Banana Bread

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hello hi so today I'm gonna make a bet the reason I became bad a bit is I have over baked bananas oh you think it's really simple really fast you basically all have all mixing together putting in the clips and put in the oven Bob's your uncle finally gennadi good cool so far banana breads you always need bananas right you need to overly baked bananas if I sit over lived what I mean is the detail of blown do you to look to the point where you feel like I'm not buying that that's good in the bin pretty much wake this right no not the most appealing thing in the world but that's how they should look so wait wexter I've made my bed in the past when I meet it in the past I'm almost positive I had like 7 million stuff on it I've booked the modesta to doing some stuff I can't find the one I used to use so I'm obviously went online and I'm gonna use that I'm just gonna cancel in it because I'm just gonna add a cinnamon in it because I think it tastes better less sermon way that recipe obviously is pretty foolproof through it and wash it whatever you can add walnuts you can add chocolate it's longer somebody like cooking chocolate chocolate chips or whatever or like chops chocolate you can put stuff on top you can post up and it do what you've won just make sure it's not anywhere including Shippuden like cherries and stuff and through but it's a pretty tough race it being like but I'll bet you can't do that going on so let's do that and try not to go wrong so I call that it is in front of me everything that I'm going to use today will be in the description and I've obviously see it as I'm using it but it's just normal cake so far sugar butter milk that's person box so I already have my oven preheated to 180 degrees so I have a fan oven so I put 160 I'm actually this is excuse me this recipe is so quick in fact that might dinner it's actually in the oven just new and to show you how quick as that's 300 degrees fun hate and getting better that's American fan hate oven I'll guess knack for doing those cuts guess my foot pull this through all the dried stuff and Midway stuff or tangents so 200 meters or so that'd wobble on some clothes you want Mexican you stop trying I would give you a basket an orphan a newer basket I've just realized that I don't have a pineal and I gained a week and I'll get your basket so I had it one with myself but like anyone again I don't know why I sleep forget it I think it's because it's like a new thing it hasn't always had it but now that I've gone up feel like a really should read it anyway NYX is sugar so it's 225 grams of caster sugar aim or just accept my castor sugar because caster sugar tends to get a blowy one peak and and it's just a pain in the arse Charlie wait push all the lumps over your spoon when you find them and you've done it so I just said it so I've used still frozen 504 that recipe because I'm lazy you can use plain flour and then adds bicarbonate soda it would be the same about the you would use for quite clever but you've just had one tablespoon of baking soda but I would recommend something that working for busy I asked for half a teaspoon of salt but I can't abandon that so I'm just gonna chop something good and then if it's uneven I'm just gonna draw a bell and I would probably say you move one on the level teaspoon of cinnamon just today we got the flavor on it if you do want to use it but I'm just gonna throw some in but one level teaspoon I would recommend yeah okay and then a be better focused look we're supporting this ugliness through enters on don't know it's gonna give the movie stuff I'm sure everybody knows it's not it obviously cuz so your farmer and your dry ingredients to the safe for a minute and then get your bananas and the fork and a separate bowl take for rape bananas the people always say you open it from the bone I don't know if have something wrong with me but I can't open bananas from the bottom but I was sensible I would open it from respite because I don't know what is the witchcraft to open this missus anyway it's not that bad and the NSAIDs it's just the Osage looks all messed up I'm gonna take off to be weird to never fall because it just seemed like they'd be uncomfortably so bananas basically gonna get a and I'm going to wash it to bits a public that window you found Twix abuser I lost the bet banana and some suet I would see if you've got the proof sense that I would use that to much the bananas I'm going this is probably the longest part so if you don't have a food processor this will take you don't want it's just a bit so I basically chop my banana enough and I'm never gonna use my fork to Misha Misha is the technical term of what you do so I'm half give me that that's basically a mush the other feel approach something that looks like snot I don't know chaos in the square but it's just like a liquidy banana mush banana wash it's like slave never I mean I can't even really sure you I mean I mean there's some baked bets in but I'm happy with that you can wash it tell us an actual purely if you really want to but I like B bets but you sail okay so and not banana max 1b did you know is I'm going to add my eggs so asks for 2/3 venjix doesn't specify sighs just ethics I probably go for a medium a clue wash my hands maybe it's some exhale together no that's the incorporate these I'm gonna add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and by teaspoon I'm gonna wing it but juice he's been next you have the bottle what I tend to do is put the butter in a joke and microwave it not till it's hot just so it's melted they won't cooperate that into the banana mix so add in 225 grams or five or eight notes so I'm just melted my butter in the microwave and I just put it on for few seconds stop it I actually music magazine as I've used for a law unless it's an async so I'm gonna put this every day so obviously this is like it's not one em it's just enough to melt it so when I start pouring it and here it shouldn't cut them anything like the eggs it