Treacherous Icy Mountain Road Rescue!

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oh my goodness look at that we got a call for a Ford Excursion that has slid off the road and is rolled onto its side Matt is homesick hopefully he gets feeling better soon cuz we could really use his help this one's supposed to be a pretty technical job lots of black ice it's up by Pine Valley last time I went up here without Matt it was to pull out a big box truck that had slid down a very Steep Hill it was a very sketchy job took a long [Music] time this one we're just going to have to flip it back over and run it home to its owner we've got TomTom following way back there just in case we need the recer to pull it back over but we'll see hopefully it's a pretty straight forward job Caitlyn's in the back I am I'm in the front oh you know what the weather is it's partly cloudy I actually don't know what the temperature is all I know is it was the right temperature when we left and I like about 70° we're going up where it's it's cold so we're following along behind he he's heading out with the banana we've got the wrecker behind us we got Colby and Colin with us it's going to be a good day rolled over vehicle they must have been having some fun we're going to have fun too yeah rolling it [Music] back so this is the town of Pine Valley it is a small town that is it's tiny super tiny small town that is Tiny it's super pretty in here too they're surrounded by these beautiful mountains it's just beautiful that's the word for it also the cool thing about Pine too The church here was designed by a boat builder and the inside looks like it's a boat upside down all right so we are to where we're going to pull off on some gravel so we're pulling the trucks over going to offload the vehicles and head up the road how was your trip coob my ears need to pop so bad I can't hear we did go up quite a bit in elevation you can see about at snow level we got to go up a little bit higher [Music] though off we go all right so we just unloaded right now we are following Hefe and the wrecker we're going to go find this vehicle so we got a caution sign steep Mountain grades and no turnaround so here we go [Music] oh my goodness look at that this is uh what did they do look at that he's lucky he went off that side oh yeah I didn't feel well enough to go on this job but I'm back now just barely and I want to talk to you about the off-road games specifically the off-road record portions of the off-road games last year we had the record pulls on the beach this year we're doing the same thing only bigger and better if you've been working on your off-road record this year consider this an open invitation to come to the games March 14th 15th and 16th and pit your truck against the best in the business if this sounds like something you want to do go to off-road and fill out the application and we'll see you there Chad Fab Murphy diesel we're talking about you if you know anybody that's been working on an off-road record go to their YouTube channel comment on their videos let them know you want to see them at the off-road games this year I'm going to let you go back to the job and I'm going to go home and eat some chicken soup let's go take a look at it yeah all right hey are we snatch blocking this thing yeah y oh okay it broke they broke their sway bar they broke a lot more things than just the sway bar theyed it wow they let's put the banana on one side and the wrecker on the other and let's try and snatch from that tree into that tree and at an angle hopefully with two vehicles we can just pull it over without pulling out trees we should flip the wrecker around so we have more wenching options you to back it back it up to this tree yeah back it up and then if we have to pull the vehicle we can winch off the bumper to pull it back down [Music] yeah that is how we looking right here is this right I like that cuz your TIR is in the ditch I'm going to go up there to that big tree wrap this around it and then hook this up is that correct yep nice I like [Music] that [Music] nice where you going just trying to pull it out okay you want to grab it [Music] Tom okay woo all right it's a race against the clock it's getting dark yes it's slick it's super slick here right pull out some more this goes around here like this this does anybody have sell service here nope if I climb the mountain I probably will I have one one bar okay do you think that's the customer I hope so it's one person he's all he's bringing is keys can you hand that to me oh yeah yeah yeah yeah how's it going what happened that ice I come around the corner right here and this is a solid sheet of ice especially at 8:00 at night I tried to steer through this turn here and it wasn't happening so I ran right to the hillside here the front came off the ground and then it just bounced like that I'm ecstatic that it was here and not down there yeah okay that's good try not to let anything drag on the Rope okay I'm hooked up over here whenever you're ready to tighten up that winch okay do you want to put some tension on this I'm going to stay here so if it droops out of the holey that I can put it back in you ready yeah you ready go here it come that's an Excursion full of tools I can keep pressure on this back end if we get somebody in the front try see have they loosen yours up and see if tomt can hold it let's grab the winch off here hook it up to the TA light and start pulling it back and down the hill pull in with this one and then out with that one in with this one out with that one until it comes down somebody in it and have them start steering to the right okay okay I'm going to pull him back and see how it goes okay it's moving good you're ding yeah switch your Tire rotate the other way he do you want to switch up and pull him forward yeah we can do that okay [Music] okay hooked up now we'll be able to pull this thing straight forward ready call yep let me loosen up the side wind okay pett level I don't have steering to the right it stops like something's stopping it it could be the sway bar got to disconnect that [Applause] rear hit him okay yep your brakes are working okay go ahead and stop right there Colin okay we got it on the stable ground now now we just got to flip it around and haul it back down the hill that's so G like stop wearing Converse out here I'm sending I love my convers all right let's start getting that glass all the trash pick up one piece at a time I have a broom but not only is your Ms Offroad recovery Hood keeping you warm awesome makes a prettyy good rag get yours at Matt Offroad run wow she run good she smoked a little bit though that'll C what do you think you good with us just driving it back I'm sure as long as the ATF we check that okay oh it's full we can we'll just drive it and if it stops then we'll pull it if it starts to overheat don't I'm tying up the sway bar that's [Music] broken all right Tom the good news is if you go over the edge you have the right team to get you back thank thank you for that yeah no problem that as far right as you can turn yeah that's it all right you can turn that way good turn a little bit stop stop stop you're going to run over his things look I got plenty guys you don't know so let's get the wrecker finished putting away and then let's get out of here we appreciate you using us here's t-shirt I appreciate the T-shirt I just didn't want it this way sad to see one of these excursions taken off the road they're awesome glad you're okay hey we're going to hit the road before it gets dark thank you thanks take care appreciate it good luck Tom about me Good Luck Colin thank you well that went really well yes it did it went swimmingly it's not slick yet but once this freezes it'll be slick so we're in a race for the clock it's getting cold cuz the sun's gone down and starting to freeze we have the heater cranked in this thing he said that he just barely fixed it so I put it on my feet and face heat will go here with that yeah the Heat it's feeling good there's a lot broken in this vehicle I don't know that this thing can turn right far enough to make it around these switchbacks so I'm a little worried about doing that we're going to find out real quick I'm getting my right turn in we're making it yeah I think we're going to be okay this is my view right now and this is T Ste yeah there's a little crack right in here oh that one okay got [Music] it [Music] that's it we made it this thing roll over did not stop it it compromised this yes it's severely compromised but we drove out under our own power so we got the Excursion out of there all loaded up Rhett and I are going to go run and drop it off at their house you guys have a bit of a drive to do yeah we got to go all the way to Beaver me and Tom are going to load up the rest of the rigs and we're going to get back to the shop it's going to be a cold dinner and thanks for watching I don't want to get muddy and I'm not going to get muddy for you'll be fine we'll wipe you off see later that's what leather seats for right yeah it's a truck right not a princess vehicle it's head truck it's a princess vehicle no I don't intentionally Dent the outside I don't intentionally Dent anything I accidentally
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 835,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wscRfoMJ1E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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