Trapped in a Box With My Ex for 12 Hours | Trapped | Cut

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to this day i don't think i've ever like been that in love with anybody so why'd you [ __ ] it up and cheat on me hey hug after you i guess the breakup happened may of 2019 more or less like junior year of our college it was a while ago yeah i like this yeah it's comfy i think there are things that both of us did there was an incident our junior year and so i kind of want to get into that before we start would you like to take decor or no do you think at the end of the 12 hours oof um i i don't think so we could leave potentially maybe starting something new what do you mean by like potentially getting back together maybe what did you think when i uh texted you if you wanted to be here we still need to have a couple conversations so i was like what better way than sitting in a box where you can't sit on your phone and you can't leave i don't think either of us will really come out of here angry well i guess wait and see i suppose who else it was oh that's a process we were friends for a long time we were friends for a few months we became like best friends i would say i knew that i liked you you are were and still are very attractive and beautiful and stylish and very fun to be around and stuff and so we go to this little party we all get really drunk you started waking up with everybody it was a game at this point it was like what four or five in the morning and i was like i should probably go because i have work tomorrow at like 10. so you walk me like out of the building and as i'm leaving we engage in copious amounts of making out and then i think the next day is when we had the conversation of like okay are we officially boyfriend girlfriend and we were like yes and that was september 24th you know we were together for a while close to two years i guess in that time you know there were mistakes that were made and stuff i just wanted to apologize because i cheated on you when we were together and that really hurt you a lot it's one of those things that to this day i still think about like really often it really wasn't fair especially you you know being a kind person that you are and being the type of girlfriend that you were and the type of friend that you were and how how important you were to me i think i was just so like caught up in like the self-loathing of it i wasn't even even able to like see far enough to like see you in the loading and that made things worse i think but uh i think living together made it worse yeah i think so after you broke up with me you kind of acted like we were still dating without the label well we never like did stuff after we broke no we didn't but like you would say like hey sugar tits and i'm like what yeah you were like in a silly goofy mood and you smacked my butt too and i'm like what yeah that was definitely stuff that was it was you were having a moment and then we had the final as you i'm sure you're aware of where i'm going with this we i don't know studied for an hour and i was getting sleepy and i don't even know why you suggested i like sleep in your room i was literally right next door yeah well i remember you weren't because you were on my bed and you were like sort of sitting but you were lying like yeah and you were like literally dozing off so what i meant was like if you want to like sleep for a minute like like you can all of a sudden like i had woken up and i had felt like a hand on my thigh and i'm like that's weird i don't know what to do i'm sure it'll stop i kind of wanted to see your perspective what was going through your head i think one of the hardest parts for me when we first broke up and we were especially since we were still living together when you're with somebody for a long time and you're used to having a certain physical intimacy and a certain relationship and a certain things obviously like i knew that once we ended those things had to end but it's not like you know it's not possible for like any person to just like have like a switch that you flipped and go from like boyfriend mode to friend especially things with like physical physical contact and i didn't realize that i'm really sorry and i i really do apologize about making you feel that way and and and putting my hands on you in a way that i shouldn't have i really really hope that you'll hear me and know that i i didn't intend for it to be a harmful you know aggressive thing it was um it was weird it didn't feel aggressive i was just after that point i was unsure is it time for a potty break by chance yeah do you think it would be possible to just be friends it's weird because i've got a vibe oh we mean a vibe when i moved to korea he made me a playlist that was like 9 hours 10 hours and all the songs are like i miss you if it were up to me i'd be with you and like songs like that sounds like is he we're musicians is he trying to send me a message there's any new ways that you're feeling i feel like it felt really healthy and it felt pretty natural i think who is better at that probably you me probably why probably experience experience i guess yeah i have more sexual partners i think we we made a good team if you will you wrap your scissors slide braiding hair i mean i don't know that you can braid my hair but i could braid your hair okay so the spotify playlist you made a yeah you like it there's quite a few songs in there yeah when i was listening to it in korea i was like are you sending a message i was not intending to send you any kind of a message through the music were you hoping that i was i mean i wouldn't say i was hoping but it seemed a little too like i'm gonna pull that playlist up later i'm gonna show you exactly what i mean honestly a big piece of it was like i know you're gonna be on a [ __ ] flight for a long time so like if you're absolutely bored and you get sick of your own music and you want some fresh tunes then here you go mate okay that's not too bad that's that ain't too bad how's it going it's going good time's flying you said maybe you would consider getting back together you feel more strongly about that it's still kind of coming along now that we're