The Backrooms (2023) | Full Horror Movie

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strawberry Squad welcome to Strawberry members before the movie starts I just want to say a big thank you to each and every one of you for becoming astrology member as more of you joined the movies are only going to get better and better 2023 is going to be filled with action-packed members only content only members are going to be able to access the best of the best astrology videos so once again thank you from me and enjoy the movie [Music] the back rooms is an online urban legend and Creepypasta which originated in 2019. if you're not careful and you know clip out of reality in the wrong areas you'll end up in the back rooms where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet The Madness of mono yellow the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum buzz and approximately 600 million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in have mercy on your soul if you hear something wandering nearby because it sure as hell heard you foreign [Music] Squad we are going to be one of the first YouTubers to venture off in search of the back rooms and you guys are coming along for the entire Journey you people have actually fell into the back room and lived to tell the tale there's basically this place a forest about an hour away from here where there has been a lot of recent missing person reports people going missing unexplainably the police have been looking into it and they've got nothing there's no explanation on as to where these people went no trace of them can be found and many locals around the forest have been claiming that they fell into the back rooms A lot of people are saying that there's an entrance to the back rooms in this forest and so I thought we would venture there today bring the camera record everything and find out for ourselves okay guys so strawberry Squad this is supposedly the real raw footage of somebody who actually fell into the back rooms and check it out look how yellow it is there's something about these liminal spaces like this that creep me out like and look at this yeah bro this is not scary bro it's just oh empty room it's more of like a psychological torture see that is that all scary so apparently there's things that linger in the back rooms why are we choosing to do this on purpose like we're going there on purpose that's supposedly the bacteria monster apparently there's this like bacteria that runs in the background yeah and then nobody knows what happened to him dude imagine being in an endless Maze of office space That Never Ends you're by yourself no human contact for years you start to go crazy by just the sound of the fluorescent buzzing lights nobody knows what to expect in there but without further Ado guys let's get this movie started let's go to the truck let's go let's go [Music] all right strawberry Squad and we just arrived through the forest I was talking about the location where the locals have been saying people have been going missing guys you can see there's nobody else here and nobody wants to risk going into this Forest right now all the recent reports but you guys know here on this channel we dive into the unknown we got a bunch of supplies with us food water just in case we actually do get trapped in the back rooms we'll be able to survive off that I don't know what to expect when we're in there but one thing's for sure is there's no telling where the entrances to the back rooms are it could come in the form of a portal or it could be a hole that you fall through it could be a cave there are so many different ways that you could fall into the back room so when we're in there we have to watch our step okay all right let's go [Music] um all right strawberry Squad we are walking into the unknown look there's a bunch of footsteps all over the ground clearly other people have been here recently now the question is have these footsteps return because I'm not seeing a lot of footsteps going back towards the exit which is kind of creepy strawberry Squad if you guys are ready for this adventure drop a like hit that subscribe button it's about to be insane yes I don't know what to expect heading into this Forest we don't even know what to look for and we don't even know if the back rooms really does exist but all we know is that based on the Creepypastas the Wikipedia backrooms is a glitch in reality apparently all of this the life you and I know is a simulation we're living in this simulated reality controlled by these entities that live in the back rooms in the back rooms they're supposed to be this room that everyone looks for the control room which basically has all the control buttons that puppet the way everything works in our reality so guys look for anything that stands out anything weird that hatches your eye guys there's pictures on on Google of like literal glitches in reality it looks like this like you guys can see it's like when a video game lags and the pixels aren't aligned up that's what we're looking for yo one of two things could happen in this video we either find the back rooms and we just turn into one of those news stories where a bunch of kids went into a forest and never came back oh my God or we get super famous and viral because we get into the backgrounds and we somehow managed to find a way out I like the second option A Lot hoping for that either way we go viral but I mean we actually do find the back rooms who's gonna be the first one to go missing or screw something up if Mark was here I would have just yeah that guy's as dumb as it gets I really don't want to be doing this right now I've seen pictures online of what they look like and just being there especially alone would be really cool if we do get there we have to make a deal yeah as long as we don't run into that