Trello VS | Which suits your style?

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you can only have nine colors for labels i mean what is this 1993 in this episode we're going to look at two productivity apps and get them to fight each other to the death not quite to the death but we're gonna see which one's better using bananas instead of points because this whole thing's pointless anyway now i'm gonna try and condense this down into about five minutes maybe six most of the videos on this subject are anything from half an hour to 50 minutes long we're talking about productivity here who's got time to spend 50 minutes watching a video about which app is right for you i'm also not going to cover all the basic stuff i'm mainly going to look at it from a usability setting because i think it's great to look at all the feature sets but if you're a very visual learner and you like to see things from a visual layout or if you're a very structural learner you like to look at things in a linear format you're going to need to know that straight away and that's going to be almost more important than all the other features that go along with it without further ado let's take a look at these two apps and let's have them fight each other but first if you're new here please smash that subscribe button so you get notified about more content on being a multi-disciplinary ninja or a generalist if you like i don't really believe in specialization i think that's for insects or for heart surgeons if i have a heart attack but in most things i think being a generalist is pretty good jack of all trades master of some and if you do like this video do hit that like button because it tells the algorithm that this video is decent and people like it right let's go [Music] exploring so first up we've got trello i've used trello for a couple of years i'm pretty big fan of trello if you've seen any of my other videos i've got some walkthroughs on it but it's really been quickly off the last couple of years because there's some features that just should be there so i've been looking for other apps and i've been going on and off for the last couple of years but i always come back to trello because it really suits my learning style and i think many people probably don't know why they like something or dislike it until they understand what their learning style is now i'm going to quickly cover learning styles but if you're interested in that and i'm not an expert and you want to learn a lot more about it i'll pop some links down below but essentially there are seven agreed learning styles perhaps there's maybe more and of course there's lots of overlay usually not just one learning style you've probably heard of some of them before like you're a very visual learner you like things sort of spatially and and you usually sort of creative designery people are visual learners you've also got people that are linguistic learners they like to write it to learn it or they say it to learn it you've also got people that are kinesthetic learners they like things that physical touch you've also got oral learners no not that kind of oral don't have a dirty mind the oral as in a not o uh people that listen to music or acoustically that kind of thing most people are sort of combination i'm definitely a combination of a few of those things and i need sort of a combination of all three of them sort of the spatial thing the the acoustic thing and and uh sort of the speech thing to really get things to stay in my brain otherwise they just sort of fall out so let's kick off and start looking at trello now i'm going to be grading these on uh seven different categories and i'm going to give them a maximum of three bananas per category if you're quick at maths that's a total of 21 bananas to give away now i am going to be pretty genuine uh here i'm not going to have a preference for trello because i use it i'm not a big time fan boy i will be talking a lot of what about first of all let's look at the look and feel category of trello now trello itself is is pretty clean it's pretty simple looking um and that's that's one of its best things is it's really nice and easy to look at it's not complicated but it can very quickly get complicated if you stuff it with loads of stuff now for those that don't know trello is a kanban board which essentially means you've got things that are upcoming doing and done but you don't have to do it like that you can do it any which way you like it's very flexible it's really flexible you can sort of make it do anything i'm a multi-disciplinary professional or somebody who thinks they can do lots of different things and for me it works great because one minute i can be doing a film project i can be setting up my content calendar designing new strategy projects or new product development or helping a client with branding whatever it is it's really versatile and that's one of trello's greatest strengths the downside is when you've got hundreds of cards and dozens and dozens of lists and at least five or six boards it can get really messy and confusing they are working on it they've got sort of an enterprise team list view now that's quite good but for the basic and sort of gold members the lower plans it it's not that great and one of trello's worst things is it is looking really dated now it looks pretty ugly when you compare it to some of the newer apps it just looks old and they haven't updated in a while so that's pretty poor but overall i think it looks it looks okay and it's very serviceable so that's two bananas next up we've got ease of use this is where it shines it's incredibly easy to use for most of the time most people they can they can get trello pretty quickly it's pretty easy to understand and comprehend however as i said it can get a bit crazy looking when you've got lots of stuff and it can feel a little underpowered a little bit sort of like it's not really doing