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[Music] yeah yeah Mark there's something down there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so plan C for finding the the seller um so when we dug a trench to go to the Coach House we came across what looked like a drain uh but a proper old drain with the walls and big slabs on top and it was directed roughly uh that way I remembered it being a bit more there or maybe yeah maybe yeah basically it arrived right along the Terrace and then it was interrupted where the Terrace um and we know the Terrace was redone in the 60s or 70s cuz it's actually cemented what we didn't investigate yet is what's behind the the stones of the Terrace and where this drain goes to yeah but um if it's a drain it would uh well it would go probably go along the house if uh it's not a drain it could be but it could potentially be connected to the S I should add that uh my dad was here when we looked at this and he noticed that it looks in shape and length and Direction like a drain that runs under the tower on the other side um out of the toilet there and so our working hypothesis is that it was under it was meant to be a drain for a tower that either was never built or was built and knocked down at a later point so that's where we were working at before but having had these stories about the seller and things you start to wonder could it have been something to do with that could it been an event could it have been something else and so we covered it back in to keep it there so yeah and and which how do you want to look at it then so basically I would like to do the same we did here but on the other side of the Terrace which is basically scrape the top soil yeah then uh we should find the well the what's the end of that drain and then take down a couple of ter Stones uh yeah take a couple of stones up out and see what's underneath cool yeah and and hope they haven't been removed and are you all right for me to sit and watch rather than help because I've still got my um yeah if you if you're happy to still not very well you can even comment okay that would be great I might get a chair I've got a sort of dizziness thing where I can't stand up terribly easily so Jason are you ready for plan C plan C yeah I think so hope we find something this time yeah [Music] there's nothing yet so it looks like I'm hitting something uh that might have been interesting cuz we when we dug the the drain we found some uh stone with the remains of lime like this and so it might be that when they redid the the Terrace they broke the drain and just uh blocked it with the with everything um cuz these are building Stones so yeah I think we need to to try and look this is what we might be rested in just saying these stones may have been part of the tunnel the it's uh it might be where the the drain was [Music] cemented you think it might be deeper or just in a different direction probably deeper cuz it was uh it was below that level here yeah but uh yeah just want to see what the W looks like yeah these are these are building Stones so yeah there's something around here yeah yeah Mark there's something down there sweet what was what did you see a big right here yeah well it looked like a large white stone maybe it was just this I'm not sure could have been just a layer of lime this uh I think that's uh that's something yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Mark keep digging right there that's the spot I was saying I think there might be something flat there every once in a while it looks like there's something flat I think it's this right here yeah that's a different material wet I'm going to do is push the push the soil and then we'll uh we'll [Music] [Music] brush yeah [Music] do you remember where it was I remember it is coming around here somewhere and out to about here but I'm sure it was like here somewhere in fact I in fact if you asked me I would have said something like this to there I dug out quite a lot of stones that look like building Stones yeah and uh I guess when they redid the Terrace they probably demolished it around where it is yeah and so your theory is that if the if it was a vent it would eventually joined the house yeah do you think then it's worth just scraping the top top on this side a bit although it destroys these nice flowers not really cuz the I I'll keep digging I thought it was closer to the house but I'll push the soil towards the outside and keep diing on that [Music] side here it is got the Big [Music] [Music] Stone there was this Stone here which looks like the ones we had on top of the the train whilst you were looking for the Digger bucket um that you didn't find um I found a photo of this a very good photo and I just want to where did you think it was I'm just interested I thought it was going from about that direction to somewhere uh I'd have said more that around here but you might be right that um thinking of it again it might have been right by the corner cuz for me I remembered it joining at the corner but I thought it came this direction or at least straight on so basically we were both right it was your direction but it arrived at the corner yeah okay so yeah there you go there yeah and so it arrives just here yep up to about there and it started it wasn't a very steep angle but I think it would have started I think I looked from here started about here somewhere it came right it came between that stone and there that's where it arrives because it was coming this direction that can only have been backfill unless it's something that suddenly took a turn left yeah so that's what I'm wondering because the uh so the two stones were here and here yeah but I think that this one is bedrock and not Stone