Here's Why Dogs Jump on You When You Get Home (Plus 49 Other Meanings Behind What They Do)

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facts first presents here's why dogs jump on you when you get home plus 49 other meanings behind what they do if you're a dog lover help us spread the word about this video by clicking that like button also be sure to subscribe and click the notification bellow so you don't miss our future videos since dogs really can't talk it's tough to know exactly what they're thinking it's also difficult to understand why they do the things they do fortunately there are a few experts who are sure that they know what dogs are thinking and they have compiled a list of why dogs jump on you and 49 other things that they do number one side sleeping when a dog sleeps on his side he's telling you that he loves you and trusts you number two stomach sleeping when your pet sleeps on his belly he won't be able to get quality sleep in this position he won't be able to reach REM sleep shy gentle dogs will often sleep like this number three back sleeping when your dog sleeps on his back he might be too hot if his paws are across his chest he wants to be left alone so he can sleep number four staring if your dog is staring at you he's not trying to be creepy he just wants your affection number five staring with his tongue out if your pet is staring at you and his tongue is out he wants your attention but he's very happy relaxed and mellow about it number six intense eye contact when a dog is staring into your eyes he wants to see your expressions to understand what you want from him number seven open mouth relaxed tail hi ears this major dog is relaxed and secure in his surroundings if you want to approach a strange dog this is when it's the safest number eight pointed tail ears forward this position means your dog is curious about something he may hear or smell something interesting number nine loose floppy tongue a loose floppy tongue means your dog is happy and he doesn't have a care in the world number 10 baring teeth ears back snarling obviously this is a sure sign that your dog is feeling angry and aggressive we all know that you never want to approach a dog when he is in this position number 11 Raising bark if your dog starts barking softly and it increases he wants to play with you and he cannot control his excitement number 12 howling howling means your dog is probably hearing a high-pitched sound something like a siren maybe you won't hear it but your dog does and he's either annoyed about this or the sound could actually be hurting his ears number 13 low growl a low growl means that your dog is anxious and possibly scared number 14 Crazy Legs dead sleeping if your dog is sleeping on his back or on his side and you see his legs going crazy well he's probably dreaming about chasing something [Music] number 15 Superman if your pet sleeps on his belly with his limbs out like Superman flying he finally crashed sleeping like this allows him to pop back up quick when he is ready to play number 16 squinting his eyes if your pet squints his eyes when he looks at you he wants your love and attention number 17 waiting for approval if your pet is staring at you like he's waiting to do something he probably is he respects you and is waiting for your option of what to do number 18 the Fox if he dog's paws are under his body and his tail is around his face he's cold [Music] number 19 back to back when two dogs are sleeping back-to-back it means that they trust each other number 20 waving his paws in the air if a dog's sitting or standing with his paws up he is concentrating number 21 gifts if your dog brings you a gift like a shoe or a dead animal he loves you he's trying to make you happy don't get mad at him about it number 22 cuddling after a meal if your dog likes to cuddle with you after he eats he loves you and feels comfortable with you number 23 licking when your dog licks your face he's easing some of his own stress and showing you love number 24 hunched over if your pet hunch is over he was just abused or attacked and he's trying to make himself feel small that's also why he might do this after you scold him number 25 getting in your bed when your dog sleeps in your bed when you're not home he's just wanting to feel close to you number 26 joining you in bed when your pet is in your bed with you and your partner he just wants to be a part of the pack number 27 kicking their feet after pooping if your pet kicks his feet after pooping he's releasing pheromones that release a territorial scent he wants other dogs to know that this is his area and he is the alpha dog number 28 but sniffing when dogs sniff each others butts they're saying hello and trying to get to know the other dog kinda like a handshake for us number 29 chasing their tail if you have a puppy he's chasing his tail because he doesn't realize that it's his tail if your dog is older well he does know it's his tail he's just bored in trying to entertain himself number 30 post bath energy if your pet has a lot of energy when he first gets out of the bath he hates being wet and he's anxious to dry off number 31 staying close by when your pet stays close by you he wants to be a part of your pack number 32 trashing the couch if your pet ransacked the house or tears apart the couch he has separation anxiety he needs to relieve some of his energy number 33 lowered front mouth open wagging tail that means your dog's having a lot of fun right now and he is thanking you for it number 34 rocking horses when your dog rocks back and forth he's having fun and he wants that fun to continue number 35 showing empathy your dog can sense when you are upset and he will try to comfort you number 36 eating grass if your dog eats grass believe it or not he's not hungry he's thirsty number 37 eating poop if your dog eats poop he wants to keep his territory clean number 38 but scoot if your dog drags his butt on the carpet he could be cleaning his dirty but he also might have worms or an anal gland issue no matter what it is you probably want to check it out number 39 hanging out the window dogs hang out the window of a car to enjoy the sights and smells number 40 humping dogs hump to show dominance [Music] number 41 leaning on you when your dog leans on you he feels neglected and wants some love number 42 sitting on your feet when your dog sits on your feet he's saying that you are his territory he also might be a bit insecure and doing this makes him feel better number 43 going crazy when you get home when your dog jumps up on you and goes crazy when you walk in the door it means that he missed you a lot number 44 fast wagging tail don't think this means your dog is happy if it's a fast wagging tail it could mean your dog is anxious and uncomfortable number 45 a wide range of motion in his tail wagging this means your pet has plenty of energy to burn off number 46 digging if your pet digs he's bored [Music] number 47 forward ears if your dog's ears are pointed forward he's focused on whatever it is in front of him number 48 raising a paw if your pet raises one paw he could be hungry or maybe he wants to play number 49 yawning if your dog yawns he may have caught that yawn from you you probably just yawned didn't you did these things describe your dog if so give this video a like and subscribe for more [Music] you
Channel: Facts Verse
Views: 2,756,675
Rating: 4.8397794 out of 5
Keywords: dog training, puppy training, dog videos, how to train a dog, cute dogs, dog training tricks, dog training 101, facts verse
Id: 5aAt-Ve0o7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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