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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina hello family and friends on facebook youtube instagram twitter i want to welcome you to the ever increasing world feast and i'm excited today to have all of you connected to this broadcast abel damina is my name we are very committed to the vision of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you give me the favor today invite somebody share this video tag somebody you know create watch parties let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace and i want you to know we're going to have an exciting time of studying the word of his grace on this particular broadcast today let me quickly mention that my two books are out and if you don't have a copy of these books i don't know what you're waiting for courses myth and the truth very powerful material you know in this book i talked about the language in which the bible was written use of words the role of the bible reader and the bible teacher the blessing and the curse does god curse the curse of the law one of generational cases jesus and the fig tree and a lot more it's a book you don't want to you know go without especially for people that have been threatened with causes before now you know what you don't know is bigger than you ignorance is the greatest undoing of any man my people are destroyed not because satan is powerful but because they don't know they have no knowledge so get this material today it will build you up and edify you and bring clarity then there's this other book on the communion table many people ask me so many questions on the communion you know and all of that this book is very powerful i wrote this book and there's a lot in it exceed justices all over the book the promise of god the old testament feast the difference between the passover breaking of bread and the lord's supper the lord's table and walking in love very powerful material i'd like you to order for them you know and all other books that we have written all of these efforts is to see that you are enriched in your walk with christ that you maximize everything that christ has provided for your spiritual edification i'd like you to share with other people you know the things we are sharing with you here get more people to be connected get more people to order for the material right now on the screen the phone number to call for the material is on the screen and the email address where you can send your orders to is also on the screen there are also many other titles i have written over 30 titles you can order and our office can send you all of the catalogs for it now let me also mention those of you that have been following my teachings who don't have a local church where you attend where christ is revealed god wants you to live among brethren god doesn't want you to be isolated the bible says god has placed the solitary in families the word of god tells you i will bring you to your fold and i will give you pastors according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and he says it shall come to pass that when you are fed you shall not lack you shall not fear you shall not be dismayed if you are in a location where there is no bible teaching church where christ is revealed all the time you've been following my teachings and you want to identify with one or you want to start a campus we call our churches campuses you want to start a campus all you need to do is send me a mail dr ibeldamina we will equip you and train you and work together with you to create a campus in your locality so you become a lighthouse where other people seeking to know christ can come around and be part of the fellowship and you can be pioneering a church there that will bring light to that community you become a lighthouse in that society i'm really excited about the opportunity god has given us as a ministry to enrich and equip believers all over the nations of the earth just before we go into the service remember again that you need a pen a notebook and a bible because it's going to be an exciting adventure as we adventure together into the word of his grace my prayer for you today is that grace are bound towards you that you always have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work in the name of jesus amen let me mention the story we're going to be having the next one two weeks here on facebook youtube every evening at six pm gmt plus one the study we're going to be having is going to be a bible school we want to equip you and train you in the pursuit of the kingdom assignment that god has for your life i want to encourage you every day at this same time 12th noon gmt plus one to get more people to be part of this broadcast so together we can lighten the dark places of the earth let me take you on a gospel adventure right now into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing you cannot teach the title love as giving you are bringing back what is dead to life it takes away the facts that he may establish the second the tithing lord is dead the bible says the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire he killed malachi 3 that he may establish the second so if they take you to malachi 3 take them to revelation 22 that the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire so the titan law has been killed it must not exist side by side [Music] the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me what free from the law of sin and then join dr abel domino the senior pastor of power city international as he explores exegetically bible doctrine untied and tithing date from sunday 14th of march to sunday 21st of march 2021 time monday 15th to saturday 20th 6 p.m daily sundays 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the broadcast on radio aquaboom 90.5 fm uyo 11 am to 1 pm xlfm 106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 pm daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm and heritage radio 104.9 10 p.m till midnight and also on kingdom live network station also live on facebook at abel dominar public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter abel daminer and instagram at abel daminer watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer don't miss out all right we're still examining the foundation and culture of discipleship the foundation and culture of discipleship matthew chapter 28 verse number 18. the bible tells us and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always unto the end of the world amen jesus always taught the scriptures beginning at moses and all the prophets all right all of the time he began from moses the prophet and the psalms in luke chapter 24 verse 25 to 27 when jesus rose from the dead on the way to emmaus and he made those disciples of his and he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself we've established that the bible is a crystal centric material that carries with it a crystal centric message that the message of the scriptures is a singular revelation of the christ a singular revelation of the christ the things concerning himself in john chapter 5 39 jesus speaking to the jews said to them you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me so the scriptures carries with it the testimony of the christ is a singular revelation meaning that the scriptures must be examined in the light of christ the book of first john chapter 5 verse 20 and we know that the son of god is come and had given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son jesus christ this is the true god and eternal life our understanding is via the binoculars of christ the son of god has come and had given us an