How To: Build a CRM system in

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hi there welcome to welcome to thomas we've got a uh surprise a guest presenter here today uh so going with me is uh thomas uh but now it's five past six so let's have a go at it and see where we go me and thomas we thought we'd have a nice discussion about crm and how you build a good crm in monday uh so for today we are going to focus on a standard uh crm package so it's not them this is not the master class that's a completely different webinar it's actually a coming series i think somewhere um my marketing division have it planned somewhere i don't know when it's coming up but we'll keep you posted on that one uh so now we are focusing on a standard crm and how we can do that but with a few really good nifty features so deb i know you're a true monday power user but maybe you should stick on to them because i think we can show you some new things as well so uh my name is uh frederick e castell uh several of you know me already and not on the screen but with me here today i have thomas m carlson uh my co-partner and the ceo of omnitas consulting there we go uh a bit about ourselves we've we come from different walks of life but we've known each other for ages uh i'm have a background in finance and the consulting industry and mostly sales and marketing within uh those segments thomas uh care to give us a word on your background uh yes well i'm actually swedish armed forces hr director and then ceo of a consultancy firm and then monday girl yeah so there we go logical uh transitions very you can't go wrong with weapon consultants monday there's a red line there i can see it uh so uh the agenda for today uh we are already in the first bullet point here so this is the intro uh then we're going to talk a bit before you start building a crm system i think this is uh where we can have a rather nice discussion between me and thomas and see what our thoughts on this is then we're going to check out the live demo checking a few features uh see how we actually can do uh to build a fairly complete crm system uh and then we're gonna summarize and then we go for questions and answers towards the end if you have any questions uh please put them in the chat section and we'll get to them either if you manage to put them right where they should be answered otherwise we'll promise to bring them up in the question answer section before we move on i'm i don't have a problem sitting still i'm feeding the baby little freya yes uh what did the webinar again yeah she's becoming like uh a standing feature in our webinars list and that's lovely we love it uh because we are dominators we are a tight knit team we are family um so uh and that well it includes our children as well uh so before you start building your crm i usually say back up a bit don't just dive head first into it have a think about it and one of the things i usually say you should think about is what other teams are you working with what other teams will you utilize the information because the crm system that's not a system for the sales department alone it's a system for the company it will gather all your client information all your contact information all your activities and uh basically whatever you let it handle this means that it will be a very good system for your marketing team it will be a must more or less for your support team so they know what you have promised someone or delivered to someone or whatever uh it's a fair good assessment to say that you're delivering either if you deliver products or if you deliver services and maybe you're a consultancy firm which i i'm looking at the list of the uh participants right now and i know that quite a few of you are uh so then you deliver consultancy hours and you deliver projects there should probably be a handover between the sales department and the delivery team at some point and to have everyone in the same information so there can be a hand a seamless handover it's very important not only handover but also insight so we can keep following from a sales perspective that what is actually our delivery organization or consultancy organization doing with the deals we sold and also what does the queue look like how much work is there and when you can actually push the client for a signature based on what's already committed and when is it time to upsell and what is the sales department doing with the leads delivered by the marketing team so the crm is your chance to have your place of one truth where we share the world view that we have because it's very common for us as consultants to come out to a company and you all ask the marketing team how's it going oh very well we're delivering this and doing this and doing that asking the sales team now we don't get any leads i don't know how many times i've heard that and that's basically a discrepancy in the one truth there isn't one truth because the marketing team they have their metrics and they have their systems and the sales team have theirs and they don't overlap then we start to have a problem this can easily be fixed and i think the crm is a good place to do that what would you say something so much yeah i definitely agree i think this is this is the the the thing with monday is that you get one source of truth for the whole company no matter where you work so it will be inter department cross department and also proper business intelligence and not only team intelligence exactly it's company-wide all of a sudden uh which probably makes it more accurate as well and we can actually leverage data between the shuttles then then when we have discussed this with ourselves and preferably maybe with a colleague or two uh we get into the question what should my crm contain i've listed just a few points here and those are the bare bones structure of a crm as i said it should be a registry of contacts and companies uh should probably help us keep track of our tasks or activities depending on what we call them uh of course our opportunities or deeds hello freya uh maybe even our image so we know what we've sent to whom and so that we can have that overlap say for example i go on vacation i need to hand over to someone maybe thomas but everything is hijacked in my inbox which he can't reach then the crm once again would be a good place to store those emails so he