Trading PERMANENT Mythical Fruits for 50 Hours (Blox Fruits)

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today I'm going to be trading permanent mythical fruits and block fruits for 24 hours we're going to be starting off with the lowest Rarity mythical fruit in the game gravity up to some of the most valuable mythics like Dragon to see what people will offer for it and what they'll be willing to do all right first things first we have to get a permanent gravity in our inventory let's go ahead and gift store an inventory and there we go permanent gravity there that's 2,300 Robux down the drain but I think this will be interesting to see what people will offer for it and apart from seeing what people offer I actually have my own objectives to complete first one being by the end of the video I must end up with five physical dragon fruits second task I must get someone to reset with their three three rares fruits in exchange for my permanent and last but not least by the end of the video I must end up with five physical kit next let's go ahead and make our way to Second seed all right boys here we are in the second SE and this server is looking pretty dead I'm not going to lie but let's go ahead and sit in the table let's see what anyone has to offer here we go we got someone Manet Nick all right what you got bro barrier oh my gosh this is not a good sign let me just go ahead and toss my permanent gravity in there let's see what he offers bro you got anything else for my gravity Falcon bro really put Falcon like that's about to make a difference chop and smoke oh boy top his smoke and look he accepted it he accepted it I'm sorry man this guy Marco just came up to me and said trade me okay what level is this guy even 751 I wonder what he'll have Mammoth Mammoth Rumble huh love oh this is actually not a bad start okay hold on let me put my permanent gravity in there let's see if he has anything else to add do you have anything else to add I don't know much about permanent values especially not gravity but I'm pretty sure this is just not a good deal and he just jumped huh all right we're on a new server trading permanent gravity this guy said can we please k bro what what are they talking about wait bro they all recognize me this dude's saying sub 600k like this guy's saying same I sub this guy's saying I'm a big fan yo we in the wrong server for trading man all right boys I just hopped another new server and someone in chat is saying trade okay so this guy right here let me see SATA boy 5613 Phoenix oh my God this is not a good start bro you realize I'm offering a permanent gravity right and Phoenix is the best you have the offer bro he's accepting dog bro okay you know I'm going to go and accept I'm about to troll this man he's about to think he's about to get a free fre permanent gravity free and clear bro you ain't getting it bro you ain't getting it two jumping bro I'm jumping you really thought you about to just get that permanent Gravity Man okay we got another offer Phoenix blizzard portal control this is the best one we gotten so far but I think this is still an L trade you got anything better bro you said uh like what do you got any good mythicals he said like Spirits okay yeah we're done we're done go we're done all right I'm not going to lie boys so far it seems like we're having a bit of a tough time trading away this permanent gravity lucky for us though some of the higher up mythical are more sought after and people will offer crazy things for them we just got to figure out how we can trade this first one now according to this Blox Roots values website permanent gravity goes for like 180 million the demand is very low at a 2 out of 10 demand I don't actually think I'll be able to get that 180 million best offer would be two dragons but like the realistic offer is going to be more something like this dragon leopard and d and even that might be tough to find a few minutes later bro I just joined This Server it's saying like trading permanent gravity and someone walked up to me said Perman gravity why LOL he said you should have got like rumble or portal or something like that road to roasted my decision that's crazy I've been hopping server to server and not getting any offers or like any person they even trade with let's see what this guy oh Dragon hold on hold on hold on let me put my permanent gravity permanent gravity Dragon do I would actually accept that I would actually accept that bro this is the first good offer we seen he's actually accepting bro I'll actually do that I'll actually do that right now dragon and do I'll take that 100% bro the way I've been getting no offers with Perman of gravity this is actually of course you jumped the way it's looking right now we may have to intentionally take an L trade with gravity just to even get it traded nobody seems to want it and probably for good reason because gravity is one of the worst fruits in the game KDAY yo tanham Bros he put two kitchen no no no no no no no there's no shot there's no shot this guy's got to just be flexing