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[Music] feel the power welcome to rice's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina hello family and friends on facebook youtube instagram twitter i want to welcome you to the ever increasing world feast and i'm excited today to have all of you connected to this broadcast abel damina is my name we are very committed to the vision of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you give me the favor today invite somebody share this video tag somebody you know create watch parties let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus grace and i want you to know we're going to have an exciting time of studying the word of his grace on this particular broadcast today let me quickly mention that my two books are out and if you don't have a copy of these books i don't know what you're waiting for causes myth and the truth very powerful material you know in this book i talked about the language in which the bible was written use of words the role of the bible reader and the bible teacher the blessing and the curse does god curse the curse of the law one of generational cases jesus and the victory and a lot more it's a book you don't want to you know go without especially for people that have been threatened with causes before now you know what you don't know is bigger than you ignorance is the greatest undoing of any man my people are destroyed not because satan is powerful but because they don't know they have no knowledge so get this material today it will build you up and edify you and bring clarity then there's this other book on the communion table many people ask me so many questions on the communion you know and all of that this book is very powerful i wrote this book and there's a lot in it exceed justice all over the book the promise of god the old testament feast the difference between the passover breaking of bread and the lord's supper the lord's table and walking in love very powerful material i'd like you to order for them you know and all other books that we have written all of these efforts is to see that you are enriched in your work with christ that you maximize everything that christ has provided for your spiritual edification i'd like you to share with other people you know the things we are sharing with you here get more people to be connected get more people to order for the material right now on the screen the phone number to call for the material is on the screen and the email address where you can send your orders to is also on the screen there are also many other titles i have written over 30 titles you can order and our office can send you all of the catalogs for it now let me also mention those of you that have been following my teachings who don't have a local church where you attend where christ is revealed god wants you to live among brethren god doesn't want you to be isolated the bible says god has placed the solitary in families the word of god tells you i will bring you to your fold and i will give you pastors according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and he says it shall come to pass that when you are fed you shall not lack you shall not fear you shall not be dismayed if you are in a location where there is no bible teaching church where christ is revealed all the time you've been following my teachings and you want to identify with one or you want to start a campus we call our churches campuses you want to start a campus all you need to do is send me a mail dr abeldamina we will equip you and train you and work together with you to create a campus in your locality so you become a lighthouse where other people seeking to know christ can come around and be part of the fellowship and you can be pioneering a church there that will bring light to that community you become a lighthouse in that society i'm really excited about the opportunity god has given us as a ministry to enrich and equip believers all over the nations of the earth just before we go into the service remember again that you need a pen a notebook and a bible because it's going to be an exciting adventure as we adventure together into the word of his grace my prayer for you today is that grace are bound towards you that you always have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work in the name of jesus amen let me mention the story we're going to be having the next one two weeks here on facebook youtube every evening at 6 00 p.m gmt plus one the study we're going to be having is going to be a bible school who want to equip you and train you in the pursuit of the kingdom assignment that god has for your life i want to encourage you every day at this same time 12 noon gmt plus one to get more people to be part of this broadcast so together we can lighten the dark places of the earth let me take you on a gospel adventure right now into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing you cannot teach the titan lord as giving you are bringing back what is dead to life it takes away the first that he may establish the second the tithing lord is dead the bible says the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire he killed malachi 3 that he may establish the second so if they take you to malachi 3 take them to revelation 22 that the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire so the titan law has been killed it must not exist side by side [Music] the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me what free from the lord sin and then join dr abel domino the senior pastor of power city international as he explores exegetically bible doctrine untied and tithing date from sunday 14th of march to sunday 21st of march 2021 time monday 15th to saturday 20th 6 pm daily sundays 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus 1 join the broadcast on radio aquaboom 90.5 fm ooh 11 a.m to 1 p.m excel fm 106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm and heritage radio 104.9 10 p.m till midnight and also on kingdom life network station also live on facebook at abel daminer public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter abel and instagram at abel daminer watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer don't miss out the foundation and culture of discipleship matthew 28 18 to 20 and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth next verse go eat therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost twenty teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you hello i am with you always even until the end of the world we said few days ago that every time you see jesus teach or the apostles of jesus teach when we say that what we mean about the apostles of jesus women the 12th and the ones after them they were not preaching from the epistles jesus and the apostles were not preaching from the epistles they were not preaching from you know matthew mark luke and john they were not preaching from romans galatians ephesians no they were not at all jesus was always teaching from the old testament books brother luke will give us clarity to that effect luke chapter 24 verse 25 on the way to emmaus jesus made cleopas and theologians believe that the second disciple was his wife and they were discussing about the events of the past three days and jesus said unto them all fools and slow of her to believe all that the prophets have spoken next verse but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures in all the scriptures so beginning at moses and all the prophets is what is called the scriptures moses and the old testament prophets the books that the prophets wrote all right major and minor prophets they are called the scriptures he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself the things concerning himself look at that luke chapter 24 verse 44 and he said unto them these are the words which i spoke unto you while i was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me so jesus brought his teachings from the law of moses the prophet the psalms all right the law of moses the prophets and the psalms look at verse 