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hi guys it's angela coming to you with another video um this is going to be the second video um based on the um it's going to be like a um follow-up from the 10 strategic points of the um video that i've um originally created so um after the 10 strategic points has been approved in in residency one you're able to defend your attention teach your quest forever then you get the option to move over um into your prospectus phase so in reference to their perspectives uh great king university has set into place a new document which is going to be based on the um based on the powerpoint presentation um that's the new way that they're going to go to where some um some individuals are using that process and some individuals are uh using the actual document itself uh so what i'm going to do is because there you there because gcu is trying to attempting to move over into a powerpoint presentation phase for the perspectives the powerpoint phase is what i'm going to be focused on solely here so to get started i am going to share my screen and i already have the powerpoint presentation brought up this is a powerpoint presentation that i did that has been approved and it has been defended after this um after the completion of after we finish going through um this documentation um which is approximately 20 about 20 slides um i will show you i would um post a defense um thereafter on the page so you can see how everything has been defended based on the various slides so i'm going to share my screen and this is what we have here okay so basically um big oh oh i added a little bit more details from the uh 10 strategic points to where now the soul of this the soul of this study is going to be based on smartphone usage influences on african-american senior adults personal well-being we're still sticking with the technology uses but we specified it to say we want to solely focus on smartphones and but we're still using the personal well-being aspect of it okay so this is going to be your um this is going to be your introduce your like your um your title page okay for the second page it is going to be uh there's a second page in here that i removed uh you can either hide it or you can actually delete it it's basically um giving you um instructions and giving you like instructions that should be that you should read and then move and then move forwards and that but it just gives you a brief overview as far as like what the intention what the um perspectives um documentation uh consists of so uh for the next five is going to be based on the purpose statement again from the 10 strategic points i told you that the purpose is going to be what they want first the purpose here we have the purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to explore how african american senior adults describe the influences of smartphone usage on personal well-being positive emotions engagement and relationships in reference to this we are we pulled in our our methodology we pulled in our design we pulled in our our problem statement which is here which it consists of the various themes from our theoretical foundation which is the context of the research which is going to be based on the well-being uh theoretical framework by martin seligman of those of that model we extracted these um dimensions from that model so i also added a another theme so i'm going to focus on positive emotions engagement and relationships and here we still have where we are doing our research which is going to be based in the us the united states okay okay moving forward and this is uh and then everything else that blows down here should be aligned with this problem statement and then also your theoretical framework your problem statement and things your research questions and things of that nature fourth thing for slide two this is where we talked about in the attention teaching points where your background is going to come from the historical background based on all the literature that you have read what was the backbone of the problem how did the problem start what sparked your interest in records you wanted to do this research study where did it start primarily in reference to smartphones versus smartphones was not released until uh 2007 so that's where so i focus on going from 2007 up until present to show where the problem relied how does technology influences the well-being of individuals african-americans or individuals based on it could be young individuals um middle-aged individuals senior individuals old old individuals over the ages of 65 for the general population how has technology influenced the well-being of every individual who has ever used a smartphone who continues to use a smartphone and things like that okay and then so this is basically going to be an outline or how your um background of the problem is going to be look and look and organized okay then we move on to your problem space your problem space is going to be your literature review is going to be the gap your gap articles this is going to tell this is going to tell them that yes i did my research these are the gaps that i found in the literature these are the gaps the backs of this uh study that i'm willing to do or that i want to do okay your gap is not going to be something that you make up and say yeah i want it i want to do this whatever blah blah blah and then you form it or construct it around the literature that you read no your gap is going your research is going to be structured around whatever the previous um literatures said what previous authors suggested so here we have six uh gaps in reference only it only mandates five gaps that says same thing to show that this needs to be done okay so looking at this whatever it says that the older populations over um over older older older adults on these further investigation and represent how smartphone usage uh affects the quality subjective well-being and it can be done from a demographic cultural economic standpoint okay so this is saying that older adults needs to be investigated represent how smartphone technologies influences uh like relationships their well-being uh cultural demographic aspects where i'm doing african-american senior adults over the ages