Trash Picking in RICH Neighborhood! - Ep. 224

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all righty welcome back everyone a salsa is ready for another day another beautiful day she's starting to cry because she saw when they moved there was someone getting mail early in the morning good old salsa everyone likes thank you here and everyone likes to see you in 2020 Sasa girl but today is trash picking day another fun day should be a good one it has been raining all night so maybe things are kind of wet but we're still going out trash picking hopefully it's going to be a fun adventure we'll try to find some things and make it a fun day let's do it grab this vacuum cleaner this one's really clean good just because it's wet but them not like chlorine in the trashcan might symbolize that it does work so I tested out one that's where I suffered my massive finger injury a while back that's the whole pile up yourself it's over here [Music] portable air conditioner we're making a clip off that piece all right take this off too hey don't you won't believe what we just found over in January so whenever I do get new VIN I'm like to get a panel and I put like a bin tied up there and that new van might be coming a lot sooner than I thought [Music] a whole bunch of toolboxes out here who just wants a snap on [Music] it's empty wood boxes did see something very donated jumpers this one ice tape on it so my super-bright no-good just empty boxes that's umbrella but I get yelled at when I take those sheets premium insulated one wire this is BX BX wire over there it's not much but just more bxy err I'm not taking those gas cans there's one has tape all over it and the other one it also has tape on it so probably right broken or damaged in a way hey look another Christmas tree so I actually have seen quite a few this morning that Sun is not coming out this might just be like a big blurry video unfortunately but that's just how it goes how the ball roll was how the mountain falls out a cookie crumble something like that so it's a lot of alleyways in this town also but so far our decent day we found our best friend the grill got some items there there's another Christmas tree so yep there's another Christmas tree they're everywhere today fortunately the boxes have kind of slowed down I found my two or three paws where it's just a ton of boxes but not like last week that was a little bit too much for me it's a huge sensory overload at times but hang a left here go ahead to the other side of town hopefully I paint piles there see how this goes this is one of the piles there's the one that had the futon last week where I got honked at and it kind of got me upset and the reason why I got upset is because my person pulled on to this I don't know alleyway just to take a short cut these are shot will anyone buy I don't think so they are Nikes they are roached spare Technic parts I didn't see a label box but it's not lagers there's been clipped I don't think this is worth a thing sometimes I don't take those and I get a lot comments saying that there's sometimes worth money so I'll grab it it's just worth a thing probably not run it quite the power growing of those I think that's it oh so it's underneath this box if there's nothing in here nothing [Music] take this too that's nice but water and pressboard don't mix together that's a shame that's a shame it's kind of got a mid-century vibe to it just rubber crab with this this thing still has all the glass in it it's a display case it's missing missing glass on one side I think it's somebody can use it pack your manpower taco gonna pack your ran better I'm also probably wearing the wrong clothes I should be wearing my disgusting dirty clothes I saw a bunch of those containers you guys might remember the three-tiered containers I was looking for for awhile I found that one knows I think there's like a black one now they had four tiers there are a bunch on the other side this Toyota however I'm practically I actually have to get rid of mine because I think mine was used to store some sort of food or medicine or candles and smells like really really awful you look for shelving I like that that's a little homey I like it this is actually the shelving I had kind of like in my house oh geez when I was growing up very lightweight this kind of shelving would not really work in the warehouse it's not industrial-strength and because these columns so today has been pretty eventful we found a bunch of stuff so farm very happy that we're back into the swing of things speaking of swing boy swing to the left here there I wanted to go down these alleyways hopefully they haven't been kicked over I just saw the garbage truck on the main road I don't know if it's recycling truck they didn't have anything up pile of boxes and stuff that guy threw me for a loop they used to have decoration all over their garage and I said Waze is the right road but silly me it's no longer the holiday season so of course people take down their decorations television down that road got up here on the right nothing pile of clutter person can't tell these old DHS's can't tell these are old made in Taiwan so they might be a little older that's all I saw there this is like a saw or some sort of like a central machine a squirrel saw yep I don't know I think it's skull skull the skull skull saw it's a scroll saw that's gonna scroll saw a it's a made in China jobber I think we have some keepers here butcher block this is a nice stand they're playing up here because this kind gonna be my keep pile up here I'm laying back to hear from someone they need that rack there's a shelf this is also keep earnest as a keeper Costco cart so an advertisement fish itself so on advertisement for this with a little piece of paper I think they're like five or six bucks back in the day it's really cheap three bucks maybe he's absolutely [Music] all righty a bunch of stuff feel like we really packed the van today we'll have good finds like something like this I don't think it works it wasn't a trash jumper cables maybe I can test them Oh see we have a snap-on case this thing is empty a wooden box wooden boxes always sell it was kind of kind of unsure about picking up this I don't know I saw this screw in there and it just looked below well cheaply made I don't know why even though that's the screw you need to put into your wall but yeah there's a fun day or two what uh what else we probably grabbed me grab a bunch of stuff oh that tire looks blue and it's just the way I worked that's right just got inspected I don't think it's actually well but we got a Costco cart we got that shelf kind of rack thing over there this is probably my favorite to find this is I think a plant stand flower stand most likely a plant stand and I think this would definitely sell so that's something I know is definitely not getting scrapped either is this Costco cart these things sell really really quickly as well I think that will sell but these these and the plant stands are big big fans at the flea market that's for sure and they don't really take up too much space I can also put stuff on this that shelf Emily actually saved for the other person so that's not buy gets scrapped and I'll drop that off when I go trash picking the next day and yeah so when I was and what I was trying to say about this was with these side columns these posts it makes it very very hard to like fit things on this so if you think about if you have a whole wall of these kind of shelves it's not like the same kind of shelves you might see it let's say Home Depot which has the wood on it where these columns are very very spaced out apart if they were spaced out apart I would definitely grab them but you're just very very limited on what you can put on that I also have one myself I think I had the plastic one and it really does not help I'm actually thinking about throwing it away that shelf it's costing me more space in the warehouse and doing me good because it's so small just you can't put anything on it so shelving and stuff like that I'll just have to come across one off and feel very ambitious I guess you can say to kind of take it apart and then put it back together and haul it back home haul it back to the warehouse one day so we'll see with that but a lot of good finds butcher-block nice display case and stuff like that you guys enjoyed the video smack the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts if you guys want to share the video or shared channel with your friends on Facebook Twitter Instagram wherever that'd be awesome as well really trying to help grow the taco stacks community is awesome and I greatly appreciate all the support guys and girls so thanks for coming along catch up guys next time and as always have a great day keep living a dream hoose [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 57,359
Rating: 4.9367671 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking In Rich Neighborhood, Trash Picking Rich Neighborhood, Garbage Picking Rich Neighborhood, Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Day, Found in Trash, Found in Garbage, Scrap metal, Scrapping, Junking, Scrap Metal Pick UP, Garbage Truck, Found money, found gold, found treasure, treasure hunting, scrap pallet man, taco stacks trash, scrap metal money, steve and steph dumpster, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster dive haul
Id: -9ReKsc7Sl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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