won't cook the eggs and I'm some uni make sure it's not working hot but it will cook the eggs this and your banana so I'm just mix in this computer and this ball have you only got the eggs of banana and the boss I have milk here and it's just in please this is too thick and it needs more liquids to actually mix it I have a whisk just in case but and then both the cinnamon and sugar all I'm gonna do is spill it everywhere we go and then Peter whale in the middle and I'm going to just start pouring that stuff back and giving it a jolly good whiskey I'm sure it'll cost you the one to throw all in because I've been patient take your spoon and just start mixing the roads try doing like a scoop in of all direction so you're skipping the sides and you're holding over just so that you can get in order for where there's no big dre locks at the bottom and anything but this combined quick quick quick so Justin so one life with is mix basically lumpy mix they want to adjust the banana it's not flowing from here taking a wolf test you can boost it any way you want you can out you can either smear the Satan but you can split it with spray oil or you can put parchment paper or baking pizza at the bottom and we do beating people what I did again because I goodness time the Americans basically tear that off and then just hold it for get to what I believe besides a week and obviously the drain axiom so you can see her back you may need it just has to be enough to cover the bottom that it won't stick to kindly keep my sector [Music] if you came here for exact with an exact science and interesting you've come to the wrong place metal and for that I'm sorry some TVs how above lays this I'm just gonna put it in there and at that point my goodness it smells like as ready as well which is convenient no my cake 10 is a bit small and I think that I've made too much make sure but that's okay so I've used about half that mixture and I've put in its goodness I put it in my kitchen I've left enough room for it to rise and I'm gonna put this and move and then I'll probably make another one with the leftovers this recipe calls for a fight and often and I have a to mention often so that's why I have to use it in two batches but what I would usually do spy vegetable turns are massive and quite expensive in this number of cost me like to pound so I'm not gonna spy wait wait wait - for more kick but I could ever had cupcake tins I could make cupcakes within the means of this or I could just make two wars I'm gonna - so I'll put that time juice now and it'll go in for roughly in a row I am I would say maybe 50 minutes and then give it a poke to see how it looks inside aim so yeah I'm back to you 50 minutes so this is a straight out of the oven this I would like it is actually the second one that I've made because the first one well I've already ate some of it I would like but he I get to show you inside so this nsaids [Music] that's the first one so not that also brand-new rack so Padma Donna I've made braids this is the first one that came out this is it but cut off because I beat some it was do you watches so yes it's possible the second Wolf's I've taken it attendant left just basically put what a cool and Reich this is me been making banana bread it was very quick it was very easy you just need two balls and 40 minutes in the oven and what I remembered that I said and I surely was it's 180 degrees and the m2p heat the oven to actually 160 if it's fun him so I had a hundred and six six ever fan oven so 160 for 40 to 45 minutes after 40 minutes but basically just put a metal skewer or a knife or something in the middle and if it comes out clean then it's ready equal when you look inside there's some squishy bits that's just your bank bits a banana so that's good I am gonna give one entire loaf to my friend Levi because I messaged him where they it was in the oven ask them if you likes it and he says it was one of his favorite things to eat so although he has eaten the Twinkie that I lived and has fudge I am so gonna be a fantastic friends and gave him an entire wolf to themself so as usual I did this video with biting thank you so much for coming to watch my video to come see me eat banana gate and this video will be up three or four weeks after my Instagram post where I said I make banana bread so if you expect that video like tomorrow apologies thank you to my amazing patrons who without them I wouldn't have a bit ten or a cooling rack or any of this stuff that I tend to have no the more patrons that I've been getting the more stuff popping by so it's in it's working out great because that you get to make other things when you get a boy baked before so without then some of these Fetty was impossible so thank you I knew if you like this video please like and subscribe if you don't who's been thanks for coming to watch into this point anyway and I'm sorry I didn't like it you don't like him in let me know why I guess you watch at abattoir if you're watching dogs ever Instagram and if you want to see more videos in like and subscribe if you make this banana wolf I would love to see pictures of it I would love to see if you use cinnamon alright not making any other like space if you don't use a space if you keep the bottle and sugar together instead of melting pot in it because that's another thing that I would have done if I had to buy the thing I would have named Coombs the pot and sugar together until whistling just coffee then I think that so there's like two different ways to do it you basically get the same idea that sex half a dozen tea but yeah let me know what you would've done definitely or done the same show me pictures shilling is killing ghost on the TV on Sheila's kid and I want to see so yes so aspect Eason and I'll see you next video bye [Music]
Channel: Sue Hulk
Views: 4,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Banana Bread, Baking, cooking, scottish, not traditional, wing it
Id: 5yT5Uk3mCwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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