of 65. things like that whatever down here segment is is basically the first um gap that i found which it says individuals over the ages of 65. i'm going to be studying african-american seer adults over the ages of 65 to where further research called to find how passive and active smartphone technologies influence their personal well-being that's what the research called for that's going to be the focus of my research okay so moving on for the alignment phase theoretical foundation the same thing that we did over here in this 10 strategic points information has been extracted information is transferred over into the literature review for the prospectus okay it gets a little bit more detailed though however which shows when who is the author when was this model created what are the key elements within this model okay what was the various key elements how does it how does it how does it apply to your uh population that you are studying how does it apply to the phenomena that is under investigation smartphone technologies and things of that nature visuals visuals visuals they love to see visuals visuals has to be implemented into this to where like i showed you before you have to go over to the google search type in the model that you are willing to use click on images and and pull your image from the webpage into this document again you do not have to use every single element within this theoretical foundation you can select whichever elements that you want i chose to go with these three positive emotions engagement and relationships i could have selected meaning or achievement but i didn't want to go with all five it would have extended the research and it took a little bit longer to complete the research so over here i because i'm not using every single element within this theoretical foundation i pointed out which ones i am using here okay so that lets them know that no i'm not even though i'm using this model i'm not using every single dimension that's within this model i'm only using these three okay going back going forward forward based on the literature review for the themes because i'm only using those three themes positive emotions engagement and relationships i have pulled these themes over into my literature review to show them what my literature review or how what the breakdown of my literature review would look like okay again same concept here you identified your things in your 10 strategic points they're going to come over into your perspective and they're going to be elaborated upon in the in the elaboration phase because the because i'm using the well-being theory this is going to be the context of my research so i'm going to implement this as being one again well-being it can be personal well-being or just well-being here is just well-being here um in reference to this various recent literatures you have to search well-being search all of the literatures what does it what does it mean to have what we what does well-being mean various literature within the last three years so for this one i have reference i you have to have at least two references this person said this defines well-being as this step it defines well-being as this okay and they're moving forward theme two positive emotions positive emotions how do you define positive emotions seligmans defines positive emotions as being this chan defines positive emotions as being this you have to have at least two references for each theme that you use two references two references okay theme three same thing engagement defined engagement who said this who said what what does it mean two references relationships what does relationships mean what does it mean to have authentic connections with friends family's peers how whoever you want whoever to get whatever the case may be okay this is giving you them a breakdown again visuals this is the theoretical foundation that i'm going to use these are the themes of the theoretical foundation that i'm going to use the well-being is going to be the context of my investigation it's not going to be the sole purpose the sole purpose of the research is going to be based on positive emotions engagement and relationships okay additionally the next slide is not required but it's something that i did for my own personal benefit and again as i was talking to in reference to context for the context of the research for the purposes of the research for the context of the research you see here i have well-being and i broke this down into various subsections therefore it give me some kind of organization mechanism when it comes to writing my literature review these are all the elements that i want to focus on same thing because my population is going to be based on african-american senior adult smartphone users i have broken this down into various elements in reference to how i want to construct my literature review in chapter 2. okay now the purpose of the purpose of your research is going to solely focus and is going to be expanded upon more so than these two more so than the concept of the research i am going to focus on positive emotions i am going to focus on engagement and i am also going to focus on relationships for positive emotions what does it mean to feel good how do i what does research how do researchers define positive emotions what are some of the characteristics of uh positive emotions what does positive emotions means when it comes to smartphone technology usage and things of that nature how does it affect senior adults african-american senior adults it's like coming down into like a funnel to where you are solely focused on defining the characteristics the constructs of it and things of that nature the same thing for engagement some of the various key elements what does it mean to be engaged finding flow having this data flow okay what are the intentional uses of some of the um in reference to engagement aspects whatever intentional uh physical engagements mental engagements how is it mentally stimulating situation and situational engagement does my situation allow me to use multiple technologies to where it will and to where it will have or to where it will influence my well-being or to where it will influence my level of frequency for engaging in technologies