TRADER JOE'S PASTA HAUL! Top Frozen Foods to Buy 2022 (Gnocchi, Cacio E Pepe & MORE)

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to another amazing grocery haul it's your favorite grocery haul host cup of t-shirt wow i have really upgraded from traveling the world to traveling around my kitchen yay so as promised i am doing the trader joe pasta haul it's been highly requested to review the pastas at trader joe's i didn't realize how much pasta was at trader joe's like truly there's so much pasta it's not just the frozen section there's like a whole giant ravioli shelf so in this video we're going to sample some of the best items that are highly recommended and look around for some things that maybe are just like interesting flavors that we can try i doubt we're gonna be able to review all of them in one video so we're gonna do multiple parts and if you're new here welcome be sure to like and subscribe for more grocery hauls we go to hmr we go to costco we're gonna try to joe's also you guys i i'm gonna do uh the h1 part two but i think it's been a few months since our last costco haul so i think there's new items now so we should do a new costco haul all right let's get started [Music] two items are really popular and highly rated from the frozen pasta section are these two this pasta with the pink sauce supposed to be really good in the car you go and of course the classic one that everyone raves about which i haven't even tried yet so this is gonna be exciting pepe this is one of trader joe's highly rated pasta now this pasta literally means cheese and pepper it is a dish from rome and it's usually made very simple it's like cheese pepper and spaghetti the cheese they use is romano cheese and according to this package that is what they're using too so it says spaghetti pasta in a rich creamy sauce with romano cheese and black pepper it should be very hard to get this wrong but if done right so delicious one of my favorite things to order when i go to italian restaurants here in the city they're always so expensive though even though it's just like cheese and pepper but oh what's a new york girl gonna do pay 30 dollars for some cheese pepper pasta you already know anyways total cook time is about seven minutes and i'll show you what's inside so there's these little pasta bundles inside and of course the iconic sauce bricks uh they are in all of the trader joe pasta decent amount actually for the price you can probably feed like two people with this all right let's dump it on a pan and cook it [Music] okay it is ready oh my gosh it looks so good the texture of the pasta looks amazing and thick you can see all the black pepper on there as if you just kind of like freshly grated them amazing okay here we go just take a bite oh my gosh that was so good what delicious so creamy so cheesy you really taste all of that romano cheese and the kick of the black pepper just like dancing in your mouth so it's like creamy and you know spicy or the kick from the pepper the chew of the pasta great really really good be nice to like eat this and then later you have a little bit of protein maybe some fish and meat but overall really really good and flavorful i probably can't finish the whole bag by myself i think what i would do and i do this with a lot of trader joe's stuff is i usually just cook a little bit of it and then i just like save the rest so then you have more meals out of one bag i can tell why they wanted to sell this sauce individually now so you can just buy the creamy white sauce that they use for this in a little can now right it's really really good i will say the black pepper taste um compared to when i eat it fresh at restaurants the black pepper is a little bit more prominent you know whereas at the restaurant it's very fresh a little bit lighter but still really good for just frozen pasta out of a bag the cheese sauce tastes very fresh and good like as if i just melted some cheese and it's all coating the pasta nicely lovely lovely next up this is another one of trader joe's highly rated pasta it's the fioceti pasta with pink sauce i believe some people pronounce it field chetty as well but i think it's fiocati now fiocati pasta is a pouch-like pasta it's usually filled with ricotta cheese and pear this one is filled with three different types of cheeses and they accompany it with a rich creamy tomato-based sauce so a few ways to cook this you can microwave this or you can just put it on the stovetop so we're going to do the stovetop way you just heat for six to seven minutes easy they're so cute oh my goodness you know how i feel about little cute things look at this look how cute they are you guys they look like little money pouches harry potter snitch these are all the soft blocks right here right and it's just gonna melt so to cook this pasta you do need to add one tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and then a third cup of water here we go [Music] and it is done now i think the third cup of water is a little bit too much like you probably didn't need all that water at first i thought it was like too little but um definitely you don't need that much but now the sauce is a little bit more reduced so it's not too bad um the pasta looks amazing so here we go i added a little bit of vanilla oh that's lovely the pasta al dente i love it when there's a bit more chew the cheese on the inside it's great it's not like overwhelming the sauce is amazing it's very light yet creamy not too much of that tomato like heavy tomato red sauce it's very very light and overall really pleasant i love the little explosion of savoriness when you