can seamlessly have a go while i'm at the beach or wherever i am and then of course like thomas said reporting or analytics of our data so we can turn that over then we have a few other things we have those handovers we were talking about can our crm system actually facilitate those and help us along and preferably maybe even automate them at least to some extent uh and then what are the rest of your needs only you know your organization at that level you need to have a thing what kind of workflow do we have what kind of information do we need to track what kind of information do i want to track it can be anything and everything it can be lead sources or it can be uh the average on deal size of whatever we want uh but you we need to have a think about those and then it's time maybe to have a go at building a system any thought it's amazing yeah i want to stress that you also need to consider uh business to business business consumer uh do you have reoccurring clients do you have one-off clients all of that will affect how you design your crm like any other one so just to give you a framing we have uh we have looked at a consultancy house or something where we actually have companies with several contact people that's a quite a common situation where we actually manage the opportunity the same way you would do in salesforce yes so for the coming example yes we are we are going to show you a sales board with uh lots of connections and stuff to it uh but as thomas said maybe you're a subscription service that would need to operate on a completely different level then we need to actually set up a system for that uh or any other kind of things um so with that said uh any questions from anyone before we uh go forward no good so uh there are a few requirements that we want to stress already now before you dive in and you uh want to have a go at building a crm in monday now i can see that most of you who is actually here are monday users so i think we can skip to this one but to say for the features and functionalities we are going to show you you gonna need to be at least on a pro plan for this to work because we are using formulas we are using uh permission settings and we are using uh quite a bit of things here so boards per dashboard widgets for dashboard is basically not at least the automation count we are using uh that's going to tick up so you're probably going to run out of automations day one or two depending on your how many clients you bring on we we normally say that monday started pro yeah that that's basically what i tell my clients is monday becomes monday at pro yeah and then it's getting better the trial periods yeah exactly it's just that quick taste uh yeah deb agrees and uh for the rest of you who don't know that jesus was actually a partner see monday just like we are uh so with that said you need a pro but one really really special thing with monday that you don't get from under any other crms is that within the same license fee you're already paying to build that crm system you can actually have your portfolio management office you can have your hr system you can have uh your ticketing system and so much more uh because it's all within the capabilities of monday and it's not an extra module you have to pay it's an extra model you have to build so it's all in the same licensing money so there's no added extras for that one at least not if you can manage to build it yourself so with that said i thought we would jump into the demo part of this so uh let me switch my screens here and we'll have a go well while frederic switches feel free to write in chat if there's any specific like challenge you have encouraged or hit when you try to build monday as a crm and we might see if we can address it during this this session otherwise we'll definitely help you by following up afterwards so if there anything specific that you want to see or need please drop that in the chat building a crm we usually from a standard version we take a look at basically three boards when we look at it and then i have a few extras but we'll get into those uh it's our registers it's the company register as we said which we have as a completely on board we have our contact register and then we have an opportunities board but in this case we have also added a lead board because we don't want to blow our system so if we are a business that get many leads and handle many leads and we qualify them this is usually a step we tend to add in as not to start bloating our lists and getting trash basically also if you have a direct form like a direct input into your crm on your web page like contact us or something like that you always want the first this is the cleaning room this is where you make sure that it's not a spider we don't want to get trash into our crm right exactly so we have structured it uh with new i.e incoming leads and then assign leads so so we can help them we can of course enter in manually the information or as thomas said we can have it through a form we actually have forms up here which we have created this is within the capabilities of monday to basically transform your board into a form just by adding the form view so here we actually have a form and what we're actually going to do now we're going to fill it out and see what happens so uh i would hit preview i actually have it open so i'm just going to shake my screen into that tab and there we go so let's fill it up we can use me as an example so i'm the lead so i end my form which i've gotten through the webpage while frederick does that if you run a web page you already have a form you're running it on wordpress you can use any wordpress plugin uh a lot of them can be pushed directly to monday if not integromod is a really good way of connecting things either integromat or sapir can push it straight into monday if you want to have a more embedded form right so and we can enter in the uh that number since we're from eu eid if you're from the us but i'm not gonna no so i just hit submit so changing back to the correct screen again and we'll see what happened so i go back to the main board and we can see i have been entered here so uh as we see the information i set was entered and we can actually see this is just a filtered views in monday we can use filtered view so we can see all the information and we can actually see that my phone