bro this guy's got to just be flexing he's putting more he's putting a leopard dog there's actually no way this man accepts this there's actually no shot two kitchen days and two leopards dog there's actually no shot bro I don't believe it I don't believe it I mean IID take it just for the two kids ton is lowkey bro you can take away the leopards I would take wait wait there's no shot he's going to jump he's going to jump bro he's going to jump 100% he's going to jump 100% bro bro if this man actually accepts this if that's Man 2 1 no what what I just committed the greatest scam in box history what yo yo he said thank you so much bro I need yall to understand this two kits and a and two leopards is 310 million value whereas permanent gravity is 180 million with two out of 10 demand and not to mention with that we already have two out of the five required kits and a we only need three three more and with these two leopards I'll be able to get our first dragon and with that that is the lowest Rarity mythical of thewe gravity it's time to bump it up a little bit we're going to move to the control one next which is 2,500 Robux so let's go ahead and store that in our inventory boom there we go now in terms of raw value control is not worth much more than gravity as you guys can see permanent gravity goes for about 180 million with only a two out of 10 demand permanent control however goes for 250 million but it has a s out of 10 demand you put it down permanent control what you got for this bro Cookie Monster 837 ghost oh my God we we're starting off bad we're starting off bad do I even give him out bro he had an ice Falcon oh oh oh and a bomb a bomb totally made it worth it bro let's go and accept that totally a good offer now bro totally a good off now Psy bro permanent control bro it's like a $30 Game Pass all right let me sit down with this guy then this guy's almost max level all right certified newbie what you got what you got permanent control oh he started off with rebble Shadow what else you got oh he's got his own control and love damn that's a way better offer than the previous one but uh this is not good like bro why is you accepting like that's good do you got anything better bro is he saying please wait hold on one of our objectives if we need to get someone to reset with the three rarest fruits I wonder if I can get this guy let me go up to him and say wait what are your three rarest fruits control Shadow and Rumble I think we may have found somebody to do it boys let me say how bad do you want my permanent control he said a lot like it my dream I want it for PVP all right I got to deal for you bro a really good deal wait what is he doing he's trading with this guy bro I'm trying to talk to you bro I'm trying to talk to you what are you doing if you reset with your three rarest fruits I'll give give the perm to you no cap like on God I will he said okay but are you sure 100% sure bro I'm 100% sure I'll give it to you why can't we trade dog you're really trying to negotiate I'm offering you like a $30 gay pass for free you want the perent not bro just trust me he said um okay fine bro there's no shot he actually's about to reset with there's no shot reset with control man reset with control pull that control out he's saying now but I traded my control in Rumble so like now it's just Shadow and spider no you didn't no you didn't I've literally been here the entire time since you pull out your controller Shadow bro you still got it don't even lie stop trying to lie bro do you want the permanent control or not look look at this finally he says okay fine man's really trying to scam me he says I trust you good man good man you should trust me cuz I ain't about to cap to you bro control all right reset with it bro oh oh he actually reset with the control he actually reset with the control bro Shadow no shot no shot he actually doesn't no shot he actually doesn't this guy's not even max level bro oh my God last one man go ahead do it go ahead do it man he actually did it bro I did not think we would find someone this down bad that quick bro but we did let's go ahead and give him the permanent control I'm a mad of my word bro I'm a mad of my word I said reset your three R fruits and you get the permanent control for free you about to get it bro honestly did not think I'll would find some of this down bad quick bro but he's saiding oh my god really really bro no cap No Cap bro enjoy your per control that was so entertaining to watch bro enjoy that thing man enjoy that thing that is also one of our objectives of the way now all we need to do is get the remaining kit Su days and physical dragon fruits but now let's move up to the next mythical and I think for this next one we're going to go even higher spirit this one has 200 70,000 and has a 7 out of 10 demand which is often overpaid so let's go ahead and buy the spirit this one's going to be 2550 even more expensive than the previous one not by much though but there we go permanent Spirit bot let's go see what people are W for this all let me type in