Time Alone With God: Relaxing Prayers & Promises from The Book of Psalms For Deep Rest For Your Soul

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welcome and thanks for meditating with abide i hope that you find rest and deep sleep as you listen to this bible reading from the book of psalms for more christian meditation download the abide app in the itunes or google play store hi and welcome to this time of quiet christian guided meditation on abide this guide is here to help you with any sleep or insomnia difficulties you may be having tonight you may want to consider playing it softly next to your pillow as you rest tonight if you fall asleep before this time of meditation is over don't worry it will stop automatically and you will fall asleep listening to prayers and the sweet word of god how beautiful is that if you don't fall asleep then simply and softly tap the replay button and you can join me again if you like before we begin i want you to get into a comfortable place take care of any physical distractions such as noise or light find a temperature and a place to lie down that is most comfortable for you you might take this moment to choose some music on abide that is peaceful for you or you may choose to simply listen in silence so when you're ready i want you to close your eyes and relax as you listen to my voice just relax and let me guide you through prayer in the word of god one reason you may be having trouble falling asleep is worry and anxiety so as we begin let me lead you in your first prayer of surrender and forgiveness in this meditation we hear the depth of david's heart he wrote after a visit from the prophet nathan david had committed adultery with bathsheba this is a psalm of repentance of sorrow and seeking restoration as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and in slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12. and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you [Music] dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you oh lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight here's your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4 i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you oh lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child fill your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms the storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on lightness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations too lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms the storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on lightness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations too lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for a deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms the storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31. breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations too lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul awaits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep [Music] tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and in slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for a deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul awaits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and in slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you and he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul awaits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in all of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms the storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on lightness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you and he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations too lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you o lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul awaits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul fill the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believes in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12. and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you oh lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight here's your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms the storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you and he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12. and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4. i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you oh lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul awaits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only it's my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight here's your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child feel your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen as you hear this prayer from psalm 51 feel yourself relaxing falling back and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of jesus releasing the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on likeness of the gospel the good news of the death burial and resurrection of your lord and savior jesus christ let me pray for you now o peaceful and heavenly father you give this one your child sleep for the refreshing of their soul and body grant this one this gift tonight i pray keep them in that perfect peace which you have promised to them whose mind is fixed on you and give them such a sense of your presence that in these moments of silence they may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love through you o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o god because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins wash away all evil and make them clean from their sin tonight tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen feel jesus embrace feel jesus whispering his love and care for you tonight as you sleep as you continue to relax i want you to pace your breathing as i read scripture to you as i read the first part of a passage i want you to very slowly breathe in and then as i read the second part of the passage i want you to breathe out listen as i read from psalm 46 breathe in slowly now as i read god is our refuge and strength now breathe out slowly as i read and a very present help in your times of trouble pace your breathing in and out slowly again as i pray over you from deuteronomy 31 breathe in be strong and courageous and out do not fear or be in dread and end slowly for it is the lord your god and out who goes with you in he will not leave you out or forsake you in the darkness now feel the presence of christ feel the strength of his arms around you feel the tenderness of his hands as they rest on your head relax into his presence and again pace your breathing slowly as this time i pray from luke 12 and don't be concerned about what to eat or what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid little one for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom dear peaceful father bless this one tonight bless them give them your peace smile upon them and give them your rest tonight in jesus name amen pace your breathing slowly as i pray from lamentations to lord god hear my cry out in the night at the beginning of the night watch help me pour out my heart like water before you help me lift my hands to you dear peaceful father take the