number and my address and so on was entered in and now without me doing anything we can also see i was connected here why was i so much do you know i do you like to share because this is something we're quite quite proud of yes so frederick with his email address already exists in the contact registry we have in this account and he also is linked to the company already so we actually developed a auto connecting app which is being uh submitted to the app store right now which gives you the ability to look for in this case any value but in this case we set it up so the email we actually look at that into the contact registry and if we hit if we find it we lay we connect items together automatically we can use it on new creation or on a status change or a change of a column value exactly so what i have actually built here is a trigger that when change is updated in here it makes a check and see do this person or this email address exists within my current registry in this case yes so it connected me to this card and it also checked yeah okay does frederick belong to any company yep it he does and so it entered that as well if it wouldn't if it would be something someone completely new i could just create that contact or create the company which either would be missing because it also actually does its own check of saying yeah i don't have frederick for example now it had but let's say it didn't but i know of omnitas and then it would actually check the website and say yeah i'm going to enter that and then you so that's pre-filled and what what does these connections mean yeah well they in monday terms it means that all the information about me in this case is available straight off so i don't need to jump around between different areas of the system i always have everything at my fingertips which is well let's be frank about it it's not like that in every other crm system so this is actually a feature i really love i don't have to go clicking around i have everything basically before my hands or wouldn't you say that is a good feature thomas uh definitely it also becomes even stronger when you start looking at it from the other and like from the company and of course but yeah definitely having access to all the information yeah so let's say we assign this to uh gustav he has to handle me as his leads uh of course we use automations to trigger so we don't have to push and pull things manually around the system handles that force so of course when a lead is assigned the automations will trigger and put it in the right group as well and then when we feel that we are done we can actually qualify this lead to jump into the next stage should we maybe add some update before we qualify it uh that we can do sorry me and my track pads aren't friends at the moment yeah we can add a we can add anything and as you see here we have four formatting rights within ours we can make any kind of note we want and just like within many systems of today we can tag someone to notify them or a whole team if we would like to to basically say hey guys you need to check this one not gonna in this case there and we can actually now when it's posted we can see how many people have seen it so if someone of my colleagues would go and take a look at this i would actually be able to see that right now ah i think i'm qualified to become a customer so i qualified myself or go started then we move into the next section of the system which is one of those basic parts of our system the opportunities board uh there's gonna be quite a lot more information going on so here we go when we take a look at it we have structured this from a grouping perspective let me collapse everything in the faces we have in our sales workflow so from a new opportunity we go into an offer then we go to some sort of a negotiation phase then a verbal or acceptance of what we agreed upon in the negotiating phase then we go into sign which basically means the deal is closed on the back end we also have we at times can lose deals and we can also disqualify these because even if we let them through as a lead we might during a sales process see that yeah but this isn't a good fit and what we at omnis at least do is that we differ between when we say no to the client and when the client says no to us so lost means the client said notes no just something were misaligned uh not the right service not the right price whatever and the disqualified is when we say no to the client and from a sales perspective this is actually really important to track because they they aren't all lost at some point we have said no this isn't the deal for us uh we can't deliver here here we can see i've i know i came in here and as we can see it kept the connection to the company where i'm employed but now we have a few more uh columns and a few more pieces of information we can actually fill in here so uh actually uh thomas you told me there will be uh some substantial improvements uh to some of the features we are going to take a look too but this system is built on uh a combination of what we call the communi hub which is a great crm tool uh helps us to email and keep track of those and basically bring in all the answered emails into monday as well between us and our clients but we also use this register button as we call it where we can easily register what are we doing with the client from this we can draw statistics how many meetings have we gone to how many emails have we sent how many calls have we made and so on so forth um and we can also make a timeline stick to the client rap sheet so if i basically i click to make a call now for some reason my system is rather slow [Music] you should never show anything uh no now we're triggered and then we can see here we have made an update and here i can of course go in make my notes and some of you in here know that we can read we can do the same thing we can register and plan out activities in community hub that we're going to be talking about why are we doing it like this there's mainly two reasons one is we actually got this from a client who needed their sales rep to be able to quickly with a press of a button being able to update what has been going on while on the cell phone so this is this is a setup if you're not desktop based from a sales perspective you're managing your opportunities on the go because the community