Trading Posts & Fishing | Raft Chapter 3 Guides

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the new trading posts offer some insane features hi friends and welcome back to raft chapter 3 finally dropped on monday along with plenty of new locations content and gameplay features some of it might be a bit confusing to any new raptors or even those of us with a decent amount of gameplay experience so i thought i would make a short series of videos explaining these new features and how you can use them to your advantage in your own playthroughs so without further ado let's get into the first installment of guides for chapter 3 trading posts and fishing training posts and phishing may seem like an unusual combination for a game guide but these two features are inherently connected for reasons that will become obvious in just a little bit but to really understand how to use these game mechanics to their fullest potential we need to start at the very beginning which in this case is the recycler the recycler is a new machine that becomes available after completing the first story location and it has exactly one purpose it takes all of the excess materials you have sitting around your raft and it turns them into trash cubes it takes six plastic four metal ingots two either of bolts or hinges and one circuit board to craft the recycler so it's definitely relatively expensive in terms of early game items once you place it on your raft it will need to be powered specifically the recycler needs one battery to operate and then once you place 30 items into the basin it will condense them down into one trash cube trash cubes are the main things that you'll trade in to get stuff from the training posts so you'll need a lot of them the other type of currency that you'll use is trade coins but we'll get into those later realistically you'll probably end up using leaves or plastic as your primary source to create the trash cubes but you can mix and match from any of these items up top we have the generic floating debris that you will certainly accrue large amounts of as you progress through the game after you're finished building the outline of your raft leaves and plastic become pretty much obsolete hence making them the most reliable resource that you'll probably just waste most of the time but of course planks and scrap are also viable then we move on to the secondary trash items like seaweed vinegars nails etc this is the kind of stuff that you'll find in barrels and crates but you don't typically need too much of so you can turn it into cubes but if you want it to be really bougie you could of course use metal oars metal bars and the basics melted materials this includes titanium i don't know why you'd want to do that but you theoretically could and finally there's the non-food animal products so i suppose technically giant clams finally have another use other than just making bird nests or you could just make all the bird nests and get more feathers for net benefit but now that you know how to get the currency that you'll need to trade in at the training posts let's talk about how to access the posts themselves trading posts can be found on large islands they can also be found in any biome so if you're fortunate to find an evergreen or desert island they'll be there too no matter where you are every trading post will always have the same trades available on top of the trading post manual you'll notice two main features in the upper right corner you'll see an area for your current reputation which starts at the bottom of tier 1. your reputation level is correlated to what trades you can unlock so if you're visiting a trading post for the first time then you only really have three options the simple fishing bait and then some plastic and planks but i wouldn't necessarily recommend buying these as they are significantly more expensive to buy than the minimal effort it takes to actually gather this stuff but that simple fishing bait is the key to unlocking all of your trading dreams and this is why we're covering fishing and trading posts in the same guide the other major feature you'll need to pay attention to on the menu is the difference between the buy tab and the sell tab that cell tab is how you'll increase your reputation level and eventually unlock the other trades you can currently only sell fish to the trading posts but these aren't the typical macros that you've been used to getting these are some special fish that are only used in trading you can't cook them or eat them you can literally only sell them to the trading posts but to fish for these you can't just use your standard metal fishing rod you'll need that simple fishing bait from earlier if you have the bait in your inventory you can right-click while holding the metal fishing rod and that will allow you to select your fishing bait to use because you only have access to the simple fishing bait right now that's what you should probably use when fishing bait is active on your rod the game will prioritize using the bait until you run out but you won't be able to catch this standard fish during this time for the simple bait you'll have the opportunity to catch three different fish the glow shrimp the net nibbler and the sharp carp are all tier one fish that can then be sold to the trading posts all fish within a given tier will give you the same rewards so you don't need to worry about catching certain ones over others trading in your newly acquired fish for tier 1 you'll receive one trade coin and 10 reputation points for every fish that you sell