Training a blue nose pitbull puppy

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what's going on everybody today I'm gonna go over puppy training I'm gonna give you four tips for training a puppy and just for a little background I'm not a puppy expert trainer but I am pretty good at it I've been training dogs since I was a younger kid when I've always had puppies and dogs so I'm gonna give you four basic things you can do to actually five so we'll do five things to get started with your puppy so first let me just introduce you to store mama this is storm she is a 13 14 years week old blue nose pit bull and she's teething right now so she wants to just bite and play with everything but she does really good and any dog is really smart if you just give them the attention keep in mind puppies need attention and this just pretty much goes with everything just like my rule of thumb with everything less is more so like the less you're gonna talk to your dog just simple real simple commands that's what they're gonna acknowledge and they're gonna remember that more so I'm gonna teach you how to get teach a dog her name or his name I'm gonna teach you sit lay down and introducing you to the cage and then I'll give you some basic potty training skills so anyway let's just get started so I recommend when you're first of all when you're giving your puppy treats for rewarding you never want to have the Treat in your hand all right have like and heavy and just like have it like okay do this or do that cuz that's gonna come off with a bride so you're gonna want to do is put it either in your pocket or put it like I have that I keep a little pouch so and I usually have just have it behind my back you know it means she knows but it's not like your inner face with it so that's tip I always give my puppy in my dog's all natural stuff so I have a natural source trees these are a little bit softer there's a salmon here's a chicken one and then just hold some puppy variety green fruit biscuits these are a little harder they're a little bigger so I like I like them both so let's just get started first and I'll show you how to teach your dog the name her name so what you're gonna want to do is eight storm come here you're gonna want to go start like if the dog doesn't know her name at all we just want to go like make it a noise or look like that's like storm and then when the dog makes eye contact as soon as the dog makes eye contact so you go good girl hey good girl yes good girl so as soon as she makes that eye contact with you you're gonna want a reward cuz that's that's what you want hey sit down damn sit good girl so that's what you want you want the dog to look at you and make eye contact now you're gonna do that again sit down there you go storm we then introduce the name as you're doing like a noise or something you can give little pieces of food if you want or you can give a treat sit she's so excited hey still working on getting down but she's damn damn damn good girl okay so remember when the dog makes eye contact this is that's why you don't keep the treats on they're just gonna jump on you and sniff and always stay above the dog I'm get down low with the dogs level don't go back on your back on with the dog walk in your chest or anything like that the above the dog you don't you can stand I'm just doing this for normally I would be standing I'm just for the kind of for the camera view so maybe I should back up a little bit accordin okay so let's see how that works a little bit better so remember guys as soon as the dog looks at you then you give it four now the second time you're gonna go hey storm good girl when she looked you introduced a name storm or whatever the name is and as you do that then I went to the storm girl so there's no so look you straight in the eyes when you say that name now it might take you a little while to go you know you might have to make a noise or a snap or whatever it is just make some kind of a noise introduce the name wait for the eye contact that is the most important thing I contact all right puppy okay next now this is basically gonna take it only took her a few hours honestly guy some dogs are gonna be a little bit more harder than others it took her about a week for lay down so it was tough but she did get it now force it it's pretty much pretty simple sit said good girl now when they do it some dogs might just do it and they don't know that you're that's what you wanted nothing to do until you reward them so they get rewarded for what they did is when you say good girl you you know reward with heading and playing and and stuff like that now the trick is always that I found that's the most difficult thing is lay down after sick so it was like sit and lay down now she knows it but at first she didn't so it was very difficult to do that the way I got around it was to just do lay down and I had to actually grab her front paws and push her to lay down for it sometimes you may have to do that and sometimes you may have to you know lay down and then you know good girl you know and that's when you are gonna reward your puppy for doing what you have asked now some people like to give sorry mama my god I just elbowed my dog straight in the face I'm sorry some people just like to give little pieces of like food like tiny bees the food that's fine whatever you want to do she's getting a little bit bigger now so treat her very funny so the next thing I want to do now is basically with she's not if your dogs on city your puppies not sitting then just simply get up oh come on oh girl good girl say sit and if they don't sit and you just grab their butt and give him a little pat and push it down a little bit and they'll start the dog sit lay down lay down storm lay down lay down good girl now you might have the point see how I pointed that's when she did it and then you know you reward the puppy with hello lady on it it's really simple you don't want to say over complicated by saying storm lay down or you know or like when people when they're not doing it like what the heck you stupid dog like they don't know all these different words they don't know English they're not humans like people and man I don't smack your dog like for for peeing in the house or potty in the house your puppy should be getting that out at least once an hour when you first buy a puppy and take the puppy home they need to be going out every single hour to peel some puppies are gonna take a little bit longer to get acclimated to your house and and your schedule so her took about two weeks and she was really really good she food and stuff in her cage now keep in mind you don't want to get a big hey no that's bad no now my dog bites me too hard I just simply not rough and not hard I just simply know and push her face down and tell her no that's no and she usually stops hit there go get your toy but you don't like hug dogs face down just you know just let them know that that's not something that's gonna be acceptable Hey so next thing we're going to do is well lay down is pretty much the same thing like I said it's the same thing as sit but we'll introduce the cage so what you're going to want to do for the cage which I have right here I'll just swing the makeshift camera