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this lesson is praying to release trauma and so let's begin with prayer father we thank you again that you are here with us lord I thank you for these tools that you have given the body of Christ so that we can be better equipped to minister to your loved ones to your children and so father we just pray again that you would give us ears to hear and hearts to respond to you to your Holy Spirit to your word to all that you have for us in Jesus name Amen and so let's look at a biblical example of ministering to trauma and this may be a familiar story to some of you maybe it's a new story to some of you but Jesus was telling this story and it's about the Good Samaritan and Jesus said this he said there was a certain man and he was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and he fell among robbers and you know if you were going to have to go through a trauma like this it actually that was a good place for it to happen because all of these people god-fearing people were going to Jerusalem you know it I mean that's a wonderful place right ok and so let's see what the story says he fell among robbers and they stripped him and beat him and went off leaving him half dead and so we see even in this little passage that this man has experienced physical trauma he's experienced fear he's experienced violation and probably some shame if you were stripped and left in the road you would have some shame going on amen and some loss right and so there's a lot of traumas going on with this man and they had left him as half dead but by chance is that interesting by chance a certain priest oh how fortunate a priest a servant of God was going down that road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side and you know the priest was busy about the Lord's work and if he would have touched this Samaritan he would have been defiled and he wouldn't have been able to do his work in the temple and so he passed by the other side so he wouldn't be defiled and so we see as this as this man passed by you know we see the trauma of abandonment of rejection of betrayal and likewise a Levite ah a whole tribe has been called to serve God hallelujah he passed by as well but what happened this Levite saw the man and passed by on the other side as well but a certain Samaritan who was on a journey came upon him and when he saw him he felt compassion and came to him and bandaged up his wounds pouring oil and wine on them and he put him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him and on the next day he took out two denarii aye and gave them tinda innkeeper and said take care of him and whatever more you spend when I return I will repay you what a beautiful story you know here was a priest a Levi and they had walked on the other side just neglecting this man pretending to not see him but here came a hated Samaritan and he actually got off his donkey he it cost him to minister to this man and he was willing to pay the price he left him in the care of an innkeeper and he said you know whatever cost I'll make it up when I come back again and it's really interesting in verses 25 excuse me in verses third in the verse 30 when it talks about the wound it's a Greek word that means a blow a wound a stripe however in verse 34 after the priest had stopped by and had passed by and the Levite had passed by the word that's used is a Greek word trauma and it's where we get our word trauma actually and so we see that at first two he was wounded but then because of the abandonment because of the neglect because of the trauma it became trauma and so as we look at this you know the question that Jesus was asked is who's my neighbor and I think as we as we take this seminar for our own healing but also to be able to minister to other people I think that's the question that Jesus is is saying who is your neighbor and it's that person that you meet on the street it's the person next to you right now the person that you work with the person that may be in your church don't pass by and I believe that God is equipping his church and training people to minister to but also how to not just have compassion but to be able to put hands and feet to that compassion and to be able to minister accurately and well and everything that we do must be motivated by love I love what Mother Teresa says don't look for big things just do small things with great love amen isn't that good don't look for the big things but small things with great love we must follow the model of Christ in mark one forty one Jesus was moved with compassion and I love the King James where it talks about the bowels of compassion you know we don't use those words very much anymore the bowels of compassion but what that means is from the innermost man that compassion Jesus was moved with compassion and he reached forth his hand and He healed the multitudes and I believe that it's from that place of compassion that's where the miracles come from that's where the true anointing comes from is when we have that compassion of Christ deep within and we are moved to stretch forth our hand to pick up the person to love the person to pay the price to pay the cost that that person can be healed mother Teresa said this and this is kind of a life saying for me if you will she said how much love does it take to save a man it takes it all nothing to be held back to be spent on something else and so in that place where we love you know it's our motivation where we're willing to sacrifice we're willing to pay the cost we are God's ambassador's you know you've heard this saying that that we may be the only Bible that people read we are to be loved with skin on love in action and I love Elijah house.the saying that we often use we love people to life we love people to life helping the traumatized catch a true glimpse of God's face there is also the Ministry of presence and in the middle of the night one night I got a call and I one of my friends said that another friend son had shot himself and killed himself and I was just you know I was just shocked and I was I hung up and I thought should I go and you know how you're always afraid what'll I say what'll I do and she was really influential in the community had lots of friends lots of family and I thought oh they'll be everyone around and I don't know if I should be there you know I don't want to interfere and I really wrestled with this and I said Lord should I go and the Lord said go and so in the middle of the night I drove up into her driveway and there was no one there and I walked into that house and that mom everyone else had left with the body that mom was sitting there at the kitchen table and at her feet was a pool of blood and she was all alone and I thought oh my gosh I didn't know what to say and