Traditional Scottish Shortbread

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hello how are you welcome back to my channel I'll offer the flash team you've never been here before how you did so coronavirus said they were mental everyone's drinking it um some people don't have a lot of stuff in a house some people have too much stuff in the house but kids have been buying stuff in bulk and you don't need it either way today I'm going to show you how to make a basket there is a Scottish steeple and needs very well all ingredients today we're gonna make a short bit I'm gonna use a really really really really old-fashioned recipe for shortbread so it's not going to be your girl made shortbread it's not going to be like as more dish as like what you would buy from the shops or whatever but it's probably going to be something you can probably make in the house the reason they're making this video and making something that's easier making the house is because these ingredients you probably will have they're not strange ingredients probably most people have that stuff and it's good for kids is easy to make it's something to do especially if you're being self quarantine and stuff if you've been told like to lose a house it's just one of those good all Rangers you know plus it's short plate who doesn t wait a short bit Jamie speaking as a Scottish person hurry up who in the veep mind there's me awake shot bit so I've got my finger in the page but this is a big thing I'm gonna be using this is my favorite cookbook of all time I got from a charity shop 15 years ago it smells like old it smells like it smells like boost it smells like it smells like old you know you know that old smell that's what smells like so you know it's good so yes this from 1951 not something the basis not now a little bit it's all done off aim well it's published in 1952 so a lot of is in black and white as you can see no excuse my nails I am gonna take my nail polish off what I do the rest of this video but I am yeah so this is the shortbread cage and what we're going to be making if I can do it is these shortbread fingers so in this book for shortbreads fingers it basically says you need six ounces of flour a pinch of salt two tees of castor sugar and for a decent margin now if you do not use ot's I will put grams and if I can I will put cops down below in the description now I'm not very good at reading it word so bear with me Stef flour salt and sugar and add Marlene cutting this into the dry ingredients and rubbing and with the fingertips knead until a smooth dough is obtained Roy on a floured board cut into fingers and score with a fork put on a grease proof ten and as swore oven about 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 to 30 minutes and tell wait we call it that's it you just rub all the ingredients together cut it up put it anyway Bob's your uncle so my buddy's doing that Liddy um it's gonna be great it's gonna blow it I'm gonna wait a minute so let's do that hello usually what I do is have all the stuff pre measured but just to show you how easy it can be I'm just gonna measure it all into the one ball because that's what the instruction is up here BC wait till you do anyway so you have all the stuff in the one ball rub it all together so I'm going to go do it all at the one time and and we'll sort of do it together shall we okay so it tells me how all right it says six ounces of flour if you can hear that back in that's my neighbor's dog in heaven Buddha tends to disagree politically on a few things so they tend to have we arguments they're the floor and I'm using is just waiting for just point know how to clean that's not flour that's my picture so to see the caster sugar I'm gonna have to go stop that arguing between the fancies okay I'm back all agreements or disagreements have been finalized so we need who writes is imagining now i am lesan butter because i've got more power than I do magining if you find yourself to be in a situation where you've got more butter than magining use fire but honestly use whatever you want that's why I'm using this recipe because you can just do what you want it doesn't have to be the best ingredients in the world just festively ingredients okay okay so that's it that's that behind you needs and there we have this so I'm going to take off my rings put them on Bobby Elephant Man my hands are washed need some clean and dry cutting this into the dry ingredients and rubbing and with the fingertips okay so I'm to gets out Robin because you can't do a broad kind so what I'll do because I've got big point like better bottle of that and I've just used a flower to act as I can join sticking is you when I was trying to cut once now just start breaking up you of course can just keep your butt up and put endless pubes if you want to be super fancy or even if you just want to waste more time again like if you're trying to get between your kids and you're thinking how am I going to do this you just get the cursed of harp tons of wheat chunks of are measure it up into meatballs and stuff you know yeah just start rubbing together I make you wait depending puts coins and anything like that aash coins going to refinance it and just start robbing the same way I see that like you may already know what I'm talking about so if you don't I'll explain there [Music] what you're doing is you're grabbing the flour and the butter and just smooshing them together you no longer you do this of time and to set up bread crummy consistency and time your door so yeah you just basically grabbing it and rubbing it using your fingertips your thumb and your fingers to this smoosh different but together great job for me hands while I'm doing this just to mention aim if you have any weird that has local farmers or farm shops in double check that thirst are walking during the coronavirus and I love very close to a farmer and my farmer sells eggs and those tend to be the eggs that I use whenever I bake because I know that they came from happy hints so if you find yourself not be able to get a lot of ingredients like eggs and things just double check with local farmers because you make real Fame that we have a ton of eggs you make more Fame we had a ton of eggs and a ton of stuff for that that they have anyway because of chickens of stuff for obvious davia but they can't get rid of it nor even house so just double check where your farmers and then you're obviously helping out your local community as well so now I have a set of bread crumb e consistency I'm now going to start pressing it together because dust needs to form a door seems very dry to me but I've obviously measured and Isis so maybe I've measured on were always butter and I should've but if you're awake best and you don't have milk I don't know about what if you do have milk add a little bit of milk because we're just trying to get a door you can see through it my mates I can't really make a door so we're going to get some milk in this I think it's blue she just had