understanding so our understanding of god is in the man christ jesus praise god so when he will teach discipleship it will be the same concept bringing it from the old testament look at the book of psalms 78 verse 70 he chose david also his servant and took him from the ship force following the eagles great with young he brought him to feed jacob his people and israel is inheritance 72 so he fed them according to the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands now we have found out that david actually fed the sheep according to the integrity of his heart the word integrity there is the word tom in the hebrew t-o-m the word tom means innocence innocence or sincerity it doesn't mean that david is a moral giant but he is a sincere guy very sincere giant that is he is not a schemer that word tom is from the word tamar in the hebrew it means to spend yourself for others to spend yourself for others so to be a good shepherd you must be sincere one that is innocent sincere and innocent person don't be the one who suspects this or suspects that you must be innocent sincere you must trust you learn pastoring from your pastor you learn teaching from your pastor you'll learn ministry from your leader look at john chapter 21 verse 15. so when they had dined jesus saith to simon peter simon son of jonas lovers doubt me more than these he saith unto him yeah lord thou knowest that i loved him he said unto him feed my lambs so he said to him again the second time simon son of jonas love is that me he said unto him yeah lord thou knowest that i loved ye he said unto him feed my sheep he said unto him the third time simon son of jonas love is that me peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time love is thou me and he said unto him lord download all things thou knowest that i loved him jesus said unto him feed my sheep now jesus is speaking to peter simon love has done me more than this the guy says yes then he tells him feed my lambs then he tells him feed my sheep then he tells him feed my sheep of course i have told you that the word feed my lambs is bosco ania bosco ania in the greek feed my lambs and then the word feed my sheep is biomano probata one is give food and tend my lambs give them food and tend them or nourish them then the second one is rule them and govern them where you have the word shepherd all right and we said that word shepherd is a narrative from the old testament and that's why we're examining brother david as a shepherd who was exemplary in the old testament now the shepherd gives himself he is spent to do the job with the integrity of his heart let me tell you this it counts for a lot that god wants to see your heart having that integrity it counts for a lot that god wants to see your heart having that integrity you don't have to get everything right i don't know anybody who gets everything right so you don't have to get everything right because nobody does that's why jesus is that example for us so the integrity of the heart that's the number one integrity of the heart secondly he guided them that word is the same word naka in the hebrew naka same word used for moses over israel so what moses did to israel is what david is doing and i taught you that israel wasn't meant to have a king but they were meant to have a servant leader like moses moses said the day you decide to have a king in deuteronomy 17 make sure he is not a tyrant ensure that he is a servant king a servant king and then the god saul and saul was the exact opposite we are coming to that in a short while eventually they founded a man after god's heart that is a king that fitted moses's recommendation in deuteronomy chapter 17 who was able to teach them the law practice the law and he wasn't that perfect guy but he followed god's perfect plan he wasn't that perfect guy but he followed god's perfect plan god never uses the perfect guy for his perfect plan but where you find an imperfect guy sincerely following god he will fit into his perfect plan let me repeat again god never uses the perfect guy for his perfect plan but where you find an imperfect guy sincerely following god he will fit into god's perfect plan so he gave them direction another word here is the word skillfulness of his hand talking about david he directed them by the skillfulness empower city please listen to me all citizens all over the world all the pastors all the district pastors campuses leaders house church pastors and of course pastors that are here pastors that are watching online and on television and every one of you that is involved in raising disciples and even the disciples who are potential leaders hear this the skillfulness there the word tebuna in the hebrew has to do with the wisdom you acquire by experience the skillfulness the word tebuna has to do with the wisdom that you acquire by experience because leadership is by experience you don't lead by knowledge alone you lead by experience you must have the experience because it's critical experience is critical you must have the experience of one who is learning to teach others of one who is learning to teach others you must have the experience of one under authority to execute one because leadership comes with experience leadership comes with experience he said he led them by their skillfulness the word skillfulness is not just knowledge skillfulness is the expertise you get by applying knowledge skillfulness is the expertise you get by applying knowledge that is how he became the good shepherd of the sheep and you know moses is equally like that in exodus chapter 2 in exodus chapter 3 you'll find that moses is equally a shepherd over the people of god what it means is that god or the scripture treats god's people as sheep god treats his people as sheep and sheep must be laid sheep must be led sheep must be tended sheep must be attended to and sheep must be taken care of god treats his people by his word as sheep and sheep must be led sheep must be tended sheep must be attended to and sheep must be taken care of so in first samuel chapter 16 there is something about faithful men because faithful men will be found doing the same thing saul had done the number on somewhere and so somewhere goes to the house of jesse to anoint a king now please observe something here god doesn't give samwell the name of the king but samuel is going to anoint a king but somewhere doesn't have the name of a king but somewhere knows that there is a king somewhere in the house of jesse so somewhere goes there now in first samuel chapter 16 verse 1 see how it works and the lord said unto samwell how long will that mourn for saul seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel fill thy horn with oil and go i will send it to jesse the bethlehemite for i have provided me a king among his sons he goes in there he says jesse somehow god has decided to choose one of the members of your bible school somehow god has decided to choose one of your disciples one of your members who is studious in your bible school those people who buy your books and study very diligently those who show up on social media with your messages and engages others to listen so he said come in let's see so he brings in the eldest eliot one who is tallest and has the greatest popularity the pastor in verse six look at it verse 6 of first samuel 16. and he came to pass when they were calm that he looked on elia and said surely the lord's anointed is before him he says this is the man before me is the lord's anointed and the lord said to him in verse 7 of first psalm 16 but the lord said unto somewhere look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature don't be moved by his popularity because i have