I Created a Police State in Cities Skylines 2

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hello everyone I'm kibitz and welcome back to City skylines where we are trying to build the most profitable City no matter what and so far so good we have $300 million 140,000 population and the budget let's just say it's in the green except now we need to start cracking down on some things well one thing in particular crime the crime in this city is unreal 40% average crime probability crime success rate is 30% and there are 278 criminals on the loose and obviously the only solution to this is to turn this city into a police state so we're going to set up police headquarters all over the place build plenty of Prisons to get those criminals and then make a Central Intelligence breu so even if they're thinking of doing crime we'll get them in that way we will have full control over our city and top up our profit margins and if you're looking for a certain degree of control over things I got an interesting opportunity for you that is to become one of the play testers of seed seed is a massive persistent life simulation in a single Universe in it you create and guide seedlings little people who will try and live their lives according to your designs you can have them work basic jobs get educated or do anything else you could imagine a person would do the thing is once you set them on their path their life goes on even when you're not there to guide them meaning they'll continue to live and interact with the rest of the simulation so seed is mixing the best elements of all kinds of Simulator games from Life simulators management Sims City simulators cuz you can build buildings and all that and well yeah everything else you can do in life cool thing is you can provide feedback and shape how the universe is made by participating in seed's open Play test that's running now and ends December 13th so join me by signing up using the first link in the description and remember after playing to enter your name in the survey provided so you can help the developers and again the play test ends December 13th so sign up and play today and now back to our police state project so the crime rate out the huo because the only thing we have right now are police stations they only have a jail capacity of 25 and six patrol cars s but now with the police headquarters we got they each have 20 patrol cars 100 jail capacity but they cost a what $300,000 wait a second I just built four police stations that' be better than the police headquarters in every way yeah you get more patrol cars and more the same jail capacity for like half the cost why would I not do that uh we'll see if we build a headquarters but we'll definitely build a prison because we have to and it lowers the crime rate within practically a kilometer of it which is really good and then finally Central Intelligence which lowers the crime rate Citywide has a ton of patrol cars and jail capacity as well and it costs a reasonable amount 320,000 a month that is just a little bit more than the police headquarters except it's way better yeah I don't understand the point of the headquarters but we have to have one right right right so let's see where would we build it probably in the center of town probably right here do we need any of these buildings no what's this a Transformer ooh we might actually need that no but wait a second we have a Transformer right over there so goodbye parking not even half used I.E gone skis we'll figure out the road stuff later and let's see what's going on with the police headquarters well first it's huge there is okay there is no way this doesn't fit in here aha I thought so all right so that's the headquarters building as you can tell from the big badge on it and what can it do what's so special about it oh we can add on extra jail capacity oh but it's an extra building h you know what that's fine we can build our own separate jails police car extensions uh yeah yeah we're going to need that for sure and then a helipad okay yeah we definitely need police helicopters cuz sure enough they provide like efficiency and blah blah blah who cares it's about fear because when a criminal looks to the sky and they see a helicopter they don't know if it's a police helicopter or not maybe it has a camera on them it's like the bat signal except better and let's just upgrade this road over here have it skoot this way to a little call to sack and all right it's good and there's the first helicopter where are you going trolling where Adventure yes look over the main city hall and don't crash through buildings okay it crashes directly through buildings uh yeah no privacy laws in this city and apparently no safety laws or physics laws yeah we're practically Lawless around here that's why we need more police in fact this is going to be the Central police station for this Central Area because our city is divided up into a variety of districts Central worker subunit 1 2 3 4 and then there's some industrial ones yeah every worker subunit and Central will have its own Police Headquarters just so we have police helicopters all over the place well where's our existing police station way out in the boonies here kind of want to have the police station a little bit more Central like in these couple blocks in fact ah we have like a giant Tower right in the middle of the Town can't get rid of that parking though nah I'll take this block back thank