kind of getting into like deep deeper conversations and like talking about issues that were really just pushing our relationship i think it's starting to get a little bit stronger it's not ruled out what else do you want to explore definitely the pregnancy are you having any romantic feelings for her right now and being with her this long uh wow okay that's a great question you know it's like as we're reminiscing and like talking about things and thinking about memories there's definitely moments where like i just kind of look at her and remember those feelings and remember those moments and sort of think like yeah like it's it's a hard thing to not want back a little yoga will teach me some yoga you're going to bring that back straight back straight back like lean down lay down i feel like a seal that's worth doing did you two talk about marriage when we dated yeah yeah when we dated for sure like briefly not much like they weren't they were yeah but they weren't like in gross detail i don't know if you remember this we straight up had conversations about like here goes ready about how we would raise our kids like religiously speaking we were like if we have kids you were like i want to raise my kids christian and i was like i'm not christian but if you want to raise them that way like that's fine just know that i i'm not necessarily in that belief we talked about religion quite a bit throughout the relationship like i would ask you to come because it means a lot just for you to show up right just to come to my church i think it was hitting a nerve with your experience with your dad and his stepdad and his pushiness but going was something that was like upsetting you and i didn't want to do anything to like make you upset but i didn't want to say it's okay that you don't come that point has always been a breaking point with me and guys and people i've been with to this day i don't think i've ever like been that in love with anybody so why'd you [ __ ] it up and cheat on me because this isn't the first time you've told me oh i love you so much or like i'm so in love with you because i'm a [ __ ] idiot honestly because i'm [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid and i were you just not thinking no so why didn't you tell me immediately i really thought i was doing better by you by not telling you i couldn't think to myself like i [ __ ] it up so bad that she's going to leave me and i don't want to lose her so just selfish yes they're do you think if we were to date now where we are in our lives we would be better for each other i think so we can't be worse than we were for each other you seem a lot more like mentally healthy personally because i think you were your worst enemy when you were dating you definitely would be a lot better for each other i think there are still some challenges to get over sure if we were to date yeah um number one being that i'm pregnant can you give us some more context already i had moved to korea to teach english and i uh met a guide over there and he was really kind to me made me laugh one night we had sex and immediately after having sex i was like i'm pregnant i'm gonna be pregnant before i got the actual pregnancy test i broke up with him and i had said if i actually am pregnant i'm going to move to america my support system's there and we had a long conversation which ended in me being called childish and so i flew back i think you were one of the first friends i saw you ask her are you looking for someone to raise your child are you looking for someone to raise your child with am i seeking somebody no it would be nice to have someone to help because i don't want to meet someone and then say hi i'm pregnant i'm going to have a child like if you're with me you have to take care of the kid nero is now in the pool significantly you've made a lot of hard choices and i applaud you for everything you've done so far honestly how are you doing with it it was a struggle i was not happy when i found out i was pregnant and i had kind of thought about abortion but i did some praying and realized that you can't really make a plan in your life because it's not always gonna go how you want it to there's no point in a plan and this is my life is led by god so i guess i'm going back to america that's where i'm needed do you believe that god intended like planned for you to have a baby yeah i think so cool it's scary but like it's literally showing me i have so many people that i can count on and that can help me and that's what helped me move back here hypothetically if we were to get back together today what would that look like i mean so many so many unknowns and questions because i'm pregnant i would like to think because we've gone through the small talk portion of like oh um where are you from where are you from we're already to the point where we know enough about each other we know that we click i'd want you to go to church weekly because it is my identity again it's literally just supporting me not necessarily believing all of it another pro of hypothetically getting back together today having a step daddy that's a pro for you hmm what do you miss most about me okay what do i miss most about you yeah like one thing or like several things i mean you can give me a list [Laughter] even in our relationship we really were like best friends first like we absolutely were you really quite were my other half you had a lot of love to give and it was it was very beautiful to receive i miss telling you all my little dramas and like you're my little partner in crime so i would just literally whatever i know you knew also having someone that makes me laugh to the point i cackle it's been a long time since i've heartily laughed like legitimately you're a man of moody moods moody moods what that means like songwriting you wrote a several songs about me well i wrote songs about you before we were dating and i wrote at least one song for you while we were dating remember that for christmas oh yes the girl the girl with the girl with yellow hair and the pop tarts back when you were blonde it's probably somewhere still my phone goes because you told me she could draw real well but she forgot to mention