Tree Crushed STIHL MS500i Chainsaw Rebuild

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Crushed such a new saw, oh noes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/vegetaman 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi guys james here from haze machinery here we have the still ms-500i all 79.2 cc's of it we've all seen plenty of videos of a performance and different people from around the world testing this all and showing us what it's all about and how to do it but what we haven't seen very much is what's actually on the inside of the saw and this is a actually a customer saw of ours and they have brought it in for repair because they managed to fell a four ton oak tree on it as i can see from here it's got a few breakages so we're going to strip the saw apart and see what's broken on it then identify a few other parts and see what's on the inside see what's going on with this saw so you guys can see what's in there we can see what's in there because we haven't taken very many of these apart yet and go from there see what we find so i'm now going to take the saw apart okay so that's the pretty much the basic parts of the sauce trip down already see some very very different things going on with this saw compared to other stores on the market and compared to its other steel friends in the family one of the first noticeable things this here is the control unit that they've got in the back of the saw here which controls the fuel injection system and the other thing is the port on the exhaust i notice is rather large quite a big port they're coming out but you've still got a nice view of the piston there you can see that the piston is nice and clean there's no scoring or anything on the piston and there's plenty of compression there which is good so i'm going to get this saw all cleaned off get all the components cleaned off we'll meet your kids see what we found so i've now cleaned off all the saw through our pass washer nothing better than working on a cleaner saw and as you can get nice thing about going around with the brush and everything you can see other bits that you may have missed to start with so another thing i've found is that the back handle here on the trigger is broken um and like i said on the few bits on the crankcase there as well so i'll just run you through a little few other bits of bits and bobs i found on the saw a lot of impulse and fuel pipes going on here i believe there's four in total on this saw i'm going in around the back of the saw there obviously the main difference on the ms-500i is that there's no choke because it's fuel injected you pump this on eight times and then pull the saw over till it starts and then you just got the main stop button which automatically goes back to that to the start position so what we've found so far is a broken back cover it's obviously where the main brunt of the tree possibly hit it on the back there which hopefully is only the back cover but we'll strip that apart and see what's going on in there so the surround on this one is broken so the mount won't sit in there correctly anymore and the other one is on the front here where the dogging teeth join on to the saws broken up through there so it's kind of fair pounding so i think the biggest thing here is obviously with everything there's no plastics broken they have managed to manage to survive um such as mainly the crankcase so is a bit of a shame it'd be easier if it was a piece of plastic but we're going to get this one stripped down some more and order the parts up and put it all back together and hopefully have a running saw again so another major bit i've noticed which i forgot to say about just now is that obviously a spark plug cap on the top of the saw would normally come around through in front of the inlet manifold and down to the coil and would have a coil pack there on the side but obviously with the ms500 is very very different so your ht lead actually goes down into the control unit and is controlled from there and then inside in behind the flywheel you've got a generator and a controller so that's accessories generator and a sensor so generating a sensor in behind the flywheel so we'll get that one stripped off and have a look in behind there and have a look see what's going on [Music] so we've got a little bit more apart now yeah everything's very different than any other solar i've ever worked on as you'll probably find yourselves um obviously lots of fuel hoses and everything going on here the um control module which sits in there and and then in there is your little injection system which just replaces your carburetor which i'm not that keen on taking the bar to be quite honest um but we'll see luckily we've got some fantastic guys who work for us so you probably know a lot more about this than i do but we'll see we've got to get the flywheel off still put a clutch off take the brake lever and everything off take the cylinder and piston out and aim for stripping down for the crankcase so see how i get on there [Music] [Music] hi guys and girls so right we have now stripped everything apart the saw is in a million pieces just the way we like it but i'm going to run you through all the bits that are broken so what we've got we have got the main fuel tank and trigger assembly this one is broken on the back here so we've got where the tree has come down and hit onto that handle is squashed the handle there and if it has only been used domestically we would probably get away with it but as it's a commercial saw then it's destined definitely needs replacing because it wouldn't last very long and then on the main handle has snapped in the bottom where the trees come down and hit that and cause fatigue and snapped so that one is replacing and then the main right hand crank case so crankcase here you can see there that the um where the dogging teeth go onto the saw that one has snapped off where the trees hit it and also the engine where the engine mount goes here or the handle mount where the handle clips in on the side of the saw goes down through there that one there's broken so that one needs replacing and then there is a possible fracture up through the crankcase but it's not overly thing but so we didn't we haven't actually done a pressure test on on on this but because that needs replacing there wasn't really much need so we'll obviously do that once we've got this all back together to check it's all okay before we start so that's the main issues we found with the sauce so yeah a few few observations as we've gone through um we've got on the other i've managed to take the crank off as you probably saw from the sped up video that i've managed to keep the awkward bit which all joins into there so on the end on this side of the crank case you've got the generator it's that piece of the generator there and then you've got the sensor back here so as before there's no coil on a 500i and you've got a generator there which generates power through to the control unit and then your ht lead comes off of your control unit and goes to your spark plug rather than coming directly off of the coil so you've then got generator there and then you've got a sensor in behind and the generator which is obviously what's counting revolutions and controlling what's going on with the saw and feeding information back to the control unit to tell us all what to do when to feed air when to feed the fuel and