chat trading permanent Spirit anyone want to offer you know what I just realized I'm looking in chat and they're talking like some random is that Japanese or is that CH I don't even know bro I got a hop servers I just joined a server and this guy said I have the best offer and he puts spins is it supposed to be a troll here we are in another server and the first thing he puts is a T-Rex okay okay you put T-Rex that's a very good start let's see what he puts when I put this permanent Spirit Boom what you got for this man what you got for this oh you put a leopard oh this is actually nice blizzard oh my God you lost me with the blizzard bro and Buddha see like the first two is not bad T-Rex and leopard is not bad the blizzard and Buddha is the weak point of this can you replace the blizzard and Buddha with more mythics okay he took away the blizzard portal come on man I think this is the best offer he's got if this is then uh I'm going to have to decline I just joined a server type trading permanent Spirit someone said me this guy need sub to katakuri okay let me sit down what you got for my permanent Spirit man what you got he's asking are you recording man's knows me man knows me shadow Mammoth T-Rex he had gravity he took away the gravity and Blizzard Man nobody's giving me a good offer for my spirit kind of surprising cuz this is the most valuable one we've got thus far bro he's accepting like that's a good offer bro that's not a good offer man after this I went server to server looking for a good trade but nobody offered anything close to the value of my spirit all right boys I've literally been hopping for like 30 minutes straight and haven't found a sing single gun offer for Spirit which is kind of surprising cuz this is the most valuable permanent we had of the video yet but I'm not losing hope we're going to find an offer and we're going to find an overpay we still need three more kitsun is and we still need a total of five more dragons boys I think we just found the one I'm trading with this guy right here I poo he's trading two kitun in a dragon this is like the best offer we gotten for perm spirit so far hold let me check this out two kitun in a dragon is worth 320 million whereas perm spe 27 I'm accepting this I'm accepting this easy this was the exact overplay I was looking for plus it'll give us two kitoons and one dragon three two one yes sir there we go second trade of the day shees and that now puts us at four kits in is we need one more and now we only need four more dragon fruits to finish the challenge now so far we've gone through permanent gravity control and spirit but for this next one we're going to take it a big step further and go with permanent dough if we were able to get all those crazy offers with permanent gravity and spirit bro what will we be able to get for do spirit's 270 million do is 275 but what do has is a damn near per demand rating being a N9 out of 10 and often extremely overpaid for so I think we can push it with this one and get some insane offers so let me type in chat trading permanent D anyone want my permanent d man like I'm going to try to get something like four dragons for this bro that would be wild doesn't seem like anyone in This Server really cares them boys just fighting out here you know I want a part of this fight I want a part of this fight let me see what y'all up to let me see what y'all up to looks like all the Marines are fighting you know what that means boys you know what that means I got to go pirate I got to go pirate show these boys what's what show these boys what's what on my 30 million account get this boy here boom boom boom you know what I'm saying show that boy with what I ain't going lie that cyborg V4 is eating on my health though that Cy V4 is eating my health shock aner t Fu toss boom uhoh oh that's not good that's not good that's good let me go V4 let me go V4 you Ain the only one that can go V4 bucko you ain't the only one that can go V4 man nah is that a hacker bro is that a hacker hacker is crazy bro hacker is crazy get him there boom boom boom all right b b got one got one got one get in here get in here boom boom get this guy boom and GG I don't even know why I just decided to fight that man bro this is a whole trading video like anyways let's get back to trading come on man trading permanent though someone give me a good offer okay this dude just went in the chair let me see let me see what the heck is is that Super Saiyan 3 here that actually looks kind of sick Bro huh you're going to jump no pin if trade me what what does that even mean okay first thing you put his control love yeah yeah I'm going to jump bro he's saying please Buddha nah man nah man someone the chat said to me saying traded permanent D you not even the fart what type of name is that dog bro's putting leopard control Venom and Shadow three of these are low tier mythicals man leopard's good but I would need at least four of those to even accept bro I ain't going to lie man I ain't going to lie bro he already owns the game pass too so what even is the