Tutorial for Beginners | Free All-In-One Project Management & CRM Software

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Captions is now a leading all-in-one project management and crm software that stands out due to its simplicity and visually pleasing user experience this allows businesses small and large to collaborate on one easy to use platform and now generously offers individuals a free plan which is ideal for freelancers and small businesses looking to get started with project management and or customer relationship management hey guys stewart here welcome along i hope you're having a great week now today i'm excited to take your hand and walk you through this updated for 2021 tutorial for beginners now in this video i will help you get started with and understand the awesome features that will help you better manage your projects and customers all in one place okay now before we jump into consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to grow your small business online and without the way let's go ahead and get started with [Music] okay so to get started with monday simply head over to your browser and type in or click the link below this video in our description and that will take you to this page now it's important to note that this is an affiliate link which means if you decide to upgrade to a paid plan within we will get a small commission and this just helps us continue to create educational content for this channel so thank you in advance okay now before we go ahead like i mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial now offers a free plan so what we're going to do is navigate over to prices by simply clicking monday up on the top left hand side then head over to pricing and under pricing you'll notice that now offers a free individual plan this is for up to two users and ideal for small businesses and freelancers looking to get started with project management or crm activities however with the free plan you do have many limitations we recommend going with the standard plan especially if you have a team of three or more because with the standard plan you have access to automations which are incredibly useful and we're going to dive into automations later in this tutorial and as you can see starting at thirty dollars per month is affordable for most small businesses and each of these plans offer a 14-day free trial to see if works for you or even if the pay plan works for you if it doesn't you can always downgrade to the free plan if you have a team of up to two users that want to have access to this platform so what we're gonna do is go ahead and click try for free under the standard plan okay so go ahead and quickly set up your account and we'll meet you at dashboard okay now once you've completed your account setup this is where we can go ahead and invite our team members by entering their email in here however we're going to show you how to do this from your dashboard so come down and click i'll do it later and this is where we can select a template to get started with our project management however what we're going to do is exit out of template center and welcome to your dashboard this is where the magic happens this is where we can create projects manage projects teams staff sales sales funnels campaigns and more through this can be your all-in-one productivity platform okay so let's understand and break down how works first we have workspace if we navigate over to main workspace and if we come down you'll notice that we have one default workspace this is where your projects your crm this is where all your different workflows begin now for most small businesses you'll only need one workspace you can begin by clicking main workspace or you can create a new workspace what we're going to do is use this existing main workspace now by default like you saw earlier we have one project within our workspace we want to create a fresh workspace what we're going to do is get rid of this project by simply clicking these three dots and coming down and selecting delete and as you can see our workspace is empty what we want to do is create our first board or our first project to do that navigate over to add under our workspace and before we go ahead and create a new board for a particular client what we want to do is manage all our projects in different folders for example if you had multiple clients and then you had multiple projects for each of those clients you want to be able to manage specific projects under specific folders for example if i click new folder and then type in client a for the purpose of this tutorial and then hit enter to confirm just like that you can see we've created our first folder so for example i could have multiple folders for different clients but what i want to do is add one more folder for the purpose of this tutorial and that's going to be for our crm customer relationship management software and with client a we're going to create a workflow for a project for this client so i'm going to go ahead and quickly add another folder and just call this sales crm and i'm happy with those two folders for today's tutorial now what we want to do is select client a this is our first folder that we created and now we want to create a board in this folder now a board can literally be anything it could be marketing activities a crm it could be hr activities it could be managing education basically think of a board as a particular project related to your business so what we're going to do is actually create a board a project from scratch and then navigate over to start from scratch and use we're going to name this board client a web design project now because i'm creating this web design project board within the folder client a i wouldn't actually need client a here but just to keep things clear i'm going to leave client a at the beginning of this title for this particular board come down and either keep main selected visible to everyone in your account you can also select private for working by yourself or with selected team members or you can select shareable and this is for if you're working with those outside your organization this is important if you want your customers your clients to follow a project that you're working on for example if they want to watch the different phases of your project to monitor progress then you can share this with those individuals outside your organization but what we're going to do is click main we want our entire team to be able to see this project then come down and click create board now boards within can be broken down into a few simple elements first we have groups for example these can be project phases stages or time frames then within groups we have items items are basically tasks campaigns features anything that ultimately makes up your project for example this is a web design project so what we want to do first is add a description to this project we're going to leave that blank for now then come down and what we want to do is add our group titles so our first group is actually going to be called client requirements then our second group is going to be called in progress now if your project consists of multiple groups what you can do is add additional groups for example next to new item simply click the down arrow and click new group of items now for the purpose of this tutorial and this project i need four groups so i'm going to go ahead and create one more group and as you can see i now have four groups i'm going to name this group up here and i'm going to call this testing and our last group is going to be called executed slash completed now to simply rearrange your groups all you need to do is navigate over to drag group and then simply click and drag where you want to place your group so this is executed and completed this is our project workflow basically all our tasks start from client requirements so what i need to do is actually move client requirements and put that above testing so that is our project workflow for this web design project so now what i need to do is enter in our items remember items can be tasks campaigns features anything that makes up your project so simply click on each item to edit the item and simply add your new item for us this is going to be called home page you can come down and view updates and the activity log related to this task this item and once you've added your new item just click exit and then you can come down and modify each of these items and you can also go ahead and add additional items under each of these groups so what i'm going to do is add additional items and tasks that need to