you know what I didn't say anything we just sat together and we cried together I just hugged her and there's something about the Ministry of presence and sometimes we're just paralyzed we don't know what to say we don't want to know what to do don't let that stop you be there there's such a power to that I love what Franks st. Francis of Assissi said preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words some important don'ts don't underestimate the power and effect of simply being there don't give cliches or empty promises and be very careful how you use scripture scripture is powerful but when used it the wrong time and in the wrong way it can really hurt people don't make the mistake of trying to fix someone Amen when I was in my internship I came home I was really tired I laid down on the couch and as I began to dream and it was this I there was this big blue light and I heard the words you are in grave danger and I woke up and I thought oh my gosh and my heart was pumping but I was so tired I couldn't wake up and I went back to sleep and I had I entered into another vision or dream and I saw myself in a bathtub and I had been electrocuted and I saw the the firemen coming up the stairs and it was a really small bathroom and I was so embarrassed in this dream and I knew that the firemen would see me naked and that they wouldn't be able to get me out of the tub because there was only room for one guy and I was worried about them you know I mean it was just a horrible dream and you know how you are you're just struggling and I had God what's going on and I woke up and I said Lord what's the danger what's going on in the silence of God and so the next day I went to Montana and so I just grabbed a little cassette tape you know those old fashioned cassette tapes and I had borrowed it from someone else so I just put it into the machine and it started at in the middle of the talk and it was a talk by Tommy tinny and he was talking about the Ark of God and how there was a blue light of the Shekinah glory of God between the wings of the cherubim and my attention the blue light oh my gosh and so I thought I've got to listen to this and Tommy tinny was talking about the story of when Israel was carrying the ark back to Jerusalem but they had neglected to find out how to carry the ark they had neglected the laws of God and the Word of God and so they had put the ark on a ox cart and as it came in to a certain place the oxen stumbled and who'sa reached out to steady the ark and God struck him dead and I don't know about you but when I was a new Christian I was highly offended at that story it's like God he was just trying to help you know he just reached out who wouldn't reach out to steady the ark but you know what he was not to touch the Ark he hadn't he had neglected to read about the ark to to honor God's Word and so Tommy tinnie said you know what he said electrician study learning how to handle electricity and they don't handle electricity with their bare hands because flesh conducts electricity and that really caught my attention flesh conducts electricity so they wear love rubber gloves they spend a lot of time learning how to handle electricity and he said we must learn how to handle the glory of God and he said we must be careful in reaching out to fix something that God may want to break or that God still is working on or in our own flesh or in our own strength trying to fix people or fix situations and the Lord spoke very very sternly to me as he does and he said Sandra if you are in this internship to fix people get out you know I wanted to whine a little bit but the the glory of God was right there and he said you must learn how to carry the glory of God and it is not about fixing people it's about loving people to life and so it changed my perspective and sometimes when we want to help people who have been traumatized the motivation is more of fleshly wanting to help or to fix and that can get us in trouble and so we need to understand about the glory realm of God and moving in that spirit in his timing and in his way and with his heart so that we represent Christ in the ministry does that make sense don't be afraid of another person's pain or emotion don't be afraid of referring work with professionals know what you know and know what you don't know there will be people who you will be ministering to in its way beyond you that's okay refer say you know what this is way beyond me I don't know about this stuff but I can find someone who can help you and go with them help them to find someone the Ministry of helps in first Corinthians twelve twenty eight you know it says that first apostles were appointed and then prophets and teachers and then miracles and gifts of healings and helps very seldom do you hear a sermon on the gift of helps but it is a Ministry of walking alongside someone practically sometimes ministering to trauma involves cleaning toilets washing dishes bringing food walking alongside sometimes it's it's a long-term support where you walk alongside for a long time sometimes it's very short you're just on a you know you go in and you help people during a hurricane and you you help provide water for them or food for them and sometimes it's helping build a home there are all kinds of ways that we help to minister to trauma learn the language of lament and the language of hope may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit we also carry the Ministry of reconciliation and with traumatized people oftentimes they need to be reconciled to other people reconciled to themself and particularly reconciled to God the ministry of prayer and that's what I want to focus on today is that prayer to release trauma there is no formula or method I believe it's a wonderful key that God has given a wonderful understanding about how we can pray to release shock-trauma fear and terror from the individual from their body from their soul and from their spirit I believe it's a key that will help but we can't put it in a box we can't make it a method or a formula oh sandy parried this way so I have to pray this way we must follow the Holy Spirit's leading right he's the comforter he's the counselor and so we just do what we see him doing we often the Holy Spirit prompts prayers on the spot like it accident scenes or in hospitals or restaurants and you know what when you begin learning this if you have an anointing for it people will stop you in the bathroom seriously and they'll begin to share their life or on a picnic picnic bench or in an airplane you know it's just amazing really when you think about it how people will just be drawn to you and they'll begin sharing their story and the wonderful thing is when you have training like this you're equipped not to say oh I'm sorry oh god bless you but I know