Transparent Taco

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👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Trasilk 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

It was a neat video, but it felt like he was talking about we should subscribe 30% of the time. Maybe step that down a little. I also wonder how much of a difference it really makes... Maybe there are statistics somewhere how many more people actually sub if it is mentioned more often.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Busti 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cling film does the trick

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mrsheenshine 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

18:55. Editing, y'all.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lasercruster 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
(whistling) (upbeat music) (whines) (barks) (growls) (whines) - Hey, everyone, It's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen, I hope you are well. So as you know, we've been doing some transparent recipes recently and this is another attempt today. It's kinda like a step up of the last one where we did the clear ravioli because in the clear ravioli we had this. Or should the proper English have been these? Edible film discs, okay? So I teased that in the last video that I found out how to make my own these were ordered online but there was a website called What's for Chow where they actually have a structured way of making your own film and we're gonna try and do that today and with the combination of one of my favourite simplistic presentation gadgets of all time, the taco truck. We're gonna try and make a transparent taco. See what I did there? (thuds) So from Amazon, hopefully, in this box, I actually haven't opened it yet, we better check. Holy, shmoly. Oh, yes, I think I'll need about two mil for this, liquid glycerin and the more important thing that's harder to get, soy lecithin powder. We found out on the last video that the ingredients of this was pretty much that anyway so we're gonna just do it homemade, so, I don't want to taco bout it much more, I think we should just crack on and do it. What say you, Homer, you ready? (whimpers) Warning, I believe this is quite a long process, I got back late from London last night, so, I'm just gonna make it first. So the four things you need is the soy lecithin and the glycerin. I literally need two mil of this, that is it so anyone's got any ideas what I can do with liquid glycerin that's legal, let me know. We also need some potato starch, again, our old friend and luckily this time Mrs. Barry didn't throw it out 'cause it was quite expensive to get. Last up is 400 mils of water, you can probably hear my kettle boiling in the background and my theory with that is I was once told that if you boil water in a kettle and then let it go to room temperature and then freeze it, you get absolute crystal clear ice cubes. Now this whole recipe goes in a pan anyway but I'm just gonna try it. I'm gonna boil 400 mils of water, it's probably pointless but that's my role, alright. Nice, 10 mils of soy lecithin. I wasn't sure what this was, whether it was like a paste or a powder or a fluid. See, that's a powder I think. Yep, it's a very beany smelling powder. I've got 10 mils on this thing, so. (knocking) (laughs) Like a glove. It's about two and a bit teaspoons. (clinking) So I'll stick that. (laughs) Just tipped some out. We'll go for nine and a half, alright? Again, unless you want me to make absolutely massive giant one of these, what else can I do with lecithin powder? This thing just feels like a big, butch shampoo bottle. I've just gotten something off the Heston Blumenthal egg recipe when I was using the kid's syringe for medicine, it's got the mils on the side. That's got two and a half mil there. It's like its destiny. (laughs) We're in some serious Doc Brown territory right now. 20 grammes of potato starch. I have got some digital scales but the need some new batteries in it and I'd have to take the batteries out of my kid's toys. I'd feel kind of bad if I did that. (crinkles) (laughs) Stuff goes everywhere. That's about four and a half teaspoons, okay? And that's it, that's all we need. 400 mils of boiled water. We're gonna fire in the glycerin, ready? (taps) Wow, I nearly missed the pan. (laughs) In goes our potato starch. (tapping) Br, br, br. Boom, just gonna give it a gentle mix together with a spatula. Just dissolve it a teeny weeny bit. Just to get it going because now, we can have a stick blender. (whirring) There's a couple of really big brown lumps from the soy in there that we really need to make sure we break down and apparently we should not do this step by hand, it's gotta be a stick blender. (whirring) Alright, it's all blended in, the soy, the glycerin, the water, and the potato starch. It's kinda like a frothy, probably from where I warmed it, thing that we need to bring to a simmer now. (doorbell rings) (dogs barking) That was our postman if you couldn't tell from Amy and we officially have the world's nicest postman. Like Proper Postman Pat, you know what I'm saying? Maybe my leaving gift to him could be giving him an actual black cat called Jess. You know what, there are some things in life that I would like to be but in the top 10 definitely is a sunbathing pug. Alright, so with the sun shooting through this scene. (yells) We now are gonna put it down on the hop. (thuds) (clicking) Apparently what we do is we bring this to a simmer for about a minute and it should go quite gloopy. Kinda like what we saw with the transparent crisps. Wow, you can see that really thicken up now so it's bubbling away. So we'll let it do this on a low heat for about a minute. Welcome to the sauna. It's gotta change the battery. Pan's over there, though, it's doing alright. So I've taken it off the heat now, it's bubbled and just for