be completed for this project and as you can see i've added additional items now i'm going to make this screen slightly bigger by minimizing our main workspace on the left hand side now next to each item you can see these columns these are important columns that are related to your task for example at the moment we've got status you can come down and simply select next to the task and then select the label or edit labels now what i want to do is expand the columns by simply resizing the columns like that and next to status we have person now under person we have the person associated with the item at the moment we just have myself you can see that it's currently being worked on so what i want to do is actually move this task this item and move that to in progress to do that i'm going to simply click this down arrow and drag this task down to in progress and drop that task in progress now i actually want in progress above testing testing actually comes after in progress when ready to test so what i'm going to do is come down and drag this group and drag that above testing so that is my project workflow that is correct now you can see that i've dragged the task home page task which is an item under the folder in progress and you can see that that is currently being worked on now let's say i completed this task what i would do is click done and then drag this task and add that to executed down here or if i was testing it i'll drag it to testing so i hope that makes sense now back to columns you can go ahead and simply add individuals by clicking here and then clicking invite new member by email so i'm going to go ahead and add a team member and then come down and click invite as member and then click persons again and come down and allocate this individual and they will get the notification to join monday now if you navigate along columns we have other options for example if we click add column we can come down and add a timeline numbers other statuses we've already got status people this could be team members dates time tracking dependency formula files text for example if we wanted to add a description about this task this item we can also add sub items so for example if i click sub items i can now navigate over to sub items and i can add a sub item under each item so for example with booking form i can click add and then come down here and add a sub item to this booking form and then again i have the same columns that i can customize over here i can also go ahead and add additional columns now we can also navigate up to add view and we can add an additional view for example table calendar chart and others now based on your plan you might not have access to some of these so for example if i click calendar i can go ahead and name this calendar if i like and you can see we now have the main table view which is what we created to begin with and then we have a calendar view of our projects you can see we can add deadlines to these tasks to this project and we can view our tasks in a calendar format so if we navigate back to main table we can also come down to invite members to invite other team members to rather than just inviting them directly on the board itself to work on a particular task so navigate up to exit we can also go ahead and automate now this is a powerful feature with however you do not have access to automations within the free plan or basic plan but essentially what you can do is navigate through all these different automations and you can set up automations with your boards with your items tasks for example if we click on this automation here when a status changes to something notify someone if we click here for example when a status so if we click here and click status you can see status is selected changes to something if we click something and come down to start we can select notify someone and we can add some basic details in here and then we can come down and select an individual that gets notified based on the information over here this is rather than if someone gets stuck on something they have to manually reach out to the individual that's associated with that task and ask them for support this could be an automatic notification that is more efficient and less time consuming and that way that particular task or subtask will be unstuck sooner rather than later so if we navigate up to back so it's extremely easy to set up important automations for your projects take the time to navigate through some of these automations or type in keywords related to your automation and simply locate and set up their automation within minutes so if we exit out of automations now what we want to do is quickly show you how you can get started with a crm through so remember like i mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial you can manage client projects through and you can set up sales pipelines and more through so if we navigate back over to our dashboard by expanding the navigation and then under main workspace remember we created a folder called sales crm if we click over here and then navigate down to create board and folder and then here we have the option to create a board from scratch or we can browse categories what we want to do is select sales and crm under categories and then for the purpose of this tutorial what we want to do is actually select a pre-made template click use and just like that we've generated a complete crm template now if we navigate over to the left hand side under our workspace you can see our three folders here now the crm template that we selected actually came in a folder and then within our folder we have one two three four five projects or in this case crm elements as you can see we have this board selected this is the sales pipeline we can navigate across and see the entire sales pipeline and we can customize any of these elements these categories as well as these tasks or in this case deals just like we showed you how to do when we created the project for client a now if we navigate down to the crm folder within the crm folder we have sales pipeline selected we've just discussed we also have contacts then we have lead capturing below lead capturing we have sales dashboard and then we have the crm learning center now because this is a beginner's tutorial we're not going to dive deep into the crm capabilities however if you do want to learn more about crm you can watch monday's video here or what we'll do is link a beginner's tutorial up above that will take you through a more in-depth look of monday's crm we'll link that up above and add that in the description below this video however if we navigate back over to sales pipeline now if you're thinking about using as a crm i highly recommend using a template to get started this is because you'll understand how to use automations which is a key component to the structure of how works in terms of its crm for example if we navigate up to automate you can see that this particular board has nine active automations it's important to go through all these automations and understand how each of these automations flow and that will give you a good idea of how you can structure your crm now if we navigate up to exit and navigate over to a different board let's head over to lead capturing you can see that this board has two automations then if we navigate over to sales dashboard here we have our sales board which is made up of widgets that you can customize so each of these elements here are widgets that you can customize and set up automations now unfortunately you can't access a comprehensive crm through like this with the free plan you do need to upgrade to a pay plan in order to get started with the crm capabilities however that is a brief tutorial to help you get started with project management and customer relationship management through and there we have it that is it for this tutorial for beginners now if you have any questions about this tutorial make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this tutorial all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like below this video and subscribe to the channel and that way i'll see you in the next video take care guys [Music] you
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 20,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, monday tutorial 2021, how to use,, project management, monday project management, monday crm, tutorial for beginners, review, crm, project management, free project management software, free crm software, stewart gauld
Id: a3PMLonhYCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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