point of this bro you can't even trade me all right all right this server's got tons of people trading hold on hold on bro we got a lot of people in here bro let me type in trading permanent D anyone want to offer this guy right here just said who have perm oh bet I'm sitting down with him I'm sitting down with him you got to have something good bro you got to have something good permanent D oh he start off a dragon this exactly what two dragons oh a leopard please end up strong please end up strong D two dragons leopard and do is still a bit underpay 240 million for 275 for the perm it's a bit underpay let me say do you got another Dragon I don't have more he says do you got two leopard sorry I don't have I have to think about this I have to think about this should I do this he said please man bro but I could get like way more overpay than this I get probably like three dragons or four dragons for permanent DP all right boys all right boys this is a really good offer but I'm going to have to I'm going to have to sadly decline bro I may regret that later bro I may ever get that later yo this dude has a physical kit suit Amir hold on let me say Amir I'm trading permo do you want to offer come on Amir bro come on air bro you might have something to offer bro you might have something to offer go to trade table yep yep he just instantly jumped huh what you don't want permanent D dog all right I guess this man onir is weird bro I guess this man onir is weird come on air come on air bro permanent dough what do you got kid TR venom venom this is worse than the other guys bro like total this is worse than the other guys you know what man I've done a lot of thinking bro I've done a lot of thinking Catman rate bro I think I may just do this offer two dragons a leopard and a dop but we need those dragons to get the objective done bro I'm just going to go ahead and do it bro I'm going to go ahead and do it man three two and one there we go third trade out the way and that now puts us at three dragons and four kitchen a now we only need one Kate and two more dragons to end off the objectives I'm not going to lie we went off a little easy with that permanent dough but for this next fruit I am not accepting anything other than an overpay offer for the next permanent mythical we're going with permanent leopard boys 3,000 Robo for this 335 million value with a 9 out of 10 demand so for this we should easily be able to find overpay bro let's go ahead and store that in inventory 3,000 Robux down the trade bro there we go leopard succeeded bot you know what bro for permanent leopard I think I'm going to switch this up I doubt anyone in public Serv is going to be able to give me four dragons so you know what let's go to the Discord all right we're in the Blox fruits Discord right now let me put in trading permanent leopard and then what I want is I need four dragons so one two three and last but not least four let's go ahead and send that in bro let's see if anyone even responds to that that's kind of crazy bro a few moments later all right we got the messages scrolling in this dude right here said four kiten a for it are you joking dog this dude said what for my four T-Rex and three do dog what that doesn't even make sense and this guy right here just say something ridiculous I give you Leo you give me perm Dragon good deal yes sir yeah I'm ignoring you you get stra ignor I'm going to respond to this melon guy let me say I'll take the four dragons he said he has four dragons also he said okay looks like we got somebody boys looks like we got somebody wait actually wait should I take the four kits in a look four kits in a is 460 million value that's like 100 million more than my permanent leopard bro before dragons ain't no slots either 360 million you know what let's do both let's do both bro here he is here green melon five sheesh all right bro all right let's go ahead and send this trade table hopefully this man ain't Capp him his friend just said the CER himself wait what do you mean by that what do you mean by that this ain't a good side this ain't a good side bro this guy said check out my trade all right all right let's see what you got let's see what you got for my permanent leopard what you got Luke what you got okay you's starting off with Buddha two Buddhas leopard dragon not a bad trade by any means I mean actually you know what it is kind of bad for permanent leopard not cool man I'm poor I didn't even say anything what do you mean it's like it's like man's read my mind all right green melon what do you what are you waiting for man sit in the chair my boy sit in the chair he just said I'm cool and left huh okay buddy this guy said that guy doesn't even have dragons all right that last dude was capping but I got another dude lined up let's see if he is as well permanent leopard there we go bro he's saying can we do perb kit dog I said permanent leopard bro I said permanent leopard Three Dragons and sound no it has to be four dragons bro chop you said you had four dragons bro you said you had four there we go