much doesn't say slow it's definitely not slow but it just feels like a bit of a basic car rather than sort of a sports car at times so overall i'll give that two bananas next up we've got a feature set now the basic features in trello are pretty rubbish now if you're just doing really really basic stuff like lists and sort of to-do's that's fine but if you've got larger projects or sort of sub-projects in there it's not great um they have this thing called power-ups but basically it's just extensions or or plug-ins if you like uh and they give you three for the free accounts um you get three little power-ups now you use those up immediately because you need to add things like a calendar view because it's just a waste of time if you can't use the calendar view you need something like custom fields in pretty quickly so that you can sort of customize how the cars look and make it sort of fit your workflow or your industry and you pretty much have your power ups really really quickly that's a bit crap really to be honest um however uh it the other features are pretty cool so for instance the keyboard's chills the keyboard shortcuts are really good you feel like a ninja when you learn the keyboard commands you've got windows going up and everywhere like you're in the matrix that's pretty awesome you can you can use the whole web app just with your keyboard which is very very cool and the automations are splendid i have got literally dozens of uh automations going at any one time so i've got every monday i got a bunch of cards moving into this week i've got done cards going into sort of the archive list i've got all sorts of rules set up i've got buttons customized so if you press done it moves into the complete list and adds a tick and a due date and a happy smiley face is brilliant i love the automation so really really good but if we're just sort of taking it as a whole the features are a little bit lacking um not quite all there one or two bananas one or two two bananas i gave it two bananas really deserves one but we'll go with two we'll go with two because i like the automation next up we've got the uh road map or update frequency this is pretty crap um they've got a road map but really no sort of timeline of when stuff's going to happen i've been submitting feature requests for the last five years and i don't think any of them have even been looked at or responded to um there's there's ones that people have submitted from 2014 really basic stuff like the labels like you know have a color picker on there why only have nine colors what is this 1993 what's going on madness madness madness uh and uh sort of no pin like just you can't pin a card to the top of that just really basic simple stuff that's not hard to implement and they say oh it's for the power users for the power users no it's just basic features mate get it sorted so um yeah the update roadmap is just crap crap one banana for that no no no bananas no bananas for that one speed it's really really quick that's again one of the great features about trello it's really really fast you can you can jump in it's web app based so you're in there you're in your browser it's quick everything loads really fast there's no delay overall it's it it's pretty good it's pretty speedy but it loses at least one banana because there's no offline mode wow i mean it's so stupid i use it for everything right i mean there is an offline mode on the on the app on the mobile app but i i don't want to get arthritis in my thumbs it's already on its way i don't want to accelerate it by having to use the mobile app there's no desktop app with offline mode there's a desktop app but it's basically just a web app enclosure it's rubbish so that that definitely loses a banana for that crap i travel a lot while i used to before covert came along and ruined my travel plans um i used to travel a lot for work and i used to live in amsterdam and travel back to the uk all the time it was a nightmare i couldn't i couldn't use trello offline at all so i would have to do other work and that was rubbish so really really disappointing so two bananas for that two bananas for that one next up pricing plans i don't really want to cover this because you can find all this online but they do have a free plan which is pretty good uh and then uh it's not too expensive to get more team members on there but if you want power-ups there's third-party apps that do it and that can get a bit expensive a bit quickly it's a bit rubbish but overall the free free uh free trello app is pretty great but it's free for anyone and everyone and the basic features are free so so that's pretty cool so we'll give that two bananas and finally neurodivergent compatibility or does it work for you basically in simpler terms uh if you are a visual learner if you are a creative a designer an artist or anyone that sort of likes kinesthetic stuff to be able to drag and drop and move things and it's brilliant it really really really good from that perspective for me it's great uh however if you're not a visual learner and you're not kinesthetic and you like sort of mathematics and logical uh frameworks and rigid uh linear lists it's not good it's not good for you it's really not going to work and that's where it sucks big time because there isn't really a way you can change it yes they're developing something for like enterprise class teams but in the basic feature set no you can't really customize it and that's pretty crap so for me it works brilliant but for lots of other people it just doesn't work and that's why a lot of people try trello and go it's not for me so from that perspective for some yes for others no i'm gonna have to give it one banana so that's that's that's trello done how many bananas was that 11 12 rubbish who cares hardly any bananas at all really bad score oh i'm surprised actually i thought it would do a little better no crap oh what am i using trello for so