bite into it it's it's such a pleasant bite because it's not too much like the sauce the cheese inside all of it is not too much it's actually quite light i love this one this one is delicious wow sometimes some of these like especially with like ravioli and some it's a little bit too heavy especially without cheesy filling this is not so bad i love the way it's like a mini pouch i don't know it's just so satisfying to bite love love guys no wonder this is a fan favorite oh my gosh i can't stop eating this one good y'all there is a whole section just gnocchis look look at this so this is a kale version this is just a cauliflower version this is a sweet potato version this is a stuffed version with tomato sauce and mozzarella and what is this one oh and this one is has mozzarella cheese tomato sauce oh my gosh there's so much options so i actually looked online and they said that the sweet potato one was the best one obviously i'm sure you guys have other favorites but let's try this one and see what the hype is about okay putting in my cart trader joe's milky so this is the sweet potato one with butter and sage there's so many of them like so many different flavors so i think what we'll do is for this one we're gonna put on the stovetop and then we'll grab another one next time and air fry it but please let me know uh your airfryer setting for it so this one this particular flavor is supposed to be the best one i mean it looks really good so this is the sweet potato version this is made with sweet potatoes and wheat flour um to cook it again two tablespoon of water cook for three minutes over medium flame cover remove the lid lower heat stir gently for three or four minutes until the sauce and gnocchi are heated through gnocchi before each pasta i'll watch like a pronunciation video and try to get it right but i apologize if it doesn't sound exactly the same i try really oh it smells so oh they're so cute i didn't expect them to look like this guys they look like little tater tots they look like tater tots they look amazing um they're actually much bigger in size than i was expecting i don't know why i thought they were going to be like tinier bites uh but yeah this is amazing this is an okay uh amount like i wouldn't say it's a lot it's an okay amount but of course we'll cook it and see what it actually looks like since this one doesn't really have the sauce bricks i'm just gonna cook half of it so i'm not like wasting food and i can finish it i'm gonna do that okay here we go [Music] okay guys the gnocchi's are done i find that the cook time with pasta on the trader joe's instructions is always a little bit off like i often have to leave it on there for a little bit longer for this one i really wanted to get it to crisp up and leave it on the pan more but i didn't want to overcook it and also i think what we'll do is when we get like the cauliflower one that's the one a lot of people like as well we can air fry those it'll be crispy with this one i didn't realize that the sauce was actually stuck to the gnocchi so as soon as it was heating up it became all saucy and now it's just kind of coating it look at that it's just coating there's a little pasta also you guys the smell amazing sweet potato heaven here we go oh oh that it just it just melted away my mouth what what is the sensation meanie sweet potato pillow path dust it just melted away and dissolved in my mouth like it's so gentle it's just boop and it went it's like a cloud lots of amazing sweet potato flavor the sauce is not overwhelming at all it's very light buttery sauce it's all about the texture of this pasta it's very soft you can tell that even when i try to cut it it just kind of falls apart i do bet if you crisp these up and you get a little bit of crunch with the softness it'll be amazing i'm not sure if it's possible with this one but it tastes very very good wow i was not expecting that that was yummy really just feels like you're biting into um a sweet potato mixed in with a little bit of flour just so there's enough to like hold it together if you love sweet potato i think you'll really really dig this to me even though it's savory it's more on the sweet side i'm more of like a savory pasta person but this is not bad at all i could see why people really like this actually like the texture is so surprising it's so soft now i'm very curious to find out how the other ones taste like especially the cauliflower one that everyone raves about i feel like if you're somebody who likes to just snack and eat throughout the day um you could probably just split this bag into four portions or something and just make a few of them and just like eat them i feel like i always have to say at least like maybe one thing that people should just be careful of um if you like more of a chew on your your pastas or you like more some kind of thickness you know to your bite uh you probably won't like those so the raviolis they actually have a bunch of raviolis in another section over there we're gonna go check it out but here they have a fried ravioli and they have one ricotta and spinach so i think i'm going to try the fried one because texture wise it's like the most different from all the other pastas here we go reddit fried ravioli ladies and gents now these look incredible these look crispy these look like the stuff inside is bursting out of the raviolis and the best part you guys there's air frying instructions yes they actually recommend this for crispy texture you want to preheat air fryer for five minutes you wanna heat the ravioli for eight to ten minutes um and cool for one to two minutes and i have no