45 then openly their understanding that they might understand the scriptures 46 to 49 and said unto them does it is written and thus it behoove christ to suffer and to rise from the dead today and that repentance and remission of sin shall be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem and you are witnesses of these things and behold i send the promise of my father upon you but tarry ye in the city of jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high so it shows you that conversation took place based on jesus explaining the old testament so we began to look at the concept of disciples what does it mean particularly in our world today it's not a common word some churches don't even use the word disciple they use the word members a disciple is a student an intern somebody who is learning and the use of disciple there means you cannot learn christianity on your own the use of the word disciples there means you cannot learn christianity on your own or let me say you cannot adopt christianity into your lifestyle it has to be learned you cannot adopt christianity into your lifestyle it has to be learned you have to learn how to pray you have to learn how to study you see that is discipleship discipleship is learning in matthew 28 19 the word disciple is the greek word matatu matatu someone who is interning under you someone who is interning under you a student you know a student doesn't say i am a student but i don't attend lectures a student doesn't say that or a student doesn't say i am a student but i don't take exams a student doesn't ever say i am a student but i don't take tests but when you say you know a man is a member of a church a member can say i'm a member of that church but i'm not a worker i'm a member but i don't attend prayer meeting those are members i'm a member but i don't go to church every week i go to church once a month i'm a member okay but a disciple cannot say that a disciple cannot say i'm a disciple of my pastor and i don't attend prayer meetings no way a disciple cannot say i am a student of my pastor but i don't go to church every week a student can see that but a member can say that you know because a member is a loose world but a disciple has definite doctrinal scriptural communal references and doctrinal instructions and doctrinal fruits that are expected to be born by anyone who claims or calls himself a student or a disciple now but when jesus gave us the mandate the man that he gave us is a mandate to go and make disciples not to go and gather members not to go and gather converts go and make disciples matter to you go and make disciples of every nation so there's a mandate every believer must have this corporate vision of the body of christ every believer we must all have this corporate vision of the body of christ to make disciples you will see it written in the scriptures you can take them down for reference matthew 28 18-20 mark chapter 16 verse 15 to 20. luke chapter 24 verse 47 john chapter 20 verse 23 i repeat matthew 28 18 to 20 mark 16 15 to 20 luke 24 47 john 20 verse 23 is a corporate mandate of the church so all of us as individual believers know that we share a common mandate a common mandate that means we have a corporate mandate for example if you are not increasing in discipleship you are not carrying out the money if you are not increasing in discipleship you are not carrying out the mandate because that mandate says go into all and make disciples of all nations that shows you that there is an increasing number there's a corporate mandate upon us as believers so we need to explore that world and understand the use of that word disciple we said a disciple is a student and one of the characteristics of a student is that he is a child who learns he is a child who learns like a child and we saw how the elderly ought to be like children and you know jesus said except you are like a child you cannot enter the kingdom of god you know to not let your position get into your heart or your change of status affect your behavior towards the word of god your age shouldn't get into your head no matter how old you are when it comes to the word of god you must put on the characteristics of a child you cannot grow spiritually if you refuse to humble yourself like a child the fruit of growth is humility when a man is growing he becomes humble the fruit of lack of growth is pride when a man is not growing he is proud in christ the higher we grow in the world the more childlike we behave the higher we grow in the world the more childlike we behave because the kingdom of god was birthed by god coming down stooping down stepping down into humanity god's greatness among us his kingdom is because he came down to us god's greatness is because he came to us having explored the word disciple let's see a few things about that word disciple we're going to read a few things from the book of acts chapter one now remember before we get in there that the four gospels we already saw that jesus had disciples who now became apostles okay acts chapter 1 verse 15. and in those days peter stood up in the midst of the disciples take note of the word disciples and said the number of names together were about 120 disciples disciples there were those who came from the resurrection of jesus those who came from the resurrection of jesus acts chapter 6 verse 1 and in those days when the number of the disciples taken out of the word disciples was multiplied there arose a murmuring of the christians against the hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily administration the number of the disciples and of course you know what that means the number of the students was multiplied the number of those learning was multiplied look at acts chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased and the number of the disciples multiplied in jerusalem greatly and a great company of the priests were obedient to the field every time we find the word of god increase disciples increase with it the increase of the world produces an increase in disciples so the way to know that the word of god is growing in any community is that students are produced you start seeing students of the world who are carrying on the ministry of the world that is how to know that the world is growing students suddenly people are hungry to learn people are hungry for the world like right now inaudible people are waking up to the word of god people are becoming hungry people are asking questions people are looking at their bibles again you know why because the word of god is growing so students are increasing in the land not just in acquiring bomb alone all over the world everyone that tunes into our teaching suddenly a hunger begins to generate a hunger begins to grow on their inside to learn more to grow more to know god more why because the world is increasing therefore it is natural for disciples to multiply so it's not by people you know just logging on on our facebook look at it and disappear no it is that people become intense and intentional about learning how you know the word of god is growing is when you find students of the world who make themselves interns look at acts chapter 8 verse 4 please pay attention therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the world they went everywhere take note of preaching the world acts chapter nine verse one acts chapter nine and so yet breathing our threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord went unto the high priest went against the disciples of the lord against the disciples of the lord acts chapter 9 verse 19 and when he had received meat he was strengthened then was saul certain days with the disciples which were at dharma's course with the disciples he was with the disciples look at verse 25 of acts chapter 9 then the disciples took him by night and let him down by the wall in a basket the disciples so she it is a corporate word corporate word the disciples they were together and they carry out the activity together they took him together put him in a basket let him down a corporate walk please take that note of that