bacteria monster we're fine the back rooms is an unimaginable psychological torture the good thing about this entire situation is if we do find it we have each other we're not alone in there like imagine what that would do to you solitary confinement on steroids yeah that's actually even like yeah you I wouldn't survive more than like three days but David there's nobody I'd rather be trapped in the bathrooms with than you oh so sweet oh guys yeah go look look look look yo we weren't kidding oh snap Brooke do you think it's related to all the people that have gone missing yeah actually dude this place is always open so many Squad look guys they literally closed off the trail and they're blaming it on hazardous winter conditions but we all know what they really closed it off for like I said a lot of people have been going missing in this Forest we're about 20 minutes into the forest there's no stopping now are you guys ready for this yeah bro all right let's go here we go oh who's definitely not be doing that the point in the movie the movie turned for the worst [Music] [Music] [Music] no what is that guys don't move Jesus Christ what the hell is that there's like shaking and you hear that sound sounds like a mechanic we'll go into a tree guys shaking bro just wait for it to pass I don't know what the hell that was I don't like this oh wait guys guys I remember reading something on the Wikipedia about people that go trying to hunt for the backgrounds they end up hearing like mechanical sounds from The Maze shifting do you think we're getting closer to the entrance I don't know it only makes sense right that means the bathrooms could be like right underneath us right now and we just need to find the entrance I mean where else was that mechanical sound coming from I mean somebody Squad we're like 30 minutes into a force there's nothing but trees for miles around us there's no factories or anything it doesn't make sense strawberry Squad that was super creepy backrooms consists of a huge Maze and every so often the unknown guys that control it shift the maze around to confuse and disorient people all right let's keep going let's keep going where's that coming from sounds like gears are moving yeah yeah like shifting under the ground the heck and it's getting louder as we move forward into the forest this is making zero sense yeah strawberry Squad that's coming from underground what yeah you can hear it there guys it sounds like it's coming from down there yeah it does yo watch your step it's super icy right here if you slip and fall like that's the end of you yo bro I'm freezing here here you want my jacket please here yeah guys the temperatures here are insanely cold guys hopefully the back rooms has heating yo guys watch your step right here you do not want to fall down there oh yo guys look what no there's a ladder right there so I'm just going look at this there's a ladder down there that's a good sign because why else would people need to go down there maybe that's the ladder people are using to get in and out of the back room or maybe even the people that control the entire thing it could be bait but I guess it's our only lead yo look at that yo I don't know about you guys but I do not think it's a good idea to go down there but we already made it this far let's just do it holy crap strawberry Squad look at this yo that's where the mechanical sounds were coming from I mean why else would there be a ladder here guys somebody must be using this to get in and out only it makes sense because it's really slippery be careful what is it what the hell is that oh wait what is that like oh look there's like a flashlight somebody's been down here hello hello anyone there what's that there's something yellow what is that hello hello should we go down there I don't know what do you guys see it it looks like no it's one of those hazmat suits from the guys that are in the back room wait there's guys let's go look all right you guys see it [Music] I don't know I don't have a good feeling okay this is the outfit of one of the guys that go in and out of the Place Google Images let's just check it out we're already here bro I'm not gonna get a good five here I think we should just uh turn back head back to the car let's get the hell out of here yeah with them dude let's just go that's not worth it yeah let's just check it out we're right here maybe whoever this belongs to they have their ID inside of the Hazmat suit we can check to see who it is maybe it's one of the missions there's an article yeah yeah yo guys once again Watch Your Step remember what that article said it says you can no clip out of reality are we right now yo look they left their flashlight this must have been recently because it's still on yeah the battery is still like pretty good yeah that's not seeing the gas mask yo an entrance to the back rooms has got to be here somewhere can you just go back please I'm really not liking this anymore I'm with Yana man like time to go dude all right yeah I said we go back yeah it's not a good idea belong to someone like if something happened to this guy who's to say something can't happen to us literally the suit from the guys that go in and out of the back rooms wait wait wait wait what is that what is it where's it coming from yo what's coming from right here we like this radio he left this radio wait saying something if anybody hear this if you're here turn back the biggest radio is flipping us towards the mission it knows we're here coming here was a big mistake there's no end we're already dead okay yeah yeah we need to go listen listen let's just get the hell out of here now listen to the radio let's go yeah but dude David you were even the one saying like we already came this far dude we should just try to at least find the entrance and then we can report that to the