac1 i have the mayflower 762 on the front i actually have my cummerbund on here reversed so my 762 poc my big pocket is in the front my small pockets in the rear so i can hold scar mags on the side so i can do three plus one so four you know 762 mags which is kind of fun you know if you didn't know that about your ac one you can switch it um but i actually have on here just for fun uh these are from skd the pig brigandine brigand rig it brig skd brig shoulder pad set i've had these for about seven years um so just attach those i'm sure there's better ones out there i had these already and i was like yeah i'll just throw these on there for a little extra not that i don't think it's needed even when i have my groin protector on here with my magazine on it and then my you know my my tier here on back panel on here uh plus other stuff plus my cry mag down here i have i cry double a double mag there on the bottom one reason i have that uh to be perfectly honest is if i'm at the range training and i shoot through my whole loadout i don't like not having a mag so usually i keep that one there ready to go so if i'm walking back to the car i'm caught unawares i do still have that magazine right there that stays loaded ready to go there's also a lot of dudes that do that though just so they have two more mags and it doesn't get in the way of belts too much and they are super cool cry makes them i think uh there's a couple other companies that make them i think tear makes one as well flak tar and all other camos the problem with flectarn is you're gonna look like a certain group of folks uh unfortunately flectarn doesn't have the best until it gets changed it doesn't have the real best identities associated with it so that's just something to consider you know if you're going to go the flick turn reflect horn route um what's the point of a spelling buying armor uh well i would suggest looking at venezuela they're a pretty good example pretty much any other country where the government has trampled on everyone um and you got you know china and all kinds of other places a lot of good reasons for regular folks to have armor rifles night vision stuff like that uh gray and dark blue yeah black so the black is like a big thing thanks to hollywood you know like you know dude gets up to break into someone's house where's all black you know a spy goes to break into the you know antagonists house or it's john wick wears black black black everything right it's a little bit of a misconception gray blends in better navy blue blends in better um so that's why i like our little gray plate carrier it's nice look at portland oh really good examples people getting pulled from cars and stuff um so warrior assault systems i think they're a british based company i'm not real sure actually uh with warrior but they seem to make some cool stuff i haven't bought anything from them i already talked about air 500 i love shooting ar-500 steel or ar-550 steel targets it's a great way to use steel is as targets how it's meant to be we shoot steel often actually i shoot paper more than steel uh larger ready rigs that's something we can try to make in the future um but again it's just priority list you know with just keeping stock for everything else what's your thoughts on frass armor unfortunately i am not seeing i don't trust about 99 of armor reviews on youtube and i also generally judge products based on the kind of people repping it and or being paid to rep it i do not hear of professional end users using frass armor i haven't talked to any units or focus and i get to talk to these people all day we get emails from these people i can text folks and be like yo what are you guys using what you got nobody like reputable uh that i know of right now is using that armor it's only youtubers and people who are shooting it in very unlab centered test environments and so until i see a a good test like an accurate test on it being armor and actually preserving life and professional end users really picking it up i don't really trust it so that's just how it is be careful focusing on because here's the thing we all know news and media is bought and paid for by someone we all know that there's money drives everything right well it's the same thing for youtube if you all of a sudden see all these youtube videos blasting content about a thing it's safe to assume that there's a reason behind that and about nine times out of ten the reason is money now sometimes the reason it's just relevant so new product comes out hey we want to look into this check it out you know when that uh there's a new pistol that came out that we we got early oh it was the pdp walther sent us the pdp like a month early i took some videos a couple videos of it saying like hey this is a polymer striker pistol whatever who cares um people were like oh you're a shill you're talking about a thing that's new that you had before us and it was like well we're we got it like a month before to test our holsters and it's a normal striker polymer pistol buy it if you want that was basically my video like who cares it's not a revolutionary item right but when you see entire like swaths of people talking about a product on youtube like there's usually a reason behind that when you see that sort of coordinated push kind of like what you see with the news media so i and i look at that you know raid shadow legends a blue apron no we like blue apron i i think maybe but you guys know what i'm talking about i judge products based on like for example aimpoint doesn't run around paying certain kinds of people to wrap their product they let the product speak for itself eotech doesn't do that either major companies who know their product is worthwhile and that worthwhile people will pick it up and talk about it don't run around paying people to talk about the product there's far better ways of marketing your product we don't pay people to market our product we just put it out there we let people buy it i go and use it i shoot videos with it that's it if someone does a video in our product that's them just doing a video on the product odds are they