relationships same accent i am going to define what does it mean to have a relationship positive relationships or authentic ties okay of that i'm going to come down further and investigate the same concepts where i am going to talk about how these relationships and smartphone technologies um [Music] influences uh friendships relationships family spouses uh strangers others and things of that nature how does technology allow me to maintain and sustain these relationships and ties okay and then i'm gonna it's gonna be based on a general aspect and then i'm gonna break it down into like senior adults and then african-american senior adults okay okay moving forward we are going to reach the problem statement the problem statement again if this problem statement is going to be aligned be aligned with your purpose statement to where it's going to read it is not known because because it is a qualitative research investigation it is not known how african-american senior adults describe the influences of smartphone usage on personal well-being the context of your research positive emotions engagement and relationships which is going to be the things that we have poured or extracted from our theoretical foundation okay here we have it positive emotions engagement relationships this is aligned with this with your purpose statement okay well-being positive emotions engagement and relationships mind with your purpose payment it's lying with your theoretical framework it's lying with your literature review and things of that nature your problem statement all of those are aligned okay that's what they mean by alignment for the research questions the research questions again the same thing that occurred over in the um ten strategic points is going to be the same concept making sure that they are online making sure that you are asking questions based on the themes or yeah based on the dimensions that you have pulled from the theoretical foundation so with this being said for the research questions that we have here how do here we have senior adults but we specify how do african americans see your adults describe the influences of personal well-being how do african-american senior adults describe the influence of smartphone users on positive emotions engagement and relationships okay the research questions are aligned with your problem statement they are aligned with your theoretical foundation they are aligned with your literature review themes as well as your purpose statement all of those have to be aligned otherwise you do not have a doable or workable or online perspectives again we talked about the phenomena the phenomena is how is the issue influential on society holistically or partially in reference to smartphone technologies we have said here that technology is influential in society said that technology is not only an essential to where everyone seeks to have a smartphone and everyone and there is a lot of individuals who feel as though they can't live without their smartphones but not only that not only that not only has it become an essential it has also become a distraction and it has also um it has also developed a reputation to influence the influence personal well-being among individuals regardless of your age demographic backgrounds or whatever the case so that is that is how smartphone technologies influence societies and human lives so that's going back to what i said over in the 10 strategic points as far as you have to tell them tell your readers how this phenomenon affects has an effect or has impacted society okay next we're moving on to the methodology here in detention teaching points we have established that we are using a qualitative methodology we have used a qualitative methodology inside the qualitative methodology section we have defined what a qualitative methodology is what what is the definition of a qualitative methodology inside of each one of these elements you have to describe you have to define a qualitative methodology you have to describe you have to define a quantitative methodology and you have to also define a mixed method methodology inside of each one of these definitions you have to cite you have to incorporate two references in text citations for each one not only that for these different methodologies you also have to provide a justification as to why or why you are not using these for the justification for the qualitative methodology we provide the information as to why we are using this methodology for the justification for the quantitative methodology we have justified why we are not using this methodology and the same thing for the mixed method additionally when you define these different methodologies this does not mean incorporating your research inside of this slide your research has nothing to do with the the with the definitions of what a qualitative quantitative or mixed methodology is nor does it provide any kind of justification as to why you are using these methodologies so your research has no place in here i would not say that i'm using this because it provides me information to get rich and thick data based on african-american senior adults over there blah blah i can't do that what does the text say what does recent text say as far as like how they describe qualitative methodology what is the definitions the same thing for the design the design again your research has no place here inside of this inside of the design under the 10 strategic points we have established that we are using a descriptive design we are using a qualitative descriptive design for the definitions again two in-text citations that shouldn't must be referenced what did this person how does this person define a qualitative descriptive design what is my justification for using a qualitative descriptive design all of the all of the designs that has been approved by gcu must go in here you have to define each one of the designs that has been approved by gcu you have to define what a phenomenological design is a case study a narrative a ground theory in reference to the ones that you are not using you have to justify why you are not using again your research belongs nowhere in the justification aspect your justification is based on the definitions of these designs got it