it takes 300 points to level up to tier 2 and you can only buy 20 simple bait from a given post meaning you'll need to visit at least two large islands before you'll have access to the middle tier but in the meantime you can spend your shiny new trade coins on the unique tier 1 items this is how you get the chili and the turmeric that you'll need for some of the advanced food recipes speaking of those recipes you can now buy most of them under tier 1. the recipes themselves are pretty cheap plastic only one trash cube and one trade coin each and once you buy them the first time you don't need to buy them ever again i'll cover the exact changes to cooking with the addition of the juicer and all the new recipes in a future video so be sure to subscribe if you want all of those juicy details the other unique tier 1 trades are for the air horn which you'll need to place on your raft but then you can thoroughly annoy your friends and make some mlg raft edits and you can also purchase a wardrobe which allows you to change your outfits in game plus this will definitely be useful as a decoration item i appreciate that all of maya's outfits have a different number on all of them too and finally you can buy the compass this always points roughly north i don't really see how it's useful but to each their own so once you've sold enough fish and bought all the items that you want you can upgrade to the tier 2 trades again we start with the advanced fishing bait this functions the exact same way as the simple fishing bait but we'll instead lure in the foam splitter the puffer lisk and the trap snapper these can be sold at the trade posts for one trade coin and 100 reputation points each making it definitely worth your while to go for the higher tier fish especially since the advanced bait costs one trash cube just like the simple bait there are also some cool tier 2 trades that you should definitely take advantage of juniper is another cooking resource that we'll cover in the future along with the hardy stew recipe but you should pick up a tic tac toe board to keep yourself entertained between islands or you could buy the foundation counter just to get a read on how big your raft is there's also the honk horn which is another fantastic instrument to make noise with tier 2 trading also gives you access to the advanced crop plots which are just upgraded versions of the crop plots you already know and love but most importantly you can buy three unique hats for the mere price of six trash cubes and six trade coins each the chef's hat the disguise glasses and the sailor's hat are all unique trading hats that you can't get anywhere else in the game but tier 3 is where we really get into the cool new things that were added you'll need 3 000 points to upgrade to the final reputation tier and unlock everything from your wildest dreams again fishing is important so it's worth it to purchase the expert fishing bait for the same low price of one trash cube there are six tier three fish the lionfish the lunar fish the pentapus the pink pike the rainbow lobster and the shark eater when sold to the posts each fish will give you two trade coins to spend on yet more amazing unique trades first is the advanced scarecrow which is a permanent version of the very flimsy one you craft in the early stages of your farm then we get a fridge which has storage for 25 stacks so it's pretty great in terms of space but will also be a lovely addition to any kitchen builds i am very excited for the new drawbridges which come in a four tile long form and a two tile short form these can be placed anywhere and fold out into usable bridges which is super cool and i'm already thinking of building applications the surfboard is purely decorative but it's so cool and then there's the last instrument which is the viking horn we also got a new cassette bringing the total up to six tapes in terms of useful items the tier three trades are by far the best because you can get two blueprints the first is for the new canteen which holds 10 glugs of fresh water so double the water bottles but this also gives you the blueprint for the detail plank item it only costs 10 planks to make five detail planks so if you think of it as two planks for detail plank that's pretty cheap for an item that can be placed anywhere and also has collision this is one of the items that i am most excited to design new rafts with because the potential is literally limitless but of course there are also four new hats the diving helmet the fishing hat some sunglasses and the pirate hat so it's definitely worth working your way up through the trading tiers to unlock all of this cool new stuff plus you could technically buy up to 15 titanium at tier 3 as well which will definitely save in some grinding time but that's the gist of how to use training posts and the valuable items contained within i'm super happy that there's all this new stuff to experiment with and figure out as we work our way through the game it's an amazing update and it was definitely worth the wait but that's it for the first installment of my chapter 3 guides i hope you enjoyed please consider leaving a like if you did and consider subscribing if you haven't already really helps me out i hope to see you again soon but until then have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Alidove
Views: 99,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, video games, raft, raft chapter three, game guide
Id: 6VaszPR4Hq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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