burdens of this your child tonight their burdens can seem so heavy at times tonight help them feel lighter more free content safe and loved in your arms as you take their burdens in jesus name amen your eyes grow heavy reading for a deep restful sleep again pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 3 and 4 i lay down and sleep safely in peace with a tranquil heart i will lie down and sleep for i am alone with you oh lord help me dwell in safety and confidence and trust in you dear peaceful father give this child tonight restful sleep and let this time of quiet meditation bring them peace relaxation and sleep in your arms lord fill this night with your radiance for them may they sleep in peace in your name amen slow breathing in and out as i pray god's word over you when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lie down your sleep will be sweet when you will lie down no one will make you afraid many will rejoice with you when you lay down you will be at peace you will sleep for the lord keeps you safe when you lay down to sleep behold there is an angel touching you at this your sleep will be pleasant to you dear peaceful father you have given this child an example of gentleness and humility a task that is easy and a burden that is light accept my prayers to give them the rest that will strengthen them to be of more faithful service to you in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 62 for god alone my soul waits in silence i quietly submit to him for my hope is from him he only is my rock he only is my salvation he only is my fortress he only is my defense i will not be shaken i will not be discouraged on god only my salvation rests on god only does my glory rest god is my rock god is my unyielding strength my refuge is in god alone i trust confidently in him at all times oh god help me help me sleep help me pour out my soul be my refuge dear peace and restful heavenly father send restful sleep and refresh the tired body of this your child tonight may your help renew this one keep them held tight in your strong arms as you give them peace be with this one throughout the night in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from isaiah 26 god will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight god will make your mind steadfast committed focused on him tonight trust god tonight with your sleep take refuge in god's loving arms tonight as you see sleep be confident in the arms of your savior tonight trust confidently in god forever god is your fortress god is your shield god is your banner god is everlasting he is your protector tonight he is your rock for all time dear peaceful and restful father bring this one your child rest and sleep tonight keep them from tossing keep them from turning lord god you never sleep lord god you never slumber so watch over this your child tonight as they sleep bring peace to their churning mind comfort their mind from spinning soothe their heart calm them tonight give them sweet rest in your arms in jesus name amen pace your breathing as i pray from psalm 91 god is covering you tonight god is completely protecting you with his strength you are protected under his wings tonight you can find rest under his wings tonight you can find refuge in the loving arms of god tonight god's faithfulness is your shield tonight god's faithfulness is a wall protecting you from harm so you can rest tonight in god's presence tonight tonight in god's arms you have no need of fear tonight you are in the presence and resting in the arms of the creator of the universe tonight dear peaceful and restful father let this resting child fill your wings over them tonight as they rest let the sleeping child feel the shield of your arms protecting them from fear and harm tonight let this peaceful soul feel the wall protecting them from harm tonight the wall built lovingly by you the creator of the universe the creators that sits now by the side of this child as they sleep in jesus name amen pace your breathing as you listen to the story from luke 8 breathe slowly and deeply as you imagine yourself in the boat jesus and his disciples are all around you you hear jesus tell you to prepare prepare to cross over the sea of galilee you watch as jesus falls asleep jesus your savior curls up in the boat to sleep you sit next to him you lean on him as your savior rests the wind begins to hit your face the spray from the waves you begin to feel water at your feet you wake up your master who is sleeping you see the look of peace in his eyes you are in awe of that peace jesus waves his hand perhaps without taking his eyes off of you you feel the wind stop the waves are gone jesus whispers to you my child have faith in me my child believe in me you feel yourself falling asleep in his arms as his peace surrounds you dear peaceful and restful father give this child tonight your faith give this child tonight your peace no wind in their face no mist from waves no water at their feet let them hear your peaceful voice let them hear your loving voice your powerful protecting voice a voice that calms storms a voice that brings peace a voice that brings rest sleep pace your breathing as you listen to the word of god being prayed softly over you breathe slow and deep as you hear god's words for you tonight as you lay down to sleep do not be afraid tonight as you lay down tonight let your sleep be sweet in peace god will be with you tonight as you sleep you are not alone god is with you and you will be safe as you sleep tonight god will give you his beloved peaceful sleep tonight god will give you sleep god will give you slumber he will fold your hands as you rest you will lie down to rest tonight you will rest peacefully you will wake up in the morning fresh for the lord sustains and cares for you god will not let you move tonight you will be at peace he will be there for you all night because god does not slumber or sleep he stays with you so that you can sleep dear peaceful father thank you for your peace your care your love your mercy your salvation as this child of yours finds sleep tonight as they sleep let them feel your presence over them let them sleep under your wings and it is in jesus name i pray over them amen tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness creating them tonight a pure heart o god give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundlessly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in jesus name amen we hope this bible reading brought you peace to listen to more christian meditations download the abide app in the itunes or google play store you
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 253,065
Rating: 4.7443161 out of 5
Keywords: my prayer time 3 hour, alone with him, time with holy spirit, Time with holy spirit, time alone with God, guided meditation, Christian meditation, guided meditation for sleep, Christian meditation for sleep, Let go of stress, Christian, Meditation Christian, fall asleep, Bible verses for sleep, psalms meditation, mindfulness meditation, Abide, Alone with God, Be Still, Bible sleep Talk Down, psalms meditation sleep, Fall asleep fast, wind down, switching off, relax prayer
Id: fWK0_RaJ7ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 31sec (10771 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.