everything through the injector so yeah the other observation then is the injector itself which you've got a lovely little jet just inside there little baby injector which is quite cute and that one just obviously from video you see that just goes on pretty much where the cardboard onto the inlet manifold well that is the inlet manifold there and then everything goes back through to the injector the other observation was the throttle body which would normally be all part of the carburetor is its own little standalone throttle body which very easily goes on the back of here and clips in and then your throttle goes on there and boom boom again inside the throttle body we're just in between the throttle body and the injector there is a little stainless steel collar which is very easily lost so make sure you don't lose that one the um control unit itself where the hd lead kind of joins into um i've actually looked at the price of one of these but i just imagine it's fairly interestingly priced and but these are one thing to bear in mind is if you do replace a control unit it definitely has to be the saw needs to be backed up onto the steel software first before you replace a control unit so you can do lots of different strange things to solve like over revving and everything and if not doing that first so that would definitely need to be done by main steel dealer like ourselves and the annoying thing was we found was when we unplugged all the connectors out of the control unit there's some little rubber grommets which come in or come out of there and i've tried getting one out i won back in with little success so i think i'm going to take that back to my bench and do that off camera where i'm not under so much pressure but we'll see we'll try and get them back in again hopefully i do otherwise that's an expensive unit should be fine um cylinder piston bore everything all that looks absolutely fine clean as a whistle um i don't think there's any other broken bits yeah but no that's pretty much it so what we're going to do now is get the parts ordered and we're going to clean up all the last little bits before we reassemble everything and then we'll film putting all back together again and see how we get on so last night after all of our technicians and our main workshop went home i went up to clean everything off which needed to have a bit more of a clean but what i found is that the bearings on the crankshaft do sound a little bit nasty so i don't know if you can hear that on the front from the mic they're both sounding pretty terrible so i put them in the press got them all pulled off and yeah i've managed to do it keeping the generator and sensor and everything on the crankcase itself so that hasn't been in the way i know i probably should have removed it to start with but i start i'd like it so i've carried on but yeah so we're gonna get two new bearings and seals and everything ordered up as well hopefully i don't know yet but that hopefully the bearing will turn up in one in one crankshaft half and then the other one will have to get pressed into there but we will need to do that in our main workshop in the press so but yeah we'll then get that ordered get that put back together and then go from there so some of the parts have now turned up and i've started reassembling the saw so far i've pressed in the bearings on the that side of the crankcase and i've pushed in the crankshaft and now i'm just about to wind down this side of the crankcase with the old screws i'll then take them out put the new screws in and talk them up and then start reassembling the saw and hopefully we'll get a working saw again fairly soon [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] right guys so we have our ms-500i back together hopefully correct we'll find out in a minute we'll see if it starts or not but i'm just going to run through the bits that we've replaced on the saw so the first one was the crankcase um or right-hand side of crankcase because there's splits and things that's in it that's been done we'll see crankcase gas gasket the bearings on both sides of the crankcase have been replaced because they're a little bit noisy the main petrol tank and trigger assembly because of the crack in the back of the handle has been replaced we are still waiting for the main plastic on the back of the saw here on that handle for the simple reason it's got a split in here and it's not sitting correctly so the dead man's handle isn't working correctly trigger's all fine but until we get that bit there's no point fiddling around with that the carry wrap around handle has been replaced on the whole saw lots of stretch bolts and head bolts and bits and beasts all been replaced as we've gone through and the chainsaw bar so the main bar has got bent on the end there so obviously it's had a fairly big hit so unfortunately there were more parts than we originally thought were needed on this saw that's what we find sometimes so you get down to stripping it right down and replacing what you think is necessary sometimes you find another thing so hopefully we're going to have a running chainsaw albeit an expensive one but definitely learned some lessons we found out what's been inside the saw looked at the generator looked at the sensor looked at the control unit how different it is compared to other chainsaws so you know i hope this video has been informative um from what's on the inside at least um and you know you'll take some information back from this i know we have and we now know what's on the inside so any questions please give us a shout but in a minute we're going to fuel it up oil it up and hopefully we've got a working chainsaw if not we'll start again alright guys so we've come up to our main workshops just that i can disturb our colleagues during the day which i said i wouldn't but i've done it just so we can get this 500i plugged into the steel diagnostic sds system um just to make sure everything's all updated and ready to go so hopefully i'm not going to disturb them all too much but they've um yeah they're all busy doing bits and pieces around the shop and then hopefully we'll get a start very soon right guys so here we are the ms-500i is all back together and hopefully we're now going to do a test to make sure it works so the pressure's on a little bit because we've got six of our technicians up there eagerly waiting to see if i've done this right because i know they would have but let's see if i have [Music] wow so there we have it all bit a little bit smokey from the oil is in the piston but she starts up revs up so now in a minute we're going to do better warm up and just get a little get going and then we'll then do a bit of cutting wellness [Music] go
Channel: HayesMachinery
Views: 7,155
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: machinery, stihl, husqvarna, south molton, dealer, garden, north devon, trailers, chainsaw, forestry, ms500i, stihlms500i, chainsaw review, chainsaw rebuild, how to rebuild a chainsaw, how to, stihl vs husqvarna, echo chainsaws, skogsforum, motorsägen test, motorsågs test, best chainsaw, husqvarna 572xp, work, fuel injection, test, review, cleaning, maintenance, stihl ms500i, stihl chainsaw, stihl ms500i chainsaw, ms 500i, tree felling, machinery restorer, machinery pete, tree removal
Id: kQpfSTxe8a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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