a teeny bit I think and I'm just makes it arranged with my fingertips to get all the crumbs wet and then we'll try no yeah that seems like a bit better doesn't it if you want to be able walrus yeah that's a door smashing so I'm gonna clean my hands off and then we'll start rolling out and we'll put the oven on just now as well so we can preheat the oven for our shop they're finished so we're gonna roll our industry or a biscuit or a clean surface with our clean hands we're going to cut these into fingers Blake saw so this is the picture I know working wait fantastic proud of it to set a meet your spec and then you're going to poke the holes in the top of them I'll show ya anyway we'll do it together as I say well do it together so we'd cutting utensil a pokey utensil and I'll glue a utensil let's get some flour on the door I don't ever seem to tend to use enough warmer so hopefully that'll be enough the before I put that stone we aren't cutting it into squares right so I'm just going to train sheep in a square shape with my hands because when we start rolling it's gonna be in all that it's it's not going to be what we want it to be no it's probably gonna crumble and annoying bets as well but there's enough but at a nest that it should hopefully hopefully keep some sort of weight remnant or what it should be here they're all gently on it the rule to vigorously because that's when it will absolutely start to big means are starting to become are we in the edges so I'm just gonna smoosh them together because I can't the Nigel Rowan just keeps machine smoosh okay now flora is Linda agent and these they're not going to puff up they're not going to shoot and enter the second listing you roll them to is going to be the thickness that they're going to be so I would see that's far away I've heard me know for a change I do have a ruler with me and I am just going double-check what I've got them to and I've got them to send them here so I'm wide to myself but that's me that's what my same way so I'm just gonna try and smoosh up the AG's obviously you don't have to use a knife to do this it's just a street this thing I had next to me hey this is one of those occasions where them do is I see don't do as I do don't recommend you do this beneath pop him yeah wait so that's a square so we're gonna cut and I don't know so that's how we think yeah well cut that's k into the middle yeah can we make that any three we probably could yeah let's go fit the dual function recipes don't tell you how many are supposed to make it just say make so suppose you can make them any size you want really can you right so do we want long boys everyone short boys mmm Alex seem long boys it was cut in half shall we no your witness me do this and I had a real one in my hand then I could have done it very nicely I didn't so that's that's it here we are so and this picture the district like holes all the way up the middle so that's what water well just do what the book says so basically just do that no my oven is set to a hundred degrees and 250 degrees farm hey as 120 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees we've got a fan oven I have a fan oven so 100 degrees is because these go and the oven is such a wall temperature is imperative that you have genuinely do pre-heat your oven it's not going to be very good if you're doing so many things be best here's my best kiss all wind up in the tree looking lovely not looking very uniform but looking rustic so we're going to go into my preheated Evernote for 30 minutes they probably won't change color about much they'll just go a little bit darker than this shortbread tends to be this color you're just basically cooking it so don't look at it through the oven door and think oh god a snob loans will make you better and longer like just TKO after 30 minutes as a longer temperature those rate you're good to go so I'll see you in 30 minutes so here in Main Street the oven swish you can leave them like this if you want and some people wait to put sugar on them and so just get the caster sugar that you already had and basically all you're doing it's a sprinkle some caster sugar on so I'll put some on half or frame and then read the other ones without but it's very common to put castor sugar in on your shortbread so what already know just leave these guys to cool and once they're fully cool we can't eat them all so while I like this by the way but other opportunities to do this you can basically get a square turn and just Pat call in the ten or you can make one of the codes pea coat tails basically the triangle shape so you can put in a circle 10 and I cut it any triangles it's very common shape for shortbread anyway I'm Haven so I'm going to do is leave these to cool and I'll be back when they're cool I don't know wake half an hour awesome I see them I meet Jenga with them that's nice yes yes every dozen stab that one leave that woman alone that's a good mm-hmm it's a 1952 recipe - brush it off so it's not super fancy it's not super awake indulgent or something yo Christmas mm-hmm it's our you know well welcome it's like four ingredients and that's all a bit ridiculous because they'll have all that stuff in others no I'm gonna meet them all far that's not good boy go smash me thank you the time nobodies goodbye there we have it four ingredients you're big they can make at home with your caddies Oh wastin time it tastes really good and you'll probably have that special mix the sugar on top mix it really nice it gives it like a different texture I think it was a good thickness as well so I'm very happy with them so thank you so much for coming and watching the meeting Charlotte if you like this video please consider wasting that subscribing I've doing news well to me if you were to put my name is uniform all links are below but right now the coronavirus and stuff on the go it's okay if you don't I don't recommend you do keep all the money you have to help yourself to the future if you make this recipe I wanna see pictures of it I want in all hope way if you ate you did it indefinitely it's a really simple recipe you could just f in sugar you could just have compose you could call it different shapes you could make patterns on top of it there's tons of stuff you could do you make animals see if you've got like cutters and you've got cookie cutters colored chips doesn't have to be sex doesn't have to be quick you know do be you want you tasty I want to see fools and the best place to send before August first so do that that's why I appreciate that thank you anyway thank you very much and I'll see you it [Music] you
Channel: Sue Hulk
Views: 22,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking, cooking, recipe, scottish, scotland, count dankula, cookie, traditional, old fashioned, biscuit, short bread, shortbread, quick, quick recipe, things to do, fun baking, baking with kids, easy baking
Id: m_1DvlfdfIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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