moving forward population target population and sample again definitives you have to define what a population is you have to define what a target population is you have to define what a sample is in this one it only mandates one in-text citation unless otherwise described or told to you by your instructor or your chair okay inside of here your population who is the population that you are trying to use in this case i am using all african-american senior adult smartphone users over the ages of 65 my which is going to be in the us and these are the individuals that is going to be part of a facebook group okay so this facebook group has over 10 000 members that means my population is all 10 000 plus members who is going to be representative of the entire population of african american senior adult smartphone users over the age of 65 in the us who are smartphone users every single one okay target population is going to be based on the convenience of giving access to these individuals to where here it is a smart facebook group is the target population the population within this facebook group is going to be my target population okay within this population is going to be focused on getting information from these 10k individuals who are part of this part of this 10k population who are african-american senior adults resides in the us are smartphone users over the ages of 65. okay based on the sample itself sample is going to be those participants who are willing to participate in your research who is going to be representative of your target population and your population so with that being said they're part of the sample um that is um that you're going to try to get or that that's mandated which which is 40 plus questionnaires in 15 to 20 semi-structured interviews those individuals 60 60 plus individuals is going to be the sample that you get questionnaires and similar structure interviews or until you reach data saturation moving forward for your data sources data sources is going to be based on how you what sources of what sources are you using to collect your data we talked in a previous slide we are using questionnaires which is going to be based on convenience sampling we are going to be using semi-structured interviews which is going to be based on com purposive sampling okay this is giving you a breakdown of all of the various steps that you need to take in order to start collecting your data these persons have and for the questionnaires these persons have to get to be um go through the pre-qualification aspects as far as like being african-american uh over the ages of 65 a smartphone users they are these are not questions that is going to be asked um in the questionnaire these are pre-qualification that is going to be a part of their approval to participate in this research or participate to answer the questions with on the questionnaire itself okay and doing that whatever they will sign the informed consent and then they will be given access to the question content contents of which will be seven point liker skills uh that will be administered through a web link there a survey monkey for the questionnaires again you want to get a minimum of 40 plus completed questionnaires if you get a questionnaire back that is not completed it cannot be used for the purposes of your research it has to be tossed cannot be used okay another thing for questionnaires a lot of individuals who use questionnaires because it may be the easiest way to invite participants to participate in the second phase of your research which is to simulate structure interviews is they'll ask an additional they'll put an additional question that has nothing to do with the research and ask them ask persons ex persons who participated in your research do they want to participate or do they want to volunteer in the research uh in the next phase of the research and then this is when you move on to the next level after you get your 40 plus questionnaires you don't necessarily have to wait until you get your 40 plus questionnaires before you move over into the semi-structured interviews as long as individuals who have participated in these questionnaires and the questionnaires are complete you can start setting up your appointments to start collecting data for us or to interview these individuals okay for the semi-structured interviews it's going to go through the same process they have to meet the research criteria and things like that they have to sign the point they have to go sign the in informed consent before you can start um interviewing okay you're going to go through fit is you're going to have you're going to interview at least 15 to 20 individuals or until you reach data saturation question for the semi-structured interview should be open-ended therefore it provides you with the option to ask probing and clarifying questions okay and based on the covet and you have to also take to take into consideration covet restrictions when it comes to doing interviews to where a lot of individuals may not be able to do person-to-person um interviews so a lot of the interviews may be over zoom or facetime or some kind of video um some kind of video room okay moving forward data collection steps at gcu you have to go through all of the you have to go through all of the approval processes in order before you are able to collect your data all of these has to be checked off you have to get site approval if you are used a facebook group you have to get a stuff site approval from the group administrator regardless of if it's a public or private group if you are doing your info if you are doing your research from a institution a university an organization you have to get site approval and you have to provide this site approval to whoever the case may be before you are given approval to start collecting your data you have to go through your dissertation dish your gcu chair and other committee members you have to get aqr approval irb approval you have to make sure that the individuals who are willing or involuntarily participating in your research provide you with a side conform consent before they can participate in the research these are all the requirements these are all the approval processes that you have to go through depending