Chasing the lands is STUPID! Don't do it.

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hey what's going on here cortina here so today i'm going to show you that knowing your distance to the lands is irrelevant all right stay with me i know a lot of you probably jumping off at this point but stay with me all right stay with me to the end and it'll all make sense i see a lot of shooters just obsessed with knowing their distance to the lens but that measurement or the area that you're measuring is never the same when the barrel is brand new you are measuring one surface once you put 100 rounds through that barrel that surface is no longer the same okay it has burnt out uh you may have some copper buildup you may have some carbon buildup you have no idea what you're measuring but somehow shooters place so much faith into that one measurement and not only that they are measuring with equipment that is not very accurate for that very uh measurement that they're trying to get so everything surrounding the distance to the lens the entire system is very inaccurate in the sense of you cannot get a precise measurement okay you can get a close measurement however we all know that is this uh bullet sitting depth is very or it can be extremely finicky so you you're dealing with something that's extremely finicky that requires high precision but yet you are using very inaccurate methods to obtain that measurement so anyway let me show you what we're talking about here all right so first and foremost we need to identify that there's three different places where the bullet can be in relation to the lands so we can have jump we can be in the lens and we can have jam all right i'm going to change this so jump bullet doesn't touch so when you have jump that bullet is not touching anything it's literally jumping into the lens all right in the lens the bullet is contacting the barrel okay it's it that's all it means contact and jam is the point where the bullet can no longer go inside the barrel and if you set to this point or greater you will stick your bullet in the barrel now jam is it's not a static place in your barrel jamb is dependent on your neck tension if you have very light neck tension your jam is going to be less than if you had really tight neck tension okay so jam is neck tension dependent okay again this is what makes all this kind of difficult and hard to understand but i'm hoping that today i can explain to you exactly how all this works okay so jam is the place where bullet i'm just gonna put bullet stuck okay so out of all these three which is the one that you do not want to happen jam all right this is where you don't want to stick a bullet in in the barrel that's what everybody's afraid of you try to open your bowl the bullet sticks in there you dump powder all over the place you don't want this okay we know for a fact we don't want this okay these two are safe it doesn't matter you can have the bullet in the land or jump it really doesn't matter okay now i hope you guys are with me to this point and we can all agree the jam is a bad place to be because if you try to open your boat after you you chambered around that bullet is going to be stuck in the in the barrel okay all right so i'm just going to assume that all of you are with me so far all right so jam is bad how do you find jam how do you know where that point is well it's extremely simple the way i do it is i load a round okay you can do this you can strip your bolt completely and then you can actually use a load around which i do not recommend okay so the best place to be is make a dummy round however you must use a piece of brass that has been prepped the way you usually prep your breasts right re remember this is neck tension i'm just going to put nt dependent okay so if you don't use a piece of bras that has been prepped the same as all the others so you pretty much take a piece of brass from your your regular brass you see the bullet on in it about 50 000 too long and that's what you're going to use okay you'll be able to reuse it don't worry okay so it's neck tension dependent so what you do you see it fifty thousands longer and you measure make sure it is longer okay and then again this has no powder no primer um you will put dye wax on the bullet ogive okay and then you're gonna throw that around in your chamber and you're going to close your bolt the bolt closed it's what's going to seat the bullet the rest of the way all right it's going to be hard if it's too hard pull it out seated another 20 thousandths try it again you don't want to force this way too much okay by the way before you do this make sure your lugs are lubed on your action okay but anyway you put dye wax on your on your old drive you throw the round in there you close the bolt okay do not open the bolts slowly because that what that's going to do is it's going to pull the bullet back out okay so you want to slam that bolt open okay you slam the bolt open you pull it out you measure it should have seated the bullet deeper if it didn't load it longer try it again but the bullet should be seated deeper in the in the breast now okay whatever that measurement is that is your jam point so let's just call that two point one eighty let's just call it two point one eighty okay this is jam this is the point where the bullet will stick in the lens that's the only thing that we care about because we know this is unsafe this is what i call your guard rail if you're driving down the highway as long as you stay away from the guardrail you're pretty safe you can pretty much it doesn't matter if you're 10 feet from the guard rail or one foot away from the guardrail as long as you don't hit it you're fine okay so this is our jam point this is the place where we don't want to be all right so now that you know your jam point you want to stay away from that so typically i go gen point minus 20 000 okay and that's where i start my testing of my seating depth okay so jam minus 20 and this is how i reference this measurement jam minus 20. okay now let me go back to to uh the point that you don't really need to know where your lands are in order for your rifle to shoot well okay uh if you don't believe me there's a ton of rifles out there that are loaded to mag length that shoot amazingly well and the shooter hand loader whoever loaded that ammo has no idea where the lands are so you don't need to know where the lands are so if you were with me so far you will agree that we found jam but we have no idea where the lands start okay because these are different points right because you are putting a cone inside of another cone and this is a very shallow angle too so that bullet is going to be in the lens for a good while before it jams so you can be touching the lands for a long time if if that makes sense anyway so we know where jam is we know where the bullet's gonna stick in the lands but we have no idea where the lands are nor do we give a crap okay let me explain why so you load at jam minus 20 okay and you load i don't know three rounds okay and then you load a jam minus i'm just going to call this minus 20k then you load a jam everything is jam right here and then you load minus 23k minus 26k so if you see if you see what's going on here i am moving the bullet away from jam three thousands at a time in three thousands increments i know a lot of people suggest going 10 20 whatever you will find out that your ceiling depth nodes are only about six thousandths wide and it depends on the bullet you're shooting some of them are even smaller than that so they're only six thousandths wide so if you go 10 you're gonna be skipping a lot of nodes all right and that's why a lot of people have a hard time finding a sitting dip node okay so you're