hub is a really cool app but it's still only available on desktop currently this gives them a lot more granularity they press the register once they get back to the office they can go through all their activity log and they can update and write the memo so they don't as a reply to that update that was just created automatically but they had the correct timestamps and everything correct uh then of course we need to plan our next action what should we do afterwards maybe yeah i should be emailing myself tomorrow for example and this is within the order of monday so of course the system will keep track of this and remind me to do so as well so it will put it on my to-do list for tomorrow basically um then we have when we're talking about sales we are talking about products and services that needs to be sold so we have added in this case sub items as order rows so we can enter in so maybe we want to we have been talking about having a workshop with me then through the medics of connect boards i can actually choose my product from a list and here i can have basically however many products i want and of course it's searchable as well if i have many can choose that one and it will fetch me my list prices my margins uh whatever i tell it to and i have programmed it to do so here i can tell it how many workshops yeah this fellow is about to buy a package of two workshops for example okay it will calculate the price for me uh and i can put my discounts and get all my information from it then it will backtrack everything up if i have multiple rows of products it will calculate everything for me and then of course in the truth fashionable theorem we need to calculate late the forecast so because our all these aren't created equally because when we calculate on these we take into consideration how far in the discussions how we got them so what we do here is that we calculate we can see the gross price of everything is eight thousand one hundred ninety dollars in this case but we only forecast it at a thousand why do we do that well that's because we have only just started discussing this deal with this person so we can't count all the money that we can only do basically when it's signed so it's to get a fair pipeline assessment of where we are uh so what you love forecasting yes and and this is this is like super simple forecasting we have a status based on the sales step and that applies a percentage we can bring this so much further we can go with with the last updated column if it's more than two weeks ago since it's an update we can apply a 50 reduction of the for cost value we could also say do we have other deals against this company or this contact in the priorly then we can actually increase the percentage so we can build any uh forecasting matrix we want with with the more monday native formula column so and what we're talking about here is deal scoring but on a high level of doing it so bringing that name information have that affect the forecast so for example let's say that frederick in this case uh would have had made hundreds of deals with us before we know he's a recurring client always comes back we could jump that and uh increase the forecast on him if we had made such a model then of course we have the profit forecast and here we have the status of the deal now it's a new opportunity it's newly created but now of course when i have sent my offer to frederick in this case i of course tell the system i've done so and it will automatically move frederick along the line and we can see now the forecast took quite a bit a bit of a jump here because now we have a different kind of kind of calculation uh here we can also see we have the contact information uh here to frederick so we can see yeah that was connected uh and moved with so i have everything here if i need to call him or whatever and in if you are either have a voip uh basically a cloud phone or a macintosh connected to your iphone you can just click and call uh which is rather neat that is how many of us at omnistars actually do it when we call our clients i think uh you're a forerunner of that uh type of calling right thomas yeah we're lucky enough that our actual cell phone carrier has a has an apple uh soft phone service app so i can click a number in in a monday and it actually calls for my cell phone through my computer that's great and of course i can email you by just pressing the email and so on so forth uh thanks to email integration we have also uh the ability to pick up uh emails either incoming or outgoing to this and what we do here is basically monday has the power to integrate with either office 365 or in our case uh gmail or the g suite uh and can actually read our inbox and what we can basically tell the system is if you see an incoming mail having the same email as you can find here please add it in there and then that way we can fetch all emails coming in from a client and then we can apply filters on it of course as well so but what we we're talking about here is so we basically have we have opportunities board we have a contact company register and we have our contact register but there are other things going on as well so further down in the process since this is a consultancy setup of course we can send this into our projects overview so basically give our delivery team that heads up something is coming your way trying to prepare for it so we can either do it by an automation and say when you reach a certain step a negotiation like a heads-up or you know we can do it by sign so we only basically send the information once it's actually in the books uh that is completely up to us or you in this case to decide when should that happen and then the information is transposed as well so um going into the project this is very very very simple because i haven't taken any time to set up a real proper product system here but we can see we have a project that gets its name uh we have the ability to task things and uh they are all connected as well to our opportunities we can track them back and by doing this differentiation so we have our opportunities like an entity we have our contacts like an entity and we have our companies like an entity we build a spider web of interconnectivity so we can always track things back so we can easily now track this product and say yeah that belongs to that client well it came