What's New in RootsMagic 8

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asking if this is being recorded yep it's being recorded it's being live streamed and it's being recorded as well so when it's done it will it should be up on our it should be up on our our roots magic tv youtube channel all right who says i look older that's because i haven't shaved and because i am older turning into an old old man okay recording in progress well let's see we've got sue perry from wellington new zealand welcome donna from oregon kentucky laurie collins loved working on the beta version thank you for getting out and thank you lori and to all the other people who did help out with the testing that was incredibly helpful um we couldn't have done it without your help and great yeah so uh so we are we're at the time it's 12 o'clock so get started we are broadcasting on zoom and we are also um streaming live on youtube and uh well welcome to our first roots magic webinar with version eight and it's been a little while since we've done webinars and this is probably the first time that we've done webinars where you can see our beautiful faces so hello hello there a little unusual um this webinar we're going to be talking about what's new in roots magic 8 and the big joke of course is that roots match gate it's been delayed a little bit longer than our software usually is this is actually been the biggest update probably in the history of the company in terms of just the amount of work and features and changes that we've we've made um roots magic eight uh just some background with roots magic seven it became apparent um that that we would not be able to keep going into the future with the roots magic 7 as it was [Music] our biggest the biggest uh feature requests that we had from users just were not possible um the way that with new computers and technology operating systems things like that would not have been possible with roots magic seven so we knew that we could either just keep swimming with the old stuff until it just slowly peered out and died or it became obsolete or we could try to embrace the future and future proof the software and make it ready so that we can jump off and work with all these new technologies that are coming out quickly um so we we actually had to rewrite the software um it is now completely cross-platform for both windows and mac um it takes advantage of new graphics capabilities new screen resolutions new things that didn't exist 30 years ago when we first started out writing software so there's been a lot of changes in terms of in terms of that but we're really excited to give them to you we've had lots of great feedback from our users and testers it's been really well received um there can be a little bit of learning curve for users who are used to previous versions but hey that even happened when we came out with version four there's kind of a learning curve jumping from version 3 to version 4. and so that's the purpose of this webinar is to kind of give you a nice nice uh nickel tour as it were an overview of roots match 8 and especially if you're already familiar with previous versions of roots magic 7 how to kind of dip your feet into the pool and get around the new software so let's turn it over to the roots magician himself bruce busby i'm going to mute myself and i'm just going to monitor the chats and the questions and i think we'll probably have some time at the end to answer some questions but let's just dive right in with bruce okay well this is this is our first time trying to do webinar here using zoom and so hopefully hopefully it works out i know that in past past webinar uh past webinars we've we would encounter we would encounter problems whenever we were whenever we would first start using that new particular software so hopefully everything goes smoothly like mike said this is this has been a lot of work i noticed somebody in the comments said you look older and it's like yeah this is this has really done it this has really done it to me i mean this is this has made me age age a lot so anyways what i'm going to do is i'm just going to hop right into kind of doing it this is going to be just a high level overview because there's so much there's so much we could show you here so this is going to be a very high level overview just to show you some of the new things uh that that are really cool uh at a higher level we don't want it we don't want to sit there and saturate your brains we don't want you guys leaving this leaving this webinar um going going what what did i just see i mean i just i just can't even comprehend it so when you first start roots magic you're going to have a screen that looks something like this you're going to have the home page and you're going to have a file tab and you can switch between these these just happen to be things you can do uh while a database is not open the home page is going to have some options create a new file open a file import a file download a tree that's from if you want to download data from ancestry or family search you can do that and if you've got any recent files you'll have them listed here and you can just click on it to open that up you're also over here in the in the upper right you're going to have the news okay in roots magic 7 or in all the older roots magic she had separate windows that popped up to do all of this stuff we combined it all into one into one home screen to kind of keep it together so the news you can click on any of these it'll take you to online to read that particular article or that particular news and once you've looked at it you it will remove the little star so it will it will still be here for for a while but the star will be removed so you can go back in and read it again later if you wanted to now if you don't want to read them but you don't want them started come over here and check the check box or you can come over here and refresh to get the an updated list we also have help and support we have links right here right on the program so you can this is where you can come to the webinars okay we have our roots magic tv that's our youtube channel and that's where these webinars once these