a little bit about praying to release trauma what I say I usually don't say I'm a Christian because sometimes especially in other parts of the world that kind of has a negative connotation nowadays but what I like to say is I'm a follower of Christ or I'm a disciple of Christ and I know a little bit about praying about trauma can I pray for you and to me it's been the best evangelism tool I have ever had you know I had a lot of training and evangelism and we all you know how many have you done the trach thing yeah how many have you done the door by door we our church even did a thing where we went through the phonebook and did cold calls you know and I hated evangelism I dreaded it I went to the classes because I was the good Christian but I hated it but you know what when I learned about this stuff it's like oh this is what I was made for I love this and when you say can I pray for you I've never had anyone say no whether they're Christian whether they're non Christian pre-christian whatever it's like people are desperate for healing and as you say you know what can I pray for you I'm a follower of Christ I'm a disciple disciple of Christ and they feel that presence of God and as God begins to show up it's like wow what's this about what do you have that I don't have will you tell me more and it's such an opportunity sometimes it's a simple prayer or a touch you know oftentimes I'll come up I've learned to touch deliberately and if I rub someone's shoulder or back you know I'm praying Lord remove the trauma so sometimes it can be a prayer without words or lengthy Sookie soaking prayers where we just you know Lord just take a lot of time to do that because we've had so many requests for a sample prayer we've put one together but with hesitation you know it's kind of I want to encourage you to understand it's like training wheels that you can read it and know the different aspects of the prayer but don't put it in a box and I know one of my friends in the Philippines when a neighbor got bitten really badly by a dog and so she rent down there and she sent her made up in the file she said go look in my final file for that prayer to release trauma and the maid couldn't find it and the kid was sitting there bleeding you know and she finally decided I don't need the prayer and so she just prayed and so I want you to understand that you don't need the prayer in front of you but it's just a way to help you to know what we can pray and you know the possibilities and then you can use the different aspects as the Holy Spirit leads have an attitude of praise gratitude expectation it is God's will to heal trauma one of the places that I focus on when I'm praying for people is the fear center of the brain and it's called the amygdala or a migdal eye because there's actually two amygdala in the brain but it's it's called the fear center it processes emotional memory and it also evaluates emotional stimuli it's like a big library and it stores all of the emotional perceptions that you have developed while building memory from the time that you were in the womb and the amygdala is powerful enough to bypass language and cognition and it overrides the prefrontal cortex in the prefrontal cortex is that part of the brain that gives us rational control over our emotions and the thing is is that the prefrontal cortex matures in early adulthood but the amygdala is mature at birth and so much of our traumatic memories are stored in the amygdala and we built all of these perceptions and some of them are really wrong some of them are you know way unbalanced like if we get bitten by a dog when we're little and we have these perceptions all dogs are evil and all dogs are scary and we carry that fear with us and every time we see a dog you know that memory comes out that perception comes out or if we're you know if we're really shamed in school when we're taking a test and later on every time we take a test that that perception it's bad scary it's shameful comes up and you know often times we can't even think or remember it's powerful and so I like to pray a lot for the fear center of the brain for the impulse centers of the brain for the prefrontal cortex and I try to use simple language because you know I'm not I'm not a medical professional at all but just to ask the Lord to heal those specific parts of the brain and the other places that the Lord would reveal I rely heavily on the word of knowledge and interview you know just having the person tell you what kind of traumas that they've experienced so the demonstrations that you've seen before have been those where we did an interview and just asked about you know your responses your sinful responses and so we're going to do a demonstration now and I have a volunteer I'm going to call up but we're not going to deal with the sinful responses in this prayer this prayer will simply be a model of how to pray to release trauma is that okay and so don't say okay so we don't need to pray about the sinful responses yes but for right now we're just going to model the prayer to release trauma and so Anna would you come up and this is an huh and she's volunteered very bravely to be a demonstration today and to allow me to pray for her and so Anna I'm just going to ask you just a couple of questions and so people can see some of the traumas that you've experienced and and so it's not going to be a lengthy interview and I'll just ask you if you can describe your traumas and the things that you've gone through and it is that okay and so father we do just want to begin with prayer and I just pray for comfort for aunt I thank you for her courage and for her desperation for healing and Lord we pray in Jesus name that you would make it safe for Anna and for us that you would hold back any higher levels of darkness that would seek to interfere or hinder or thwart your purposes Lord would you rebuke the enemy on our behalf and contend Lord with those things that have contended within all their life Lord we thank you for forbidding retaliation or backlash against us and Lord we thank you Father for just protecting every part of us for making it safe for your daughter Lord come in your fullness we thank you for your gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive them today and we quiet our hearts before you always they come Holy Spirit as the counselor and the Prince of Peace the God of peace the Lord of peace the God whose government of peace is upon your shoulders Lord Jesus Jesus Jesus we love you Lord we love you Lord in Jesus name Amen amen so Anna are you comfortable just sharing with us some of the the traumas that you've experienced yes go ahead I think it all started and this is just something that I had just learned like within the last couple months but it all started from the moment that they