reference, that stinks. I'm also making sure that every piece of equipment that I use today is super, super clean so I'm gonna pour this first of all into a measuring cup. It looks a little more misty than when I've done it before. Now this mason jar, I'm gonna put some coffee paper into this and we're gonna filter it through. (crinkling) And we're gonna let it seep through into the mason jar apparently but at the moment, nothing's coming out. Nothing's coming out (laughs). We'll leave that just in case. But I'm gonna get a sieve now, alright? Aw, there we go, that's doing something. I guess it's making it smooth. I'm not very confident about this one. Now it's supposed to be fluidy. (laughs) Look at this, look. It's just like a pot of glue. What we're supposed to do, right, is put it into a pan next, like a frying pan and you have to do a really thin layer that'll just cover it and then you let it dry for between 12 to 24 hours. Now I don't think my boiling the water theory has helped so I'm gonna try it again. Rather than using the frying pans for that, I'm gonna use, I'm not gonna waste that mixture, I'm gonna pour it into some cake tins, alright? So, yeah (laughs), no, this is not good. Apparently we just want a really, really thin layer but this is too gloopy, this is way too gloopy and that's way too much as well. What? I'm now going to do exactly what I've just done from the start again but this time with cold water. (splashing) (tapping) The soy, boom, two mils in. (whirring) See, that's the kind of watery vibe we want. Maybe I overcooked it? Just a little worried that mine looks a little bit like a latte. Huh, I don't know what we did there, guys. When I say we, you know, we're doing this together, alright. I'm a one man band, this is how it works. It's starting to happen, guys, look at this swirly thing, that's really cool. I quite like that, I'm doing like tie-dye. Look, it's gone white again, what's going on? Definitely, definitely much more pourable. Alright, into there, oh yes. Much, much better. Come on, come on. Are you serious, come on now, oh my gosh. Ah yeah, you can see that's going through a lot better. Scrap this, oh, (laughs). Oh no, oh gosh. Well I can't use that 'cause I have bits in it now. (knocking) Small specks, see, it's not very manoeuvrable, is it? Ew, oh, actually look. If we really stretch it like this. Alright (giggles). Kinda want to warm it to make it a bit more manoeuvrable. I gotta be honest with you, I ain't too confident about this. I mean, this is, this is ridiculous. I'm half tempted to keep this frying and seeing what happens. Yeah, this is my last attempt doing it so I'm using a little bit more water, a little less soy, a little less glycerin, and the same amount of potato starch and I'm not gonna foam it up when I whiz it, gonna go really slow. Oh, you getting comfy, eh, nice. Aw, here we go, that looks much thinner. I'm feeling more confident about it, alright. Another 15 seconds or so. I think we'll just go for it. (laughs) I don't think that sieved anything. Yeah, it's caught nothing. (gasps) What, look, that is see through. We need to get it all around the pan, make sure it's evenly coated. Oh my gosh. If you guys watched the vlog, you might see that I was pretty gutted a minute ago, I was thinking, "This may not be a video." Right, oh my gosh, I think that's it? Completely cover it. You wouldn't know it was in there, would ya? Even though we don't know what it is yet. And I've got quite a lot of this stuff so I might just get out a load of tins 'cause the more options I've got with this, the better. I'm much, well I mean, that's see through. I can see the red dot. Let's just see what happens, I guess. Yeah, that one doesn't look so good so I probably will clean it now as well. Well, hey, the theory is we let it dry out from 12 to 24 hours. Okay, so rather than put it in the oven it would dehydrate it, we're just gonna let it do its thing naturally. So my thinking is if this is actual edible film like the recipe, ingredients are the same as on those discs that we bought, they didn't like water. What I mean by that is the fillings, right, we put in there, they weren't heavily water based so what I'm hoping is, once we get one of these dried out, I can sort of try and shape it into a taco as it starts to go, sort of, semi dry like that, stick it in there and then maybe we can flash fry it to hold its shape like a taco. That of course is if we even get to this step and I'm looking over at my table right now and it's like a montage of things drying out in tins and pans, I'll give you an update in a few hours or whatever. Alright, little update. It is nearly five o'clock and I've removed half the pans and I've made another batch but this time to the more strength glycerin and soy lecithin but a little bit more water and I've just poured it in here and it's much better but the other stuff down there, it's not good. It's clammy, this is my last chance then I'm gonna give up on this. Just poured it through a sieve and I'm just gonna show you hopefully, da-da-da-da, see, it's still quite liquidy. Yeah, it does go very transparent, isn't it? I'm just gonna go for a thicker layer, I think. See now this one looks a little bit too misty now. I don't know. The problem that I have that is that as it dried out, it kinda like shrivelled up. It just turned into, like, the size of the red dot and even what I've just done there, I don't think it's gonna work. We'll leave them out anyway over night in that but I'm gonna revert back to the recipe that we used in the clear crisps recipe and make a potato stock and put it in the oven, 'cause my dehydrator hasn't arrived, over night and try and do that larger and then deep dry that to get our clear taco. Roasting the potatoes up like before. Once they're done, we're gonna go and make a potato stock but what I said earlier about the corn stock I have got sweet corn so we're gonna put a tin of