bought it off of us at full price i didn't even know they were going to make a video and all of a sudden a video pops up on youtube of their unbiased opinion that's what i want i don't want biased opinions from people i've already been burned once a long time ago by a guy that he had been marketing for us for a while unpaid i kind of wanted to pay him because he was giving us sales so i did quickly learned never to do that ever again so we don't and uh we just sell the product if you like it you like it if you don't you get something else and that's it we're not going to pay people to share products good we're going to let it stand for itself and i think more companies should rely on that even new companies you don't have to if you try to take the shortcut route of paying people to rep your product your reputation is not going to be strong it's not going to be very good long term but very few companies think long term they're thinking two months away three months away they don't actually care what professional end users think about their product they just care about what instagram thinks about their product or youtube and unfortunately that's it's not everyone that's a whole longer discussion on marketing demographics integrity reputation stuff that i do talk about quite a lot because i happen to be immersed in a lot of it with certain kinds of people entities companies companies doing good bad and vice versa i've also been burned there's certain things i'm never gonna do because it's dumb and it's stupid so anyway but it's a whole another rabbit trail of conversation and darkness and nastiness anyway so um um there's nothing wrong with the new company advertising their gear that's the only way the world's going to get out i didn't advertise their gear through other people when i initially started it was just me and youtube and i didn't have to go out and pay people uh it comes at a price you know what is a good marketing strategy may be great in the short term generate great numbers in the short term but is it actually going to pay off in the long term and that's the problem with certain marketing it's looked at as a short-term project like yeah we'll have these huge numbers not massive uh jumping followers and it's like what kind of followers are those are there's actually people you want repping your gear is it actually people that are gonna buy your gear or are they just people i think it's cool and they're just triggered by this really edgy marketing you paid someone to do it's all about how you do it it's all about how you do it and i judge people all the time based on how they market their product more usually than the product itself and i will not budge on that uh tesla is a good example that other people share their products and they crush it well yeah uh would a sail plate make sense in a backpack uh where is it away from your body uh maybe but do you want to carry around a steel plate all day in your backpack let's be real do you actually want to do that all day like do you want to take a steel plate like let's say i'm just envisioning i take my ta targets reduce c-zone it weighs like i don't know 16 pounds and i'm just like did then just drop it into my backpack and you know my little bag come to work you know or i i just i don't i'm not i'm not seeing the idea there like steel target funk ipad funk my excedrin funk put it on you know and be like oh got my got my still plate i i don't i don't know how reasonable that is to actually like think through like i don't i could be wrong i would do soft armor it's lightweight it's soft you know it's not going to cause any issues with your gear inside you know if you had like a soft insert or something but steel plate no i'm not seeing it i don't know faro concepts they make some good plate carriers the selector took in my opinion a turn for the worst when they started laminating or getting some different materials for the shoulder pads their new uh fpc v five or six does look really cool they've got some cool stuff going on as a direct action rig but um and they do make some good stuff we don't sell their stuff anymore i would i would say we had a falling out with their company but i would say they are making some good stuff um so regardless of what i may think about our our personal i guess falling out as a vendor with them distributing all that they do make good kit and if you buy something from faro you're going to get good kit at the end of the day that's what this youtube live is about good kit and good marketing and you know no shills so and i actually we went and bought their bison belt and i actually do want to go buy one of their v5 plate carriers because again we try to have everything from our competition or not really competition i mean i just don't really see it that way but i'll probably go and order one when it's in stock because it is hard to be in stock leaks well this isn't a leak but these are available now oh oh and uh um oh and this these are available too oh no i'm shilling my own product oh no that's so bad um we actually do have because it we don't we're not really pushing it like oh new thing it's just like we post about it twice and that's it but uh we now have wolf gray kydex so if you want to run you know some sick gray kit with your you know your ac ones and your gray stuff uh we now have gray as a colorway so we dropped that early i think on monday and now we have plate backers so two products this week no big deal whatever we post about it twice and then it's over and then we just go back to what we're doing how do you feel about attaching your sling to your chest rig i do not like you are are tying your gun off to your kit so the problem with that is if you need to quickly unsling the rifle to mortar it if you have a a really bad case of brass over bolt uh you won't be able to because you're like clipped in and then you gotta like mess around versus just very simply you know taking this arm out going up over smashing it and you're done so no i do not recommend tying your gun off to your kit i remember seeing a video from some medics back in the early it was like