Trauma Prayer.wmv

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[Music] if you want to lay down on the floor be my guest but some of you're gonna wind up there anyway Pat and I may wander around and lay hands on you and so if somebody touches you don't freak out well father we take authority over anything left over hanging around in this room that wants to insert itself inject itself or otherwise mess with what's going on other we we just kick to the curb anything that will not bow its knee to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you have no place here we give you none Holy Spirit we invite you come and minister to those that you love we submit to you we give you place we thank you so much for what you have done for us for what you've provided us and what you've shown us father in Jesus name I take authority over this time the space this place this dimension in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and father I ask you to disconnect every one of them from every second heaven entity that's gained access to them for the purpose of inflicting torment and trauma I specifically ask you to disconnect them from fear chaos death destruction anything that has a bound or blocked development it's disconnected right now father and father I ask you to disconnect him from all of the schemes and contracts and agreements that demonic entities have made with each other to torment and torture this connected Lord father I take authority over every body in this place in Jesus name for a few minutes and I command their bodies to release all of the effects of trauma everything that it is held on to down to the cellular level for accidents injuries medical procedures surgeries invasive medical procedures broken bones cuts but also command their bodies to release all of the the effects of trauma with respect the rejection abandonment death divorce loss of Dreams hopes aspiration every time that they were robbed stolen from and you'll come out without harm or injury this command you to release it all don't hang on to any of it all of the pent-up stress and tension anxiety worry results of fear I command your bodies to release all of the fear of the future how is this gonna work out what's going to happen all of the issues regarding health business children spouses [Music] this command all of that out of your body you can't hang on to any of it in Jesus name out of every bone out of every piece of connective tissue out of spines and muscle hair teeth you name it I'm out in Jesus name [Music] I command your bodies to release even all of the memories of aching loneliness a feeling that you were all alone and helpless [Music] this be released right there in Jesus time let it go [Music] wherever you have hidden wherever you have allowed it to store up in your body just let it go let it be released [Music] in this season of economic uncertainty as command your bodies to release all of the stress and the tension of how it's going to work out the plans that had been so diligently made [Music] it seemed to have been undermined [Music] this release release release its let it all go all of the effects of unforgiveness bitterness [Music] of being cut off in abandoned [Music] let's let it go this relieves all of the effects of shame disappointment disillusion [Music] everywhere where people have not lived up to their word [Music] in fact have done the exact opposite [Music] every time when you've been called a name been lied against lied about [Music] Dishonored [Music] the sledded all go release it all of the physical effects whether it was emotional spiritual or physical just release it all now in Jesus name every bit of it just let it go [Music] you I command out of your nostrils and tastebuds everything connected with defiling touch [Music] any place in your body that felt it or was impacted by just let it I just command it to be released right now in Jesus name I take authority right now in Jesus name over all witchcraft prayers that have prayed been prayed against you against the body of Christ against your relationships against your place in the body even those who have been jealous of you for how you looked how you acted the favor you had let's cut that all off right now in Jesus name and I release you from every bit of it whether we just call every one of those no and void and we cast them to the ground of no effect as dust under their feet [Music] other we release them from all tension and anxiety and anything else that it's imparted to and father we just break all that off by the way just even remove from all of the heaviness false responsibility the stuff that people have told them that needs to be done and they need to do I just release them from all of that Jesus there I released them from their expectations of what you ought to look like how you ought to do it and how it ought to get other there's any portion of them that's been removed stuck imprisoned held captive in any other time-space place or dimension as a result of the trauma that they have experienced I ask you Father in Jesus name that you would release them cause them to be recovered from wherever that is again and I ask you to restore it to them cleanse it of any defilement of any place that it's been canceled the assignment of any familiar spirit that's been assigned to it to hold it there father if there's any portion of them that they have dismissed themselves because they believe that it wasn't acceptable was not worthy [Music] cause them