Stihl ms 500i part II - my thoughts after 8 months

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[Music] hey people so I figured it's been a while since I talked about the five hundred I so I figured we should talk about the end so to watch the review I did back in May click on the link down here so what are my thoughts so it used to solve for about eight months now and I still love it it seemed really nice and powerful song and the weight of it is unbelievable I used this saw on one of our last jobs I messed up the chain on line 261 so I had to use this for the entire day team Dominion he's walking around the entire day with this song instead of the smaller one and normally if I'm using that 572 has gone all day I do feel that difference in weight on my body when I come home but I actually didn't feel that much after having used to 500 I for an entire day so I think that's quite impressive still have the power outfit it's a great really powerful song I will give her this top I did say in my last video that she was thirsty but I guess she kind of adjusted to the way that we work and now she is like the other sauce so I'll give her that I'll take back my negative thoughts - what else it's those thoughts on the first or second poll every time so I'm pretty pleased for that and I know some of you have had questions regarding the button down here if that is still working and I haven't had any issues with it at all even on the older days so don't you worry about that think they figured it out but I still recommend buying this saw I definitely would yes I love working with the 500 I but I will say this though if you get any new salt and you're debating whether to get the 462 the 572 or the 661 or this baby right here it really does depend on the trees that you fell databases I've used the 500 I on trees but about this size and that's I would say that's probably the the biggest size tree I would use it for because bigger than that you do want bit more power and it's nice to have that on a stick 61 if you're always cutting down bigotries like bigger than this I would go with the 661 but if the size differs I would definitely go with a 500 I the 462 is almost the same way as this saw and the power is less so for me that's not a question at all but I guess it's easier when we have it out already not that easy for you over there so if you're debating on getting the or 62 or the 500 I would definitely wait for the 500 I and get that because the weight is almost the same but the power is different so and if you are debating between the house Bona 572 or this song for me there's no question at all I used to 572 a lot as well but it is a heavy song compared to this one and I do feel a big difference when using them I think the 500 I feels like it has a lot more power so I would definitely go with the 500 I I would still go with the 661 and you're fighting bigotry teas all the time because you do need that little extra power like we're cutting it all backwards and such it's nice to have just just a tiny bit there is not much I was just saying I guess I loved working at this song and I definitely still recommend it so let's take it apart of it and just take a look at what it looks like inside nice and it is always good so it's really easy to get into eventually don't need any tool so it's closed up like this and then you just turn it you're right there's clean your air filter this is the air filter this also really easy to remove you just pull it out go and this really nice cleaning all the dust down here you actually see that something is going into this audience or anything [Music] well give this cleaning I'll be using compressed air to get rid of all the gunk in here also I'll use compressed air in this area careful not to blow anything into my air filter always blow from the inside enough so yes I will be doing that right now I often get the question how Conway years always brand-new it's not but I do like to keep everything nice and clean so that I know that it worked when I hate it so whenever I shout my chain there are always things that I look for check my chain that transom sighs I always thought the Ansel's I checked my mission up my bar make sure to clean the little oil stomach what else not in particular in the area around the sprocket here because I want my chamber to always work so yes I think everything out very nicely I do that because I know that my deal works what I needed to [Music] so yes I used it quite a lot janek's then that when my boss is asking it I just really like to show them the chain and maintain it on if I just really love this song yeah I don't want it to sound like I don't like the house final 572 because that is a good saw too it's just when you compare the two you have more power in this and let's wait so when you've got both of them for me it's a no bringing it to which one to go with I say that I've used it for an entire day healing cutting down trees and I really do like the way it feels when you work with it it's a nice balance of salt well I hope that answers some of your questions and that you liked today's video but we know anyone's the videos you'd like me to do and I'll try my best to accommodate you wishes also it would be me really happy if you follow me on Instagram as well and I'm great Oh
Channel: Femalelumberjack
Views: 84,298
Rating: 4.8952446 out of 5
Keywords: stihl, ms500i, stihl ms 500 i, stihl 500i, chainsaw, chainsaw review, 500i review, female lumberjack, femalelumberjack, Felixia Banck, kettensäge, motorsäge, motosierra, motorsav, motorsåg, lumberjill, lumberjane, lumber Jill, logger, arborist, forester, tree work, tree worker, treelife, treestuff, anmeldelse stihl 500i, review stihl, chainsaw girl, arblife, tree cutting, goofy girl, Denmark, danish girl, danish girl chainsaw, chainsaw comparison, comparing chainsaws, comparing stihl
Id: tLibco21Bfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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