How To Build The PERFECT Starter Raft!

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the hardest part of any raft world is thinking about how to design it well let me do the work for you because today i'll be building the perfect starter raft first things first we're going to want to upgrade these foundations the shape won't be anything fancy but what we want to do is build out two on each side one on the back and for the purpose of the video i'll paint the first four squares just so we don't forget where the center is so then build out two foundations and then go all along where we've just built destroy that one because that's where our collection nets are gonna go and then expand out four more blocks now just to give this thing some shape we're just gonna put a triangle in each corner of the raft just like that and we have our shape it's looking pretty good but let's get the collection nuts in so just to save some wood when expanding use the old foundations because it's a lot cheaper now from these two center blocks we have to expand 15 out on each side [Music] perfect and the reasoning for that well if you make the collection net 32 wide that means you can pretty much collect every single little bit of trash in the ocean three four five six perfect now what i recommend you do if you don't have instant access to all of these collection nets is just start from the middle and work your way outwards but for the purpose of this video obviously i think i have enough all right now that's done let's work on the actual building right here so what i like to do is use the corners for windows so just place two high walls all the way around one high wall on each corner and then use this window i like to do that instead of this one because you just can't see out of that i mean i'm way too small and then the stairs will go one out from here place them right there we'll make a tiny little room here which will be used for our furnaces so put a floor right there then we can destroy that put another floor there but now let's make the actual entrance to our building we're going to make a little pillar looking thing right here this place will also be used for some storage so put a floor right there and a floor above that and before we finish this entrance right here let's actually do the floor real quick so you just want one pillar there and one pillar there and then you should be able to just fill in the entire floor now you could use solid wooden floors but obviously in the middle you're gonna need triangle wooden floors so i'm just gonna use triangles all throughout all right almost done one more and boom okay so then we're gonna put one more floor right there and then in order to place the triangle floor we're gonna need one more pillar put it so that it flows nicely like that and then go up here take the roof make sure it slants just like that and then one more right there honestly that makes it look so streamlined so that's what we're gonna go with and then since we're actually gonna make this floor up here one more elevated we're gonna need a roof right here to act as kind of like a stair i guess and then put half walls all the way around [Music] on the corners as well and then once you reach this bit right here make sure you put an upside down triangle so it flows nicely and then here we return to the half walls once again here and here now let's make the stairs look pretty so we're just gonna want one half wall right here and then we're gonna make a cool little pattern so we'll put one stair there another one there another one there and then we're gonna put an upside down triangle on each place followed by a normal triangle just like that and of course you can destroy these pillars since you don't need them anymore but if you want to keep them for realism i guess go for it now we'll put two more walls right here just so it doesn't look weird two pillars here one more right here and then over here we'll have two more pillars just so it looks a little more normal now return back to the front and then put a triangle wall right here half walls surrounding the entire edge until you get back to the collection nets and then one more triangle just like that oh and make sure you get your sleep because building is pretty tiring now that it's morning break these two walls right here replace that with two solid wooden gates and then just two triangles to make sure you've actually got a little platform to land on and then that's the front done now return back up the stairs put these half pillars just wherever you want really it doesn't really matter because you don't actually need to destroy these since you'll never see them again and then once again fill these in with whatever floor you want it doesn't have to be triangles but that's what i'm doing but it is very satisfying when you use triangles and it all fits perfectly so that is the floor filled in now it's time to go around the edges with the solid wooden fences so we'll start right here and just go all the way around just like this until you reach this bit right there we're not going to do this one here because it looks much better if we now put a solid half wooden pillar here and right there and that is the basic shape of this raft done now let's add some little details in each corner let's have a half wall just like that one more over here and a floor just like that and then the bed goes right here we'll have a little fence right there and of course a pillar just like that and now it's looking really snug and cozy but now let's get some of the useful stuff in place we'll have two furnaces right here one more above it and then over here we're gonna have a