Stihl MS500i has a problem... it’s called a Stihl 462. MS500i vs. 462

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so friends i pull up and uh there's this old man down here i smell this this strange odor in here that can only be one thing that's it yellow cedar nice stuff boys i burnt something last night she's a bird's night oh isn't that lovely oh and she's dry i know yeah so beautiful friends if you could only smell this yellow cedar it reminds me of mount washington yeah skiing oh you got a fair chunk of it here whoopsie probably a half was yellow the other half oh yeah lovely so is this all dry dad uh is there some oh this is your green stuff yeah green stuff is in the back yeah on the back side here the black rope yeah okay good just stuff them up there now what's that thing you got there that is a mall now you had two of these before i have still two you do have the other one in the shed there yeah but i can only use one at a time now isn't that interesting looking it's hit it hit some pebbles [Laughter] you know they work right they do work let's let's be honest okay well uh oh i see you got so how come you got this in your truck well friends good morning good to see you uh well it's probably afternoon now i've been uh running around like crazy uh down down the post office we got some axes mailed off the sun is out friends i got a feeling that that spring's kind of coming i just i do i have i have a feeling i've had a couple of uh days this year where i've had to wear long sleeves which i don't like but it something feels warmer in the air right now you know and and i hope you're doing well i hope you're getting out in it when the sun's out at least get some of that vitamin d on your face you see you just like this friends go down there and just take take it in take take it right in that vitamin d is good for you it's a healer of the sun you know friends it's a healer it is now um it's funny you know friends with this the still thing you know uh the 500i is what started it all nick handed me off that 500i um i want to do some tests donnie walker brought remember that 462 we had friends and it was uh we got a couple things we got test here today we got a husky battery powered saw yeah i know i'm gonna see how how much we can cut with a battery on a battery and i mean sorry i'm on the on the selfie one thing so you know how that goes right anyways i'll turn this around there we go now we're turned around so we got this sucker here oh oh here comes maul man oh yeah oh yeah that short one yeah yeah you like that one don't you i do that's my favorite the short one yeah yeah isn't that interesting oh geez there's the sunshine yeah well turn your face to it you're gonna have to shed a layer here yeah so we got the bucking bucking specials here the the wood bullets and we got a couple of double bits that i always like to to swing but what we do have friends is the steels here we got the 500i with the bark box on it but we've also got the 462 with a bark box on it with a bark box right so we're gonna try these things i'm actually gonna save a round dad you're gonna have to throw a round to the salvage or sacrifice a round for the yeah i can do that for the uh the channel yeah i can do that okay good uh so friends we'll get set up well i want to show you guys this uh uh donnie walker brought that battery-powered saw by so you know what i'll tell you it's battery dad now you know what the cool thing about this is friends it's not bad dad yeah i ran that sucker cleaning my shop up but you guys haven't seen the finished product yet um i ran it just because it was right there i could take little nips and zap i do power saw construction right that's all i ever do so okay dad's ready to go yeah good all right i'll see you guys over there we're going over here oh yeah got it okay so we got our little battery powered mechanism here we'll we'll try that on some different uh smaller rounds maybe over in there or something i'll set one up dad's throwing it out yeah good idea gonna split out here dad yeah good idea so there's actually a little bit of splitting to be done but what i'm gonna do friends for us and dad dad said it was okay to salvage one of these rounds out for uh for the cause and i'm gonna do that i'm gonna put this right here here let's roll this sucker out of here there we go and that way we'll be able to do a little testy poo here she's not sure bright that sun on the exposure i don't know how that man that's uh interesting how it how it shows up so bright i wonder if this will help like that maybe yeah maybe that does help friends because that's bright boy oh boy okay i'll show you what i'm going to do here friends show you what we're going to do here we're going to get a i'll show you what we did i think what we'll do is we'll probably cut with the uh the full house i might even throw a file across it but i don't need to it's got looking pretty good but the grind the grind has had some uh some issues friends so i'm going to make a little dish here for something like this we're going to stand it up here so we got no issues i want this to be a i want to take all the the variables out that somebody oh you went like this and then you went like that and then it was different no we're gonna stay right off the wood and we're gonna buck straight off the wood so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna carve a dish in this thing and we're gonna rest that sucker in there so let's do this we'll use the grinder we'll use the uh the ground chain for it this has got a short cord [Music] [Music] all ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh oh i'm gonna put this sucker with your help yeah we're gonna put this sucker up here ready one two three go good come on like that's that yeah i guess okay so that's gonna work just dandy so where's the where's the narrow part oh right here so where's the uh oblong isn't there an oblong part oh i guess what we could do is stick that fat end out maybe you want yeah yeah that's what i'm talking about yeah i'll nip that off and then we'll have the big end and