so it might be that there's something carved in the Bedrock that goes back that way I think the only way to find out is to just dig this bit more comprehensively yeah I don't think it's the worst probably more delicately yeah exactly let's see yeah yeah so if it's if it goes that way into the the house we'd expect the something to be in that corner something to be here I could go and get a Trel and have a little clean down of the the wall sounds like a good idea training it looks like it's going to for sure well well done for for your research I had to go through three years with her [Music] photos a nest of eggs I'm guessing snakes then Mark come and look not the sell it's nothing seller related it's oh that's cute are they snake eggs uh or Lizards or something or lizard yeah how cool is that uh shall I just try and cover it back up again then do they hatch by themselves they don't have the parents don't come back so I could move them somewhere yeah but they need to be kept most you could put them in a little Clay Pot as you wait they're not like chicken eggs they've got very thin covers these are amazing only our chickens e this many eggs there we go what mommy can I hand that up to somebody [Music] please if you want to know some of our chickens names um that's chocolate Leg Horn that's tree hen allaf villain and Mr Fluffy head oh it's right under you they're all the eggs oh yeah yeah an no ants we've opened up an ant's Nest as well so yeah basically there's a type of ants that um they have mands that are really sharp and but they're not able to feed themselves with them they're just like daggers basically and they're just able to kill other rants or insect with them but they can't eat by themselves and so in order to eat they have they raid other ants nests from other species and they steal all the eggs from the the ants nest so they kill everybody steal the eggs and then they raise the eggs by and they impregnate them with their the pheromones which means that when they hatch the ants identify the themselves as the belonging to the other ant nest and uh and then basically they the the they slay and slave them yeah basically yeah they work for the kidnappers and they make they they gather food and chew it for them and feed them wow so this is either the family of the kidnapper so it's probably the the kidnapper no it's it's probably the kidnapper ones with the living together with the other ones yeah wow what's the name of it again the type of ant uh I don't know in English the they're called theist in France so slave slave master slave master you learn something every day with Mark I really do we found a really big stone that looks like it could be a part of the drain system that was there and in fact this one as well is nice relatively flat and wide that is incredibly flat on the top did you see that side of it it's a beautiful stone I should emphasize here that we're not destroying anything pristine like an archaeological find because uh this was all back filled it was all just Rubble used to fill up a modern ter relatively modern Terrace we would never be doing something archaeological with a digger we just dite we just done [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] we had to interrupt the work yesterday because it was uh getting quite late so today is a new day and we need to carry on the excavation it's getting a bit more fidly so um I think I'm just going to scoop out some more of the the dirt and then we'll carry on with the TRS [Music] okay I think we'll Carry On by hand now [Music] [Music] Mark's gone off with the Digger to other places um it's needed elsewhere there's always more than one thing going on here so margar and I are doing the more delicate work of um seeing scraping around the edges and trying to get to the bottom without damaging something which is always the risk with a with a digger especially because the granite is quite um crumbly um maybe we'll find it ourselves [Music] well I've just dug up my brush oh I once worked on an excavation in the north of Bulgaria many years ago and uh it was a big Roman site and they luckily it wasn't our year but the year before they had spent the whole summer Excavating and at the bottom of the whole they found a railway coupling which means that what they were Excavating instead of Roman site was actually the early 20th century excavations of the Roman site so they were basically just Excavating the Rubbish Tip oh my God they spent the whole summer and they found a railway coupling underneath it sorry basically you're just shoveling dirt onto me so I shovel it out the hole Yeah I was putting it in a nice pile for you work smarter not harder well you work harder I just you work smarter I work harder lovely [Music] uh we're now inside one of the Shadows towers and uh it was an Old Guard Tower and if you go back and back and back to one of our first ever videos which I'll link to here you we told the story of this because inside here is the remains of a medieval toilet underneath the toilet obviously they needed a drain to go outside and in here here there was a vent that went right up to the roof inside the wall so the hypothesis is because my dad measured the direction of this drain under here because we can see where it comes out outside as well and his he said it's basically the same kind of angle to the main building as the one we found out there so the idea is that this was built that the drainer over there was built for a building that either existed and was demolished or maybe they built both drains thinking they were going to build two towers and then never got around to the last one so what's interesting to me is to see what it looks like when it gets to the Bedrock I'd love to go and