to be vulnerable or felt like it allowed them to be taken advantage of Father hi in Jesus name pronounced them forgiven for dismissing that portion of them that they did not agreed was good and I asked you Father to restore it [Music] reunify it so that it becomes part of them in this time this space this place this dimension and father where there have been blockages to development in any area particularly relationally father I ask you to remove those dams allow them to grow father I place my hand and I pray for their brains are there any place then has become chemically imbalanced because of the trauma that they've suffered I ask you Father to restore whatever connections are necessary whatever enzymes are necessary to bring full functionality other any pathways that need to be reestablished between hemispheres of the brain or areas of the brain where the fullness of who you created them to be can be directed toward the issues of life father I ask you to restore it if there's any deficiency in any gland of the brain I ask you a story and restore connectivity between Mary's father but specifically for those areas like the amygdala father I ask you and do this thing that you would give them a new pad and while we're at it lord I ask you to move all of the memories of traumatic and tormenting events at the back of the bus make them difficult and Lord all of those memories that speak to them of being loved and appreciated and understood connect but before I asked you to move in a place that they can be the first ones that they get to father I ask you in Jesus name that you would restore whatever memories are necessary for healing and the completion of what you said you started for those have been horribly abused I want to speak to your spirits into your soul and I declare to you that those times are over you do not have to remain on guard 24/7 the other shoe is not going to drop you're safe now [Music] you're no longer a little child [Music] you can let down your guard you can enter into the rest of the Lord he has become your rearguard he is with you 24/7 so I invite you stand down the inner that place of rest that would design [Music] other I ask you in Jesus name to reestablish for each one of these here the sleep patterns that you designed but it father when they put their head on the pillow at night they can do so with confidence but they'll not be awakened over and over with tormenting dreams that the disconnection from the enemy even will allow them to sleep peacefully not reminded of where they've been rejected Bandon where they're helpless hopeless but father that they know that when they arise in the morning their body will be rejuvenated restored and they'll have all of the energy that they need for the coming day and father while you're at it I ask you in Jesus name that you would download through their spirits everything that they need for that coming day because you know who they're gonna run into you know the circumstances that they're going to be facing father I ask you in Jesus name that during that night season that you will cause them to be repaired for everything that's now father we ask that you pour your spirit into every place where trauma has left the spirit of life and light and truth will fill every cell every bone every tissue every organ every place where memories are stored that you will fill it with your truth [Music] that you will restore broken places that you will remove the bruises [Music] spirit of truth sphere of life swear to God come and fill and renew the life that is within them [Music] we invite you to come the spirit and to bring back to life the dead places the places that have been given up on I've been set aside ignored the places where lies have been believed spirit come we call for a restoration and a redemptive work within each person at a level they cannot cognitively get to we thank you we thank you skirt it's your job we thank you for filling we thank you for renewing we thank you for refreshing we thank you for loving we thank you for defeating the enemy on our behalf we thank you for taking all of the effects of trauma on the cross in the name of Jesus we yield that to you now the effects of living in a fallen world we release to you the effects of stress of the busyness of life we just release it to you the burdens of the ministering just broken people we release it to you the pressure stress or family members who have were ill and the broken heart that brings us we release it to you [Music] then father we release generational trauma trauma that has been passed down through the family line that caused the recurrence of trauma we release it in Jesus name and we speak forgiveness over and we stand the sons and daughters of the Living God the declared dominion over the works of the enemy in ourselves first and our family in this body in this town in this nation and in this world we declare we declare he is defeated and you father god are the victor father we bless each individual here we bless their identity we bless their future we bless their destiny we bless their dreams we bless them you're coming and they're going bless them in the name of Jesus [Music] you
Channel: Daniel Wiebrands
Views: 740,591
Rating: 4.7923875 out of 5
Keywords: trauma, ptsd, anxiety, stress, worry, healing, prayer, ministry, freedom, counselling, help, Jesus, God, panic
Id: 31-o0EzLI7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2011
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