gonna go three thousands at a time all right and you're gonna go to the range okay by by now we have already selected our power to charge okay so now we're just dealing with seating that um however in order to select my powder charts i usually go jam minus uh 20. that's where i do all my testing right because that's gonna be uh as close to the to jam as possible but at this point we're in the lands we don't know how much but once you start moving away from the lands you're only gonna start dropping pressure so that's why i don't worry about too much but anyway back to this testing so you're gonna be just moving three thousands away from the lens let's just say you get to uh 29 thousands away from the lens all right let's just say your groups look like this like this like this like this like this okay you want to find at least two groups consecutive that shoot really well do not i repeat do not fall for this tiny group you have a big group here tiny group big group here do not fall for that this is why you're online posting about how your rifle shot extremely well at 100 but it didn't shoot at long range that's because you selected the wrong node okay you fell in love with this tiny group but it was uh it had huge groups right next to it you are in a very tiny node that's going to give you trouble okay you want to select a node that has at least two consecutive small groups okay that gives you six thousands okay and then you're going to see to the longest one minus one thousandth okay let's just say back to this example that 2.1 50 and 2.153 and 2.1 56 shot really good all these shot really really well okay well the longest one is 2.156 so you're gonna go this one minus zero zero one so your sitting depth is two point one five five why do i subtract why do i subtract one thousandth because i'm just trying to give myself a little more room for uh sitting depth variants okay that's why that's the only reason i know i have five thousands this way i'm not worried about that i am worried about if uh if if 2 2.156 is the very edge of the node then that's why i like to come back at least one thousand okay all right so let's just say now that our sitting depth it shot extremely well on these three groups so now our seating depth is 2.156 of course 2.156 minus minus 1 000 is 2.155 that is our sitting depth okay the gun shoots extremely well tiny groups super consistent where are your landsat based on all this that we just talked about where are your landsat don't know don't care correct i mean am i right you know what i'm talking about your gun shoots extremely well at 2.155 base two ogive do we care where the lands are at we know for a fact we're not going to stick this bullet in the in the barrel and it shoots amazingly well and we are at the beginning of the node minus 1000 which already takes care of any variance in our sitting debt okay why do we care where the lands are at i don't care you you and you shouldn't either because it doesn't matter it absolutely doesn't matter okay now i know what you're thinking well it matters if i'm going to chase the lands because i'm trying to keep that relationship correct you you're trying to keep that relationship however that barrel where you're trying to measure to the lens it's no longer the same barrel that you measured originally that surface keeps changing it's a moving target and this is why people always always end up chasing their tail and thinking the barrel burnt out because they keep moving this number randomly blind thinking oh i messed it to my lands and oh they moved 100 000 so i must move this number 100 000 well guess what now you just took yourself out of the node now your rifle won't shoot you're chasing your tail you cannot comprehend why because you're still you know 20 thousands off the lens well it doesn't matter because those lands don't look anywhere the same as they did when the barrel was new or when the barrel had 100 rounds now that it has 1500 rounds it looks nothing like it did when it had a hundred rounds so why are you guys and girls stuck on measuring the lens okay so how do we keep the rifle in tune it's extremely simple 2.155 right this is where rifle shoots really well and we know that it shoots extremely well at 2.153 2.150 it shoots extremely well at these seating dips right so you know if you go this way you're safe correct but if you go this way the groups open up right that's what we did in our test you had a big group small small small big like i said at least two consecutive groups but sometimes you get three but let's just say for our example we have three groups that shoot tiny right this is long this is short so you're going to start a stay on this side right because you're gonna allow this barrel to burn out this much and still be accurate so you know if you go this way you're safe if you go that way the groups get bigger however you guys go to the range all the time correct i mean i know i do uh if you're shooting prs uh heck you have a siding target you know whatever all you have to do every now and then load some at two point one five eight which is three thousands longer than this correct shoot this this is going to be your load and then just take three or five however many you want to do i usually like to do five so i can shoot a five shot group and you shoot a five shot group if this group all of a sudden we're here if this group shoots small that's your new seating dip okay you're moving your your node is moving forward okay if it shoots great that's your new seating depth if you go to the next match next time or go to the range or whatever and you advance it another three thousands right so now you're at 2.16 and you shoot that and it shoots bad well now you know 2.158 is that's where you need to be however if it shoots great that's your new seating depth okay now how often does this happen i've had barrels that i've never had to move my sitting debt for the life of the barrel and some that i've only had to move it six thousands i mean i'm talking two thousand rounds for f class and my prs rifle went 3 000 rounds and my seating lift only changed about 5 thousands 6 thousands really because i go in 3 000 increments okay if this makes sense to you try it again where are the landsat i don't care my rifle hammers why do i care where the lands are at and people ask me this all the time online how far away are you from the lands and i tell them i don't know and they get upset they think i don't want to tell them i i really don't know and i don't really care are you guys still with me i hope you are and i hope this makes sense because you will never ever again chase your tail with this system because again you are getting an absolute result which is your target your target's telling you whether you need to move or not if your gun is hammering at this and you have 1500 rounds through that rifle or through that barrel and this seating depth is still hammering and if you go three thousands longer it's not i don't give a crap how far the lands have moved this hammers that's all that matters guys that's all that matters okay anyway i hope you guys found this helpful i hope you guys noticed my t-shirt there's a link in the description below if you guys want to get this t-shirt for yourself those of you that know who i am will absolutely get the joke if you don't i'm sorry and if this offends you even better anyway thanks a lot and i will see you guys next time take care
Channel: undefined
Views: 264,447
Rating: 4.8573103 out of 5
Keywords: Erik Cortina, Cortina, EC Tuner, EC Precision, Precision, Accuracy, Long Range, Sniper, seating depth, measuring to the lands, rifling, accuracy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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