webinars are done uh that's where they will be archived we store they they're recorded and they're going to be put up there on that roots magic tv channel our online community this is our this is our new online community that we've just opened up yesterday it's a brand new message board using uh what's called discourse it's a new uh it's a it's a message board type format and so it'll take you to there and then our technical support so this is to link you up to information about our technical support you'll also see whether or not you have the latest version of the program if you do it'll tell you you have the latest update if not you just click here and it will download and install the latest update for you okay so let's just jump right in oh one thing i want to point out before we go with everybody starting up new if you have data in roots magic seven to get that data from roots magic seven into eight you're gonna wanna go and select import file okay because the roots magic 8 format is quite a bit different from the roots magic 7 format so it needs to go through an import it doesn't just open it like the like four five six seven they just kind of opened and converted each other's this will import your file it will leave your roots magic 7 file alone so that you can um so that you can still work with your roots magic 7 if you want to but it will import create a roots magic 8 file and import that data so what you would do is click on import file what program does it come from you'll pick roots magic one through seven and you'll just step through this it's a wizard and it'll step through and try to browse for the file if you'll click browse for file if it doesn't find it but it'll just step you right through doing the import and it will bring it right in well what i'm going to do is i'm just going to click on this one we've already got so that you can see the screen once it's open now once the database opens that home screen will go back to it just for a second that home screen changes a little bit and it shows you the properties of that current file you have open everything else on that screen is the same it just changes the the open new whatever to the file properties for this if you want to open another file you can come down here to the file tab and this will let this let you create new create another file open another file you can open multiple roots magic files just like you could before the difference is that in roots magic and old roots magic it opened up windows inside of one big window the problem with that is if you opened up two different databases you couldn't put one on each monitor if you happen to have more than one monitor you couldn't put a different database on each monitor well in roots magic 8 each database opens up in its own window so you can put different databases on different monitors okay you also have a tab for people and what this is going to be is this is going to be similar to the screen you're used to seeing all the time in the older versions of roots magic you have your pedigree view you have your family view you have your descendant view this interview is nice because you can now collapse generations you have your person list view and you have a new view here in rootsmagic8 called the couple view this is similar to the family list in roots magic 7 where you have the father mother and marriage date and marriage places so you can kind of find the actual families you have within your database but like i say this this screen right here is basically pretty much the same as what you are familiar with seeing all the time in in roots magic seven okay we also have these other views here now one of the fundamental changes we've made is that instead of instead of having just a person view and making you open up a modal modal form in other words a form that comes up and locks you out of everything else behind it uh for places and sources and media what we've done is we've created pages that always remain open and there are just tabs here for you to switch between them so i can switch between people like places so if i go to places tab there's my places there's my alphabetical list of places and everything now is live edit so i don't have to highlight a place and then click an edit button i come right over here and i can just edit the information live i just select the place and come over here and edit that sources it has its own page and i can select a source and again it's live edit i can come right over here and edit that information if a source has citations it's going to show you how many citations are for that source right there i can click that and it slides the citations right in and i can select a citation and i can edit that citation right there okay then click the back arrow go right back to my sources so i'm working on my sources again okay my media and yeah i have a bunch of broken media items here this particular database uh i didn't i don't have the media items on this on this hard drive and that's what the little x's mean but there are some some media items that are here when you click on a media item just like every other screen it's a live edit i can come in here and i can edit the file name the caption i can click on description and it'll slide in a note editor where i can edit that description i can also add a date reference number i can also see who's using that the tags i can click on that and it's going to show me all the places that that particular photo is used okay and from there actually i should show you that from there i can add i can add tags so i can tag other people other places other whatever to this media right from this screen if i want to see this the image big i just click on the little thumbnail right there it opens up an image viewer and i can zoom in and out you know to see the detail of a document or whatever okay i also have tasks and i'm not going to spend much time on tasks we're going to have a whole webinar just on tasks basically tasks are in roots magic 7 you used to have to do items and you used to have research logs or research log items root magic eight creates what are called tasks that tie those together it's basically your your to-do items and