refused him for the lord see it not as man see it for man look at on the outward appearance but the lord looked on the heart ministry is of their heart ministry is not in luke's ministry is in the condition of a man's heart you can look the part but not have the heart but somebody may not look like a minister but has the heart is a heart thing you know i um ben many years ago said you know he said to pastor ray mccauley far back in the 80s he said he believes that god gives to pastors a very special heart pastors because pastors have dealings with members so god gives them a very special heart i think so myself you know i think so myself god gives them a very special heart now god said i have refused him you are looking at the outward appearance but i'm looking at the heart condition i'm looking at his heart i have refused him now just the next chapter will tell you the kind of person eliot is the word refused here in hebrew has to do with disqualified he is disqualified and you know there are people who are disqualified way ahead of time way ahead of time from the time they start discipleship their behavior their heart condition their motives they are already disqualified for ministry now some people all their life in church they never are able to do ministry always learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth because their heart is not right their heart condition their motives their intentions what they are looking for is not what god is looking for their heart a minister of the gospel is as successful as the state of his heart where ministry is concerned is as successful as the state of his heart where ministry is concerned so he says he is not the guy and that's strange because culturally the first born is the person to choose then they called all the children and the lord said neither have i chosen all of them now look at verse 10 to 11 of first samuel chapter 16. again jesse made seven of his songs to pass before somewhere and someone said unto jesse the lord had not chosen this and somewhere said unto jesse i hear all their children and he said there remained yet the youngest and behold he kept the sheep that's a water underline behold he's the youngest but he keeped the sheep and someone said unto jesse send and fetch him for we will not sit down till he continues send and fetch him they ask jesse is this everyone just he says these are the ones that people recognize they're on facebook they're the ones that are on television then he says oh there's one behold he keeps sheep he's the youngest but he keep it sheep you know sometimes when you have that impression of the spirit some things will just balls when he heard that the young man keeping sheep he said that's the one and we will not sit down because when i see a man that has the potential for ministry when i talk within five minutes i can tell a man that even if you drag him into ministry will not do anything i can tell i mean i can tell you don't need to close your eyes especially if you've been around you don't need to fast you don't need to pray i don't need to to check and say don't say the i can just look at you engage in a five minutes discourse and i can tell you whether you're ready for ministry or not he said that's the one if this guy is keeping sheep and he's the youngest that's the one then he says we will not sit down till he comes so he keeps the sheep god gets him that's our man he knew that he had something we need for israel he kept the sheep the leader of israel moses knew who the keepers of the people were you know god says select seventy men i will take off your spirit and put on him and moses knew in acts chapter six choose he out among you honest men full of the holy ghost and of good report and they pointed them out in any fellowship in any campus in any church all you need is just be observant you can pinpoint people that are potential to be leaders and pastors it shows you can have the potential and it's hidden it will show your commitment your sense of responsibility how you are there on time how you attend to people how you respond to people how you are engaged in people you say brother not looking happy you walk up to him you give him a word of encouragement you grab somebody who needs prayer you pray for him you're all over the place you are interested you know service is over pastor is still standing by the pulpit to attend to people you don't just walk away those that have potential for ministry they hang around because more is caught than taught more is caught than taught they hang around they watch the man of god they see how he talks they see how he prays sometimes they even come close to hear what the people are saying and the kind of answer he is giving sometimes they are evil ready to stay with him and join him to pray for people because those are the experiences of ministry those that don't have any potential for ministry they are not interested they are not interested the only thing they're interested in is that brother came with a big car let me collect his complimentary card they want to follow people out and see which car he brought which car she brought that may be a potential person that may give me contract or contact or introduce me that's all they're interested it shows where their heart is but those that have potential for ministry they want to hang around the man of god they want to check how he does what he does sometimes they ask questions nobody appointed them they appoint themselves they want to come around you see them hanging around the pastor is telling them go home they say no sir when you leave we will leave not that they have any appointment not that they have any responsibility they are learning ministry but those who are not interested even when you tell them hang around okay one two three please hang around leaders come and hang around they are not interest no potential for ministry they are not ready there is no preparation there is no desire they are not converting the things of the spirit such people can grow only people that are converting the things of the spirit can tap in and grow because more is caught than thought it's not everything we teach there are things you just watch and you learn like the young man who went to cast our demons closed his id they took out the eye for him if he has been hanging around when we did deliverance he will have observed how we cast out demons he will have observed how we get people born again he will have observed how we respond to people who have situations because you have to learn it's called internship it's called discipleship you have all the opportunity to learn every sunday i stand here and i minister after service i hang around i talk to people i pray for people i can't sell people i hang around and there's no restriction to anybody from hanging around with me some of you know what i'm talking about i hang around i pray for people i talk to people i respond to people sometimes if you are even around if i want to talk to somebody i'll say come come come let's talk to this person because i want you to observe what i'm about to do i want you to see the way i will answer i wanted to see the way i would respond because i'm training i'm a trainer i love training people i'm always carrying people with me because every opportunity i want to transfer knowledge i want to transfer experience i don't hold i'm not a selfish person i want to share my life with people that value it and are willing to learn not on serious people you hang around me for 10 years you can't even pray for the sick what an unserious human being you are you hang around me for five years you can't even do me in history you're not serious you