disciples always do a corporate work acts chapter 11 verse 21 and the hand of the lord was with them and a great number believed and turned unto the lord many people turned to the lord how by preaching by preaching look at verse 26 of acts 11 and when he had found him he brought him onto antioch and he came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people and the disciples were called christians first in antioch that means they were called like jesus christ like now you know when they call them christians it was a mockery they were actually mocking them it was not out of admiration it was out of mercury they called them christians but well some people are saying should we call ourselves christians since it was unbelievers that gave them the name and it is not really used all over the bible well since it was given as a mockery to those who look like christ first of all christian means christ like which is good and then it was a mockery well if they rejected our master they will also reject us so it's an honorable thing to be mocked along with christ look at that acts 11 29 then the disciples every man according to his ability determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in judea now we're going to see some specific references look at acts 13 52 52 and the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy ghost a corporate action they were filled with joy and with the holy ghost disciples we are praying disciples we are filled with joy disciples carried him put him in a basket and let him down so the word disciples shows a corporate world if we are all learning from the same person then our actions are corporate action if we're all learning from the same person then our actions are corporate look at acts 14 22 confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom look at verse 28 and there they are long time with the disciples notice he uses the word believers then he uses the word saints then he uses the word church then he uses the word disciples i go over it again he uses the word believers he uses the word saints he uses the word church then he uses the word disciples that means he wants us to see that in practice they were disciples they gathered as church they believed the same gospel they are saints by faith or by salvation but they are disciples by practice let me go over it again they gathered as church they believe the same gospel believers they are saints by faith but they are disciples by practice in other words they are doing what they are taught to do they are doing what they are taught to do not again church by gathering believers they heed and believe the gospel saints by faith in salvation brethren by association and union with one another they call them brethren by association and union with one another then disciples by practice disciples by practice now in acts chapter 8 please follow the sequence now acts chapter 18 verse 23 follow the sequence and although he has spent some time there he departed and went over all the country of galatia and fajr in order strengthening all the disciples strengthening all the disciples acts 19 verse 1 and it came to pass that while apollos was at current paul having passed through the upper coast came to ephesus and finding certain disciples and finding certain disciples well we know that the people they are referring to here are not even born again in acts chapter 19. yet he calls them disciples but they are not even born again but he calls them disciples so it shows you that disciple is not a spiritual term but it is used for spiritual things the word disciple is not a spiritual term but it is used for spiritual things it means people who learnt the same thing and people who are practicing the same thing a disciple or disciples are those who learnt the same thing and are practicing the same thing and they gave a united response to what brother paul was saying look at what they said in verse 2 of acts chapter 19. he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much they said unto him corporate answer he said unto them they said unto him so we said disciple is a corporate term and it refers to what we do in practice a corporate term it refers to what we do in practice so after a while these people got born again in acts 19 look at verse 9 acts chapter 19 verse number 9 but when divers were hardened and believed not but speak evil of that way before the multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples disputing daily in the school of one tyranus he separated the disciples so by using disciples for people that didn't know about redemption or the sacrifice of jesus it means therefore that discipleship has to do with persons it has to do with individuals nobody disciples himself that is there is a person in question and of course the person here is john the baptist even after he has died they were still calling them the disciples of john even after the man was long gone okay so we can have that kind of following of course in teaching learning and practice yeah we can have that that you raise disciples who are well raised yes after you are gone they are still referred to as your disciples yes after you are no more on earth all right assuming john had books it means these people we are still reading his books in acts chapter 19. they were still reading his books and believing they were still following assuming he had seen these messages on cds and youtube and you know all the various platforms where messages are stored it means they were still following his messages even on the website why they are disciples they are disciples if the church is going to build a legacy that will live for eons of years after the founder is gone he must invest in raising disciples converts disappear once the founder is gone members vanish the only person that stick to what they are taught for life are disciples disciples will stay with the teaching they will stay with the message they will stay with the mandate they will stay with the vision they will stay with the materials ew kenyon left many years ago his materials are still on the go everywhere i read them all the time i have all these books i even have this message this audio ew can you yes i go vice materials i go over its materials and you know what ew canyon said when they were mocking him when he started preaching this many years ago he said to them years after i am gone i will still be alive through my messages preaching he said yes the man is still alive preaching to build an enduring ministry will only be by disciples you can build a lasting ministry you can build an enduring ministry by converts and members his disciples that's why jesus didn't tell us to go and make converts he didn't tell us to go and make members he told us to go and make disciples because that's the only way the legacy of the gospel will last a zubin john the baptist and churches they were following the churches will have still been there that's what he said there they were disciples of john from their conversation in acts chapter 19. then in verse nine after they were born again they now became disciples again you know after paul lay down something in verse 6 and they got baptized the older and prophesied they now became disciples acts 21 now and after the opera was seized paul called unto him the disciples and embraced them and departed for to go into macedonia called unto him the disciples 20 verse 7 of acts and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread the disciples paul preached unto them ready to depart on the morrow and continue this speech until midnight disciples common word for everyone let's see one important aspect again i said it has to do with the person it has to do with the person look at acts 20 29 and 30 for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock vastati also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them to draw away disciples after them so discipleship has to do with who is teaching or whose teaching is being learned it has to do with who is teaching or whose teaching is being learned of course jesus primarily from the four gospels