authorities to prevent more people from going missing you know what I'm saying Kyle that was before or radio literally told us to turn around I'm gonna listen to the radio let's go come on guys let's go let's go wait wait wait wait stay right there stay right there I'm just gonna look quickly foreign yo guys yo there's something over here yo guys quick quick there's something under the snow here wait hold on what the hell strawberry Squad I'm hearing something under there it's like a it's like a wood creaking yo guys there's something under the snow here you feel that yo Diego Arjun yo there's something here maybe this is the entrance maybe this is like where they've been getting in and out of the bathrooms from what the hell oh it's like it's like it's like creaking there's something underneath let's just try and move the snow and see what's under it yeah okay ready guys move it let's go you're taking it away yeah just be careful though because if it's weak yeah hold on bro I just need a dude I don't think you should jump I don't think she's jumping we should just take off the snow no let's just try and get through it just be careful dude because we don't want to end up falling oh cool yo you guys good guys yo over here strawberry Squad yo I think we found it found it this is the background this has to be yeah this has to be yeah where the hell did we just fall where do we fall through right there we fell through that what the heck oh my God yo look it closed for Miles what what somebody Squad I think we just found it we landed in the back rooms I cannot believe this is it look this looks exactly like the pictures this is exactly what the heck guys look if we're really in the back rooms there's bacteria that grows in this place that can get you incredibly sick most would say our first priority is water and food but I would argue it's that we find ourselves some gas masks sick and and it spreads then nobody's surviving where do we find hazmat suits first we gotta get out of here hold on let me try the door it's locked dude oh hello hello hello can anyone hear us hello it goes for Miles dude I can't even see the daylight there's zero chance so well we're just stuck in this room dude we're not just stuck in this room all right the back rooms is more than just the room it's an infinite sequence of runes that never end if we really just landed in the back rooms We're Never Getting Out strawberry Squad if you've watched the back rooms on YouTube anyone who goes seeking the back rooms should know that once they find it they are never getting out so the best we can do is learn to adapt to our new world I mean guys we are going to be here forever forever what the hell oh my God unless you hear the fluorescent buzzing lights that's the buzzing light sound that you heard in the found footage after literally weeks and weeks of searching we've actually found it listen guys I'm not just gonna give up okay our main priority in here should be to get the footage proof that this place exists and I know nobody's ever found their way out but we can be the first there has to be a whale we can't even get out of this room what are you doing in the show she has a point yeah exactly how are we gonna get out of the entire back room bro dude there's like no daylight either that means we must have fell super deep like miles down miles down okay yo first priority how how can we get out of here hold on let me try to break it down okay ready ready okay go it's really solid try again one more no it's no use it's way too strong dude it's like reinforced steel oh my God okay strawberry Squad guys we are just as scared as you right now I mean I don't even know if they're ever gonna be able to watch this footage how we can upload it wait guys wait wait I think I got it I remember um there's another YouTuber his name is height Mike I remember watching his video and seeing the tactic he used to get out of the room I brought some rope with me every rope gonna help us in the situation exactly listen we can use this rope lift up that tile and throw it up and over to the other side if we make a loop then maybe we can pull up that side of the handle you know and unlock the door try that okay here's their only chance right now wait you need to get on a chair or something here David hold the chair hold the chair crap strawberry Squad this is intense right now hopefully we can get out of here and you got it okay come on bring it down bring it down here you're making a perfect Loop okay strawberry Squad hopefully this works because other than this I mean I gotta be honest I got nothing okay I made the loop right there yeah here we go you get it okay that worked that word okay here wait yo it's going it's going yeah okay um more to the left okay no no no my left all right all right okay uh lower down okay and right there okay got it and pull up okay actually okay you know what's out there we don't know who else is here we can run into other survivors that want to steal our resources I can't believe this rope actually worked that was genius yeah that was perfect stay close guys the back rooms is no place for the week all right I need you need you an alert and let us know if you notice hugging us from Vermont I mean there's no way it's that easy that's the video oh okay sorry and as always base let's not act like we didn't already expect that I thought we were gonna be holding three leg rooms is known for its tricks dead ends and mazes all right you know what forget it let's just go okay bro stay put bro we don't even know what's past that door last thing you want to do dude what is it the bacteria monster you're kidding right now you're a monster okay being serious all right it's this crazy bacteria like monster that hunts anyone in the back rooms and the number one rule they tell everyone is whatever you do