Mcculloch 1-52 Chainsaw Restoration Part 2!

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Thanks for sharing. I'm gonna check this out. Why ? Because I'm having two projects which are restoring McCullochs- a 2-10 and a CP70.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rightnextto1 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and welcome back if you like chainsaws and restorations then you've come to the right place because we are restoring this early 1960s mcculloch 152 chainsaw it was built in the early 60s it's cc and if you haven't watched the first episode if you click up here you can watch it from the beginning because in the first one we got all the horrible fuel and everything out worked out what was going on with the saw made sure it had spark compression and all that and we got it started we got it running so now it's time to take it apart strip it down to its bare bones well see how far and carried away i get at taking it apart we'll see how we get on with that we're gonna strip that down we're going to put it through our new parts washer and get it all clean and shiny and then we're going to see what we've got see which bits we're going to use and we're going to take it from there we're haze machinery this is our youtube channel please consider subscribing let's crack on [Music] so just having a look over this saw before we start stripping it apart and it looks as though like when these saws were originally made that they were fully assembled and then painted so there's only a few little bits on the outside of the handles and the pool start and the decals and everything stuck onto it afterwards but it looks like the carb was actually installed before it was painted so that means the whole saw was put together before it was painted because you can see an uber spray here on the carburetor and even see it on the same on our donusor well the other saw that we've got so you've got the overspray there so you can actually see where they've sprayed it once it's been fully assembled so i'm actually contemplating how much we need to take off the saw before we do it but anyway we're going to start stripping it down and work out what we've got let's bang on with that [Laughter] i thought i'd done that already saw doesn't get any lighter it doesn't get any lighter let's go on black again let me get something in the tank which is making it do that clean as you go keep it clean we like to keep our work area clean with red rag what am i doing washing machines get better with cow gone the reason i'm singing that is because there's loads of lime scale here so that song popped into my head obviously as it does on the aluminium loads of it looks like cement to be gone that's just growing on the aluminium i'm guessing that's lime scale from oh hello oh look at that how shiny that one for us i haven't broken anyway now we're going to do that because they're two different covers that hasn't got that groove in there so to think the last chainsaw restoration i've done was a still ms500i one of the most modern technical chainsaws on the market today if you want to watch that video it's up here but that's a fuel-injected chainsaw this is like opposite ends of the market this is as simple and it's as basic as they can so we've got both ends of the scale this is a rebuild on very very old machine that was a rebuild on a very very modern machine anyway this is really simple there's nothing much to it so let's crack on [Music] bent fin here broken fin on the cylinder that's tight very tight all right so if it wasn't warm enough today already no one needed any stuck bulbs today hopefully i've moved that round first but i might there we go got it big old brutal coil [Music] [Music] deep breaths james deep breaths i might just work the way how to get that out without taking the keyboard probably just banged it in a bit further and it got out but the gasket on the inside of that cover is beautiful that's really good condition right we're going to leave that there there's still enough keyway there to be able to slide the flywheel back on have plenty of traction and we got the cover off win-win i don't think that keyway is going to fall out while we're washing it if it does then i think it's on it but there we go let's crack on with it um made in the usa that carb is beautiful it's just a thing of beauty isn't it absolutely gorgeous like it we're getting there we're getting there we're nearly done [Applause] i'm tempted to hit it with a hammer that's what i was tempted to do that handle is weak there's not much to the donor saw or the other saw i think someone has at some point made up some sort of plate on the back of there we'll have a look at that in a minute that goes in there and then down how cool is that reed system eh applies so you can see that was even painted here that pipe was it wasn't painted until that was on and it was painted with a collection as well the looks of things because it wouldn't have been repainted and no one would have gone to that hassle sitting that that's what we're doing there's some old sawdust in there that's been a long long time that could be like 50 year old soda 60 year old sawdust maybe it's hard to get out it's going to be even hard to get back in again put a quarter inch fuel pipe on a chainsaw that's what you put on lawnmower mowers not chainsaws generally but anyway there we are my gasket has come off really easily nice without taking that doll [Music] that's beating me that is gonna be t-shirt dirty now how dare i that does not want to come out there's no getting away from that oh yeah i've gone and done it how about that it's probably a different hole in it struggle [Applause] arm pump why do manufacturers use flat headed screwdriving screws hey good old proper hex head nut there we go that's what you want something you put a spanner on not bloody screwdriver never mind we'll get through it only like four more to go don't want to come out well gotta get this front case off because that'll make it look pretty don't need to take the front case off because the petrol tank we know the petrol tank doesn't leak but it's coming off whether it wants to or not i've also got another one there and some spare screws so it doesn't matter