than those that he committed the message to look at acts 21 verse 4 and finding disciples retired dear seven days who said to paul through the spirit that he should not go up to jerusalem so number one discipleship therefore primarily is the model for all of us the model for all of us look at first corinthians 11 1 be followers of me even as i also of christ even us i also of christ he commits the gospel to men who will be responsible number one for modeling him to others modeling him to others number two for teaching others him for teaching modeling him to others teaching others him number three for leading others on his behalf leading others on his behalf number one for modeling him to others number two for teaching orders him number three for leading others on his behalf so the first thing you need to realize about discipleship is it is personal there has to be someone who is doing the teaching although they were called the disciples of the lord it was the man the lord gave the commission to that were carrying out the work the men that were giving the mandate were the ones carrying out the work on behalf of the lord let me show you an example john 4 1 when therefore the lord knew how the pharisees had heard that jesus made and baptized more disciples than john jesus made and baptized more disciples than john so we have john's disciples john's disciple look at john 3 25 then there arose a question between some of john's disciples and the jews about purifying so john had disciples john sent two of his disciples john sent two of his students john sent two of those who learned from him john sent two of those who took instructions from him john sent two of those who are in his meetings learning the world john sent two of those whom he gives assignment to do you can also look at another person by the name gamaliel acts 22 verse 3 i am verily a man which i'm a jew born in texas a city in cilicia yet brought up in this city at the feet of gamaliel and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers and was he lost toward god as you are all this day paul said i sat at his feet so one thing i observe is there is no disciple who will not be found out except he's not a disciple eventually we'll find him out because you will be carrying out that instruction like others so there will be an identification one way to know a disciple is he does what others are doing they are learning the same thing so they will be doing the same things so if the student is the phrase jesus used here when you find that phrase jesus use your disciple it'll be easy for you to know why won't you find that word in the old testament the word disciple why won't you find that word disciple in the old testament prophets until the four gospels we said it had emerged in the culture of the jews to have an intern like a student who comes under either a rabbi to begin to learn so jesus simply took those words he began to use them for his own mission on earth he took it from the jewish people from the way they had students disciples under a rabbi from the age of nine to about 14 where they had been discipled where they are taught to learn the torah by heart so jesus took that word from them and used it for his mission on the earth so where do we find this example i am going to pick three individuals and let me use you know let me see if i can use one or two for today's purpose who will be modeling what we mean as disciple you know many times we just go straight to timothy timothy when we say disciple everybody goes to timothy but what we have on timothy is a later and that letter is doctrinal even though it is personal that letter doesn't tell us so much you know it doesn't tell us so much other than brother paul's commendation then in philippians 2 brother paul said excellent things about timothy then in first and second timothy and timothy festival due to the practice of it the things you have heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who will commit to others practice but let's look at real-time experiences we might go to timothy and see where paul met him in acts chapter 16. you know it wasn't like paul got him born again paul didn't get timothy born again by preaching timothy was already born again in fact paul got to town and said i need someone to be with me and they said there's one guy timothy look at it acts 16 verse 1. then came here to deborah and lystra and behold a certain disciple was there named timotheus the son of a certain woman which was a jews and believed but his father was a greek so he already had a characteristic of a student he was a disciple an intern someone who takes instructions a certain disciple so brother paul made timothy there a certain disciple look at verse 2 which was well reported of by the brethren that were at lystra and iconium so the guy is everywhere look at those three him will paul have to go forth with him and took and circumcised him because of the jews which were in those quarters for they knew all that his father was a greek so it says he was well reported of in other words it was clear that this guy was a student it was well reported so brother paul picked him up and said come on this guy is learning from afar let me bring him close that's the beat we have about him until we get to the epistles that's a little history we have of paul and timothy now and knowing fully well that when jesus spoke about disciples and the things he said in the four gospels some of which we have looked at as being a child being a sub servant having priorities be humble sitting at the apostles feet they are all old testament narratives all of them they are all old testament that's when he was saying it the narratives he gave was not from timothy when jesus was teaching about god to make disciples the narratives were not from timothy they were from beginning at moses and all the prophets the narratives he gave of the discipleship he would teach them was not peter it was not james it was not first second and thought john it had to be narratives of the old testament so let's get to the old testament and look at a few of these narratives let's begin with the first character all right psalm 78 verse 70 he chose david also his servant and took him from the sheep fold from the sheep full in discipleship a disciple does not abandon the flock you must be sacrificial you must give yourself to service and you must be able to invest time sacrifice service and time every disciple must have these resources at his disposal generously invested now that word on david david was a shepherd boy became a king look at the words the scripture speaks about david psalm 78 verse 70 again and already to verse 72 he chose david also he served and took him from the ship forwards from following the use great with young he brought him to feed jacob his people and israel his inheritance so he fed them according to the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands all right now that is the hebrew word tebuna tebuna for those making notes t e b u n h it deals with experience experience and understanding tebuna god has given you experiences that eventually becomes useful in tending the flock in this ministry you can gather all your experiences and they become useful in ministry and that is why a ministry must be consistent because ministry is in and out of season it's not always rosy there are times it's turbulent there are times his tummy and all of them put together are to be able to make you effective and efficient as a discipler so he said he fed jacob in verse 71 that word fed jacob is the word ra in the hebrew r a h he fed jacob ra the word ra means to pastor the first use of that word is in genesis 4 because the first pastor the first model of pastor in the bible is abel in genesis chapter 4. he was used as an imagery a bell was used as the imagery of a servant of god number one he fed them number two he guided them into their inheritance he guided them into their inheritance the word naka in the hebrew n a c h a h n a c h a h it deals with leading people to do what god has called them to do naka leading people so he