are the type that god will tell samwell i have refused him i have refused this one i have refused him because he's not serious he's not serious because if he's serious his attitude will show he said i have refused him in acts chapter 6 he said choose those you know because he shows he keeps the sheep he's the youngest i thought the youngest would be in the field playing with other children i thought the youngest would be in the field playing football no the youngest became responsible he's the one that hangs around he wants to always be where ministry is happening so he can learn he wants to always be what ministry is happening so he can observe so he can engage when i was learning ministry when i was growing up every opportunity see people minister even if they want me to pay if i had the money i'm willing to pay i was so inquisitive if i say a man of god i'll just be asking questions i'll just be asking questions every man of god i came across i will stop i will say please man of god i have a few questions no man of god pass me by without me collecting something from them and if they are doing something i will hang around if they need help i will give i'll carry briefcase i'll carry their handbag because that's the only reason why i have to be there i see young men of today no drive no drive no fire no hunger no no zeal ministry is not magic ministry is no magic you don't want to serve you have no future in the ministry this boy ought to be around playing with his friends he's a young man he has elder brothers but yet he's the youngest that is responsible and looking after sheep he's going to use you because you are responsible that's the only reason why god will use you not because you have the height not because you have the shape not because you can speak good english not because you are very eloquent it's because you are responsible he keep it sheep that resonated even though it was insignificant but somewhere new that is it that's the sign we're looking for as soon as david came in god said arise anoint him this is he arise does god reject people not for salvation but for ministry yes capital y e s he does not reject people for salvation but he rejects people for service he rejects people from ministry that's why paul said i put my body under that after preaching to others i won't be disqualified from reward yes god rejects people from service you have to be qualified first timothy chapter 3 verse 1 to 13. those are qualifications for a man that will be a pastor or a bishop you have to be what god wants in acts chapter 6 they didn't choose everybody they chose selected people in salvation come as you are in leadership no you can't come as you are you select you choose in first number 17 it comes out what you was doing look at it first samuel 17 12. now david was a son that the ephrata of bethlehem judah whose name was jesse and he had eight sons and the man went out among for an old man in the days of saul so david is the youngest look at verse 15 of the same chapter but david went and returned from saul to feed his father's sheep at bethlehem when you are faithful you are faithful when you are not faithful you are not faithful a great man of god said i agree with him great men are revealed in little things little men are revealed in greetings great men are revealed in little things little men are revealed in great things if you want to know a great man you will see how faithful he is in literally two things little little things you want to see a small man he's looking for the pulpit when he has not learned to clean the chair he's looking for the microphone when he has not learned how to attend prayer meeting he's looking for limelight when he cannot even explain john 3 16. he's looking for popularity he can't explain scripture he's already having a channel on youtube where he's preaching meanwhile he has not served he has not understood it he has not been discipled yet he wants to own a channel to be preaching he wants popularity he wants limelight you don't look for limelight until you're prepared for it because nothing destroys men of god fast like limelight when you're not prepared for it it will be your greatest undoing give a faithful man an insignificant walk he will do it very well give an unfaithful man a big walk you will regret why you gave him that walk he will bring you down there's nothing too small when you are faithful there's nothing too small when you're faithful i'm committed today as aware when i didn't even have much light when i had few people i prayed and studied faithfully and walked faithfully with the little light i had with the little light i had when i started ministry newly the little light that was available there were no people like me to teach me there were no people like me to teach me you think 30 years ago if i had somebody teach me what i'm teaching you today they were not there so we were doing trial and error we would push we would stumble we would fall we were staggered we would stand up we navigated our way through the dark to get to where we got you have the privilege of me i'm even giving you more than you can chew part-time i'm pushing you have no excuse you have no excuse yeah you have no excuse you don't be comfortable overnight you become faithful in little things and it's over time it's over time if you can be faithful raising a disciple you can be faithful in bible study you can be faithful in prayer meeting you can be faithful in evangelism how will you be able to handle complex theological issues how david went back to sheep they just anointed him david has just been anointed a king yet he went back to the ship that's a faithful man he didn't stop printing complimentary card with his new title he went back to the ship the same thing i was doing that brought me this recognition is what i keep doing i don't stop in fact i do it now with increased dedication with increased sacrifice then we went back to sheep went back to his house church and went back on time cleaned the place before service open the place for people to come let in the prayer meeting no matter the anointing nothing changed in his commitment to service talking about david what else look at verse 17 see what david did and jesse said unto david's son take now for that brethren and ever of this patched corn and this 10 loaves and run to the camp to thy brethren he sent him just like peter james and john he is now carrying food why because the leader of god's children is a servant the leader of god's children is a servant if you can't serve you can't lead if service is beneath you then leadership is way way way too far from you if service is beneath you then leadership is way way way too far from you you should be able to serve so david goes he takes the food there and look at verse 20 the confrontation and david rose up early in the morning and left the ship with the keeper he left the ship with a keeper that's something to underline he left the ship with a keeper and took and went as jesse had commanded him and he came to the trench as the host was going forth to the fight and shouted for the battle he left with a keeper very faithful he didn't just leave the ship and say after all i have been sent no he made sure the ship was well taken care of by somebody in his absence that's a responsible person that's a responsible person so when you hear he led with the integrity of his heart this is just the background of that integrity he has the experience of a faithful man he knows how to keep the sheep of god by knowing how to keep the insignificant things sheep if you do not know how to clean the venue for fellowship how to clean the place for people to sit then you don't