idea what's inside all right so let's open this up so that's what they look like um they look like giant cheez-its amazing uh they're so so so much bigger than what i was expecting they look much smaller on the package you get a pretty decent size but you get a couple we're gonna do the same thing with this one and airfry just a few so that i don't like waste i don't air fry everything and i have to eat it all um so we'll do that and it smells really good okay guys business idea candles that smell like pasta you burn a candle and it smells like ravioli how do you feel about that okay yeah invest invest venmo me gosh shake it halfway i may have slightly over air fried them i think i over air fried them just lightly my raviolis look like they're about to explode but the ones on the package looks perfectly crispy i'm still gonna eat it uh honestly it still looks really really good even though maybe it's just a little bit better the crisp on these are amazing they really breaded them well it doesn't smell as good as when it was frozen which is so weird but let's bite into it i think this will be best if you have like one of the sauce that you can dip it with um anyways let's bite into it ready yeah this is good yo these are fire these are great besides the fact that i kind of slightly over air fried them um the flavor is incredible so savory the filling inside i was going to complain that there's like no filling but i feel like it's the perfect amount with the breading outside it honestly reminds me of mozzarella sticks but this is a ravioli so verdict super flavorful like oh my gosh i can imagine you um hosting some kind of party you have these out on the table they would be gone in a minute pair it with some tomato sauce maybe some salsa even like it would taste so good um super easy to cook just throw in the air fryer obviously for less than i did i did it for 400 for eight minutes as they recommended but i think it only needed maybe six minutes especially with the small amount that i was doing if you're a pasta fan obviously it's very nice to have another pasta in a different texture where it's much crispier and crunchier really good i'm just gonna note some of these it's like there's no filling you know it's like very very little but when you do get a piece where there is filling it pairs really beautifully with the crust okay so the type of cheese in here uh ricotta cheese monterey jack cheese and cheddar cheese okay so i think it's a three cheese filling very flavorful very good easy to cook a nice little refreshing texture difference from all the other chewy pastas nice good stuff cheddar joes let me tell you guys something though i was reading this article i feel like we're gossiping i was reading this article because i like to research like what are the top pasta and one of the article was like the best noodles from trader joe's the first one was the kacho pepe and i was like all right yeah i get that like it's very very good guess what they put for the second they put the cash why you this is all to say do not believe everything you read on those internet articles okay all right but believe everything you hear and say here on this youtube video i saw another checked out the other day that was like telling everyone to buy the trader joe's instant ramen the one that tasted like absolute papaka in my mouth yeah so everyone has a different preference totally cool um it's not good the flu is not good and then ramen's not good also you guys i've been thinking about this but you let me know if i should do this i don't really rate things on here like i'm not like this is an eight out of ten nine out of ten because sometimes you know it's like to me it's a nine out of ten but to somebody it's like a four out of ten or to me it's three out of ten just somebody's 10 out of 10. so i don't really rate it but if you guys think you'll help let me know but if you kind of just like talking about it and the pros and cons of each like what we've been doing then that's great okay if it's bad i'll tell you it's bad okay we're gonna pick up one of the risottos because it's a little different from the other things and it's mushroom anything mushroom i love here it goes king mushroom risotto now i love mushroom risotto so risotto's okay but if it's mushroom risotto another level baby uh so i'm pretty excited to try this one now this is another easy trader joe's pasta where you can just dump it onto the stovetop for 67 minutes or you can microwave it but we'll put it on the stove top let's open it up bruh the doobie do bop what the what stop you're kidding pasta bag making me look bad damn i was trying to be all cool and stuff anyways oh my god yeah okay so um there's still a ton here okay this is what it looks like inside i'm gonna be very careful uh yeah risotto and of course the classic so i'm going to prepare on the stove top and while that's preparing i'm going to clean this up don't worry guys there's still so much left so it was just best adult purchase y'all sucks up everything including spilled churro joe's frozen risotto not sponsored [Music] it's ready i will have to say um appearance wise like texture wise looking at it it looks really good it has way better texture than the risotto that we tried at costco so i'm really excited to dig into it it smells amazing like creamy mushroom goodness so here we go that's pretty good that's pretty good you can really taste the rice the rice is very thick has a wonderful chew you can taste each grain of rice in your mouth but i think some people including me like my risotto a little bit softer where the rice is a little bit softer