found mom and dad's not out there pregnant with me my grandfather my dad's father hated Native Americans and my mother is Cherokee and so I am the first grandchild and one of the things I learned was why I was hated so much by him was that I am I was them these are the words that God gave me okay I am the most hated I am I am the first born child of the most hated woman so so your grandfather hated your mom because she was Native American yeah okay and so with me being the first grandchild I was did not make my grandfather very happy so my mother had picked a name out for me while she was pregnant with with me and and she was going to name me up my grandmother and my grandmother's name was susiana Cherokee Belle and so she was going to name me Ana Cherokee but when I was born she gave me a different name and I didn't know that until last year when I was talking to my mother and she said I have something I have to tell you and that is the name I gave you at birth was not what I intended to give you and so when she said your name was supposed to be an achar key it was like that's right that's you know what my name was supposed to be because I always had a problem with my other name that's really interesting because Ana means grace I know and so you're stepping into some grace yeah so but then my other grandfather molested me when I was 8 and continued to do so until he died so I was like I don't remember how old I was in my 30s maybe um wow that's a long time yeah yeah what was within you Ana that you couldn't say no to that well what were the dynamics was your will traumatized with when Grandpa first did die it was I knew there was something wrong but I couldn't understand what it was and I already knew I had learned very early on that you don't go to anybody about anything you don't talk to mom you don't ask mom to give you a hug or anything like that you know if you're afraid she would always say go away so I learned really early not to talk to my parents about anything so I kept it inside of me and when I tried to talk to mom at 21 when I was 21 she said what did you do to deserve that so you deserve the abuse yes yeah so a lot of shame and the things that I've been teaching about you must have been going through your book going check check check check July the betrayal the rejection the sexual abuse but I think a real key here is you're traumatized will of being forced to do something from 8:00 till 30 and I think there's a generational you know trauma to the will in the Native Americans in the in the Cherokee as well yeah yeah a generational trauma and we talked about that and we know that there's there's such a trauma that is in your very DNA yeah one of the reasons mom didn't name me Ana Cherokee was because my middle name was going to be Cherokee and Grant already hated me so I add to it so you had a grandpa that hated you but a mom and dad that didn't want kids I don't know they had four kids in less than four years but it did I did your dad tell you at one point that he didn't want children yes never wanted children yeah he told me in April his mother was dying and so I took him to Michigan and during that time he said I never wanted to get married or have children and you know and I kind of let that go but then my birthday was Father's Day this year and I wanted to be able to celebrate my birthday and you know Father's Day together and didn't happen and when I called out I you know I wished him happy Father's Day and a little while later I said oh and dad do you not realize that today you've been a father exactly fifty three years and he said I wish I'd never been a father he didn't say thank you he didn't say anything so I you know I never felt like I was wanted anyway you know but so neglect that list of things that a child needs you probably went through that list as well being wanted and welcomed giving a purpose and talking about the father drawing forth the identity from the child that must have been kind of hard to hear yeah this whole thing's been pretty hard to hear I bet yeah that's the bad news there's a good news right and so was there physical abuse was there physical trauma yeah I remember a time when I was a little girl and I must have got in dad's way or something because all I remember was there was a pot-bellied stove in the kitchen and I went flying and I hit the hit the stove that's about all I remember but there was there was other things clear up until I was 16 you know you know being thrown around there's one time my mother I really believe what it killed me if dad had not walked into the room so physical abuse from dad and mom yes so who was the safe person in your family grandpa hated you mom and dad were abusive the other grandpa sexually abused you who was the safe person the only safe person that I found was my grandma that I was named after the she lived in Arkansas and we lived in Michigan so I never got to see her very much so who did you bond to Anna growing up nobody nobody nobody now I never I never learned to never learn to play I mean I would I hated going outside because if I went outside and somebody did something wrong I was the one who's going to get in trouble so oh you were kind of a scapegoat to the one yeah that people blamed how about school was school okay for you I love school I got away from home good good I love school yeah good um as we're talking I just have a sense of your legs do you have trouble with your legs or was there a trauma that was specific to your legs um I have troubles with my legs um I was in a motorcycle accident but that's the only thing I can think of what's the trouble that you have with your legs they hurt all that sometimes I heard all the time yeah it could be remember when I talked about when I went to Alaska and I absorb trauma from the land and it manifested in my legs I'm wondering if if that's the case with you if you're not a burden bear and that you're actually carrying trauma from your people but also from the land never thought about that you're real sensitive Anna oh yeah yeah what's been your protection to keep to protect that sensitivity what do you do to protect yourself I don't get close to people kind of keep them at a distance I've noticed even during the seminar that there's been kind of a wall and I've just been trying gently to to come in but I don't want to force my way into that wall and I was so pleased when you volunteered I was actually surprised because I've seen that wall but you know we talked about this when the pain outweighs the shame when the pain outweighs those old defenses then that's when we get the healing yeah that's kind of where I'm at I'm tired of being living like I own yeah yeah and so you've gone for some ministry and you're seeking your healing and this is another aspect of that and I