Training Camp with Justin Medeiros

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[Music] that's that's what you're aiming for [Music] right the whole point of this is to hurt worthwhile let's go [Music] and so i was like all right like steady pace i can hold six minute mile all day and so then i i just had a brain fart and as i'm going cigar 16 minute mark like finish line is right around the corner in the next two minutes not considering like you're doing a 14 minute mile five minute mile 14 minute mile five minute mile um and so then i put the pedal down because i was like yeah i think i think i hit all the landmarks that he drew and then i got to one that i was like oh i know i know definitely where this one was and we are nowhere close to the finish line i know which one you're talking about and so i've pulled i throttled way way back and so i kept you in sight and then i remember like once once i like got my heart rate back down got my legs flushed out got on your tail and i knew no one was even close to either of us behind so i was like all right i'll let you dictate the speed and i don't know i was irritated because our goal was like if you're going to pass someone pass them at the end but our other goal was we're going to sprint when it's downhill we're going to run fast and if it's flat we're going to run fast go uphill we're going to cruise there's this huge down it went like downhill into like a big flat and i was like time to push and i was pushing i was gaining on you and i'm like frick like what plan do i follow do i stick with my run fast in the downhill or do i uh get him behind you i was like oh maybe i'll pass him and he'll run back in front of me nope not until it was too late remember walking up to the warm-up area and you asked me if i was good at hill runs it's like i'm better than you like how are you adam you're like [ __ ] amazing [Laughter] walked right past me i was like [ __ ] i never knew that until i told them that on the way here i was like like really you said that what am i supposed to do ah they're a little weakness of mine i'm not telling them that i was just like i'm [ __ ] great at these i won't remember that at all well i mean it got to the top and you're like where were you and i was like i got nothing [Music] here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so great work good job are you rambling on that left side as soon as i saw that first kick i was like oh i know that i was familiar with a couple names top five there was samuel quan jeffrey adler noah olsen and justin medeiros and you know i'm familiar with noah i know enough about jeffrey adler i've seen him compete for a little while uh samuel quant familiar with him been in the games with him but justin medeiros was the unknown and so you know you start you start doing your research on this guy like all right how long has he been in the sport what's his progression been like what are his strengths what are his weaknesses and you find out that like okay he's been doing crossfit for a long time but he hasn't been competitive for very long and then you look at all right what results does he have that are known and he really just broke onto the scene at filthy 150 and he had one hell of a performance and i think that was back in january it was super early in the season however long it was and then and then there's nothing on him since then and you know you start looking at his age you know he's 20 21 years old he competed you know eight nine ten months ago however long ago it was and it's like he kind of burst onto the scene then and then he kind of disappeared and so there's kind of this fear of like oh [ __ ] you know what if he's on this like super nice uphill trajectory and and he's just still on that uphill um and like i don't know what his numbers are like he's relatively unknown compared to all the other guys so it's like you know for the last bit going into the games he's he's the dark horse he's the unknown and and for me it's like i fear the unknown like the other guys i know the strengths i know their weaknesses i know where to push the pace on them and where i need to just stay in my own lane but for justin it was like don't know anything about this kid event one of the games i think that was a very impressive performance for him i remember going back and watching the footage after the fact and being like oh okay this kid's the real deal because not because of his score or the but how he paced it he stayed very consistent if not sped up during the muscle ups and shoulder overhead but then it was how he was receiving the shoulder overhead even when he was under fatigue that movement pattern that he had um he was using purely his legs there was no upper body pressing on it he was meeting the bar right at its very apex so he was being super super efficient with the movement and able to speed up so it's like oh wow you okay you're a rookie and you're able to pace the row that well and appropriately that you were able to speed up on the rest of the workout uh his muscle ups were super clean you know he's he's definitely not a small guy uh he's a little bit bigger than me and then his efficiency on those shoulder overheads that the first rep looked the exact same as the last rep and i remember seeing that and thinking okay like this kid this kid's gonna turn some heads the reoccurring dreams i have are like i'm like holding someone by the shirt trying to punch them in the face and i can't punch hard enough okay [Music] no it's like different random people the most vivid dream i had recently was that i thought i woke up from a dream that was the last eight years of my life of yeah like i woke up and like crossfit wasn't a thing crossfit games weren't a thing and i was like oh man i thought i had life figured out like i was good at this thing i was world champion a bunch of times someone's like and the person i'm telling is like you're an idiot and i was like wait i have a desk job no yeah so that's what goes through my head i like to beat people up oh yeah then like like you fly but then you like can't fly so you're like trying to fly it's not working anymore just kind of you can't punch someone but mine's like i can't fly anymore i def i don't dream at all i'm also though matt is the type that he'll he'll lay down he'll be like super