do not stay in one spot that's how it'll find you we need to keep moving okay that's the only way we'll survive let's go let's go you know your choice what strawberry Squad Take a beak in there that's not what you see it's just endless all week okay guys we need to start mapping like I wish I had like a pen and paper on me because we can easily get lost in here okay there's that must go to another level strawberries want the back rooms is famous for multiple levels throughout the infinite void the levels have no purpose because they don't go anywhere but you can tell you're on a different level because things start to really change and look different nobody knows exactly how many levels there are in the backgrounds because nobody's ever lived to Telltale it's just a huge mace something about that is giving me an eerie Vibe I seem to go this way actually yeah everyone's staying close staying close yeah Walter six okay okay sounds good I got you we don't want anything sneaking up on us what I don't even know where I'm going right now guys we need something to be able to track our footsteps to know where we came from so we can get back strongly Squad I'm just as confused as you guys right now I cannot believe we actually found the real back rooms look for anything that we can use I have a feeling we're gonna be in here for a while so gather supplies all right so uh strawberry Squad we just came from okay we came from this room right then there was a hallway we went around a Bend there was a stairs right here and then we went around this way right and now we're in this huge empty room with a bunch of offices you want to keep mapping our footsteps so we know how to get back the last thing we want is to be disoriented okay thing is I only brought limited amount of food and water and that's only going to get us so far but then how do other people in the back room survive for so long like I've heard of people surviving for months on end in here there's got to be resources that we can find in here yeah there's gonna be food and water somewhere but yo there's water right here that's perfect oh oh perfect that's perfect drink what you can because the back rooms randomly generates different rooms and I'm sure we'll be able to find more of these okay perfect two ways to go which way should we go I mean there really is no right way everywhere leads to nowhere yo guys it's a kitchen this is good news this is good news search for supplies everyone try to find water and water granola bars anything we can take with us we don't know the next time we're gonna run into a kitchen like this yo strawberry Squad this is good news we just found a kitchen the back rooms is a randomized sequence of rooms that are randomly assembled together pigeons could have all sorts of supplies that could Keep Us Alive in here you'll know the next time we're gonna run into one so guys make it count Make It Count start searching yourself two hours yo guys wait what's that place over there it's got to be an accident towards that is you guys smell that there's like paper in the air yeah yeah yeah yeah astronomy Squad I don't know if you can see that there's like a weird kind of mess slash fog in the air you know I I not feel good because if it groom gives me a really eerie Vibe it really feels like we're just not supposed to be here right now I mean we're not okay let's keep moving no guys there's a door right there you're not fit hopefully it's open though oh it's open it's another hallway come on it's generating offices you could really really start to go crazy in this place like let's be grateful that we at least have each other like I can only imagine if you were in here by yourself you would literally start to lose your mind it looks like gloves from the Hazmat suit guys we see on the Google Images the found footage take what you need and let's keep moving go go go you guys hear that talking um understand I've seen this in the found footage moments where people start hearing like a crowd talking it's the back rooms messing with you this whole place is like a psychological torture dude but this could be your only chance to get out no no the background's just playing games with you it sounds like they're getting closer okay it doesn't really exist it's all in your head it's all in your mind do we know if it's survivors or the backgrounds just messing with us I don't know there's only one way to find out let's go this is not good it's really close we're hearing like a crowd of people talking right now but if you guys have seen the background footage you know it's all a part of the psychological effect I don't know about you guys but I'm not being the first one to go down there guys I found a fire stick to shirt it's not gonna help us it might I mean the bacteria monster apparently this works well as a weapon the guys in the hazmat suits have I don't know let's just keep it for safe deals yeah this is somebody that was trying to map out the backgrounds wait guys maybe we can use it for our advantage but what about my mouth what the heck I don't know show me Squad can you guys read that I mean it looks like it's a map of the building or somebody at least tried to map it this could be another trick I mean yeah how can there possibly be a map of infancy you know what I'm saying exactly and it's always regenerating 40 sweets where are we can anyone read this where are we right now this is odd must mean that somebody's been here recently someone or was this something joke with you oh my God I'm starting to lose my mind in here bro can we turn this thing off man God my ears okay guys let's keep going let's keep going let's keep going oh yo guys it's a staircase yo yo yo I think that takes us to another level there's a ladder we go from the trap it's bait bro it's a lot there's no X in the background this could