fed them then he led them to do what god has called them to do your job as a pastor or as one that is involved in making disciples your job is not done till that brother or that sister becomes active in ministry from the moment you start disciplining someone you don't stop no matter what until the person becomes active in ministry because the essence of discipleship is to take someone from zero zero one to where the person becomes a minister because the fruit of ministry is ministry the fruit of ministry is ministry you make disciples who will also make disciples who will also make disciples who will also make disciples it's an ongoing work that's why after a while it becomes multiplication it becomes multiplication okay it becomes multiplication one person picks up one disciple he disciples this one until this one can disciple others so now two of them will pick one one they disciple these two okay so that's four four of them will pick one one they disciple that four they become eight eight of them will pick one one they disciple the eight they become 16 so it starts going to 30 something it starts multiplying because one of the ways god intends to grow his church is not by church marketing it's not by church branding god's process of growing his church is through discipleship the church of jesus grows when disciples are raised because disciples will take what they are taught and commit to others who will commit to others who will commit to others that's the way god builds his church through the instrumentality of discipleship that's why the church begins with where two or three are gathered the greatest number you need for a church is two or three once you have two or three people and you pour yourself to disciple them they too will disciple others it will not become a multiplier so that even if you're out of the way it just keeps going because it's life it doesn't die it doesn't die but to raise those two or three is where the work is that's the walk but once you raise them it's work made easy that's why the greatest job of a pastor is discipleship it's not wearing suit it's not perfume it's not good english the greatest job of a pastor is to raise disciples take them from scratch and turn them into active ministers that's this i push what did jesus do he came to the earth and took 12 people and poured himself into them and left and knowing that having left these 12 cannot fail it is that 12 that has brought all of us jesus didn't start with a church of five thousand he started with a church of two three four maximum 12. that's the church of jesus who is god 12 members a person said to me i don't know why my church is not growing us how many people do you have he said 50 i said if you know what to do with that 50 you will shake the world so the problem is not with the members the problem is with you say you are not growing say you don't know what to do because if you know what to do with that 50 that's a big church jesus prescription is two or three most times pastors don't know what to do because they are not trained you can't disciple people if you yourself have not been discipled you have to be discipled for you to disciple others you can lead if nobody led you you can't teach if nobody taught you hallelujah so your job is not done till that brother that sister becomes active in ministry and effective look at romans chapter 8 verse 14 he says as many as are led the word ago in the greek as many as are led argo that is that word lead means darkness to light as many as have been moved from darkness to light they are the sons of god then in verse 15 he talked about adoption adoption of sons taking from exodus 4 22 israel is my son israel is my first born let my son go that he may serve me so the essence for salvation is service you are not safe to have a nice time in church you are saved to serve let my son go why will god deliver you from sin to serve that he may serve me that he may serve me hallelujah then in verse 16 he now says we are the technon of god look at it romans 8 16. the spirit is separate witness with our spirit that we are the technon greek word technon we are the children of god we are the techno that is we are born of god we are born of god we are not like israel okay our own is a birth it's an actual birth we are born of god the question is what is jesus's inheritance because we build believers into the inheritance so what is jesus's inheritance is he lands is he houses is he money is he wealth is it cars it can't be any of those so what is jesus inheritance his inheritance is the nations psalms chapter two verse eight ayadaba asks of me and i shall give thee the hidden for the inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for thy possession so jesus's inheritance is the nations what that means is now we are joined as with jesus to carry out his work join us with jesus to carry out his work so if i am leading people i must lead them to their inheritance their inheritance is not lands and houses a pastor has not succeeded in pastoring a church when his pastoring has not raised disciples who have become active in ministry proper pastoring is not to gather crowd who are looking for miracles in fact first of all that's not a church that's a circus a real church is a place where believers who believe in jesus are trained to carry out jesus's assignment that's the church that's the church of jesus where believers are equipped where believers are taught trained where every believer around if you ask him anything he can teach what the pastor is teaching that's church not social gathering not miracles seeking concerts so if i'm leading people i must lead them to their inheritance and their inheritance is not lands and houses their inheritance are spiritual realities spiritual realities of god in the earth which culminates these spiritual realities will culminate in the work of ministry these spiritual realities will climax in the work of ministry so my job is set out i take the unsaved he believes i begin to mold him into his inheritance i mold him by teaching my job is far from being done till he or she is able to walk in that inheritance what inheritance the inheritance of bringing men to the knowledge of christ that's what ministry is that's the work of the ministry it begins to lead other nations to jesus the lord and then becomes an example unto others in power city he goes through membership class he doesn't end that membership class he goes through prayer groups he doesn't stop there he is in the house centers study groups he doesn't stop there he begins to do what i am doing you understand wherever he is if he's a doctor in his clinic he starts a bible study group if he's a lawyer in his chambers he started a bible study group if he's a boss in his office he organizes bible study group for the staff and takes these things you are teaching and teaching because faithful men will take what you have taught them and commit to others that's what it is wherever he is in the market he creates a bible study center in the market he can even have four or five bible study centers monday one group tuesday one group wednesdays so every day in the market one hour of that day he takes it out for discipleship that's ministry it's not sitting in the church and waiting for miracles no real christianity is carrying out the mandate of jesus carrying out the mandate of jesus carrying out the mandate of jesus now in september chapter 22 we want to look at david we're still looking at david if david therefore is the old testament example of what we are talking about remember there are two things number one the integrity of his heart did we read that the integrity of his heart it means you are sincere about it say with me everybody i have a good heart i have the integrity of a good shepherd you see so that means the reason why you are pastoring people is to lead them for jesus you are not pastoring to use people to get money you know some people are in ministry because as far as they're concerned members are commodities the more members they have the more marketable products through which they