love those who are coming to the service you don't love them if you don't know how to go there clean the place so that when they come they can be comfortable then you don't love the people of god you don't love them hallelujah you want to reach the world but you cannot serve the immediate brethren are you not a hypocrite you are too busy you are too engaged you're just a joker some of us are in a hurry to laugh at a man of god who has been in ministry for 40 years 50 years 45 years meanwhile you cannot be faithful for four weeks consistently you can't even be faithful consistently for four weeks but you're in a hurry to laugh at a man of god that has been doing this thing through thick and thin tough and rough hard and easy all he's been through all manner of weather and yet he's still pushing after 45 years and you say does he have doctrine carry adoption and get out what doctrine this man labors for 40 you with all your doctrine you can't be faithful for four weeks you're full of excuses yet you have doctrine take your doctrine and go with it somewhere the man may not have doctrine but the man is faithful he's faithful with the little he knows and he's doing it well that's what jesus will reward the man has been doing it he's still doing it and he's consistent you must be faithful jesus said faithfully little will make you a ruler over much david goes to the field and he decides to take care of goliath now look at first samuel 17 28. and earlier his eldest brother heard when he spoke unto the men and eliot's anger was kindled against david and he said why chemists died down here and with whom has done left those few sheep in the wilderness underline those few sheep in the wilderness i know thy pride and the naughtiness of the heart for thou had come down the dharma you see the battle look at the way he spoke about his father's walk look at the way eliap spoke about his father's work already it reveals the content of his heart look at the kind of disdain that he used in describing his father's work how did you leave that few sheep that small church those few members he disdained his father's walk when you see people like this they are like esau they talk down on their inheritance he saw what's called a profane man a profane man is a man of no value he was given to profanity he had no value for spiritualities he had no honor for sacred things he called his entire father's inheritance for them few sheep who did you leave that few sheep with with disdain and mockery see his heart that's why he was refused see his heart that's why he was refused talk down on what their dad does spoke in disdain such people are rejected members of power city listen to me carefully no matter your anger i know you should not be angry but even if by mistake anger takes hold of you don't say the wrong things don't ever say the wrong thing it will catch up with you don't ever i am telling you don't say stupid things anything you disrespect you have signed it off from your life it doesn't matter how you are feeling when you through the disrespect there's no excuse for dishonor oh i was angry now i didn't like the way that man of god behaved now that's why i just spoke like that there is no excuse for dishonor no matter how angry you are you must know where not to be angry you must know where not to be angry how can you call it a few sheep this is a man without honor a man without respect for holy things and he shows up in the basic things it's so sad what is it with my birthright who cares about what right but right who cares about being a leader in church who cares about being in the prayer team who cares about preaching and teaching who cares about ministry i just want to eat the word of god and be fine if they don't allow me to serve it doesn't matter you are essa profanity a man of no value a man of no respect no regard i can't kill myself over a ministry i can't keep myself over anybody then god is not going to trust you with responsibility because he killed himself over the same people you can kill yourself for he killed himself for them he gave up himself let nobody just come here and be strangulating me let nobody choke me i have my own life to live such people don't serve nobody should come to my house i just bought a new rug all reason papa is talking about house churches nobody should come to my house you see a new rug because these are now before you know it as they are coming and going coming and going to be old nobody should come to my house rug rug the poverty in your family is still warming up rogue rock just rock rogue because you bought rock brethren cannot come and fellowship in your house rogue rogue rogue rogue raw carpet carpet when president are coming remove your shoe remove your shoe remove rug rug holy ground we should remove our shoe for holy ground you have a long way you have a long way to go people that jesus shed his blood for cannot enter your house because of rogue david did exactly what i would have done is there not a cause is there not a cause and some of us will turn to our spouses because of a little domestic argument and every time there's a small argument and you say you are a pastor and you say you are a pastor madam be careful be careful don't use the call of god on a man to be taken advantage of him don't respect holy things respect what god respects honor what god honors no matter what happens watch what you say david said to elliot when eliot was saying fushifiship david said is there not a cause david ignored him and turned to another person hear me well everybody if people bring railing accusation against you don't engage them the best answer to accusation is ignored ignore don't answer them don't answer them tell them i'm too busy i can't calm down i'm too busy i have work to do because once you engage them you are distracted don't engage them just ignore that's what i do i just simply ignore i have work to do when people are engaging you in useless things tell them i'm too busy keep your eyes on the ball keep your eyes on the ball tell them i have work to do i have the nations of the earth to reach i have you to pastor i have you to teach i have you to be there for because all of you too are there for me i have you to pray for david turned and moved he got goliath down eventually but observe what happened first samuel 17 when he got to saul and david said to saul i'm going to help you take out goliath saul said to david how do i know you're able look at verse 33 see what saul told david and saul said to david they were not able to go against this philistine to fight with him for now i bought a youth and he a man of war from his youth when they said someone would take down goliath saul was excited he taught a very serious person he was coming [Laughter] then he saw a youth is it this david this david that plays the harp he's a musician he's not a serious guy he plays his roommate he's just joking david don't do comedy around me this is serious matter he doesn't know that there were silent training times there are people that god is training quietly quietly you are not aware of what's going on and one day they come out you think they are just coming out they've been in the training field however in hidden corners the great man that god is raising all over the world that are undergoing training and they are not playing they are building they are developing their day of showing forth is surely coming there is a day this training going on then he said to him are you able to take goliath when he saw that david was serious look at verse 34 oh yeah yeah and then he said unto saul thy servant kept his father's sheep and there came a lion and a bear and i took a lamb out of