tiny little chest room this is i think the best way to do chest rooms because it's so compact and much much better than the titanium storages i honestly i don't know why i use them because they're so inefficient and pretty expensive too so put them just like that and then we're done boom eight chests in such a tiny little area and of course you can color code them however you wish but now let's get started on the receiver now remember this is a pre-storyline rar meaning this raft will prepare you perfectly for the radio tower vazagatan and all of that but it won't feature an engine a steering wheel titanium storages or any of that stuff that you get on one of the storyline islands so this receiver is going to go right here and it's going to be a bit of a snug fit but it should work perfectly so one antenna goes over here one more on the complete opposite side and then one more antenna right here and it works just like that we've got three antennas and a receiver in a pretty tight space it literally just fits and that's pretty cool now we'll have the sail right next to the receiver of course and one of my favorite items the streamer we'll put that right there and yes this raft actually features an anchor if we destroy this platform right there we can literally put it in just like that and it fits perfectly and up here we'll make a little place for the animals two grass plots and of course you can choose to put a sprinkler here if you want but i'm not going to now one of the most important things on any raft and i'm sure you're thinking right surely if bruce eats that platform then the entire thing is going to fall down well not exactly almost but you're right it would break it massively so it's time to put in some reinforced foundations i'm going to use a little trick known in the wrath community that when you put one foundation right there and then leave four blocks in between and put another one there then bruce won't eat any of this and it's perfect because we can put another foundation right here and then one more here another one on this corner and then just surround the entire raft just like this now this one's a little tricky to get to but there we go and then one more and we're done and now that means that bruce can only destroy this bit of the rough now let's reinforce all of these little extensions that we've made so it's time for some utility so two advanced purifiers and two paint mills what we're gonna do is destroy this wall right here this one right here and then the two other walls which are both backed by foundations now we want one paint mill here with that bit facing us so that we can collect the paint the other one on the opposite side with once again this bit facing us and then here we'll have two purifiers with obviously the water facing us and then we can fill in these gaps with windows and it works perfectly but at the same time it looks snug and you can't even really notice them so in the corner place your cooking pot and then just to the right we'll have a grill right here like that so you can still access both of these things but you've got all of your essentials right in front of you and of course if you wanted two grills technically you could get rid of one of these annoying fence gates replace that with a wall and now you've got room for two grills in fact i like that so we'll just keep it just like that it's time to do some farming so get two medium crop plots and two small crop plots we'll put both medium crop plots right here and then just in here we can fit two small crop plots and it fits perfectly and i did say this was the perfect draft so it will include everything feel free to put a bird's nest wherever you want or don't even include it but i think it looks pretty cool so we'll put it right there now right next to the receiver i want you to put a table along with obviously two chairs because you need to have somewhere to make all of your plans and ensure everything goes well so just to make sure this actually looks very cool we'll put some notes scattered around everywhere a globe over there a little open book in front of this guy and a mug in case you get thirsty oh and of course a quill how could i forget now that's looking really really cool one of the most important things in the game is arguably the research table and it's gonna go right here next to our bed with two chests in the way and underneath the research table we're gonna have another small chest just to make the most of the space now it's time to really decorate this thing make sure you get all the curtains you can these ones in particular because they're much better than these ones now i'm gonna place two on the entrance just like this because they just look so cool look at that so this large shelf right here is gonna go in the corner just like that and then we're gonna put two chests but make sure you hang them on the wall because for whatever reason those chests are slightly slimmer than the ones that were on the floor i don't know why but that's just how it is so we'll put two chests right here a small chest in this cute little apartment up here and then one more chest right there i'm gonna put a clock right here just so that you can always tell the time you know that's important once you're sailing in the middle of the ocean with nothing to do we'll take a little sofa and put that right here in fact i'm gonna get rid of this triangle right here just because i wanna use a bigger sofa i mean it just looks better doesn't it that looks much nicer and then we can fit the fire wreck in just like that and of course a beautiful rug just so we can catch fire you know and then over in front of the bed we're