see more of that outside in here there's a metal grate that shows you the where the vent is that goes all the way up because obviously it needed to draw in clean air to drag away the stinky air um which we found before on this side that is where there was a window before above the toilet that we saw inside we' we've currently blocked it up um which means that the drain comes somewhere around here and at some point what I would love to do now we've seen that is to excavate a little bit here and see what the end of that drain looks like um not because I think I'm going to find the sell but because I think it'll be interesting to see what the drain looks like compared to that one you can see I've got Margot to stand where we found the start of that drain um and if you see she's right in line with where I am and that if there was a drain in the same and where Mark is is where the where we've just found one end of it so if it was a tower or a planned Tower there it would work in exactly the same position which I think is quite interesting well what we found is that there is just a carved bit of Bedrock here that leads to the start of the drain well which we're pretty sure is a drain now yep I I think given that it's been built quite a long way away from the main building as it is now that if it was a drain it was um for either another building or when this one looked different so either there was one as we know on the other side there were buildings wrapped around the side there could have been one here as well or it could have been another tower that was either planned or built but but it's to me it's quite obvious that this was not for the building as it looks now because if you're going to make the effort to dig into the Bedrock you would do it closer than that and the what I'd be quite keen on doing is actually reuse this drain because we have a gutter coming here that just PS on the on the floor and it wouldn't be much work to dig a tiny bit of trench to bring a pipe down the down the drain here and put it back in use yeah and avoid flooding and stuff yeah and um what it makes me really interested to do although we didn't find a seller or any connection with the seller um I'm quite excited about doing a bit more looking around around the building and this is where we can start to look at the idea of um uh geophysical Imaging techniques isn't it when it's outdoors yeah so if we can try and get the university to help us with that yeah I'd love that we might need to rent the the equipment ourselves cuz the the team at the University doesn't have a grand penetrating radar uh and the other team that has one is not very interested in that time period what if we tell them there's gold somewhere not sure they were they' be more interested well we could maybe look into renting it at some point where especially if we're going to do it just before we Rel landscape everything around the main building cuz there was so many other building we know that even in Napoleonic times at the beginning of the 19th century there were so many other buildings here weren't there yeah yeah it would be really interested interesting to map all of this before we we do any major ground work and the thing I mean the reason that we haven't done ground penetrating radar before is because we thought the most likely entrance would be in the cellar and you can't do within the house can no because they you get basically Grand penetrating radar is sending sound waves into the ground and when you're inside the building it resonates on the it bounces on the walls and everywhere so you get very uh well the image you get is very difficult to interpret well the we still have uh reasonably believable the witnesses that who say there was a seller um I think it would be weird for there not to be a seller in the castle that size uh but we'll have to look for an entrance somewhere else so we've also got um other chances we've got are taking down the the remaining massive concrete slab in the in the current seller y um but we can't do that until we've moved out can we because of the um because we got the freezers on it would beac and then doing the ground penetrating radar if we were to discover something like a tunnel it could lead to it so it could show where to dig um the other um possibility I had been thinking is actually in the hallway at the base at the base he wants to just dig up the entire the base of the St case because the oh well just because there's already one staircase is here and so there could be another staircase going down uh at that place and also because the the Tails sound Hol towards the is that what you and John were doing this morning I heard them in the corner tapping on the ground and muttering about don't tell Amy and could we drill a hole here somewhere yeah so don't be surprised if you see a mouse hole in the ties at some point it will definitely be a mouse so have I managed to like just with us doing this now is it has it satisfied you temporarily so can we go back to doing we didn't P it [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Chronicles of Chateau de Rosieres
Views: 12,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rosieres, Rozieres, Rosiers, Chateau de rosieres, Chateau Rosieres, Chateau Diaries, Doing it ourselves, bordeaux life, chateau renovation, how to renovate a chateau, chateau, castle, chateau life, homesteading, family life, homesteader, old house, old house reno, france, Escape to rural France, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, chateau diy, restoration, AT Restoration, natural restoration, Do and be different family
Id: f1Ja0kjY9H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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