the flock i've been in practice i'm not just a fresher i've been in the bush i've been where nobody saw me nobody watched my video nobody had my voice nobody had my message nobody had me nobody knew what was going on i've been in silent training and preparation and even in my training moments things like goliath came and i took care of them now that this one is a joker there's nothing i've been around i've been around i took a lamb bunny bear look at verse 35 of that same chapter and i went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me i caught him by his bed and smote him and slew him thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them seeing he had defied the armies of the living god is about to lead not by chance this is a guy who is about to lead by experience i've been around i may not be popular i may not be on the front lines of the newspapers but i've been around and when the chips are down you know how long we've been around you know how long this training has been going on paul will say to timothy do not choose a bishop who has no experience don't choose a bishop a pastor a novice cannot be a pastor festival 236 not a novice lesbian lifted up with pride he falls into the condemnation of the devil the word novice in the greek is the word neofitios neophytios n-e-o-p-h-e-t-e-o-s neophytios he is just an overnight it means somebody who just sprang out no training nothing he just appeared overnight and you know overnight ministers they collapsed overnight people ask me dr damien where do you get your stamina from what kind of food are you eating what kind of vitamins are you taking you preach with short stamina it's like you never get tired do you know where i'm coming from this is a man that will preach crusade without equipment and the crowd wherever they are standing they will hear my voice this voice has been under training for decades so preaching of one two hours is nothing into this voice it's training it's training and we see you preach it a lot of energy do you know how i pray for hours we pray for hours sweat will fill the whole floor as if rain fell they will mop the place because of sweat and it's not one year not two years not 10 years not 15 years not 20 years not 25 we've been on this thing you lead by experience and this experience you don't buy it in the market if you don't have it you don't have it the only way to have the experience is to go through that's the only way you have to go through and many people don't want that going through so if you can't go through you can't get two you have to go through to get to there are no shortcuts they are not cutting off corners there are no cutting of corners no cutting of corners listen carefully everybody no serious leader will trust anybody that just sprang up accidentally no serious leader no serious leader i have met senior men of god around the world some of them have given me their pulpit to preach some of them never met me before the moment i met them for the first time maybe somebody recommended and they invited me to their church the moment we meet before they take me to their pulpit in the office the first question is how long have you been in ministry first question they want to know they want to know this man that has come how much experience does he have to handle my audience second question how is your wife how many children do you have second question once i answer those two questions they will give me something to drink will be ready for service in a few minutes let me just check what's going on in the congregation he has already gotten what he needs every time you meet a senior experienced minister the first thing they will ask you is how long have you been in ministry that's the first question they are not interested in your big news they want to know if you have the experience to handle their congregation no serious minister will trust a fly by night you know what a fly by night is some of those who just appeared no history no history no you can't trace where he was trained you can't find where he came from you can't find who he served you can't find where he served nobody to give him recommendation you know you can't trust him even in the secular world when you apply for a job they will ask you for references references means we want to know where you're coming from and we want to know your history ministry is not exempted from it it's not he is saved he has served those are the two recommendations he is saved he has served like timothy joshua ministered with moses he has been there he was there when the church started he has been there and he is still there consistent and committed on fire paul will say in second corinthians chapter one verse number four who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort where we ourselves are comforted of god it is what god has used to help us that we will use to help others there's no fly by night in this thing it takes consistency of years as you grow in leadership all your experiences will become useful i said it already the good the bad the ugly today's learning experience for me in two years time i will use the experience of today in two years time to keep leading god's people you don't drop the ball no matter the challenge because the seeming challenges you have eventually become useful in ministry in discipleship you acquire deep experience with the lord you serve then you can lead others as a servant not as a ruler you serve then you can lead others as a servant not as a ruler so take note of this number one faithfulness is never in the past i used to be faithful i used to be faithful faithfulness is never in the past number two humility is never in the past anyone can be humble when they are young or when they are poor or don't have anything to boost off it is natural to be humble when you don't have anything the true test of your humility is when you start having money you start having position you start having recognition will you still be humble enough to clean the toilet will you still come early and clean the toilet a friend of mine pastor christoph cote few years ago a number of years ago actually first time i was meeting him in lagos years ago christopher i got to lagos i wanted to meet him i've always liked christopher cote even before he became a preacher i've always liked him you know there are people you just like if anybody abuse them you can't even beat him because you just like them and no matter what they do you like them case clothes that's how i like him so i went to lagos and then somebody who knows me in acquiring was close to him suddenly came into the office and said ah pastor you're here he went up and told pastor christopher my pastor in acquired bomb is here he wants to meet you so christopher what do you say bring him up so i got up we met with crystal coty and then we chatted we chatted we chatted and we started developing relationships so that same evening he now said to me can we go down to the sanctuary i said why not i came to just spend time with you and just fellowship so i followed him down to the sanctuary look at cars parked cars i mean when you hear cars serious cars in different classes rates and sizes all lined up as if it was a car mart lined up in front of the church so i said to him is there a service today he said no is there ushers that have come to clean the church i said excuse me the ushers have discussed he yes our ushers are md's ceos of companies those are the people cleaning the church i say okay i'm hearing i'm learning something ceos managing directors where the people cleaning and washing the church and when we entered see the way they were all on their shorts with their t-shirts