on again site approval there may be additional approvals that you have to go through if you're doing it from another university they have their own irb so you have to get approval from them again data collection steps so this is just a breakdown based on the sampling approach this is just a breakdown on the sampling selection this information has to be to have to be incorporated into your slide your sampling approach what does it mean what is a sampling approach you have to define a sampling approach again justification for the sampling approach it has to be it has to be at least two in-text citations referenced you have to justify why you are using this sampling approach why are you using a convenience sampling sample why are you using purpose of sampling justification why this is where you can incorporate your research okay sampling selection again here we're using it here we are using a facebook group okay we're gonna go through all of the administrative phases and we are what our goal is to get 40 questionnaires in 20 semi-structured interviews or until we reach data saturation if you want to which is not mandatory you can offer a gift card if there is a drawing for the gift card whatever it has to go through a third party if every individual is going to be um if eligible for this gift card then you can just give it up yourself ten dollar gift card 15 20 25 however the case may be if you are giving every single participant who participates in your research a gift card then you can do it yourself but if they're going through a drawing the drawing has to go through a third party for the data collection steps it has to be broke down again part one you need a slide for questionnaires which is going to give you the breakdown as far as like how things how data how data is going to be collected okay we're going to go through the approval process getting site approval getting 40 questionnaires for the a big question that a lot of individuals may not understand as far as like the demographic questions whatever you cannot ask demographic questions when it comes to age uh race or gender or anything like that if those are not key elements within your research questions these questions cannot be asked these will only be pre-qualifying questions that the individual will have to check off and say yes i meet the research criteria i can participate in your study you are not to ask demographic questions related to age race or gender okay some of the demographic questions can be asked is based on the geographical location and for this and then for the purposes of this research is based on the smartphone use experience there are only two i don't even necessarily have to ask the question to reference the location because the pre-qualification question can be do you reside in the u.s and another pre-qualification question is are you a smartphone user if they check off that information whatever then i do not have to ask those questions information will be solely focused on the research questions that is posed in the research questions section which is which which has been pulled from the theoretical foundations and the themes that i'm using for the research literature or the literature review for the purposes of the questionnaires is going to be it's going to use a seven-point liker scale and then again like i said before final question that has nothing to do with the research it's asking individuals to are they willing to further participate in the research investigation to where they participate in the semi-structured interview process second semi-structured interview phase again you have to get approval you have to get the informed consent before you can can start collecting your data or before you can actually interview this individuals if you are willing to if you are doing recordings whether they're visual or audio you have to get the approval of the participant first okay after all of that is done after you receive the uh visual in our recording visual and audio recording um agreements the informed consent you can start scheduling your scheduling your interviews and you can start conducting your interviews after you do your interviews for the semi instructor interviews you go to distract your the whole transcription aspect whatever uh the coding process and the member checking for the data management this is one of the main key elements whatever within the different slides how are you going to store and manage your data you cannot store your data in the cloud everything has to be stored on an external hard drive to only where the researcher has access to this information and it has to be stored in a safe location that is environmental friendly to where the information will not be destroyed destroyed have there be like some kind of mother nature destruction or any kind of unforeseen destruction that may occur okay information should be safeguarded password encrypted and whatever the case may be as long as you are the only person that have access to this information inside of the ldp website there is a backup space to where you can store your information there to where only you have access to this information however it will also need to be a d identified because your aqr representatives are going to be looking at that as well as your committee okay so de-identified means that you are protecting the confidentiality and the anonymity of these participants who have participated in your research no name dropping okay next for the data um as far as like how your how long you are going to store this data this is mandatory you are going to store this data for up to three years to where after three years the information will be permanently purged this information has to go in the data management and storage slide all this information has to go in the data management and storage slide data analysis phase data analysis phase is going to be your final phase this is going to be your chapter 5. again this should be broken down into your questionnaires how they are going to be analyzed and your semi-structured interviews how are they going to be analyzed in reference to the questionnaires how are you going to analyze your data download it you're going to clean it compile it any kind of questionnaires that