your research logs supercharged or on steroids so when you when you want to create a task when you want to create a task you can you can select your task and you can enter all of this information it's again live edit i can edit right here my goals my results the status priority everything and i can see it right here i can go in and i can filter these tasks i can put these tasks in folders like i say i'm not going to go into too much more detail on this because we're going to do a webinar solely on tasks address is pretty straightforward these are all your addresses and you also have your repository so your addresses your repositories they work almost exactly the same just have different purposes your addresses are going to be addresses of of people your repositories are going to be addresses or locations where records might be found where you have research to do any of those types of things so a repository might not you might not even put addresses that your repository might just be ancestry and you might not be putting anything else there and that's fine it's it's available there okay you have your search screen what we've done is we've combined all of the search results uh or all of the search types into one place so you have a basic search okay and this is just a simple search name sex birth year but just here that type of search very simple you fill it in click find and it gives you the results we also have the advanced search this is what you're used to invert in roots magic 7 where you can bring up the criteria screen and fill in all the what field what type what the condition is and how it matches and so on so you can do your advanced search there you have your web search right here this is your search where you're searching different websites now in version 7 that web search was back on that people view which doesn't necessarily make sense it's a search and so that's why it's now in the search in the search page uh you also have your find everywhere and you can have your find everywhere right here fill in it and have it do that search as well publish publish is where you're going to get anything you're going to want to share with other people so this is where you're going to find your reports and i can click on all reports and bring up a list of all my reports this is just an alphabetical list of all the reports and the charts i can also say group them in which case it's going to give me large format charts charts that are reports that would be like pedigree charts and photo trees things like that your forms your labels your lists narratives and research reports so you can have them grouped you can also look at just the individual groups as well so whatever whatever makes sense for the way you want to be able to see your reports you can do that and we're going to come back to those in just a bit settings we've combined all of your settings into one place so no more uh separate forms you know having to remember you know is this was that a file setting or was that a general setting or was that a database setting was that a what kind of setting was that having to bring up that from right here you can just quickly go through the various settings program settings there's your folders there's your general settings here's your display settings you can pick themes and background colors things like that your preparer your web hint settings are all right here and your if you're lds you've got lds settings as well okay so i'm going to come back here to the people list now one of the things i wanted to point out is that like i say these different views or pages these different pages are always open okay and they don't change so in roots magic seven if you if you did a search for example here's one here's what i'm gonna show you the type of thing that makes this so powerful i'm going to go to search and i'm going to come do just a just a simple search and i'm going to i say i'm going to say i want to find everybody whose name is leroy whose given name is leroy so i enter that i click find and roots magic is going to give me those search results okay if you remember in seven it doesn't give you actually a list of results it basically takes you to the first person that matches and then you have to go next next next next to find the the additional matches in roots magic 8 you get that right here and from right here i can select a person and i can click the edit button and it will open up their edit screen and i can come right in here and i can edit the person do whatever i want and you know close it right back up and i'm still on the search screen i can also if i want to see where this person is for example on a pedigree view i just say go to okay and it jumps to that person in the pedigree in the in my pedigree view it it'll actually jump to whichever view i happen to be using so if i was using the descendant view it's going to jump to that person in the descendant view but this is what's great is if i want to go look at the next person in that search list i just go back to search and like i said it's still there it's these are these always stay open in version 7 i would have had to open up my search screen do the search go to the first person that matches click ok which would take me which would close the search that search window and take me to the pedigree view then if i wanted to see the second person i would have to open up the search screen i would have to redo the search because the search is lost when that window closes it loses the search okay i would have to close i would have to redo the search then move next next next next until i got to the person click ok to go look at them and i would have to repeat that if i wanted to see each one of these people in their pedigree view i would have to repeat that for every single person okay now if i do a search that search results right there are going to stay there until well until i close the program or until i come over here and clear the results or do another search so i can go over here and i can work on people okay and it doesn't matter whether i change to other people i can work on places i can work on sources i can work on whatever and when i come back to search