yeah 12 or 11 bananas at 21. crap let's move on to [Music] now aesthetics look and feel on monday what is that what word is that i don't know uh lovely lovely it's it's got that neomorphic look um it's very modern very clean very elegant lovely looking um it looks now it looks it looks it looks from now 2020. um not saying they've jumped on a bandwagon and following design trends or some of them are there but it just looks and feels modern and robust i really like it uh downside is it's got a little bit of an xl vibe although a sexy excel vibe but a little bit with the cells and stuff but overall very very good i like it i'd give that two bananas next up we've got ease of use um it's relatively easy to use although compared to trello it's it's a different app it's very different yes it's productivity and workflow based but it just feels completely different to trello trello just feels like it can be so many different things and it's very basic and simple but you go ah okay there's a lot going on here i need to watch video i need to read some guides whereas trello you can just jump in so ease of use it's easy pretty much once you get going but there's definitely a learning curve in there so two bananas for that one feature set it blows trello out the water um it has so many features jam packed in perhaps even a few too many that aren't necessary or don't quite work but you are not looking for features it's got everything in there that you really could want uh one of my favorites is the automations they look gorgeous they are very similar to something like if this than that or zapier they work really really well they're really intuitive light years ahead of of the looks and feels of trello's butler um i think butler can do one or two things more actually but i just so much preferred using the monday automations they were really really great it's very team focused um it's really really great for collaboration trello does work for for teams and collaboration but just not as well as as it works incredibly well it's really really well structured and it just feels great it feels really really good for teams now that could be a positive or negative for you if you are a large team it's great but if you're a small individual or one or two team members not so much and it's a little bit off-putting when you're a very small team or just an individual overall very very good feature set that's a solid three bananas for me their update uh road map frequency is very very good um they they don't have a road map that i could see though but but they they detail everything in their blog um now trello do have a blog with stuff but it's just not as open as friendly as sort of small startup you feel vibe as and i really like that the developers talked about why they they changed to react interface and that was really really cool and how they build it up from the ground up and all the new features that they're working on so they're really open and transparent i love that two bananas speed overall it's pretty speedy uh again it's web app it works as well as your internet connection and and sort of if you've got a semi-decent processor your browser is not going to struggle too much although if you do have loads of projects open it can get a little bit sluggish and i did experience the servers down at one point but i've been told that that's that's pretty rare and infrequent so overall very good very speedy i would give that two bananas next up we have plans and pricing this is where just falls down i don't know what they're doing here if you're an individual it doesn't feel like it's for you at all because it's a minimum of three people to sign up but they charge individual so it's seven pounds each or ten dollars each i guess 21 pounds to get started but you need to invite three people to really get the value out of that that's a bit rubbish there's no free version there is a trial but there's no free version so that's pretty crap and a bit confusing didn't like it really put me off uh one banana and finally neuro divergent um it has pretty flexible styles it works really really well you can you can change the look and feel of it you can go from kanban to listview it's pretty decent i didn't really like it and find a view that i liked but i could appreciate objectively that it would work for many different people in many different styles overall i really liked it pretty much heavy on the cell excel format um which for me just just wasn't good didn't really like it but overall pretty good two bananas so there we are we have a winner it's it's almost a knockout punch to trello what was that like 14 15 bananas to trello's what was it 10 11. not looking good why am i using trello i use trello because it suits my my learning style but but for feature set and and many other things is very good and it wouldn't take a lot of effort for them to to supersede uh trello for me if they just tweaked a couple of things overall pretty good so that was my hopefully quickish analysis um let me know what you guys thought did i get some things right some wrong do you agree disagree let me know in the comments below and if you haven't done already please do subscribe it really does help me on this journey and helps me keep making videos if you find value in them thanks for watching guys and i will see you in the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rory J Knighton
Views: 27,619
Rating: 4.8734179 out of 5
Keywords: trello tutorial 2020, trello tutorial, tutorial, review, project management, crm, tutorial 2020, automation, dashboard, trello,, best project management tools, asana vs trello, trello alternative, why i switched from trello to asana, trello or asana, project management software, vs trello, monday vs trello, trello review, monday review, trello vs asana vs clickup
Id: wsbVibkhc1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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