be our only way out of here bro okay try it try and try it no that probably takes us to another level there's no way out of here dude sorry for being a bit hopeful yeah yeah okay anyways yo should we try going down there I mean up there didn't work so yeah all right let's go here in the freaking found footage that's that's going to be the bacteria monster the holy I guess we need to move right now somebody's going let's go let's go right now let's go come on I don't know which way to go this way look how long that always come on dude what is this please there's so many different options we can either go down we could go on a mirror we could go out there or there wait guys look look it's okay this game this game dude that has to be a trap why would they please shut up it's just a dead end it's a shower okay go back the other way back together hurry hurry hurry hurry guys let's go I don't like that it's really cool [Music] hey guys whatever you do [Music] it sounds like it passed the whole time very good what's the biggest thing I've ever seen in my life is freaking real okay so I'm just going David's claiming to have seen the bacteria monster are you sure I'm positive wrote the way you described it was what I saw it was like the three of us like stacked up it's all broken he was like bulging like it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen guys we need to avoid it let's start this door right here this is going to lead somewhere maybe up to another level or something you just gotta get away from whatever you guys saw that's my suitcase you'll have to come down our way we have to run we have died we don't know if they're friendly I think they might think we're infected because we don't have hazmat suits on it we have the disease the bacteria they're getting a lot closer all clear all right we're gonna take the left here let me just check this area here okay clear let's go up to level two and see what's up beautiful come on come on come on hurry up I think we just found our first Survivor and do we know if we can trust them I don't know okay I'm not gonna go check it out yo there's a flashlight down there too you see it I don't know what that is what I'm gonna give you guys think do you think we should go y'all might go alone and go with the group you know what I mean yeah yeah good idea I hope Diego you're good yeah see anything nope there's literally a light on in that then there's got to be somebody in there guys let's check this out you're not here what's up guys you might be infected is there anyone else how'd you get together on your own hey what we're doing all right let's get this guy quarantined with us should we go should we go I mean there's too many of them [Music] we just loved you oh again strawberry school we just lost [Music] it's like it's the close of a of a Survivor I mean not a survivor anymore I guess a victim there's only one thing that could have ripped up somebody's calls like that a bunch of blood on there on there and always kind of approaching the dent right now this looks like it was set up by somebody who's been living in the back rooms for months or years probably a bunch of stuff yo John look this light's still on whoever was in this tent they were here not long ago you guys just stay outside okay watch out keep watching keep watching oh my God look at all this stuff noodles are still soft that means that it's recently made it smells good guys there's literally spaghetti in here we need this okay hold on here David David stop filming Instagram selfies I'm trying to get service come on David oh first day again yeah spaghetti dude yeah let's go chips in here oh perfect perfect look there's another one in here too water is the most important guys thank God we need to save it look it looks like the clothes of whoever was living here and that's his hat right there oh my God guys I think what happened is the bacteria monster got to him oh my God look at this look at this suit guys this is insane insane this all belonged to somebody I was living in the back rooms let's see we have some good advice that we can use in the background says if do yourself a favor and find the easiest way to end it all end it all ended you're breathing keep reading sooner or later the bacteria will find you it's hunting you as we speak the back rooms is infinite so there's no telling how far it is but it's coming I've been here for two years sometimes they have food and water but it doesn't matter because you're basically extending the inevitable what does he mean by inevitable I think I'd rather starve to death than become food for that thing the endless buzzing of fluorescent lights will drive you nuts and if not that then how about no human contact you're here alone and There Is No Escape thank you mapped out the bathrooms for us love it says you are here that this x this is the room we're in oh my God it looks huge thank you doesn't even leave them anywhere and this is probably not even the end of it this is just as much as he's discovered I mean it's infinite what they could keep this we can use that matters to navigate should we just camp out here for the night yeah yeah Zombie Squad I think this would be a hippo I'm in some time because because day or night and our phones aren't even working anymore okay guys let's set up campus here for me oh all right strawberry Squad just camping out for the night we've been exploring the back rooms now for hours and found some food some water by whoever was unfortunate enough to become victim to whatever happened here guys we still don't know where Kofi is I'm gonna try to get some rest and then when we wake up our first objective is to try to track down Fine Covey and rescue and yo art need somebody to keep watching we need somebody to keep watch dude you were just sleeping all right hi what like a projector