tired he'll lay down and immediately be like time to figure out life whereas i'm like last night i had my cup of beam i'm leaning on on the counter being like hey it's time to go to bed look it just hits me and i'm i'm out and then as soon as my head hits the pillow i have zero trouble falling asleep like i'm just out yeah four rounds of 25 cows just trying to learn as much as i can from that i mean i think uh obviously he's the best to ever do it and i think that's for a reason i think how he trains and mindset and training and like how he goes about each workout i think that's something that he does different than anybody else so kind of coming in these four days that i'm here is just uh kind of soak that all in and i think everyone has those couple workouts where they're like they're gonna ask me to stick with them like forever there's like those grueling workouts and uh i could tell he was looking forward to kind of putting me through uh some of those tests this week the year that we fell off the cargo net yeah as as soon as my hands slipped i had been training myself like no matter how shitty the situation was find the silver lining yeah you know like in a split second you could have like a whole [ __ ] narrative in your head yeah as soon as my hands slipped in my head i went good i'm going to get to the ground so much faster than pat and then before i hit the ground i went no you [ __ ] idiot brace like about to die good i got down so much faster than him and then he fell in like son of a [ __ ] but yeah in training like get in the mentality of like the whole point of going to the gym is to get better and that is the space that you get better so any time before that the whole purpose of it is to get to that zone where you're hurting like that's where the progress is made yeah so it's like look forward to it tell yourself like this is what i'm chasing this is why i'm here this is why i showed up don't [ __ ] waste it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this year our focus has been okay let's make sure that the 2021 justin medeiros can run circles around last year's version so you know we haven't spent a ton of time looking at like oh this guy does that or this athlete does that it's more like hey if we can improve the justin medeiros from last year significantly in every facet of competition then we know that the potential to do well at this year's crossfit games is there and so that's been the focus that's been the goal i would take someone that is weaker but has good technique over someone that's snatching 310 inconsistently i would take the person with good technique every time yeah so i think today if we can work some snatches i mean like we went through the clean so i'm assuming most of the stuff that's happening clean is also going to happen in the snatch like you have good technique but there's just some little little things in there that we can work on yeah um just judging from at the mac that 285 snaps just looked like it crashed on you a little bit yeah so we'll kind of work on that are we good yeah let's get after it give me a second i'm trying to select the appropriate weapon watch for you stepping them snakes all around you know they connected uh when i was a kid my grandma told me i can't go to heaven so i stopped praying and asking for blessings and started preparing for my i'mma get it got nothing to lose i'm all in walking the edge don't fall in enough of the lies don't apologize i don't understand are is the place this is the site grab all your people and log in i'm waiting don't care how long it's gonna take watching the waiting for that first mistake don't come a mission don't get it twisted i'm not rihanna but boy you a gunner you right on my hit list keeping my distance just checking the listings i'm always aware of your current position i just hold out to the perfect condition coming alive now is the time your body will panic because it doesn't know when it's next hit of oxygen is coming yeah so same thing with running i always like exhale so like i'm exhaling hard as i strike pause for the next step and then inhale inhale hard exhale on that strike so every fourth step like once a lap i'll i'll readjust which foot i'm exhaling on just keep it a little bit symmetrical doesn't make too much of a difference all right but keep as soon as like on the 800 when you know the workout is going to end you can go to one breath every third step but if you ever go to one breath every other step you better have like 10 seconds left in the workout because you're going to [ __ ] panic and gas out so really try to stick to every fourth step and always exhaling on on the strike [Music] if you had to rank one over the other the office are always suddenly oh come on you know i know the answer i'm on a brooklyn nine-nine kick right now oh really three episodes every night before bed hey i finished up doing all my busy work usually by midnight i kind of lit on the couch got my headphones on my cup of bean i make it through two then i doze off during the third nice so my attitude going into the 2020 games was just trying to kind of figure out where i was as an athlete that was my first year qualifying for the games i won the filthy 150 in ireland and then kind of covet happened and we had six seven months of nothing like there was no way of like kind of testing yourself to see where your fitness was and then obviously the games were going to get cancelled and go away and i kind of had no idea what was going to happen and stage one of the games was online and i felt like that wasn't a strong suit for me i like in person competition and coming out of it in third place and qualifying for the in-person competition with the top five was not something i wasn't expecting at all so i think i was just trying to kind of figure out where i was as an athlete and walking away from that experience i was just like all right like i know when i give my best effort like that's enough like i can compete with the best of the best and just kind of trying to own that going into the 2021 season is i can't compete with the best the best and i'm shooting for that top spot
Channel: FRA5ER
Views: 335,215
Rating: 4.9781723 out of 5
Id: 2xvic6QRlpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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