through that opportunity or yeah we were talking to these people these are the deciding stakeholders in this deal that led to this project and so on so forth let's be honest this is a crm webinar so for the project management uh for one it's not should it be frederick and two we need to live a clean timer so we're not sure on the advanced project management exactly so uh going on with this now having all those entities mean that information can and end up in different places so we will some of us we might make a note on the contact uh some on the company and then we have yet other information that will end up on the actual opportunity or the deal as uh some of you i'm sure we'll call it thanks to uh our latest release i think right thomas of what of an app yes [Laughter] conversations we can actually pull data uh from all linked items into one place so we don't have to go hopping about to trying to find what happened let's see here uh so in this case i have no information in the connected items i only have in this one that i had a meeting but let's see uh let's let's go to omnitas in the company registry let's or even better maybe phoenix oh they're all named phoenix but they are actually different but all of these are actually different coming from different opportunities now we have named them the same basically but we fetch the data from wherever and this would actually go if we had made any uh notes on people connected to phoenix incorporated as well so we get everything in one place without having to go hopping about to get that information because that is something that might be a problem uh doing it natively uh so that we can that get that fragmented information spread but now thanks to conversations here we can actually get everything in one place at one time and that is a really good thing uh and a pro tip if if you're using it for other than crm make sure you have all your milestones status changes that generating updates you set up that automation saying when the status changes to this create an update and decide what it's going to be called because then you can aggregate that through the whole project up to the project overview so the project managers or the c-level can instantly see all the milestone passages by just looking in conversation it picks up sub-items dependencies and all the connected boards unlimited hierarchy which is in itself just great then another thing we really like to have is a good sales funnel right we having just the list yeah that's great but we we want some more information just easily put up how are we doing right now and in an earlier webinar we presented uh funnels which is one of our apps which does this for us so we can easily get a sales funnel so what this app does in this iteration because now i'm using one of its functions which is for sales is to basically give us our follow so what it does it says that if you have uh come to a succeeding uh step you have been in the once before it so even if you add in a completely new deal that hasn't been on the books before in the accepted phase it will still be counted as have been belonging to the offer in the negotiation phase and so on uh before uh and this is quite cool actually because in real life it actually has even if it were for microseconds but you don't have to go through the hassle of telling it it was an offer and then move it again and move it again you can just put it where it should be the system will do the counting and here we can actually use uh weight measures as well and actually uh gathered the uh formula uh so we can actually put in the really numbers here or use forecasted values if we'd like to uh i really do love this app it gives a quick at a glance quick where are we and how are we set up and to face uh the world basically uh if you haven't there's a 14-day free no seen it before uh there's a 14 day free trial on the monday apps marketplace uh go check it out and try it out for spin see how you like it i'm sure you're going to love it uh a feature that you've seen in many other serums i'm sure you are comparing two is the kanban style view of course this is something we can recreate in monday as well if you don't like the list view of things we can of course go with a more uh of a kanban style and here we can have the logo types of the companies uh that we are uh making in advance to and we can through the settings tell the system what kind of columns or uh information do i see directly on the card and by clicking i get the rest of the information just at my fingertips i have all the same information i actually have in the list view it's just ordered differently some like this view some don't thomas i know that you're not the biggest fan of working with this you like the listview right yeah and i think that personally i would show a few less information points on this like i would remove the the status by uh but i think the cool thing here is that we can actually and we have for integro mod and we're not going to give away that scenario we're pulling those logos automatically so nobody's up loading any logos here correct so basically what company is it okay pull their logo so then there's a one thing that i really love in monday is our uh waiting means to set views so we can have different views some of us feel that yeah i don't want to be scrolling about or looping around so maybe i want a more slim view of things so it's a shorter board and then i like to uh go with a more traditional i guess uh crm view and going with our item cards and basically click my customer and or opportunity and have my uh information like this might be for part of you that's my favorite features being released this year yeah i know it is your favorite feature and i i would say it's definitely at my top three as well definitely with that said looking at another review that we have been touching upon is the communi hub which we have here as well this view lets us send emails make notes create events so on so forth so if i would actually be sending an email here for thomas this will go out through my email and it will be get tracked back basically when i send it so or rather when he replies to that email i'm not gonna ask thomas to actually do that right now or take my word for it it works and it works like a charm and you have some settings you can go through here uh to basically import your