here over here so you're just gonna want it when you first set your cage up just have your puppy just wander around it check it out hey cool that's my little poem maybe just like toss a treat in there you know like just throw a treat in there I don't know it's okay to go in from that mom and hit your tree and then you know just let her come right back out don't shut the door on her or anything like that I might back out a girl good girl yeah go girl then maybe do that a few times and then get them to go in there go ahead and then slowly shut the door alright good girl over there mice in there maybe give her a treat and just hang out for a few minutes and maybe do something or whatever and then five minutes later just open it and then I'm back out and what that does is it's gonna give the dog a feel of they're not going to be in there forever the doors gonna eventually open so you do that for a little while and eventually they're gonna just start hanging out in there out of nowhere I mean she'll just go in her cage every now and again just laying there now when she gets a little bigger I'll get her a smaller and keep in mind don't want a cage or the dog has tons of room you know to pee in the corner and then still lay down they don't want to lay in her poo and pee you know what I mean so if chiku's and peas and their chances are she's gonna have to lay in and she did half through the one day and it was the last time she did it one other time after that and then and she peed in the cage for about a week every day right in this corner it would go to a two his back there but she stops it she stopped oh and she knows the schedule now she's used to and she knows that she's gonna get out of there and she knows she's gonna have to if she pees in there she's gonna have to lay there with that pee for maybe a few more hours it's just not something that dogs like so it's not that anybody would like right so that is pretty much introducing the crate we'll get into more advanced stuff later a know and keep in mind she has a pitbull so when she bites it hurts even just a puppy bite it freaking hurts it's starting to hurt now so you know I got a letter though but uh yes she can she can crank down man like so anyway I keep a lot of toys for the dog you know providing and nibbling and stuff like that don't let him just nibble on furniture keep an eye on all the times one tip extra tip I can give you is keep it simple even if you just get a playpen like I cut off the room right here I just set up this piece of wood here I just pretty much just set that up so she wasn't able to have access to the entire apartment until about a week later or so and then I slowly just you know just let her hang out in the living room or maybe you're you know you have a pen you can get those pens they work well too but either way your puppy's gonna need a lot of attention most people go get it though and they just don't realize that they need a lot of attention they need extra amounts of attention and if you're not like paying attention to them constantly they're gonna get into things you don't want and they're gonna it's going to be harder for you so it's just better off to just pay attention and and just do simple basic things when your dog now we'll get into potty training when your puppy pees or who's in the house you're not gonna scream and shove their face in it say no that's not that's kind of counterintuitive it's not the dog's fault most likely it's your fault for not paying attention so what you're gonna want to do is take the dog out constantly so that's what we're gonna do right now we're gonna take storm out she's probably not gonna potty she's she's dead but we'll see if maybe we can get her to see now she's just peeing right now so when she's gone good good girl here you go Hey look hey gum have a treat mama here oh yes you're such a good girl all right so the trick behind that is when your dog does pee outside okay or poop or do whatever you're gonna want to have that the most extreme playful that should be the most playful you should ever be when your dog goes out outside as a puppy and maybe even when I get older I mean their dog so that it's like you know they kind of need that so that's really what you're gonna that's really the trick to that let me just just down here sorry guys still a little wobbly hey come here come here come come come on good girl see ya that should be like when your dog doesn't here's super crazy playful beside of you should come out and that's gonna make your dog remember oh going outside is fun that's that's why I go out there how do I get him to act like that you know and that's they'll remember that and pretty soon without you even really knowing it your dog will be letting you know when they want to go out and she goes to the door one someone I'm still trying to get her to get to the door to let me know it's I might rearrange the house because what's going on is my TV and my couch is behind so I can't see her if I'm watching TV I can't see her go behind the couch she might be waiting by the door and I don't even know it sometimes so that's why I figure I'll have it in one peripheral vision I [Applause] tell like I said when your dog pees like she's peeing again right now perfect example what snow tree good yes yes mama girl storm good girl oh she just wants her new toy you're gonna get that there you go good girl so now she associates going out with me and going pee outside and she's gonna associate that with happiness and joyfulness and a new toy that's it alright so that is pretty much it for basic puppy training storm has got herself a new toy she's did super good without everything real quick I'll show you the food that I feed my puppy and the treats one more time just so you know so this is this is what I recommend everything you get should be from the USA that's my personal opinion you can do whatever you want just saying I like this stuff it's made in the USA nutria source it's really good for the dog I thought this might have been the other one that my mom tried to give me but it's not so this is the one that I got this is a sportsman's wholesome puppy berry this is also made in USA and the food that I give my puppy is always going to be putting the whole damn thing out so you can say it Victor dog food puppy all natural made and the good old United States of America that is it for this video everyone I hope you enjoy remember just take time don't rush it and just give your puppy a lot of attention and it'll be a breeze that's it hope you enjoy the video see you guys next time peace
Channel: HardCity RainDrops
Views: 153,965
Rating: 4.8422632 out of 5
Keywords: all natural dog food, how to potty train a pitbull, how to train a bluenose Pitbull puppy, how to train your first puppy, bringing home your new puppy, what to feed your new puppy, how much to feed your new puppy, to to prepare for your new puppy, training a puppy, puppy Pitbull training, Victor all natural dog food, howmto train your puppy her/ his name, how to train a dog's name, how to train a puppy to stay, train a puppy to sit, what treats are best for puppy's
Id: aapAHJjhfHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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