love you know the anointing it's in a corporate group because they're you know that all of us are rooting for you in an agreement for you and there's such a powerful corporate anointing and so I'm going to believe for miracles for you Anna Anna do you have children I have three and I had one abortion okay I don't talk with my children so not a good relationship with them the middle the middle the second child we have a relationship but it's not the best okay and so that difficulty bonding has manifested with your own children as well yeah okay and we see that generational have you worked through your abortion have you repented have you confessed for that sin yeah and so and I felt like when I ask that question we really didn't interview before you came up here you know you told me a few things but we didn't talk about the abortion but I had a sense that there was another child and then there's still some unresolved trauma in your heart and I think because you're so sensitive and really there's there's something within you that you are like a caregiver you're someone who cares for people and you're really sensitive and this this abortion really traumatize your spirit my husband at that time said we needed to get the abortion because we couldn't afford another child and at that time you could only do it up to three months and I waited I waited and waited wherever changes mine and and it was kind of like either do that or get the crap you doubted you Wow so you had an abusive husband more than one more than one well so the abuse you suffered as a little girl you experienced in marriages yeah well that's sowing and reaping that we've been talking about a bitter expectations of abuse and shame and so your husband threatened or or really bullied you and you felt like you didn't have a choice to say no right have you dealt with the guilt of not fighting for your child there's a lot of pain in there though when I say that huh so that will be part of that trauma that the Lord wants to release from you today let's just listen to the Holy Spirit will begin to pray in a minute but let's just see if the Lord would bring anything else I don't always hide and I didn't realize this until recently but I was always hiding I was always hiding from God you know it was growing up I went to church and I knew who he was that I was raised if you have enough faith and because I didn't have enough faith and then I turned my back on it and got it if you have enough faith what my parents would love me they could eat me oh so when you were a little girl you were told if you had enough faith to believe that anything can happen then it would be better everything would be better and dad mom would stop beating you and the bad things would stop but you were still being beaten and you were still being sexually abused and so you left the church and you left God so I kept hiding well and so the responsibility really was put on the little girl if you do these things then God will protect you and because he wasn't protecting you you don't love me yeah so there's a real trauma with your relationship with God so how did you come to him I mean what happened that you became Christian I was living with my husband now and I had a friend who said it didn't matter that God still loved me didn't matter that I smoked it didn't matter about my past it meant nothing and I thought you know God if you really want me back then I'm throwing everything away I learned the good the bad and the ugly and I think what really did it was that I was raped by a supposed friend and and I said god I can't do this anymore you know I have tried to commit suicide in that never worked and I think God was my last option I guess you could say and so I had made a decision that I would serve the Lord if that meant I lose I would lose Richard and so I I had told told Richard that I you know we had to end the relationship and everything and well we're here good but it was uh it was kind of like God was the last house on the block mmm a desperate cry but he showed up you spent your last drop of hope did that story really minister to you about the last drop of hope yeah it sounds like that this seminar was kind of just put together for you in a there's like doesn't God love you mm-hmm so you tried to commit suicide you know Anna there's something here and we're going to have a little bit of training about this too but when we try to commit suicide or have thoughts of suicide there's like a turning within our spirit from life toward death and when we change our mind and say no I don't want to die it's not enough just to change our mind we have to reverse those decisions that we've made those commands that we've given our body to die many times our body is just complying with the commands that we've given it to die we've changed our mind but our body is still down that road or that path of death and there's been a shadow of turning within us so our destiny and purposes here and we could be going in a whole other direction and so before we pray this prayer I'm just going to ask you do you repent for your thoughts of suicide your attempts of suicide yes yeah and II renounce any death wish or thought of suicide I renounce at all and to you do you break the command that you have given your body to die yes okay and so I'm going to ask you to speak to your body to your soul into your spirit and say live huh can I lead you in a prayer yeah so Heavenly Father Heavenly Father you are the way the truth and the life you are the way the truth and the life and I've turned from you and I've turned from you deliberately and often deliberately and often and I repent and I repent and I have chosen death and I have chosen death above life above life I've come into agreement with your enemy I have come into agreement with your enemy and so I come out of agreement now so I come out of agreement now and I break the power of death over me and I break the power over death over me and I embrace life and I embrace life and I break the command that I gave my body and I break the command that I gave my body to die to die and I speak to my body soul and spirit and I speak to my body soul and spirit and I say live and I say live and embrace life and embrace life and Holy Spirit would you reach within me and Holy Spirit will you reach within me and turn my spirit back toward life and turn my spirit back toward life toward my identity toward my identity and my destiny and my destiny in Jesus name in Jesus name yeah and so Anna I just have a couple of other questions did you physically abuse your children and so again well we hated we become okay and in just another question um I asked you about school and you really brightened up and his school was a good place and I could be totally wrong here but I feel like something happened