those results are still there for me okay and and like i say it works the same way with everything so if i'm on sources and i'm working with bentleys of queensberry when i switch to another view and do something else when i come back to sources i'm still on bentley's of queensberry i've still got got the edit screen available here um you know i'm still i'm still working on that particular type of information so that's one of the biggest fundamental differences between roots magic 8 and the older versions of roots magic is that all of these types of data all of these records remain where they were they remain what i'm doing stays with what i'm doing until i close the program out okay so i'm going to come back over here to we'll spend just a few minutes on on each one of these views because i kind of went through fast on the people view on the people view the main thing you usually are going to do from the people view is edit a person so i'm going to open up an edit screen for this person and it looks a lot like what we what you had in seven it looks quite similar to what you have in seven one difference is that you'll notice it has these extra items birth of a spouse birth of child birth of child marriage of child death of mother it has timeline events for immediate family members now if i want to turn those off temporarily i just come up here where it says show relative events and i just uncheck that and that will filter this back down and then it looks exactly like what you had in roots magic seven you have the the places um or the the events that belong just to this person and so you can come in here and turn that turn that on and off all you want you also have some options in here that you can do some things um if you want to sort your your fact list in different ways by right now it's sorted by the order that they happen chronologically but if i wanted to sort them group them by by fact type or if i wanted to sort them by the place i can do any of that type of thing okay i can also come over here when i highlight a particular fact okay i can come over here and edit that fact i can change the fact type i can edit the place i can change the date i can do any of those type of things if i want to edit the note for the fact i just click on that it slides the note in i can make whatever changes i want there's a little button here that will let me open the note up in a big old separate note editor if i want to blow it up and and have it in a big editor i can do that as well sources if i have any sources you'll see that there's sources there you'll see media tasks okay so i'll go down here this person has a source so when i click on that it shows me the source if there's more than one source it'll show me all of the sources and i can click on that right there and slide it in and edit edit that source i can rearrange you know resize things here so i can i can actually do any anything i want with the sources the notes the media any of those they just slide in and they they take care of it a couple of other things you'll note that's new one your groups that a person are in are visible and available right here from the edit screen you highlight that and you just go down and check whatever groups that person happens to be in and it will remember that if you have web tags for the person you click on that and you can add and delete and go to web tags right from here one other thing that's really nice and this is one of my favorite features in this you'll notice that on the spouse and parent rows you have a little down arrow if i were to click on this for the spouse it's going to pop up a list and say let me switch to the spouse or i can switch to one of the children so if i want to switch to his spouse mary when i click on that my edit screen now oops my edit screen now becomes mary's edit screen and so i can come in here and i can edit mary everything here is mary once i'm done editing mary i click the back arrow and it takes me right back to him okay and this this can go multiple levels deep so i can i can say okay switch to mary and then i can go i say okay switch to mary's mother and i'm working on mary's mother and so now i'm working on mary's mother click left back to marry click again back to him okay so it's it's just a quick way of being able to get to edit uh immediate family members without having to necessarily go go back and open their edit screen now speaking of opening their edit screen in roots magic 7 when you have this screen open one of the things you know is that you can't ever click on the screen behind it because this screen as long as that edit screen is open it's locking you out well in roots magic 8 that's no longer the case i can leave an edit screen open and i can go work on any of these other screens i can work on on the person view i can switch to other other pages i can do whatever i want i can even open another edit screen so i can open up anna and freelon and i can have them both right there at the same time and so i can actually compare the data i can see see how they compare one thing that's that we've done is whenever you have an edit screen open down here at the bottom of the main screen i'm going to click on the main screen you'll see if i click on the main screen those jump behind it okay that's as designed so that you can click on the main screen and navigate around and do whatever it is you want to do but if you need to bring up that edit screen real quick you just click on on the person's name so if i want anna's edit screen i just click on her name and her edit screen pops back up back up forward okay so it makes it really easy to be able to work with multiple people at the same time okay places i'm going to come down here to places real quick just kind of wrap these up when you select a place you in addition to the place and the latitude and longitude it will show you if there are any place details that's the number two that means there's two place details if i click on that i can see those and i can select either of those and edit that edit the place detail right there if i want to see how many places an event is used as i as i select a place over here in addition to the name