make money many came in for business since secular business is not working let's start gathering people and collecting money that's why if you say tithing is no new testament they can fall down and collapse out of anger because you are tampering with the main thing that brought them to the ministry integrity of heart means you are not a ministry for filthy liquor you're not a ministry for material gain you're in ministry to raise men of course when you raise men out of gratitude they will support you but that's not at the fall that's not your motive your motive is to see them raised the support follows there's no body you affect spiritually you impact spiritually that will not be motivated to give to you materially there's nobody except you're not making a genuine impact if you're making a genuine impact on a man after a while the the best he can give you is canal stuff so when he looks at what he wants to give you even if you say a lot of money it means nothing to him because what is this money compared to the impact that this man is making on my eternity that's what brother paul said if we have ministered to you spiritual is it a sin if we collect your carnal things then brother paul say let him that is taught communicate with his teacher in all good things it's natural that's what jesus said into every house you enter as you go to preach anything they give you eat that means when you go to preach and you preach well people will give you something jesus said it that's why i told him as you're going don't take anything to show you that if you are really doing ministries sincerely you cannot lack he said take no pause take no script go anything that gives you it meaning if you really do the ministry well arrest people for jesus you can be hungry what are you talking about what are you talking about i know what i'm teaching here i know what i'm teaching here don't target their pocket target their hearts build them up mature them jesus said take no pause take no script just go a laborer is worthy of his wages any house you enter anything they give it when they came back he said when you went when i sent you without pulse when i sent you without a bank account when i sent you without a wallet locked in anything they said nothing you can't be on course with god you can't accept what you are preaching is not the message of christ when the reality of this message dawns on you and what christ has done for you money means nothing money loses value when the reality of christ dawns on a man money loses value money loses value sometimes people get so blessed they just give me money they say i don't know what to give you please don't put it in the ministry eat it i want you to eat it and i'll just laugh i don't want eat it sir ah eat it you bless me too much because there's a way aya yaya that's the way the light of god's word will permeate your soul understanding will come on you gratitude you don't know how to express it so the target for a man of god is not money it's raising man not to use men as it means to an end not to use them to travel abroad not to use them for facebook profile but to lead them into their inheritance so you lead people by the integrity of your heart that sincerity of heart men will see the fruit but hear me is between you and god you must make sure your heart is pure when raising disciples because if your heart is not pure you will never raise disciples you will soon see why i'll soon show you you must have a pure heart you must make sure you have no other motives but to pastor and glorify god then the skillfulness of your hand the integrity of his heart and the skillfulness of his hand like i said to you earlier you're gaining experiences by the day and so you are getting skillful by the day the more disciples you raise the more skilled you become the more you evangelize the more skilled you become in evangelism you see the more you pray practice is key for spiritual realities you must be involved in practice you must be involved the more you do it you become astute in it all the experiences you taught were useless becomes useful to you the things you pass through that look like a bad situation are now tools for you in ministry that is you are comforted by god now you are using that same comfort to comfort others now you know what it means to believe god for healing because once you are sick medication failed you have to believe god now you know what it means to believe god for money because a time came when there was nothing you stood in faith even though it was rough for some days after a while god came through for you so now you know what it means to trust god for resources you know what it means to trust god for healing you know what it means to trust god to make a way for you when all kinds of complications stands in your face so because you have experience you cannot say like david to goliath when i was in the bush the lion and the bear came with my bare hands after them goliath you are just one of them it's just that you change face the god that gave me victory in the battle will give me victory in the war it is experience these day-to-day challenges and battles that you go through every day things happen you keep overcoming you keep overcoming they are making your profile farts they are making you a wise master builder yeah you know a general in the army is known by the scars on his body you can be a general in the army if there are no scars you can be a general there are things you have gone through before you have that promotion as a general in the army in the work of ministry you've got to go through scars people will scar you situations will scar you members who scare you workers within the church will betray you hurt you scar you then after a while you become tough things come and go as if they never came you have become tough so when you see people coming up who are still passing through what you pass through you can tell them cheer up brother that's not the end of it you will see the end of it and you will see keep on it is coming from experience is coming from experience in ministry it's coming from experience so let's drive home some points let's drive home some points hold on first for me as a shepherd every day every year it counts my experience counts as i grow every year and you know as you grow in ministry and in life as a member of power city as a waka embassy there's a person in power city whether you're married or single your single life eventually becomes useful to others your marital life also becomes useful to others if you're divorced your bad incidence becomes useful after a while if you're a widow after a while being a widow becomes a tool for ministry by the integrity of his heart by the skillfulness skill is developed by training by the skillfulness of his sound so let's drive on some points so what do i need the most in the work of the ministry to disciple others what do i need the most in the work of the ministry to disciple others what do i need the most number one my integrity my integrity my experience including my submission to my pastor and what i learned from him everything becomes important second to multitude the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses the same commit unto faithful men who shall be able to teach others who shall be able to teach others why do you think paul will say a bishop must not be a novice first timothy 3 6-7 a bishop a man of god an overseer over souls must not be a novice why lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil a novice is one that has no experience a novice no experience jjc a novice is a fresher a fresher nothing has scratched him yet he has not been ruffled by circumstances of life he has not withstood scandal scandal and is able to lift his head above the scandal and still declare the word of the lord that's a novice he can be an overseer because what will exemplify to the people when problem comes he's crying his members are crying all of them are crying who is member and who is pastor there's a place of growth in this thing some people just carry title no experience to pass talk