but if you like a risotto we can actually taste the grain of rice then you're gonna really like that flavor-wise great it's like a creamy mushroom sauce heavy on the mushroom flavor you would just smell mushroom great seasoning overall like pretty good i think it's not bad i don't think it's like well amazing oh yes maybe it's because it's not really my preference to go for risotto when i go to italian restaurant nothing bad to say about it it's mid not great pretty good not bad at all sometimes some of the dishes is just like yeah like that's that's risotto you get from a frozen bag you know okay so this is the mac and cheese section there's so many versions so this one is just regular mac and cheese this is with roasted chili from new mexico oh my goodness reduced guilt mac and cheese um no thanks for today anyways but look at this one you guys french onion mac and cheese which swiss and cheddar cheeses croutons and roasted onions oh my goodness here we go easy or for my friends we eat gluten-free they also have a version there so this whole four rolls for mac and cheese this also looks so good if we didn't get this one i think we'd also get this one pepperoni pizza mac and cheese bowl does that look amazing all right i always check their to-go meal section and here they actually have a meat lasagna huh so we're gonna get one that looks pretty interesting i was gonna say good but interesting now all right let's see if it's good so this is the french onion macaroni and cheese with swiss and cheddar cheeses croutons and roasted onions delicious looks amazing they have a bunch of mac and cheese options this one stuck out to me although that pizza one looked really good now to cook this one um you can microwave it for seven to eight minutes or you can pop it into the oven for 45 to 50 minutes 45 to 50 minutes when something takes that long i'm like oh you know but you know i bet it just tastes so much better when you pop into the oven oh okay yeah this is what i expected it to look like it's just like this all of the goodies the cheese the croutons the mac and cheese everything on top so you're just gonna put this on a baking sheet along with that one i'm gonna pop in this one this is italian style meat sauce three cheese blend and delicate pasta topped with mozzarella cheese and parsley amazing um this is in their like ready to go meal section i always check there because there's always little goodies there like last time we had that burrito the turkey burrito all right so this one to cook uh it's not as bad you can microwave for five minutes or you can pop into the oven for 20 to 25 minutes so i'm gonna pop this in with this and hopefully we get to try this first and then this will be ready by the time we're done [Music] okay the lasagna is done it looks so good so i got a piece you can see all of the layers there all of the cheese and the pastel and the meat so here we go we're gonna go ahead and take a bite [Music] wow that is real good creamy beautiful tomato sauce so much cheesy goodness um you can actually taste a layer of pasta it's not like overly soft very delicious lots of flavor what a good lasagna should be and it was so easy to make it's just like ready to go in a pouch yum wow this is really oh my gosh it's so decadent that was delicious wow you can taste the parsley really really great cheese blend um the pasta it says delicate here it is delicate but there's still you can like taste it really really good immediately when i bit into it i was like this is some good meat sauce the tomato sauce is very tomatoey very strong really really good and so easy i kind of feel like if you had actually microwaved this it would taste just as good because the sauce and the filling everything's delicious so i'm actually going to pop it back into the oven and then feed um the front desk in my apartment because it's quite a lot of pasta but really really really good delicious delicious [Music] 50 long minutes later this is also the part of the video where my stomach starts to hurt from like the dairy and the cheese and the carbs and i'm like oh my gosh but it's okay guys after this one i'm actually gonna take a break because i have an in-person audition which is very rare right nowadays nowadays it's all self-tape which means uh you basically put yourself on video kind of like this uh so to go in person is very very rare but it's very exciting uh yeah anyways oh my gosh hi yeah i'm lactose intolerant i must be i don't know yeah i am oh yeah that's painful okay here we go the mac and cheese uh it smells amazing it looks so amazing i love the sound of like when you're mixing the mac and cheese and the cheese is like you know what i mean okay let's go ahead and take a bite here we go wow oh here we go you know what's good when we start dancing oh break it down now here's the verdict this is one of those pastas where it immediately when you take a bite you're like this is so flavorful flavor blast you taste the french onion immediately it's so strong right now my entire breath onion just straight onion um the cheese is great savory flavor the pasta is okay on the macaroni i kind of wish the macaroni was a little bit thicker or bigger but it's not bad it's just okay the croutons add a nice crunch to the overall bite which i really love but the flavor is so good but this is one of those pasta dishes where you just cannot eat so much of it like after maybe three four or five bites i think i've had enough of it like i can't whereas the one with the pink sauce that one was so easy to eat i felt like it was very light this one feels very very heavy you must share this it's