some of them carrying blooms and buckets these are people that have staff in their companies coming to the church to clean it by themselves some people will pay people to go and do it when you grow to where you are using money instead of using the same hands that you are using when you are nobody if something is going wrong with your mind they were all over the place sweeping cleaning with their pockets i stood and became more humble than ever these are oceans it's not a world congress it's not a united nations occasion these are just ushers that was enough preaching for me humility is not what you used to do faithfulness is not what you used to do same thing with loyalty loyalty is not in the past it is what you are still doing now we find that david is a faithful guy faithful with few you can see the ship was not really a big farm it was a small farm the brother called it few sheep so they must have been few few members small church you must carry your disciples you must carry your disciples and treat them like gold no matter how many they are you treat them like gold because that is your heart state when there's pain on them there's pain on you when they cry you cry when they're in trouble you're praying just be faithful teaching the world i have seen people abandon their flock when there's a problem the pastor takes off he has never been able to pass through many things for years you shouldn't be like that don't ever treat god's sheep like nothing faithfulness is never in the past humility is never in the past loyalty is never in the past so as you are a disciple you also are going to grow in experience as a disciple you're also growing make sure that your experience becomes useful for others how can that happen the only way that can happen is if you don't drop the ball stay focused you will have the expected experiences you will have difficulties it's normal you will have difficulties but don't drop the ball you will be tempted to feel like giving up hold on if you hold on just a little you will find out that somehow somehow strength will be supplied when you feel like you can't take it anymore stand there and hold on we are not on day that draw back we have did a press forward to the saving of the soul we stay with it we stay with it then somewhere along the line what seemed like trouble will not become comfort unto others i've had people say your teaching has brought me life your teaching has helped me to stay in ministry i've had ministers say to me it is when i started hearing your teaching now that christianity is becoming meaningful i am wondering what if i didn't stay what if i gave up when all hell broke loose what if i quitted when it was tough to go on what if i surrendered when it was like nobody was on my side but i held on and i pressed on pressing up the upward way new heights i'm gaining every day i'm pressing onto higher ground lord plant my feet on higher ground i'm pressing on brother paul said this one thing i do i forget the past i press forward towards the mark of the high calling of god in christ jesus i forget the past hadith again i see people today blessed by my ministry all over the world supposing i gave up 10 years ago supposing i gave up 15 years ago supposing i quit head where was that somebody said to me i don't know where it was somebody said to me papa any time you ever feel like giving up remember me i need you you can't give up any time you feel like giving up my life think about my life please and hold on some more i told him me if i was going to give up it would have been long ago the bridges that i will have used to go back they are all burnt there's no more bridge so there's no going back this journey is to the end kabbalah one of these that draw back we have did i press forward i trust god to abide i trust god to help me i trust god to keep me i trust him second timothy chapter two verse two brother paul will say to timothy the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses the same commit doubt to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also so be faithful with the teaching what we are teaching you take it serious because that is one of the things you will commit to people the things you have heard the teachings you have heard look at titles chapter one verse nine brother paul said to titus holding first the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine but to exhort and to convince the gangsters holding fast the faithful word that is he understands the faithful world and he is able to teach others you hold fast that faithful word you haven't seen us teach anything else even under the pandemic i was coming here and i kept teaching the same thing i didn't change the texture of my message to fit into the pandemic where the message is concerned the pandemic does not exist we kept teaching the same thing in and out of season we are holding fast to the form of faithful words which you have received we do not preach to suit people we preach the same thing you are the one that will look for how to fit in be faithful with the teaching we will never compromise it because we have the faithful world the faithful world requires a faithful minister the faithful world requires a faithful minister can you say with me very loud every one of you i am faithful whether your pastor is there or not you must make up your mind to be faithful faithful simply means be loyal to what you are called to do and do it well be loyal to what you are called to do and do it well he is faithful with the teaching he is faithful with the purpose two things he is faithful with the teaching he is faithful with the purpose paul who said to timothy you know my purpose you know it second timothy 3 10 but that was fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long long-suffering charity patience you know my purpose that word purpose is the greek word prothesis it means my dedication you know what i am dedicated to you know the reason why i do it in other words as we rub off on each other we pick purpose from each other we pick purpose from each other i am not really trying to do something new god what do you want me to do a sense of purpose doing it for the same reason god wants you to do it we learn purpose from each other we learn the word and ministry from others we also learn purpose from others so in discipleship as you lead men in christ write these things down quickly quickly quickly number one you lead men in prayer number two you lead them in the workings of the spirit number three you lead them in commitment number four you learn discipleship from people you learn discipleship from people number five you learn morality from people morality the aspect of being sincere and pure in conduct morality okay number six you learn generosity you learn generosity you learn generosity number seven you learn how to handle sorrow and pain when you serve from others how to handle sorrow and pain when you serve from others can others learn from you these things can people just follow you and learn prayer learn the workings of the spirit can people follow you and learn commitment to the gospel when people come around you can they learn how to disciple people can people come around you and learn morality and purity in conduct can people just by hanging around you learn generosity what if when there's pain and sorrow can people let one or two things from you when your expectations are not met how do you respond how do you react you learn it by watching others when you see the way people handle things it's easy for you to handle it there's that call on us to be joshua to be david to be elijah to be timothy to be titus we're learning it we are not trying