Traditional Scottish Tiffin

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oh ah hello welcome back to my channel hello for the first time how are you doing hope you're okay um today we're gonna make something i know is scottish for a fact tumble dryer how good today we're going to make something that i know is definitely scottish because it was made in the 1900s at some point in trin and drinks in scotland so this is scottish today we're making tiffin if you don't know what tiffin is tiffin is basically biscuits and fruit usually raisins or sultanas vegan chopped cherries in there or whatever um sometimes nuts there's not a big mush of like chocolatey biscuity goodness but like tons of chocolate wrapped on tap it and then it's cut into squares sometimes triangles sometimes you go to cafes and you get like a triangle shape one i don't understand the need for that but i cut them up and then you eat them very easy very simple very tasty and i don't need to stand to make them so that's why we're making it so for those who don't have me on twitter or um discord this is the last video that i will be making before i go on maternity leave right now i am 35 weeks pregnant and i'm due in about four weeks because i'm due on the 39 week mark ish so at the moment i have anywhere between two to three hospital appointments each week they last all day i don't have much time other than that i'm very sore very tired and all these different pregnancy things that you're very bored of listening to and so it's about time that i stop for now and focus on the arrival of my real assy if you've watched this video so far and all the other videos that i've done or you watched anything of mine then thank you i appreciate all the support you've given me i'll be back at some point in a few months hopefully with um bacon stuff if you wish to join my discord because i've been there quite a lot and you can jump on there the link for the discord is down and it's very wholesome it's very nice place to be if you are more into um discord servers like my husband's i would stay a clear of mine because mine's a very very nice safe space to be to be in it's very wholesome very kind enough of that i'm going to show you how to make tiffin so let's do this right so all the ingredients are all just chilling right next to me what you'll probably need is just like two bowls two bowls and a tin i'm using a brownie tin and i've winded it in tin foil because it's going to be easier than lining it with like parchment paper which you can totally do we can weigh it with cling film just letting it be whatever you want because it's like a biscuit base that's going on that so realistically you really pop it out no matter what it's not something that's really going to stick the chocolate on top my stick um hence why you need something but i'm using tinfoil it'll be fine you don't need to borrow your tinfoil and just slap tin foil straight in or parchment paper or cling film any fancy so it's that we're going to melt butter so get like 110 grams of butter um yeah this is imaging i'm using imaging i don't have butter i've got margarine imaginings fine don't come for me these always come from me when i use margarine to our butter we're going to add two tablespoons of sugar i'm using castor sugar we can use granulated sugar if you want we want four teaspoons of chocolate powder of cocoa or cocoa powder this stuff this stuff we want four teaspoons of that not tablespoons teaspoons and then we want two tablespoons of golden syrup god bless the man who created the squishy golden syrup bottle god bless you sir i'm assuming it's a man maybe it's a lady god bless the person okay cool so now you have this this big mess this big chocolatey buttery sugary syrupy mess so now we're gonna melt this so melt it on a low heat gently in the microwave or if you really really want to you can put it on double boiler also known as a family where you just basically put it over simmering water until it all melts nice and gently but i'm going to put it in the microwave because it's easier so i'm going to put my microwave on like a medium heat i'm going to put it on for like 20 seconds at a time and i'm going to just keep stirring it until it's all nice and melted and lovely so i'll do that i'll come back so i've melted my chocolate buttery stuff and we have we have the chocolate your butter mist but that's what we want so leave that to the side but now we don't need that we have marcus here because we need to crush some biscuits um if you don't have a marcus of your own you can use a rolling pin in a bag um but i have a marcus so he's taking my rolling pin away so either 225 250 grams of biscuits use any biscuit you do you fancy you can use chocolate biscuits digestive biscuits whatever i'm using i'm using digestives because digestives taste right so marcus i don't need this like a cheesecake biscuit i don't need dust i want chunks i want big chunks small chunks and some dust okay so don't punch for so long [Music] [Applause] so say say when you don't need to tell me when you want me to stop punching a little bit away i'm losing hi you're handsome no don't come to stealing ah there you go a little bit better than that i think i don't know is that okay they craft coffee fast i appear to have obliterated i don't mean that i just just i know but it's true it's almost a cheesecake in here i don't mean it oh no it's burst do you know what i'll use it it's fine i'll use it it'll be free okay so i'm going one please anyway it's fine thank you for your assistance okay so yeah marcus has punched him a bit too much but um you probably see better here see these are like bigger crumbs and then smaller crumbs i've got a lot of dust in mine but basically you're looking you're looking for a mixture of both but as i always say it's entirely up to yourself see if you don't want big bits of biscuit in it don't put big bits biscuit in it but you kind of just make it all dust if you make it or dust it's not going to be tiffin it's going to be a biscuit bar with fruit in it so that'll be that'll be we've got biscuits crushed now all we need is our raisins so i'm using raisins because i quite like raisins again you can