you got a kind of a little yeah and that that grind is a bit heavy uh friends a bit hungry so we're just gonna use the skiptooth um stock chain on on the 500 eye we're gonna take a cut we're gonna pull the chain off we're gonna throw it on this thing so everything's straight square we're not afraid of hitting no dirt we're just gonna stand back and we're gonna let the saw fall into the wood friends take the human element out as much as we can you got two of them yeah grab two okay grab two dad and what we'll do is we'll put one across there and then one there and we'll or a rope and nails okay because i want to do this yeah like this and then we strap that down and we'll have all that to play [Music] with okay friends so this is what we got here you make do with what you got you got this here we just wrapped a rope down to use it as an anchor for a little cinch now we can blast off two or three cuts maybe squeeze it out a little more get some more there i always take thin slivers to try and maximize our little game here but dad's just ripping some wood out of here yeah that's that's nice wood isn't it dad it is gosh darn that's nice it sure is yeah and then we're gonna split this stuff friends here i'll send you up some down here see that trick that you have all the thousands of pieces of wood you've thrown around here we go okay we're going to start with the the 500i friends i'm going to blast off just one i i sh there's no need for three because if you get the cut straight you should be fine where are you going with that old man i'm gonna go over here with it well watch your freaking back you mind you you don't have that problem do you dear okay here we go this is looking this is looking smart actually be honest with you oh here comes our sun again to take our exposure away never fails okay let's see i might have some ear protection in the truck hi you want some okay friends you guys keep your timer going okay make sure you got your your timer happening all right friends i mean as well we got the ocean in the background we're dead square here got our little rope skis there and what else we got which is very important which is always needed first is safety now i'm gonna have to get used to this oh we'll try it i mean it's not bad actually especially if it's clean [Music] oh [Music] ah wow okay that's the 500i it's okay it's just the stock chain friends so i'll swap out to the 462 now pour it action yeah dad this is the fuel injected saw this is this is our our fuel injected saw friends and what i like about this friends is um this is this saw has been surprised me in a couple ways friends as you all know i'm i'm kind of a i'm a husky guy but i'm a whatever guy with a truck if it's sweet i like it but i have been a husky guy um production now uh a couple things i like about still here is they got the captive nuts friends you know how many bar nuts i've lost in the bush lots to give the bar a little wiggle there it is see you can throw that on the ground perfect and don't worry about it dad grab that other power saw dad would you mind and just throw it up here for me because i'm going to take this chain off we go and i'm gonna put this chain on this sucker okay we we did a live one and the only thing was is we had different chains on so this one's got a grind on it and it needs it needs attention so i i can't it wouldn't be fair to just run the the 462 now without the same chain it's the same length bar it's just not the same same chain same grind uh as a matter of fact this other chain has not been filed at all it's a stock chain so uh once again captive nuts but this 462 is a little old-school it's got a switch friends the 500i does not have a switch it doesn't have a switch it doesn't have a choke people are kind of funky about uh the the uh the bulb the the primer bulb if you got no switch no choke nothing it's fuel injected i'm not worried about no ball uh i don't worry about that at all i i haven't seen any bads about that saw yet not yet i haven't run it a ton so let's take this off yeah just peel that off the top there there we go and let's throw this sucker on oh other way dad yeah there you go he's not a guy there he looks like scotty he does a little bit doesn't it i just noticed that at the end at the end of this conversation right he's that guy he looks familiar yeah he actually does look like scotty he does so friends tightening up your bar i just pick up the power saw like this you can see it's sagging there a little bit see that fence just a teeny bit there sagging just grab the screw and just twist that's it quarter turn just take up the slack you see i don't like my stuff tight it's hard on sprockets it's hard on tips of bars clutches everything just get it on there there we go done okay we're gonna go cut let's do this where did i put that hard hat of mine that thing was funky first is safety so i don't know about this i'm gonna have to see how that goes and keep that nice and clean i kind of like it i don't mind it i like the hat cause it's nice and small uh i'm not a chin strap guy but i guess i'm gonna have to get used to that i don't mind it friends i gotta be honest i don't i don't mind it gotta keep that clean okay check your sprocket make sure you're on we are [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] now this is some fun so now i'm just testing the bottom end because that's what donnie took the saw back for he wanted to see if he could get it more bottom and he did [Music] oh well i gotta be honest i think the 462 won what do you guys think of this new hard hat i don't mind it actually i don't mind it and i should start wearing eye protection i've been lucky for 25 years and i've had some doozies friends i mean creating a freak and i i've had to sit down a little hemlock hard little hemlock a broken knot boom i've had my eye ache for days after yeah not good it's not that i haven't had it i've had it so anyways i don't mind this thing you guys give me some feedback on this this is a husky i i like it look at that boom see this is my style i don't have this the screen was good but