email signature or your email brandings and you can set up automations and notifications specifically for the commune hub so you don't miss emails when you get them either but they're also going to end up in your completely normal inbox whatever that is outlook or gmail uh and there are new things coming to this but we're going to talk about that in just a bit so to end off this demo on monday we don't do reporting we do dashboards and dashboards that are so much better than any uh normal crm reports they are completely customizable we can pull any and all data that we want to see we can have them or they are standard completely dynamical so if i would have a colleague doing work changing stuff now it would actually change before my eyes so this is so much more this is bi actually so this is great uh thomas you're actually like the virtuoso of uh dashboards uh what's your favorite thing about dashboards that you if you set them up correctly you can actually filter everything and search everything so do you want to look at live deals you close that with a certain month you can set up if you support your boards by special formulas you can actually isolate the year and the month so in the search field you could fill out the year of the month and the whole dashboard with filter and everything for that money first only and so on uh so it's it's actually the combination of the whole dashboard with the underlying data and not some individual widgets that's my love yeah uh and of course this one we can use dashboards to basically get like get everything on a client as well right yeah uh with with the item card we did it a lot more before we got the item card view because item card viewed now all we do is we go into the company registry we open up the company a traditional company card from any other crm system we used to of course to build it in a dashboard earlier yes but with that said thanks to how the dashboard is built and how we can use them we can also build in gamification scenarios within monday uh which yet again it's not an added thing it's something we can build with the bulk standard features that we have so we can have competitions we can award prices we can do stuff like that and and things uh thanks to that data so that's really really cool and yeah here we can see we actually have a small sales contest uh can be a bit more creative than what i've been here uh but it's definitely a possibility within monday so and of course like we said uh then of course we have our request inbox and so on we're not going to look at it now but let's let me tell you there's so much you can do within monday and everything is connected thanks to that we have our entities that we connect everything to so we can pull information between the different parts of the system we have built out for ourselves yeah we can basically what we really want to stress is you can set up a crm in monday in a lot of different ways there's a default solution as well included in monday you can install of quite a few of them but all of them what they have in common is the use of connect to board because that's what generates a crm not just a list of isolated touch points no and and it's also that ease of use if you have created that company once there's one place where all that company's uh values and the information live and that is reusable just by the click of a button and we don't get that having to do everything twice or at worst case getting the wrong data at some points and then basically mess up your reporting in the end as well uh frederick you have a good question from candy uh how do you do when you have a duplicated contact well then either you have uh an app for it there are apps in the monday store that will mark and even merge or you set it up with integra mod to basically have a look through your contact register and basically fix that for you uh is that not something you can do yourself we are obliged to help you do that and and i would actually like to plug a friendly app there's a there's a new app called data clean it's rather new it's by one of the self south american partners it's free we we check with them and it's actually being managed all within your accounts and no data is being transferred out of monday and manipulated so it's a it's a good app it's currently free uh there are no current plans i i use the word current because that's the information i got from them to to monetize it because they wanted it as an enabler the name of the app is called data clean uh it's under the new tab in the app store and have marketplace sorry and uh very promising yeah uh i only had to read about it uh great that you before this had the time to check with them uh so i i actually just saw it today so yeah it's uh from from the features list it's probably amazing so um be sure to have a have a go at it otherwise you also have integromat which is my you should fall back to basically do anything uh within monday um so uh the apps that were used that you saw were the funnel app uh the auto connector which isn't out yet but will be very very soon um the conversations app by us admon uh omnithas as well which is out that you can install and have a try at and then there were some integra mod magic happening in the background as well and let's have we decided on a date yet because i want to plug a future webinar i'm actually going to sit down and have a webinar just showcasing my favorite most commonly used apps when i build something for clients and it's not going to be only omnithus apps it's actually going to be mostly other apps yes um yeah there's going to be a load of apps coming up and it's actually going to be next week we have planned that for so uh if you haven't already do subscribe to our newsletter we will see to that you get that information because there's uh i have seen the list and it's a nice list of apps and how you can use them um so do that uh and uh we'll be sure to uh see that you get it we will also of course post in the monday community and on our linkedin page so please follow us there and you get the information i can quickly sign up it's going to be a great webinar on that one monday of course comes with a ton of possibilities to integrate everything from email marketing service to social media of course our uh classic uh office suit uh so i'm talking both about actual office microsoft