in school or something was spoken over you that has to do with your intelligence and I don't know if someone was angry at you and told you that you were stupid or that you would never be able to amount to anything I don't know but there's something I just see it almost literally right here and the Lord wants to take it off does it make sense to you at all I am when I graduated high school my parents were upset because I didn't graduate valedictorian even though I graduated with honors so anytime I got a B or C I was in big-time oh so I mean I could do all A's but there's times I didn't want to so did you rebuild probably okay yeah that might be something have you repented for that uh never thought about it would you like to sure rebellion actually is an agreement with death as well hmm didn't know that either so lord I repent Lord I repent for my rebellion for my rebellion against my parents against my parents and my dishonor and my dishonor in Jesus name in Jesus name yeah and the Lord is going to be releasing intelligence you're very intelligent I just have a sense that you're very intelligent but there's so much more in there that he's going to release there really is a spirit of excellence over you Anna it's really good so let's just listen quickly to the Holy Spirit Lord is there anything else that you want to bring up before we pray we just say come Holy Spirit when we were talking earlier and I said you know I just realized the you know I know I was sexually abused by my grandfather but I didn't realize by my mother I mean I didn't understand that when mom would come a home with a play girls and she would say okay you can go into the bedroom and look at him I didn't realize that was sexual abuse nobody ever explained that to me and I may have been like I don't think I was a teenager yeah okay yeah so exposing you the images that were traumatic for your spirit but let me just ask your heart a question how do you feel about you about your femininity about your beauty about your desirability how do you feel about that I'm glad I'm a woman and not a man but I don't I have a problem with the others the rest of it okay have you embraced your femininity I never thought about it you don't think about it you just you just are yeah that's true no God created me a woman and that's all I know yeah yeah so probably not probably not yeah and that okay that's good that's something that the Lord wants to really bring forth in you as well that tenderness and the femininity and all of those things you know it probably wasn't real safe growing up to be tender and soft and frilly and and feminine right not even not even yeah not even yeah okay let's just listen one more time Lord is there anything else I don't think so okay good and so again what I'd like to do with your with your permission it can't touch you okay and so what I like to do is to put one hand here and one hand here and again the amygdala are way down into the brain but I just like to pray for that fear center of the brain and also for the prefrontal cortex and those impulse control centers of the brain and just to begin by praying there and so Holy Spirit we just say come father we just are so thankful for all that you've done for bringing Anna into this place this woman of grace Lord in and we just learned our heart goes out to her in compassion Lord for the things that she's gone through from the very beginning of her life even in the womb and so father we just thank you for coming as the Prince of Peace as the God of peace as the Lord of peace and we ask that you would bring that shalom peace to end his heart today nothing broken nothing missing and we pray father that you would come and that you would remove the shock and the trauma and the fear and the terror that anna has experienced Lord that you would draw the trauma from every cell of her body Lord she shared her story and I'm sure there's much more the Lord were thankful that you got or a God you are able to do this what might seem overwhelming to us Lord is not hard for you nothing is too difficult for you Lord and so father we pray that you would bless in a and Lord as her brothers and sisters we bless that time of conception when that egg and a sperm came to be it came together and Anna came to be Lord we just declare into her spirit that she is welcome that she is wanted that there is a destiny that there is a plan there's a purpose for her that there is a future and there is a hope Lord in the name of Jesus we just are grateful for Ana for her very being Lord we bless her and Lord we pray that you would remove all trauma from that in utero time from those times Lord where she perceived and picked up Lord the conflict the the struggle with mom the fears of her mother the pain and the rejection of of knowing in her spirit that she was not wanted or welcomed father in the name of Jesus we pray that you would pour in your peace into the very wept and weave of our sister and Lord I pray in Jesus name that you would remove all trauma from her DNA father those years and generations of trauma and prejudice and heartache and sorrow Lord that you would restore her whole DNA structure her genes Lord the chemicals of her body just restore everything to their rightful design in the name of Jesus father that you would go to the fear centers of her brain even right now and father all of those alarms that have been ringing for so long I pray that you would just put your hand upon those alarms and father that you would bring her peace lift her out Lord and from that place of captivity and I feel like Ana that there's been a place of captivity that you've been actually been captive in fear and the Lord is rescuing you out of that place even right now and lord I pray that you would just give her great discernment to know when there's danger to know when there's fear but Lord in the meantime she can rest in Anna there's just a almost a hopelessness and a helplessness that settled on you when you were younger and there's enough spunk in you or strength of spirit that you have resisted that hopelessness but at times it almost overwhelms you is that right like it almost knocks you out and I just want to take authority it's like this very strong demonic presence that's behind you and I take authority over that hopelessness in the name of Jesus I break the power of that thing by the name of Jesus by the blood of Jesus I declare the power of it broken and that this thing is bound distributive its power and sent to Jesus Jesus would you deal with it in the name of Jesus and where helplessness and hopelessness have been Lord we pray that you would pour in your courage and your strength and just that desire again to live and to prosper father in the name of Jesus we pray that you would bless her birth and let her in that