you very much that'll give us room for our next headquarters cool again with the helipad extra cop patrol cars and yeah no not enough room for a jail okay so off to worker subunit 2 where you know what I have a different plan in mind for subunit 2 so let's quickly skip over to subunit 3 here try and get a police station in here but oh no my dreams that's not going to work there's no chance change of plans we're going to block over this way and ripping this all out instead and man I'm going to be real sad if this didn't didn't work oh but of course it does perfect and this time can we throw in a jail ooh we can do we though oh we absolutely do we can throw them underneath the highway here yeah let's put two down over there extra patrol cars then a helicopter and for the area surrounding this let's get rid of the residential put in some big stores maybe even some small stores then a little bit of mixed use and in a dream world right here you can get a parking lot ooh we can get a parking lot for sure but can we get a perfect one yes ah you love to see it it was always meant to be we'll let that all fill in nicely and then moving across the Sip let's go over to here to we have worker subunit 4 and then this is worker subunit 5 subunit four War here you know what this can be a crime city I don't care you know all these people they go to work in the mines these people though they work in the really really important factories so they definitely need a police headquarters I'm thinking maybe here read across from the cemetery yeah yeah yeah yeah that way the police have easy access to Hooligan disposal ah no what do you mean this doesn't fit here e why does every ah okay my dreams ruined pleases lives inconvenienced but no no no I refuse this is going to work I have decided let's get rid of a couple more roads and then there we go why did you have to be difficult ever exactly you didn't I just have to fix up the rest of the zoning tiles around here scoot this one forward this one over here and that over there and hey look at at that everything's practically better than it was before all right after building all of these Police Headquarters how is that hit the crime is everyone in jail now where's the crime there we go uh we've taken down the average crime probability by 20% we've arrested a whole new Criminal but crime success rate is still very high H you know what I think we just have to give the police a second to actually investigate and do things and then they'll start solving all the crime stuff in the meantime I lied we are going to give this place its own headquarters why well what if the people down in this dreary Place end up working over in the factories well that would be bad bad if they weren't behaved so new headquarters for you too notd saying Joy but you probably won't and okay that is all the headquarters in next phase do we get rid of all of the small police buildings we've already been built is there a point to that checking on the crime probability oh we're down to 14% now it's pretty good maybe we'll wait to build the prisons and see how low that falls and then we'll decide if we want to get rid of the police stations yes prisons oh boy prisons they are probably huge aren't they oh my God yeah look at this thing why the criminals need so much space we've already spent so much on crematoriums there's no need for the waiting rooms to be this big but no I have a plan for all the prisons we're going to throw all the prisons in worker subunit 2 because why not have them all centralized right plus I want they close to our City's downtown core then yeah sure the rest of this area can be demolished just a bunch of alleys and small homes screw them oh no but a dog park too don't worry dog park replaced everything is all good but now the prisons will definitely fit in here right I'm in a nightmare realm okay another city block just gone I guess and round two what we can fit an entire single prison in here I wanted to make like a what I wanted to build so many but we can only fit one no no no no I refuse to accept this we'll build one here and then we'll figure out a way to build one behind here oh but then we have all of the trams and I am not redoing the tram Road stuff dang it oh but we can upgrade this prison library and re Center plus five well-being for prisoners why is that an option how does it look though it looks kind of cool but no and another prison Wing okay we can house more prisoners here then oh and it fills out this area a bit better okay wait and can we build multiple oo okay I'm picking up what you're putting down yeah that's pretty cool I'm happy with this we don't need to build another prison here now then instead we'll just throw in another alley right behind here and Zone in some residential maybe even some low rent housing oh yes everything's worked out now we have a giant dystopian brick to make the view even better oh and we have the extra prison yards yeah that's nice the low income places have actually set up now might be a bit of a problem like what if people throw stuff from here but into the prisons but you no no who cares people are in the prisons it's not like they're ever going to leave if they get Contraband whatever at least for this prison now this is going to be like the inner city prison for all like the petty criminals and whatnot we also though have to have a secret prison where would we build one well we can expand way over this