office and the g suit where with integrations to both emails and calendars and web drives i uh onedrive or g drive stuff like that but also systems like jot form type form to give us a customizable forms uh and added features to our forms twilio for those of us who love to send text messages to our clients as well uh there's tons of integrations and whenever we can't have a native functionality we can usually sort it by either the fantastic and open api of monday uh or rather simply by the use of integromat and if you want to know more about integromat please talk to us and we will set you up and show you how that works because it's a marvelous system in its own right right from us yeah it allows us to do like stuff that used to cost a lot for very little money and so we have a great example of that don't we yeah so so if i if i'm allowed to give like one minute of a scenario we built for a client they had a rather simple sales process not a problem they had order items and once they agreed with the client what exactly they were going to buy and what they were going to pay they could change the status in monday the client was created in stripe a shopping cart was created in stripe with a url integra mod grabbed the url put it into an email send them to them and said hey here's your order please follow the link and and pay when they go follow the link and they pay in the status of the payment gets updated in monday so we have a two-way stripe sync through integra mod and once the status got upgraded we actually used another cool app which we will be talking about next webinar docugen and dockagen generate the drop shipping form and integra mod automatically sent it to the drop shipping company which we don't need underground anymore for because dockagen can now email their generated pdfs as well it all of this took us 24 hours uh 25 hours to set up for the client if you were to pay for this for custom api work you would have to pay for at least 80 hours of development and that that's counted very very low for custom-made work yeah yeah i i would say you're low-balling that one but yeah so but to say the least we have tons of integrations i've just posted just a few of them here uh but you can integrate with basically any marketing automation system and anything like that get response mailer lite uh active campaign you name it it's totally feasible then there are some features coming up so without to set any date to this but these are things that will be showing up in not a too distant future so there will be a better calendar integration and it will also be uh the possibility to auto book meetings i'm saying but basically you know that where you can send a link and the person can basically choose the time they want to meet you instead of you having to do the email ping pong dance uh sending five emails back and forth just to figure out that you can't uh do it at any time um we will have even better views for contacts and leads and deals so there's gonna be some serum magic uh happening uh communion hub is getting spruced up and the item card view is promised to get a 2.0 which uh i know at least thomas and me are really looking forward to because it's something that's really good gonna be even better uh so i wish we could say more we're not this is what i got to say no we're not allowed but just keep a lookout guys it's going to be great that's all we can say so in conclusion when you are going to build your crm have a step back have a think first then start building and use the board connectivity features to create entities because that will make your life and your reporting and your everything so much easier we have seen so many examples where you just put a company name in a text field and a contact in the text field together with an email or an or an a phone number somewhere it's going to be a hassle for you and you're going to do multiple date entry available currently uh building monday as a crm on your own is it's quite easy you just need to keep to the principles of using connect to board use your data collectors like company contact person and and your biggest hurdle will be how do i actually make this formula work the way i want it to work that will be your biggest challenge yeah it's gonna uh but thanks well that's why us partners are here we are able to help you with that hopefully and uh but they can reach out if they need some crm help right of course if you feel that yeah i really want a good crm please don't hesitate give us a call uh you're gonna get my contact information just in a few minutes when we get to the end here uh but that's the end of this summary uh do you thomas you have been watching the chat have we covered most of the questions uh while we were going yeah definitely i think so too so let's skip the q a for this time and if you didn't dare to post your questions feel free to email us afterwards and we'll make sure you get a good answer to your question so with that said thank you so much uh for listening today uh on the screen right now you have my details and if you need help to build your crm system to your specific specifications please give me an email and i'll be sure that me or someone in the omnitech team will help you do that so and i can't say this enough but last week we actually brought our new website online there is loads of tips and tricks and webinars and monday app reviews coming up so be sure to go to it's all in english guys so no need to worry for any funky language on the way here uh go to sign up for our newsletter you'll find it down in the footer uh and we'll keep you up to date with everything new and cool monday that's happening uh with that said thanks thank you so much for coming all of you thank you so much for popping in as a guest here today uh i hope you have enjoyed this and uh looking forward to talking to all of you and seeing more of you and next week's webinar the most commonly used apps at least for us at omnitas and it's going to be a great one so done thank you take care everyone have cheers bye
Channel: Omnitas Consulting
Views: 15,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crm system,, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, integromat, conversations app, monday apps
Id: DNdRshZvme8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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