her real talent was stealing hearts is there a date going to happen we've been talking about going to the zoo we have the zoo the otters if you consider it a date would it just be like we're friends i think i'm going to the zoo with someone on my own it's a date the zoo is my date spot the zoo is your date spot zoo and then dipping dots do you want a date yeah i mean i wouldn't be opposed that was it's either all in or like not at all yeah that's true i would say yes but at the same time i feel like maybe i would need a little bit of time to think about it now that the hypothetical is becoming more real you know it's like it's if it's you know like if it's saying it's all in kind of thing you know what i mean like there's history and there's people and there's families and there's a baby and there's this and there's trauma and there's these things my initial response is to say yes i'm trying to think of how that handshake went i barely saw that smack smack pinky birdie pull it back fist bump [Music] [Laughter] i would say it has gone by faster than i thought yeah i guess time flies when you're having fun will you finish your sandwich and go take party stretch break okay don't hit the microphone don't hit the microphone ah look at me oh thank you so much thank you you're going on a date i guess so you agreed to a date i guess so yeah yeah she seemed a little disappointed that you're kind of hesitant i guess it felt like a big thing to say yes to you know kind of a big commitment um but i think i've come around a little bit like it's you know one date at least might not be like a super high stakes event before today as we had been reconnecting had you had any thoughts of like a possibility of getting back together with me or like seeing me that way at all in any sense did it cross my mind yeah like when i was in korea prior to that not really the more we kind of started talking the more sides of you i had seen and the more reliable you became as a person just in my life the reliability kind of brought into question like can i trust you again my eventual answer as the father of the baby had broken my trust what i had told him was it took you three years but i would say you built my trust back i wasn't sure if i wanted to get back together but in talking with you i think it was always in the back of my mind as a possibility like i could see if we could work again if i were to have kids with somebody i think you would be a pretty good person to have kids with i like to hang it out yeah maybe cute babies white and hispanic yeah i mean it's a good combo [Music] at any point during this experience have you thought about kissing me yeah really i thought like would i want to like what would it be like after this would i kiss him oh like [ __ ] by the car just like who is she chaotic like let's explore that and i was thinking about it and i was like all while you were talking so i'm sorry that i didn't know the things you you were getting lost in my voice what can i say i tend to have that effect on people you want to peck sure here you give me a little kissy okay that may be more than a peck maybe more than a pack not bad not bad room for improvement beard burn is never the beard never enjoyable but that's not going away whether you let it grow or shave it you two kissed we did that when's the last time you kissed last time you dated when we dated yeah three years ago i guess i was not expecting you to ask me if i wanted to kiss i will i'll be honest i thought i was gonna sit over here and twiddle my fingers and just secretly want it yeah let me ask you a question okay do you feel like after today so far do you feel like you are more attracted to me than you were before today before today yeah i think i've got a lot of hard questions out there and very interesting answers how about you after today our whole experience how you finding me i've never not found you physically attractive but the other other part emotional intellectual i definitely think those were heightened as of today that's my ring [Music] my knocks your ducks what's up nothing much nothing much she's been hanging out in the box just been hanging out in the back down to the final hour final hour holy moly guacamole you're too kissed honestly i was not planning that if i weren't in this environment i probably wouldn't have kissed him were you expecting that like to kiss yeah uh not at all honestly i was more surprised that she would be willing to kiss you know do you think you're deserving of her affection i am doing what i can to to make to make up for the past and to right my wrongs and sort of make up for what i did and what what has happened between us if my best is enough and it's what she would require and what is needed uh in that case yeah i stood up and looked around there was nothing to be found [Music] how has this been for you ah how was it pretty fun it was nice spending time with you and you know i always enjoy being near you and around you and learned a lot you know we broke through some barriers did you think it would go as fast as it did no what about you it's been fun i learned a lot kind of things i thought i wanted to hear things i needed to hear wasn't anticipating leaving here having a date i yeah i was definitely not anticipating kissing you yeah me neither so it felt like planned and spontaneous and all the fun parts of knowing somebody and like getting to know somebody yeah it definitely felt like an experiment [Music] we did it yeah sure [Laughter] you're great and i'm happy that i'm happy to have my life again me too all right you did it okay i'm ready to get out and be free i mean i couldn't show those kids oh you want to stay here longer are you surprised by what happened i guess i'm a little bit surprised about how comfortable and easy it felt to just be so candid i think we're back to being best friends potentially on the way to something more i guess we'll go on a date um see how it goes see how she feels um and i'll let you know [Music]
Channel: Cut
Views: 2,465,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Id: GAVWpH4hxtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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