and latitude and longitude and all those kind of things you can edit you'll also see an item called events and that shows you how many events are using this place and i can click on that it will slide that list of events in these are all the events in that place and i can go select any one of those click the little pencil and bring up the edit screen and it's already highlighting that particular event that particular place so it's that's one of one of the biggest requests we used to get was a way to easily see who or what was actually using a particular place so let me make it real easy to do that now i want to come back here to publish i want to show you one of the other features that we got a lot of requests for and that is the fan chart so roots mat let me pick somebody's got got more ancestors to make it a little bit more interesting here okay so here's a fan chart this happens to be a full circle fan chart and you can choose how many generations you want um the orientation uh and then the the width of these generations so you can cust you can customize this you can also change how you want the colors this color is by lineage but you could also go in and say oh i want coloring by gender regenerate it okay and now you have the males are blue the females are pink so you can go in here and change change not only the coloring but you can also change you know fading and all kinds of other other things that i'm not going to go into here but one of the things that i like is if you don't want a full circle fan chart you can come in here and you can say oh i want a half circle fan chart and that's what it'll get it'll take those same that same four generations and put them in a half circle you can you can have it do a third circle or you can have it do what we call a fan which basically is kind of a two-thirds kind of a two-thirds one it just it's just kind of got a nice kind of a nice feel to it um but it's got it's got the uh that right there you can go like i say you can go in and change all your fonts and everything as well you can go in and print that or you can save it to file one of the new things in in roots magic 8 when you generate a report and you say you want to save it to file you can save it to pdf like you used to be able to but instead of what rich text we now save it as a docx we actually save it as a microsoft word file it it's just much cleaner it imports into things better it's just a much better way of doing it if your report happens to be a happens to be a list type of format you'll also have the option of saving it as an excel file so that you can open it up in excel anyway so that's a quick overview like i say there's there's a zillion new features in here for you to experiment experiment when oh one one thing i do want to point out one of the things that people noticed when they first started is that we do not have a main menu across the top up here okay the reason for that is a main menu basically has to put all of the features for the entire program in one menu so things get buried five menus deep and so you have to click on this and then go down and then a slide out and a slide out things get buried really deep because it has to handle every feature in the program no matter what you happen to be doing well what we've done is each view or each page i mean so if i'm on the people page my menu over here my options my menus are specific to people so things that i'm doing here editing people so edit a person setting root person unlinking rearranging this has to do with editing people this has to do with tools for people okay if i'm on the places the menu is for solely for places reverse the places that well that's one thing that's kind of cool you can click reverse places and you can view your place list in reverse which groups everything geographically together and you can you can switch them back you can delete places all of the same options you always had it's just they happen to be you know localized to what you're doing i did i we do have under the places there also actually is the mapping so you have your mapping places or mapping people and on the people when you map people you can pick any group of people and have it display the markers the markers for whatever group of people you want you know it can it can be you can use your groups you can select them from a list or whatever you know as you zoom in this is uh we're now using what's called open street map for our mapping uh rather than being um it's just it's it's just a better it just works better for us and it actually has a lot of capabilities that we're going to be taking advantage of in future in future updates as well but you whoever whoever you select it will it will highlight their dots read or you can click on any dot and you can see all the events that happened in that place in your map so anyways that like i say that's a quick overview um like do we want to do some questions and i mean do you have i assume some questions i've been seeing i've been seeing x number of hands or raised so yeah so just one thing to point out there about kind of the the new navigation there and the lack of the menus and everything like that one of the problems that we had with the previous versions of roots magic is we get support emails people saying oh i really wish fruits magic could do this and we'd be like it has done that it's done that since version one but the problem is that the feature was so buried that people couldn't find it and so they didn't know what was there or how to access it and it's also been interesting as we've had our community preview and we've had thousands of users using roots magic 8. people have given us feedback like oh i love this new feature and we'll be like well that's actually a feature that we've had since version one and roots magic or version three uh is just that people didn't know it was there before and really the new menus yeah they they're a little bit different but they uh they do make it much easier from what we found with our testers to find features and capabilities that they may not have found otherwise um so in terms of questions i've been answering a lot of them just uh through the text but um a lot