people is not when people call me papa papa is not a title for me it's responsibility all those things titles don't mean anything to me i have two phds i have master i have those things don't mean what what when you call me pastor what i'm hearing is responsibility i'm not hearing title i'm not your imposition it's not about position he that deserves the office of a bishop deserves a good walk a good walk a good walk so when we say you're a bishop what we mean is there is responsibility on your head to disciple people it's not wearing of gown and cup i don't know what it is it's not a choir uniform he's far beyond that first samuel 22 verse 1. david therefore departed dance and escaped to the cave abdullah and when his brethren and all his fathers also heard it they went down tita to him verse two and everyone that was in distress one and everyone that was in debt too and everyone that was discontented three gathered themselves unto him and he became a pastor over them and they were with him about 400 members 400 members and look at their club there are three classes of the members distressed those that are owing um police is looking for them and those that are discontented so no ready-made person in the church no ready made all of them are broken battered some of them are emotionally destabilized those were the members that came to david problematic people drug addicts emotionally depraved people it wasn't rich people it wasn't wealthy people they were shattered people people who needed a savior spiritually who are not complete in themselves have people people that have identity crisis people that didn't know who they are so they can become anything they can become homosexuals they can become lesbians they had no identity whatsoever so they gathered themselves 400 and said david be our pastor that's how to study ministry look at me everybody those are the people god is sending me and you too those are the people where when they come for fellowship they don't have transport to go home those are the people people that when they put the offering together after service it cannot buy microphone battery those are the people god is bringing people that are unstable on their own confused shattered wounded battered some of us run away when people complain to us that's why you're a pastor a pastor's office is an office that gathers people's complaints and solves them you are pastor because of problem so that you pray more and faster more you study more and label more 400 of them and all of them came with problem so none of them could even sow a seed [Laughter] all of them arrive with baggages all of them arrived with baggages so nope none of them could sow seed or give an offering if they find they will collect foreign be our captain be our pastor imagine you have a fellowship and the entire 400 members their sign is problem all sorts of problems i am divorced i'm a terrorist i'm a prostitute i'm an orphan i'm a thief all of them gathered to be your members you need a heart for them you need a heart you cannot be a discipler and a pastor if you don't have their heart for people jesus was among those people now they call him a friend of sinners you need to have time and sacrifice for such people because you will have to raise them a good heart is necessary time is required and sacrifice and you must believe in them and have strong hope and expectation on their behalf there are two things you can be one of you can either be a manager or you can be a shepherd you can either be a manager or you can be a shepherd a manager is someone looking for people to use as collateral for ministry look use it for people to use a shepherd is looking for people to change their lives it's looking for people to impact to build to equip to raise up and you know a lot of world-oriented people and i'm one i'm a world-oriented person but a lot of world-oriented people never want to shepherd anybody a lot of them they want ready-made people so because of that their evangelism is from church to church duplicating members those who are already doing well those who already committed in churches they look forward to collect them they're already in churches where they're flowing in the holy ghost i'm not saying churches that are preaching nonsense churches where christ is preached they want to see how they can collect the members that other people have labeled to to grow from where they are supposed to start laboring those people don't need pastors they already have a pastor that has grown them he took them from nothing train them equip them now they are ministers they teach and preach and teach the word of god with accuracy been polished what you need are david's 400 men that is what you need so when it says god made him feed jacob and led them the very first pastor in scripture was killed his name was evil the second pastor was moses and he had idol worshipers memorized millions of them two members mama on your head you feel like running up the wall suppose you have one thousand members who only their work all their work is murmuring even when you are preaching their memory and moses pastored them for 40 years 40 long years so david's church we are hurting people wounded people bitter people but david fed them kabayana once you have food it doesn't matter what kind of human beings they gather you have what it takes to take care of them a pastor or a leader who is afraid of disciplining people is someone that is food deficient because what the people need no matter how bad once you feed them the word of god the word makes them whole and the pride of a pastor is to look at people who came battered wounded beater broken divorced shattered and look at them after one month three months five months one year they're looking together they are beginning to pray they are beginning to speak in tongues and interpret and now they are beginning to look like the people that will carry the monday to the next level they are beginning to mature and before you know it they also are teaching what you are teaching to other people and their training and no trace of that state on them anymore because the word of god has washed them that's a joyful pastor that's the joy of a pastor to see people you're modeling and building up you know when they came you know where they are and you can tell the difference that's the pride of a pastor that's the joy of a pastor say with me very loud by faith i know how to feed and i know how to transform lives can you say it one more time now at the very heart very very heart of david's ministry at the end of his ministry he now described david himself now describe how he started in second samuel 23 by this time something had happened ii samuel 23 i'm going to read verse 1 to 8 just pay attention this be the last words of david david the son of jesse said and the man who was raised up on high the anointed of the god of jacob and the sweet sermons of israel said next verse the spirit of the lord spoke by me and his word was in my tongue the god of israel said the rock of israel speak to me he that roulette over men must be just ruling in the fear of god and it shall be as the light of the morning when the sun rises even the morning without clouds as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain although my house be not so with god yet he had made me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my salvation and all my desire although he made it not to grow but the sons of belial shall be all of them as stones thrust away because they cannot be taken with hands but the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of his spear and they shall be utterly born with fire in the same place this be the names of the mighty men whom david had of the mighty man whom david had are you following this be take note of the word mighty what happened to those people that were beaten battered bitter broken shattered now they are called mighty men david had raised mighty men from wounded and shattered to mighty men jesus took 12 and raised the 12th from their mess to disciples and now they became apostles and became the pillars