use glacier cherries or you can use um sultanas you could also take out some raisins put in some like almonds do what you want right but generally it's raisins but do you want so for your raisins i would say maybe 50 grams 70 grams you don't really want any more than that unless you do that's fine so just put your raisins straight into your chocolaty syrupy buttery mixture give that a shimmer and then we're going to start adding our biscuits to this raisin mixture now i measured 280 grams of biscuit just in case because i like to have a buffer so i'm going to mix a wee bit of biscuit in the nose and see how it looks there's plenty of room for my biscuit in there probably what i do is mix it until all the biscuits coated and everything's chocolate and then we're going to put it in our tin this is what my mix looks like just now and i'm just going to pop that straight in here oh i should have used different i think so this is the point where you realize you've used the wrong sized dish and then you just you just take the tin foil out and transfer it to a bigger dish a small dish on it because we're not professionals we're just amateur bakers and we make mistakes and we use tin foil which meant everything was fine look at that you wouldn't even have known that i had to change it up there we go happy days so you want to press all that in as much as you can i know what you're thinking oh there's some dry bits in there they look a bit dry well they're big bits of biscuit so they can always get so coated you know but it's fine because we're going to cover it in chocolate and you'll you would never even know you wouldn't even know right i'm happy with that so i'm going to stick that in the fridge just for a wee bit until i melt my chocolate so that's probably let the new disney look great but trust me it'll taste nice i promise okay so here i have melted chocolate i just have cadburys chocolate i've not used anything special i have 400 grams of melted chocolate 200 grams of it is milk and 200 grams is that you don't have to do that you can just use all dark all milk all white you can use whatever chocolate you fancy i just like mixing the two of them because i think that all dark is too much i think that all milk is too much but if you have a mixi boss it's quite nice so we have that and then we have the return of a tiffin so from here we are watch away just gonna put it on top oh i like how i changed the camera angle so you can see and then didn't didn't show you anything just blocked it all out with a bowl because i am a professional common sense would prevail you basically just have to guide the chocolate to the edges smooth it nice and flat and that is you basically put this in the fridge now to say and once it's set i'm going to cut it and then i'm going to munch it okay so put this in the fridge and i'll see you in like half an hour maybe an hour of something and then we'll go for there so season so this is about the fridge now i'm gonna take it out of here and we're gonna pull back the tinfoil carefully and then we're going to point it back in the dish now we're going to try and cut it so i have cut mine in the squares not the most even squares in the world but they're squares and i'll take it out and show you so mine's still a bit melty still a bit soft and my chocolate is on the thick side but this is my tiffin so let's try it okay cool so i've not used the plate because i need to wash it i've just got a little bit of kitchen roll but so my chocolate is super thick so i used 400 grams so try 300 grams instead so the recipe will have 300 grams because i suggest that it's probably better yeah it's lovely it's nice it's chewy with the raisins it's crunchy with the biscuit it's chocolatey it's just lovely um apart from my top is a bit thick but rest of it it's great so there's a lot of chocolate in this some nobody just now because i can literally feel myself starting to shake with the shoe make sugar that's in this but that is delicious it's really really nice i fully recommend making it um it's quite a nice treat and i'll put the recipe in the description box below here somewhere so the simple wheat tree bake is everything you want to be it's got fruit it's got biscuits it's got chocolate golden syrup it's crunchy it's chewy it's delicious it's great i fully recommend making this um it's good to make kids because it's super easy and then i made it with just stuff i had in the house i didn't have to go buy anything for it granted i do bake quite a lot and i've probably got quite a lot of ingredients but i mean because you can just use any chocolate you want you can use any biscuits you want you can add extras and stuff so for example if you don't want to use 60 grams of raisins and you only have 30 grams you could replace the other 30 grams with a different fruit or some nuts it's very versatile so on that note i'm going to go now so thank you so much again to everyone who supported me to this point i honestly really really really appreciate it if you want to probably further i've got patreons i've got merch i've got all these things they're all in the description box below as well they'll be below the recipe for now i am not gonna make any more videos and sadly i guess i'll see you all in a few months if you want to keep up to date with us like me and marcus um and the baby follow us on twitter or instagram again the links to them are below as well if you want to find them and we post most of the stuff there and i'm pretty sure that when we want the world to see our baby she'll be on twitter when we're supposed to be picture on twitter or something so yeah so if you want to keep up to date with you'll find us there but for now youtube i will see you later bye do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sue Hulk
Views: 10,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking, cooking, scottish baking, scottish cooking, traditional baking, traditional cooking, scotland, scottish, diy, at home, cooking at home, basic cooking, baking at home, basic baking, simple baking, easy baking, count dankula
Id: 8pkLFRhXYEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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