gonna have a rug and then one more rug over here just in front of the entrance oh and i mustn't forget the scarecrow has got to go up here because obviously you don't want to be dealing with those pesky seagulls in fact i've just broken that fence right there because i want to put a half wall and then just a roof going like that just to add a little bit of shape to this place there we go that actually looks really really cool and now i'm gonna put a triangle right here in the corner and we can just use that for some extra storage or whatever we want it to be so we will put some books up here because that does just make sense maybe a couple roses and of course how could i forget the annoying radio no no we're turning you off absolutely not but there is one thing we're still missing a dining area so we'll put this table right there two chairs either side of course a couple notes just scattered around some cutlery on either side a cup for each person of course and i guess we can make it a little bit romantic with a sunflower and maybe even a candle oh and of course a quill because you can't have paper without a pen this place is actually really starting to come together now but there is one thing it's missing light so we'll start off with the string lights i'm gonna put some above my bed just like that a couple more in the entrance to this place just rotate it diagonally and then it should fit pretty nicely now let's start with the lanterns so make sure you get the metal lanterns because they just look so much better we're gonna put half pillars on each corner over here put the lantern on top of the pillar and that just looks so much better we'll put another half pillar right here next to our back entrance and of course a lantern on top of that we can have a little lantern right here as well just don't hit your head and now one on here another one right here and then on each corner we want two lanterns and then i guess we can put one more over here i honestly don't think we need many lanterns in here but i suppose we can add one right there above the bed and i like the look of that now there's one major thing this place is still missing and that's the little details like paintings plants and so on so we'll start with the paintings and i'll get one of each and these are literally the starter paintings so you can get these very very easily we'll put one right there another one over here of course one above the bed and then i guess the last one can just go over here in fact i'm gonna move this one right here replace it with a trophy board and then this can just go above the dinner table to remind them of the time they were attacked by bruce so as i'm in creative i actually can't put a shark head on that but uh you can do whatever you want with it now let's get two of each plant we'll put one plant right next to the bed another over here one more next to our cooking pot because why not a small one right here one on our beautiful table a cactus right here making sure not to walk into it because that might hurt and then i suppose our animals can have the last plant i mean it is a cactus but it might taste good perhaps it's got good healing properties you know i suppose i am a good animal owner but anyways we've got the calendar let's put that right above our dining table over here that looks good a couple motivational quotes i think we need every single one of them surely we'll put one right there the live laugh sale above our bed that looks good and we'll just put the other one right above it now cupboards these things are really really cool because you can actually hang them off the wall and i think i'm actually going to put one right up here along with some other cool stuff as well of course we can actually fit a pair of shoes in here which is perfect of course you guys can change the position of all of these things it doesn't matter i'm just putting them where i think they look good and of course you want to be able to do the business with a good view and now this thing is pretty much complete all we need to do is paint some of the furniture to make it fit in a little better so i'm going to go with a pretty neutral dark gray curtains rugs sofa all of this can be painted and as for the chairs and everything i'm gonna go with a dark cyan similar to my channel color and just do a secondary kind of thing like that that actually looks really good we'll do this on the sofa as well and the receiver why not i'm not gonna paint any of these things because it looks a little weird i won't lie but what i will do is paint this table and the chairs and the outhouse and the cupboards because why not all we have to do is get rid of the center four squares and maybe place a little rug just so all of your new friends that come onto your world get a warm welcome you know so it's finally complete the perfect starter raft are there any things you guys would change let me know in the comments but if you enjoyed this video make sure to watch this one next and of course have a great day
Channel: Rye Games
Views: 365,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft chapter 3, raft new chapter, raft game, raft update news, raft leaks, raft chapter 3 leaks, raft chapter 3 news, raft chapter 3 release date, rye, rye games, raft new update, raft gameplay, raft survival game, when is chapter 3, chapter 3 release date raft, rye chapter 3, raft survival, raft chapter 3 feature, raft update, Raft building, raft building tips, starter raft, raft tutorial, raft building tutorial, raft markiplier, raft multiplayer
Id: Dq1WwWe220g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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