way we can get this entire Island too if we wanted I wonder we can expand a little bit over this way I guess we could have a prison at the end of the island next to the mines or we could even convert This Island from like a mining area to like a prison Island then what's the point of that uh lose out on resources that are all around here and we need those for money well we do have these two islands here but I have other ideas for those islands later on so we'll leave an MB and then oh I have the perfect idea we are going to buy some new tiles we're going to buy this little mountain range here thank you are there any resources in that mountain range no there's a little bit of oil outside but we can get that later the main thing is I'm thinking we make like a dirt road that goes in between the mountain range then we can build a siberian prison looking Place yeah that that'd be great it's like the perfect spot in case we want to disappear some people how will it fit oh it will fit perfectly what a Twist love it when this kind of stuff happens like right here pretty good just got to switch up the train a little bit so it doesn't look as uh terrible now with the road connected it looks perfectly forgettable as is the design but then again in a perfect world crime doesn't even happen in the first place no the best way to prevent crime is while it's still being imagined in the minds of the populace so to get in our Citizen's head we'll build the Central Intelligence baru but my goodness this thing is huge is it like circular too what oh so it can look like an eye with a pupil that's neat it's too bad I can't see where to put it there's no way we can fit this in the side of the city though is there no up here no it's it's just too big we're going to have to do like a massive rezoning somewhere what what about over here this kind of like weird spot I wanted to make a kind of a fancy schmancy place for rich people but also ah this kind of works out a little too well yeah okay shmancy people goodbye we'll make a place for the elite later on this this is too good oh yeah this is way too good uh none of this none of that none of this that and now this fits in here there's so much extra space what you know what whatever dude it's worth it look at how cool this building looks heck yeah brother look at that evil looking door listen to those evil sounds that's mind hacking going on right there and it actually looks really cool in that spot there so it all kind of works out and if I could build roads directly around it like perfectly hold up things could work out even better now we're getting into crazy dreamer talk territory but I do be a little crazy and yeah that's pretty good might be a bit better if we add on some trees to it oh yeah way better okay now we're cooking with gas except for this part has to go oo cuz that makes it look so much better now we just connect up our existing Road system to what we've done maybe add on an extra parking lot too because you know this building doesn't have enough parking already right and then the last thing this place really needs is 10,000 million trees and then if we click on the building just arrested criminals and that's it okay cool our City's police upgrades are are completed now did it matter we're looking at the numbers before and they're not bad but I want to see no crime literally zero that is higher than literally zero and the number of criminals went up what the freak everyone should be living in fear okay okay I know how to handle this we got to get that 5G internet to pacify the populace by using a satellite oplink plus 50 entertainment Citywide 10% attractiveness and network capacity Citywide this is amazing let's get that bad boy unlocked so that's in Communications satellite uh yeah and then build the dish over there easy now people can easily just complain online instead of going outside and causing trouble and the results of doing all this well crime well is that 1% okay we can't do any better fair enough success rate is still pretty high though and number of crimes is still pretty high so you know what we'll keep all of like the smaller police stations just so we can keep more cars on patrol and how' that affect our budget okay not too bad getting 5 million per month instead of 8 million okay you know what that number probably will go up too now that the people are happier with the satellite uplink and feel safer I'm hoping the buildings will level up more and then we can get more in tax revenue and then there will be less of what do they call it in the corporate world shrink yeah there'll be less shrink however that's going to be all for now so if you enjoyed remember to subscribe for more and until next time I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and bye-bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 275,089
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Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines 2 new city, cities skylines 2 first, imkibitz, kibitz, kibz, cities, skylines, skylines 2, cities skylines, cities skylines 2 beginner, cities skylines 2 features, cities skylines 2 downtown, starting cities skylines 2, starting cities skyline, cities skylines 2 expansion, cities skylines 2 crime, cities skylines 2 helicopter, cities skylines 2 how to, cities skylines 2 tutorial
Id: 1RxBJqX7C2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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