if i mangle the screws because i'm sure i'll find a couple out of that one but then i might find a nice stainless steel stuff which isn't flatheads although being a restoration it probably should be flatheads who knows we'll work it out how many times have i said that already today these ones that have been near the ground that's not trouble yes one to go one to go want to go hello yeah see all the fuss about it ready yeah baby there's quite a lot of screws just holding in one tank and oh look at my pop my oil part isn't very oil proof i just realized nice nice jane's tune well what did i crack it definitely changed tune didn't it yeah [Laughter] [Applause] there we go just the gasket holding it look at that the front part of the saw is off yeah that's gross petrol tank fuel tank however with 4 000 screws holding it in is now off unfortunately it's five o'clock it's will's home time so we're gonna have to come back tomorrow okay bye [Music] right so we've got it down to a few hundred pieces i'm quite pleased with how it's all come apart although i had to get the old hammer and cold chisel out on a few of the bolts on the front of the petrol tank i haven't taken everything apart on this yet we're gonna give it a clean down because at the end of the day the cylinder and piston everything is absolutely fine the crankcase is all good my biggest concern is if we do strip this down and take the front part off there's actually another four gaskets in there you've got one here from the inlet manifold which comes down with the carb into the reed system you've got another one here on the fuel tank going back onto the crankcase in there and then you've got another one here on the top of the cylinder my biggest issue is i'm not going to be able to get the genuine gaskets for that and being that it's on the cylinder making a gasket on a cylinder is never the easiest thing doing one on front of the petrol tank or fuel tank is quite easy quite happy with that and the same with the oil tank on the top absolutely fine if i've got to use gasket sealer i've got to but we should be able to make a gasket for that it's all in a load of pieces and now the thing is to do is to go up and clean them all off in our new parts washer i say new we've got it on demo from safety clean let's go and check that out and give these a scrub off let's go so safety clean have sent us this spaceship i know it looks like a spaceship but it's not it's a parts washer it's got air in there and it's got a pressurized dubroomer what's it thingy anyway let's put a part in there actually hang on i've already done that bit there's a part in there from our mcculloch chainsaw we are going to wash that off and see how it comes out let's have a go it's quite warm 60 degrees this heats up to 160 degrees so it's currently 54.3 degrees if you've got cold hounds in the winter this will be amazing wow look at that that was coming up really well already ah no ah so you put your end down and you can grab your air hose and blow all off so before you even take out the cupboard it's ready to rock and roll whereas we used to have to do this like out in the open that was awesome look at that well i found a crack in there anyway so that nearly takes the paint off as well that was amazing right let's get it out oh he's filming there we go look at that really clean absolutely beautiful apartment we have found out that we've got a puncher we've got a crack in our casing but luckily we've got a spare so that's all right compare it against the other one yeah this one's much better condition apart from it has got a crack up there but we can make that work that's okay and that one's got the chain tensioner in the side of the um clutch cover so that's all good right let's crack on some more cleaning because we've got the full unit to put in there now quite excited it's quite a cool machine [Music] [Music] this so i think we can all agree that machine is pretty awesome it heats the fluid up to about 60 degrees and blows it out at a fair rate it has cleaned all these parts up amazingly well so well that i think i'm comfortable that we're not going to have to take all the crankcase and everything apart for one we know it works we've seen it work that should be absolutely fine two i'm not gonna be able to get the gaskets for it and three i think with a clever bit of taping we can paint it perfectly as it is so i think the risk factor against that not working when we put it back together against how good it is now we're just gonna leave it and restore it as is in the next episode which will be episode 3 we will be doing all the wrist restoration bits we're going to be getting the chainsaw bar back to how it should be rather than it being rusty brown it's going to be shiny silver and then we have got the carburetor to go through we have got all of the paintwork to get off gonna get all the yellow paint off so a bit paint stripper and whatever we're gonna use to get rid of that although the new washer thing up there has got rid of a lot of the flaky stuff already which is good the only thing with that is that it's left along a lot of rough edges which is pretty much just lime scale and stuff on the aluminium so we're gonna get that back smooth again as well and then we're going to have to paint it and get it all back looking nice and shiny so we are going to do that in episode three of this little mini series of restoring this mcculloch 152 but we're haze machinery this is our youtube channel please consider subscribing and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: HayesMachinery
Views: 280
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: machinery, mcculloch chainsaw, vintage chainsaw, chainsaw restoration, old gasoline chainsaw, rusty gasoline chainsaw, restoring 2-stroke petrol chain saw, 2-stroke petrol chain saw, ChainSaw, gasoline ChainSaw, chainsaw rusty, rebuild chainsaw, Restoration Chain Saw, restore chain saw, old chainsaw, restoring chainsaw, tool restoration, restoration chain saw, rusty chainsaw, seized 1960s chainsaw restoration, vintage chainsaw restoration, McCulloch chainsaw, 1-42 McCulloch
Id: Qb4cG95G9PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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