place where she missed that welcome and that sparkle in a mother's eye a father's eye Lord I pray that you would be there in that place in that time in the kingdom of Anna's heart and that you would let her know within her heart that you were there that you wanted her that you planned her that you were there and you received her into your arms Lord father that you have never left her that you have never forsaken her so Lord would you brood over the darkness that's within just brood over any chaos that's within any sadness it's there any depression that remains any residue father of hopelessness helplessness that has come generationally that has come in her own life father in the name of Jesus just lift that from her now and I just just see this big black cloud just being lifted from you Anna and the light of Christ just permeating that darkness and father the traumas that she has experienced particularly the rejection from a father rejection of a mother Lord it's like there was never that opportunity to have her song blessed recognized and called forth and Anna I just feel like there's this amazing song within you I just feel it I feel you know when I shared about feeling that that discordance within that woman but within you there's a gorgeous there's a song that God has just been really wanting to release and so I bless you in a woman of grace I bless you and call forth that song that God has put within you I bless you I bless your sensitivity I bless that compassion that you carry within you I bless that warrior spirit that you carry and I just I just asked that the Lord would increase increase all that he's put within you and I call it forward in Jesus name I call you forward you know and it's almost like there's a part of you that wasn't born if that makes sense it sounds a little weird but like there was what do you feel in your spirit that there was a hesitation of coming forward into life yeah and so I just want to speak to your spirit and I just want to call you forth into life to call your spirit to attention and say oh there's so much for you you are welcome you are wanted you are just the person that God wanted just the person that he needed there are works that are created for you to do and you haven't missed the boat I don't know if you felt that but that you're too old well the Lord is saying no you're not you haven't missed it there's so much ahead of you and these next years ahead of you will be far greater than the ones before and so father I pray in Jesus name that you would remove the trauma from our very identity from a very core and Lord where that rejection has been like this huge blow to her and affected her frequency affected the vibration Lord would you bring her back into tune would you just fine tune or even now Lord and cause everything within her to resonate with your song with that song of love and joy that you're singing over her Lord we pray specifically that you would remove the trauma of those growing up here Lord that you would remove the trauma from her will all of those years Lord when things were done to her that she didn't want the all of those years that things were done to her Lord against her will and even that generational trauma to the will Lord we pray that you would remove the trauma draw it to the cross and that you would strengthen her will strengthen her Center her core of who she is in Jesus name and father where that rejection has been where the broken will has been Lord I pray that you would just fill her up with a sense of knowledge of understanding of who she is in you father I pray for the skin that you would remove the trauma of the sexual abuse the physical abuse in the name of Jesus the trauma of abandonment the trauma of rejection the trauma of betrayal of having a grandfather sexually abuse her of having a mother that didn't defend God all of those years of betrayal I pray in Jesus name that you would remove that trauma from her the trauma of betrayal from her husband's in Jesus name the abuse the shame lord I pray that you would lift the shame from Anna just well in all those ways has been wrapped around her Lord would you just lift it take it to the cross Lord and restore the honor and dignity that is her rightful portion Lord I even removed the trauma from her name and the shame from her name and lord I pray that you would bless Anna Cherokee and restore the glory that is in that name and the honor that's in that name Lord would you remove again that generational trauma that her people have carried the generational shame the generational hopelessness and helplessness in the name of Jesus just lift the trauma in the name of Jesus and again Lord restore and fill with your peace Lord I pray that you would remove the then Anna has carried lord she's repented and confessed of the sin but I pray that you would remove the trauma Lord of the abortion and in the way a truant it traumatized her spirit Lord she was created to protect and to defend to comfort in to nurture and she went against her own nature through fear and so Lord would you remove the trauma from her heart from her spirit from her soul from her physical body in Jesus name we ask that you would remove the trauma from the physical accidents in Jesus name and Lord I specifically pray that you would remove all trauma that Anna has carried within her body from walking on the ground from the environment from the people around her Lord that you would just draw the trauma and the fear and the shock and the alarm and the shame draw to the cross Lord and fill her up particularly Lord we ask for your healing in the legs that you would remove the trauma of the attempts of suicide and father I just and I didn't ask you this question did you did you struggle with addictions so father we pray that you would remove the self-induced trauma through the chemicals and and the the ways that she is self-harmed father in Jesus name I ask that you would remove that trauma and Anna I just speak to the cells of your body and I say forget the benefit of the addiction quote/unquote I'm putting that in inverted commas to forget the benefit of the addiction in Jesus name and father I pray that you would fill Anna up from the top of her head to the soles of her feet in every area where she's had the trauma of unmet need all of those things that she so desperately needed but did not receive pour into her now and God caused her to overflow I pray for the joy center of the brain all of those areas of her brain that haven't yet been connected back to joy Father I pray for new connections I pray father for new pathways I pray Lord that you would heal the literal organ of the brain and that you would increase her capacity to receive joy increase her capacity to receive love and increase her increase her capacity to give them away in