had to be like 2010 and they had a d-ring right here and they literally were clipping in their gun into the d-ring and just suspending it from there and i was like at the time i was like oh dude that's sick that's awesome but then later i realized oh actually no that's really stupid and you can't like do anything with it and retention shoot or control the rifle well and popping off the d-ring sucks and yeah so you know keep it separate keep it separate uh voodoo tactical gear uh well so voodoo nc star and uh condor are all in the same kind of boat condor does have some more modern designs it looks like they're trying to deviate a little from just copying other people to kind of having their own thing those are all chinese-made you know airsoft more or less pieces of gear that might be good might not be good questionably good whatever i don't use that stuff i just buy or beware your stitching may fall apart i bought some we bought some ripoff t-rex stuff on amazon uh the med pouch we got started falling apart immediately so it was it actually wasn't that was cheaper than ours but it was on amazon uh made in hong kong or wherever and it started falling apart right away so be careful so anyway best battle belt uh nobody knows what the best is the orion is a good belt the ronin belt's a good belt the blue alpha gear is a good belt the uh redacted is a good belt the uh um what else the bison is a good belt although their inner belt kind of sucks um uh what else do i have uh oh uh who's it blue four yeah blue force gear they just came out with a new belt we have one of those it's pretty cool um there's a lot of good belts out there but pretty much everyone's going to a two piece velcro belt outer belts on top pretty much everyone's going to a two piece now for a lot of reasons do you ever think you'll manufacture your own ammo not for the next five years i looked into it about three years ago and what it would cost what the margins were and i had people telling me smaller companies just like don't get into it man it's way the margins are horrible we're probably going out of business a year later that company did go out of business the ammo world is a very hard world to get into unless you focus on something in particular if you focus on strictly like really high-end precision ammo for a very particular customer base you could do well if you focused on bulk crap ammo that'll blow up people's guns that might work too kind of but if you try to compete with winchester federal remington or the new remington ammo branch i can't remember who bought that but if you're trying to compete with one of the big names i'm sorry you're not going to you're not going to be able to do that so ammo is a very hard industry to get into especially with how many foreign plants are importing ammo who already have that all solidified aguila and pervy partisan and some of those other places that have been making ammo for decades uh four militaries entire countries and you're competing against that you're competing against volume of billions of rounds um it's just really i am almost hard to get into ammo is really hard to get into i'm not talking about the redacted belt okay i will say this unofficially hypothetically we've been working on a two-piece belt now for a year and a half i've been wearing the one i still use is one i've been using for over a year still running strong running great i wear it i've been wearing it twice a week pretty much twice a week for a year so that's a hundred hundred something range days times so then a hundred times let's say five four hours each so 400 hours of use so far on the range doing stuff that's just me there's other people been using them too it's a great belt great belt but you know hypothetically that is not take it for what it's worth so anyway i'm trying my best not to show pictures of the hypothetical two-piece belt all right um hey look whoever's on t-rex caleb just don't worry about it okay i said hypothetical okay they don't know they don't know if i i could be wearing a unicorn i don't know they don't know what i'm talking about uh g code operator belt uh i haven't used one um i'm trying to remember what it looks like i'm not sure am i in trouble i am in trouble i don't know hey oh we have these now we have uh if you have lt10s or 3810s or uh steel armor that should be used as a steel target um yeah there's also a really cool skull on the back as you can see look at that thing look at that isn't that sick uh it says non-ballistic because some people will see these and they're like oh it's bull it'll stop bullets that's foam it's two pieces of foam that's what you get all right there's nothing special about it it's foam it's just nicely shaped for a plate and has some airflow stuffs so anyway well guys here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna take a five minute break to wet my whistle and um you guys can then go over to twitch slash aimbotkin where i'm going to turn all the lights on and start grabbing some stuff for shooting tomorrow we have some new uh four gun cages now because we started having too many guns again the tour video is coming soon but we're gonna we're gonna go through some guns get some stuff right for tomorrow and actually show some stuff because youtube doesn't seem to like showing guns on lives anymore it is what it is so if you pop over to aimbotkin i'll be over there answer more of your questions i need my other phone for that it's right here and uh we'll get going thanks so much for tuning in guys we'll try to do another one of these honestly i probably need like five of these to go through kit and show stuff and whatnot there's a bunch of stuff down here it didn't even show so we'll get to that and i can keep answering your questions when we do that thanks so much catch y'all later you
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 203,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P45owatczB0
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Length: 69min 1sec (4141 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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