is incomplete will not be used for the purposes of this study that does not mean you going in and filling in the blanks no that can't be done that'll get you expelled okay information after all the information is done clean compiled theme then uh code it and things of that nature whatever then you chart it reveal it reveal the information based on the responses or you can chart it based on the responses to each individual question for the semi-structured interviews for the semi-structured interviews they will have to be cleaned compiled any information that is missing is missing cannot be used for the purposes of the research again information will have to be transcribed in whatever software that you see fit in whichever software that you think is that that would work that works for you however you will have to hand code all of your information it's mandatory over a gcu therefore you become one and you get intimate with your data therefore when it times to reveal your information defend your information you know what you're talking about okay information is mandatory that you use the braun and clark six phase thematic analysis phase and you have to list in this slide all of the steps that you that consists within those six steps because they're going to have to be done so this is what this slide will look like okay moving forward feasibility defendability these fights are not mandatory unless they ask for them unless they ask you to complete this information in um your prospectus class feasibility is basically saying yes this study is doable yes i can do this yes the study that i'm doing is aligned with my doctorate of emphasis okay i have access to this information i have permission to of this social media groups and things of that nature i could this fees this study is feasible i can do this there's nothing that's stopping me defendability meaning that you are able to defend everything that you have implemented into your prospectus if you cannot defend your prospectus if you cannot defend your study your instructor or your chair may tell you to make modifications or they may tell you to start all over again and that's something that you do not want to do okay next doing this information you want to make sure that all of your in-text citations are referenced and put in your reference list because this information will go through a rigorous check you also want to make sure that you are using the apa version seven to where all of your doi's are clickable they should start with https forward slash floors that's slash whatever the doi number is they must be clickable because that's how they're going to verify that your references are valid okay so that's the end of the slide for the purposes again uh for the alignment phase where we have our purpose statement the purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to explore how african american senior adults describe influences on smartphone uses personal well-being positive emotions engagement and relationships these are your themes that you are going to focus on in your literature review to make sure that everything is aligned you want to go over into your theoretical foundation are these the themes that are these the themes that i pull from my theoretical foundation yes they are i pull up positive emotions i pulled engagement i pulled relationships these are the things that i'm using are these the same things that is going to be my in my literature review yes these are the same themes that is going to be in my literature view literature review i am going to be using positive emotions engagement and relationships i am going to be using the context of well-being as far as my sole focus for my literature review for my themes okay again not mandatory break down what the context of the research is break down what the purpose purpose is put your put your key put your topics within these um elements and the same thing for your purpose break them down into subsections in however you want to discuss your literature whatever you want to address you can break those down into some things therefore it makes your writing process much more easier much more much more fast and much more efficient therefore you're not all over the place when a time when it comes time to write this information up okay again problem statement problem statement what is the problem we already established what our problem is we already established that we are using these same themes or same things that we pulled from our theoretical foundation to where they are aligned with the purpose statement they are aligned with the themes in the theoretical foundation and they are these uh always these are also aligned with the research questions here again the well-being positive emotions engagement and relationships everything is in alignment methodology make sure that you define every single methodology that is approved by gcu and justify why you are or why you are not using it same thing for the design every single design that is approved by gcu must be defined here and justified of why you are and why you are not using it again for the methodology and the design your research has no place here okay population target population whatever everything else is straight forward this is an approved prospectus this is a defendable prospectus straightforward it's not hard it's all about you doing the work based on your research itself okay so what i'm going to do is i am going to conclude this and what i'll do next is i will post a defense for this prospectus another key thing and note that you should have the note for you i'm not really sure as far as like what the stipulation is stipulation is uh from what i've heard some people uh during residency too recently had 15 minutes to defend their um perspectives but i'm going to stick with the six minutes the six minutes that it all depends on the instructor you have six minutes to defend your prospectus the entire prospectus six minutes you have six minutes okay so stay tuned for the um defense and thanks for watching you
Channel: Future Doctor Pearce
Views: 14,767
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: GmKMx5i8HMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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