the name of Jesus and lord I just pray particularly for the amygdala and for all of those perceptions that she has carried within her brain perceptions about Authority about what it means to be feminine about safety about life about you God and father I just pray in Jesus name that you would heal and that you would draw to the cross all of those bitter expectations all of those perceptions that are not accurate that you would heal the amygdala the hippocampus Lord the prefrontal cortex that you would just strengthen her ability to have rational control over her emotions that you would strengthen the neurons Lord and just allow her brain and her entire body to function as you have designed her Lord we just speak to the Adrenaline's and all of the the hormones and chemicals in the body Lord that you would just bring her into proper balance and into into health that you would draw out all the toxins that have settled in her body in Jesus name we just say come Holy Spirit and again restore her to her original design and Lord I just want to bless that intelligence and I just pray that you would remove the trauma from never being good enough from never meeting the expectations Lord removed that trauma draw it to your cross and bring peace to your daughter and I call forth that intelligence that you've placed within her in Jesus name and again lord I pray that you would remove the trauma and I bless your femininity in all those ways that your femininity was not blessed and in many ways through the pornography and through the sexual abuse the femininity was in many ways cursed or not called forward and again as your sister in Christ I call forth that femininity and that beauty that is you and I call forth all that you carry inside of you that you've been afraid to let out and as you learn how to walk through life without that defense of the walls and keeping people away I bless you with relationships I bless you with places where you your gifts will be acknowledged and blessed I bless your body I bless your soul I bless your spirit I bless you with opportunities to know the goodness of God and the goodness of people I call forth that beauty there's just such an incredible beauty within you and I call that for in Jesus name it's quite a combination that wore your spirit and the beauty but it's it's very christ-like and can you put your hand on your heart and Lord this this young woman has been traumatized her heart has been broken over and over and over again and lord I pray that you would heal her broken heart that you would remove the trauma from the literal organ of the heart the physical organ of the heart but also Lord the heart which is the core of who she is restore her song and let's just wait on the Lord here because I just feel something happening here so Lord just come restore her song heal her heart well are you sensing anything what are you feeling Oh peas peas so that's good that's really good that's we're asking for Lord I too I pray that you would remove the trauma of the rape in Jesus name the trauma of the divorce divorces the trauma of the broken and strained relationship with children Lord would you restore the relationships and father as Anna has learned this week about the sowing and reaping and how we judge the people who have abused us and we become like what we've judged or we draw people to us who will wound is in the same way Lord there's just cycles in Anna's life that really are sowing and reaping and so lord I pray that you would help her in this process of confession of repentance of recognition and reckoning is Dad those old ways so that these cycles of sowing and reaping will stop and Anna I just feel too that there is an assignment against your generations for trauma and I break that assignment of trauma against you against your generations against your children against your grandchildren and future generations should the Lord tarry in the name of Jesus I break the power of that assignment and I declare to you that that is not the plans and the purposes of God and father I pray that you would bind and cast away every force of darkness that has tried to keep this assignment in place and I prophesy into you Anna the word of the Lord that says that is not my plan for calamity but to give you a future and a hope and so lord I declare the plans and purposes of Almighty God I declare hope where hopelessness has been in the name of Jesus and Anna before we close it's like there's a major trauma right here to your head have an accident or is it a spiritual thing or when you hit that that stove do you know where you hit I think it was in the back in the back of your head I don't not sure I think so maybe yeah it's like I can just feel it and so lord I pray for this area of her of her head that you would remove the trauma in the name of Jesus and Lord even the shock of that like all of a sudden being being just thrown across the room and hitting the stove lord I just pray that you would remove the shock and the alarm and the fear and the terror and that you would remove father every every traumatic memory of having to walk on eggshells and never knowing what she could say what she couldn't say what she could what she could do or couldn't do and lord I just pray for peace in every cell every muscle every ligament every tendon in every tissue and father that any organ of her body where trauma has settled I pray that you would remove the trauma that you would remove the fear and that you again would restore those organs to their rightful design the heart-lung and chest area and Lord any damage that was done through the chemical abuse I pray Lord that you would heal her and I just speak to the cells of her body to be whole to be healed in the name of Jesus come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit is there anything else Lord that you want to do that you want to say to Anna come Holy Spirit get ready Oh get ready I love it I love it yeah that's good I heard the Lord said ah this is my girl and so Lord we ask that you seal the work that you've done and Lord again as all the trauma is drawn to the cross that there would be no residue that your peace that passes all understanding would be upon her heart or mind or spirit or soul and Lord indeed that you would Lord just prepare her for what's to come to get ready to get ready to get ready to get ready this is your girl and you love her and so Lord we bless her in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: ElijahHouseUSA
Views: 58,396
Rating: 4.808547 out of 5
Keywords: Inner Healing, Healing Trauma, Prayer for Healing, Sandra Sellmer-Kersten
Id: x-uqtQQmYOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 48sec (4188 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2013
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