does it work I think yeah it seems like it's on an airplane this is somebody's footage this is probably the guy who was in this dead the Survivor you know where no where's this we didn't explore he mapped out the entire place in his diary he was here for two years remember what the hell is that we saw Jesus freaking crazy that's the bacteria monster he's fighting for me right now also the same noises we heard earlier [Music] I can't watch anymore I can't watch anymore turn this off turn this off dude we have to I think I think this is the safest spot listen this guy said he was here for two years okay chances of somebody finding us after one night are very slim you say so wrong let's just get some shot just one person keep watching and we'll rotate throughout the night right guys [Music] thank you things [Applause] oh my god I've never been more scared my life foreign it's been like two hours probably guys okay strong just go out of here so another day in the back rooms this is day two this guy said he was here for two years guys if he can make it two years we can make it more than two days okay let's not try to get killed today our main mission is to find Diego we gotta get our friend back guys let's just have some of this food in here okay we Journal we can use his mapping in here to navigate this actually tastes amazing I've been eating hours everything tastes something this right here is like the keg of the back rooms I never thought I think birthday is so good oh God is there any butter no dude there's no freaking butter all right peanut butter and jelly what do you want a lobster too David here's Charlie Squad you want some cookies no it sounds like it's coming to trust anything in these backgrounds it's worth a shot though I mean if the back rooms wanted to kill us we'd already be dead all right we might as well play its game it's long there's a combination on there wait yo in the journal there's like random numbers on a random page really yeah do you think it could be the combination lock I mean yeah that makes the most sense try let's try I can go we can use that to get directions I'm gonna read it out try it four seven four seven two six two six eight four nine eight four nine unlock I'll do oh that's crazy crazy whoever wrote that journal he's already been through this way yeah there's an exit over there you guys still hear that phone ringing you hear that no it's another hallway here we go I mean maybe that phone can connect us to somebody that can help us get out of here it could be a trap bro you never know if they mess with us if you do if you have any better ideas the alternatives stay here and just wait to be killed okay let's head north flashlight's on ratings coming from strawberry Squad this could be a trap button nothing close guys it sounds like it's coming from way to right up there on camera oh yeah yeah you can see there's security cameras in there of course oh yeah you can see us right there yo strawberry Squad you see us right there what the heck no how do we get into here this is where the Hazmat suit guys came to storm the storm that's probably their control room there's got to be some sort of command center for the entire backwards that's where the Hazmat suit guides are coming from in here I don't think anyone's ever won here over there somebody's gonna think I found it guys I'll just wait hello let me try dialing 9-1-1 listen to this okay freeze [Music] um you saw them in here on the security camera track everywhere well they just can't figure it kindergarten far let's go clean this room they must be attracted once we find them we got a sacrifice into the bacteria monsters yes I recognize everything they came in here so they must have been on that guy downstairs in the tent yeah we just saw them they came in here I know they're in here yeah but where are they and they couldn't just disappear I mean they don't know how to use the portals yet level 12. okay I don't see anything here not a good spot to be dude come over here I heard some noise over there go check them out come on guys we gotta keep an eye out over here oh all right let's keep looking just a cartoon they must have taken the spot they took the angle away yo we gotta follow them they knew we can follow them back to the way out of this nice don't let them get far don't let them get farther yeah they'll lead us to Diego yeah let's go back all right guys keep your head up keep your eyes open it could be anywhere we have to go okay we literally just got here today how did you find the bathrooms drop down you literally just got here yesterday all right did you come across the bacteria monster no wait what's a bacteria I don't even know anything about it listen there's an insane infection that goes around here if you guys are infected you're putting us all at risk um listen you know you're in the back rooms now there's no getting out of here the only people that get in and out is us we can't risk letting you back into the real world you guys don't have hazmat suits on you could bring in some unwanted diseases but what's the storm in there God's blazing guns blazing what what guns oh I don't know but we need to save our friends so what do we do [Music] get out of here bacteria monster let's go where you guys going you guys are screwed what what the heck are they doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on stop hurry up get down get down get down thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me are you okay where do we go we gotta get out of here guys where should we go let's go this way [Music]
Channel: Stromedy
Views: 1,480,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stromedy, The Backrooms, Stromedy Backrooms, Backrooms Movie
Id: T16Bnml62iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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