of these questions i think we will go in more detail in future webinars as we discuss specific topics uh but one thing that has been asked has been about some features which are missing from roots match gate which were in roots magic seven um for example book publishing roots magic to go and shareable drives and right now we've got um basically that the problem is that those features are almost done but they didn't they didn't quite get all the way polished yet and ready for release and um most of our testers they they they felt that the software was ready to release as it was and so we uh we went ahead and we've released officially roots match gate with those features kind of um not there but they will be added in the near future in free updates like an 8.01 or 8.02 or you know whatever however many updates until we get to that point um anything you want to add there bruce nope okay so um in terms of the answered questions oh um one thing that i know a lot of people have asked is uh i guess in the webinar the font's been kind of small for people to read and people been and one of that it one of the reasons for that is just bruce's bruce just had his eye appointment he's got 2015 vision so he's got great eyesight so and he's got a high definition monitor and usually has a much smaller type than this but can you just go show right there on the settings where they can adjust the font size if on their own screen if they need it to be bigger show where they can what in windows no sorry on settings in inside oh and in the settings okay yeah yeah yeah what you'll do is go into settings right here and then under the display the display settings that's the little monitor right here you have a thing right here called font scaling and i i guess i can do this i guess i can do it um with the font scaling you can set it you you can you can change it to you know anywhere from 70 percent up to 150 percent once you do that though you you know it'll tell you you need to shut roots magic down and restart it the if that's just that's just a limitation of it's kind of a windows thing where basically it doesn't always a lot of the a lot of the fonts will change but not all of them will and so it's just easier to say shut it down and start the program back up so that when it starts up it windows knows that it want or mac knows that it wants you to use that that more scaled but yeah i can like if i wanted to go up to say a hundred and let's do 125 okay well when i move away from it it'll tell you right here you need to exit roots magic and restart for that to take effect everywhere so i'll say okay and you know if i switch to you know if i switch to one of these views you'll see that a lot of these things like up like right here and the names you'll see that's bigger but you'll see that over here nothing really changed so if i if i quit right here and then go in and restart this okay you'll see they'll see the fonts all all got bigger here so you can see now now the fonts all got bigger so that's why that's why it asks you to shut it down is because some of these compo some of these controls don't don't switch just because the font the scaling uh change so you need to exit out and come back in um we've had a couple questions about whether the mac version is completely compatible yes this is a native mac application there's no windows wrapper or anything around it it's an actual mac um application and it has been tested on the upcoming [Music] mac os 12 monterey and it we've also tested on the upcoming windows 11 so it works great on the new operating systems coming out in the next few weeks so uh and v and feature wise they're completely feature compatible right okay so the only the only features that the mac doesn't have that the windows version has are some of the imports like being able to import legacy files basically importing basically importing files from windows other windows programs and part of that is because uh in order to import some of those files like legacy for example we have to have we have to have that let that database engine that legacy uses which is a windows it's a windows database engine it's not available for the mac so so those are the only things that the mac can't do is import some of the some of the windows gideology files now if if if you do need to import one of those if you happen to have a windows computer or access to a windows computer your license when you purchase roots magic 8 your license is for both the windows and the mac version so you can download you can have roots magic windows on on a windows computer and roots magic mac on your mac computer it's it's the license allows that okay well um i think uh i mean we've got a lot of questions here but they a lot of these are like i said they're just very detailed on how to do specific tasks so i don't know i feel like this webinar has been pretty successful it's gone pretty smoothly this is the first time like bruce said we've used the zoom webinar platform um and our plan is to definitely to do some more of these webinars so if you just look at our website on rootsmagic.com webinars really soon we're going to make up a schedule of different topics and things that we'll cover oh yeah here's a big question i forgot this is a big one that's been asked some people have been asking wait is roots match gate actually released yes it is released it's officially released you can go to our website at rootsmagic.com and you can try the free roots match gate essentials you can purchase a roots match gate and yeah so it is definitely available right now in fact we have a special there's a limited time discount through october 17th so yeah a little over two weeks where you can save some money that's both on the on the regular new licenses and also if you have a previous version to upgrade you can save a few dollars right now through october 17th um and uh that is i think that's it well so thank you very much for joining us and we hope you enjoy roots magic 8.
Channel: RootsMagic
Views: 5,015
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: on60hWh4HHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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