to form our own we are not trying we are watching and simply replaying what we're learning we're not trying to reinvent the wheel that's all we're doing we're not under pressure so let's see first thessalonians 5 12 and we beseech you brethren to know them which label among you and i over you in the lord and admonish you and admonish you know them that labor among you we beseech you brethren to know did he say we beseech you brethren to know all the men of god what did he say know them that labor where among you brother peter says that there are younger ones and there are elders so there are pastors over pastors district pastors over house church pastors house church pastors over disciples recognize the leadership structure the moment we follow the leader that's how we achieve unity by following the leader this unity starts with two leaders in the same house once that happens there will be dishonor there will be disunity and there will be discord this unity starts when i dare to be different i'm trying to be different i'm already different i don't have to try this unity starts when i don't see just one person over me when i'm seeing two people over me that's this unity don't make aaron's mistake aaron always listens to what the congregation wants the people say the people say the people say that's eron's mistake you have only one person to listen to your leader nobody else you are not to listen to the people you have to listen to your leader stay with what i have taught you pray and decide to live a life of faithfulness in the house in all conditions and situations as you lead others to lead others who will lead others to lead others who will lead others to lead others to lead others who will lead others to lead others to lead others who will lead others to lead others to lead others who will lead others to lead others and that is the way the legacy of the gospel of christ keeps going from generation to generation it takes faithful man it takes faithful man it takes faithful man it takes loyal men it takes dedicated people it takes people that are focused it takes people that have made up their minds to stay with the ministry through thick and thin we're here yeah and we're going to push this thing we're committed to it we're going to learn it well and teach it well and stay with it say you have known my manner of life you have known my purpose you have known my example you have known my conduct it's not just a message you learn you learn other things you learn the conduct you learn the manner of life you learn the purpose you learn the character all that is important that's what breeds success are we blessed standing with you that's all i got for you tonight glory to god let's pray in the spirit as we round up again in the name of jesus father we praise you thank you lord father i pray for everyone hearing the sound of my voice in this building on television on radio on social media in the house churches in our campuses around the world and all our bible study centers thank you lord for the privilege to teach and to bring clarity from your world to equip and to build your people as walkman walkman laborers that will label in the vineyard to make jesus see the fruit of his labor in men disciples raised all over the world lord i decree that everyone hearing the son of my voice by the holy ghost is being prepared he's been equipped he's been trained he's been empowered and in the name of jesus we rejoice that we will see men raised all over the world through us men raised everywhere to preach christ to know christ to grow in the knowledge of christ worthy ambassadors worthy ambassadors jacqueline men that will stand fast in this ministry in and out of season that will not be deterred by anything thank you father hallelujah and i decree and declare in the name of jesus that anyone that is hearing the sound of my voice that was getting tempted to quit or to give up i command them fired up in the name of jesus satan stop that in the name of jesus you're strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man and in the name of jesus you're fired up thank you father the peace of god that passed it understanding keeps your heart and mind and i pray for anyone that is sick out there be healed be healed in the name of jesus thank you father for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer sees the powerful amen you cannot teach the tithing lord as giving you are bringing back what is dead to life he takes away the first that he may establish the second the title lord is dead the bible says the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire he killed malachi 3 that he may establish the second so if they take you to malachi 3 take them to revelation 22 that the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire so the titan law has been killed it must not exist side by side [Music] the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me what free from the lord sin and then join dr abel domino the senior pastor of power city international as he explores exegetically bible doctrine untied and tithing date from sunday 14th of march to sunday 21st of march 2021 time monday 15th to saturday 20th 6 p.m daily sundays 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus 1. join the broadcast on radio aquaboom 90.5 fm ooh 11 a.m to 1 p.m excel fm 106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm and heritage radio 104.9 10 pm till midnight and also on kingdom live network station also live on facebook at abel domino public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter abel daminer and instagram at abel daminer watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer don't miss out welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back it's been an adventure together studying and learning the things that christ will have us do to a generation that don't know him i believe that the word of god has blessed you and challenged you today i want to encourage you we have a mentoring academy where we can take time to equip you some more so if you're looking to study further with me i will encourage you to email me today to join my mentoring academy let me also mention if you live in a place where there's no bible teaching church where christ is revealed a church where you can learn the things you are learning from me here you can start one in your community you can start one in your locality and if you want to start one we can train you equip you and walk with you until a campus that's what we call our churches a campus is launched in your community you're not learning all of these truths to just sit down somewhere you're learning them so you can also teach others brother paul said to timothy the things you have learned and heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to others everything you're learning is so that you can also be a blessing to other people remember blessed to be a blessing so if you want to start a campus today or you want to join one send me an email dr ibeldamina at we love you remember we are live every day 12 noon gmt plus one 6 p.m gmt plus one and 10 p.m gmt plus one you don't want to miss what god is doing at this season equipping and preparing people that will take this gospel to the ends of the earth we love you and look forward to hearing from you and until we call it in the next broadcast enjoy the grace of christ amen [Music] victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 909
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FIaQbwIrrfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 31sec (5071 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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