not something i think you would want to eat like the whole thing by yourself but you know what no judgment if you do if you're like tj i'm gonna buy one of these just eat it all by myself do you do you but yes very heavy but very very flavorful um the french onion flavor tastes so good with the mac and cheese i think this is one of those combinations that's in a lot of like restaurant menus so i can see why because the flavor just pairs so beautifully together so over here is their dry pasta option cleared out it's a pandemic but it's okay because over there there's a couple of stuff just so you guys can see like they have a bunch of different kinds of dried pasta that's torlini mini ravioli i actually heard very good things about this tri-color spaghetti apparently it's newer i guess these are like the healthier pasta version red lentil pasta so really good for those of you who you know want to try different types of pasta over here is all of their pasta sauces so we got some roasted garlic we got some creamy tomato basil we got three cheese what is this chunky tomato and pepper and vodka sauce pizza sauce lemon limon alfredo sauce i kind of want to try this the three cheese one doesn't that look so good yeah you wouldn't believe this but when i was researching they said that the top trader joe pasta is actually they're hearts of palm pasta supposedly always gets sold out i think they were stocked in here but it's basically gluten-free vegan the green shaped right here you can toss it with some veggies and stuff there we go um so yeah we're gonna try one it looks pretty good ding hearts of palm pasta now this according to many articles they said this was actually their most popular pasta like it's always sold out uh which is really interesting because i think most people wouldn't expect that it's gluten free and vegan so that is really really nice three servings per container per serving is 20 calories per container six calories so obviously like super healthy great to have just in your pantry i'm really curious let's open this up what i'm gonna do is we're going to cook this and we're going to try it with one of their sauces right here this one right here it looks really good this is their three cheese sauce the only thing is can i open it oh my gosh i'm gonna text my neighbors hello are you at home can't open pasta sauce oh by the way in case you don't know what um hearts of palm is so i googled it heart of palm is a vegetable harvested from the inner core and growing bud of certain palm trees most notably the coconut parts of palm is loaded with essential minerals including potassium copper copper and zinc uh it helps regulate blood pressure the next question is why are hearts of palms so expensive hearts and palms have always been considered an expensive menu item some of the cost is due to shipping however the cost is due to the fact that in order to harvest the heart the entire tree must be sacrificed and then it goes but hard to palm a high in protein fiber vitamin c and minerals uh well i will say the trader joe's one is pretty cheap yeah pretty affordable so maybe that's why it's always sold out because maybe it's more expensive at other places so this is what it looks like wow it looks really good guys it looks like egg noodles like i could throw this in a wonton soup imagine but look at that it's just in the bag like this how interesting how do we cook this we want to empty into saucepan heat for five minutes and serve with your favorite sauce so you don't even need any kind of oil nothing not even hot water you just throw it onto a saucepan all right here we go oh my neighbors are here please yes i'm coming okay [Music] hearts of palm pasta it looks really good right like the texture looks amazing um i've been really into alternative for things like i've been eating a lot of cauliflower rice it's a lot healthier and i love cauliflower when i see this this looks really good to me it looks like there's going to be a nice crunch to it as well but let's go ahead and try i tossed it in some of this sauce right here the three cheese sauce smells so good the pasta is incredibly easy to cook you just throw it on the pan and that was it and it heat up really fast okay here we go it tastes exactly like how i thought it would taste it is a bit more crunchy because it's hard to palm um it's kind of like when you eat cauliflower rice like when you're biting into cauliflower it's a bit tough but most of it and inside is very soft it's kind of like this also when i take a bigger bite of this it reminds me of enoki mushroom because of the thread of crunchiness like you buy into an okay mushroom and there's like pieces of mushrooms kind of noodly yeah really good also reminds me a lot of zucchini noodles the crunch on these is a little bit better than zucchini noodles for me it's a lot crunchier for sure overall i think it's very good uh yeah it's very good especially if you love like alternative thing or you just have a dietary restriction this is really really good i think the thing with trader joe's is they always have good alternative um and at an affordable price because i think in a lot of markets maybe hearts of palm pasta is a bit more expensive you guys let me know literally the ingredients list is so clean the ingredients is just hearts of palm there's nothing else no like if you look at all the other pastas there's like paragraphs ingredients here it's just one ingredient hearts of pop i'm gonna pack this for dinner later okay so usually the frozen pastas are over there and then over here where all the fresh meat is there's usually a section full of