corn in with the potatoes to get a corny potato stock? Basically I've lost my mind. But you've seen me do that before, we'll jump to that. (classical triumphant music) The big theory of doing the crisps thing that actually smells of corn has worked for one of them. I opened it from pan oven and it lifted. One end of the wing from the fan is getting under it. So I had some left over ones and this was my back up plan. I'm just gonna try and take this out. (creaks) Ooh. (laughs) Oh no, it snapped. Oh no, they are very nimble. There you go, that one came out perfectly. (creaks) But, oh no. If I try and bend them, they do just snap. The one other thing I found out is if I just leave some in a bowl, it does dry out over time as well and is a lot more flexible. So, I literally just poured some more just now into this pan so we'll see if that firms up over night and see if it will be a lot more bendy. (applause) Hello, everyone, it's Friday evening. Now I'm not going to go into it too much and I can't actually remember where I left off the video but this has been transparent hell. I don't want to taco bout it. The last thing you saw was me trying to recreate the crisps I made but on a larger scale using cake tins. It goes okay, it starts to peel up, and then it's just cracking on me (laughs). I've got one that has held together that is has got a crack down it. Now I might try and dampen it because that makes it sticky and it could hold it together but that's still, I mean, that's jut not gonna be a taco, is it? Another one came out and it's like this, it's still joined together but I'm gonna keep those because I managed to do it with one of them, like just. Now I don't know how, I don't know why but for some reason this one fitted into the taco holder and it's a little damaged and as we know when we saw the crisp video before when we fry it, it should go even clearer but it's extremely nimble. Basically if you see this video, I don't know if I ever wanna do a transparent video again (laughs). The only thing I can do is fry it because that actually gives it a little bit more strength again. We got one shot at this. Long story short, I started at the top, I've been dabbing bits in and it's still not frying so I've gone up to 150. Alright, guys, I ain't no chip shop worker but that is now hot and making funny noises. 19, 20, and I've burnt a hole in it. Amazing, oh no (laughs). Now that does not bode well. What do you think about all this? - It's a bit scary. - Let's do it. (crackling) Oh, oh no. Oh no, anyone for a taco? Alright, rest in peace, little taco shell. (dramatic music) I've got four transparent tacos over there, I just need one. It's just getting it to the right temperature that is gonna make or break, no pun intended, these taco shells. Alright, so this is my worst one. (crackling) (gasps) Oh my gosh, it might let it hold like that. Is that gonna do it? (gasps) Oh my gosh! (laughs) It disintegrated it again but I don't know if you can see it, it's there. Top end, alright, okay, okay, okay. Oh my gosh, this is intense. Put it over there, now take the fried end. (gasps) Oh my gosh, alright. I can just hold it there, let it shape itself as it cools down, come on, baby. Oh my gosh, I think it's done it. (gasps) (laughs) You gotta believe me. If you can't see that, that is a see through taco shell right there. Oh my gosh, right. I've got two others but my best one was there. It just happened. (crackling) Forgetting that these are actually infused with corn flavour still. (crackling) Check that out (laughs). And for reference, that's in the orange taco truck and I'm the using the baking beans to just kinda hold it open but the other one, yes. Okie dokie, folks, there is a clear taco shell. Stick it in there. I think the oil might now prevent the moisture from really getting at it but I've kept the food, as a safe, quite dry anyway. The scissors are here because I gave it a little haircut to tidy up a bit. So here's our beef mince, oh yeah. Loading that beef mince up in there. Before we fried it, if this got wet, it would've just gone (squeaks). I've realised that most that shot wasn't in focus (laughs). Lettuce, some mixed cheese. Bits of tomato. And just because I like it sometimes, a little bit of sour cream on there. Shall we do it? Okay, let's lift it out. (gasps) (laughs) Look! Yes, I can't believe we've done it. This is actually infused with corn flavour, I forgot to tell you, it does smell a lot of corn anyway. This has been incredibly tough. This might be my last clear recipe ever, I don't know but let's have a bite. (crunches) Mmm. It's still hanging in there, holding itself together. (laughs) If this video's not worth a subscribe, I don't know what is and remember, if you are subscribed, press that bell so you get notified of new uploads because lots of you are telling me that you're not getting notified, so, naughty YouTube. Of course feel free to follow me at My Virgin Kitchen all over social media because you'll also be notified of uploads that way, including behind the scenes moments of the whole experience, should I say, of making these tacos. Go and have a barrel of fun now by checking out one of the many playlists including this clear recipe playlist and, of course, let me know down below what you wanna see next. I don't wanna taco bout this anymore. (thuds) (clicks)
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 659,219
Rating: 4.8658695 out of 5
Keywords: Transparent Taco, clear taco, taco, glass taco, homemade taco, clear recipes, clear, transparent, DIY, instructions, cooking, tutorial, potato, recipe, chips, crisps, how to, cook, snack, food, potato chips, my virgin kitchen, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, homemade, easy, how to cook, test, do it yourself, experiment, weird, kitchen, food hacks
Id: h9TsjZVi2eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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