of faith from jesus to the 12th the 12th to the apostles acts of the apostles then the prophets then the teachers then the deacons then paul timothy silas priscilla aquila roman 16 gives us the story timothy and titus listen everybody listen clearly men are raised men are made men are raised men are made and it can only happen with patients if you're going to raise men if you're going to make men you must be patient and you must have a good heart and you must have a loyal heart patience good heart loyal heart patience good heart loyal heart we always talk about loyalty to the pastor what about the pastor's loyalty to the flock the pastor too needs to be loyal to the flock in fact the pastor's loyalty to the flock rates high above the flock's loyalty to the pastor you must be loyal to your flock you see me laboring here all the time throughout the lockdown i was here teaching alone and members were following in their homes i had no excuse i had no reason to stay away why i'm raising men i'm equipping men there is an inheritance i must lead them into there is an assignment you must carry out so we must make haste for night comet when no man can walk jacob membra dagagash again also the god of the saga a pastor a disciple must not discuss his disciples you must not discuss them with others you must keep their confidence they must you must earn their confidence you can't have a disciple who have no confidence in you there's no more discipleship now what makes you disciple is that your disciple has confidence in you he can tell you anything so that you can help him you carry them into your heart you are not ashamed of them when you hear they have misbehaved you don't put a disclaimer on them you don't run away from them you are there it turned out that this man became david's mighty man man of war god is raising mighty men all over the world again their brother all over the world god is raising an army shakira an army that will not compromise the sanity the sanctity and the sacredness of the gospel of christ god is raising such people over just like your disciples became mighty men in the hands of god men and women of god it may not happen in a moment it may not happen in a year even five years but if you don't give up it will happen a good heart skillfulness of your hand and then prayer for them you pray for them all the time god has led the wounded to me people with broken homes broken dreams people who want to give up people don't understand the gospel people have been in church all their life but cannot explain john 3 16 in context god has brought them to me so i will pray all day all night for them all the time teach them teach them teach them teach them so i have bad parents of a mother giving birth to a child we brought their purpose we brought mighty men it's not going to be easy but it is happening already hallelujah can you pay the price to help people grow that's what discipleship is all about can you pay the price to invest and pour your life into people and help people become what god wants them to become and lead them into the inheritance can you give yourself to people let people use you that's the only way to raise disciples that's the only way to raise disciples and that's the only way we can keep the legacy of the gospel for generations onboard great grace is upon you stand on your feet that's all i've got for you tonight jacob be breaking down england in every continent from in every nation men are being raised disciples are being raised who were raised disciples who were raised disciples arrest disciples the message of christ flooding the earth as the water covers the sea the message of christ flooding the nations as the water covers the sea the gospel of christ preached with clarity and precision the gospel of christ preached all over the nations the integrity of the gospel upheld engagement with integrity of heart and skillfulness mendo lord of osakaya in the name of jesus father we pray that every member every minister every disciple every part of our city in this place all over the state all over the house churches in our campuses around the world online from continent to continent that this grace the grace to serve the grace to lay down our lives the grace to be selfless the grace to push the grace to lead men into their inheritance the grace to give up our self so that disciples can be molded in the name of jesus is released right now in the name of jesus is released right now in the name of jesus is released right now gallator billy get again men are raised mighty in ward and prayer men are raised mighty in word and prayer disciples are raised mighty in word and prayer and with great power the witness of christ is being experienced in the nations thank you for answer prayer we give you praise in jesus precious name and everyone sees a powerful amen you cannot teach the tithing lord as giving you are bringing back what is dead to life it takes away the facts that he may establish the second the titan lord is dead the bible says the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire he killed malachi 3 that he may establish the second so if they take you to malachi 3 take them to revelation 22 that the dead shall be thrown into the lake of fire so the titan law has been killed it must not exist side by side the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me what free from the senior pastor of power city international as he explores exegetically bible doctrine untied and fighting date from sunday 14th of march to sunday 21st of march 2021 time monday 15th to saturday 20th 6 p.m daily sundays 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the broadcast on radio aqua boom 90.5 fm uyo 11 a.m to 1 p.m excel fm 106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm and heritage radio 104.9 10 p.m till midnight and also on kingdom live network station also live on facebook at abel domino public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter abel daminer and instagram at abel daminer watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer don't miss out welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back it's been an adventure together studying and learning the things that christ will have us do to a generation that don't know him i believe that the word of god has blessed you and challenged you today i want to encourage you we have a mentoring academy where we can take time to equip you some more so if you're looking to study further with me i will encourage you to email me today to join my mentoring academy let me also mention if you live in a place where there's no bible teaching church where christ is revealed a church where you can learn the things you are learning from me here you can start one in your community you can start one in your locality and if you want to start one we can train you equip you and walk with you until a campus that's what we call our churches a campus is launched in your community you're not learning all of these truths to just sit down somewhere you're learning them so you can also teach others brother paul said to timothy the things you have learned and heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to others everything you're learning is so that you can also be a blessing to other people remember blessed to be a blessing so if you want to start a campus today or you want to join one send me an email dr abeldamina we love you remember we are live every day 12 noon gmt plus one 6 p.m gmt plus 1 and 10 p.m gmt plus one you don't want to miss what god is doing at this season equipping and preparing people that will take this gospel to the ends of the earth we love you and look forward to hearing from you and until we call it in the next broadcast enjoy the grace of christ amen [Music] is victory station you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,081
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bkIPTEGcgzk
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Length: 92min 5sec (5525 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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