it wasn't good for my gopro action so that's why the screen went friends when i production fall i have my stuff i have my screens but when i'm just doing little tree jobs and playing around this i don't have that stuff i do have it but i choose not to wear it sometimes but this i think i can get used to now dad what are you doing over here what he says well i reckon i better go get my uh wood bullet hey dad yeah all right this is stringy wood friends people don't think this is easy stuff because it ain't it just ain't um is safety okay friends good things about the 500i captive nuts that's tough isn't it pop it is that first tough it's a naughty one so friends good things about the 500i [Music] one good thing is our captive nuts open clutch like that freaking love it there we go yeah i i quite like this actually i do like this setup oh boom we're on bango so getting getting stuff on and off the stills is quite nice it's got the little the little eye in there that guides you in down at the bottom i actually like that too oh this is kind of nice fred it is it's nice i like it yeah i really like that actually let's have a look did i always check your sprocket friends before you start tightening stuff yeah we're on tighten her up what's happening here what's going on here oh yeah okay good watch that slack boom that's it done i don't like my stuff snug and make sure that you got you're ready to go on this stuff we're gonna take another whack at this this is the ground chain friends okay so you got your timers on let's take another crack at this here wow look at that exposure on that it's interesting orange isn't it friends okay 500 i'm kind of growing on this helmet i like it yeah it's starting to grow on me so friends get out your timers on this again you'll notice that uh the ground chain actually it cuts it cuts faster obviously i i know this this one just is not cutting to full potential it's got some teeth that are knocked off the corners it's a bit ragged to be honest with you i will grind this chain today and we will cut again like this just because we've got the same log i'll take another zap off that log and i'll show you the difference with it with a chain but man oh man that ground chain is nice all right [Music] ah [Music] i think the uh the ground chain was actually cutting pretty good there i just felt it but anyway we run the same chain on the first cut sequence this was just me horsing around again but look at this system we got friends this is good really good i wonder if a guy should save a couple more dad for some other saws i got i can always replace them for you so friends that's interesting this is a nice little cutting spot isn't it friends right there just come down here and do that because dad has fires out here right he has fires you see so that's perfect it's just that's the perfect system to to do a bucking test sauce i've got some other tests i want to do i want to test this a 500i i got the stock one too right so i want to do some muffler testing and this is a great spot so we're going to have to bring some rounds dad are you okay with us testing here sure okay good okay yeah i might even take a couple of these rounds with no knots in them just because that that gives us a straight cut right friends husky battery powered chainsaw yes um i have not worked one in a tree i don't i don't think i'd work one in a tree i'd just be honest i don't think i would but where i would use it is when i get into my construction my my little projects around the house i guaranteed i would 100 this is a this is this is a construction man's dream it is friends it's not necessarily i mean reg coach uses them uh i've seen a couple other guys use i personally just wouldn't go there uh in a tree i guess maybe i can't say i try to still didn't i so what now pop full battery friends full battery i wonder if i could wear this thing out [Music] [Music] [Applause] gosh that smells good dad [Music] ah [Music] look at the freaking green on dad this one's old it's like 200 years old it is it's 200 200 year old fir tree look at this friends this is nuts look at the tight grain here up this is really cool here i got to show you guys this this camera should do it too look at this this tree's old you got like 10 20 30 40 50. 60 70 oh it's 200 easily 200 look what happens right here look at right here watch i'm gonna bring you guys right in check it out look at that right there's 50 freaking grains right there where it turns like butter right there amazing stuff oh somebody's beating some wood over there oh dear oh my goodness oh dear [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] uh friends wait for it have a listen here something not nice happens wait for it there must have been a nail in there oh there it is right there yep you can see it right in the tooth oh she bent it right over that is crazy where was it right in the middle i'll be right in that old scar there yeah i'll be right back as you split that open look at this right there oh my oh my we cracked that's odd but i mean that must have been done like how many years oh well probably uh 56 years ago well easy i mean they're they're far in was it oh way in here so yeah so it would have been here yeah yeah yeah 40 years ago 50 years ago whatever whoever split was it here or this one it was this one yeah split this off dad just pop this off with the axe look at this friends i'll show you what happened here where is it oh it's right there you'll see it that little right there there you go you'll find it look at that friends right there cracked it where is it oh it'll be in there uh maybe oh there it is yeah i see it let's have a look right there steel yeah big spike and i had to hit it you just like this friends go down there and just take take it in take take it right in that vitamin d is good for you it's a healer of the sun you know friends it's a healer it is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 218,262
Rating: 4.8905907 out of 5
Id: n3Qdw4-lgVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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