Here Are 20 Rare And Beautiful Dog Breeds That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Until Now
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Channel: videoinspirational
Views: 424,948
Rating: 4.407361 out of 5
Keywords: origins explained, origins, explained, world, rarest, dog, breeds, ever, dog breeds, rarest breeds, rarest dog breeds, rarest dog breeds ever, world's rarest dog breeds ever, rarest dog breeds in the world, rarest dogs, rarest dog, dog breed, dogs, pets, weirdest dog breeds, biggest in the world, biggest dogs, dangerous dogs, most dangerous dogs, smallest dogs, weird dogs, expensive dogs, most expensive dogs, top, top 10, top ten, top most, list, facts
Id: ABB-V7SuBt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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