four dragons there's no shot this man actually does this bro there's no shot this man actually does this permanent leopard for four dragons dog don't jump bro don't jump three 2 one yo we actually get it he actually did it boys he actually did it bro nah bro your boy is rich in fruits now bro your boy is Rich look at this bro seven dragons four kit suits three lepers bro this is insane that is the dragon objective out the way now all we need is one more kit today you know what boys for the last mythical we have permanent kit today 4,000 Robux let me go ahead and store this in our inventory there we go and you know what for permanent kits suit it's only fitting that we try to trade it for four kitsen yo so uh while you here Danielle while you here bro you wouldn't happen to have four physical kites would you do you have four kites if he does bro that that that actually be wild what you going to offer wouldn't you like to know perm kit bro perm kit there's no shot this man has four kites though like he already just gave me four dragons like I highly doubt this man has both wait he said okay wait wait wait who whoa what you mean what you mean bro he said wait I'll be right back be right back for what you about to get four kits in in a short that short of a time bro there's no shot kit a is not only the most expensive mythical in the game it's also the most sought after permanent having a demand of 10 out of 10 being worth over 460 million and often being overpaid for this particular permanent it is a 100% fair trade to ask for four or more kitsen a so of course we're going to abuse that to end off the video in the bank obviously we only need one more kits to finish the objective but uh if we can get three more why not okay some other dude sat in the trade table Ken hisana all right let's see what you got bro permanent kitsun hopefully this man has a good offer oh damn starting off with kitsun dragon and he's putting dough in T-Rex he said you got deal that's not a good deal bro that is not a good deal that's severely underpay for a permanent kit and a $50 Game Pass bro after this trade again I'll offer this Mammoth control Shadow and spider first of all how do I know you ain't just going to scam me second of all even with those eight fruits it's still not a valuable trade for me so I'm going to have to decline I just got a message from the guy that said he was going to get the kits a though he said I don't got the four kits in a my bad I sold it to IRL to buy some food I didn't even know you could do that man sold four kits a to buy food IRL and that's actually kind of smart bro that's actually kind of smart I I ain't even mad I ain't even mad for real bro someone just messaged me and said I got four kits and a and I asked them for their user and they gave it to me so I think we may have somebody lined up to get this kits and a trade done if he actually has this kits and a this will be the final trade and server of the video there he is right here he's a Max Level player that's a good sign and it looks like he might be a mobile player which gets me a little worried bro please have the kitsu please have the kitso let me put my permanent kitso right there show me it bro show me it please don't be capping bro please don't be capping one k dude okay okay he's saying wait me lag oh this is not a good sign bro this is not a good sign I don't even know if he has the other three kits in oh two kits in a three oh this is a good sign he just needs one more he just needs one more to actually have it come on four yo yo there's no way we're about to end up the video on this much of a bang bro perent kid soon for four physical kit suits that's actually insane bro hopefully this man doesn't jump bro hopefully this man doesn't jump bro come on man come on man this is a good deal for you bro three two one no shot bro the fifth trade of the video on that much of a bang bro sheesh and that also completes our final objective of getting five kit today eight kit today seven dragons and three Leons is what we ended off with boys that is actually insane but ladies and gentlemen that is the video right there trading permanent mythical fruits for 24 hours I I honestly can't even believe the trades we got this video especially that permanent gravity that one shocked me comment down Bel what y'all thought I got some W trades and if y'all enjoyed this video make sure to click on the original one I did here
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 406,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, mythical fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits trading, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit glitch blox fruits, blox fruits race v4, mythical fruit in blox fruit, trading mythical beast bundle for 24 hours, blox fruits myths, blox fruits trading 24 hours, mythical fruit glitches, blox fruit trading, blox fruits live, mythical fruits in blox fruit, blox fruits codes
Id: 4gVbKB6iOKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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