ravioli tortellini so we're gonna check out their option okay so check out some of the flavor this is their caprice cheese tortellini this one we saw from the fall video the butternut squash this one looks super good ricotta and lemon zest roasted cauliflower and cheese they have this one right here as well since we're trying the pasta we won't try this one but look how cute it seems like a hot cellar this one they have arugula and parmigiano more roasted cauliflower goat cheese and sun-dried tomato oh that sounds really good spinach tortellini lobster ravioli looks a little sketchy not gonna lie all right we're gonna go for the goat cheese and sun dried tomato ravioli maybe we can get one of the trader joe's sauce and pair with this and see here we go ding goat cheese and sun dried tomato ravioli there are so many ravioli flavors i couldn't i didn't know which one to pick so this is thin stuffed pasta with creamy goat cheese you just boil them you can toss them with butter olive oil or you can add to your favorite sauce and serve i'm going to add this with a little bit of that tomato sauce that we already opened and see how it tastes like it looks really really good so here it is ravioli we love a fresh pasta moment by the way guys if you don't want to cook these right away you can actually freeze these so it says right here they have a freeze by date so there you go [Music] our raviolis are done okay all right all right super easy to cook um i tossed it into some of my sauce but you can easily just toss it with some butter okay and olive oil add a little bit of basil for that freshness and here we go goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes hmm i'm sorry that one is a no from me goat cheese is so strong and it tastes so sour it was just like pungent you know and i mean of course like goat cheese is like that but you think like they would adjust the amount or something in the ravioli oh if you don't like goat cheese or you think you like goat cheese but not in a large amount then you will hate these i gotta find someone who likes goat cheese to give this to i don't know if i can eat another one i might eat another one for y'all maybe if i cover it with more sauce i can cover some of that here we go okay pasta texture grape i'm sure all the raviolis have that same texture very great when you bite into it you're kind of like oh it's kind of cheesy it's kind of crumbly okay and then the sourness of the goat cheese starts to attack you at the tail end of the bite and then the next thing comes is like pungent sour rotten type of goat cheesy taste that just like lingers on your tongue and that is the last thing you taste from your bite and that is what is not okay i don't even taste where's the sun-dried tomato in this because all i taste is goat cheese i should have know i don't know why when i think of goat cheese it sounds so pleasant like you know what it is i'm thinking about goat cheese on a shakuchi board shakuta report where like you're eating some salami you know eating some prosciutto and some crackers and there's goat cheese there and you're like you know what i actually do like goat cheese but in this ravioli for a quick second i was like is this expired you know with the trader joe's haul at least one item just has to be off right yeah okay that's so i wouldn't recommend that one all right ladies and gents so there we go that was part one of the trader joe pasta haul what do you guys think i thought a lot of the items were very good very convenient very affordable definitely can see why trader joe's pasta are so popular the ravioli i don't i still have like a little bit of goat cheese taste in my mouth i will get rid of that but besides those a lot of the items i really really love i love the pink sauce i love the breaded ravioli that was delicious so lots of lots of good items obviously we only picked a few from the frozen section so we're gonna have to go back let me know two things in the comments number one if you are a frequent trader joe shopper let me know which pasta is your favorite so that we can try it next time um also let me know why trader joe's never have the hashbrowns anymore and why is there a national shortage of trader joe's hash brown and then the second question for those of you who maybe don't go to trader joe's as often just which of the items that we tried today would you love to try and that's it for today now my stomach is going to digest all of that pasta good luck to me give this video a big fat thumbs up i love you guys i appreciate you guys see you guys next time like and subscribe tell your friends to like and subscribe as well [Music] and also your mom and dads probably wouldn't let your kids watch my channel at least like not not all the videos or do i might be a good role model i'm going to cut the video i'm sorry i'm going to end this now yeah we'll just see i just don't want to leave i love you guys so much just we'll just stay forever [Music]
Channel: CupofTJ
Views: 119,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trader joes, trader joes haul, grocery haul, trader joes haul 2022, what to buy at trader joes, trader joes favorites, shopping at trader joes, best trader joes, trader joes 2022, trader joes shop with me, trader joes taste test, trader joes grocery haul, taste test, trader joes frozen food, trader joes must haves, best trader joes products, new items, food haul, grocery haul 2022, shop with me, trader joe, trader joes new items, grocery shopping, trader joes meals
Id: sQQ2Ear4520
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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